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The aim of this study was to identify the presence of SNPs in the chemokine genes CCL2 and IL8 and the chemokine receptor genes IL8RA and CCR2, and assess their potential contribution to variation in estimated breeding values (EBVs) for somatic cell score (SCS) and four other traits in Canadian Holstein bulls. Pools of DNA for bulls with high (H) and low (L) EBVs for SCS were used for identification of 11 SNPs. Two unreported SNPs were found in the CCL2 gene and one SNP was found in the CCR2 gene. Previously reported SNPs (three in the IL8 gene and five in the IL8RA chemokine receptor) were also identified. Two SNPs in CCL2, three in IL8, one in IL8RA and one in CCR2 were genotyped in Canadian Holstein bulls (n = 338) using tetra primer ARMS-PCR. We investigated associations of these seven polymorphisms with three production traits (milk yield, fat yield and protein yield) and one conformation trait related to mastitis (udder depth). The allele substitution effect for the CCL2 rs41255713:T>C SNP was significant at an experimental-wise level for milk yield (247.5 +/- 79.9 kg) and protein yield (7.4 +/- 2.3 kg) EBVs (P T SNP on SCS was significant at the comparison-wise level (-0.04 +/- 0.02, P = 0.05), which might indicate a possible association in support of other published studies. Lastly, we assigned CCR2 to BTA22q24, where a previously QTL for SCS was identified.  相似文献   

IL2RA, a subunit of the high affinity receptor for interleukin-2 (IL2), plays a crucial role in immune homeostasis. Notably, IL2RA expression is induced in CD4+ T cells in response to various stimuli and is constitutive in regulatory T cells (Tregs). We selected for our study 18 CpGs located within cognate regulatory regions of the IL2RA locus and characterized their methylation in naive, regulatory, and memory CD4+ T cells. We found that 5/18 CpGs (notably CpG + 3502) show dynamic, active demethylation during the in vitro activation of naive CD4+ T cells. Demethylation of these CpGs correlates with appearance of IL2RA protein at the cell surface. We found no influence of cis located SNP alleles upon CpG methylation. Treg cells show constitutive demethylation at all studied CpGs. Methylation of 9/18 CpGs, including CpG +3502, decreases with age. Our data thus identify CpG +3502 and a few other CpGs at the IL2RA locus as coordinated epigenetic regulators of IL2RA expression in CD4+ T cells. This may contribute to unravel how the IL2RA locus can be involved in immune physiology and pathology.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli that sparsely adhere to human epithelial cells are known as diffusely adherent E. coli (DAEC), and the role of the Afa/Dr family of adhesins is now understood. Strains that do not possess Afa/Dr, however, comprise another group of DAEC, of which the pathogenicity remains unknown. The ability to induce interleukin-8 (IL-8) secretion from intestinal epithelial cells might be a feature of enterovirulent bacteria. We previously found that some Afa/Dr DAEC strains induce IL-8 by stimulating epithelial cells with flagella. The present study examines whether non-Afa/Dr DAEC can induce IL-8 in epithelial cells (HEp-2, INT407, and T84). Among 21 strains, 11 (52%; 11/21) induced as much IL-8 as high inducer strains of Afa/Dr DAEC. Adhesion did not significantly differ between high and low inducers; therefore diffuse adhesion alone is probably insufficient to induce IL-8. It was shown that IL-8 induction and the number of intracellular bacteria directly correlated. Wortmannin, an inhibitor of the phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate kinase, reduced both intracellular bacteria and IL-8 secretion. Motile strains were significantly more prevalent among high (10/11) than low (4/10) inducers. However, 4 low invasive strains hardly induced IL-8 despite their motility. In conclusion, some non-Afa/Dr DAEC invoke the induction of high levels of inflammatory cytokines. Unlike Afa/Dr DAEC, however, non-Afa/Dr strains may require invasion to cause strong induction. These non-Afa/Dr high inducers can be enteropathogenic for the cytokine-inducing properties.  相似文献   

Rotavirus VP8* subunit is the minor trypsin cleavage product of the spike protein VP4, which is the major determinant of the viral infectivity and neutralization. To study the structure-function relationship of this fragment and to obtain type-specific reagents, substantial amounts of this protein are needed. Thus, full-length VP8* cDNA, including the entire trypsin cleavage-encoding region in gene 4, was synthesized and amplified by RT-PCR from total RNA purified from bovine rotavirus strain C486 propagated in MA104 cell culture. The extended VP8* cDNA (VP8ext) was cloned into the pGEM-T Easy plasmid and subcloned into the Escherichia coli expression plasmid pET28a(+). The correspondent 30 kDa protein was overexpressed in E. coli BL21(DE3)pLysS cells under the control of the T7 promoter. The identity and the antigenicity of VP8ext were confirmed on Western blots using anti-His and anti-rotavirus antibodies. Immobilized Ni-ion affinity chromatography was used to purify the expressed protein resulting in a yield of 4 mg of VP8ext per liter of induced E. coli culture. Our results indicate that VP8ext maintained its native antigenicity and specificity, providing a good source of antigen for the production of P type-specific immune reagents. Detailed structural analysis of pure recombinant VP8 subunit should allow a better understanding of its role in cell attachment and rotavirus tropism. Application of similar procedure to distinct rotavirus P serotypes should provide valuable P serotype-specific immune reagents for rotavirus diagnostics and epidemiologic surveys.  相似文献   

The single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the 5′ upstream of bovine IL8 gene were investigated in 810 Chinese Holstein cows from 35 bull families in a dairy farm in Shanghai using polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) technique. The Real-time PCR and Western blot were used to detect the mRNA and protein levels of genotype Chinese Holstein dairy cows. The results showed that one SNP -105G>A was detected, designating three genotypes (GG, GA and AA) with respective frequencies of 0.38, 0.46, and 0.16. The significant association of the SNP -105G>A with somatic cell score (SCS) was identified. Genotype GG had a significantly lower SCS than genotype GA or AA (P < 0.01), and the relative mRNA expression and protein level of GG was found to be the highest. These results suggest that the genotype GG may be a useful genetic marker for mastitis resistance selection and breeding in Chinese Holstein dairy cows.  相似文献   

A complete genomic library of Chainia was constructed in coliphage lambda vector gt10 and was screened for the xylanase gene using an 18-mer mixed oligonucleotide probe corresponding to a six-amino acid sequence of low molecular mass Chainia xylanase. Inserts from 11 putative clones, showing hybridization with the oligonucleotide probe at medium stringency, were subcloned in pUC8 and screened for xylanase gene expression using anti-xylanase antibodies. The restriction map of the insert (1.4 kb) from one of the four immunopositive clones (PVX8) showing detectable xylanase activity was constructed. The xylanase activity of PVX8 was not induced by IPTG or xylan. Reorientation of the insert by directional cloning into pUC9 had no effect on the xylanase activity suggesting that an indigenous promoter from Chainia is responsible for the xylanase activity.  相似文献   

DAEC is considered potentially diarrheagenic. For diffuse adhesion, the role of the Afa, which was originally identified as a uropathogenic factor, is now understood. However, the role of DAEC in diarrheal disease remains controversial because DAEC is often isolated not only from patients but also from healthy individuals. Previously, we suggested that Afa/Dr DAEC, which can induce high levels of IL‐8 secretion in cultures of human carcinoma epithelial cells (HEp‐2, Caco‐2), is enterovirulent. In the present study, we examined whether IL‐8 secretion induced by certain Afa/Dr DAEC strains was primarily due to flagella via TLR5. All IL‐8 high‐inducing strains were highly motile in swarming tests. Partially purified flagella induced IL‐8 in a dose‐dependent manner. However, IL‐8 induction was inhibited by small‐interfering RNA against TLR5 or by treating flagella with disialoganglioside‐GD1a, a TLR5 blocker. TLR5 is reportedly located on the basolateral side of intestinal epithelia; flagella should not have reached TLR5 from the apical side beyond tight junctions. Reduction in the number of intracellular organisms by wortmannin, a PI3K inhibitor, did not reduce IL‐8 secretion. Afa/Dr DAEC seemed to loosen the tight junctions because it quickly reduced transepithelial electrical resistance after infection. Decreased resistance led to increased IL‐8 production. In conclusion, diffuse adhesion itself is insufficient to induce high levels of IL‐8, and simultaneous stimulation by flagella via TLR5 is likely required for additional induction. Clinically, high motility may be a candidate criterion for predicting the ability of Afa/Dr DAEC strains to induce higher levels of IL‐8 secretion.  相似文献   

The infinite proliferative capability of most immortalized cells is dependent upon the presence of the enzyme telomerase and its ability to maintain telomere length and structure. However, telomerase may be involved in a greater system than telomere length regulation, as recent evidence has shown it capable of increasing wound healing in vivo, and improving cellular proliferation rate and survival from apoptosis in vitro. Here, we describe the global gene expression response to ectopic telomerase expression in an in vitro bovine adrenocortical cell model. Telomerase-immortalized cells showed an increased ability for proliferation and survival in minimal essential medium above cells transgenic for GFP. cDNA microarray analyses revealed an altered cell state indicative of increased adrenocortical cell proliferation regulated by the IGF2 pathway and alterations in members of the TGF-B family. As well, we identified alterations in genes associated with development and wound healing that support a model that high telomerase expression induces a highly adaptable, progenitor-like state.  相似文献   

Bat immune systems may allow them to respond to zoonotic agents more efficiently than other mammals. As the first line of defence, the taxonomically conserved acute phase immune reaction of leucocytosis and fever is crucial for coping with infections, but it is unknown if this response is a key constituent to bat immunological success. We investigated the acute phase reaction to a standard lipopolysaccharide (LPS) challenge in Pallas''s mastiff bats (Molossus molossus). Challenged bats lost mass, but in contrast to other mammals showed no leucocytosis or fever. There also was no influence on body temperature reduction during torpor. When compared to recent genome-wide assays for constituent immune genes, this lack of a conserved fever response to LPS contributes to a clearer understanding of the innate immune system in bat species and of the coevolution of bats with a wide diversity of pathogens.  相似文献   

Two strains of Escherichia coli isogenic except for the cya (adenylate cyclase) allele were grown with [35S]methionine and cysteine in minimal defined glucose medium and in this medium with 600 mM NaCl to induce osmotic stress. Cells were grown for approximately two generations. The labeled proteins were separated by 2-dimensional electrophoresis and were quantified fluorographically. Of the 263 major proteins (proteins incorporating 0.10% or more of the total radioactivity) in the cya+ control culture, radioactivity in 41 proteins was at least ten times greater in cells grown with osmotic stress. Six of these individual proteins each accounted for 1.0% or more of the total radioactive label in the cells. Conversely, radioactivity in 31 major proteins appeared to decrease at least ten times when cells grew with osmotic stress. These data indicate that the response of the bacterium to osmotic stress involves induction of some proteins and repression of others. 61% of the proteins that appear to be stimulated by salt stress were found in both strains indicating there is no obligatory requirement for cAMP.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence of a DNA fragment containing the alkA gene and its control region has been determined using a chemical method. Only one open reading frame responsible for 3-methyladenine DNA glycosylase II was found. The hypothetical polypeptide deduced from the DNA sequence, with a molecular weight of 31,400, has an amino-terminal sequence and total amino acid composition identical to that of purified 3-methyladenine DNA glycosylase II. We constructed hybrid plasmids carrying an alkA'-lacZ' fusion, with the proper control region for alkA expression. A hybrid polypeptide with beta-galactosidase activity was formed when lac mutant cells harboring such plasmids were incubated with low doses of N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine or methylmethane sulfonate. Other DNA-damaging agents, such as ethylmethane sulfonate, nalidixic acid, and ultraviolet light did not induce the enzyme activity. The induction was controlled by the ada and adc, but not by the recA and lexA genes.  相似文献   



Mycobacterium bovis, the causative agent of bovine tuberculosis, is a major cause of mortality in global cattle populations. Macrophages are among the first cell types to encounter M. bovis following exposure and the response elicited by these cells is pivotal in determining the outcome of infection. Here, a functional genomics approach was undertaken to investigate global gene expression profiles in bovine monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM) purified from seven age-matched non-related females, in response to in vitro challenge with M. bovis (multiplicity of infection 2∶1). Total cellular RNA was extracted from non-challenged control and M. bovis-challenged MDM for all animals at intervals of 2 hours, 6 hours and 24 hours post-challenge and prepared for global gene expression analysis using the Affymetrix® GeneChip® Bovine Genome Array.


Comparison of M. bovis-challenged MDM gene expression profiles with those from the non-challenged MDM controls at each time point identified 3,064 differentially expressed genes 2 hours post-challenge, with 4,451 and 5,267 differentially expressed genes detected at the 6 hour and 24 hour time points, respectively (adjusted P-value threshold ≤0.05). Notably, the number of downregulated genes exceeded the number of upregulated genes in the M. bovis-challenged MDM across all time points; however, the fold-change in expression for the upregulated genes was markedly higher than that for the downregulated genes. Systems analysis revealed enrichment for genes involved in: (1) the inflammatory response; (2) cell signalling pathways, including Toll-like receptors and intracellular pathogen recognition receptors; and (3) apoptosis.


The increased number of downregulated genes is consistent with previous studies showing that M. bovis infection is associated with the repression of host gene expression. The results also support roles for MyD88-independent signalling and intracellular PRRs in mediating the host response to M. bovis.  相似文献   

A very late activating antigen-alpha4 (CD49d) monoclonal antibody (mAb), BU49 was found to induce phosphorylation of a cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) in the human monocyte-like cell line, U937. This phosphorylation of CREB was completely inhibited by a protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitor H-89 with the optimum concentration (completely inhibits PKA). Furthermore, BU49 strongly and rapidly (within 5 hr) induced homotypic cell aggregation in the U937 cells accompanied by CREB phosphorylation. This cell aggregation was also completely inhibited by the addition of H-89. Interestingly, both of two mAbs (mAb13 and 4B4) recognizing different epitopes on the CD29 (beta1 integrin) completely inhibited this aggregation at the late phase (18 to 24 hr) but not at the early phase (5 hr) after cultured with BU49. On the other hand, BU49 significantly enhanced interleukin-8 (IL-8) production from the U937 cells into the culture supernatant. In addition, this IL-8 production was significantly blocked in the presence of H-89 with the optimum concentration. However, a CD29 mAb which inhibits homotypic cell aggregation could not block this IL-8 production. Taken together, these findings indicate that BU49 induces CREB phosphorylation mainly mediated by PKA, which finally results in the induction of homotypic cell aggregation and the enhancement of IL-8 production. Furthermore, these findings also indicate that the enhancement of IL-8 production from the U937 cells induced by BU49 partially depends on CREB phosphorylation mainly mediated by PKA.  相似文献   

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