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Large-bodied frugivores are essential to the ecological function of rainforest communities. The southern cassowary (Casaurius casuarius johnsonii) is the only large frugivore in the tropical rainforests of Australia. Here, we assessed whether cassowaries remain important to native plant seed dispersal in areas where the rainforest is highly fragmented, and exotic fruits are abundant. To do this, we developed a tri-axial acceleration logger integrated with a motion sensor and VHF radio transmitter. The telemetry device was small enough to be hidden inside a native fruit. The cassowaries ingested it, transported it and defecated it up to 24 h later with the seeds from the fruits they had ingested during the tracking period. The telemetry device was then located by VHF radio and collected with the scat. The distance travelled, activity profile, consumed fruit diversity, and scat energy content were assessed for cassowaries inhabiting regions with different degrees of urbanization. We found that cassowaries inhabiting more urbanized areas consumed the greatest proportion of fruits from exotic plants (~30%) but still incorporated a significant proportion of fruits from native plants in their diet. These individuals existed in higher states of activity and rested less than individuals inhabiting more intact swathes of rainforest, actively moving between urban gardens and the rainforest. The study shows cassowaries have a flexible foraging strategy that has enabled them to persist in rainforest-fragmented landscapes. They remain a significant disperser of seeds from native plants between rainforest patches, and as such, cassowaries remain essential in maintaining native plant diversity within these fragmented patches.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical studies suggest that the distribution of species in space has important implications for the conservation of communities in fragmented landscapes. Facilitation and dispersal are the primary mechanisms responsible for the formation of spatial patterns. Furthermore, disruptions in the formation of patterns arise after degradation, which can serve as an early indicator of stress in plant communities. Spatial dispersal ability and pattern formation were evaluated in 53 linear transects of 500 m in length within 14 fragments of natural vegetation within a matrix of abandoned crop fields in Cabo de Gata National Park, Almería, Spain. Fragments were classified into three size classes (< 300, 300–900, and > 900 ha). Fragment connectivity was quantified using the distances between fragments. Spatial dispersal ability was quantified for the 187 species recorded in the study. Species with restricted dispersal had the highest degree of long‐range spatial autocorrelation and, species that disperse by biotic vectors (e.g. vertebrates), the lowest. In addition, species most susceptible to fragmentation are vertebrate‐dispersed shrubs, which declined in abundance and was associated with loss of spatial organization in the smallest fragments. It is postulated that the positive feedback between abundance of recruitment and vertebrate visits influences the colonization and persistence of vertebrate‐dispersed shrubs, explaining its abundance in large fragments. Indeed, fragments lower than a certain threshold reduced spatial organization not only in shrubs with biotic dispersal, but also in species with abiotic dispersal (mainly wind) and with restricted dispersal. Fragments lower than a certain threshold may be vulnerable to a cascade of species loss because of reduced recruitment, establishment and patch biomass as a result of natural senescence, finally breaking up facilitative plant interactions. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 935–947.  相似文献   

The 5th Symposium on Frugivores and Seed Dispersal, held in Montpellier (France), 13-18 June 2010, brought together more than 220 researchers exemplifying a wide diversity of approaches to the study of frugivory and dispersal of seeds. Following Ted Fleming and Alejandro Estrada's initiative in 1985, this event was a celebration of the 25th anniversary of the first meeting in Veracruz, Mexico. Frugivory and seed dispersal are active research areas that have diversified in multiple directions since 1985 to include evolution (e.g. phylogenetic diversity and dispersal adaptations), physiology (e.g. sensory cues and digestion), landscape ecology (movement patterns), molecular ecology (e.g. gene flow, genetic diversity and structure), community ecology (e.g. mutualistic interaction networks) and conservation biology (effects of hunting, fragmentation, invasion and extinction), among others. This meeting provided an opportunity to assess conceptual and methodological progress, to present ever more sophisticated insights into frugivory in animals and dispersal patterns in plants, and to report the advances made in examining the mechanisms and consequences of seed dispersal for plants and frugivores.  相似文献   

Climate change is a threat to biodiversity, and adaptation measures should be considered in biodiversity conservation planning. Protected areas (PA) are expected to be impacted by climate change and improving their connectivity with biological corridors (BC) has been proposed as a potential adaptation measure, although assessing its effectiveness remains a challenge. In Mesoamerica, efforts to preserve the biodiversity have led to the creation of a regional network of PA and, more recently, BC. This study evaluates the role of BC for facilitating plant dispersal between PA under climate change in Mesoamerica. A spatially explicit dynamic model (cellular automaton) was developed to simulate species dispersal under different climate and conservation policy scenarios. Plant functional types (PFT) were defined based on a range of dispersal rates and vegetation types to represent the diversity of species in the region. The impacts of climate change on PA and the role of BC for dispersal were assessed spatially. Results show that most impacted PA are those with low altitudinal range in hot, dry, or high latitude areas. PA with low altitudinal range in high cool areas benefit the most from corridors. The most important corridors cover larger areas and have high altitude gradients. Only the fastest PFT can keep up with the expected change in climate and benefit from corridors for dispersal. We conclude that the spatial assessment of the vulnerability of PA and the role of corridors in facilitating dispersal can help conservation planning under a changing climate.  相似文献   

Young flying squirrels (Pteromys volans) dispersing in fragmented forests   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dispersal is a key determinant of the population dynamics ofspecies. Thus, a better understanding of how dispersal is affectedby the landscape structure and how animals make decisions aboutmoving across different landscapes is needed. We studied thedispersal of 60 radio-collared juvenile Siberian flying squirrels(Pteromys volans) in southern Finland. The effect of landscapestructure on selected dispersal direction, dispersal distance,and straightness of dispersal path was studied. Flying squirrelswere capable of dispersing over long distances in fragmentedforest landscapes. The patches used as temporary roosting sitesduring dispersal were of a lower quality than were those usedas finally occupied patches. The patches used were larger thanwere patches on average in the study areas. There was a veryclear directional bias in the dispersal path (i.e., it was nearlya straight line), which remained over a large scale, but wide-openareas obstructed the straightness of the path. As the distancesbetween crossed patches increased, short-distance disperserswere found further away from their natal home range. However,there were no differences in the landscape that could explainthe differences between individuals in decisions to remain philopatricor to become short- or long-distance dispersers. In addition,whereas short-distance dispersers dispersed in random directions,long-distance dispersers started to disperse in directions dominatedby preferred habitat. Thus, there were behavioral differencesbetween dispersers. Our results supported the hypotheses statingthat individuals decide to disperse long or short distancesbefore the onset of dispersal.  相似文献   

In the unique faunal assemblage of the Malagasy rain forest, lemurs appear to play particularly important roles as seed-dispersing frugivores. A three-month study of feeding ecology and seed dispersal by four species of lemurs in Madagascar's eastern rain forest found that three species, Eulemur rubriventer, Eulemur fulvus, and Varecia variegata were seed dispersers, and the fourth, Propithecus diadema, was a seed predator. In germination trials, seeds passed by lemurs sprouted significantly faster and in greater numbers than those not passed by lemurs. Analysis of fruit morphologies of 69 local plant taxa producing fleshy fruits during the study period found that these fruits fell into two well-defined color categories that correlated significantly with fruit size. Seventy seven percent of fleshy fruits greater than 10 mm in diameter were colored green, brown, tan, purplish, or black, while all fruits less than 10 mm in diameter were colored red, yellow, orange, pink, blue, or white. Three introduced exotic plant species provided exceptions to this pattern, producing fruits which were larger than 10 mm and pink or orange. Fruits chosen by the primates in this study were usually larger than 10 mm in diameter and were in nearly all cases colored green, brown, tan, purplish, red, or some combination of these colors. Morphological traits shared by fruits of multiple plant taxa in the diets of seed-dispersing lemurs suggest possible coevolved relationships between Malagasy rain forest plants and lemurs.  相似文献   

生境片段化伴随的面积效应和边缘效应, 可改变分散贮食动物的竞争强度、觅食行为以及隐蔽条件, 影响种子捕食和扩散模式。阐明生境片段化对多物种种子捕食和扩散的影响, 对理解片段化生境中的植物更新和生物多样性维持十分重要。该研究在浙江省千岛湖地区的岛屿和大陆上开展了针对6种壳斗科植物的种子捕食和扩散实验, 分析了物种、分散贮食动物相对多度、种子产量、岛屿大小和边缘效应如何共同影响种子命运和种子扩散距离。主要结果: (1)种子命运和扩散距离在物种间存在显著差异; (2)大陆比岛屿有更长的种子留存时间, 小岛种子留存时间最短, 岛屿内部比岛屿边缘有更长的种子留存时间; (3)物种和岛屿大小对种子原地取食率存在交互作用, 白栎(Quercus fabri)种子在大岛上有更高的原地取食率; (4)种子在小岛上有最高的扩散率, 分散贮食动物相对多度对种子扩散后贮藏率有负效应。表明在千岛湖地区, 生境片段化改变了种子捕食和扩散模式, 且面积效应对不同物种的种子捕食和扩散模式产生了不同作用, 从而影响森林群落更新和生物多样性维持。  相似文献   

Hong Kong (22°N) is on the northern margins of the Asian tropics and has a native fig flora of 24 species. A total of 3.4 km2 of the urban area on Hong Kong Island was surveyed for spontaneous and planted fig plants of reproductive size. The 1124 individuals included 14 species in four subgenera: seven native species (F. fistulosa, F. hirta, F. hispida, F. microcarpa, F. pumila, F. subpisocarpa, and F. variegata), four of which were sometimes planted, one probably native (F. virens), one naturalizing species (F. religiosa), and five exotic species that occurred only in cultivation, two of which (F. altissima, F. rumphii) are pollinated and produce viable seeds. The native species in the two most common subgenera form distinct ecological guilds: those in subgenus Sycomorus bear large, many‐seeded, green or yellow figs and are bat‐dispersed pioneers on exposed soil; those in subgenus Urostigma bear small, few‐seeded, dark‐purple figs and are largely bird‐dispersed and epilithic. The density of potentially fruiting fig plants in the study area (2.3/ha) was within the range reported for tropical forests and between them they were visited by the entire urban frugivore fauna. This study shows the importance of the urban fig flora to urban wildlife and also highlights the risk of cultivated Ficus species becoming invasive, despite their obligate species‐specific pollinator mutualisms.  相似文献   

Aim To enhance current attempts to understand biodiversity patterns by using an historical ecology approach to highlight the over‐riding influence of land‐use history in creating past, current and future patterns of biodiversity in fragmented agricultural landscapes. Methods We develop an integrative conceptual framework for understanding spatial and temporal variations in landscape patterns in fragmented agricultural landscapes by presenting five postulates (hypotheses) which highlight the important role of historical, anthropogenic disturbance regimes. We then illustrate each of these postulates with examples drawn from fragmented woodlands in agricultural areas of south‐eastern Australia, and discuss these findings in an international context. Location examples are drawn from agricultural areas in south‐eastern Australia. Results We conclude that there is limited potential to refine our understanding of patterns of biodiversity in human‐modified landscapes based on traditional concepts of island biogeography, or simple assumptions of ongoing destruction and degradation. Instead, we propose that in agricultural landscapes that were largely cleared over a century ago: (1) present‐day remnant vegetation patterns are not accidental, but are logically arrayed due to historic land‐use decisions, (2) historic anthropogenic disturbances have a major influence on current ecosystem conditions and diversity patterns, and (3) the condition of remnant ecosystems is not necessarily deteriorating rapidly. Main conclusions An historical ecology approach can enhance our understanding of why different species and ecosystem states occur where they do, and can explain internal variations in ecological conditions within remnant ecosystems, too often casually attributed to the ‘mess of history’. This framework emphasizes temporal changes (both past and future) in biotic patterns and processes in fragmented agricultural landscapes. Integration of spatially and temporally explicit historical land‐use information into ecological studies can prove extremely useful to test hypotheses of the effects of changes in landscape processes, and to enhance future research, restoration and conservation management activities.  相似文献   

Most climate change predictions omit species interactions and interspecific variation in dispersal. Here, we develop a model of multiple competing species along a warming climatic gradient that includes temperature-dependent competition, differences in niche breadth and interspecific differences in dispersal ability. Competition and dispersal differences decreased diversity and produced so-called 'no-analogue' communities, defined as a novel combination of species that does not currently co-occur. Climate change altered community richness the most when species had narrow niches, when mean community-wide dispersal rates were low and when species differed in dispersal abilities. With high interspecific dispersal variance, the best dispersers tracked climate change, out-competed slower dispersers and caused their extinction. Overall, competition slowed the advance of colonists into newly suitable habitats, creating lags in climate tracking. We predict that climate change will most threaten communities of species that have narrow niches (e.g. tropics), vary in dispersal (most communities) and compete strongly. Current forecasts probably underestimate climate change impacts on biodiversity by neglecting competition and dispersal differences.  相似文献   

Mutualistic interactions repeatedly preserved across fragmented landscapes can scale‐up to form a spatial metanetwork describing the distribution of interactions across patches. We explored the structure of a bird seed‐dispersal (BSD) metanetwork in 16 Neotropical forest fragments to test whether a distinct subset of BSD‐interactions may mediate landscape functional connectivity. The metanetwork is interaction‐rich, modular and poorly connected, showing high beta‐diversity and turnover of species and interactions. Interactions involving large‐sized species were lost in fragments < 10 000 ha, indicating a strong filtering by habitat fragmentation on the functional diversity of BSD‐interactions. Persistent interactions were performed by small‐seeded, fast growing plant species and by generalist, small‐bodied bird species able to cross the fragmented landscape. This reduced subset of interactions forms the metanetwork components persisting to defaunation and fragmentation, and may generate long‐term deficits of carbon storage while delaying forest regeneration at the landscape level.  相似文献   

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