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Process-based modelling of isoprene emission by oak leaves   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
The emission rate of the volatile reactive compound isoprene, emitted predominantly by trees, must be known before the level of photo‐oxidants produced during summer smog can be predicted reliably. The emission is dependent on plant species and local conditions, and these dependencies must be quantified to be included in any empirical algorithm for the calculation of isoprene production. Experimental measurements of isoprene emission rates are expensive, however, and existing data are scarce and fragmentary. To overcome these difficulties, it is promising to develop a numerical model capable of precisely calculating the isoprene emission by trees for diverse ecosystems, even under changing environmental conditions. A basic process‐based biochemical isoprene emission model (BIM) has therefore been developed, which describes the enzymatic reactions in leaf chloroplasts leading to the formation of isoprene under varying environmental conditions (e.g. light intensity, temperature). Concentrations of the precursors of isoprene formation, 3‐phosphoglyceric acid and glyceraldehyde 3‐phosphate, are provided by a published light fleck photosynthesis model. Specific leaf and enzyme parameters were determined for the pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.), so that the BIM is capable of calculating oak‐specific isoprene emission rates as influenced by the leaf temperature and light intensity. High correlation was observed between isoprene emission rates calculated by the BIM and the diurnal isoprene emission rates of leaves measured under controlled environmental conditions. The BIM was even capable of describing changes in isoprene emission caused by midday depression of net photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Effects of environmental conditions on isoprene emission from live oak   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Live-oak plants (Quercus virginiana Mill.) were subjected to various levels of CO2, water stress or photosynthetic photon flux density to test the hypothesis that isoprene biosynthesis occurred only under conditions of restricted CO2 availability. Isoprene emission increases as the ambient CO2 concentration decreased, independent of the amount of time that plants had photosynthesized at ambient CO2 levels. When plants were water-stressed over a 4-d period photosynthesis and leaf conductance decreased 98 and 94%, respectively, while isoprene emissions remained constant. Significant isoprene emissions occurred when plants were saturated with CO2, i.e., below the light compensation level for net photosynthesis (100 mol m-2 s-1). Isoprene emission rates increased with photosynthetic photon flux density and at 25 and 50 mol m-2 s-1 were 7 and 18 times greater than emissions in the dark. These data indicate that isoprene is a normal plant metabolite and not — as has been suggested — formed exclusively in response to restricted CO2 or various stresses.Abbreviation PPFD photosynthetic photon flux density  相似文献   

The effects of high temperature on isoprene synthesis in oak leaves   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Isoprene emission from plants is highly temperature sensitive and is common in forest canopy species that experience rapid leaf temperature fluctuations. Isoprene emission declines with temperature above 35 °C but the temperature at which the decline begins varies between 35 and 44 °C. This variability is caused by the rate at which leaf temperature is increased during measurement with lower temperatures associated with longer measurement cycles. To investigate this we exposed leaves of red oak (Quercus rubra L.) to temperature regimes of 35–45 °C for periods of 20–60 min. Isoprene emission increased during the first 10 min of high temperature exposure and then decreased over the next 10 min until it reached steady state. This phenomenon was common at temperatures above 35 °C but was not noticeable at temperatures below that. The response was reversible within 30 min by lowering leaf temperature to 30 °C. Because there is no storage of isoprene inside the leaf, this behaviour indicates regulation of isoprene synthesis in the leaf. We demonstrated that the variability in isoprene decline results from regulation and explains the variability in the temperature response. This is consistent with our theory that isoprene protects leaves from damage caused by rapid temperature fluctuations.  相似文献   

The combined effects of ozone (O3) and drought on isoprene emission were studied for the first time. Young hybrid poplars (clone 546, Populus deltoides cv. 55/56 x P. deltoides cv. Imperial) were exposed to O3 (charcoal‐filtered air, CF, and non‐filtered air +40 ppb, E‐O3) and soil water stress (well‐watered, WW, and mild drought, MD, one‐third irrigation) for 96 days. Consistent with light‐saturated photosynthesis (Asat), intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) and chlorophyll content, isoprene emission depended on drought, O3, leaf position and sampling time. Drought stimulated emission (+38.4%), and O3 decreased it (?40.4%). Ozone increased the carbon cost per unit of isoprene emission. Ozone and drought effects were stronger in middle leaves (13th–15th from the apex) than in upper leaves (6th–8th). Only Asat showed a significant interaction between O3 and drought. When the responses were up‐scaled to the entire‐plant level, however, drought effects on total leaf area translated into around twice higher emission from WW plants in clean air than in E‐O3. Our results suggest that direct effects on plant emission rates and changes in total leaf area may affect isoprene emission from intensively cultivated hybrid poplar under combined MD and O3 exposure, with important feedbacks for air quality.  相似文献   

Abstract. Isoprene (2-methyl 1, 3-butadiene) is emitted from many plants, especially trees. We tested the effect of growth at high CO2 partial pressure and sun versus shade conditions on the capacity of Quercus rubra L. (red oak) and Populus tremuloides Michx. (quaking aspen) leaves to make isoprene. Oak leaves grown at high CO2 partial pressure (65 Pa) had twice the rate of isoprene emission as leaves grown at 40Pa CO2. However, aspen leaves behaved oppositely, with high CO2-grown leaves having just 60-70% the rate of isoprene emission as leaves grown in 40 Pa CO2. Similar responses were observed from 25 to 35 °C leaf temperature during assay. The stimulation of isoprene emission by growth at high CO2 and the stimulation in high temperature resulted in isoprene emission consuming over 15% of the carbon fixed during photosynthesis in high-CO2 grown oak leaves assayed at 35 °C. Leaves from the south (sunny) sides of trees growing in natural conditions had rates of isoprene emission double those of leaves growing in shaded locations on the same trees. This effect was similar in both aspen and oak. The leaves used for these experiments had significantly different chlorophyll a/b ratios indicating they were functionally sun (from the sunny locations) or shade leaves (from the protected locations). Because the metabolic pathway of isoprene synthesis is unknown, we are unable to speculate about how or why these effects occur. However, these effects are more consistent with metabolic control of isoprene release rather than a metabolic leak of isoprene from metabolism. The results are also important for large scale modelling of isoprene emission and for predicting the effect of future increases in atmospheric CO2 level on isoprene emission from vegetation.  相似文献   

Isoprene emission from leaves is temperature dependent and may protect leaves from damage at high temperatures. We measured the temperature of white oak ( Quercus alba L.) leaves at the top of the canopy. The largest short-term changes in leaf temperature were associated with changes in solar radiation. During these episodes, leaf temperature changed with a 1 min time constant, a measure of the rate of temperature change. We imposed rapid temperature fluctuations on leaves to study the effect of temperature change rate on isoprene emission. Leaf temperature changed with a 16 s time constant; isoprene responded more slowly with a 37 s time constant. This time constant was slow enough to cause a lag in isoprene emission when leaf temperature fluctuated rapidly but isoprene emission changed quickly enough to follow the large temperature changes observed in the oak canopy. This is consistent with the theory that isoprene functions to protect leaves from short periods of high temperature. Time constant analysis also revealed that there are two processes that cause isoprene emission to increase with leaf temperature. The fastest process likely reflects the influence of temperature on reaction kinetics, while the slower process may reflect the activation of an enzyme.  相似文献   

Several recent studies have suggested that control of isoprene emission rate is in part exerted by supply of extrachloroplastic phosphoenolpyruvate to the chloroplast. To test this hypothesis, we altered PEP supply by differential induction of cytosolic nitrate reductase (NR) and PEP carboxylase (PEPC) in plants of Populus deltoides grown with NO3- or NH4+ as the sole nitrogen source. Growth with 8 mM NH4+ produced a high leaf nitrogen concentration, compared with 8 mM NO3-, as well as slightly elevated rates of photosynthesis and significantly enhanced rates of isoprene emission and content of dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP, a precursor to isoprene biosynthesis), chlorophyll (a+b) and carotenoids. Growth with 8 mM NO3- resulted in parallel reductions in both leaf isoprene emission rate and DMAPP. The differential effects of growth with NH4+ or NO3- were not observed when plants were grown with 4 mM nitrogen. The effects of reduced DMAPP availability were specific to isoprene emission and were not propagated to higher isoprenoids, as the correlations between nitrogen content and either leaf chlorophyll (a+b) or total carotenoids were unaffected by nitrogen source. Biochemical analysis revealed significantly higher levels of NR and PEPC activity in leaves of 8 mM NO3- -grown plants, consistent with their fundamental roles in nitrate assimilation. Taken together, these results support the hypothesis that foliar assimilation of NO3- reduces isoprene emission rate by competing for carbon skeletons (mediated by PEPC) within the cytosol and possibly reductant within the chloroplast. Cytosolic competition for PEP is a major regulator of chloroplast DMAPP supply, and we offer a new "safety valve" hypothesis to explain why plants emit isoprene.  相似文献   

The hydrocarbon isoprene is emitted in large quantities from numerous plant species, and has a substantial impact on atmospheric chemistry. Temperature affects isoprene emission at several levels: the temperature at which emission is measured, the temperature at which leaves develop, and the temperatures to which a mature leaf is exposed in the days prior to emission measurement. The molecular regulation of the response to the last of these factors was investigated in this study. When plants were grown at 20 degrees C and moved from 20 to 30 degrees C and back, or grown at 30 degrees C and moved from 30 to 20 degrees C and back, their isoprene emission peaked within 3 h of the move and stabilized over the following 3 d. Trees that developed at 20 degrees C and experienced 30 degrees C episodes had higher isoprene emission capacities than did leaves grown exclusively at 20 degrees C, even 2 weeks after the last 30 degrees C episode. The levels and extractable activities of isoprene synthase protein, which catalyses the synthesis of isoprene, and those of dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMADP), its substrate, alone could not explain observed variations in isoprene emission. Therefore, we conclude that control of isoprene emission in mature leaves is shared between isoprene synthase protein and DMADP supply.  相似文献   

Plant isoprene emissions have been linked to several reaction pathways involved in atmospheric photochemistry. Evidence exists from a limited set of past observations that isoprene emission rate (Is) decreases as a function of increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration, and that increased temperature suppresses the CO2 effect. We studied interactions between intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) and temperature as they affect Is in field‐grown hybrid poplar trees in one of the warmest climates on earth – the Sonoran Desert of the southwestern United States. We observed an unexpected midsummer downregulation of Is despite the persistence of relatively high temperatures. High temperature suppression of the Is:Ci relation occurred at all times during the growing season, but sensitivity of Is to increased Ci was greatest during the midsummer period when Is was lowest. We interpret the seasonal downregulation of Is and increased sensitivity of Is to Ci as being caused by weather changes associated with the onset of a regional monsoon system. Our observations on the temperature suppression of the Is:Ci relation are best explained by the existence of a small pool of chloroplastic inorganic phosphate, balanced by several large, connected metabolic fluxes, which together, determine the Ci and temperature dependencies of phosphoenolpyruvate import into the chloroplast.  相似文献   

In past studies, it was hypothesized that reductions in chloroplast isoprene emissions at high atmospheric CO(2) concentrations were caused by competition between cytosolic and mitochondrial processes for the same substrate, possibly phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP). We conducted field and laboratory experiments using leaves of white poplar (Populus alba L.) to identify whether an inverse relationship occurs between the dark respiration rate (a mitochondrial process) and the isoprene emission rate. Field experiments that were carried out in a free-air CO(2)-enriched (FACE) facility showed no clear effect of elevated CO(2) on either isoprene emission rate or respiration rate by leaves. In young, not yet fully expanded leaves, low isoprene emission and high dark respiration rates were measured in both ambient and elevated CO(2). In these leaves, isoprene emission was inversely correlated with dark respiration. It is possible to interpret from these results that, in young leaves, high rates of growth respiration compete with isoprene biosynthesis for the same substrate. However, it is also possible that the negative correlation reflects the contrasting reductions in growth respiration and increases in expression of the enzyme isoprene synthase at this final stage of leaf maturation. In contrast to our observations on young leaves, respiration rate and isoprene emission rate were positively correlated in older, fully expanded leaves (8 and 11 from apex). A positive correlation was also found between respiration rate and isoprene emission rate when these parameters were modulated using different ozone exposure, growth light intensity, growth temperature and exposure to different leaf temperatures in laboratory experiments. These data show that competition for substrate between isoprene biosynthesis and leaf respiration does not determine the rate of isoprene emission in most circumstances that affect both processes. A negative correlation was observed across all experiments between isoprene emission rate and the activity of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPc), a cytosolic enzyme that competes with isoprene biosynthesis for substrate. The cytosolic metabolite, PEP, occurs at a metabolic branch point from which substrate flows into three processes: (1) the production of pyruvate for mitochondrial respiration, (2) the production of oxaloacetate (OAA) by PEPc for anabolic support of mitochondrial respiration and (3) transport into the chloroplast to support chloroplastic demands for pyruvate, including isoprenoid biosynthesis. The results of our observations suggest that only the second process competes for substrate with isoprenoid synthesis, while the partitioning of PEP between mitochondrial respiration and chloroplast isoprenoid biosynthesis is controlled in a way that retains balance in substrate demand.  相似文献   

Isoprene emission from plants accounts for nearly half of all non‐methane hydrocarbons entering the atmosphere. Light and temperature regulate the instantaneous rate of isoprene emission but there is increasing evidence that they also affect the capacity for isoprene emission (i.e. the rate measured under standard conditions). We tested the rate of acclimation of the capacity for isoprene emission following step changes in growth conditions. Acclimation to new growth temperatures was very rapid, with most of the change occurring within a few hours and complete adjustment occurring within a day. Acclimation to new light levels was more complicated. Following a switch from low‐light growth conditions to standard assay conditions (30 °C and 1000 µmol photons m?2 s?1), there was a rapid (5–10 min) and a slightly slower (10–50 min) acclimation of the capacity for isoprene emission. After accounting for these short‐term changes, there was also a small, long‐term (4–6 d) acclimation of the isoprene emission capacity to the light level of growth conditions. We found no effect of growth conditions on the coefficients used to describe the instantaneous light and temperature response of isoprene emission. Therefore, current models of isoprene emission will only need to be altered to account for changes in the capacity for isoprene emission.  相似文献   

Isoprene is the primary biogenic hydrocarbon emitted from temperate deciduous forest ecosystems. The effects of varying photon flux density (PFD) and nitrogen growth regimes on rates of isoprene emission and net photosynthesis in potted aspen and white oak trees are reported. In both aspen and oak trees, whether rates were expressed on a leaf area or dry mass basis, (1) growth at higher PFD resulted in significantly higher rates of isoprene emission, than growth at lower PFD, (2) there is a significant positive relationship between isoprene emission rate and leaf nitrogen concentration in both sun and shade trees, and (3) there is a significant positive correlation between isoprene emission rate and photosynthetic rate in both sun and shade trees. The greater capacity for isoprene emission in sun leaves was due to both higher leaf mass per unit area and differences in the biochemical and/or physiological properties that influence isoprene emission. Positive correlations between isoprene emission rate and leaf nitrogen concentration support the existence of mechanisms that link leaf nitrogen status to isoprene synthase activity. Positive correlations between isoprene emission rate and photosynthesis rate support previous hypotheses that isoprene emission plays a role in protecting photosynthetic mechanisms during stress.  相似文献   

Biochemical regulation of isoprene emission   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
Isoprene (C5H8) is emitted from many plants and has a substantial effect on atmospheric chemistry. There are several models to estimate the rate of isoprene emission used to calculate the impact of isoprene on atmospheric processes. The rate of isoprene synthesis will depend either on the activity of isoprene synthase or the availability of its substrate dimethylallyl pyrophosphate (DMAPP). To investigate long‐term regulation of isoprene synthesis, the isoprene emission rate of 15 kudzu leaves was measured. The chloroplast DMAPP level of the five leaves with the highest emission rates and the five leaves with the lowest rates were determined by non‐aqueous fractionation of the bulked leaf samples. Leaves with high basal emission rates had low levels of DMAPP whereas leaves with low basal emission rates had high DMAPP levels in their chloroplasts indicating that the activity of isoprene synthase exerts primary control over the basal emission rate. To investigate short‐term regulation, isoprene precursors were fed to leaves. Feeding dideuterated deoxyxylulose (DOX‐d2) to Eucalyptus leaves resulted in the emission of dideuterated isoprene. Results from DOX‐d2 feeding experiments indicated that control of isoprene emission rate was shared between reactions upstream and downstream of the DOX entry into isoprene metabolism. In CO2‐free air DOX always increased isoprene emission indicating that carbon availability was an important control factor. In N2, isoprene emission stopped and could not be recovered by adding DOX‐d2. Taken together, these results indicate that the regulation of isoprene emission is shared among several steps and the relative importance of the different steps in controlling isoprene emission varies with conditions.  相似文献   

Isoprene is emitted from the leaves of many plants in a light‐dependent and temperature‐sensitive manner. Plants lose a large fraction of photo‐assimilated carbon as isoprene but may benefit from improved recovery of photosynthesis following high‐temperature episodes. The capacity for isoprene emission of plants in natural conditions (assessed as the rate of isoprene emission under standard conditions) varies with weather. Temperature‐controlled greenhouses were used to study the role of temperature and light in influencing the capacity of oak leaves for isoprene synthesis. A comparison was made between the capacity for isoprene emission and the accumulation of other compounds suggested to increase thermotolerance of photosynthesis under two growth temperatures and two growth light intensities. It was found that the capacity for isoprene emission was increased by high temperature or high light. Xanthophyll cycle intermediates increased in high light, but not in high temperature, and the chloroplast small heat‐shock protein was not expressed in any of the growth conditions. Thus, of the three thermotolerance‐enhancing compounds studied, isoprene was the only one induced by the temperature used in this study.  相似文献   

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