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Furin is an endoprotease of the family of mammalian proprotein convertases and is involved in the activation of a large variety of regulatory proteins by cleavage at basic motifs. A large number of substrates have been attributed to furin on the basis of in vitro and ex vivo data. However, no physiological substrates have been confirmed directly in a mammalian model system, and early embryonic lethality of a furin knock-out mouse model has precluded in vivo verification of most candidate substrates. Here, we report the generation and characterization of an interferon inducible Mx-Cre/loxP furin knock-out mouse model. Induction resulted in near-complete ablation of the floxed fur exon in liver. In sharp contrast with the general furin knock-out mouse model, no obvious adverse effects were observed in the transgenic mice after induction. Histological analysis of the liver did not reveal any overt deviations from normal morphology. Analysis of candidate substrates in liver revealed complete redundancy for the processing of the insulin receptor. Variable degrees of redundancy were observed for the processing of albumin, alpha(5) integrin, lipoprotein receptor-related protein, vitronectin and alpha(1)-microglobulin/bikunin. None of the tested substrates displayed a complete block of processing. The absence of a severe phenotype raises the possibility of using furin as a local therapeutic target in the treatment of pathologies like cancer and viral infections, although the observed redundancy may require combination therapy or the development of a more broad spectrum convertase inhibitor.  相似文献   

The significance of furin in the maturation and activation of a wide array of proproteins in the secretory pathway has been well demonstrated. However, despite efforts made to characterize the subcellular locations where furin activates its substrates, doubts on the proprotein-processing compartments still persist. Using in vivo gene delivery, together with high-resolution immunogold electron microscopy, we were able to assign precise subcellular locations to furin. In rat hepatocyte, the enzyme was found concentrated in the Golgi apparatus, along the basolateral (sinusoidal) plasma membrane and in underlying endosomes. An asymmetry was detected in respect to amounts of furin between the basolateral domain and the apical (canalicular) one, favoring the former. The asymmetric recycling of furin through the basolateral domain may be of high importance for the polarized secretion of processed bioactive compounds. Double immunogold labelings indicate that furin colocalizes with the caveolae/raft-marker caveolin-1 in the Golgi apparatus and in the basolateral endosomes. Furthermore, co-immunoprecipitation experiments show the possible interaction of caveolin-1 and furin. Our results suggest that, in addition to the Golgi, furin-/caveolin-1-containing endosomes could represent a compartment where furin processes its substrates at the basolateral domain of the hepatocyte.This work was supported by grants from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) to M.B. (MOP9702) and to G.B. (NFR13052). This article represents part of the work required for the fulfillment of the PhD program of G.M., who is supported in part by studentships from the CIHR, the University of Montreal and Novartis Pharma Canada  相似文献   

The amyloid peptide is the main constituent of the amyloid plaques in brain of Alzheimer's disease patients. This peptide is generated from the amyloid precursor protein by two consecutive cleavages. Cleavage at the N terminus is performed by the recently discovered beta-secretase (Bace). This aspartyl protease contains a propeptide that has to be removed to obtain mature Bace. Furin and other members of the furin family of prohormone convertases are involved in this process. Surprisingly, beta-secretase activity, neither at the classical Asp(1) position nor at the Glu(11) position of amyloid precursor protein, seems to be controlled by this maturation step. Furthermore, we show that Glu(11) cleavage is a function of the expression level of Bace, that it depends on the membrane anchorage of Bace, and that Asp(1) cleavage can be followed by Glu(11) cleavage. Our data suggest that pro-Bace could be active as a beta-secretase in the early biosynthetic compartments of the cell and could be involved in the generation of the intracellular pool of the amyloid peptide. We conclude that modulation of the conversion of pro-Bace to mature Bace is not a relevant drug target to treat Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

In eucaryotes, many secreted proteins and peptides are proteolytically excised from larger precursor proteins by a specific class of serine proteases, the proprotein/prohormone convertases (PCs). This cleavage is essential for substrate activation, making the PCs very interesting pharmacological targets in cancer and infectious disease research. Correspondingly, their structure, function and inhibition are intensely studied - studies that require the respective target proteins in large amounts and at high purity. Here we describe the development of a novel purification protocol of furin, the best-studied member of the PC family. We combined the heterologous expression of furin from CHO cells with a novel purification scheme employing an affinity step that efficiently extracts only active furin from the conditioned medium by using furin-specific inhibitor moieties as bait. Several potential affinity tags were synthesized and their binding to furin characterized. The best compound, Biotin-(Adoa)(2)-Arg-Pro-Arg-4-Amba coupled to streptavidin-Sepharose beads, was used in a three-step chromatographic protocol and routinely resulted in a high yield of a homogeneous furin preparation with a specific activity of ~60 units/mg protein. This purification and the general strategy can easily be adapted to the efficient purification of other PC family members.  相似文献   

Optimization of our previously described peptidomimetic furin inhibitors was performed and yielded several analogs with a significantly improved activity. The most potent compounds containing an N-terminal 4- or 3-(guanidinomethyl)phenylacetyl residue inhibit furin with K(i) values of 16 and 8 pM, respectively. These analogs inhibit other proprotein convertases, such as PC1/3, PC4, PACE4, and PC5/6, with similar potency, whereas PC2, PC7, and trypsin-like serine proteases are poorly affected. Incubation of selected compounds with Madin-Darby canine kidney cells over a period of 96 h revealed that they exhibit great stability, making them suitable candidates for further studies in cell culture. Two of the most potent derivatives were used to inhibit the hemagglutinin cleavage and viral propagation of a highly pathogenic avian H7N1 influenza virus strain. The treatment with inhibitor 24 (4-(guanidinomethyl)phenylacetyl-Arg-Val-Arg-4-amidinobenzylamide) resulted in significantly delayed virus propagation compared with an inhibitor-free control. The same analog was also effective in inhibiting Shiga toxin activation in HEp-2 cells. This antiviral effect, as well as the protective effect against a bacterial toxin, suggests that inhibitors of furin or furin-like proprotein convertases could represent promising lead structures for future drug development, in particular for the treatment of infectious diseases.  相似文献   

The proprotein convertases (PCs) are calcium-dependent proteases responsible for processing precursor proteins into their active forms in eukariotes. The PC1/3 is a pivotal enzyme of this family that participates in the proteolytic maturation of prohormones and neuropeptides inside the regulated secretory pathway. In this paper we demonstrate that mouse proprotein convertase 1/3 (mPC1/3) has a lag phase of activation by substrates that can be interpreted as a hysteretic behavior of the enzyme for their hydrolysis. This is an unprecedented observation in peptidases, but is frequent in regulatory enzymes with physiological relevance. The lag phase of mPC1/3 is dependent on substrate, calcium concentration and pH. This hysteretic behavior may have implications in the physiological processes in which PC1/3 participates and could be considered an additional control step in the peptide hormone maturation processes as for instance in the transformation of proinsulin to insulin.  相似文献   

Furin is a membrane-associated endoprotease that efficiently cleaves precursor proteins on the C-terminal side of the consensus sequence, Arg-X-Lys/Arg-Arg1, and has been proposed to catalyze these reactions in both exocytic and endocytic compartments. To study its biosynthesis and routing, a furin construct (designated fur/f) containing the FLAG epitope tag inserted on the C-terminal side of the enzyme's autoproteolytic maturation site was used. Introduction of the epitope tag had no effect on the expression, proteolytic maturation or activity of furin. Analysis of the localization of fur/f by immunofluorescence microscopy showed that its staining pattern largely overlapped with those of several Golgi-associated markers. Treatment of cells with brefeldin A caused the fur/f distribution to collapse around the microtubule organizing center, indicating that furin is concentrated in the trans-Golgi network (TGN). Immunoelectron microscopy showed unequivocally that furin resides in the TGN where it colocalized with TGN38. In agreement with its proposed activity in multiple compartments, antibody uptake studies showed that fur/f cycles between the cell surface and TGN. Furthermore, targeting to the TGN requires sequences in the cytoplasmic tail of the enzyme. Pulse-chase and immunofluorescence analyses demonstrated that proregion removal occurs in the endoplasmic reticulum and that cleavage may be required for exist from this compartment. Finally, we show that proregion removal is necessary but not sufficient for enzyme activation.  相似文献   

The submandibular gland (SMG) develops through the epithelial-mesenchymal interaction mediated by many growth/differentiation factors including activin and BMPs, which are synthesized as inactive precursors and activated by subtilisin-like proprotein convertases (SPC) following cleavage at their R-X-K/R-R site. Here, we found that Dec-RVKR-CMK, a potent inhibitor of SPC, inhibited the branching morphogenesis of the rat embryonic SMG, and caused low expression of a water channel AQP5, in an organ culture system. Dec-RVKR-CMK also decreased the expression of PACE4, a SPC member, but not furin, another SPC member, suggesting the involvement of PACE4 in the SMG development. Heparin, which is known to translocate PACE4 in the extracellular matrix into the medium, and an antibody specific for the catalytic domain of PACE4, both reduced the branching morphogenesis and AQP5 expression in the SMG. The inhibitory effects of Dec-RVKR-CMK were partially rescued by the addition of recombinant BMP2, whose precursor is one of the candidate substrates for PACE4 in vivo. Further, the suppression of PACE4 expression by siRNAs resulted in decreased expression of AQP5 and inhibition of the branching morphogenesis in the present organ culture system. These observations suggest that PACE4 regulates the SMG development via the activation of some growth/differentiation factors.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-1 is a zinc-dependent metalloproteinase that cleaves a variety of extracellular matrix substrates, including type I procollagen. Little is known about the site of action of BMP-1, although the extracellular matrix seems likely to be it. BMP-1 is synthesized with an N-terminal prodomain. The removal of the prodomain presumably activates the proteinase. In this study we show that the prodomain is cleaved in the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and by furin-like/paired basic proprotein convertases. Inhibitors of furin resulted in the secretion of pro-BMP-1, which could not cleave procollagen. Recombinant furin cleaved the prodomain from pro-BMP-1. Site-directed mutagenesis of the prodomain cleavage site (RSRR) to RSAA resulted in efficient secretion of pro-BMP-1. Therefore, prodomain cleavage was not required for secretion. Using peptide N-glycosidase and neuraminidase digestion to determine the post-translational status of pro-BMP-1 during its conversion to BMP-1, we showed that BMP-1 first appears in the TGN during sialylation of the molecule. Furthermore, immunofluorescence studies using an antibody to the nascent N terminus of BMP-1 showed localization to the TGN and plasma membrane. The observation that BMP-1 occurs inside the cell raises the possibility that BMP-1 might begin to cleave its substrates prior to secretion to the extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

Processing of precursor proteins by the proprotein convertases is thought to occur mainly in the trans-Golgi network or post-Golgi compartments. Such cleavage is inhibited by the prosegment of the convertases. During our studies of the use of the inhibitory prosegment of PC1, we noticed that a construct containing the prosegment fused to the C-terminal secretory granule sorting domain was cleaved in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) at a pair of basic residues, best recognized by furin and PC7. This was further confirmed when this construct was fused at the C-terminus with a KDEL ER-retention signal. This suggests that the convertases could cleave some substrates within the ER, possibly by displacing the inhibitory prosegment associated with them.  相似文献   

Epicardial strains were measured in Hamburger-Hamilton stage 11 and 12 embryonic chick hearts (1.6-2.0 days of incubation). These stages include part of the early phase of cardiac looping, as the initially straight heart tube bends and twists to form a curved c-shaped tube. By analyzing the motion of microbeads placed on the myocardial surface, we measured strains near the outer curvature, in the central region, and near the inner curvature of the primitive ventricle. No significant differences in strain were found between stages. Relative to end diastole, all three regions shortened by about 10% during systole in the circumferential direction, and the outer curvature shortened longitudinally by about 5%. In contrast, and unlike strains in older hearts, the inner curvature and central regions elongated by approximately 5-10% in the longitudinal direction during systole. These results are consistent with microstructural data and suggest that the material properties of the outer curvature are relatively isotropic, whereas the properties of the central and inner curvature regions are orthotropic, with contractile stress exerted primarily in the circumferential direction.  相似文献   

The TGF-beta family members are generated as latent pre-pro-polypeptides. The active mature peptides are cleaved from the latent forms by cellular proteases. TGF-beta 1, for instance, is predominantly processed by a substilisin-like proprotein convertase, furin. TGF-beta 2 has a consensus cleavage site for furin and therefore has been presumed to be cleaved by furin. However, TGF-beta 2 is often secreted as the latent form, which appears to be inconsistent with its postulated sensitivity to furin. We report here that both the regular (short) form of TGF-beta2 and its spliced variant with an additional exon (long form) are insensitive to furin. NIH 3T3 and CHO cells were transfected with expression vectors containing the short or long form of TGF-beta 2 or a chimeric TGF-beta consisting of the TGF-beta1 LAP region, the TGF-beta 2 cleavage site and the TGF-beta 2 mature peptide. The constructs included a c-myc epitope tag in the N-terminal region of the mature peptide. The TGF-betas produced by the transfected cells were analyzed with Western blots and immunocytochemistry. The intracellular proteins harvested from these cells were incubated with furin. Furin only inefficiently cleaved both the long and short forms of TGF-beta 2, but efficiently processed the chimeric TGF-beta. This indicates that the insensitivity of both forms of TGF-beta 2 to furin is a consequence of the tertiary structure of their LAP regions rather than their cleavage site. This differential processing of TGF-beta1 and -beta 2 may be part of the mechanism that generates isoform-specific functions of the TGF-betas.  相似文献   

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