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Chromogranin A (secretory protein-I) is an acidic, sulfated glycoprotein found in secretory granules of most endocrine cells but not in exocrine or epithelial cells. Parathyroid chromogranin A is sulfated on tyrosine residues, whereas adrenal chromogranin A appears to be sulfated mainly on oligosaccharide residues. Chromogranin B, on the other hand, is tyrosine-sulfated in the bovine adrenal whereas this protein is absent from the parathyroid. The role of this tissue- or species-specific sulfation of chromogranin is not known. Tyrosine sulfation is a common post-translational modification of proteins in the exocytotic pathway and has been suggested to play a role in the sorting or intracellular transport of secretory proteins. To test this, porcine parathyroid tissue slices were metabolically labeled with 35SO4 and [3H]Lys, and the tissue and incubation medium analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, immunoblotting, and immunoprecipitation with chromogranin A-specific antiserum or by radioimmunoassay for parathormone. Secretion of total and 3H-labeled chromogranin A was about 3- and 7-fold higher, respectively, at 0.5 mM than at 3.0 mM Ca2+, and secretion of 35SO4-labeled chromogranin A was 67-fold higher. This indicates that either sulfated chromogranin A is directed primarily to the Ca2+-regulated pathway or that sulfation occurs following sorting to this pathway. Sodium chlorate (1-10 mM) inhibited sulfation in a dose-dependent manner by up to 95% but it had no effect on the onset or rate of chromogranin A secretion. These data indicate that regulated secretion of parathyroid chromogranin A does not require sulfation of tyrosine residues.  相似文献   

Chromogranin A (secretory protein-I) is an acidic sulfated glycoprotein found in secretory granules of most endocrine and neuroendocrine cells. In the parathyroid it is co-stored and secreted with parathormone in response to hypocalcemia. Differences in post-translational modifications have been reported between chromogranin A from the bovine adrenal and porcine parathyroid glands. The former has been reported to be sulfated mainly on oligosaccharide residues and apparently includes a proteoglycan form, whereas the latter was previously reported to be tyrosine sulfated with little of the proteoglycan form present. Here we have directly compared 35SO4-labeled parathyroid chromogranin A from the pig and the cow to determine if these reported differences were tissue or species specific. We find that the chromogranin A secreted by the bovine gland contains a proteoglycan form, whereas that from the porcine gland does not. Moreover, chromogranin A of both species is primarily sulfated on oligosaccharide residues with little if any tyrosine sulfate detected. Differences were detected in the structure of sulfated O-linked oligosaccharides in bovine and porcine parathyroid chromogranin A.  相似文献   

The presence of secretory protein-I (SP-I) or chromogranin A (CGA) in granules isolated from the granular cells of the amphibian urinary bladder epithelium was investigated using ultraimmunohistochemistry. Granules were isolated by cell fractionation using Percoll density gradients. SP-I was isolated and purified from bovine parathyroid glands. Antibodies were raised in rabbits and purified by affinity chromatography. Ultraimmunocytochemistry, employing the avidin-biotin-peroxidase (ABC-complex) procedure, was used to localize SP-I on thin sections of isolated granules. About 27% of the granules from control (-ADH) cells were SP-I+, while 51% of the granules fractionated from hormone treated (+ADH) cells were positive for this protein (p less than 0.0001). Accordingly, granules from ADH-treated cells also showed a significant (p less than 0.0001) increase in total protein.  相似文献   

Bovine chromogranin A (CgA), together with secreted alkaline phosphatase (SEAP) as an external control for apical secretion were expressed in MDCK cells to test if CgA contains sorting signals for polarized secretion. CgA, SEAP, and the endogenous apical marker GP80 were secreted 75-80% apically. Basolateral secretion of SEAP was inhibited 40% by ammonium chloride. Sulfate labeling and digestion with chondroitinase ABC revealed a 120 kDa proteoglycan-CgA and 75 kDa CgA. Inhibition of proteoglycan synthesis did not affect apical secretion of CgA. As CgA is not N-glycosylated, we used tunicamycin to test if cellular N-glycosylation is required for apical sorting. Tunicamycin reversed the polarity of secretion of CgA to the basolateral side. These results suggest that CgA contains dominant apical and recessive basolateral sorting information.  相似文献   

Sixteen monophosphoryl Lipid A (MLA) homologs obtained from the lipopolysaccharides of Salmonella minnesota Re595 were separated by preparative thin layer chromatography into eight fractions. The components of these fractions were analyzed directly (or as structural analogs) and characterized by mass spectrometry. Molecular weights were determined by negative and positive ion fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry and component structures were assigned following a study of fragmentation and metastable ion kinetic energy spectrometry. One fraction (TLC-8) contained a single heptaacyl MLA of Mr = 1,954, a structure previously elucidated (Qureshi, N., Mascagni, P., Ribi, E., and Takayama, K. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 5271-5278). The remaining seven fractions contained 15 additional MLAs with decreasing acylation. Two of these components have been previously reported in S. minnesota and Salmonella typhimurium. Three of the eight TLC fractions (TLC-8, -7, -6) were found to be biologically active toward human platelets inducing their aggregation and secretion of serotonin. All tested fractions induced varying degrees of phosphorylation of a platelet protein of Mr = 47,000 (P47) reflecting protein kinase C activation (Grabarek, J., Her, G. R., Reinhold, V. N., and Hawiger, J. J. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 8117-8121).  相似文献   

Granin-family proteins, including chromogranin A (CgA) and secretogranin III (SgIII), are transported to secretory granules (SGs) in neuroendocrine cells. We previously showed that SgIII binds strongly to CgA in an intragranular milieu and targets CgA to SGs in pituitary and pancreatic endocrine cells. In this study, we demonstrated that with a sucrose density gradient of rat insulinoma-derived INS-1 cell homogenates, SgIII was localized to the SG fraction and was fractionated to the SG membrane (SGM) despite lacking the transmembrane region. With depletion of cholesterol from the SGM using methyl-beta-cyclodextrin, SgIII was impaired to bind to the SGM. Both SgIII and CgA were solubilized from the SGM by Triton X-100 in contrast to the Triton X-100 insolubility of carboxypeptidase E. SgIII and carboxypeptidase E strongly bound to the SGM-type liposome in intragranular conditions, but CgA did not. Instead, CgA bound to the SGM-type liposome only in the presence of SgIII. Immunocytochemical and pulse-chase experiments revealed that SgIII deleting the N-terminal lipid-binding region missorted to the constitutive pathway in mouse corticotroph-derived AtT-20 cells. Thus, we suggest that SgIII directly binds to cholesterol components of the SGM and targets CgA to SGs in pituitary and pancreatic endocrine cells.  相似文献   

Fasciotto BH  Denny JC  Greeley GH  Cohn DV 《Peptides》2000,21(9):1389-1401
Chromogranin A (CgA) is a glycoprotein present in secretory granules of endocrine cells. In the parathyroid, it is costored and cosecreted with parathormone (PTH) in response to hypocalcemia. CgA is the precursor of several bioactive peptides including pancreastatin and betagranin. Parastatin (PARA, pCgA(347-419)) is a novel peptide that we generated in vitro by enzymatic digestion of pCgA. In vitro, it inhibits low Ca(2+)-stimulated parathyroid secretion. Full activity resides in its first 19 residues. In order to determine if PARA or PARA-derived peptides are natural products of the parathyroid, we generated an antiserum directed against pCgA(347-359) corresponding to the bioactive N-terminal sequence of pPARA (pPARA(1-13) antiserum), and developed a specific radioimmunoassay that we used in conjunction with various chromatographic separations. We identified small peptides carrying the pPARA(1-13) immunoactivity in extracts and secretion medium of porcine parathyroid glands. Continuous and pulse-chase radiolabeling studies, along with immunoprecipitation using PARA(1-13) antiserum demonstrate that a newly-synthesized PARA-related peptide fraction with a Mr of 11 kDa is secreted by the parathyroid cells and accumulates in the secretion medium. Edman degradation of the 11 kDa PARA-related peptide band by Edman degradation yielded three major N-terminal sequences: S-K-M-D-R-L-A-K-E-L-(residues 313-322), D-R-L-A-K-E-L-T-A-E-(residues 316-325), and A-K-E-L-T-A-E-K-R-L-(residues 319-329), in a molar ratio of approximately 1:2:1. The peptide bonds required to be cleaved to yield these peptides, Trp-Ser, Met-Asp and Leu-Ala, suggest that a chymotrypsin-like endopeptidase participated in their formation. The molecular size and the results of amino acid compositional analysis, indicate that the C-termini of these peptides extended variably to residues 384-401 of pCgA. These results demonstrate that processing of CgA by the parathyroid gland generates bioactive PARA-related peptides that could affect the gland's secretory activity.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: CgA has been shown to be an excellent marker for neuroendocrine tumours. However, there are two major drawbacks with CgA measurements; elevated levels are common in patients with decreased renal function and in patients on treatment with proton pump inhibitors. These problems are not seen with CgB measurements. We have recently presented the development of 13 region-specific radioimmunoassays for measurements of CgB. A region-specific assay was identified, which measured higher concentrations of CgB than the other assays and seemed to be very useful as a marker for neuroendocrine tumours. The aim of the present study was therefore to further explore the diagnostic potential of this assay in the clinical management of patients with neuroendocrine tumours. METHODS: Measurements of CgB with two methods were compared with CgA in plasma samples from patients investigated for neuroendocrine tumours (N=86), patients with decreased renal function (N=35) and patients on treatment with proton pump inhibitors (N=29). RESULTS: The diagnostic sensitivity for the new CgB assay was almost as good as that for CgA. Furthermore, with CgB measurements we could avoid the falsely elevated levels of CgA found in patients with decreased renal function and treatment with proton pump inhibitors. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that the new CgB assay can serve as a complement to CgA measurements as an important tumour marker for neuroendocrine tumours.  相似文献   

Summary The presence of neurokinin A immunoreactivity was studied in the chromaffin cells of the porcine adrenal medulla and in the nerve fibres innervating the adrenal gland during ontogenic development. For comparison, chromogranin A immunoreactivity was used as a marker for chromaffin cells.Whereas chromogranin A was found in chromaffin cells through all steps in embryonic development, three developmental stages of neurokinin A immunoreactivity could be distinguished. In the first and second trimester of gestation, neurokinin A was observed in some groups of chromaffin cells, but no neurokinin-immunoreactive nerve fibres could be detected. In the last trimester of gestation, neurokinin A-reactive chromaffin cells and nerve fibres were both found in adrenal glands. However, in adrenal glands of neonatal piglets, neurokinin A was found only in nerve fibres and not in chromaffin cells. From these results a hypothesis is proposed that neurokinin A might act as a neurotrophic factor in the early stages of the developing porcine chromaffin cells. Biochemical studies are being performed in order to confirm these morphological results and to study the possible role of neurokinin A as a neurotrophic factor in the adrenal gland.On leave from Xian Medical University of China.  相似文献   

Chromogranins are a family of regulated secretory proteins that are stored in secretory granules in endocrine and neuroendocrine cells and released in response to extracellular stimulation (regulated secretion). A conserved N-terminal disulfide bond is necessary for sorting of chromogranins in neuroendocrine PC12 cells. Surprisingly, this disulfide bond is not necessary for sorting of chromogranins in endocrine GH4C1 cells. To investigate the sorting mechanism in GH4C1 cells, we made several mutant forms removing highly conserved N- and C-terminal regions of bovine chromogranin A. Removing the conserved N-terminal disulfide bond and the conserved C-terminal dimerization and tetramerization domain did not affect the sorting of chromogranin A to the regulated secretory pathway. In contrast, removing the C-terminal 90 amino acids of chromogranin A caused rerouting to the constitutive secretory pathway and impaired aggregation properties as compared with wild-type chromogranin A. Since this mutant was sorted to the regulated secretory pathway in PC12 cells, these results demonstrate that chromogranins contain independent N- and C-terminal sorting domains that function in a cell type-specific manner. Moreover, this is the first evidence that low pH/calcium-induced aggregation is necessary for sorting of a chromogranin to the regulated secretory pathway of endocrine cells.  相似文献   

Chromogranin A (CgA) is a neuroendocrine protein that undergoes proteolytic cleavage in secretory granules. The aim of the present study was to characterize the peptides WE14 and EL35 that are derived from evolutionarily conserved regions of CgA in rat and human endocrine tissues. In the rat pituitary, HPLC analysis revealed that WE14 is present as a single immunoreactive peak, whereas EL35 elutes in two molecular forms. Authentic WE14 is also produced in both rat and human adrenal glands, while EL35 displays a variable elution profile depending on the tissue extract, indicating the existence of different forms of EL35 in these tissues. Immunohistochemical labeling of the rat pituitary showed that WE14 and EL35 occur in gonadotropes and melanotropes, but not in corticotropes. A strong immunoreaction for both peptides was also observed in rat adrenochromaffin cells. In the human adrenal gland, the WE14 and EL35 antisera revealed intense labeling of adrenomedullary cells in adult and nests of chromaffin progenitor cells in fetal adrenal. Finally, WE14 and EL35 immunoreactivity was detected in pheochromocytoma tissue where WE14 occurred as a single immunoreactive form, while EL35 displayed different forms. The observations that WE14 and EL35: (1). have been preserved during vertebrate evolution, (2). are processed in a cell-specific manner, and (3). occur during ontogenesis of the adrenal gland strongly suggest that these peptides play a role in endocrine tissues. In addition, the existence of differentially processed CgA-derived peptides in normal and tumorous tissues may provide new tools for the diagnosis and prognosis of neuroendocrine tumors.  相似文献   

Chromogranin A (CGA), also referred to as secretory protein I, is an acidic protein that has been detected in all neuroendocrine cell types examined and is often present in large amounts relative to other secreted proteins. For example, CGA comprises at least 40% of the soluble protein of the adrenal chromaffin granule, and it appears to be the major secretory protein in the parathyroid secretory granules. CGA complementary DNAs (cDNAs) from bovine adrenal and pituitary have recently been cloned and sequenced and found to be nearly identical. A region of bovine CGA has a high degree of amino acid sequence identity to pancreastatin, a recently isolated porcine peptide that inhibits glucose-induced insulin secretion. This suggests that CGA may be a prohormone. We have cloned and sequenced a human cDNA encoding CGA. This human CGA cDNA has an overall 86% nucleic acid identity to the bovine cDNA. Like the bovine CGA cDNA, the human cDNA has little homology to pancreastatin at the 5' region of this peptide but significant amino acid homology to the carboxyl-terminal portion of pancreastatin where the biologic activity resides. There is an area within the pancreastatin region of human CGA and porcine pancreastatin with a 70% amino acid identity to the calcium-binding moiety of the E-F hand proteins such as parvalbumin and oncomodulin. These data suggest that CGA and pancreastatin may both be members of a larger family of calcium-binding proteins.  相似文献   

In a transgenic mouse model we have targeted the expression of recombinant human parathyroid hormone (hPTH) to the mammary gland yielding hPTH as a secretory, soluble peptide in milk. A 2.5 kb upstream regulatory sequence of the murine whey acidic protein (WAP) directed the expression of the hPTH cDNA in a fusion gene construct (WAPPTHSV2) containing the SV40 small t-antigen intron and polyadenylation site in the 3′ end. Established lines of transgenic mice secreted hPTH to milk in concentrations up to 415 ng/ml. Recombinant hPTH recovered from the milk was purified by HPLC and shown to be identical to hPTH standard as analyzed by SDS-PAGE followed by immunoblotting. Expression of the WAPPTHSV2 was limited to the mammary gland as analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and Southern blot of reversed transcribed mRNA from different tissues. hPTH is an important bone anabolic hormone and may be a potentially important pharmaceutical for treatment of demineralization disorders such as osteoporosis. We present the transgenic animal as a possible production system for hPTH. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The amino terminal sequences of bovine and human adrenal medullary chromogranin A have been determined. Their sequences are identical and also identical to the published sequence of secretory protein I from the parathyroid gland. This data indicates that the previously published sequence of chromogranin A is incorrect at residues 2 and 19. These data confirm earlier observations of a substantial similarity between secretory protein I and chromogranin A and, in fact, strongly suggest that they are identical.  相似文献   

The two major proteins of secretory granules of secretory cells, chromogranins A (CGA) and B (CGB), have previously been proposed to play key roles in secretory granule biogenesis. Recently, CGA was reported to play an on/off switch role for secretory granule biogenesis. In the present study we found CGB being more effective than CGA in inducing secretory granule formation in non-neuroendocrine NIH3T3 and COS-7 cells. The mean number of dense core granules formed/cell of CGA-transfected NIH3T3 cells was 2.51, whereas that of CGB-transfected cells was 4.02, indicating the formation of 60% more granules in the CGB-transfected cells. Similarly, there were 55% more dense core granules formed in the CGB-transfected COS-7 cells than in the CGA-transfected cells. Moreover, transfection of CGA- and CGB-short interfering RNA (siRNA) into neuroendocrine PC12 cells not only decreased the amount of CGA and CGB expressed but also reduced the number of secretory granules by 41 and 78%, respectively, further suggesting the importance of CGB expression in secretory granule formation.  相似文献   

1. The core proteins of chromaffin granules have been examined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and crossed immunoelectrophoresis against monospecific antisera. 2. Dopamine beta-hydroxylase (dopamine beta-monooxygenase, EC appeared as the major immunogen of the core proteins and accounted for 4 and 8% by weight of the crude lysate and membrane-containing fractions, respectively. 3. The non-ionic detergent, Berol, solubilized dopamine beta-hydroxylase from the membranes in a form which was immunologically identical but of lower relative mobility by crossed immunoelectrophoresis. In the absence of detergent a difference in relative mobility was also noted between the purified enzyme and that contaminated by chromogranin A. These observations suggest that several molecular forms of dopamine beta-hydroxylase may occur which differ in size and/or charge due to interactions with the contaminants under the experimental conditions. 4. The main chromogranin in the crude lysate was absent from electropherograms of the acidic chromogranins (95--96% of total protein in lysate). These were obtained free of dopamine beta-hydroxylase by concanavalin A adsorption at high ionic strength or by acidification in 2 M acetic acid. The main band reappeared upon recombination with dopamine beta-hydroxylase, indicating the presence of some dopamine beta-hydroxylase, possibly as dimers, in this main, chromogranin A band. A protein concentration-dependent aggregate of dopamine beta-hydroxylase-free chromogranin A was detected, with a relative mobility slightly faster than the main band of the crude lysate.  相似文献   

Structural units of canine serum and secretory immunoglobulin A   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
H Y Reynolds  J S Johnson 《Biochemistry》1971,10(15):2821-2827

Chiari M  Cretich M  Corti A  Damin F  Pirri G  Longhi R 《Proteomics》2005,5(14):3600-3603
Microarraying peptides is a powerful proteomics technique for studying molecular recognition events. Since peptides have small molecular mass, they are not easily accessible when adsorbed onto solid supports. Moreover, peptides can lack a well-defined three-dimensional structure, and therefore a correct orientation is essential to promote the interaction with their target. In this work, we investigated the suitability as a peptide array substrate of a glass slide coated with a copolymer of N,N-dimethylacrylamide, N,N-acryloyloxysuccinimide, and [3-(methacryloyl-oxy)propyl]trimethoxysilyl. This polymeric surface was used as substrate for peptides in the characterization of linear antigenic sites of human chromogranin A, a useful tissue and serum marker for neuroendocrine tumors and a precursor of many biologically active peptides. The microarray support provided sufficient accessibility of the ligand, with no need for a spacer, as the polymer chains prevent interaction of immobilized peptides with substrate. In addition, the polymeric surface constitutes an aqueous micro-environment in which linear epitopes are freely exposed despite peptide random orientation. The results reported in this article are in accordance with those obtained in conventional ELISA assays using biotinylated and non-biotinylated peptides.  相似文献   

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