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农药亚致死剂量对菜蚜茧蜂搜索行为影响的研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  

【目的】确定吡虫啉对意大利蜜蜂Apis mellifera的致死中浓度,探究吡虫啉对意大利蜜蜂乙酰胆碱酯酶的亚致死效应。【方法】本文采用药膜法、点滴法和饲喂法测定吡虫啉对意大利蜜蜂的毒力曲线,及蜜蜂接触吡虫啉后头部乙酰胆碱酯酶活性的变化。应用RT-q PCR技术研究饲喂LC5浓度吡虫啉后,蜜蜂乙酰胆碱酯酶基因Ace1和Ace2的m RNA相对表达量。【结果】饲喂法、点滴法和药膜法3种方法测定的吡虫啉对意大利蜜蜂的致死中浓度分别是7.15 mg/L、0.078 ng/蜂和51 ng/cm2。3种作用方式下,吡虫啉均抑制了乙酰胆碱酯酶活性;随着浓度增加,ACh E酶活性处于下降状态,但降低较少。LC5浓度的吡虫啉对蜜蜂ACh E活性具有明显影响,24 h内ACh E活性呈现增强-抑制-增强的趋势。饲喂蜜蜂LC5亚致死浓度的吡虫啉后,Ace1和Ace2被诱导表达,但在1、2和16 h与对照无明显差异。【结论】亚致死浓度的吡虫啉对蜜蜂乙酰胆碱酯活性具有抑制作用,并且存在明显的剂量效应和时间效应,对Ace1和Ace2具有诱导效应,酶活性水平和m RNA相对表达水平不一致。  相似文献   

毒死蜱亚致死剂量对灰飞虱致害性和繁殖力的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为科学用药防治灰飞虱Laodelphax striatellus (Fallén)提供理论依据, 采用麦秆浸渍法测定毒死蜱对灰飞虱成虫的室内活性, 并用Parafilm小袋法和滤纸漏斗法测定毒死蜱亚致死剂量对灰飞虱蜜露排泄量、 虫体增重、 产卵量等指标的影响。Parafilm小袋法的测定结果表明, 经毒死蜱亚致死剂量(0.21 mg/L有效成分)处理的灰飞虱单雌蜜露分泌量和虫体增重分别比对照增加10.99%和22.22%, 但与对照相比无显著差异(P>0.05); 单雌产卵量为79.6±26.4个, 比对照增加12.27%, 差异达到极显著水平(P<0.01)。滤纸漏斗法的测定结果表明, 处理过的灰飞虱雌成虫蜜露分泌面积为119.74±5.90 mm2, 比对照增加13.06%, 差异达到显著水平(P<0.05)。毒死蜱亚致死剂量处理后对灰飞虱蜜露分泌量、 虫体增重和单雌产卵量均表现不同程度的促进作用, 说明毒死蜱亚致死剂量可能会导致灰飞虱致害性加剧。本研究结果对深入研究杀虫剂对灰飞虱种群的亚致死效应具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

三种农药亚致死剂量对椰甲截脉姬小蜂功能反应的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
测定了氯氰菊酯、啶虫脒和椰甲清3种杀虫剂亚致死剂量对椰甲截脉姬小蜂Asecodes hispinarumBoucˇek寄生椰心叶甲Brontispa logissima(Gestro)功能反应的影响。结果表明:亚致死剂量杀虫剂没有改变椰甲截脉姬小蜂功能反应模型的基本结构,但影响到了模型的各项参数。药剂处理后椰甲截脉姬小蜂的最大日捕食量降低,处理猎物时间延长,搜寻效应减弱。氯氰菊酯和啶虫脒的处理后瞬时攻击率减小,但椰甲清处理后瞬时攻击率高于对照。可见,在亚致死剂量下,氯氰菊酯和啶虫脒对椰甲截脉姬小蜂的寄生作用存在不良影响,椰甲清(30%杀虫单+15%啶虫脒)可提高其瞬时攻击率但减弱其搜索效应。  相似文献   

四纹豆象Callosobruchus maculatus (F.)是伊朗豇豆种子上的主要贮藏害虫。控制这一害虫时, 用生物杀虫剂比用常规杀虫剂更为合适。本研究评价了室内条件下在玻璃表面上硅藻土和多杀菌素对四纹豆象成虫的致死效应和亚致死效应。结果表明: 硅藻土处理24 h和48 h后, 对四纹豆象成虫的LC50 值分别为 1.47和0.2 g/m2; 多杀菌素处理24 h和48 h后, 对四纹豆象成虫的LC50 值分别为102.9 和68.8 mg ai/L, 说明两种化合物都对四纹豆象成虫具有较高的急性毒性。通过检测生物学参数, 研究了LC20浓度的硅藻土和多杀菌素对四纹豆象的亚致死效应。LC20浓度的硅藻土和多杀菌素使四纹豆象成虫的繁殖力分别比对照降低了71.5%和17.2%, 卵孵化率降低了57.5%和27.8%, 成虫寿命缩短了74.7%和17.1%。接触LC20浓度的硅藻土和多杀菌素使这一害虫的蛹期分别比对照延长了4.8%和2.3%。亚致死效应研究表明, 硅藻土和多杀菌素对四纹豆象的生命参数均产生了负面影响。总之, 致死效应和亚致死效应综合显示, 硅藻土在防治四纹豆象上具有较大的潜力。  相似文献   

以一个对甲氧虫酰肼具有18.5倍抗性的棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera(Hübner)种群(R)和其同源对照种群(S)为对象,研究了甲氧虫酰肼对棉铃虫生长发育的亚致死效应。结果表明,甲氧虫酰肼亚致死剂量(LC25)处理R和S种群的3龄初幼虫,对S种群幼虫的生长抑制率(37.30%)显著大于R种群(21.20%)。与空白对照处理相比,致死剂量处理R和S种群后,均表现出生长发育延缓,蛹期延长,化蛹率、羽化率、卵孵化率降低,且对S种群的影响更明显。研究结果表明亚致死剂量的甲氧虫酰肼对棉铃虫存在一定的不利影响,但对甲氧虫酰肼具有一定抗性的棉铃虫种群能够减轻这种不利影响。  相似文献   

在实验室条件下研究了高效氯氰菊酯亚致死剂量LC10 (43.44 mg/L)(小菜蛾阿维菌素抗性种群)和LC10( 12.61 mg/L)(敏感种群)对小菜蛾阿维菌素抗性(AV - R)、敏感(AV -S)种群的亚致死效应.结果表明:高效氯氰菊酯亚致死剂量12.61 mg/L处理小菜蛾阿维菌素敏感、抗性种群3龄幼虫后,...  相似文献   

亚致死剂量杀虫剂对异色瓢虫繁殖力的影响   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
为协调害虫的化学防治与生物防治,测定了吡虫啉、鱼藤酮、氰戊菊酯、阿维菌素、抗蚜威和印楝素6种杀虫剂亚致死剂量对异色瓢虫成虫繁殖力的影响.结果表明,各处理异色瓢虫每雌每日产卵量为40~55粒,吡虫啉接触法和饲喂法预处理及鱼藤酮和印楝素饲喂预处理后,均显著低于对照.所有处理间每雌累积产卵量差异不显著.6种药剂2种方式处理异色瓢虫后,其所产卵的孵化率均低于对照,从卵发育至蛹期的累积存活率均显著降低.吡虫啉两种方式处理和氰戊菊酯接触处理,从卵至蛹期的总发育历期显著延长,鱼藤酮两种方式处理和氰戊菊酯、阿维菌素、抗蚜威、印楝素饲喂法处理的总发育历期明显比对照缩短,而鱼藤酮和阿维菌素接触处理的与对照差异不显著.药剂直接浸渍处理异色瓢虫卵后,各处理卵的孵化率均较对照降低.氰戊菊酯处理的l龄幼虫存活率也明显较对照低,2龄至蛹期的存活率也有所下降.鱼藤酮和氰戊菊酯处理的总发育历期显著延长.这些研究结果显示,低剂量的杀虫剂对异色瓢虫繁殖力的影响很复杂,药剂的类型、作用方式、毒性高低以及给药途径等均影响到试验结果.  相似文献   

本文用SDS-PAGE法观察不同发育阶段蚕血液中主要血浆蛋白质sp、30KP浓度的变化;从不同发育阶段的蚕脂肪体提取RNA和poly(A)~+-RNA,在兔网织红细胞系作体外翻译并检测翻译产物。结果表明,5龄蚕脂肪体mRNA合成蛋白质的速率为初蛹的2倍;5龄及初蛹脂肪体30KP mRNA活性的发育变化与其相应蛋白质在血液中的浓度变化一致;sp-1在5龄幼虫脂肪体内的表达及卵黄原蛋白(Vg)在蚕蛹脂肪体内的表达具有雌特异性,其表达和性特异性大体是在前翻译水平被调节的。  相似文献   

通过叶碟饲养的方法, 利用生命表技术,研究了甲氰菊酯和阿维菌素亚致死剂量LC20处理柑橘全爪螨若螨后,对试验种群当代(F0)和后代(F1、F2代)生长发育及繁殖的影响.结果表明: 甲氰菊酯LC20处理若螨后,当代雌成螨产卵量显著增加;F1、F2代的产卵前期缩短,后代雌性比例增大,且均与对照差异显著;同时,F1和F2代种群内禀增长率(rm)和周限增长率(λ)增大,世代历期(T)和种群加倍时间(Dt)缩短,且F2代与对照相比差异显著.用阿维菌素LC20处理若螨后,当代种群雌成螨产卵量显著下降; F1和F2代的产卵量也显著下降,但后代雌性比例增大,产卵前期显著缩短;F1和F2代的种群rmλ增大,TDt缩短,且F2代比F1代更为明显.总体来看,甲氰菊酯和阿维菌素亚致死浓度LC20对柑橘全爪螨的影响并不完全相同,甲氰菊酯能够促进当代种群的发展,而阿维菌素对当代种群有一定的抑制作用;但两种杀螨剂亚致死浓度处理柑橘全爪螨对后代种群都有一定的促进作用.研究结果对柑橘全爪螨综合防治策略的制定有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

Starvation of 48 h old fifth instar larvae depressed storage protein titres initially for 48 h but retained the levels comparable to control thereafter, possibly due to nutrients obtained during the 48 h feeding after fourth ecdysis. After an initial decline ligated larvae accumulated maximum storage proteins in haemolymph. This is because of inhibitory juvenile hormone titre at the basal level besides the appropriate release of 20-hydroxyecdysone from the ectopic source(s). Injection of methoprene (10 Μg/larva) repressed accumulation of storage proteins while 20-hydroxyecdysone (10 Μg/larva) increased the same. P-soyatose injection to starved and ligated larvae accelerated storage protein accumulation in haemolymph, signalling nutrient indispensability for initiation of storage protein synthesis at the appropriate time of last instar development inBombyx mori.  相似文献   

The supplementation with 50, 100 and 150μg/mL potassium chloride to the fifth instar larvae of the silkworm Bombyx mori on fat body glycogen, protein, total lipids and haemolymph protein and trehalose were analyzed. The fat body glycogen and protein and haemolymph protein were increased significantly in all the treated groups; whereas fat body total lipids increased only in 100 and 150μg/mL and haemolymph trehalose increased only in 150μg/mL potassium chloride-treated groups when compared with those of the corresponding parameters of the carrier controls.  相似文献   

Silkworm strains resistant to Bombyx mori L. nuclear polyhedrosis virus were obtained through transgenic experiments. piggyBac transposon with an A3 promoter were randomly inserted into the silkworm, driving the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) reporter gene into the silkworm genome. Polymerase chain reaction results verified the insertion of the extraneous EGFP gene, and fluorescence microscopy showed that the EGFP was expressed in the midgut tissue. The morbidity ratio of the nuclear polyhedrosis decreased from 90% in the original silkworm strain to 66.7% in the transgenic silkworm strain. Compared with the resistance to the Bombyx mori L. nuclear polyhedrosis virus in the Qiufeng strain, which is commonly used in the production, there was an increase of 33 centesimal points in the transgenic silkworms. The antivirotic character in the Chunhua x Qiuyue strain, which was bred from a different transgenic family, was about 10 centesimal points higher than that in the Qiufeng x Baiyu, another crossbreed used in production. Our results indicated a good application value of the transposon-inserted mutation in the breeding of anti-BmNPV silkworm strain.  相似文献   

Nucleopolyhedrovirus (NPV) was tested for vertical transmission in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. Fifth instar larvae were exposed to four different dosages of BmNPV (830, 1300, 1800, and 2000OBs/larva) and a dosage of about 2000OBs/larva was found suitable for obtaining infected adults. Histopathological studies revealed the infection in susceptible tissues and organs initially, and at later stages of infection cycles the spermatocytes and nurse cells in the young oocytes were infected in the larval rudiments of testis and ovary, respectively. The mating of infected females with uninfected males resulted in significant reduction in fecundity (P < 0.01) and hatching of eggs (P < 0.001) due to transovarial transmission of BmNPV. Mating tests of uninfected females and infected males also confirmed venereal transmission as there was a significant reduction in hatching of eggs (P < 0.01). Further, among the F1 hybrid offspring (infected female x uninfected male) that were infected transovarially, larval progeny died at first and second instar stages, whereas those infected venereally developed acute lethal infection late and died by the end of third and fourth instar stage. PCR amplification and sequencing of 473bp of immediate early-1 (ie-1) gene of BmNPV isolated from the viral-infected parent and the F1 offspring confirmed that the viral infection is vertically transmitted to the progeny.  相似文献   

Mechanism of fiber formation by the silkworm, Bombyx mori L   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
E Iizuka 《Biorheology》1966,3(3):141-152

《Insect Biochemistry》1990,20(2):99-104
The activity and molecular organization of NAD+ kinase have been studied throughout the life cycle of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. The apparent molecular weights of the enzyme forms revealed by 3–20% polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis were determined to be; I, 138,000; II, 152,000; III, 182,000 and IV, 205,000 daltons. The pattern and relative percentage composition of the molecular forms, as well as the specific activity of NAD+ kinase, were shown to undergo changes in the transition from one developmental phase to another. Form I of the NAD+ kinase is present only at the end of embryogenesis, form II is characteristic of actively growing larvae, form III is present at all developmental stages, except the end of embryogenesis, while form IV appears at the stages when development is provided by endogenic energy resources.  相似文献   

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