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In 2002 and 2003, the Bishops Falls hydroelectric generating facility on the Exploits River, insular Newfoundland, Canada, underwent extensive refurbishing including replacement of turbines and installation of a ‘retrofitted’ bypass and fish handling system. The effectiveness of this new bypass system has been assessed during the annual downstream run of wild Atlantic salmon smolt and kelt in 2003 and 2004. In 2003, 195 smolt were radio tagged and released between June 9 and July 2, in the forebay of the hydro plant (19 releases) and one upstream (in-river) release. Fish guidance efficiency (FGE) of the system overall was 63% (123 of 195 fish) with 36 fish passing through the turbines, and six known mortalities. In 2004, between June 9 and July 2, a total of 358 smolt and 103 kelt were released in the forebay in 45 and 13 releases (n = 8 per release), respectively. The FGE of the system for smolt was 71.7% (257 of 358 fish) and for kelt was 92.3% (95 of 103 fish). In 2004, 96 tagged smolt passed through the turbines and 43 (44.8%) were detected at a downstream station confirming they had survived turbine passage, suggesting an overall survival of smolt passage of the Bishops Falls hydro facility in the order of 85%. A total of seven kelts (6.8%) passed through the turbines and were not detected 1.5 km downstream suggesting they did not survive turbine passage. Smolt spent on average 39.8 h in the forebay before exiting in 2003 and forebay residency averaged 26 h in 2004. In both years, most smolt selected their passage route, actively or passively, within the first 10 h with secondary peaks at 25–30 h and 50–55 h, corresponding to evening passage in the second and third night, after release. Few smolt were bypassed or entrained into turbines during daylight hours. In both years turbine passed smolt spent more time in the forebay suggesting the longer fish reside in the forebay the greater the likelihood of turbine entrainment. Kelt were either bypassed or turbine entrained relatively quickly, within 2 h of release, and virtually all kelts were bypassed/turbine entrained during the hours of 18:00 and 01:00. These data on fish behaviour and residency in the forebay will assist further refinement of operations of the bypass facility to optimize survival.  相似文献   

White sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) ≥95 cm TL were monitored using acoustic and radio telemetry at a large hydroelectric dam (the Dalles Dam) on the Columbia River, during March 2004 through November 2005 to determine timing and routes of passage and to characterize general movements. Transmitters were surgically implanted into 148 fish during the study; 90 were released into the tailrace and 58 into the forebay. We documented 26 passage events by 19 tagged fish: eight upstream via fish ladders and 18 downstream, mostly through open spill gates. During the study 17 fish entered the two ladders one or more times; 11 entered only the east ladder, three entered only the north ladder, and three entered both ladders at sometime. Residence time within the ladders by individual fish was variable, ranging from about 1 min to nearly 6 months (median = 7.7 h). Only six fish successfully ascended the east ladder, one fish twice. We could not unequivocally determine which fish ladder one fish used to pass upstream. Differences in construction between the north and east fish ladders may account for the greater success of the east fish ladder in passing sturgeon upstream. Changes to operations at hydroelectric dams to benefit migrating anadromous salmonids may influence upstream or downstream passage by white sturgeon. Altering patterns and timing of spill discharge, altering fish ladder entrance attraction flows, and the use of lights, sound, and partial barriers to direct other species of fish to preferred passage routes have unknown effects on sturgeon passage. A better understanding of the consequences to the metapopulation of increasing or precluding upstream or downstream passage is needed.  相似文献   

Migrations and movements of paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) into the regulated Missouri River and the largely unregulated Yellowstone River, North Dakota and Montana, USA were monitored with radio‐telemetry to assess if (i) differential discharge between the Yellowstone River and the Missouri River influenced river selection, (ii) river conditions influenced directional movements in the Yellowstone River and (iii) inter‐annual and sex‐related migration patterns existed. In 2003 and 2004, telemetered upriver migrants selected the Yellowstone River rather than the Missouri River above its confluence with the Yellowstone River 34 of 54 times (63%). Fish typically ascended the river with flows that were increasing at a greater rate or decreasing at a lesser rate than the other river. Most (70%) upriver movements occurred when discharge and suspended sediment were increasing. Most (80%) downriver movements occurred when flows and suspended sediment were decreasing. Total migration distance was greater in 2004 than in 2003 for both sexes despite greater peak discharge in 2003. Movement of pre‐spawn paddlefish into the Missouri River above its confluence with the Yellowstone River in response to attraction flows may have implications towards this stock’s reproductive success. Accordingly, these implications should be taken into account when regulating spring Missouri River discharge levels upriver at Fort Peck Dam.  相似文献   

Coastal cutthroat trout Onchorhynchus clarkii clarkii life-history variants, migration and freshwater residency were monitored using stationary passive integrated transponder (PIT) tag arrays in two tributaries of the Columbia River from 2001 to 2005 (Abernathy Creek, river kilometre, rkm 76) and from 2002 to 2005 (Chinook River, rkm 6). In 2001–2003 and 2002–2003 (Abernathy and Chinook, respectively), 300–500 coastal O. c. clarkii were captured in each tributary by electrofishing and implanted with 23 mm PIT tags. PIT arrays monitored movements from the initiation of tagging through the spring of 2005. Rotary screw traps were also operated on both tributaries. In Abernathy Creek, 28% of tagged individuals were observed through either active capture or passive interrogation. Of these, 32% were identified as migrants and 68% were identified as residents. In the Chinook River, 48% of tagged fish were observed subsequent to tagging; 92% of these fish were migrants and only 8% were resident. In both tributaries, a greater proportion of resident fish were in the upper reaches. The majority of migrants (78–93%) moved the spring following tagging. Migrants leaving at age 2+ years tended to grow faster than those that migrated at age 3+ years or residents. Patterns of growth or growth opportunities may influence both patterns of life-history expression and the timing of migration.  相似文献   

For metabolically demanding behaviours, power supply (ATP resynthesis per unit time) is an important constraint on performance. Yet ecology as a discipline lacks a framework to account for these power constraints. We developed such a framework (borrowing concepts from sports science) and applied it to the upriver migration of anadromous fish. Our models demonstrate how metabolic power constraints alters optimal migratory behaviour; in response to strong counter flows, fish minimise cost of transport by alternating between rapid, anaerobically fuelled swimming and holding to restore spent fuels. Models ignoring power constraints underestimated the effect of elevated water temperature on migration speed and costs (by up to 60%). These differences were primarily due to a temperature‐mediated reduction in aerobic scope that impairs the ability of fish to rapidly migrate through warm waters. Our framework provides a mechanistic link between temperature‐induced reductions in aerobic scope and their ecological consequences for individuals, populations and communities.  相似文献   

Pond smelt,Hypomesus nipponensis McAllister, in Lake Ogawara demonstrate alternative life history strategies, as evidenced by the coexistence of anadromous and resident fish. However, it is unknown if anadromous and resident groups interbreed. In this study, maturation and spawning processes were examined and compared between anadromous and resident groups. Histological observations indicated negligible variation in the maturational stage composition of oocytes, the frequency of oocyte diameter being unimodal for all specimens at different maturational stages. Oocytes were absent in the ovaries of spent fish. Accordingly, the species can be considered a semelparous spawner with unimodal oocyte diameter distribution. Temporal changes in the proportion of spent fish were compared between anadromous and resident groups. Spawning of both groups began in late March and peaked over April 8–12. Although both groups did not differ significantly in the period of peak spawning, anadromous fish finished spawning earlier than resident ones. Anadromous fish were not able to spawn upon migration into Lake Ogawara, and quickly matured after immigration, contrasting with resident fish.  相似文献   

The aggression hypothesis predicts that territories will be smaller and more numerous when individuals arrive simultaneously rather than sequentially, because of the prior residency effect, whereas the attraction hypothesis predicts the opposite. In this study, we test the predictions of these contrasting hypotheses by releasing 12 juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) either simultaneously, all on 1 d, or sequentially, two per day for 6 d, in artificial streams. After the fish spent an average of 1 wk in the streams, we quantified the number of territories established, territory size, aggression rate and growth rate. There was evidence of a prior residency effect – early arrivers were more aggressive and grew faster than late arrivers – but this effect did not alter the number or size of territories established. We concluded that the temporal patterns of arrival have no strong effects on the territorial dynamics of juvenile rainbow trout.  相似文献   

Impoundments of free-flowing rivers for hydropower generation often confine fish to relatively small reaches that can restrict movement, limit habitat availability, and alter life history strategies. Here, acoustic telemetry was used to describe the seasonal habitat use, locomotory activity, and depth use for Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) and Walleye (Sander vitreus) within an impounded reach on the Winnipeg River, Manitoba, Canada. Lake Sturgeon foraged and overwintered in the riverine-lacustrine transitionary habitat as well as immediately below the tailrace of the upstream run-of-river facility. Walleye demonstrated high site fidelity to the upstream habitat situated near the tailrace of a hydropower facility. Contrary to Lake Sturgeon, that used multiple habitat types, Walleye used the tailrace for spawning, foraging, and overwintering, given their high residency rates throughout all months at this location. Activity for both species increased with water temperature and when residing in habitat types located farther upstream, but were minimally active during the winter season throughout the impounded reach. On average, Lake Sturgeon utilized 73% of the available depth while Walleye utilized 62% of the available depth across habitat types and months. Overall, the habitat located within the tailrace and below run-of-river facilities should be a conservation priority for both Lake Sturgeon and Walleye populations. There was persistent presence of Lake Sturgeon and Walleye throughout the spawning, foraging, and overwintering periods in the SSGS tailrace and within the first rkm downstream of the tailrace. The habitat proximal to run-of-river facilities generally encompasses small areas of the total potential habitat within impoundments, yet is important to both species studied here. The results provide information on the seasonal habitat use and biological responses to environmental cues for Lake Sturgeon and Walleye that will enhance management and ecological understanding for populations that are confined to impounded reaches.  相似文献   

Gale  W. L.  Hill  M. S.  & Zydlewski  G. B. 《Journal of fish biology》2004,65(S1):328-329
In many parts of the world release of hatchery‐reared smolts has long been used to mitigate for the deleterious effects of habitat loss and overfishing on salmonid populations. Of increasing concern is whether this may cause harm by spreading non‐native stocks and potentially releasing incompetent smolts. The objective of this study was to determine if smolt physiology and behavior of juveniles produced from a recently founded native broodstock differ from their wild (naturally‐reared) counterparts. In the fall of 2002 and 2003 juvenile wild steelhead were captured, PIT tagged, and returned ( n  = 1360 in 2002 and n  = 2708 in 2003) to Abernathy Creek. In winter of 2003 and 2004 hatchery‐reared fish were PIT tagged and later released ( n  = 1100 in 2003 and n  = 1400 in 2004) into Abernathy Creek. Gill biopsies were collected from wild and hatchery fish throughout the rearing and out‐migration season. The timing and speed of outmigration was assessed using two stationary PIT tag antennas (92–97% efficient). Hatchery migrants in 2003 were larger, had significantly lower gill Na+, K+‐ATPase activities, and migrated slower than wild fish. Results from the 2004 migratory season will also be presented. This study shows that hatchery rearing can result in smolts which are physiologically and behaviourally different from genetically similar wild fish. Whether these differences are critical enough to affect the rate of adult returns will be determined in future years.  相似文献   

By combining biotelemetry with animal-borne thermal loggers, we re-created the thermal histories of 21 summer-run Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) migrating in the Puntledge River, a hydropower impacted river system on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Daily maximum water temperatures in the Puntledge River during the summer-run adult Chinook salmon migration and residency period frequently exceeded 21 °C, a value that has been observed to elicit behavioral thermoregulation in other Chinook salmon populations. We therefore compared river temperatures to body temperatures of 16 fish that migrated through the river to understand if cool-water refuge was available and being used by migrants. In addition, we used thermal histories from fish and thermal loggers distributed in the river to model the effect of thermal habitat on energy density using a bioenergetics model. In general, we found no evidence that cool-water refuge existed in the river, suggesting that there is no opportunity for fish to behaviorally thermoregulate during upriver migration through the regulated portion of the river. Of the thermal histories used in the bioenergetics model, fish that reached an upstream lake were able to access cooler, deeper waters, which would have reduced energy consumption compared to fish that only spent time in the warmer river. Consequently, the Puntledge River water temperatures are likely approaching and in some cases exceeding the thermal limits of the summer-run Chinook salmon during the spawning migration. Further warming may cause more declines in the stock.  相似文献   

Thermal layering in reservoirs upstream from hydroelectric dams can create temperature gradients in fishways used by upstream migrating adults. In the Snake River, Washington, federally-protected adult salmonids (Oncorhynchus spp.) often encounter relatively cool water in dam tailraces and lower ladder sections and warmer water in the upstream portions of ladders. Using radiotelemetry, we examined relationships between fish passage behavior and the temperature difference between the top and bottom of ladders (∆T) at four dams over four years. Some spring Chinook salmon (O. tshawytscha) experienced ∆T ≥ 0.5 °C. Many summer and fall Chinook salmon and summer steelhead (O. mykiss) experienced ∆T ≥ 1.0 °C, and some individuals encountered ΔT > 4.0°C. As ΔT increased, migrants were consistently more likely to move down fish ladders and exit into dam tailraces, resulting in upstream passage delays that ranged from hours to days. Fish body temperatures equilibrated to ladder temperatures and often exceeded 20°C, indicating potential negative physiological and fitness effects. Collectively, the results suggest that gradients in fishway water temperatures present a migration obstacle to many anadromous migrants. Unfavorable temperature gradients may be common at reservoir-fed fish passage facilities, especially those with seasonal thermal layering or stratification. Understanding and managing thermal heterogeneity at such sites may be important for ensuring efficient upstream passage and minimizing stress for migratory, temperature-sensitive species.  相似文献   

Animals breeding only once late in life should spend most of the time during their one reproductive season attempting to reproduce. Contrary to this prediction, we found that the individuals of three species of sticklebacks (Pisces: Gasterosteidae) spent very short periods of time on their breeding ground. Tidal flooding of the site controlled patterns of fish immigration and emigration. Inundations early in the breeding season brought in new immigrants which replaced most resident fish. However, towards the end of the breeding season there was less immigration and a higher percentage of the residents remained in their pools. We expected to see movements among pools by surplus males searching for sites to establish a territory; instead, few fish moved among pools, and most of those that did were females. A high energetic cost of breeding in this unstable habitat may best explain these residency patterns.  相似文献   

Electromyogram (EMG) radio telemetry was used in conjunction with physiological biopsy to relate prior physiological condition and subsequent swimming energetics and behaviours to passage success of 13 wild adult sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka at a vertical-slot fishway on the Seton River, British Columbia. At the time of capture, plasma lactate, glucose and cortisol levels indicated that fish were not exhibiting unusually high levels of physiological stress. Very few differences existed between successful and unsuccessful fish in body size, initial plasma physiology and energy state and mean swim speed and energy use during passage. Generally, fish did not employ burst swimming during successful or failed attempts at passage, indicating that failure was probably not related to metabolic acidosis. Plasma Na+ concentration was significantly lower in unsuccessful fish ( P < 0·05), which is suggestive of a depressed ionic state or a possible stress component, although values in all fish were within an expected range for migrant adult O. nerka . Nevertheless, six of 13 fish failed to reascend the fishway and remained in the tailrace of the dam for more than a day on average before moving downstream and away from the dam. During this time, fish were observed actively seeking a means of passage, suggesting that there may have been other, undetermined causes of passage failure.  相似文献   

The migratory behavior and swimming patterns of anadromous upstream migratory fish have been poorly described in the Shibetsu River in eastern Hokkaido, Japan. In this 2004 study, we used electromyogram (EMG) transmitters and depth/ temperature (DT) loggers to compare the upstream migratory behavior of adult male chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) and pink salmon (O. gorbuscha) in the canalized and reconstructed segments of the Shibetsu River, where a part of canalized section was preliminary reconstructed meander to restore a more natural section. The EMG transmitter and DT logger were externally attached to the left side of the body, below the front edge of the dorsal fin. Fish of both species often migrated along the riverbanks and near the bottom of the water column, sometimes engaged in holding behavior, which was defined as cessation of swimming during their upstream migration for 5 minutes. Modal swimming depth calculated by DT loggers for chum salmon (0.2–0.4 m) was shallower than pink salmon (0.6–0.8 m). Further, modal swimming speeds measured by calibrated EMG for chum salmon (0.2–0.4 BL s−1) were slower than pink salmon (1.2–1.4 BL s−1). Pink salmon swam faster as well as in relatively deeper than chum salmon, suggesting that they expend more energy than chum salmon in the reconstructed segment. Based on these results, it seemed likely that the upstream migration behavior of chum and pink salmon was different with species-specific strategies.  相似文献   

To estimate the migration timing, length, and location of females with the growth hormone pseudogene (GHp), trace element analyses were performed on the otoliths of 40 wild adult masu salmon, Oncorhynchus masou (12 males, 19 normal females, and nine females with GHp [all fish were 3‐ or 4‐years‐old]) caught during the reproductive season (September) from 2004 to 2010 in the Atsuta River in Japan. Sr concentrations at the end of the otolith translucent area formed during the winter suddenly increased in all individuals, suggesting that they had migrated in the spring. In addition, the estimated migration length and location of females with GHp indicated that they had spent a fixed period of 1 year in the ocean, suggesting that females with GHp have a similar migratory history as that of normal females.  相似文献   

Degradation and destruction of valuable spawning and rearing habitat due to anthropogenic changes (e.g., flow modification and channelisation) is known to have dramatic impacts on fish populations. To compensate for habitat losses due to hydropower development, an artificial fluvial habitat channel (‘Compensation Creek’) was constructed in south-central Newfoundland, Canada. The creek was designed to include appropriate habitat features for the two dominant salmonid fish species, landlocked Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) and brook charr (Salvenius fontinalis Mitchell). The study examines the habitat use of landlocked Atlantic salmon and brook charr in the Compensation Creek using electromyogram (EMG) radio telemetry. Ten landlocked Atlantic salmon and eight brook charr were captured and tagged with EMG transmitters. In laboratory swimming experiments, the EMG values were calibrated against swimming speed. Fish were then released in the Compensation Creek and tracked on a daily basis. The results show that (1) during residence in the creek, both species used preferentially the habitat features designed to match their rearing habitat preferences, and (2) swimming speed did not vary among habitat types for either species.  相似文献   

The energetic cost for juvenile Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha to forage in habitats of different salinity and depth was quantified using a behavioural titration based on ideal free distribution theory. When given a choice between freshwater habitats of different depths (>0·83 or <0·83 m), a greater proportion of fish used the deeper habitat. When the deeper habitat was saltwater, the proportion of fish using it increased. When food was added to both the shallow freshwater and deep saline habitats, however, fish distribution returned to that observed when both habitats were fresh water. This indicates that the preference for deep saline habitats during the stratified phase was driven by some benefit associated with residency in deeper water, rather than salinity. The low perceived cost of low salinity might be in part due to the fish's ability to minimize this cost by only making brief forays into the alternate freshwater habitat. When the food ration delivered to the more costly, shallow habitat was 50% greater than that delivered to the less costly, deep habitat, fish distributed themselves equally between the two habitats, presumably because of equal net benefits. This study demonstrates that juvenile Chinook salmon prefer deep saline habitat to shallow freshwater habitats but will make brief forays into the freshwater habitat if food availability is sufficiently high.  相似文献   

A hydroelectric power plant (HPP) started operation in December 2002 on the River Lhomme, (mean annual flow: 1.78 ms−1; mean annual water temperature: 9.9°C). The new HPP bypasses the river over a length of 1.2 km. The minimum flow allowed in the bypassed section is currently fixed at 0.220 ms−1. Before the construction of the HPP, two contrasted 150-m-long reaches of the Lhomme were selected to estimate their total fish population abundance and to analyse their fish population dynamics. Electrofishing was carried out in each of these two reaches on 23 April 2002 in a natural flow situation to remove the fish. Other inventories were carried out in late April or early May in 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 in minimum flow conditions. The results revealed a prompt and severe decrease in the total fish biomass (up to 81% for grayling from 2002 to 2006) combined with severe changes in the fish community structure that were not observed in a reference site. The effects of the flow reduction varied considerably depending on the size of the individuals, the species concerned and their habitat availability, which was modelled using a classical physical habitat simulation (EVHA method). Guest editors: R. L. Welcomme & G. Marmulla Hydropower, Flood Control and Water Abstraction: Implications for Fish and Fisheries  相似文献   

The energetic costs of providing parental care are widely documented, but rarely do studies consider the role of environmental variation (e.g., predation pressure) in this context. Here, we tested if variation in nest predation pressure influenced the energetic costs of parental care in smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu), a teleost fish species that provides lengthy paternal care. First, we documented that nest predation pressure varied among the six lakes studied and the relative predation pressure ranking was consistent across a three year period. We used a combination of traditional proximate body composition (PBC) analyses and electromyogram (EMG) telemetry to quantify activity costs of nesting fish across these populations. The traditional approach revealed declines in energy stores across the parental care period but showed no evidence of an increased energetic cost to parents from populations with higher nest predation pressure. Comparing the distribution of EMG data from the two extremes of predation pressure revealed that males from the site of highest predation spent more time at higher EMG levels relative to the parents from the lake of lowest predation pressure. Although not statistically significant, males from the site of highest predation pressure also spent 21?C24?% of their time burst swimming when guarding young offspring compared to 10?C11?% for males at the site of lowest predation pressure. These differences in overall activity, a large contributor to the energy use of fish, may translate into longer recovery times and decreased future reproductive opportunities.  相似文献   

Red muscle function during steady swimming in brook trout was studied through both in vivo swimming and in vitro muscle mechanics experiments. In the swimming experiments, red muscle activity was characterized through the use of electromyography and sonomicrometry, allowing the determination of several parameters such as tailbeat frequency, EMG burst duration, muscle length change patterns and relative phase of EMG activity and length change. Brook trout do show some shifts in these variables along their length during steady swimming, but the magnitude of these shifts is relatively small. In the muscle mechanics experiments, the in vivo muscle activity data were used to evaluate patterns of power production by red muscle during swimming. Unlike many fish species, the red muscle along the length of brook trout shows little change in isometric kinetic variables such as relaxation rate and twitch time. Furthermore, there is no rostral-caudal shift in red muscle mass-specific power output during steady swimming. This last result contrasts sharply with rainbow trout and with a variety of other fish species that power steady swimming primarily with the posterior red myotome.  相似文献   

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