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Histone post-translational modifications are key contributors to chromatin structure and function, and participate in the maintenance of genome stability. Understanding the establishment and maintenance of these marks, along with their misregulation in pathologies is thus a major focus in the field. While we have learned a great deal about the enzymes regulating histone modifications on nucleosomal histones, much less is known about the mechanisms establishing modifications on soluble newly synthesized histones. This includes methylation of lysine 9 on histone H3 (H3K9), a mark that primes the formation of heterochromatin, a critical chromatin landmark for genome stability. Here, we report that H3K9 mono- and dimethylation is imposed during translation by the methyltransferase SetDB1. We discuss the importance of these results in the context of heterochromatin establishment and maintenance and new therapeutic opportunities in pathologies where heterochromatin is perturbed.  相似文献   

The chromatin-associated enzyme PARP1 has previously been suggested to ADP-ribosylate histones, but the specific ADP-ribose acceptor sites have remained enigmatic. Here, we show that PARP1 covalently ADP-ribosylates the amino-terminal histone tails of all core histones. Using biochemical tools and novel electron transfer dissociation mass spectrometric protocols, we identify for the first time K13 of H2A, K30 of H2B, K27 and K37 of H3, as well as K16 of H4 as ADP-ribose acceptor sites. Multiple explicit water molecular dynamics simulations of the H4 tail peptide into the catalytic cleft of PARP1 indicate that two stable intermolecular salt bridges hold the peptide in an orientation that allows K16 ADP-ribosylation. Consistent with a functional cross-talk between ADP-ribosylation and other histone tail modifications, acetylation of H4K16 inhibits ADP-ribosylation by PARP1. Taken together, our computational and experimental results provide strong evidence that PARP1 modifies important regulatory lysines of the core histone tails.  相似文献   

Taverna SD  Coyne RS  Allis CD 《Cell》2002,110(6):701-711

Yeo S  Lee KK  Han YM  Kang YK 《Molecules and cells》2005,20(3):423-428
Immediately after fertilization, a chromatin remodeling process in the oocyte cytoplasm extracts protamine molecules from the sperm-derived DNA and loads histones onto it. We examined how the histone H3-lysine 9 methylation system is established on the remodeled sperm chromatin in mice. We found that the paternal pronucleus was not stained for dimethylated H3-K9 (H3-m2K9) during pronucleus development, while the maternal genome stained intensively. Such H3-m2K9 asymmetry between the parental pronuclei was independent of HP1b localization and, much like DNA methylation, was preserved to the two-cell stage when the nucleus appeared to be compartmentalized for H3-m2K9. A conspicuous increase in H3-m2K9 level was observed at the four-cell stage, and then the level was maintained without a visible change up to the blastocyst stage. The behavior of H3-m2K9 was very similar, but not identical, to that of 5-methylcytosine during preimplantation development, suggesting that there is some connection between methylation of histone and of DNA in early mouse development.  相似文献   

The SET domain is an evolutionarily conserved domain found predominantly in histone methyltransferases (HMTs). The Neurospora crassa genome includes nine SET domain genes (set-1 through set-9) in addition to dim-5, which encodes a histone H3 lysine 9 HMT required for DNA methylation. We demonstrate that Neurospora set-2 encodes a histone H3 lysine 36 (K36) methyltransferase and that it is essential for normal growth and development. We used repeat induced point mutation to make a set-2 mutant (set-2(RIP1)) with multiple nonsense mutations. Western analyses revealed that the mutant lacks SET-2 protein and K36 methylation. An amino-terminal fragment that includes the AWS, SET, and post-SET domains of SET-2 proved sufficient for K36 HMT activity in vitro. Nucleosomes were better substrates than free histones. The set-2(RIP1) mutant grows slowly, conidiates poorly, and is female sterile. Introducing the wild-type gene into the mutant complemented the defects, confirming that they resulted from loss of set-2 function. We replaced the wild-type histone H3 gene (hH3) with an allele producing a Lys to Leu substitution at position 36 and found that this hH3(K36L) mutant phenocopied the set-2(RIP1) mutant, confirming that the observed defects in growth and development result from inability to methylate K36 of H3. Finally, we used chromatin immunoprecipitation to demonstrate that actively transcribed genes in Neurospora crassa are enriched for H3 methylated at lysines 4 and 36. Taken together, our results suggest that methylation of K36 in Neurospora crassa is essential for normal growth and development.  相似文献   

Chromatin-bound histone 1 kinase activity in synchronized HeLa S3 cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The chromatin-bound H1 kinase activity of HeLa S3 cells that had been synchronized with 2.7 mM thymidine for 24 h has been followed during their progression into mitosis. They were arrested at this stage of the cell cycle by adding 0.13 microM nocodazole 8 h after the removal of thymidine. The kinase was partially purified by extracting chromatin proteins with 0.4 M NaCl and fractionation with ammonium sulfate (17.5-35%), a procedure in which a significant amount of in vivo histone 1 phosphorylating activity was retained. H1 kinase activity increased as the cells entered mitosis, rising to a maximum level sevenfold higher than interphase as the mitotic index reached about 50%. A rapid decrease in activity followed this maximum approximately 2 h after cells started to accumulate in mitosis. At this time, the mitotic index was still increasing, although at a lower rate than during the increase of the kinase activity. Other protein kinase activities measured by using core histones, casein, and protamine as substrates remained fairly constant at a comparatively low level. HeLa H1 kinase activity was further distinguished from several known protein kinase activities by the lack of stimulation or inhibition with known modulators of protein phosphorylating activities.  相似文献   

We have earlier identified and purified two protein-lysine N-methyltransferases (Protein methylase III) fromEuglena gracilis [J. Biol. Chem.,260, 7114 (1985)]. The enzymes were highly specific toward histone H1 (lysine-rich), and the enzymatic products were identified as ε-N-mono-, di- and trimethyllysines. These earlier studies, however, were carried out with rat liver histone H1 as thein vitro substrate. Presently, histone H1 has been purified fromEuglena gracilis through Bio-Rex 70 and Bio-Gel P-100 column chromatography. TheEuglena histone H1 showed a single band on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and behaved like other histone H1 of higher animals, whereas it had a much higherR f value than the other histones H1 in acid/urea gel electrophoresis. When theEuglena histone H1 was [methyl-3H]-labeledin vitro by a homologous enzyme (one of the twoEuglena protein methylase III) and analyzed on two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, three distinctive subtypes of histone H1 were shown to be radiolabeled, whereas five subtypes of rat liver histone H1 were found to be labeled. Finally, by the combined use of a strong cation exchange and reversed-phase Resolve C18 columns on HPLC, we demonstrated thatEuglena histone H1 contains approximately 9 mol% of ε-N-methyllysines (1.40, 1.66, and 5.62 mol% for ε-N-mono-, di- and trimethyllysines, respectively). This is the first demonstration of the natural occurrence of ε-N-methyllysines in histone H1.  相似文献   

Chondroblastoma is a cartilaginous tumor that typically arises under 25 y of age (80%). Recent studies have identified a somatic and heterozygous mutation at the H3F3B gene in over 90% chondroblastoma cases, leading to a lysine 36 to methionine replacement (H3.3K36M). In human cells, H3F3B gene is one of 2 genes that encode identical H3.3 proteins. It is not known how H3.3K36M mutant proteins promote tumorigenesis. We and others have shown that, the levels of H3K36 di- and tri-methylation (H3K36me2/me3) are reduced dramatically in chondroblastomas and chondrocytes bearing the H3.3K36M mutation. Mechanistically, H3.3K36M mutant proteins inhibit enzymatic activity of some, but not all H3K36 methyltransferases. Chondrocytes harboring the same H3F3B mutation exhibited the cancer cell associated phenotypes. Here, we discuss the potential effects of H3.3K36M mutation on epigenomes including H3K36 and H3K27 methylation and cellular phenotypes. We suggest that H3.3K36M mutant proteins alter epigenomes of specific progenitor cells, which in turn lead to cellular transformation and tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

The arginine and lysine residues of calf thymus histone H1 were modified with large molar excesses of 2,3-butanedione and O-methylisourea, respectively. Kinetic study of the modification reaction of the arginine residue revealed that the reaction is divided into the two pseudo-first-order processes. About a third (1 Arg) of the total arginine residues of the H1 molecule was rapidly modified without causing any detectable structural change of the molecule, and the slow modification of the remaining arginine residues (2 Arg) led to a loss of the folded structure of H1. In the case of lysine residue modification, 93% (56 Lys) of the total lysine residues of the H1 was modified with the same rate constant, while 7% (4 Lys) of lysine residue remained unmodified. When the reaction was performed in the presence of 6M guanidine-HCl, all of lysine residues were modified. It is concluded that the 2 arginine and 4 lysine residues resistant to modification are buried in interior regions of the H1 molecule and play an important role in the formation of the H1 globular structure, while the other 1 arginine and 56 lysine residues are exposed to solvent.  相似文献   

Reversible histone acetylation plays an important role in regulation of chromatin structure and function. Here, we report that the human orthologue of Drosophila melanogaster MOF, hMOF, is a histone H4 lysine K16-specific acetyltransferase. hMOF is also required for this modification in mammalian cells. Knockdown of hMOF in HeLa and HepG2 cells causes a dramatic reduction of histone H4K16 acetylation as detected by Western blot analysis and mass spectrometric analysis of endogenous histones. We also provide evidence that, similar to the Drosophila dosage compensation system, hMOF and hMSL3 form a complex in mammalian cells. hMOF and hMSL3 small interfering RNA-treated cells also show dramatic nuclear morphological deformations, depicted by a polylobulated nuclear phenotype. Reduction of hMOF protein levels by RNA interference in HeLa cells also leads to accumulation of cells in the G(2) and M phases of the cell cycle. Treatment with specific inhibitors of the DNA damage response pathway reverts the cell cycle arrest caused by a reduction in hMOF protein levels. Furthermore, hMOF-depleted cells show an increased number of phospho-ATM and gammaH2AX foci and have an impaired repair response to ionizing radiation. Taken together, our data show that hMOF is required for histone H4 lysine 16 acetylation in mammalian cells and suggest that hMOF has a role in DNA damage response during cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

Heat shock or arsenite treatment alter the pattern of histone methylation in Drosophila cells. Both types of stress induce a rapid increase in the methylation level of histone H2B. The methylated amino acid residue of H2B has been identified by thin layer chromatography and electrophoresis as methylproline and is located at the N-terminal end of H2B. Heat shock also induces a decrease in the level of methylation of histone H3. Under normal growth temperature conditions, histone H3 is shown to be methylated on lysine residues. However under heat shock conditions, there is a decrease in the extent of methylation of lysine residues and the appearance of new methylation on arginine residues in H3. These new heat shock-induced methylated residues have been identified as the symmetrical and asymmetrical forms of dimethylarginine. The methylated amino acid residue of histone H4 is lysine with mono-, di-, and trimethyl forms found in both control and heat or chemically stressed cells. These stress-induced changes in the methylation level of the N-terminal proline residue of histone H2B and shift in the methylation sites of histone H3 may be involved in the restructuration of chromatin accompanying the inactivation of normal genes in response to stress. Moreover, we suggest that the hypermethylation of H2B may also be involved in its protection from increased ubiquitin-mediated proteolytic activity under these conditions of cellular stress.  相似文献   

Histone lysine methylation is a key regulator of gene expression and heterochromatin function, but little is known as to how this modification impinges on other chromatin activities. Here we demonstrate that a previously uncharacterized SET domain protein, Set9, is responsible for H4-K20 methylation in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Surprisingly, H4-K20 methylation does not have any apparent role in the regulation of gene expression or heterochromatin function. Rather, we find the modification has a role in DNA damage response. Loss of Set9 activity or mutation of H4-K20 markedly impairs cell survival after genotoxic challenge and compromises the ability of cells to maintain checkpoint mediated cell cycle arrest. Genetic experiments link Set9 to Crb2, a homolog of the mammalian checkpoint protein 53BP1, and the enzyme is required for Crb2 localization to sites of DNA damage. These results argue that H4-K20 methylation functions as a "histone mark" required for the recruitment of the checkpoint protein Crb2.  相似文献   

We mapped Polycomb-associated H3K27 trimethylation (H3K27me3) and Trithorax-associated H3K4 trimethylation (H3K4me3) across the whole genome in human embryonic stem (ES) cells. The vast majority of H3K27me3 colocalized on genes modified with H3K4me3. These commodified genes displayed low expression levels and were enriched in developmental function. Another significant set of genes lacked both modifications and was also expressed at low levels in ES cells but was enriched for gene function in physiological responses rather than development. Commodified genes could change expression levels rapidly during differentiation, but so could a substantial number of genes in other modification categories. SOX2, POU5F1, and NANOG, pluripotency-associated genes, shifted from modification by H3K4me3 alone to colocalization of both modifications as they were repressed during differentiation. Our results demonstrate that H3K27me3 modifications change during early differentiation, both relieving existing repressive domains and imparting new ones, and that colocalization with H3K4me3 is not restricted to pluripotent cells.  相似文献   

Kubicek S  Jenuwein T 《Cell》2004,119(7):903-906
Histone lysine methylation is regarded as a very stable modification with important functions in epigenetic gene control and for organizing chromatin domains. While more robust modifications of the chromatin template are essential to stabilize epigenetic information, there is now the first evidence for a histone lysine demethylase that reverts an activating methyl mark to the unmodified state (Shi et al., 2004 [this issue of Cell]).  相似文献   

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