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A simpler and better method for purity testing of hybrid pepper seed was developed. The simplest method for extracting genomic DNA, the NaOH method, was chosen. Two RAPD markers identifying male and female parents were also developed, and the PCR products of male- and female-specific RAPD markers were cloned and sequenced. From these sequences, new longer primers were constructed for conversion into SCAR markers. In blind tests the RAPD and SCAR markers were able to reliably detect contaminating exotic seeds. These PCR-based markers are therefore directly applicable for purity testing by seed companies. In addition, the PCR products of the SCAR markers could be identified by direct staining methods such as ethidium bromide and pellet painting without electrophoresis.  相似文献   

The common fig tree (Ficus carica L.) is a Mediterranean crop with problematic cultivar identification. The recovery and conservation of possible local varieties for ecological production requires the previous genetic characterization of the available germplasm. In this context, 42 lines corresponding to 12 local varieties and two caprifigs, in addition to 15 reference samples have been fingerprinted using 21 SSR markers. A total of 77 alleles were revealed, detecting a useful level of genetic variability within the local germplasm pools. UPGMA clustering analysis has revealed the genetic structure and relationships among the local and reference germplasm. Eleven of the local varieties could be identified and defined as obtained clusters, showing that SSR analysis is an efficient method to evaluate the Andalusian fig tree diversity for on-farm conservation.  相似文献   

The stability and completeness of male sterility is still a challenge in some male sterile rice lines, especially those of photoperiod/thermo-sensitive genic male sterility (P/TGMS). Leaf color marker is a widely practiced approach to reduce the impact of self-pollinated seeds of male sterile lines. The papst1 is a leaf color mutant. The newly emerged leaves of papst1 are chlorosis and have an impaired photosynthesis. But the other agronomic traits, such as germination rate, duration of maturation and seed weight, are not changed. The papst1/PAPST1 F1 showed the wild-type leaf phenotype. The papst1/PAPST1 F2 progenies displayed an approximately 3:1 segregation ratio of WT phenotype:mutant phenotype (72: 28, χ2 = 0.48, p > 0.05), suggesting that papst1 mutant phenotype is caused by a single repressive gene. Map-based cloning and sequencing analysis revealed that a point mutation was occurred in Os01 g16040 (OsPAPST1). Given these results, the Ospapst1 mutant is a useful mutant for identifying seed purity and authenticity in hybrid rice.  相似文献   

Phage display as a tool for the directed evolution of enzymes   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Since its introduction in 1985, phage display has had a tremendous impact on the discovery of peptides that bind to a variety of receptors, the generation of binding sites within predefined scaffolds, and the creation of high-affinity antibodies without immunization. Its application to enzymology has required the development of techniques that couple enzymatic activity to selection protocols based on affinity chromatography. Here, we describe both indirect methods, using transition-state analogues and suicide substrates, and direct methods, using the ability of active phage-enzymes to transform substrate into product. The methods have been applied to large libraries for mechanistic-based studies and to generate variants with new or improved properties. In addition, such techniques have been successfully used to select catalytic antibodies and improve their catalytic efficiency.  相似文献   

CACTA is a class 2 transposon, that is very abundantly present in plant genomes. Using Rim2/Hipa CACTA transposon display (hereafter Rim2/Hipa-TD), we analyzed several A-genome diploid Oryza species that have a high distribution of the CACTA motifs. High levels of polymorphism were detected within and between the Oryza species. The African taxa, O. glaberrima and O. barthii, both showed lower levels of polymorphism than the Asian taxa, O. sativa, O. rufipogon, and O. nivara. However, O. longistaminata, another African taxon, showed levels of polymorphism that were similar to the Asian taxa. The Latin American taxon, O. glumaepatula, and the Australian taxon, O. meridionalis, exhibited intermediate levels of polymorphism between those of the Asian and African taxa. The lowest level of polymorphism was observed in O. glaberrima (32.1%) and the highest level of polymorphism was observed in O. rufipogon (95.7%). The phylogenetic tree revealed three major groups at the genetic similarity level of 0.409. The first group consisted of three Asian taxa, O. sativa, O. rufipogon and O. nivara. The second group consisted of three African taxa, O. glaberrima, O. barthii, O. longistaminata, and an American taxon, O. glumaepatula. The third group contained an Australian taxon, O. meridionalis. The clustering patterns of these species matched well with their geographical origins. Rim2/Hipa-TD appears to be a useful marker system for studying the genetic diversity and species relationships among the AA diploid Oryza species.  相似文献   

For nearly 3000 taxa of birds and mammals, conservation breeding may be the only possible way to avoid extinction. Today, less than 100 of these taxa have self-sustaining captive populations, and even fewer have been selected for reintroduction programmes. However, recent developments in our theoretical understanding of conservation breeding, as well as in its practical application, and global organization, raise hopes for the future.  相似文献   

Barley tissue as direct template for PCR: a practical breeding tool   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A method for using alkali treated intact plant tissue as a DNA source for the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was applied to barley. This method saves up to two days and more than USD 50 per 40 samples by eliminating the need for DNA extraction to produce template for PCR. The conditions were optimized for various barley tissues. Fresh leaves, freeze-dried leaves, and anthers worked well as templates while root, embryo, and endosperm tissues did not. The method was shown to work with several genotypes and different primers. The resulting PCR product could be cut with restriction enzyme to produce clear polymorphism without any interference. This method can be a practical breeding tool by providing a fast, inexpensive method for screening large populations.  相似文献   

Cumulative chi-squared statistic as a tool for testing goodness of fit   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
HIROTSU  C. 《Biometrika》1986,73(1):165-173

The genus Brachiaria comprises more than 100 species and is the single most important genus of forage grass in the tropics. Brachiaria brizantha, widely used in Brazilian pastures for beef and dairy production, is native to tropical Africa. As a subsidy to the breeding program underway in Brazil, cytological studies were employed to determine the chromosome number and to evaluate microsporogenesis in 46 accessions of this species available at Embrapa Beef Cattle (Brazil). Thirty-four accessions presented 2n = 36; seven had 2n = 45, and five had 2n = 54 chromosomes. Based on the higher level of chromosome association observed in diakinesis, in tetra-, penta-, and hexavalents, respectively, it was concluded that they are derived from x = 9; consequently, these accessions are tetra- (2n = 4x = 36), penta- (2n = 5x = 45), and hexaploids (2n = 6x = 54). The most common meiotic abnormalities were irregular chromosome segregation due to polyploidy. Chromosome stickiness, abnormal cytokinesis, non-congressed bivalents in metaphase I and chromosomes in metaphase II, and chromosome elimination were recorded at varying frequencies in several accessions. The mean percentage of meiotic abnormalities ranged from 0.36 to 95.76%. All the abnormalities had the potential to affect pollen viability by generating unbalanced gametes. Among the accessions, only the tetraploid ones with less than 40% of abnormalities are suitable as pollen donors in intra- and interspecific crosses. Currently, accessions with a high level of ploidy (5 and 6n) cannot be used as male genitors in crosses because of the lack of sexual female genitors with the same levels of ploidy.  相似文献   

利用苗期标记性状进行作物杂交新品种培育和种子纯度鉴定的技术方法,具有直观准确、简便快速、成本低廉的特点,优越于异地种植、同工酶电泳和DNA分子标记的鉴定方法.本文综述了这种方法应用的技术方法、材料来源、研究内容、应用的类型和成果,指出了存在的问题,对其应用前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

Summary The electrophoretic patterns for 17 different cyanobacterial cultures derived from 6 different decamer primers were analysed to provide diagnostic fingerprints for each culture and their genetic distances based on RAPD markers.The primer OPB 09 produced a maximum of 24 amplified products. The primers OPB 09, OPG 04 and OPAH 02 generated markers specific for Nostoc cultures. Westiellopsis was found to be distinct from other cyanobacterial cultures in the RAPD profile obtained with the primer OPAH 02. The primer OPF 03 generated specific markers for Tolypothrix tenuis. Fischerella cultures could be identified with the primers OPB 09, OPAG 03 and OPF 05. The study revealed that these RAPD markers could be further used to identify and establish the genetic purity of the strains in the cyanobacterial inoculum. There was a similarity of 60–90% within Westiellopsis cultures. Nostoc cultures shared 50–80% similarity with Westiellopsis cultures. Anabaenacultures were similar to Westiellopsiscultures by 60–70. The markers produced for each culture were also applied to phylogenetic analysis to infer genetic relatedness in this group of prokaryotes. The dendrogram analysis clearly revealed that free-living cyanobacterial cultures are closely related to each other and are distinct from the symbiotic forms.  相似文献   

Satellite imagery as a tool for monitoring species diversity: an assessment   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
1. A landscape of 5 × 5·5 km in the Karnataka region of the Western Ghats of India was mapped into seven landscape element types, using field identification of types as well as supervised and unsupervised classification of satellite imagery.
2. Plant communities distributed in these landscape element types were surveyed in the field using 246 quadrats of 10 × 10 m, in order to assess whether these types could be distinguished in terms of species composition. All angiosperms excluding grasses, which could not be identified accurately in the field, were recorded for this purpose.
3. Landscape element types identified in the field harboured significantly distinctive sets of species of flowering plants, and were also by and large distinctive in terms of their species richness.
4. Landscape element types could be identified accurately on the basis of supervised classification: the types thus demarcated harboured distinctive sets of flowering plants.
5. Landscape element types coupled to satellite imagery could then be used to organize a programme of monitoring biodiversity.
6. Unsupervised classification of satellite imagery did not permit classification of landscape element types with a high enough level of accuracy. In consequence, the demarcated landscape element types did not harbour significantly distinctive sets of species of flowering plants. Unsupervised classification is therefore not appropriate in a programme of monitoring biodiversity.  相似文献   

Affordable and easy-to-use methods for assessing biomass and leaf area index (LAI) would be of interest in most breeding programs. Here, we describe the evaluation of a protocol for photographic sampling and image analysis aimed at providing low-labor yet robust indicators of biomass and LAI. In this trial, two genotypes of triticale, two of bread wheat, and four of tritordeum were studied. At six dates during the growing cycle, biomass and LAI were measured destructively, and digital photography was taken on the same dates. Several vegetation indices were calculated from each image. The results showed that repeatable and consistent values of the indices were obtained in consecutive photographic samplings on the same plots. The photographic indices were highly correlated with the destructive measure-ments, though the magnitude of the correlation was lower after anthesis. This work shows that photographic assess-ment of biomass and LAI can be fast, affordable, have good repeatability, and can be used under bright and overcast skies. A practical vegetation index derived from pictures is the fraction of green pixels over the total pixels of the image, and as it shows good correlations with all biomass variables, is the most robust to lighting conditions and has easy interpretation.  相似文献   

The biodiversity of tropical forests consists primarily of small organisms that are difficult to detect and characterize. Next‐generation sequencing (NGS) methods can facilitate analyses of these arthropod and microbial communities, leading to a better understanding of existing diversity and factors influencing community assembly. The pitchers of carnivorous pitcher plants often house surprisingly discrete communities and provide ideal systems for analysis using an NGS approach. The plants digest insects in order to access essential nutrients while growing in poor soils; however, the pitchers are also home to communities of living organisms, called inquilines. Certain arthropods appear to have coevolved with their pitcher plant hosts and are not found in other environments. We used Illumina amplicon sequencing of 18S rDNA to characterize the eukaryotes in three species of Nepenthes (Nepenthaceae) pitcher plants – N. gracilis, N. rafflesiana and N. ampullaria – in each of three different parks in Singapore. The data reveal an unexpected diversity of eukaryotes, significant differences in community diversity among host species, variation in host specificity of inquilines and the presence of gregarine parasites. Counts of whole inquiline arthropods from the first collection year were roughly correlated with scaled 18S sequence abundances, indicating that amplicon sequencing is an effective means of gauging community structure. We barcoded a subset of the dipteran larvae using COI primers, and the resulting phylogenetic tree is mostly congruent with that found using the 18S locus, with the exception of one of five morphospecies. For many 18S and COI sequences, the best BLASTn matches showed low sequence identity, illustrating the need for better databases of Southeast Asian dipterans. Finally, networks of core arthropods and their host species were used to investigate degree of host specificity across multiple hosts, and this revealed significant specialization of certain arthropod fauna.  相似文献   

 The challenge to maize breeders is to identify inbred lines that produce highly heterotic hybrids. In the present study we surveyed genetic divergence among 13 inbred lines of maize using DNA markers and assessed the relationship between genetic distance and hybrid performance in a diallel set of crosses between them. The parental lines were assayed for DNA polymorphism using 135 restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) and 209 amplified-fragment polymorphisms (AFLPs). Considerable variation among inbreds was detected with RFLP and AFLP markers. Moreover AFLPs detect polymorphisms more efficiently in comparison to RFLPs, due to the larger number of loci assayed in a single PCR reaction. Genetic distances (GDs), calculated from RFLP and AFLP data, were greater among lines belonging to different heterotic groups compared to those calculated from lines of the same heterotic group. Cluster analysis based on GDs revealed associations among lines which agree with expectations based on pedigree information. The GD values of the 78 F1 crosses were partioned into general (GGD) and specific (SGD) components. Correlations of GD with F1 performance for grain yield were positive but too small to be of predictive value. The correlations of SGDs, particularly those based on AFLP data, with specific combining-ability effects for yield may have a practical utility in predicting hybrid performance. Received: 15 August 1997 / Accepted: 19 September 1997  相似文献   

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