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The localization of Ca(2+)- and Mg(2+)-ATPases was determined in Aplysia central and peripheral nervous system, using an electron microscopic cytochemical method. The enzyme activity appeared localized to the membrane of glial granules (gliagrana), particularly in the peripheral nervous system of the esophagus, and on the plasma membrane of central glial cells adjacent to neuronal cell bodies. No calcium- and/or magnesium-ATPase activity was detectable on the plasma membrane of glial cells surrounding nerve axons in the pleuro-visceral connectives. These findings are discussed along two main lines: (a) the calcium-ATPase of the gliagrana coincides with a high intragranular calcium and/or proton concentration; and (b) the presence of a calcium-ATPase activity at the glio-neuronal interface around the neuronal cell bodies coincides with the use of calcium ions as charge carriers of the action potential, and its absence at the level of the axon with the concurrent functional use of sodium ions.  相似文献   

Sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase (SERCA) transports two Ca(2+) ions across the membrane of the sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum against the concentration gradient, harvesting the required energy by hydrolyzing one ATP molecule during each transport cycle. Although SERCA is one of the best structurally characterized membrane transporters, it is still largely unknown how the transported Ca(2+) ions reach their transmembrane binding sites in SERCA from the cytoplasmic side. Here, we performed extended all-atom molecular dynamics simulations of SERCA. The calculated electrostatic potential of the protein reveals a putative mechanism by which cations may be attracted to and bind to the Ca(2+)-free state of the transporter. Additional molecular dynamics simulations performed on a Ca(2+)-bound state of SERCA reveal a water-filled pathway that may be used by the Ca(2+) ions to reach their buried binding sites from the cytoplasm. Finally, several residues that are involved in attracting and guiding the cations toward the possible entry channel are identified. The results point to a single Ca(2+) entry site close to the kinked part of the first transmembrane helix, in a region loaded with negatively charged residues. From this point, a water pathway outlines a putative Ca(2+) translocation pathway toward the transmembrane ion-binding sites.  相似文献   

The Ca(2+) binding sites of the Ca(2+)-ATPase of skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) have been identified as two high-affinity sites orientated towards the cytoplasm, two sites of low affinity facing the lumen, and a transient occluded species that is isolated from both membrane surfaces. Binding and release studies, using (45)Ca(2+), have invoked models with sequential binding and release from high- and low-affinity sites in a channel-like structure. We have characterised turnover conditions in isolated SR vesicles with oxalate in a Ca(2+)-limited state, [Ca(2)](lim), where both high- and low-affinity sites are vacant in the absence of chelators (Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1418 (1999) 48-60). Thapsigargin (TG), a high-affinity specific inhibitor of the Ca(2+)-ATPase, released a fraction of total Ca(2+) at [Ca(2+)](lim) that accumulated during active transport. Maximal Ca(2+) release was at 2:1 TG/ATPase. Ionophore, A23187, and Triton X-100 released the rest of Ca(2+) resistant to TG. The amount of Ca(2+) released depended on the incubation time at [Ca(2+)](lim), being 3.0 nmol/mg at 20 s and 0.42 nmol/mg at 1000 s. Rate constants for release declined from 0. 13 to 0.03 s(-1). The rapidly released early fraction declined with time and k=0.13 min(-1). Release was not due to reversal of the pump cycle since ADP had no effect; neither was release impaired with substrates acetyl phosphate or GTP. A phase of reuptake of Ca(2+) followed release, being greater with shorter delay (up to 200 s) following active transport. Reuptake was minimal with GTP, with delays more than 300 s, and was abolished by vanadate and at higher [TG], >5 microM. Ruthenium red had no effect on efflux, indicating that ryanodine-sensitive efflux channels in terminal cisternal membranes are not involved in the Ca(2+) release mechanism. It is concluded that the Ca(2+) released by TG is from the occluded Ca(2+) fraction. The Ca(2+) occlusion sites appear to be independent of both high-affinity cytoplasmic and low-affinity lumenal sites, supporting a multisite 'in line' sequential binding mechanism for Ca(2+) transport.  相似文献   

Ca(2+)-ATPase is responsible for active transport of calcium ions across the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane. This coupling involves an ordered sequence of reversible reactions occurring alternately at the ATP site within the cytoplasmic domains, or at the calcium transport sites within the transmembrane domain. These two sites are separated by a large distance and conformational changes have long been postulated to play an important role in their coordination. To characterize the nature of these conformational changes, we have built atomic models for two reaction intermediates and postulated the mechanisms governing the large structural changes. One model is based on fitting the X-ray crystallographic structure of Ca(2+)-ATPase in the E1 state to a new 6 A structure by cryoelectron microscopy in the E2 state. This fit indicates that calcium binding induces enormous movements of all three cytoplasmic domains as well as significant changes in several transmembrane helices. We found that fluorescein isothiocyanate displaced a decavanadate molecule normally located at the intersection of the three cytoplasmic domains, but did not affect their juxtaposition; this result indicates that our model likely reflects a native E2 conformation and not an artifact of decavanadate binding. To explain the dramatic structural effect of calcium binding, we propose that M4 and M5 transmembrane helices are responsive to calcium binding and directly induce rotation of the phosphorylation domain. Furthermore, we hypothesize that both the nucleotide-binding and beta-sheet domains are highly mobile and driven by Brownian motion to elicit phosphoenzyme formation and calcium transport, respectively. If so, the reaction cycle of Ca(2+)-ATPase would have elements of a Brownian ratchet, where the chemical reactions of ATP hydrolysis are used to direct the random thermal oscillations of an innately flexible molecule.  相似文献   

Crystals of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
High-resolution structures of the Ca(2+)-ATPase have over the last 5 years added a structural dimension to our understanding of the function of this integral membrane protein. The Ca(2+)-ATPase is now by far the membrane protein where the most functionally different conformations have been described in precise structural detail. Here, we review our experience from solving Ca(2+)-ATPase structures: a purification scheme involving minimum handling of the protein to preserve natural and essential lipids, a rational approach to screening for crystals based on a limited number of polyethyleneglycols and many different salts, improving crystal quality using additives, collecting the data and finally solving the structures. We argue that certain of the lessons learned in the present study are very likely to be useful for crystallisation of eukaryotic membrane proteins in general.  相似文献   

Mammalian spermatozoa require extracellular Ca2+, some of which must be internalized, to undergo complete capacitation. At a critical threshold, a rise in intracellular Ca2+ will trigger acrosomal exocytosis. We used chlortetracycline (CTC) fluorescence patterns to assess changes in the capacitation state of mouse spermatozoa after incubation under various conditions that would affect their intracellular Ca2+ concentrations. Under standard conditions with 1.80 mmol CaCl2l-1 known to support capacitation within 120 min and subsequent fertilization in vitro, a rise in the number of capacitated, acrosome-intact cells (B pattern) was observed over the first 60 min, followed by a decline. A detectable increase in capacitated, acrosome-reacted cells (AR pattern) coincided with the maximum of B pattern cells and a continued rise was observed over the following 60 min. With incubation in 3.60 mmol Ca2+l-1, the rise in AR cells began at 30 min, suggesting that this treatment accelerates capacitation. Introduction of ionophore A23187 at 15 min to cells in standard Ca2+ produced a similar but even more rapid response, with a maximum in B pattern cells and a noticeable rise in AR cells within 10 min. Thus ionophore-treated cells proceed through capacitation, but do so very quickly. However, ionophore in the presence of 90 mumol Ca2+l-1 could promote transition from the uncapacitated F pattern to the capacitated B pattern, but could not trigger acrosomal exocytosis, indicating that the latter requires high extracellular Ca2+. After preincubation in Ca(2+)-deficient medium, most cells exhibited the uncapacitated F pattern and the introduction of millimolar Ca2+ altered this distribution only slowly, over a period of 50 min. In contrast, preincubation in 90 mumol Ca2+l-1 resulted in a minority of F pattern cells and, within 10 min of millimolar Ca2+ introduction, a significant increase in AR cells was observed.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The calcium dependency of the Ca2+-pump ATPase of rat cardiac sarcolemma was investigated in the presence and absence of EGTA and EDTA in combination with two free Mg2+-ion concentrations. The results showed: that Mg2+-ions are not essential for the turnover of the Ca2+-pump ATPase; that the Ca2+-affinity is regulated by the concentration of the calcium-chelator complex present in the medium; that (Ca2+-Mg2+)-ATPase and Ca2+-ATPase are probably expressions of the same Ca2+-pump ATPase in the plasma membrane of the cell.  相似文献   

Total membrane vesicles isolated from Tritrichomonas foetus showed an ATP-dependent Ca(2+) uptake, which was not sensitive to 10 microM protonophore FCCP but was blocked by orthovanadate, the inhibitor of P-type ATPases (I(50)=130 microM), and by the Ca(2+)/H(+) exchanger, A-23187. The Ca(2+) uptake was prevented also by thapsigargin, an inhibitor of the SERCA Ca(2+)-ATPases. The sensitivity of the Ca(2+) uptake by the protozoan membrane vesicles to thapsigargin was similar to that of Ca(2+)-ATPase from rabbit muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum. Fractionation of the total membrane vesicles in sucrose density gradient revealed a considerable peak of Ca(2+) transport activity that co-migrated with the Golgi marker guanosine diphosphatase (GDPase). Electron microscopy confirmed that membrane fractions of the peak were enriched with the Golgi membranes. The Golgi Ca(2+)-ATPase contributed to the Ca(2+) uptake by all membrane vesicles 80-85%. We conclude that: (i) the Golgi and/or Golgi-like vesicles form the main Ca(2+) store compartment in T. foetus; (ii) Ca(2+) ATPase is responsible for the Ca(2+) sequestering in this protozoan, while Ca(2+)/H(+) antiporter is not involved in the process; (iii) the Golgi pump of this ancient eukaryotic microorganism appears to be similar to the enzymes of the SERCA family by its sensitivity to thapsigargin.  相似文献   

The effect of purified calmodulin on the calcium-dependent phosphorylation of human erythrocyte membranes was studied. Under the conditions employed, only one major peak of phosphorylation was observed when solubilized membrane proteins were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The molecular weight of this phosphorylated protein band was estimated to be 130 000 and in the presence of purified red blood cell calmodulin, the rate of phosphorylation of this band was increased. These data suggest that calmodulin activation of (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase could be a partial reflection of an increased rate of phosphorylation of the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase of human erythrocyte membranes.  相似文献   

1. Two distinct patterns of Ca(2+)-mediated activation of Ca(2+)-ATPase were identified in calmodulin-depleted membranes. 2. In membranes showing no activation (type A), preincubation with micromolar concentration of cyclic AMP and ATP made possible stimulation of the enzyme while in membranes already exhibiting activation (type B), preincubation with cyclic AMP and ATP abolished the activation. 3. ATPase stimulation in type A membranes was suppressible by leupeptin. 4. Triton extractable inhibitor isolated from type A membranes was as active as that derived from type B membranes only after preincubating the membranes with cyclic AMP and ATP. 5. The inhibitor could be inactivated by alkaline phosphatase.  相似文献   

The sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase (SERCA1a) pumps Ca(2+) and countertransport protons. Proton pathways in the Ca(2+) bound and Ca(2+)-free states are suggested based on an analysis of crystal structures to which water molecules were added. The pathways are indicated by chains of water molecules that interact favorably with the protein. In the Ca(2+) bound state Ca(2)E1, one of the proposed Ca(2+) entry paths is suggested to operate additionally or alternatively as proton pathway. In analogs of the ADP-insensitive phosphoenzyme E2P and in the Ca(2+)-free state E2, the proton path leads between transmembrane helices M5 to M8 from the lumenal side of the protein to the Ca(2+) binding residues Glu-771, Asp-800 and Glu-908. The proton path is different from suggested Ca(2+) dissociation pathways. We suggest that separate proton and Ca(2+) pathways enable rapid (partial) neutralization of the empty cation binding sites. For this reason, transient protonation of empty cation binding sites and separate pathways for different ions are advantageous for P-type ATPases in general.  相似文献   

Agonist-induced contraction of airway smooth muscle (ASM) can be triggered by an elevation in the intracellular Ca(2+) concentration, primarily through the release of Ca(2+) from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). The refilling of the SR is integral for subsequent contractions. It has been suggested that Ca(2+) entry via store-operated cation (SOC) and receptor-operated cation channels may facilitate refilling of the SR. Indeed, depletion of the SR activates substantial inward SOC currents in ASM that are composed of both Ca(2+) and Na(+). Accumulation of Na(+) within the cell may regulate Ca(2+) handling in ASM by forcing the Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger (NCX) into the reverse mode, leading to the influx of Ca(2+) from the extracellular domain. Since depletion of the SR activates substantial inward Na(+) current, it is conceivable that the reverse mode of the NCX may contribute to the intracellular Ca(2+) pool from which the SR is refilled. Indeed, successive contractions of bovine ASM, evoked by various agonists (ACh, histamine, 5-HT, caffeine) were significantly reduced upon removal of extracellular Na(+); whereas contractions evoked by KCl were unchanged by Na(+) depletion. Ouabain, a selective inhibitor of the Na(+)/K(+) pump, had no effect on the reductions observed under normal and zero-Na(+) conditions. KB-R7943, a selective inhibitor of the reverse mode of the NCX, significantly reduced successive contractions induced by all agonists without altering KCl responses. Furthermore, KB-R7943 abolished successive caffeine-induced Ca(2+) transients in single ASM cells. Together, these data suggest a role for the reverse mode of the NCX in refilling the SR in ASM following Ca(2+) mobilization.  相似文献   

In many cell types, receptor stimulation evokes cytosolic calcium oscillations with a frequency that depends on agonist dose. Previous studies demonstrated controversial effects of changing the activity of the endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase upon the frequency of oscillations. By numerical simulations, we found that the model of De Young and Keizer (J. Keizer and G.W. De Young, 1994, J. Theor. Biol. 166: 431-442), unlike other models, can explain the observed discrepancies, assuming that the different experiments were performed at different stimulus levels. According to model predictions, partial inhibition of internal calcium pumps is expected to increase frequency at low stimulus strength and should have an opposite effect at strong stimuli. Similar results were obtained using an analytical estimation of oscillation period, based on calcium-dependent channel activation and inactivation. In experiments on HeLa cells, 4 nM thapsigargin increased the frequency of calcium oscillations induced by 1 and 2.5 microM histamine but had no effect on supramaximally stimulated cells. In HEp-2 cells, 2 nM thapsigargin slowed down the rapid, ATP-induced oscillations. Our results suggest that in the investigated cell types, the De Young-Keizer model based on inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-dependent calcium-induced calcium release can properly describe intracellular calcium oscillations.  相似文献   

The action of sodium nitroprusside, nitrite-anions and hydrogen peroxide on Ca2+, Mg(2+)-ATPase and Mg(2+)-ATPase (Ca(2+)-independent) enzymatic activity in myometrium sarcolemma fraction is investigated. It is established, that 0.1 mM sodium nitroprusside and 10(-8)-10(-5) M nitrite-anions essentially reduce Ca2+, Mg(2+)-ATPase activity whereas Mg(2+)-ATPase proved to be absolutely resistant to them. At rather high concentration of nitrite-anions (0.1 mM) appreciable stimulation of Ca2+, Mg(2+)-ATPase was observed. Hydrogen peroxide (10(-8)-10(-4)), depending on the concentration suppressed both enzymes activity. However, Ca2+, Mg(2+)-ATPase proved to be more sensitive to the action of H2O2 (seeming K(i) = 0.42 +/- 0.1 microM), than Mg(2+)-ATPase (seeming K(i) = 3.1 +/- 0.9 microM). At presence of 1 mM ditiothreitole (a reducer of SH groups of the membrane surface) action of investigated substances considerably decreased. Reagents on carboxic- (dicyclogexilcarbodiimid) and amino- groups of the membrane (trinitrobenzolsulfonic acid) inhibited both Ca2+, Mg(2+)-ATPase, and Mg(2+)-ATPase activity in membrane fractions. In the presence of noted reagents sodium nitroprusside and nitrite-anions action was not almost shown. Hence, nitrogen oxide, nitrite-anions and hydrogen peroxide suppress Ca2+, Mg(2+)-ATPase and Mg(2+)-ATPase (only hydrogen peroxide) activity in the plasmatic membrane of myometrium cells, and this action can be connected with direct updating of superficial chemical groups of the membrane.  相似文献   

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