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Virus–bacterium interactions were investigated in the pelagic and benthic habitats in a set of lakes along an altitudinal gradient in the subarctic northern Sweden. Viral and bacterial abundances showed a significant variation between the lakes, with the highest benthic microbial abundances recorded in a high-altitude lake [993 m above sea level (a.s.l.)], whereas the highest pelagic microbial abundances were found in a low-altitude lake (270 m a.s.l.). In the pelagic habitat, there was also a distinct difference in microbial abundances between the summer–autumn and the winter sampling occasion. A positive relationship was noted between viruses and bacteria in both the pelagic and the benthic habitats. Visibly virus-infected bacterial cells were uncommon in the pelagic habitat and undetectable in the benthos. Both lytic and lysogenic pelagic viral production rates were undetectable or low; thus, a possible explanation for the relative high viral abundances found in the water column could be an allochthonous input of viruses or release of sediment-derived viruses. Overall, our results provide novel information about the relevance of viruses in the subarctic region and indicate that viruses play only a minor role in the nutrient and carbon cycling in the microbial communities of subarctic lakes. 相似文献
Aquaculture ponds are simple and unique ecosystems, which are affected intensively by human activities. In this mini-review, we focus our attention on the distribution and community diversity of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) in pond water and sediments, as well as the possible ecological mechanisms involved. Moreover, we discuss the possibility of increasing the activity of ammonia-oxidizing organisms in order to improve the water quality in aquaculture ponds. Compared with eutrophic lakes, the significantly higher ammonia concentration in pond water does not lead to significantly higher AOB levels, and the abundance of AOA is too low to quantify accurately. Similar to eutrophic lakes, high abundances of AOA and AOB are present in the surface sediments at the same time, where the oxidation of ammonia is performed mainly by AOB. AOB and AOA exhibit significant seasonal variations in aquaculture ponds, which are affected by the temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen. The dominant AOB species are Nitrosomonas and the Nitrosospira lineage in pond environments. Nitrososphaera or members of the Nitrososphaera-like cluster dominate the AOA species in surface sediments, whereas the Nitrosopumilus cluster dominates the deeper sediments. AOB and AOA can be enriched on artificial substrates suspended in the pond water, thereby potentially improving the water quality. 相似文献
1. Shallow lakes and ponds are a major component of the northern landscape and often contain a high zooplankton biomass despite clear waters that are poor in phytoplankton. 2. In this study we quantified zooplankton food sources and feeding rates in the shallow waters of two contrasting high‐latitude biomes: subarctic forest tundra (Kuujjuarapik, Quebec) and high arctic polar desert (Resolute, Nunavut). Five substrate types were tested (beads, bacteria, picophytoplankton, filamentous plankton and microbial mats). Special attention was given to the role of benthos, a component that is usually poorly integrated into models of aquatic foodwebs. 3. Consistent with observations elsewhere in the circumpolar region, high concentrations of adult macrozooplankton occurred in all sites (up to 17 100 crustaceans m ?3) while phytoplankton concentrations and primary productivity were low. The communities were composed of multiple species, including Daphnia middendorfiana, Hesperodiaptomus arcticus, Leptodiaptomus minutus, Artemiopsis stefanssoni and Branchinecta paludosa. 4. Detritus made 89–98% of the planktonic resource pool and bacteria contributed the highest biomass (up to 29 mg C m ?3) of the planktonic food particles available to zooplankton. Benthic resources were dominated by microbial mats that grew in nutrient‐rich conditions at the base of the ponds and which dominated overall ecosystem biomass and productivity. 5. All species were flexible in their feeding but there were large, order of magnitude differences in clearance rates among taxa. These differences likely resulted from different grazing strategies among cladocerans, copepods and fairy shrimps, and possibly also from adaptation to specific food types and size ranges that occur locally in these waters. 6. The subarctic cladocerans Ceriodaphnia quadrangula and D. middendorfiana, and the arctic fairy shrimp B. paludosa were observed to graze directly on the microbial mats and the feeding experiments confirmed their assimilation of benthic substrates. The other zooplankton species showed a more pelagic feeding mode but were capable of using microbial mat filaments, thus may be indirectly linked to benthic processes via resuspension. 7. Our study indicates that the classical aquatic food web in which phytoplankton provide the sole production base for grazers does not apply to northern shallow lakes and ponds. Instead, microbial mats increase the physical complexity of these high latitude ecosystems and likely play a role in sustaining their high zooplankton biomass. 相似文献
We measured bacterioplankton (phylotypes detected by fluorescent in situ hybridisation, morphometric forms, abundance and
production) in samples collected in summer in the littoral and pelagic zones of 10 subtropical shallow lakes of contrasting
area (from 13 to 80,800 ha). Compared to the pelagic zones, the littoral zones were overall characterised by higher macrophyte
dominance and lower concentrations of total phosphorus and alkalinity and higher concentrations of dissolved organic carbon
(DOC) and humic substances. Similarities of bacterial production and biomass turnover and density of active phylotypes and
morphotype proportions were related to similarities in a set of environmental variables (including nutrients, humic substances
content, predator density and phytoplankton biomass), and some additionally to lake area. Horizontal heterogeneity in bacterioplankton
variables (littoral versus pelagic) increased with lake area. Bacterioplankton biomass and production tended to be lower in
the littoral zone than in the pelagic zone despite higher concentrations of DOC and humic substances. A likely explanation
is higher predation on bacterioplankton in the littoral zone, although allelophatic effects exerted by macrophytes cannot
be excluded. Our results indicate that organic cycling via bacterioplankton may be less efficient in the littoral zone than
in the pelagic zone of shallow lakes. 相似文献
1. The taxonomic composition, abundance and biomass of heterotrophic protists (ciliates, heterotrophic flagellates (HF), rhizopods and actinopods) in the sediment and water column of shallow inlets of the Southern Baltic was studied under a variety of environmental conditions during 1996–1997. A shallow, highly eutrophic station and a deeper, less eutrophic station were compared. 2. Community biomass ranged from 0.12 to 0.34 μg C cm?3 in the water column and from 1.5 to 105 μg C cm?3 in the sediment. Heterotrophic protists dominated zooplankton biomass at both stations (73% and 84% mean contribution), while they were of minor importance within the zoobenthos. Expressed per unit area, benthic biomass contributed a significant part (44% and 49%) to the total heterotrophic protistan community at both stations. 3. Although the methodology for counting ciliates and HF was focussed on a high taxonomic resolution, the results reveal some general trends in the distribution of heterotrophic protists: protozooplankton biomass was dominated by flagellates (80% mean biomass contribution) at the shallow station and by ciliates (73% mean biomass contribution) at the deep station. In the benthos at both stations, ciliates were the dominant protozoans, followed by the hitherto little‐studied rhizopods (25% and 35% mean biomass contribution) and flagellates. 4. The degree of benthic–pelagic coupling differed between taxonomic groups. Benthic and pelagic communities of ciliates showed little taxonomic overlap. In contrast, many heterotrophic flagellate species were found both in the benthos and in the pelagic. These benthic–pelagic species contributed significantly to the biomass of HF in the water column. The planktonic rhizopod community consisted of a subset of those species found in the benthos. 5. The abundance of benthic and pelagic protists was positively correlated at the shallow station, but taxonomic data indicate that the direct exchange between benthic and pelagic communities was only partly responsible. 相似文献
The annual changes in the composition and abundance of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) were analyzed monthly in surface waters of three high mountain lakes within the Limnological Observatory of the Pyrenees (LOOP; northeast Spain) using both 16S rRNA and functional (ammonia monooxygenase gene, amoA) gene sequencing as well as quantitative PCR amplification. The set of biological data was related to changes in nitrogen species and to other relevant environmental variables. The whole archaeal assemblage was dominated by phylotypes closely related to the crenarchaeal 1.1a group (58% ± 18% of total 16S rRNA gene sequences), and consistent structural changes were detected during the study. Water temperature was the environmental variable that better explained spring, summer, and winter (ice-covered lakes) archaeal assemblage structure. The amoA gene was detected year round, and seasonal changes in amoA gene composition were well correlated with changes in the archaeal 16S rRNA gene pool. In addition, copy numbers of both the specific 1.1a group 16 rRNA and archaeal amoA genes were well correlated, suggesting that most freshwater 1.1a Crenarchaeota had the potential to carry out ammonia oxidation. Seasonal changes in the diversity and abundance of AOA (i.e., amoA) were better explained by temporal changes in ammonium, the substrate for nitrification, and mostly nitrite, the product of ammonia oxidation. Lacustrine amoA gene sequences grouped in coherent freshwater phylogenetic clusters, suggesting that freshwater habitats harbor typical amoA-containing ecotypes, which is different from soils and seas. We observed within the freshwater amoA gene sequence pool a high genetic divergence (translating to up to 32% amino acid divergence) between the spring and the remaining AOA assemblages. This suggests that different AOA ecotypes are adapted to different temporal ecological niches in these lakes. 相似文献
In nature, ammonia-oxidizing bacteria have to compete with heterotrophic bacteria and plants for limiting amounts of ammonium. Previous laboratory experiments conducted with Nitrosomonas europaea suggested that ammonia-oxidizing bacteria are weak competitors for ammonium. To obtain a better insight into possible methods of niche differentiation among ammonia-oxidizing bacteria, we carried out a growth experiment at low ammonium concentrations with N. europaea and the ammonia oxidizer G5-7, a close relative of Nitrosomonas oligotropha belonging to Nitrosomonas cluster 6a, enriched from a freshwater sediment. Additionally, we compared the starvation behavior of the newly enriched ammonia oxidizer G5-7 to that of N. europaea. The growth experiment at low ammonium concentrations showed that strain G5-7 was able to outcompete N. europaea at growth-limiting substrate concentrations of about 10 micro M ammonium, suggesting better growth abilities of the ammonia oxidizer G5-7 at low ammonium concentrations. However, N. europaea displayed a more favorable starvation response. After 1 to 10 weeks of ammonium deprivation, N. europaea became almost immediately active after the addition of fresh ammonium and converted the added ammonium within 48 to 96 h. In contrast, the regeneration time of the ammonia oxidizer G5-7 increased with increasing starvation time. Taken together, these results provide insight into possible mechanisms of niche differentiation for the ammonia-oxidizing bacteria studied. The Nitrosomonas cluster 6a member, G5-7, is able to grow at ammonium concentrations at which the growth of N. europaea, belonging to Nitrosomonas cluster 7, has already ceased, providing an advantage in habitats with continuously low ammonium concentrations. On the other hand, the ability of N. europaea to become active again after longer periods of starvation for ammonium may allow better exploitation of irregular pulses of ammonium in the environment. 相似文献
Specific molecular determination and classification of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria have relied on the use of conventional markers such as 16S rDNA. However, this gene does not satisfactorily provide a wide vision of all phylogenetic lineages. Despite the initial expectations, the use of functional genes as for example amoA has only been useful to corroborate the established taxonomy. Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria constitute a physiological group that crosses over principal phylogenetic radiations. Therefore, it is necessary to look for novel functional markers, which are needed for both diversity and taxonomic studies. In this work, the available amoB sequences have been used to design a new degenerate set of primers flanking a ca. 500-bp region. Partial amoB gene sequences of up to 16 AOB strains (5 Nitrosomonas, 10 Nitrosospira, and 1 Nitrosococcus) belonging to both the beta- and the gamma-Proteobacteria have been obtained. Comparison of both DNA and deduced amino acid sequences results in three subgroups, two of them of the beta-Proteobacteria and a third one of the gamma-Proteobacteria displaying 75% and 35% homology in their deduced amino acid sequences, respectively. This gene has proven to be a suitable molecular marker to study AOB, as well as providing a new insight into the classification of this group. 相似文献
The sedimentary benthos of a series of shallow, eutrophicated lakes, the Norfolk Broads is, in general, low not only in number of species but unexpectedly in number of individuals. In two of the lakes, Hudsons Bay and Hoveton Great Broad, chironomids and oligochaetes dominated the fauna. Hudsons Bay has an extensive stand of water lilies (Nuphar lutea); Hoveton Great Broad does not. There were significant relationships between number of chironomids and of Potamothrix hammoniensis with organic content of the sediments, but these were due not to food availability but to the structure imparted to the otherwise fluid sediment by the organic matter. Sediment stabilised in plastic bowls developed much larger populations of oligochaetes than found in the unrestricted sediment. Protection of the community from fish predation resulted in a further major increase in numbers. Sediment stability and predation rather than food supply were the major determinants of these benthic populations. 相似文献
1. We set out to evaluate the reliability of bacterial communities as an indicator of freshwater ecological health. 2. Samples of epilithic biofilm were taken over a 1-year period from four streams, each impacted by varying degrees of human modification. The bacteria within each sample were characterised using a whole community DNA fingerprinting technique (automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis). Spatial and temporal differences in community structure between samples were visualised using multi-dimensional scaling and quantified using permutational multivariate anova . Macrobenthic invertebrates, which are commonly used as indicators of stream ecological health, were also sampled for comparison. 3. Multivariate analysis revealed a clear gradient in macroinvertebrate community structure between sites exposed to increased human impact. Bacterial communities, however, could only distinguish the most impacted site from the remainder. 4. Additional research is required to increase the sensitivity of bacterial community analyses before endorsing their use as an indicator of freshwater ecological health. 相似文献
Sediments are of key importance in determining the nutrient levels of water in shallow lakes as they can act as either source or sink for phosphorus (P) depending on environmental conditions, sediment characteristics, and external nutrient loading. We examined the role of benthic algae in the P cycling between sediment and overlying water in experiments using 32P as a tracer. Sediment and water samples were collected from Huizhou West Lake, a shallow, eutrophic waterbody located in Huizhou City, South China. Laboratory cultured benthic algae were transferred to cover the sediment core in tubes. When 32P was added to the water in experimental tubes containing sediment cores with and without benthic algae, 32P activity after 48 h was significantly lower in the tubes with algae, indicating that benthic algae removed P from the overlying water. When the tracer was injected into the sediment, 32P activity in the water overlying sediment with benthic algae was substantially lower than in tubes with naked sediment, suggesting that benthic algae reduce the release of sediment P. Oxygen levels were significantly higher in the upper 3 mm of the sediments covered by benthic algae; thus, we hypothesized that oxygen produced by the algae helps inhibit the release of P from the sediment. Our study demonstrates that benthic algae are capable of reducing P levels in water overlying the sediment, suggesting that loss of benthic algae during eutrophication triggered by impoverished light conditions may accelerate the shift in shallow lakes from a clear water to a turbid state. 相似文献
The abundance and activity of methane-oxidizing bacteria (MOB) in the water column were investigated in three lakes with different contents of nutrients and humic substances. The abundance of MOB was determined by analysis of group-specific phospholipid fatty acids from type I and type II MOB, and in situ activity was measured with a 14CH4 transformation method. The fatty acid analyses indicated that type I MOB most similar to species of Methylomonas, Methylomicrobium, and Methylosarcina made a substantial contribution (up to 41%) to the total bacterial biomass, whereas fatty acids from type II MOB generally had very low concentrations. The MOB biomass and oxidation activity were positively correlated and were highest in the hypo- and metalimnion during summer stratification, whereas under ice during winter, maxima occurred close to the sediments. The methanotroph biomass-specific oxidation rate (V) ranged from 0.001 to 2.77 mg CH4-C mg(-1) C day(-1) and was positively correlated with methane concentration, suggesting that methane supply largely determined the activity and biomass distribution of MOB. Our results demonstrate that type I MOB often are a large component of pelagic bacterial communities in temperate lakes. They represent a potentially important pathway for reentry of carbon and energy into pelagic food webs that would otherwise be lost as evasion of CH4. 相似文献
The eutrophication model Delwaq-Bloom-Switch is developed to be a functional tool for water management. Therefore it includes nutrients, algal biomass and composition as well as water transparency. A module describing the interaction between water and bottom gives the model the flexibility to deal with measures, such as a decrease of the external phosphorus loading and flushing with water differing in composition from the lake water. This paper focuses on the functional aspects of the model, the results of an application on Lake Veluwe, The Netherlands, and the implications for water management.With one set of coefficients DBS reproduces the most important characteristics of Lake Veluwe for a period of two years before measures (reduction of the external loading and flushing during the winter months) and eight years after the measures. The phosphorus concentration decreased and became growth limiting for algae instead of nitrogen and light. Both in measurements and modelling results, the algal composition changed from blue-green algae dominance to green algae and diatom dominance. Lake Veluwe had a relatively short transient phase after reduction of external loading, because high nitrate concentrations in the flushing water inhibited a long period with high phosphorus releases from the bottom.Model calculations were carried out to investigate the effects of fish stock management and optimization of flushing. Both measures are promising. 相似文献
The troglobitic amphipod crustacean Crangonyx antennatus populates two distinct habitats in southern Appalachian caves, mud-bottom pools and gravel-bottom streams. An investigation was conducted to determine if stream populations possess behavioral adaptations to lotic conditions. Observations on the thigmotactic behavior of C. antennatus were made seasonally in six Lee Co., Virginia caves, three containing pool habitats and three with stream habitats. Stream-dwelling amphipods were found to exhibit more cryptic behavior than those inhabiting pools under natural conditions and when disturbed. Artificial stream experiments indicate that stream-dwelling C. antennatus are better adapted behaviorally to lotic conditions than pool-dwelling amphipods. 相似文献
Microbial processing of detritus is known to be important to benthic invertebrate nutrition, but the role of dissolved (DOC) versus particulate organic carbon (POC), and pathways by which those resources are obtained, are poorly understood. We used stable isotopes to determine the importance of DOC, POC, and CH 4-derived carbon to benthic invertebrate consumers from arctic Alaskan Lakes. Intact sediment cores from Lake GTH 112 were enriched with 13C-labeled organic matter, including algal detritus, algal-derived DOC, methyl-labeled acetate, and carboxyl-labeled acetate, and incubated for 1?month with either caddisflies ( Grensia praeterita ) or fingernail clams ( Sphaerium nitidum), two invertebrate species that are important to fish nutrition. Both species used basal resources derived from POC and DOC. Results generally suggest greater reliance on POC. Differential assimilation from acetate treatments suggests Sphaerium assimilated CH 4-derived carbon, which likely occurred through deposit-feeding. Grensia assimilated some microbially processed acetate, although its survivorship was poor in acetate treatments. Our data extend previous studies reporting use of CH 4-derived carbon by Chironomidae and oligochaetes. Taken together, these results suggest that the use of CH 4-derived carbon is common among deposit-feeding benthic invertebrates. 相似文献
1. Brown and rainbow trout have been introduced to many inland waters in New Zealand, but research on the impacts on native communities has focused mainly on streams. The purpose of this study was to compare the benthic communities of trout and troutless lakes. Based on previous studies in North America and Europe, we predicted that the benthic biomass, and especially the abundance of large invertebrates, would be lower in lakes with trout as compared to those without. We surveyed the invertebrate fauna of 43 shallow, high‐elevation lakes (26 with and 17 without trout) in four geographic clusters on the central South Island and then conducted a detailed quantitative study of invertebrate biomass and community structure in 12 of these lakes. 2. Benthic community composition and diversity of lakes with and without trout were nearly identical and biomass was as high or higher in the lakes with as without trout. There was no evidence that trout have caused local extinctions of benthic invertebrates. Although the proportional abundance of large‐bodied aquatic was slightly lower in lakes with than without trout, the abundance of several groups of large‐bodied benthic taxa (dragonflies, caddisflies and water bugs) did not differ. 3. Our findings are in contrast to those in North American and Europe where trout introductions into previously troutless lakes have led to declines in the abundance of benthic invertebrates, especially large‐bodied taxa. We propose that the modest effects of trout in New Zealand could be explained by (i) the high areal extent of submergent vegetation that acts as a benthic refuge, (ii) low intensity of trout predation on benthic communities and/or (iii) characteristics of the benthic invertebrates that make them relatively invulnerable to fish predation. 4. Regardless of the relative importance of these hypotheses, our results emphasise that the same invertebrates occurred in all of the lakes, regardless of size, elevation and presence of trout, suggesting habitat generalists dominate the benthic fauna in shallow New Zealand lakes. 相似文献
Data on phytoplankton, macrophytes, benthic invertebrates and fish from more than 2000 lakes in 22 European countries were used to develop and test metrics for assessing the ecological status of European lakes as required by the Water Framework Directive. The strongest and most sensitive of the 11 metrics responding to eutrophication pressure were phytoplankton chlorophyll a, a taxonomic composition trophic index and a functional traits index, the macrophyte intercalibration taxonomic composition metric and a Nordic lake fish index. Intermediate response was found for a cyanobacterial bloom intensity index (Cyano), the Ellenberg macrophyte index and a multimetric index for benthic invertebrates. The latter also responded to hydromorphological pressure. The metrics provide information on primary and secondary impacts of eutrophication in the pelagic and the littoral zone of lakes. Several of these metrics were used as common metrics in the intercalibration of national assessment systems or have been incorporated directly into the national systems. New biological metrics have been developed to assess hydromorphological pressures, based on aquatic macrophyte responses to water level fluctuations, and on macroinvertebrate responses to morphological modifications of lake shorelines. These metrics thus enable the quantification of biological impacts of hydromorphological pressures in lakes. 相似文献
Metazooplankton grazing on bacteria and on the phytoplanktonof various sizes was estimated in shallow eutrophic lakes Kaiavereand Võrtsjärv (Estonia) by in situ feeding experimentswith fluorescent microspheres (diameters 0.5 µm for bacteriaand 3, 6 and 24 µm for phytoplankton). Zooplankton communitycomposition, abundance and food density were important factorsdetermining grazing rates in these lakes. Cladocerans and rotifersfiltering rates ( FR) and ingestion rates ( IR) on bacteria andphytoplankton were several times higher in Lake Kaiavere wherebacterivorous rotifers and Daphnia contributed more to zooplanktonassemblage. While cladocerans were generally the main phytoplanktonconsumers, both lakes differed with respect to the groups ofbacterivores. Based on consumption of fluorescent microspheres,the metazooplankton grazing rates were relatively low and hadlow impact on production and standing stock of bacteria andingestible phytoplankton (<30 µm). On average, 0.5and 0.1% of standing stock of bacteria and 2.6 and 1.0% of standingstock of ingestible phytoplankton was grazed daily by metazooplanktonin lakes Kaiavere and Võrtsjärv, respectively. Thatcorresponded to daily grazing of 4.1% of the bacterial productionand 0.43% of the total primary production (PP) by metazooplanktonin Lake Kaiavere compared with 4.3 and 0.06% in Lake Võrtsjärv,respectively. The results suggest that the majority of consumptionof the bacterial and phytoplankton PP is most likely channelledthrough the microbial loop. 相似文献
SUMMARY. 1. The specific productivities of algae and bacteria were measured in short-term (4 day) experiments consisting of enclosures with natural or reduced zooplankton biomass. Experiments were repeated five times over a season in each of two lakes that differed in the background concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). 2. Algal biomass as estimated by chlorophyll a was suppressed in enclosures with ambient grazer levels in six of ten experiments and enhanced in one experiment. Distribution of chlorophyll among net and nanoplankton was not significantly affected by grazing. 3. Relative to enclosures with reduced zooplankton, normal grazer biomass (97–466μg 1 −1 dry weight) enhanced specific algal productivity in only one of five experiments in the low DOC take and had no effect in all five experiments in the high DOC lake. The main effects of grazers on algae was through removal of biomass rather than through indirect changes in turnover rate. 4. Between experiments, bacterial density was either unaffected, or mildly enhanced (4–87%) in enclosures with ambient macrozooplankton compared to those with reduced levels. Bacterial productivity and turnover estimated by incorporation of [ 3H]thymidine into DNA showed different responses across experiments; increasing, declining or remaining the same with grazer minipulation. This variability was not related to differences in dissolved primary production or to background DOC between lakes or experiments. Comparison of bacterial productivities based on thymidine incorporation rates with changes in cell densities indicated that control of bacterial loss processes by macrozooplankton is more important than control of growth rates. 相似文献