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We have previously shown that the proximal promoter region (−185 to +57) of the wheat histone H3 gene ( TH012 ) is sufficient for regulating S phase-specific expression of a reporter GUS gene. To define the cis -acting element(s) responsible for S phase-specific expression, GUS fusion genes under the control of wild-type or variously mutated H3 promoters were stably introduced into cultured rice Oc cells and their temporal expression was analyzed during the cell cycle by quantitative S1 analysis. The S phase-specific expression of the full-sized promoter (−1716 to +52) was significantly impaired by short internal deletions disrupting the type I element from −175 to −158 (CCACGTCACCaATCCGCG), composed of the Hex (CCACG-TCA) and reverse-oriented Oct (GATCCGCG) motifs. Moreover, the H3 proximal promoters (−184 to +52) harboring base-substitution mutations in either or both of the Hex and Oct motifs could no longer activate gene expression during the S phase. These results indicate that the type I element is the first cis-acting element identified responsible for the S phase-specific expression of plant histone genes. Results also suggested the presence of a redundant cis -acting element(s) responsible for S phase-specific expression in the H3 far-upstream region (−1716 to −185).  相似文献   

The concentrations of trace elements in several mollusk, arthropod, echinoderm, and tunicata species were determined by photon activation analysis. The samples were freeze-dried, pulverized by a mill, and fractionated through a 200-mesh sieve. Three standard materials were used for comparative standards: NIST SRM-1566a Oyster Tissue, NIST SRM-1577b Bovine Liver, and NRCC TORT-1 Lobster. The samples and comparator standards were sealed in silica tubes and irradiated for 3 h by 30-MeV bremsstrahlung from a linear accelerator at Tohoku University. By measuring gamma-ray spectra, the concentrations of 16 elements (As, Br, Ca, Cr, Cu, Fe, I, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sr, and Zn) were determined.  相似文献   

The requirements for activation of the mouse alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) gene in transient heterokaryons were investigated. For this purpose, the 7-kilobases of DNA flanking the 5' end of the AFP gene were linked to a mouse major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I structural gene. The fusion gene was stably integrated at different sites into mouse L-cells, which do not transcribe the AFP gene. Transient heterokaryon fusions demonstrated that the silent AFP-MHC gene and the endogenous AFP gene were activated by factors present in HepG2 cells, a liver-derived cell line, but not by those in HeLa cells. Activation was detected at the protein level in single heterokaryons by using monoclonal antibodies against the cell surface protein and at the mRNA level in populations of cells. The AFP promoter alone was sufficient for activation could be used for DNA transfer strategies to identify genes which can activate AFP promoter elements in trans.  相似文献   

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