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The characteristics of folate binding by brush border membranes from rat kidney homogenates were investigated. At pH 7.4, binding of [3′, 5′, 9-3H]-pteroylglutamic acid to membranes containing endogenous folate is inhibited by anions, with chloride being most effective followed by bromide, thiocyanate, iodide, phosphate and sulfate. A maximum inhibition of 70–75% is attained at a concentration of 0.1 M chloride and an incubation time of 30 min. The inhibition diminishes with increased incubation time and at 24 h is negligible. The binding of [3′,5′,9-3H]pteroylglutamic acid to brush border membranes stripped of endogenous folate by acid treatment is not inhibited by anions. Anion sensitivity can be restored to these treated membranes by reconstitution with membrane-derived folate, particularly 5-methyltetrahydropteroylglutamic acid, or by preincubation with synthetic 5-methyltetrahydropteroylglutamic acid. Inhibition of [3′,5′,9-3H]pteroylglutamic acid binding by anions in membranes with endogenous folate is best explained by an anion-induced stabilization of endogenous folate-binding protein complex resulting in a decreased rate of exchange with exogenous [3′,5′,9-3H]pteroylglutamic acid.  相似文献   

Summary Static polarization and differential polarized phase fluorimetry studies on rat renal cortical brush border (BBM) and basolateral membranes (BLM) were undertaken to determine the membrane components responsible for differences in BBM and BLM fluidity, whether these differences were due to the order or dynamic components of membrane fluidity and if a fluidity gradient existed within the bilayer. Surface membrane proteins rigidified both BBM and BLM fluidity. Neutral lipid extraction, on the other hand, caused a larger decrease in BBM than BLM fluorescence polarization (0.104vs. 0.60,P<0.01) using diphenyl hexatriene (DPH). Cholesterol addition to phospholipid fractions restored membrane fluidity to total lipid values in both BBM and BLM phospholipids. The response to cholesterol in the BBM was biphasic, while the BLM response was linear. Lateral mobility, quantitated using dipyrenylpropane, was similar in both BBM and BLM fractions at 35°C. BBM and BLM differed primarily in the order component of membrane fluidity as DPH-limiting anisotropy (r ) (0.212vs. 0.154,P<0.01) differed markedly between the two membrane fractions. The two membrane components also differed with respect to 2 and 12-anthroyloxy stearate (2-AS, 12-AS) probes, indicating a difference in the dynamic component of membrane fluidity may also be present. DPH and 12-As probes were also used to quantitate inner core membrane fluidity and showed the BBM was less fluid than the BLM for intact membranes, total lipid extracts and phospholipids. Results obtained using the surface membrane probes trimethylammonium-DPH (TMA-DPH) and 2-AS suggested a fluidity gradient existed in both BBM and BLM bilayers with the inner core being more fluid in both membranes. These data indicate cholesterol is in large part responsible for fluidity differences between BBM and BLM and that these membranes, while clearly differing in the order component of membrane fluidity, may also difer in the dynamic component as well.  相似文献   

The uptake of selenite, selenate and selenomethionine (SeMet) was performed with brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV) prepared from rats fed selenium-deficient and supplemented diets. At equilibrium (60 min), the uptake of 75Se from [75Se]selenite ranged from 16.5 to 18.9 nmol mg-1 protein. There was a curvilinear relationship in the uptake of selenite over a concentration range of 10–1000 m. About 2 nmol mg-1 protein was obtained with selenomethionine (SeMet) which occurred between 90 and 180 s. In contrast to selenite, there was a linear relationship in the initial uptake of SeMet over a concentration range of 10–1000 m. The uptake of selenate was approximately 50-fold lower than selenite, reaching 350 pmol mg-1 protein. Dietary selenium level had no effect on the rate of 75Se accumulation by BBMV. Dramatic differences are found in the uptake and binding of selenium by BBMV incubated with different selenocompounds.  相似文献   

A procedure for preparing highly purified brush border membranes from rabbit kidney cortex using differential and density gradient centrifugation is described. Brush border membranes prepared by this procedure were substantially free of basal-lateral membranes, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum and nuclear material as evidenced by an enrichment factor of less than 0.3 for (Na+ + K+)-ATPase, succinate dehydrogenase, NADPH-cytochrome c reductase and DNA. Alkaline phosphatase was enriched ten fold indicating that the membranes were enriched at least 30 fold with respect to other cellular organelles. The yield of brush border membranes was 20%.Transport of d-glucose by the membranes was identical to that previously reported except that the Arrhenius plot for temperature dependence of transport was curvilinear (EA = 11.3–37.6 kcal/mol) rather than biphasic. Transport of p-aminohippuric acid and uric acid were increased by the presence of NaCl, either gradient or preequilibrated. However, no overshoot was obtained in the presence of a NaCl gradient, and KCl and LiCl also produced equivalent stimulation of transport suggesting a nonspecific ionic strength effect. Uptakes of p-aminohippuric acid and uric acid were not saturable, and were increased markedly by reducing the pH from 7.5 to 5.6. Probenecid (1 mM) reduced p-aminohippuric acid and uric acid (50 μM) uptake by 49% and 21%, respectively. We conclude that the uptake of uric acid and p-aminohippuric acid by renal brush border membranes of the rabbit occurs primarily by a simple solubility-diffusion mechanism.  相似文献   

A new phlorizin derivative (2′-O-(β-d-glucopyranosyl)-4-azidophloretin, 4-azidophlorizin) has been synthesized and its affinity for the d-glucose, Na+ co-transport system in brush border vesicles from intestinal and renal membranes has been compared with that of phlorizin. The extent of the reversible interaction of the ligand with the transporter in dim light has been evaluated from three separate measurements: (1) Ki, the constant for fully-competitive inhibition of (Na+, Δψ)-dependent d-glucose uptake, (2) Kd, the dissociation constant of 4-azido[3H]phlorizin binding in the presence of an NaSCN inward gradient, and (3) Ki, the constant for fully-competitive inhibition of the specific ((Na+, Δψ)-dependent, d-glucose protectable) high-affinity [3H]phlorizin binding. In experiments with vesicles derived from rat kidney, all three constants (Ki, Kd and Ki) were essentially equal and ranged between 3.2 and 5.2 μM, that is, the azide derivative has almost the same affinity for this transporter as phlorizin itself. On the other hand, compared to phlorizin, the 4-azidophlorizin has a lower affinity for the transporter in vesicles prepared from rabbit; its Ki values are some 15–20-times larger than those determined with rat membranes. However, the affinity of the azide for the sugar transporter in membranes from either the intestine or kidney of the same animal species (rabbit or rat) was essentially the same. In spite of the lower affinity for the transporter in either membrane system from the rabbit, results described elsewhere (Hosang, M., Gibbs, E.M., Diedrich, D.F. and Semenza, G. (1981) FEBS Lett., 130, 244–248) indicate that 4-azidophlorizin is an effective photoaffinity label in this species also. Photolysis of the azide yields a reactive intermediate which reacts with a 72 kDa protein in rabbit intestine brush borders. Covalent labeling of this protein occurred under conditions which suggests that it is (a component of) the glucose transporter.  相似文献   

Lactoperoxidase and glucose oxidase catalyzed 125I-iodination was used to specifically label isolated rat renal brush border membrane vesicles from either side of the membrane. Autoradiography of total membrane proteins demonstrated that asymmetric labeling was achieved. Specific immunoprecipitates of aminopeptidase M, an established transmembrane protein, and of γ-glutamyltransferase were isolated from vesicles solubilized with Triton X-100 or with papain. Following electrophoresis and autoradiography, the immunoprecipitates of the two solubilized forms of each enzyme derived from externally labeled vesicles exhibited the same intensity of labeling. In these experiments, the small subunit of the γ-glutamyltransferase was preferentially labeled suggesting that, compared to the large subunit, it is more exposed on the external surface of the membrane. With the samples derived from internally labeled vesicles, the Triton-solubilized form of each enzyme was intensely labeled, whereas the papain-solubilized forms contained insignificant amounts of radioactivity. Thus, the extent of contramembrane labeling was minimal. In these experiments, the large subunit of the γ-glutamyltransferase was preferentially labeled. The similarity of the labeling patterns obtained for aminopeptidase M and γ-glutamyltransferase suggests that the hydrophobic domain of the two amphipathic enzymes are selectively labeled from the internal surface and that the γ-glutamyltransferase may also be a transmembrane protein.  相似文献   

The capacity of cholera toxin (CT) and type I heat-labile enterotoxin produced by Escherichia coli isolated from human intestine (LTh) to interact with glycoconjugates bearing ABH blood group determinants from rabbit intestinal brush border membranes (BBM) was studied. On the basis of the type of intestinal compounds related to the human ABH blood group antigens, rabbits were classified as AB or H. Toxin binding to the intestinal glycolipids and glycoproteins depends on the blood group determinant borne by the glycoconjugate and on the analyzed toxin. LTh was capable of interacting preferentially with several blood group A- and B-active BBM glycolipids compared to those isolated from animals lacking these antigens (H rabbits). Also, LTh preferably bound to several BBM glycoproteins from AB rabbit intestines compared to those from H ones. One of these glycoproteins, the sucrase-isomaltase complex (EC isolated from AB and H rabbits showed the same differential LTh binding. Conversely, CT practically did not recognize either blood group A-, B-, or H-active glycolipids and glycoproteins. These results may be relevant for carrying out in vivo experiments in rabbits in order to disclose the role of ABH active-glycoconjugates in the secretory response induced by LTh in rabbit intestine.  相似文献   

The uptake of glycine in rabbit renal brush border membrane vesicles was shown to consist of glycine transport into an intravesicular space. An Na+ electrochemical gradient (extravesicular>intravesicular) stimulated the initial rate of glycine uptake and effected a transient accumulation of intravesicular glycine above the steady-state value. This stimulation could not be induced by the imposition of a K+, Li+ or choline+ gradient and was enhanced as extravesicular Na+ was increased from 10 mM to 100 mM. Dissipation of the Na+ gradient by the ionophore gramicidin D resulted in diminished Na+-stimulated glycine uptake. Na+-stimulated uptake of glycine was electrogenic. Substrate-velocity analysis of Na+-dependent glycine uptake over the range of amino acid concentrations from 25 μM to 10 mM demonstrated a single saturable transport system with apparent Km = 996 μM and Vmax = 348 pmol glycine/mg protein per min. Inhibition observed when the Na+-dependent uptake of 25 μM glycine was inhibited by 5 mM extravesicular test amino acid segregated dibasic amino acids, which did not inhibit glycine uptake, from all other amino acid groups. The amino acids d-alanine, d-glutamic acid, and d-proline inhibited similarly to their l counterparts. Accelerative exchange of extravesicular [3H]glycine was demonstrated when brush border vesicles were preloaded with glycine, but not when they were preloaded with l-alanine, l-glutamic acid, or with l-proline. It is concluded that a single transport system exists at the level of the rabbit renal brush border membrane that functions to reabsorb glycine independently from other groups of amino acids.  相似文献   

Receptor sites for insulin on GH3 cells were characterized. Uptake of 125I-labeled insulin by the cells was dependent upon time and temperature, with apparent steady-states reached by 120, 20 and 10 min at 4, 23 and 37°C, respectively. The binding sites were sensitive to trypsin, suggesting that the receptors contain protein. Insulin competed with 125I-labeled insulin for binding sites, with half-maximal competition observed at 5 nM insulin. Neither adrenocorticotropic hormone nor growth hormone competed for 125I-labeled insulin binding sites. 125I-labeled insulin binding was reversible, and saturable with respect to hormone concentration. 125I-labeled insulin was degraded at both 4 and 37°C by GH3 cells, but not by medium conditioned by these cells. After a 5 min incubation at 37°C, products of 125I-labeled insulin degradation could be recovered from the cells but were not detected extracellularly. Extending the time of incubation resulted in the recovery of fragments of 125I-labeled insulin from both cells and the medium. Native insulin inhibited most of the degradation of 125I-labeled insulin suggesting that degradation resulted, in part, from a saturable process. At steady-state, degradation products of 125I-labeled insulin, as well as intact hormone, were recovered from GH3 cells. After 30 min incubation at 37°C, 80% of the cell-bound radioactivity was not extractable from GH3 cells with acetic acid.  相似文献   

The relatively low susceptibility ofHelicoverpa armigera to CrylAc, its history of resistance to chemical insecticides and the seasonal decline in expression of CrylAc in transgenic cotton necessitated the development of cotton expressing two insecticidal proteins to provide sustainable control of this multinational pest. To manage the resistance issue, it was essential that the second insecticidal protein have a significantly different mode of action to CrylAc. A common feature of resistance to CrylA proteins in several species as well as H. armigera has been a change in the binding site. A study of binding sites for some Cry proteins in the brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV) ofH. armigera and Helicoverpa punctigera was undertaken. The binding affinity for CrylAc was higher than for CrylAb, matching their relative toxicities, and CrylAc and CrylAb were found to share at least one binding site in both I-1. armigera and I-1. punctigera. However Cry2Aa did not compete with CrylAc for binding and so could be used in transgenic cotton in combination with CrylAc to control H. armigera and manage resistance. Variation in the susceptibilities of three different H. armigera strains to CrylAc correlated with the parameter Bmax/Kcom.  相似文献   

In Halobacterium halobium tactic responses towards light and chemoeffectors are accompanied by changes in the methylation level of methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCP). Taxis towards green light absorbed by the bacteriorhodopsin proton pump appears to be governed by ΔμH+-sensing. The addition of CCCP, an uncoupler, prevented the increase of MCP methylation in response to green light illumination, but had no effect on CH3-incorporation followed by the addition of the attractants glucose, leucine and histidine. Similarly, CCCP did not change MCP demethylation in response to blue light illumination, a repelling stimuli.The sensitivity to an uncoupler of methylation linked to ΔμH+-mediated green light taxis is to be expected, while the independence of demethylation caused by the blue light of CCCP is an indication that in the latter case a specific photoreceptor governs phototaxis. Informed processing from the blue light receptor to MCP does not involve a change in the membrane potential.  相似文献   

We sought to confirm a recent report that Fe+2 uptake into rat brush-border membrane vesicles is markedly increased by short-term consumption of iron-deficient diet, with no additional enhancement as the animal becomes functionally iron-deficient with continuing dietary Fe deprivation. In addition, we investigated whether previously observed in vivo absorption interactions of iron, zinc, and manganese occur in the brush border membrane vesicles uptake process, and whether short-term or long-term consumption of an iron-deficient diet affects the interaction at the uptake level. We did not observe any differences in Fe+2 uptake between normal and iron-deficient brush border membrane vesicles, even when the iron status contrast was intensified by feeding a high iron versus iron-deficient diet for 3 weeks. Equimolar Zn+2 and Mn+2 decreased Fe+2 uptake by 29 to 50% and 11 to 39%, respectively. Iron deficiency did not alter these effects. Equimolar Fe+2 decreased Zn+2 uptake by 13 to 22%. Calcium, included as a negative control, did not affect Fe+2 uptake. Thus, some competition between Fe+2 and similar divalent cations does occur at the level of the brush border membrane; the exact nature of this competition remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Selenate and selenite uptakes by isolated intestinal brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV) from pig, sheep, and rat were investigated. Selenate uptake into jejunal and ileal, but not duodenal, BBMV from pig was stimulated by an inwardly directed transmembrane Na+ gradient (Na out + >Na in + ). Selenate transport into rat ileal and sheep jejunal BBMV was also enhanced in the presence of a Na+ gradient. Unlike selenate uptake, selenite uptake was not Na+ dependent, neither in pig small intestine nor in sheep jejunum and rat ileum. Uptake of selenate represented real uptake into the vesicular lumen, whereas selenite uptake was a result of an extensive binding of75Se to the membranes. Thiosulfate at a 250-fold concentration of selenate completely inhibited Na+-dependent selenate uptake into pig jejunal BBMV. Furthermore, Na+-dependent sulfate uptake was totally inhibited in the presence of a 250-fold selenate concentration. The results clearly show that selenate transport across the BBM of pig jejunum and ileum, sheep jejunum, and rat ileum is partially energized by a transmembrane Na+ gradient. Moreover, it is concluded from the results that there exists a common transport mechanism for sulfate and selenate in the BBM. The extensive binding of75Se from75Se-labeled selenite to the membranes could be from a spontaneous reaction of selenite with membrane-associated SH groups.  相似文献   

1. In the kidney, filtered proteins are rapidly reabsorbed by the proximal tubule via adsorptive endocytosis. This process starts with the protein binding to the luminal brush-border membrane. 2. The binding of 125I-labelled albumin to rat renal brush-border membrane vesicles and the effect of a low molecular weight protein lysozyme on that binding was assessed by the filtration method. 3. The Scatchard plot revealed a one-component binding-type curve with a dissociation constant Kd of 430.9 nM and 39.6 pmol/mg membrane protein for the number of binding sites. 4. Albumin binding was saturable and reversible, time and temperature dependent and the initial rate enhanced by increasing amounts of lysozyme. 5. The fact that association of albumin with the brush-border membrane vesicles was dependent upon the intravesicular space suggested a double process, binding of the ligand to the membrane surface and its internalization. These data suggest that albumin has a different binding site than that of a low-molecular weight protein lysozyme, with a constant affinity value near physiological loads. That specificity may confer selectivity upon the endocytic uptake process.  相似文献   

Piperine (1-Piperoyl piperidine) is a major alkaloid of Piper nigrum Linn. and Piper longum Linn. It is shown to possess bioavailability-enhancing activity with various structurally and therapeutically diverse drugs. The mechanism of enhancing the bioavailability, is, however, not understood. We hypothesize that piperine's bioavailability-enhancing property may be attributed to increased absorption, which may be due to alteration in membrane lipid dynamics and change in the conformation of enzymes in the intestine. Results of membrane fluidity studies using an apolar fluorescent probe, pyrene (which measures the fluid properties of hydrocarbon core), showed an increase in intestinal brush border membrane (BBM) fluidity. Piperine also stimulated Leucine amino peptidase and Glycyl-glycine dipeptidase activity, due to the alteration in enzyme kinetics. This suggests that piperine could modulate the membrane dynamics due to its apolar nature by interacting with surrounding lipids and hydrophobic portions in the protein vicinity, which may decrease the tendency of membrane lipids to act as stearic constrains to enzyme proteins and thus modify enzyme conformation. Ultra structural studies with piperine showed an increase in microvilli length with a prominent increase in free ribosomes and ribosomes on the endoplasmic reticulum in enterocytes, suggesting that synthesis or turnover of cytoskeletal components or membrane proteins may be involved in the observed effect. In conclusion, it is suggested that piperine may be inducing alterations in membrane dynamics and permeation characteristics, along with induction in the synthesis of proteins associated with cytoskeletal function, resulting in an increase in the small intestine absorptive surface, thus assisting efficient permeation through the epithelial barrier.  相似文献   

The effects of omission of Ca2+ and Mg2+ from the incubation medium on three aspects of insulin action in isolated fat cells have been investigated. In the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-free incubation medium incorporation of L-[14C]leucine into fat cell protein was reduced in the absence of insulin. Insulin stimulated L-[14C]-leucine incorporation only in the presence of added CaCl2 or MgCl2. Incubation of the cells in the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-free medium reduced but did not abolish the ability of adrenaline to stimulate lipolysis or the ability of insulin to inhibit the adrenaline-stimulated lipolysis. Specific binding of 125I-labelled insulin to the fat cells was reduced in the absence of Ca2+ and Mg2+ but was not abolished, even in the presence of EDTA. Ca2+ was routinely the most effective divalent cation in supporting these aspects of insulin action, but similar responses were obtained with Mg2+, Sr2+ and Ba2+.Since insulin still binds to the cells under conditions in which some of the cellular effects of the hormone are abolished, it is suggested that divalent cations may have a role, either direct or indirect, in the processes linking the insulin-insulin receptor complex to certain effector systems in the cells. It is tentatively suggested that this action occurs at the level of the fat cell plasma membrane.  相似文献   

The rapid increase in protein synthesis that occurs on addition of insulin (1 mU/ml) to stepped-down 3T3 cells was blocked by pre-incubation of the cells with pertussis toxin. Cholera toxin on the other hand stimulated protein synthesis and this effect was insensitive to actinomycin D and inhibited by pro-treatment of the cells with phorbol dibutyrate to deplete cell protein kinase C. Insulin was found to cause a rapid and transient increase in diacylglycerol (DAG) synthesis. The insulin-induced increase in diacylglycerol was blocked by pertussis toxin. Exogenous DAG (10 M) stimulated protein synthesis within 1 hour. The results suggest that insuIin stimulates ribosomal activity through a signal mechanism that involves a G-protein mediated activation of phospholipase C to increase DAG levels.  相似文献   

The discoidin domain receptors, DDR1 and DDR2 are cell surface receptor tyrosine kinases that are activated by triple-helical collagen. While normal DDR signalling regulates fundamental cellular processes, aberrant DDR signalling is associated with several human diseases. We previously identified GVMGFO (O is hydroxyproline) as a major DDR2 binding site in collagens I-III, and located two additional DDR2 binding sites in collagen II. Here we extend these studies to the homologous DDR1 and the identification of DDR binding sites on collagen III. Using sets of overlapping triple-helical peptides, the Collagen II and Collagen III Toolkits, we located several DDR2 binding sites on both collagens. The interaction of DDR1 with Toolkit peptides was more restricted, with DDR1 mainly binding to peptides containing the GVMGFO motif. Triple-helical peptides containing the GVMGFO motif induced DDR1 transmembrane signalling, and DDR1 binding and receptor activation occurred with the same amino acid requirements as previously defined for DDR2. While both DDRs exhibit the same specificity for binding the GVMGFO motif, which is present only in fibrillar collagens, the two receptors display distinct preferences for certain non-fibrillar collagens, with the basement membrane collagen IV being exclusively recognised by DDR1. Based on our recent crystal structure of a DDR2-collagen complex, we designed mutations to identify the molecular determinants for DDR1 binding to collagen IV. By replacing five amino acids in DDR2 with the corresponding DDR1 residues we were able to create a DDR2 construct that could function as a collagen IV receptor.  相似文献   

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