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亚洲新生代藓类植物化石非常稀少,漳浦琥珀是目前已知的我国低纬度地区唯一含苔藓植物化石的新生代琥珀矿床。漳浦琥珀源自中中新世气候适宜期(~14-17 Ma)的龙脑香树脂,温暖潮湿的热带季雨林气候和广泛分布的龙脑香科植物,为藓类植物的生长、多样性演化和三维立体保存提供了条件。本研究共报道了漳浦县中中新世藓类植物化石3个属种,包括:白发藓属Leucobryum Hampe、牛舌藓属Anomodon Hook.et Taylor和扁枝藓属Homalia(Brid.)B.S.G.。首次利用三维X射线断层扫描技术(Micro-CT)研究了白发藓属化石,发现其与现生种短枝白发藓Leucobryum humillimum Cardot非常相似,因此将其命名为短枝白发藓(相似种)Leucobryum cf.humillimum。此外,当前牛舌藓属Anomodon和扁枝藓属Homalia化石是东亚地区的首例记录。漳浦琥珀中的藓类植物化石揭示了中中新世时期苔藓植物的多样性,丰富了东亚低纬度地区新生代苔藓植物的化石记录。  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2019,18(6):589-597
Examination of fossil ant specimens from various private and institutional German collections of Baltic amber has revealed a new genus and species of Myrmicinae, described here as Thanacomyrmex hoffeinsorum gen. et sp. nov. The new worker morphotype shares some similarities with the coeval extinct genus Parameranoplus Wheeler, also from Baltic amber, and the extant genera Pristomyrmex Mayr and Acanthomyrmex Emery, suggesting placement of the new fossil in the Myrmecina genus-group within the tribe Crematogastrini. The new genus highlights the tremendous diversity of ants that evolved in the Palaeogene European forests and composed the first major radiation of crown-group ants.  相似文献   

Diverse assemblages of tanaidacean peracarid crustaceans from western Tethyan continental deposits suggest that the group was relatively common in or around ancient resin‐producing forests. Here we report the results of an examination of 13 tanaidacean specimens from three Cretaceous (Albian to Turonian) French amber deposits. Two new species of the fossil family Alavatanaidae are placed in the previously described Early Cretaceous genus Eurotanais: Eurotanais pyrenaensis sp. nov. from Cenomanian Pyrenean amber (Fourtou, Aude) and Eurotanais seilacheri sp. nov. from Turonian Vendean amber (La Garnache, Vendée). The remaining specimens are placed in three newly erected genera and species (but family incertae sedis): Arcantitanais turpis gen. et sp. nov. from Albian–Cenomanian Charentese amber (Archingeay, Charente‐Maritime), and Tytthotanais tenvis gen. et sp. nov. and Armadillopsis rara gen. et sp. nov. from Pyrenean amber. These are the first formally described fossils that might be related to the paratanaoidean families Nototanaidae and Paratanaidae, sharing with these some putatively derived features and providing possible evidence for the antiquity and morphological stability of these families and the suborder Tanaidomorpha. The distinctive features and character combinations of these fossil taxa are discussed in connection with possible relationships to the living lineages of tanaidaceans. Propagation phase‐contrast X‐ray synchrotron microtomography was used to obtain high‐quality 3D images for some fossils. A discussion is provided on the putative palaeobiology of tanaidaceans and the French resiniferous forest ecosystem. The discovery of these new tanaidaceans extends the palaeogeographical distribution and stratigraphical range of the family Alavatanaidae and sheds new light on the palaeoecology and diversity of tanaidaceans in pre‐angiospermous woodlands.  相似文献   

A new bethylid species, Celonophamia granama, and two new chrysidid species, Procleptes eoliami, and P. hopejohnsonae, are described from Late Cretaceous (Campanian) amber collected at the Grassy Lake locality in Alberta, Canada. Within the deposit these taxa constitute the first bethylid, and the second and third chrysidid species to be described, respectively. The new taxa expand the sparse fossil record of Chrysidoidea, particularly that of Chrysididae—a group that was previously represented by only three described species in the Mesozoic. The presence of Celonophamia species in both Canadian amber and Siberian (Taimyr) amber further emphasizes faunal similarities between these two northern Late Cretaceous amber deposits. Given the prevalence of metallic coloration in Chrysididae, the specimens described here also provide evidence for the taphonomic alteration of perceived insect colors in Cretaceous amber inclusions.  相似文献   

The extinct new species,Chresmoda chikuni Zhang & Ge,sp.nov.is described from the Mid-Cretaceous amber from northem Myanmar.This amber insect exhibits a very peculiar combination of derived characters like strongly elongated,free coxa,non-clawed pretarsus.The type specimens are deposited in the Three Gorges Entomological Museum,Chongqing,China.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of pedogenetic gall midge, Estoperpetua sakhalinica gen. et sp. nov., of the tribe Heteropezini (subfamily Lasiopterinae) is described. Gall midges have not been recorded in Eocene amber of Sakhalin. A female with 4-segmented tarsi, large transparent triangular sensoria on flagellomeres, short wings and legs, and long 2 + 9-segmented antennae is described. Heteropezidi shows the greatest generic and species diversity in the Late Eocene Rovno amber. Representatives of this supertribe were also found in the Late Eocene Baltic amber, Early Eocene Oise amber, Miocene amber from Mexico and Dominican Republic, and African copal. Heteropezidi from different amber faunas are reviewed.  相似文献   

Abstract: Two extraordinarily well‐preserved testate amoebae are described from Late Albian age amber from south‐western France. The specimens are attributed to a new family, the Hemiarcherellidae fam. nov., and are described as Hemiarcherella christellae gen. et sp. nov. The amoebae described herein originate from highly fossiliferous amber pieces. Based on syninclusions, Hemiarcherella christellae was a soil‐dwelling organism, probably an active bacterivore. This taxon represents the third species of testate amoebae described from mid‐Cretaceous French amber. Analysis of this fossil amoeba fauna illustrates the uniqueness of mid‐Cretaceous French amber deposits. Indeed, most amoebae found in amber have been assigned to modern species, corroborating the hypothesis of morphological stasis in different microbial lineages. However, the well‐preserved amoebae fauna found in French amber can be distinguished clearly from modern species and help us to better understand the fossil record of these organisms.  相似文献   

A new collection of 24 wingless ant specimens from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber (Albian-Cenomanian, 99 Ma) comprises nine new species belonging to the genus Sphecomyrmodes Engel and Grimaldi. Described taxa vary considerably with regard to total size, head and body proportion, cuticular sculpturing, and petiole structure while all species are unified by a distinct shared character. The assemblage represents the largest known diversification of closely related Cretaceous ants with respect to species number. These stem-group ants exhibit some characteristics previously known only from their extant counterparts along with presumed plesiomorphic morphology. Consequently, their morphology may inform hypotheses relating to basal relationships and general patterns of ant evolution. These and other uncovered Cretaceous species indicate that stem-group ants are not simply wasp-like, transitional formicids, but rather a group of considerable adaptive diversity, exhibiting innovations analogous to what crown-group ants would echo 100 million years later.  相似文献   

Thirteen species of basal Brachycera (11 described as new) are reported, belonging to nine families and three infraorders. They are preserved in amber from the Early Cretaceous (Neocomian) of Lebanon, Albian of northern Spain, upper Albian to lower Cenomanian of northern Myanmar, and Late Cretaceous of New Jersey USA (Turonian) and Alberta, Canada (Campanian). Taxa are as follows, with significance as noted: In Stratiomyomorpha: Stratiomyidae (Cretaceogaster pygmaeus Teskey [2 new specimens in Canadian amber], Lysistrata emerita Grimaldi & Arillo, gen. et sp. n. [stem-group species of the family in Spanish amber]), and Xylomyidae (Cretoxyla azari Grimaldi & Cumming, gen. et sp. n. [in Lebanese amber], and an undescribed species from Spain). In Tabanomorpha: Tabanidae (Cratotabanus newjerseyensis Grimaldi, sp. n., in New Jersey amber). In Muscomorpha: Acroceridae (Schlingeromyia minuta Grimaldi & Hauser, gen. et sp. n. and Burmacyrtus rusmithi Grimaldi & Hauser gen. etsp. n., in Burmese amber, the only definitive species of the family from the Cretaceous); Mythicomyiidae (Microburmyia analvena Grimaldi & Cumming gen. et sp. n. and Microburmyia veanalvena Grimaldi & Cumming, sp. n., stem-group species of the family, both in Burmese amber); Apsilocephalidae or near (therevoid family-group) (Kumaromyia burmitica Grimaldi & Hauser, gen. et sp. n. [in Burmese amber]); Apystomyiidae (Hilarimorphites burmanica Grimaldi & Cumming, sp. n. [in Burmese amber], whose closest relatives are from the Late Jurassic of Kazachstan, the Late Cretaceous of New Jersey, and Recent of California). Lastly, two species belonging to families incertae sedis, both in Burmese amber: Tethepomyiidae (Tethepomyia zigrasi Grimaldi & Arillo sp. n., the aculeate oviscapt of which indicates this family was probably parasitoidal and related to Eremochaetidae); and unplaced to family is Myanmyia asteiformia Grimaldi, gen. et sp. n., a minute fly with highly reduced venation. These new taxa significantly expand the Mesozoic fossil record of rare and phylogenetically significant taxa of lower Brachycera.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Bugs of two new genera and species are described as Buzinia couillardi and Tanaia burmitica . They are preserved in mid-Cretaceous amber from south-west France and northern Myanmar (Burma), respectively ( c . 100 Ma). These are the first formally described fossils of the heteropteran family Schizopteridae. Both belong to the subfamily Hypselosomatinae and are very similar to the extant genus Hypselosoma Reuter, providing evidence for the antiquity and morphological stability of this small bug family and the infraorder Dipsocoromorpha. Given the putative ecology of the fossils, a discussion is provided on the French and Burmese amber forest ecosystems. The geological setting of La Buzinie, a new amber deposit in south-west France that yielded the two specimens of Buzinia couillardi , is outlined.  相似文献   

文中根据产自白垩纪中期缅甸琥珀中的一块蜚蠊标本,建立一新种Stavba vrsanskyi sp. nov.,归入自由蜚蠊科(Liberiblattinidae)。新种与Stavba babkaeva Vr?anskáand Vr?ansky, 2019不同之处在于其头部近三角形,前翅R脉简单且无二级分支, M脉分支较少。新材料的发现进一步增加了白垩纪缅甸琥珀中蜚蠊的生物多样性。  相似文献   

We describe a new species of extinct riodinid butterfly, Voltinia dramba, from Oligo-Miocene Dominican amber (15-25 Myr ago). This appears to be the first butterfly to be taxonomically described from amber, and the first adult riodinid fossil. The series of five specimens represents probably the best-preserved fossil record for any lepidopteran. The phenomenon of extant Voltinia females ovipositing on arboreal epiphytes probably explains the discovery of multiple female V. dramba specimens in amber. Voltinia dramba appears to be one of many extinct butterfly species on Hispaniola. The northwestern Mexican distribution of the explicitly hypothesized sister species, the extant V. danforthi, supports the hypothesis that V. dramba reached Hispaniola by the 'proto-Greater Antillean arc', dating the divergence of V. dramba and V. danforthi to 40-50 Myr ago. This date is contemporaneous with the oldest known butterfly fossils, and implies a more ancient date of origin for many of the higher-level butterfly taxa than is often conceded.  相似文献   

腹足类化石在地层中丰富且常见,但在琥珀中保存较少。文中描述了产自白垩纪中期缅甸琥珀中的陆生腹足类化石2属2种:Euthema naggsi Yu, Wang and Pan, 2018, Truncatellina dilatatus sp. nov.。这些陆生腹足类新材料的发现,提高了缅甸琥珀中陆生腹足类物种多样性,并进一步印证了白垩纪中期缅甸琥珀森林温暖潮湿的热带雨林环境。  相似文献   

All entomological traps have a capturing bias, and amber, viewed as a trap, is no exception. Thus the fauna trapped in amber does not represent the total existing fauna of the former amber forest, rather the fauna living in and around the resin producing tree. In this paper we compare arthropods from a forest very similar to the reconstruction of the Miocene Mexican amber forest, and determine the bias of different trapping methods, including amber. We also show, using cluster analyses, measurements of the trapped arthropods, and guild distribution, that the amber trap is a complex entomological trap not comparable with a single artificial trap. At the order level, the most similar trap to amber is the sticky trap. However, in the case of Diptera, at the family level, the Malaise trap is also very similar to amber. Amber captured a higher diversity of arthropods than each of the artificial traps, based on our study of Mexican amber from the Middle Miocene, a time of climate optimum, where temperature and humidity were probably higher than in modern Central America. We conclude that the size bias is qualitatively independent of the kind of trap for non–extreme values. We suggest that frequent specimens in amber were not necessarily the most frequent arthropods in the former amber forest. Selected taxa with higher numbers of specimens appear in amber because of their ecology and behavior, usually closely related with a tree–inhabiting life. Finally, changes of diversity from the Middle Miocene to Recent time in Central and South America can be analyzed by comparing the rich amber faunas from Mexico and the Dominican Republic with the fauna trapped using sticky and Malaise traps in Central America.  相似文献   

The extinct monotypic ant genus Fallomyrma was described by Dlussky and Radchenko in 2006 based on workers from Late Eocene Rovno (Ukraine), Scandinavian (Denmark), and Bitterfeld (Germany) ambers. Three new Fallomyrma species from the Rovno amber are here described based on workers: F. anodonta sp. nov., F. marginata sp. nov., and F. robusta sp. nov. A key to all known species of this genus is compiled. The quantity ratios (of the numbers of species and specimens) of Fallomyrma and other amber Myrmicinae genera are considered. The opinion of the autochthonous origin of the Rovno amber is confirmed.  相似文献   

Four new laniatorean harvestmen specimens (Arachnida: Opiliones: Laniatores) are described from the mid-Cretaceous (upper Albian–lower Cenomanian) Burmese amber of Northern Myanmar. One is placed as Insidiatores indet., but is not formally named as it is probably immature. Burmalomanius circularis n. gen. n. sp. and Petroburma tarsomeria n. gen. n. sp. represent the first fossil records of the extant families Podoctidae and Petrobunidae respectively. Finally, Mesodibunus tourinhoae n. gen. n. sp. belongs to Epedanidae, a family previously recorded from Burmese amber. These new records bring the total number of Burmese amber laniatorean species to ten, and the total number of fossil laniatoreans to fifteen. The new finds offer additional calibration points for the Laniatores tree of life and are consistent with the hypothesis that the modern Laniatores fauna of Southeast Asia may have had Gondwanan, as opposed to a Laurasian, origins.  相似文献   

Amber is renowned for the exceptional preservation state of its inclusions, allowing detailed morphological analysis and providing relevant environmental, palaeoecological, geographical, and geological information. Amber deposits are predominantly known from North America, Europe, and Asia, and are considered to be rare on the continents that formed Gondwana. The recent discovery of fossiliferous amber deposits in Ethiopia, therefore, provides an inimitable opportunity to close gaps in the fossil record of African terrestrial biota and to study organisms which are otherwise rare in the fossil record. Here we show that diverse cryptogams are preserved in highest fidelity in Miocene Ethiopian amber. We describe gametophyte fragments of four liverworts: Thysananthus aethiopicus sp. nov. (Porellales, Lejeuneaceae), Lejeunea abyssinicoides sp. nov. (Porellales, Lejeuneaceae), Frullania shewanensis sp. nov. (Porellales, Frullaniaceae), and Frullania palaeoafricana sp. nov. (Porellales, Frullaniaceae). Furthermore, we describe a pleurocarpous moss of the extant genus Isopterygium (Hypnales, Pylaisiadelphaceae) and a lichen representing the order Lecanorales. These new specimens represent the first amber fossils of liverworts, mosses, and lichens from the African continent and render Ethiopian amber as one of the few worldwide amber deposits preserving bryophytes (mosses and liverworts) or lichens. Fossil species of Thysananthus were recorded in Eocene Baltic and Oligocene Bitterfeld as well as Miocene Dominican and probably also Miocene Mexican ambers. Fossils that can unequivocally be assigned to Lejeunea have only been found in Dominican amber so far. Neotropical ambers contain only one taxon of Frullania to date, while the genus is most diverse in Baltic, Bitterfeld, and Rovno ambers, formed in temperate regions. The new fossils support a tropical to subtropical origin of Ethiopian amber. The new African liverwort fossils are included in an updated list of leafy liverworts described from worldwide Cenozoic ambers to date.  相似文献   

In Chiapas, southern Mexico, there are Miocene amber deposits containing high diversity of biological inclusions of plants, fungi, crustaceans, and vertebrates. Here I describe a new species of Podopterus (Polygonaceae), P. mijangosae n. sp. based on well-preserved fruit fossils collected from the Los Pocitos mine, Chiapas. The fruit specimens are characterized by obovate shape, emarginate apex, cuneate base with three thin wings, and the endocarp being pubescent or tomentose. The wings are thin and translucent with entire to undulate margin, pubescent hairs, and fine fusiform-reticulate venation. This new record of Podopterus represents the second fossil record to the southernmost in North America, and further supports the idea that several genera that grow in Mexico today were present in the area since the Miocene.  相似文献   

Heydenius dominicus n. sp. is described as a new species of fossil mermithid nematode from Dominican Republic amber. The species is represented by two specimens of parasitic juveniles that left their insect host and became embedded in the resin. The nematodes are associated with an adult male limoniid (Diptera: Limoniidae) and an adult female mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae). The parasites are thought to have emerged from the mosquito host. This is the first report of a fossil mermithid from a Neotropical area.  相似文献   

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