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镉对超富集植物滇苦菜抗氧化系统的影响   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
采用水培实验,研究镉(Cd)对一种新发现的Cd超富集植物——滇苦菜抗氧化系统的影响。结果表明,中、低浓度Cd(1-10μmol.L-1)处理下滇苦菜生物量与对照无显著差异,而高浓度Cd(50-100μmol.L-1)抑制了滇苦菜的生长,整株生物量比对照降低了72%和86%。10μmol.L-1Cd处理下地上部Cd浓度达到270mg·kg-1(干重),转运系数为1.41,符合超富集植物的特征。滇苦菜地上部Cd富集浓度最高达3919mg·kg-1,且64%-87%的Cd分布在地上部。中、低浓度Cd(1-10μmol.L-1)胁迫下,滇苦菜的丙二醛(MDA)和H2O2含量、超氧阴离子自由基(O2.-)产生速率及各抗氧化酶活性与对照没有显著差异。但高浓度Cd(50-100μmol.L-1)胁迫下,地上部MDA、H2O2含量和O2.-产生速率比对照分别提高了5-17、1.6-6倍和2.9-7.2倍,地下部分别提高了1-5、1.4倍和9.5-11倍。同时,高浓度Cd处理下地上部和地下部超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性以及地上部谷胱甘肽(GSH)含量显著上升,但谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性变化不明显。研究表明,滇苦菜对Cd有较强的富集和转运能力。中、低浓度Cd处理未对滇苦菜造成明显的氧化胁迫,高浓度Cd处理时滇苦菜地上部与地下部均受到氧化胁迫,但对抗氧化胁迫的响应方式不同。  相似文献   

为探讨铅锌矿废弃地优势植物在重金属污染土壤植物修复中的应用潜力,利用野外采样分析法,从粤东梅县丙村铅锌尾矿区采集其三种优势植物类芦、黄荆、盐肤木的根、茎、叶和土壤样品,测定和分析Pb、Zn、Cu、Cd四种重金属含量.结果表明:该矿区土壤污染严重,Pb、Zn、Cd含量远超土壤环境质量的三级标准,Cu超出二级标准;根际土壤和非根际土壤重金属含量均为Pb>Zn>Cu>Cd,但根际土壤的重金属含量显著低于非根际土壤;这三种植物对Pb、Zn、Cu的转移系数大于1.0,对Cu的富集系数最高,Pb最小,但对四种重金属的富集系数均小于1.0,均未达到超富集植物临界含量标准.三种植物为该矿区的优势植物,说明它们对土壤的重金属污染有很强的耐性,虽然并非典型的超富集植物,但对污染土壤仍有较好的修复效果.  相似文献   

超富集植物短毛蓼对锰的富集特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
邓华  李明顺  陈英旭 《生态学报》2009,29(10):5450-5454
通过野外调查和营养液培养试验,研究了锰在短毛蓼体内的富集特征和对其生长的影响.在锰含量高达2.5×105mg/kg的锰矿废弃地上短毛蓼生长良好,叶锰含量高达1.66×104mg/kg.营养液培养条件下,随着生长介质中Mn浓度的升高,短毛蓼根、茎、叶中的Mn含量逐渐增加,当锰供应水平为1.000mmol/L时,叶锰含量超过10000mg/kg;当锰供应水平为20 000mmol/L时,短毛蓼仍能生长,根、茎和叶3部分的锰含量均达到最大值,分别为9923,18112mg/kg和55750mg/kg.在所有锰供应水平下,短毛蓼茎和叶中的锰含量都比根部的高.结果表明,短毛蓼是一种锰超富集植物,这一发现为锰污染土壤的植物修复和探讨锰在植物体内的超富集机理提供了一种新的种质资源.  相似文献   

东南景天(Sedum alfredii Hance)已被鉴定为一种中国原生的新的锌超积累植物。 本文主要研究了锌(Zn)、镉(Cd)复合处理水平对东南景天的生长及其对锌、镉的吸收积累特性的影响。 结果表明,在Zn/Cd复合水平为500/100 祄ol/L时,植物生长最佳。Zn/Cd在东南景天叶片、茎部和根系中含量随着Zn/Cd处理水平的提高而增高。在Zn/Cd 复合水平为50/400 祄ol/L时茎叶中Cd含量达最高,其中叶片Cd含量达12.1 g/kg;在Zn/Cd 复合水平为1 000/50 祄ol/L时茎叶中Zn含量达最高, 其中茎中Zn含量达 23.2 g/kg。 植株各部位Cd含量的分布为:叶片>茎>>根系,而Zn在体内的分布为: 茎>叶片>>根系。 Zn、Cd在地上部和根部的积累量也随着处理水平的提高而增加,分别在Zn/Cd复合水平为250/400和500/100 祄ol/L下达高峰值。 东南景天地上部积累最高Zn和Cd的量分别达11和5 g/plant, 其比根系的积累量分别大10和25余倍。 Zn、Cd对东南景天的生长、吸收积累的相互作用依赖于Zn/Cd复合水平和植物部位。 在适宜Zn/Cd 处理水平范围内,Zn和Cd的吸收和积累具有相互促进作用。 高Zn或高Cd处理均抑制了植物对Zn和Cd的吸收和积累。 本研究结果表明,东南景天不仅具有忍耐高Zn/Cd复合污染,而且具有超量积累Zn和Cd的特异能力。 它为进一步研究植物Zn、Cd  相似文献   

刈割对蜈蚣草的砷吸收和植物修复效率的影响   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
以野生苗移栽的蜈蚣草为试材 ,通过盆栽试验研究了收获次数对蜈蚣草生长、砷吸收和植物修复效率的影响。结果表明 :在 3次收获中 ,随着收获次数的增加 ,不同砷浓度处理之间蜈蚣草生物量的差异逐步缩小 ;不加砷的对照处理中 ,每次收获后的砷吸收速率下降趋势 ,而在 3个加砷处理中 ,第 2次收获和第 3次收获的蜈蚣草的吸砷速率为 6 3~ 75 μg/ (plant· d)、4 4~ 5 5μg/ (plant· d) ,均显著高于第 1次收获时的吸收速率。表明多次收获并没有降低砷的积累速度。由此可见 ,通过适当增加蜈蚣草的收获次数是提高砷修复效率的一种策略  相似文献   

超富集植物对重金属耐受和富集机制的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
超富集植物对重金属耐受和富集机制的研究成为近年来植物逆境生理研究的热点,在简要总结细胞壁沉淀、重金属螯合效应、酶活性机制和细胞区室化作用的基础上,概述了超富集植物对重金属的耐受机制,讨论了重金属跨根细胞质膜运输,共质体内运输、木质部运输和跨叶细胞膜运输的富集过程。  相似文献   

砷、钙对蜈蚣草中金属元素吸收和转运的影响   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
蜈蚣草是砷的超富集植物和钙质土壤的指示植物。本试验在砂培条件下,研究砷、钙对蜈蚣草吸收和转运必需金属元素K、Mg、Mn、Fe、Zn和Cu的影响。结果表明。提高营养液中的砷浓度显著降低根部Mg和Zn的吸收。但对根部其它元素的浓度没有明显影响;叶柄中的Mn和地上部的Fe浓度因介质中添加砷而显著减少。其它元素在地上部的分布不受抑制。添加砷限制Fe从地下部向地上部转运,但促进其从叶柄向羽叶中运输;另外,还显著促进Mn由叶柄向羽叶和Zn由根向羽叶的转运。提高钙处理浓度对蜈蚣草吸收Fe、Zn、Cu无显著影响,但显著限制K、Mg和Mn的吸收。Mn是研究的6种金属元素中惟一一种明显向地上部转运富集的元素。从根部到羽叶中。金属元素间的相关性增强,在根部Ca与各种金属元素都无相关性;叶柄中Ca和Fe浓度呈极显著正相关;在羽叶中,Ca与K、Mg、Mn和Zn浓度呈显著负相关。  相似文献   

植物对土壤中铀的吸收与富集   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
核工业发展导致重金属铀排放和扩散,并造成了地表土壤的污染,对人类的生存环境产生了极其不利的影响。如何修复铀污染土壤成为亟待解决的问题。近年来发展起来的植物修复技术以其成本低廉、安全和环保的特点成为修复铀污染土壤的新选择。寻找理想的铀富集植物是这一技术的基础和关键。该文通过实验模拟铀污染的土壤(土壤中铀的浓度为100 mg.kg–1),进行一次和二次铀污染土壤的植物修复后,从4个方面对植物修复铀污染土壤效果进行评估,即富集铀的浓度、生物提取量、生物富集系数(BFS)和转运系数(TFS)。实验结果表明:第1次修复时,四季香油麦菜(Lactuca dolichophylla)地上部富集铀的浓度为1.67×103 mg.kg–1,生物富集系数和转移系数均大于3;第2次修复时,麦冬(Ophiopogon japoni-cus)富集铀的浓度与第1次修复相比变化不大,而吊兰(Chlorophytum comosum)、四季豆(Phaseolus vulgaris)和艾蒿(Artemisia lavandulaefolia)富集铀的浓度与第1次修复相比均减少4–8倍;施加土壤改良剂鸡粪肥、海藻肥和柠檬酸后发现海藻肥和柠檬酸能够增强植物对铀污染土壤的修复;对两次修复土壤中铀的形态进行对比分析,发现二次修复时土壤中生物有效态铀的含量降低,造成第2次修复的难度增加。  相似文献   

曼陀罗和苍耳对污染土壤中镉的吸收与富集   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的:研究曼陀罗和苍耳对重金属镉的吸收与富集特征.方法:室外盆栽试验和室内原子吸收测定曼陀罗和苍耳体内的镉含量.结果:土壤中的镉刺激了植物的生长,曼陀罗和苍耳的生物量都比对照有所增加;曼陀罗和苍耳体内的镉含量随土壤中镉浓度的增加而增加;当土壤中镉浓度为100mg·kg-1时,曼陀罗地上部分富集系数为1.15,大于1,而在其它测试浓度下均小于1;苍耳地上部分的富集系数在所有测试浓度下都小于1.结论:曼陀罗和苍耳都不属于镉的超富集植物.  相似文献   

重金属超富集植物的研究与利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了超富集植物的定义、特性及研究历史和现状,介绍了国内外应用超富集植物修复重金属污染土壤的实例,指出了超富集植物研究存在的问题和发展方向。  相似文献   

Zinc hyperaccumulation and uptake by Potentilla griffithii Hook   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The ability of Potentilla griffithii Hook var. velutina Cardot to hypaeraccumulate zinc (Zn) was identified through field survey and hydroponic experiments. Our results showed that P. griffithii could be classified as a new Zn hyperaccumulator. Zn concentrations in the shoots of P. griffithii averaged 6250 mg kg(-1) (3870-8530 mg kg(-1)) growing in Zn-rich soils. The highest Zn concentration was observed in the leaves of P. griffithii at 22,990 mg kg(-1). The fact that P. griffithii was able to grow in a mining soil with a Zn concentration of 193,000 mg kg(-1) without showing a major sign of phytotoxicity demonstrated its high tolerance to Zn. When growing in hydroponic systems, P. griffithii accumulated a maximum 26700 mg kg(-1) zinc concentration in the shoots, indicating the ability of this species to effectively take up and translocate Zn. Translocation factors (the ratio of Zn concentration in shoot to root) of 1.1 to 1.6 were obtained. Compared to the control, dry biomass of P. griffithii in 160 mg L(-1) Zn treatment increased 66.6% (P < 0.05). The time-course experiment showed that the maximum Zn concentration at 100 mg L(-1) Zn treatment was found at 16 d, much later than that of the 10 mg L(-1) Zn treatment, which might be an attribution of a accumulating mechanism or detoxification of a plant. The report of a new Zn hyperaccumulator provides a new plant species for the phytoremediation of contaminated soil and for the research on mechanisms of Zn hyperaccumulation in plants.  相似文献   

Picris divaricata Vant., a plant species native to subtropical China, was recently identified as the first Cd/Zn hyperaccumulator from Asteraceae. P. divaricata was grown from wild collected seed for 4 months in a series of pH adjusted test soils with added Zn levels 0–7000 mg kg−1 and Cd levels 0–150 mg kg−1. Plants did not hyperaccumulate Zn (threshold >3000 μg g−1) and weakly hyperaccumulated Cd with little or no dose–response.P. divaricata has multicellular simple trichomes concentrated on the leaf margins and midrib. X-ray analysis showed that Zn was concentrated in larger trichomes and epidermal cells adjacent to the trichome but virtually absent in other leaf tissues. Within the trichomes, Zn was localized in ovate spots around the tips of individual cells. These tips and other locations in the trichome cell contained black electron dense material when examined with transmission electron microscopy, some of which was identified as SiO2. Silicon and Mn were concentrated in the same areas as Zn. Si has been previously associated with alleviating Zn, Mn and Cd toxicity. Our results support this observation and further investigation is warranted.Calcium and P were concentrated in the distal tips of trichomes, similar to patterns previously observed for calcicole plants grown in elevated Ca soils. Overall, nonsecretory trichomes from many plant families may have a common origin as tissues adapted to handle a variety of environmental metals.  相似文献   

几种蔬菜对外源碘的吸收与积累特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在盆栽条件下研究了小白菜、芹菜、辣椒和萝卜4种蔬菜对2种外源碘(海藻固体碘肥和KI)的吸收与积累特性.结果表明:蔬菜体内的碘含量均随外源碘浓度的提高而逐渐增加;不同蔬菜种类对碘的吸收与积累能力存在较大差异,叶菜类的小白菜对碘的积累能力最强,其次为茎菜类的芹菜,而根菜类的萝卜和果菜类的辣椒吸收与积累碘的能力较弱;碘在蔬菜体内的分布一般为根>叶>茎>果实,但萝卜地下块根的碘含量低于地上部分.低浓度碘处理(0~25mg.kg-1)对蔬菜生长没有明显的影响,但高浓度的外源碘(≥50mg.kg-1)对蔬菜生长有抑制作用,导致蔬菜生物量减少.不同蔬菜对碘的敏感反应表现为辣椒>小白菜>芹菜>萝卜.与海藻固体碘肥相比,KI处理的第1茬蔬菜生物量下降明显(P<0.05),而2种外源碘对第2茬蔬菜的生长均无显著影响.蔬菜对2种外源碘的吸收和积累效果同样存在很大差异(P<0.05),第1茬蔬菜对KI的吸收能力强于海藻碘肥(P<0.05),第2茬蔬菜对KI的吸收量迅速下降,而对海藻固体碘肥的吸收下降不明显,说明海藻固体碘肥比KI具有更长的持效性.  相似文献   

富贵菜(Gynura divaricata DC.)是中国民间传统的药食兼用型多年生草本植物资源,具有清热、凉血、止痛、调节免疫、降血糖和抗肿瘤的功效。对富贵菜国内外研究进展进行了综述,内容涉及植物学特性、生态学特性、营养与保健、采后保鲜、栽培繁殖病虫害防治、功能化学成分及药理作用研究等方面。并在对其所存在的问题进行初步讨论的基础上,提出在加强种植资源遗传多样性研究与保护的同时,开展现在育种技术和栽培技术的研究,结合新兴生物技术和药理研究,开展富贵菜资源的综合运用。  相似文献   

The experiment assessed the variability of in seven clones of willow plants of high biomass production (Salix smithiana S-218, Salix smithiana S-150, Salix viminalis S-519, Salix alba S-464, Salix ’Pyramidalis’ S-141, Salix dasyclados S-406, Salix rubens S-391). They were planted in a pots for three vegetation periods in three soils differing in the total content of risk elements. Comparing the calculated relative decrease of total metal contents in soils, the phytoextraction potential of willows was obtained for cadmium (Cd) and zinc (Zn), moderately contaminated Cambisol and uncontaminated Chernozem, where aboveground biomass removed about 30% Cd and 5% Zn of the total element content, respectively. The clones showed variability in removing Cd and Zn, depending on soil type and contamination level: S. smithiana (S-150) and S. rubens (S-391) demonstrated the highest phytoextraction effect for Cd and Zn. For lead (Pb) and arsenic (As), the ability to accumulate the aboveground biomass of willows was found to be negligible in both soils. The results confirmed that willow plants show promising results for several elements, mainly for mobile ones like cadmium and zinc in moderate levels of contamination. The differences in accumulation among the clones seemed to be affected more by the properties of clones, not by the soil element concentrations or soil properties. However, confirmation and verification of the results in field conditions as well as more detailed investigation of the mechanisms of cadmium uptake in rhizosphere of willow plants will be determined by further research.  相似文献   

樱桃李核仁油脂肪酸组成分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用气相色谱法及气相色谱-质谱联机技术,对樱桃李Prunus divaricata Ldb.核仁油中的脂肪酸进行了定量、定性分析.其脂肪酸组成为油酸66.3%、亚油酸25.6%、棕榈酸5.6%、硬脂酸1.4%,不饱和脂肪酸油酸和亚油酸的总量占91.9%,该油有较高的营养价值.  相似文献   

McGrath  S.P.  Shen  Z.G.  Zhao  F.J. 《Plant and Soil》1997,188(1):153-159
Thlaspi caerulescens (J. and C. Presl) and Thlaspi ochroleucum (Boiss. ex Heldr) were grown in three different soils containing moderate to high amounts of heavy metals in a pot experiment, using a rhizobag technique. T. caerulescens accumulated significantly more Zn in the shoots than T. ochroleucum. The concentrations of Zn in the shoots of T. caerulescens ranged from 3100 to 8100 mg kg-1 dry matter (DM), but only from 800 to 1600 mg kg-1 DM in T. ochroleucum. Total uptake of Zn in the shoots of T. caerulescens was about 5 times that of T. ochroleucum. In contrast, the differences between the two species in the uptake of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni and Pb were generally small. Concentrations of mobile Zn (extractable with 1M NH4NO3) in the rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soils decreased considerably after growth of both plants, but the decreases were greater with T. caerulescens than with T. ochroleucum. The decreases in the mobile fraction accounted for less than 10% of the total Zn uptake by T. caerulescens indicating that this species was effective in mobilising Zn from less soluble fractions in the soils. The rhizosphere soils tended to have higher concentrations of mobile Zn than the non-rhizosphere soils, probably because of the lower pH in the rhizosphere. The pH in the rhizosphere soils was 0.2-0.4 units lower than that in the non-rhizosphere soils at the end of the experiment. However, there were no significant differences between the two species in the degree of rhizosphere acidification. The results suggest that T. caerulescens has potential for removing Zn from moderately to highly contaminated soils, but that this ability was not related to the pH changes in the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

The uptake, transport, and accumulation of metals by plants are functions central to successful phytoextraction. This study investigates the uptake and translocation of arsenic from a contaminated sandy soil by a mature Chinese brake fern (Pteris vittata L.). An existing mathematical model for the coupled transport of water, heat, and solutes in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum (CTSPAC) was modified to examine the flow of water as well as the uptake and translocation of total arsenic in the xylem of the fern. This model was calibrated using greenhouse measurements before its application. Simulation results showed that about 20% of the soil arsenic was removed by the fern in 10 d, of which about 90% of the arsenic was stored in the fronds and 10% in the roots. Although arsenic mass in the plant tissues increased consecutively with time, arsenic concentration in the xylem sap of the root tips has a typical diurnal distribution pattern: increasing during the day and decreasing at night, resulting from daily variations of frond surface water transpiration. The largest difference in simulated arsenic concentration in the root tips between the day and night was about 5%. This study also suggests that the use of transpiration stream concentration factor (TSCF), which is defined as the ratio of chemical concentration in the xylem sap to that in the external solution, to evaluate the translocation efficiency of arsenic for the hyperaccumulator Chinese brake fern (Pteris vittata L.) could be limited.  相似文献   

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