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Biochemical, serological and molecular properties of a group of 14 Vibrio ordalii strains isolated from cultured Atlantic salmon Salmo salar in Chile in recent years were studied. The characteristics of isolates were compared with the type strain V. ordalii ATCC 33509T. The Chilean V. ordalii represented a biochemically homogenous group; however, some minor differences with the type strain were observed. The serological relationships among isolates, as well as the study of their antigenic determinant (LPS) revealed a strong reaction with antisera raised against Atlantic salmon strains and the antiserum raised against Listonella anguillarum serotype O2. However, LPS electrophoretic patterns were completely different from the V. ordalii type strain, regardless of the serum employed, suggesting the possibility that the Chilean strains constitute a new serological subgroup within this bacterial species. Genetic analyses by PFGE, RAPD, REP-PCR and ERIC-PCR demonstrated that all V. ordalii strains were genetically homogenous, displaying similar DNA patterns, regardless of the techniques used. Moreover, the analysis of DNA banding patterns generated by ERIC-PCR and REP-PCR also clearly separated the type strain from the Chilean strains. This is the first report of characterization of V. ordalii strains from the Southeastern Pacific area, the results of which should facilitate the development of vaccines for protecting cultured Atlantic salmon against vibriosis in this area.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. parr and pre-smolts from 2 Norwegian hatcheries showed reduced weight gain, abnormal behaviour and signs of circulatory disturbances. Necropsy revealed conspicuous fat deposits around the heart to be the most consistent finding. Furthermore, the ventricle/atrium ratio was altered, with the size of the ventricle significantly smaller than normal in affected fish. Histology showed poor development or absence of the outer, compact myocardium, large numbers of fat cells and melanomacrophages in the epicardium, fibrosis, and inflammation of the compactum/spongiosum interphase. Nuclei of the inner spongious myocardium showed signs of compensatory hypertrophy. The cause(s) of this malformation is(are) unknown, but a high prevalence of other malformations in fish from the same population indicates high temperature during incubation of the eggs as a possible aetiology.  相似文献   

Differences in sperm metabolism and morphology between wild and non‐local farmed Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were assessed by measuring metabolic enzyme activities and length of sperm flagella. No differences were observed between wild and farmed S. salar sperm with regards to cell counts or any of the biochemical variables assessed. Flagella of sperm cells were significantly longer in wild than farmed S. salar; however, this did not result in higher energy levels or different fertilization rates.  相似文献   

Cranial nodules are described from Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar fry hatched from certain egg batches. Conspicuous, smooth, mostly unilateral nodules were recorded on the cranium. Histologically, the cerebellum appeared normal, but was displaced dorsally. Karyorhectic malpighian cells were absent from the epidermis and the meninges appeared normal. There was no apparent contact of the cerebellum with the water, or evidence of fungal, bacterial or parasitic infection. Mortality of up to 15% as recorded. The aetiology of this condition is currently unknown.  相似文献   

Cataracts in farmed Atlantic salmon have been known for many years, but the aetiology and importance of the disease have not been clarified. A cross-sectional field study of 51 cages of Atlantic salmon at 49 randomly selected sea sites was performed during the summer of 1998. The target population was spring and autumn entry groups of the 1997 generation salmon. Approximately 15 fish from each cage, altogether 777 fish, were autopsied by the same person. Each eye of the fish was scored for cataracts on a scale from 0 to 4 using an otoscope lamp with magnification. The weight and length of each fish were measured. The prevalence of cataracts was 83 % and 79% in spring entry groups and autumn entry groups, respectively. The overall mean cataract index (mean score of both eyes) was 1.23, being significantly higher in the spring entry groups (1.36) than the autumn entry groups (0.85). The final results in the spring entry groups showed that the fish groups with higher weight at sea transfer also had a higher cataract index at inspection. The risk of development of cataracts varied significantly among the offspring from the 5 strains represented in the study. Fish from sites located in 2 counties in the southern part of Norway had a significantly higher cataract index than fish farmed in the northernmost county in the study. For the autumn entry groups none of the explanatory variables was significant. In the spring entry groups a significant negative relationship was observed between the cataract score and the weight of the fish at the time of inspection (Pearson's r = -0.17), while the corresponding correlation for the autumn released groups was r = -0.10. Among the spring entry groups the average weight of the fish with the highest cataract score was estimated to about a third of the weight of the fish with no visible cataracts.  相似文献   



Several forms of progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) segregate in more than 100 breeds of dog with each PRA segregating in one or a few breeds. This breed specificity may be accounted for by founder effects and genetic drift, which have reduced the genetic heterogeneity of each breed, thereby facilitating the identification of causal mutations. We report here a new form of PRA segregating in the Border Collie breed. The clinical signs, including the loss of night vision and a progressive loss of day vision, resulting in complete blindness, occur at the age of three to four years and may be detected earlier through systematic ocular fundus examination and electroretinography (ERG).  相似文献   

A rickettsia-like organism (RLO) was observed in farmed Atlantic salmon Salmo salar located in south-east Tasmania, Australia. Several assays such as immunoperoxidase, immunoelectron microscopy, polymerase chain reaction and nucleic acid sequencing, as well as phylogenetic analysis of rDNA sequences, were performed on infected fish tissues. Immunohistochemistry results suggested the presence of related antigenic determinants between the Tasmanian RLO and the type strain LF-89 of Piscirickettsia salmonis. However, sequence alignment demonstrated that the Tasmanian RLO contains a 19 bp deletion at the 3'-end of the internal transcribed spacer region of the rDNA operon, indicating a genetic divergence from P. salmonis isolates, which are exotic to Australia.  相似文献   

Proliferative gill inflammation (PGI) is an important cause of loss in seawater-farmed Atlantic salmon in Norway. Several microbes have been associated with PGI, including the commonly but not exclusively observed inclusions (epitheliocysts) within the gill lamellae related to infection with 'Candidatus Piscichlamydia salmonis'. Atlantic salmon transferred in the spring of 2004 to 12 seawater farms situated in mid- and southwest Norway were sampled throughout that year. Outbreaks of PGI, as evaluated by clinical examination, histology, and mortality data, were diagnosed in 6 of 7 farms in southwest Norway but not in the 5 farms studied in mid-Norway. Generally, mortality started 3 to 5 mo after seawater transfer and outbreaks lasted at least 1 to 3 mo. 'Ca. P. salmonis' was detected by real-time PCR only in fish from PGI-affected farms and our results indicate an association between 'Ca. P. salmonis' load and PGI severity. Likewise, although widely distributed in all 12 farms studied, epitheliocyst prevalence and number per fish as observed by histology appears associated with PGI prevalence and severity. However, the occurrence of epitheliocysts showed no association with molecular detection of 'Ca. P. salmonis', suggesting that at least 1 other organism is responsible for many of the observed inclusions. A microsporidian, Desmozoon lepeophtherii, was identified at high prevalence regardless of fish and farm PGI status, but at higher loads in fish with PGI. Our results support a multifactorial etiology for PGI in which 'Ca. P. salmonis', an unidentified epitheliocyst agent, and the microsporidian are contributing causes. No evidence for the involvement of Atlantic salmon paramyxovirus in PGI development was identified in the present study. High water temperatures and ectoparasites probably exacerbated mortality.  相似文献   

Excavation of stranded redds revealed differences in spawning behaviour between farmed and wild Atlantic salmon. The redd of a farmed fish contained more egg pockets (nine v . average of two) and fewer eggs per pocket (averages: 459 v . 707). No other pocket measures differed.  相似文献   

Migratory behaviour at spawning of wild and newly-escaped farmed Atlantic salmon was analysed by radio telemetry in the River Alta, North Norway. Spawning areas were located by aerial surveys. Farmed females moved significantly more than wild females ( P <0.01). There was no such difference between the two groups of males. About 83% of the wild fish stayed within identified spawning areas for 1 day or longer. The corresponding figure for farmed salmon was only 43% ( P <0.05). Wild salmon stayed 8.1 days inside spawning areas and farmed salmon 5.2 days. The present results suggest that escaped farmed salmon had reduced spawning success compared with wild fish.  相似文献   

The normal shape of the salmonid ventricle is a triangular pyramid with the apex pointing caudoventrally. A strong positive correlation has been established between this shape and optimum cardiac output and function. Domesticated salmonids appear to have developed a more rounded ventricle with misaligned bulbus arteriosus. Several reports from fish health veterinarians indicate that fish with abnormal heart morphology have a high mortality rate during stress-inducing situations like grading, transportation and bath treatments. The present paper compares and describes the ventricle morphology of wild vs. farmed Atlantic salmon, and wild steelhead (anadromous rainbow trout) vs. farmed rainbow trout. Several parameters were measured to provide numerical measurement of the differences in shape, i.e. height:width ratio and the angle between the longitudinal ventricular axis and the axis of the bulbus arteriosus. We conclude that the hearts of farmed fish are rounder than those in corresponding wild fish, and that the angle between the ventricular axis and the axis of the bulbus arteriosus is more acute in wild fish than in their farmed counterparts. Further studies are necessary to reveal the prevalence, functional significance and possible causes of these abnormal hearts.  相似文献   

Blood samples from healthy adult Atlantic salmon fed an optimal diet in net sea pens were collected at intervals from October to May. Haematological determinations and biochemical serum analyses were carried out on 20 fish in each of seven samples. The ranges of haemato-logical values for sample means were: haematocrit 44–49%, haemoglobin 8.9–10.4 g 100ml−1, red blood cell count 0.85–1.10 × 1012 l−1, MCV 441–553 × 10−15 1, MCH 94–106 × 10−6 g, MCHC 19.4–21.7 g 100ml−1 and leucocrit 0.43–0.96%. The ranges of enzyme activities in serum, for sample means, were: alkaline phosphatase 647–988Ul−1, aspartate aminotrans-ferase 202–351 Ul−1 and alanine aminotransferase 4–8 Ul−1. The ranges of the other parameters analyzed in serum were: total protein 41.6–56.6 gl−1, albumin 18.3–24.3 gl−1, albumin/total protein ratio 39.3–44.0%, creatinine 26–46 μmol, triglycerides 2.53–4.98 μmol and cholesterol 9.3–12.8 μmol. These values are considered to be the normal ranges in healthy fish. Variations due to seasonal changes, and the clinical significance of the selected parameters, are discussed. Data showing the reproducibility of the biochemical analyses in serum are presented.  相似文献   

A computerised database containing information on over 17.8 million salmon contained within 49 separate marine populations was used to study the epidemiology of pancreas disease (PD) in Ireland. Of the 43 recorded PD outbreaks, 57% occurred in the 3 mo period August to October inclusive (17 to 32 wk post-transfer). Analysis of variance of mortality rates during PD outbreaks occurring on 6 marine sites over a 5 yr period showed that mortality rates vary significantly between sites (p < 0.001) but not between years over this time period. The mortality rate during PD outbreaks ranged from 0.1 to 63%. Mortality rates were significantly higher when PD outbreaks occurred earlier in the year (y = -1.28x + 59, SE of b 0.33). The mean length of a PD outbreak was 112 d (SE = 7.7, n = 37). There was no correlation between PD mortality rate and smolt input weight, initial stocking density and transfer mortality.  相似文献   

A paramyxovirus has been isolated from Atlantic salmon Salmo salar suffering from epitheliocystis. This virus does not cause any mortality when used to challenge disease-free salmon, but has been associated with 2 cases of mortality in salmon farms in Norway. Atlantic salmon paramyxovirus (ASPV) has been suggested as a name for the virus. The ASP virus is a slow-growing virus in cell cultures (rainbow trout gill cells: RTgill-W1). Little is known about its importance and its phylogenetic position is uncertain. Hence, the need for a fast and sensitive diagnostic method for studying the prevalence of this virus in salmon farms and for more basic knowledge about its identity were the motivation for this study. A partial nucleotide sequence (816 bp) from the large protein (L protein) gene of the ASP virus has been sequenced from 2 different isolates. The putative amino acid sequence has been compared with the L protein of other paramyxoviruses. This sequence gives strong support to a relationship between the ASP virus and members of the subfamily Paramyxovirinae, genus Respirovirus.  相似文献   

The microsporidian Paranucleospora theridion was discovered in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar suffering from proliferative gill disease in a marine farm in western Norway in 2008. The parasite develops in cells of the reticuloendothelial system, cells important for normal immune function. The aim of this study was to see if P. theridion could play a part in some of the diseases with unclear causes in salmon production in Norway, i.e. proliferative gill disease (PGI), pancreas disease (PD), heart and skeletal muscle inflammation (HSMI) and cardiomyopathy syndrome (CMS). P. theridion was present in all areas with salmon farming in Norway, but high prevalence and densities of the parasite in salmon and salmon lice were only seen in southern Norway. This region is also the main area for PGI and PD in Norway. Quantification of pathogens associated with PGI, PD, HSMI and CMS diagnoses showed that P. theridion levels are high in southern Norway, and may therefore play a role in susceptibility and disease development. However, among the different diagnoses, fish with PGI are particularly heavily infected with P. theridion. Therefore, P. theridion appears as a possible primary agent in cases with high mortality in connection with PGI in western Norway.  相似文献   

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