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采用PCR技术从拟南芥中克隆了SCBP60g基因的启动子,并与GUS报告基因融合构建重组表达载体,转化野生型拟南芥,对获得的转基因株系进行GUS组织染色,从基因调控水平上探讨其在功能方面的差异。结果显示:SCBP60g基因的启动子能指导GUS报告基因在拟南芥的根、茎、叶和花中表达,并且在这些部位的维管束表达较强。这种表达方式与LCBP60g基因的启动子指导的GUS基因组织化学染色有差异,表明这个启动子的表达调控具有一定的特异性。  相似文献   

将rd29A基因的启动子与绿色荧光蛋白基因(GFP)融合在一起,构建成植物表达载体,并以CaMV35S启动子驱动的GFP基因的植物表达载体为对照,用基因枪介导法转化置于4种类型培养基上的洋葱表皮细胞.对其进行不同温度下的培养,16 h后观察GFP基因瞬时表达水平的结果表明,rd29A启动子对高盐和脱水逆境的响应较温度显著,特别是在含PEG6000的培养基上,细胞无破损,绿色荧光强烈,适合于GFP的瞬时表达.而高盐由于易导致细胞出现离子毒害,不宜作为GFP瞬时表达的培养基.  相似文献   

以拟南芥为材料,利用PCR技术分离pyk10启动子序列,构建了该启动子GUS植物表达载体,农杆菌介导转化烟草,分析该基因在烟草中的表达,以明确拟南芥根特异表达基因pyk10启动子在烟草中的表达特性.结果表明:克隆的pyk10启动子与已报道的pyk10启动子一致性为100%,GUS基因在烟草的根部特异表达,表明该启动子为根部特异表达启动子,为揭示植物根的发生、分化和发育机制,以及培育抗根部病虫害和营养高效利用型转基因烟草奠定了基础.  相似文献   

PR1是拟南芥(Arabidopsisis thaliana L.)系统获得抗性的一个标志基因.利用PCR技术,从拟南芥中扩增并克隆了PR1基因的启动子片段.将该启动子片段与GUS报告基因拼接,构建成含有PR1-GUS融合基因的重组表达质粒.经根癌农杆菌介导转化,得到了转基因的拟南芥植株.用已知的系统获得抗性激活剂处理转基因植物,检测到GUS活性.因此,这一转基因体系可以作为一种简便、灵敏的实验体系以筛选激活植物系统获得抗性的化合物.  相似文献   

PR1是拟南芥 (Arabidopsis thaliana L.) 系统获得抗性的一个标志基因。利用PCR技术,从拟南芥中扩增并克隆了PR1基因的启动子片段。将该启动子片段与GUS报告基因拼接,构建成含有PR1-GUS融合基因的重组表达质粒。经根癌农杆菌介导转化,得到了转基因的拟南芥植株。用已知的系统获得抗性激活剂处理转基因植物,检测到GUS活性。因此,这一转基因体系可以作为一种简便、灵敏的实验体系以筛选激活植物系统获得抗性的化合物。  相似文献   

小麦醇溶蛋白盒结合因子基因启动子序列   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 Source Thesequencewasdeterminedfromare versePCRproduct,whichwasligatedtopMD1 8 Tvector(TaKaRaBiotechnologyCo .) ,fromnucleargenomicD  相似文献   

利用植物防御基因中的病原诱导响应元件和最小35S启动子(-62~+1),人工合成了启动子SAP,并以GUS基因为报告基因,在转基因拟南芥中分析了合成启动子的表达特性.通过对转基因拟南芥GUS组织染色的分析表明:SAR启动子在子叶、毛刺、根茎交接处和根系中优势表达,在老叶中的表达量高于幼叶,说明SAR启动子具有组织和发育表达特异性.  相似文献   

维生素E是一类人体所必需的脂溶性的维生素,具有重要的生理功能。γ-生育酚甲基转移酶(γ-TMT)是维生素E生物合成途径中的关键酶之一,催化γ、δ-生育酚甲基化,生成α、β-生育酚。从拟南芥中分离了γ-生育酚甲基转移酶基因1552bp的启动子序列,构建了含有该启动子和GUS报告基因的植物表达载体,通过农杆菌介导转化拟南芥,获得了转基因植株。GUS组织化学染色结果表明,在γ-TMT启动子的驱动下,报告基因GUS在拟南芥的叶、茎以及花均有表达,且在茎尖、雄蕊和幼叶中表达最强,而在根、种子和种荚中则没有检测到GUS基因的表达,表明γ-TMT基因可能仅在拟南芥某些组织中特异性高表达。  相似文献   

以质粒pMCB30为模板,扩增GFP基因,连接到载体pCMBIA2300-35S-OCS上,构建过量表达载体p35S:GFP,将其转入农杆菌GV3101.通过农杆菌介导法将p35S:GFP载体分别转入新疆特色植物小拟南芥和拟南芥中.T0代经含有卡那霉素的1/2MS培养基筛选,获得了T1代转基因小拟南芥2株,T1代转基因拟南芥9株.通过激光共聚焦显微镜观察,在转基因小拟南芥和拟南芥的根尖细胞中均可检测到GFP绿色荧光蛋白;对转基因植株进行PCR扩增,均可检测到GFP基因,表明GFP基因已成功转入小拟南芥和拟南芥中.该研究建立了小拟南芥的遗传转化体系,为进一步利用GFP基因和进一步研究小拟南芥的功能基因奠定基础.  相似文献   

利用PCR技术从番茄基因组DNA中克隆长约1.1kb的E8基因启动子与517bp的E8基因片段,将其二者连接构建植物表达载体,导入农杆菌,通过花序侵染法转化拟南芥,得到转基因拟南芥。用RT-PCR分析转基因拟南芥中E8基因启动子驱动E8基因小片段的结果表明,E8基因小片段mRNA仅在转基因拟南芥长角果中转录,根、茎、叶、花中不转录,提示E8基因的1.1kb启动子在异源植物拟南芥中仍具有驱动外源基因果实特异性表达的特性。  相似文献   

高等植物细胞含有复杂的内膜系统,通过其特有的膜泡运输机制来完成细胞内和细胞间的物质交流。膜泡运输主要包括运输囊泡的出芽、定向移动、拴留和膜融合4个过程。这4个过程受到许多因子的调控,如Coat、SM、Tether、SNARE和Rab蛋白等,其中SNARE因子在膜融合过程中发挥重要功能。SNARE因子是小分子跨膜蛋白,分为定位于运输囊泡上的v-SNARE和定位于靶位膜上的t-SNARE,两类SNARE结合形成SNARE复合体,促进膜融合的发生。SNARE蛋白在调控植物体生长发育以及对外界环境响应等生理过程中起重要作用。该文对模式植物拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)SNARE因子的最新细胞内定位和功能分析等研究进展进行了概述。  相似文献   

拟南芥SNARE因子在膜泡运输中的功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金红敏  李立新 《植物学报》2010,45(4):479-491
高等植物细胞含有复杂的内膜系统, 通过其特有的膜泡运输机制来完成细胞内和细胞间的物质交流。膜泡运输主要包括运输囊泡的出芽、定向移动、拴留和膜融合4个过程。这4个过程受到许多因子的调控, 如Coat、SM、Tether、SNARE和Rab蛋白等, 其中SNARE因子在膜融合过程中发挥重要功能。SNARE因子是小分子跨膜蛋白, 分为定位于运输囊泡上的v-SNARE和定位于靶位膜上的t-SNARE, 两类SNARE结合形成SNARE复合体, 促进膜融合的发生。SNARE蛋白在调控植物体生长发育以及对外界环境响应等生理过程中起重要作用。该文对模式植物拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)SNARE因子的最新细胞内定位和功能分析等研究进展进行了概述。  相似文献   

亚硫酸盐氧化酶(SO)作为目前发现的钼酶家族成员之一,在哺乳动物硫化物的脱毒、嘌呤代谢等过程中起着非常重要的作用。然而,很少有关于高等植物SO的表达和调控机制的研究报道。本研究中,我们用半定量RT-PCR和组织化学方法对拟南芥中SO基因AtSO的表达调控进行了初步研究。结果表明,AtSO在拟南芥的地上部分如茎、叶、花和未成熟荚果中有较高的表达水平,而在根部表达水平较低。在对分离的该基因上游1562-bp的启动子区域进行生物信息学分析时,鉴定出一些可能的调控元件如光调控元件(LRE)。转基因植株中AtSO启动子驱动下的GUS基因(uidA)表达结果表明:AtSO的表达主要在植物的地上组织,表达具有光依赖性,且表达水平受亚硫酸盐的诱导增高。这一结果对进一步研究SO在植物对光周期和亚硫酸盐胁迫应答反应中的作用提供线索。  相似文献   

Peroxisomes are essential eukaryotic organelles that mediate various metabolic processes. Peroxisome import depends on a group of peroxisome biogenesis factors called peroxins, many of which are evolutionarily conserved. PEX2, PEX10, and PEX12 are three RING-finger-domain-containing integral membrane peroxins crucial for protein import. In yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisae), RING peroxins act as E3 ligases, facilitating the recycling of the peroxisome import receptor protein PEX5 through ubiquitination. In plants, RING peroxins are essential to plant vitality. To elucidate the mode of action of the plant RING peroxins, we employed in vitro assays to show that the Arabidopsis RING peroxins also have E3 ligase activities. We also identified a PEX2-interacting protein, DSK2b, which is a member of the ubiquitin receptor family known to function as shuttle factors ferrying polyubiquitinated substrates to the proteasome for degradation. DSK2b and its tandem duplicate DSK2a are localized in the cytosol and the nucleus, and both interact with the RING domain of PEX2 and PEX12. DSK2 artificial microRNA lines did not display obvious defects in plant growth or peroxisomal processes, indicating functional redundancies among Arabidopsis ubiquitin receptor proteins. Our results suggest that Arabidopsis RING peroxins can function as E3 ligases and act together with the ubiquitin receptor protein DSK2 in the peroxisomal membrane-associated protein degradation system.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis LOB-domain (LBD) gene family is composed by 43 members divided in two classes based on amino acid conservation within the LOB-domain. The LOB domain is known to be responsible for DNA binding and protein-protein interactions. There is very little functional information available for most genes in the LBD family and many lbd single mutants do not exhibit conspicuous phenotypes. One plausible explanation for the limited loss-of-function phenotypes observed in this family is that LBD genes exhibit significant functional redundancy. Here we discuss an example of one phylogenetic subgroup of the LBD family, in which genes that are closely related based on phylogeny exhibit distinctly different expression patterns and do not have overlapping functions. We discuss the challenges of using phylogenetic analyses to predict redundancy in gene families.  相似文献   

Most plant microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) have homologues across the phylogenetic spectrum. To find potential plant-specific MAPs that will have evaded bioinformatic searches we devised a low stringency method for isolating proteins from an Arabidopsis cell suspension on endogenous taxol-microtubules. By tryptic peptide mass fingerprinting we identified 55 proteins that were enriched on taxol-microtubules. Amongst a range of known MAPs, such as kinesins, MAP65 isoforms and MOR1, we detected 'unknown' 70 kDa proteins that belong to a family of five closely related Arabidopsis proteins having no known homologues amongst non-plant organisms. To verify that AtMAP70-1 associates with microtubules in vivo, it was expressed as a GFP fusion. This confirmed that the protein decorates all four microtubule arrays in both transiently infected Arabidopsis and stably transformed tobacco BY-2 suspension cells. Microtubule-directed drugs perturbed the localization of AtMAP70-1 but cytochalasin D did not. AtMAP70-1 contains four predicted coiled-coil domains and truncation studies identified a central domain that targets the fusion protein to microtubules in vivo. This study therefore introduces a novel family of plant-specific proteins that interact with microtubules.  相似文献   

This study was aimed at the characterization of the major storage proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana. Two major protein fractions, i.e., the fraction Ⅰ and Ⅱ proteins, were isolated from the extract of mature seeds of this plant by molecular seive gel filtration chromatography. Various polyacrylarnide gel electrophoretic techniques were used to study the properties and polypeptide compositions of these two protein fractions. In was shown that during the SDS gel electrophoresis, fraction Ⅰ protein was separated into 6 major bands with the mol. was. of 34, 31, 29, 28 and 19-20 kD, respectively, whereas Fraction Ⅱ protein migrated as 3 low mol. wt. bands (10-12 kD) on the same gel. Non-denaturing native gel electrophoresis revealed that fraction Ⅰ was a neutral protein and Fraction Ⅱ was a positively charged basic protein with an isoelectric point (pI) higher than 8.8. Fraction I protein was further separated into at least 16 polypeptides in isoelectric focusing/SDS two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, i.e. each SDS band contained 3-4 polypeptides with the same mol. wt. but different pis. This suggested a more complex polypeptide composition of this protein. The properties of fraction Ⅰ and Ⅱ proteins were in good accordance with that of the 12s and 1.7s storage globulins in seeds of many other dicotyledonous plants, and therefore had been characterized as the two major seed storage proteins in this species. These two storage globulins were shown to be accumulated within a defined period during the late stage of seed development (12-14 DAF) and became predominant protein components in mature seeds. In the mean time, a few points in relation to the polypeptide composition and subunit molecular configuration of the 12s globulin were noted.  相似文献   

The molybdenum cofactor (Moco) forms part of the catalytic center in all eukaryotic molybdenum enzymes and is synthesized in a highly conserved pathway. Among eukaryotes, very little is known about the processes taking place subsequent to Moco biosynthesis, i.e. Moco transfer, allocation, and insertion into molybdenum enzymes. In the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, we identified a novel protein family consisting of nine members that after recombinant expression are able to bind Moco with KD values in the low micromolar range and are therefore named Moco-binding proteins (MoBP). For two of the nine proteins atomic structures are available in the Protein Data Bank. Surprisingly, both crystal structures lack electron density for the C terminus, which may indicate a high flexibility of this part of the protein. C-terminal truncated MoBPs showed significantly decreased Moco binding stoichiometries. Experiments where the MoBP C termini were exchanged among MoBPs converted a weak Moco-binding MoBP into a strong binding MoBP, thus indicating that the MoBP C terminus, which is encoded by a separate exon, is involved in Moco binding. MoBPs were able to enhance Moco transfer to apo-nitrate reductase in the Moco-free Neurospora crassa mutant nit-1. Furthermore, we show that the MoBPs are localized in the cytosol and undergo protein-protein contact with both the Moco donor protein Cnx1 and the Moco acceptor protein nitrate reductase under in vivo conditions, thus indicating for the MoBPs a function in Arabidopsis cellular Moco distribution.  相似文献   

PRR11(proline-rich protein 11,PRR11)是我们最近发现的一个新的肿 瘤相关基因.初步研究表明, PRR11参与细胞增殖、细胞周期和细胞癌变等多种生 物学过程.为了进一步研究PRR11基因的转录调控机制并全面解析其功能,本研究 对PRR11基因的启动子进行了克隆鉴定和初步分析.首先,应用5' RACE(rapid amplification of cDNA ends,cDNA末端快速扩增)技术鉴定了PRR 11基因的转 录起始位点,发现了其具有多个转录起始位点.通过PCR定向克隆和DNA blunting 技术,构建了6个相互重叠并覆盖PRR 11基因转录起始位点附近约2.0 kb区域的 PRR 11基因启动子荧光素酶报告基因重组体.启动子活性分析表明,PRR 11基因 启动子主要定位于转录起始位点附近-563 bp~+341 bp的区域内.采用转录因子 结合位点预测分析软件分析表明,PRR 11基因启动子缺乏典型的TATA盒,但含有 典型的GC盒、CCAAT盒以及潜在的经典转录因子E2F1和MYB的结合位点,提示Sp1、 NF-Y、E2F1和MYB等经典转录因子可能参与PRR 11基因的转录调控.  相似文献   

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