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概念图的类型有辐射图、链式图、等级图、网络图等。辐射图在概括知识、表达概念间的横向联系方面,最浅显易懂,教学上也较为常用,能有效地改变学生的认知方式,提高学生学习成绩,促进学生发展。  相似文献   

单分子荧光检测技术是利用荧光基团对目的分子标记后,在单分子水平成像并追踪分子的构象变化、动力学特征以及分子之间相互作用的研究方法.相较于传统分子生物学和遗传学的研究手段,单分子检测技术可以对单个分子的动态和特性进行分析,特别是瞬时或偶发性的事件,从而更加深入地挖掘在群体测量中被掩盖的信息.该技术已广泛应用于动物细胞生物...  相似文献   

拉曼光谱分析技术在细胞生物学研究中的应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
细胞是生物体结构和功能的基本单位,自被发现以来新的研究方法不断涌现。单细胞拉曼光谱能提供细胞内核酸、蛋白质、脂质含量等大量信息,可在不损伤细胞的条件下实时动态地监测细胞分子结构变化,亦可获得细胞的“分子指纹”,具有敏感性高、实时检测、活样品不需固定或染色、不损伤细胞等众多特点。近年来国内外研究者将拉曼光谱应用于细胞药物处理、细胞水平疾病诊断、单细胞生命活动监测、亚细胞结构等研究,取得了不同程度的进展。随着研究的深入,拉曼光谱分析技术必将在干细胞,癌症研究、细胞分选、药物筛选等领域大有作为。  相似文献   

泊松分布广泛应用于遗传学的遗传图距计算、生物物理学的辐射生物学的定量分析、病毒学中的病毒感染率计算、分子生物学中一个基因文库所需克隆数的估计、PCR扩增片段保真率的估算以及酵母单双杂交中转化率的估计等学科领域,对此进行了简要评述。  相似文献   

小麦对紫外线长波光(μV—A)辐射的生物学效应研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
小麦对紫外线长波光(μV┐A)辐射的生物学效应研究杨志敏颜景义郑有飞张淑琴(南京气象学院,应用气象系生物教研室,南京210044)BIOLOGICALRESPONSEOFWHEATPLANTSTOTHEONG┐WAVELENGTHULTRAVIOLE...  相似文献   

热带鱼原产于热带,亚热带地区。因其体态多姿,色彩鲜艳倍受人们的青睐。近年来,我国许多大中城市越来越多的人开始饲养和观赏各种热带鱼。一般来说,人们开始饲养热带鱼时,首选对象都为孔雀鱼。孔雀鱼以小巧玲珑,活泼多姿,色彩丰富而赢得人心。它适应性很强,喜弱碱性水,对水质无过高要求,它可以忍受较低温度。孔雀鱼雌雄性区分明显。雄性身体瘦小,体长约等于雌性鱼的三分之一,尾鳍宽而大,且形态多样;背鳍也较雌鱼的大;臀鳍呈尖犯。雌鱼体长可达6厘米,体色较浅,呈肉色,略透明。背鳍和尾鳍的颜色也比雄鱼差。身体较壮。孔雀鱼为卵胎生。繁殖周期为1个月左右。幼鱼一个月后即可分辨雌雄。四个月可达到性成熟。  相似文献   

Quantitative proteomics and its applications for systems biology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A compact THz Free Electron Laser (FEL) isbeing used to perform irradiation ofbiological samples to investigate possiblegenotoxic effects. In order to evaluate theexact radiation dose absorbed by the singlecomponents of the samples it is necessaryto study the optical properties of thesamples, separating the contributions tothe radiation attenuation coefficientcoming from absorption and from diffusion.Spectroscopic measurements have beenperformed on different biological samples, comparing the experimental results withtheoretical models.  相似文献   

Thermolabile proteases were identified in three Gram-negative psychrotrophic bacteria. The protease from the psychrotrophic strain A9 was purified and its application to common molecular biology techniques was demonstrated. Heat-stable molecular biology enzymes (Taq polymerase and PvuII) were digested by a heat-labile protease, which was then inactivated by a mild heat treatment. The clear benefit of using heat-labile proteases arises in situations where further reactions may be accomplished without an intermediate purification step, thereby saving time and avoiding the possibility of product loss.  相似文献   

Innovative techniques and applications in histochemistry and cell biology   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Recent studies documenting novel histochemical methods and applications in cell biology and in other areas of the life sciences have again rendered insights into structure and functions of tissues, cells, and cellular components to the level of proteins and genes. Particularly, sophisticated microscopic techniques have proved to be able to significantly advance our knowledge. Findings of recent investigations representing this progress are summarized in the present review.  相似文献   

Predicting the conformational changes in proteins that are relevant for substrate binding is an ongoing challenge in the aim of elucidating the functional states of proteins. The motions that are induced by protein-ligand interactions are governed by the protein global modes. Our measurements indicate that the detected changes in the global backbone motion of the enzyme upon binding reflect a shift from the large-scale collective dominant mode in the unbound state towards a functional twisting deformation that assists in closing the binding cleft. Correlated motion in lysozyme has been implicated in enzyme function in previous studies, but detailed characterization of the internal fluctuations that enable the protein to explore the ensemble of conformations that ultimately foster large-scale conformational change is yet unknown. For this reason, we use THz spectroscopy to investigate the picosecond time scale binding modes and collective structural rearrangements that take place in hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL) when bound by the inhibitor (NAG) 3. These protein thermal motions correspond to fluctuations that have a role in both selecting and sampling from the available protein intrinsic conformations that communicate function. Hence, investigation of these fast, collective modes may provide knowledge about the mechanism leading to the preferred binding process in HEWL-(NAG) 3. Specifically, in this work we find that the picosecond time scale hydrogen-bonding rearrangements taking place in the protein hydration shell with binding modify the packing density within the hydrophobic core on a local level. These localized, intramolecular contact variations within the protein core appear to facilitate the large cooperative movements within the interfacial region separating the α- and β- domain that mediate binding. The THz time-scale fluctuations identified in the protein-ligand system may also reveal a molecular mechanism for substrate recognition.  相似文献   

PurposeMulticellular tumor spheroids are realistic in-vitro systems used in radiation biology research to study the effect of anticancer drugs or to evaluate the resistance of cancer cells under specific conditions. When combining the modeling of spheroids together with the simulation of radiation using Monte Carlo methods, one could estimate cell and DNA damage to be compared with experimental data. We developed a Cell Population (CPOP) modeler combined to Geant4 simulations in order to tackle how energy depositions are allocated to cells, especially when enhancing radiation outcomes using high-Z nanoparticles. CPOP manages to model large three-dimensional cell populations with independent deformable cells described with their nucleus, cytoplasm and membranes together with force law systems to manage cell–cell interactions.MethodsCPOP is an opensource platform written in C++. It is divided into two main libraries: a “Modeler” library, for cell geometry modeling using meshes, and a Multi Agent System (MAS) library, simulating all agent (cell) interactions among the population. CPOP is fully interfaced with the Geant4 Monte Carlo toolkit and is able to directly launch Geant4 simulations after compilation.We modeled a full and realistic 3D cell population from SK-MEL28 melanoma cell population cultured experimentally. The spheroid diameter of 550 ± 40 µm corresponds to a population of approximately 1000 cells having a diameter of 17.2 ± 2.5 µm and a nucleus diameter of 11.2 ± 2.0 µm. We decided to reproduce cell irradiations performed with a X-RAD 320 Biological Irradiator (Precision XRay Inc., North Branford, CT).ResultsWe simulated the energy spectrum of secondary particles generated in the vicinity of the spheroid and plotted the different energy spectra recovered internally to the spheroid. We evaluated also the impact of AGuIX (Gadolinium) nanoparticles modeled into the spheroid with their corresponding secondary energy spectra.ConclusionsWe succeeded into modeling cell populations and combined them with Geant4 simulations. The next step will be to integrate DNA geometrical models into cell nuclei and to use the Geant4-DNA physics and radiolysis modeling capabilities in order to evaluate early strand breaks induced on DNA.  相似文献   

In this review, we describe the synthesis, physical properties, surface functionalization, and biological applications of silicon nanoparticles (also known as quantum dots). We compare them against current technologies, such as fluorescent organic dyes and heavy metal chalcogenide-based quantum dots. In particular, we examine the many different methods that can be used to both create and modify these nanoparticles and the advantages they may have over current technologies that have stimulated research into designing silicon nanoparticles for in vitro and in vivo applications.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is toinvestigate the genotoxic effect of THzradiation in human peripheral bloodlymphocytes following 20 minutes exposureto 1 mW average power Free Electron Laserradiation in the frequency range 120–140GHz. For this purpose 9 healthy donors wereemployed and cytokinesis block techniquewas applied to study micronucleusfrequency and cell proliferation. Theresults obtained indicate that all theelectromagnetic conditions adopted so far do not alter the investigated parameters,suggesting absence of direct chromosomaldamage and alteration of cell cyclekinetics (two tailed paired Student's test:p> 0.05 in all cases).  相似文献   

同步辐射的发展和应用已经极大的推动了自然科学包括生物学的巨大发展,其中结构生物学更是离不开X射线衍射分析,小角散射等。X射线自由电子激光(XFEL)相比同步辐射具有更高强度,完全相干等特点,被称为第四代光源。科学家已经利用XFEL实现了尺度约为1微米的蛋白质晶体的高分辨率结构解析,并且也实现了单颗粒的病毒的低分辨重构。未来,XFEL将会为生物学的发展打开一扇新的大门。  相似文献   

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