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Transport of nonmetabolizable amino acids in rat liver slices   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Pyruvoyl-α-aminoisobutyric acid was prepared, and its absorption characteristics in the ultraviolet compared with those of pyruvoylglycine, pyruvoyl-dl-alanine, and pyruvoyl-dl-phenylalanine. All four compounds in aqueous solution possess the same type of absorption, with maxima at 242–245 mμ and at 310–337 mμ. On alkalinization of the solution, the characteristic absorption of the latter three compounds disappears, and is not restored on acidification. On the other hand, the characteristic absorption of pyruvoyl-α-aminoisobutyric acid changes very little on alkalinization of the solution, and the small change is completely reversed on acidification.These differences have been interpreted as being due to the presence of at least one hydrogen atom on the α-carbon of the amino acid residue in pyruvoylglycine, pyruvoylalanine, and pyruvoylphenylalanine which permits ring closure in alkaline solution to the corresponding γ-hydroxy-pyrrolidonecarboxylic acid derivatives. Where no such hydrogen exists, as in pyruvoyl-α-aminoisobutyric acid, ring closure cannot occur, and the original starting material can be recovered.  相似文献   

1. Amino acids, particularly glutamate, gamma-aminobutyrate, aspartate and glycine, were released from rat brain slices on incubation with protoveratrine (especially in a Ca(2+)-deficient medium) or with ouabain or in the absence of glucose. Release was partially or wholly suppressed by tetrodotoxin. 2. Tetrodotoxin did not affect the release of glutamine under various incubation conditions, nor did protoveratrine accelerate it. 3. Protoveratrine caused an increased rate of formation of glutamine in incubated brain slices. 4. Increased K(+) in the incubation medium caused release of gamma-aminobutyrate, the process being partly suppressed by tetrodotoxin. 5. Incubation of brain slices in a glucose-free medium led to increased production of aspartate and to diminished tissue contents of glutamates, glutamine and glycine. 6. Use of tetrodotoxin to suppress the release of amino acids from neurons in slices caused by the joint action of protoveratrine and ouabain (the latter being added to diminish reuptake of amino acids), it was shown that the major pools of glutamate, aspartate, glycine, serine and probably gamma-aminobutyrate are in the neurons. 7. The major pool of glutamine lies not in the neurons but in the glia. 8. The tricarboxylic cycle inhibitors, fluoroacetate and malonate, exerted different effects on amino acid contents in, and on amino acid release from, brain slices incubated in the presence of protoveratrine. Fluoroacetate (3mm) diminished the content of glutamine, increased that of glutamate and gamma-aminobutyrate and did not affect respiration. Malonate (2mm) diminished aspartate and gamma-aminobutyrate content, suppressed respiration and did not affect glutamine content. It is suggested that malonate acts mainly on the neurons, and that fluoroacetate acts mainly on the glia, at the concentrations quoted. 9. Glutamine was more effective than glutamate as a precursor of gamma-aminobutyrate. 10. It is suggested that glutamate released from neurons is partly taken up by glia and converted there into glutamine. This is returned to the neurons where it is hydrolysed and converted into glutamate and gamma-aminobutyrate.  相似文献   

Compartmentation of the free amino acid pool of brain slices was investigated by measuring the approach to isotopic equilibrium between tissue and medium when slices were incubated with traces of radioactive amino acids. Trace quantities were used to minimize the effects of uptake, which could make the detection of slowly equilibrating pools difficult by greatly increasing tissue amino acid levels. Small, sequestered compartments were found. After 2 h in 20 vol of glucose-containing, oxygenated medium, the nonequilibrating compartments for lysine, leucine, tyrosine, histidine, valine, and threonine were 41, 20, 17, 16, 11, and 6% of their final tissue concentrations, respectively. The data for rapidly metabolized, nonessential, amino acids were more difficult to interpret. Considerable mixing of incoming glutamic and aspartic acids with their endogenous pools was observed and tissue glycine reached isotopic equilibrium within 1 h. With higher concentrations of amino acids, equilibration was complete in 30 min with 2 mm glycine in the medium; 83% in 30 min with 2 mm glutamic acid, and 95% in 60 min with 5 mm glutamic acid in the medium. The amino acid composition of protein free extracts of slices and medium was determined. During incubation, despite a large efflux of amino acids into the medium, most tissue amino acids remained close to their initial concentrations. Net increases in essential amino acids were accounted for by the breakdown of 0.7% of total tissue protein during the first hour and 0.3% during the second hour of incubation.  相似文献   

Perinatal changes in the uptake of amino acids were measured in slices of fetal (15- and 19-day) and newborn (4-, 24-, and 48-hr-old) mouse brain. Uptake increased with age; smaller changes occurred with basic and neutral amino acid transport systems, and the largest changes occurred in fetal brain with amino acids of putative neurotransmitter function (taurine, glycine, GABA, and the acidic amino acids). The pattern of increase in uptake was similar at high and at low external amino acid concentrations. Developmental changes in tissue content of Na+, K+, or ATP were small during this period, and so are unlikely to be responsible for the observed changes in uptake. It appears that by the 15th day of fetal life, the transport systems for essential amino acids are fairly well developed in the brain, and the transport systems for neurotransmitter amino acids are not so well developed, but undergo a rapid increase in the 15–19-day period. From birth to adulthood, the concentrative capacity of slices of mouse brain for nonessential (putative neurotransmitter) amino acids is much greater than for essential amino acids.This research was supported in part by NIH Grant No. RR05707.  相似文献   

We studied the uptake of [3H]2-deoxyglucose [( 3H]2DG) by slices of rat cerebral cortex in vitro as a model of glucose transport by brain. Slices were incubated with [3H]2DG, or with L-[3H]glucose as a marker for diffusion; the difference between [3H]2DG uptake and L-[3H]glucose uptake was defined as net [3H]2DG transport. Net [3H]2DG transport was a function of incubation temperature, with an estimated temperature coefficient of 1.87 from 15 degrees C to 25 degrees C. The net uptake of [3H]2DG was not inhibited by phlorizin or phloretin in concentrations well above the reported Ki of these inhibitors for hexose uptake in other systems. To examine the hypothesis that [3H]2DG transport by brain slices is dependent on mitochondrial energy, we studied net [3H]2DG uptake by slices which had been preincubated in media designed to alter intracellular ATP stores. The transport process was very sensitive to inhibition by DNP, but the correlation between [3H]2DG transport and ATP levels was unclear. In contrast to our published hypothesis that the transport process required mitochondrial energy, these data indicate that dependence on energy is not absolute.  相似文献   

Gluconeogenesis from amino acids in neonatal rat liver   总被引:3,自引:17,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
1. The utilization of amino acids for gluconeogenesis by rat liver develops in postnatal life, reaching maximum activity at the fifth day. 2. The activity of aspartate transaminase shows a similar trend in postnatal development and the increased activity appears to be due to the soluble enzyme. 3. The activity of alanine transaminase is low in foetal and postnatal rat liver and increases in activity at about the twentieth day. 4. Aspartate, glutamate and alanine make a major contribution to gluconeogenesis in the postnatal rat liver.  相似文献   

(1) Acute hypoxia was produced in adult rats by cyanide inhalation and the effect on the active transport of amino acids was studied in brain slices. (2) Initial and steady-state accumulation of amino acids and rates of amino acid exit were identical in brain slices from control and treated animals when a glucose-containing incubation medium was used. (3) When the incubation was carried out in a glucose-free incubation medium, the inhibition of initial and steady-state accumulation and the stimulation of amino acid exit observed in control slices were significantly reduced or abolished in slices from treated animals. (4) Tissue swelling, size of ‘inulin space’ and glucose consumption did not differ in the two groups of animals. (5) Also the respiration rate was identical in slices from control and treated animals incubated in the presence of glucose. In the absence of added substrate, brain slices from treated animals consumed 15-20 per cent more oxygen than control slices. (6) A possible correlation between the effects observed on amino acid transport and on respiration is suggested. The reasons why cyanide given in vivo or added in vitro have different effects on amino acid transport in brain slices are discussed.  相似文献   

Amino Acids - The application of high concentrations of taurine induces long-lasting potentiation of synaptic responses and axon excitability. This phenomenon seems to require the contribution of a...  相似文献   

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