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Growth of Anacystis nidulans (Richt.) Drouet & Daily in wavelengths of light predominantly absorbed by chlorophyll a causes a dramatic lowering in chlorophyll content and in the chlorophylllphycocyanin ratio. A limit to the effect is reached in far red (680 nm) light where the ratio chlorophylllphycobilinogen falls to <0.3. A special water bath for culture tubes was illuminated by tungsten-halogen lamps through far red (>650 nm)filters; it gave the same extreme pigment ratio together with a high specific growth rate of 2.5 day-1. Compared with normally pigmented cells there are three features which accompany the low-chlorophyll condition of far red light. At 677 nm relative quantum efficiency increases but action decreases. Synthesis of total pigment and total cell material in far red light also decreases. These observations suggest that the low chlorophyll response to far red light reflects an incompetence rather than an adaptation.  相似文献   

Anacystis nidulans (Richt.) Drouet & Daily (UTEX 625), grown in batch culture with 0.5% CO2 in air, was supplied with chloride labelled with 36Cl in light and dark. Uptake in light was stimulated relative to uptake in darkness. A single transport system for Cl? with an apparent Km for Cl? of 0.14 mM was identified. Chloride in the cells reached a maximum value after 30–50 min at 25 C. At this point the internal Cl? concentration was calculated to be 60-fold the external (0.1 mM) in light and 37-fold in darkness. DCMU (3-[3,4-dichlorophenyl]–1, 1-dime-thylurea), at concentrations which abolished photosynthetic O2 evolution did not inhibit Cl? uptake in light. Carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone (CCCP), at uncoupling concentrations for photosynthesis and dark respiration, strongly inhibited Cl? uptake in light and darkness. N,N'-dicyclohexyl carbodiimide (DCCD), an energy transfer inhibitor, inhibited light Cl? uptake more slowly than photosynthesis but had no effect on dark Cl? uptake. It is concluded that Cl? uptake in A. nidulans was active in light and darkness, and that ATP was the probable energy source for transport.  相似文献   

Schizokinen, a high affinity iron transport compound (siderochrome), previously described from Bacillus megaterium, has been isolated and characterized from low-iron cultures of a bluegreen alga, Anabaena sp. No conclusive evidence for production of an iron-repressible hydroxamate or catechol type siderochrome was observed in certain other bluegreen algae, such as Anabaena cylindrica Lemm., Coccochloris peniocystis (Kütz.) Drouet & Daily, Anacystis sp., Gloeocapsa alpicola (Lyng.) Born. or Chroococcus sp.  相似文献   

The effects of N2, nitrate and ammonia as N sources were investigated in P-limited and nutrient-sufficient cultures of Anabaena flos-aquae (Lyngb.) Bréb. The maximum growth rate (μm) was highest at 1.34 d?1 with ammonia, compared to 1.18 with nitrate and 0.95 d?1 with N2. There was no difference in P requirement between N2 and nitrate cultures. Under P-limited conditions, the increase in cell P with growth rate (μ) was identical. With N2 as the N source, cell-N concentrations in P-limited cells increased with μ as did cell P, and the cellular N:P ratio remained the same (14) within the range of μ examined. With nitrate, however, cell N concentrations were high and independent of n, except at a low μ. It appears that this organism fixes atmospheric N2 only at the minimum concentration required to maintain a μ. The acetylene reduction rate increased with μ in both N2- and nitrate-grown cells, but the rate was lower in nitrate. Under P-limitation, there was no difference in net C-fixation rate per cell between N2 and nitrate cultures at a given μ. However, the rate per unit of chlorophyll a (chl a) was higher in N2 than in nitrate cultures, and the rate was independent of μ with N2 but was a linear function of nitrate supplied. The maximum C-fixation rate in nutrient sufficient cells was highest with ammonia, followed by nitrate and N2. The cellular chl a concentration was correlated with the total cell-N concentrations regardless of H and the source of N.  相似文献   

P accumulation and metabolic pathway in N2-fixing Anabaena flos-aquae (Lyngb.) Bréb were investigated in P-sufficient (20 μMP) and P-limited (2 μMP) turbidostats in combined N-free medium. The cyanobacterium grew at its maximum rate (μmax, 1.13 d?1) at the high P concentration and at 65% of μmax under P limitation, with total cell P concentrations (QP) at steady states of 12.0 and 5.2 fmol·cell?1, respectively. At steady state, polyphosphates (PPi) accounted for only 3% of QP (0.4 fmol·cell?1) in P-rich cells. Its concentration in P-limited cells was 5.8% (0.3 fmol·cell?1). On the other hand, sugar P was very high at 22% of QP in P-rich cells and was undetectable in P-limited cells. Pulse chase experiments with 32P showed that P-rich cells initially incorporated the labeled P into the acid-soluble PPi fraction within the first few minutes and to a lesser extent into nucleotide P. Radioactivity in the PPi then declined rapidly with concomitant increases in sugar P and nucleotide P fractions. In contrast, in P-limited cells, no radiolabel was detected in acid-soluble PPi, and 32P was initially incorporated into nucleotide P, sugar P, and ortho P fractions. The latter two fractions then subsequently declined. Therefore, under N2-fixing conditions the cyanobacteria appeared to store P as sugar P and also utilize P through different pathways under P-rich and -limited conditions. When nitrate was supplied as the N source under P-sufficient conditions, PPi accounted for about 15% of steady-state QP, but no sugar P was detected. Therefore, the same organism stored P in different cell P fractions depending on its N sources.  相似文献   

Anabaena flos-aquae (Lyngb.) Bréb. was grown in varying concentrations of nitrate. Specific growth rates, as estimated in batch culture, were constant and approached the maximum rate at all concentrations of NO3?-N tested bewteen 0 and 400 μ/L. Steady-state biomass, as determined in semicontinuous culture, did not vary with NO3? at slower dilution rates. However at a faster dilution rate, significantly less biomass occurred in intermediate concentrations of NO3? than in either higher or lower concentrations. The results indicate that both growth rate and standing crop are maximized by either N2 fixation or NO3? assimilation, but extracellular NO3? reduces the rate of N2 fixation. Consequently, at very low NO3? concentrations, growth is virtually maximized by N2 fixation alone, and at high concentrations of NO3?, N2 fixation is inhibited but growth is maximized by assimilation of NO3?. At intermediate concentrations of NO3?, growth becomes a function of NO3? assimilation augmented by N2 fixation. In this case, full growth potential is realized only if hydraulic residence time is sufficiently long to compensate for the reduced rate of N2 fixation. Growth rate and standing crop are not diminished in response to the large amount of energy allocated to N2 fixation. Instead, other cellular processes are probably affected negatively during N2 fixation.  相似文献   

The growth response of a nitrogen fixing cyanobacterium, Anabaena flos-aquae (Lyng) Bréb., to sodium and nitrate was examined in batch culture under controlled laboratory conditions. Sodium (range 0-12 mg Na+· L-1) enhanced growth of the cyanobacterium under nitrate-sufficient (5.7 mg NO3-N · L-1) but not nitrate-limited (0.49 mg NO3- N · L-1) conditions. The magnitude of the growth response was related to the nutritional history of the culture. No significant effect of sodium on nitrate utilization was observed. The increase in ambient sodium levels in many lakes may provide a competitive advantage to cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

A new method using lysozyme for the production of axenic cultures of Anabaena flos-aquae De Brebisson and Aphanothece nidulans P. Richter was developed. Cyanobacterial growth was not inhibited at concentrations up to 1.2 g·L−1 of lysozyme, whereas the growth of heterotrophic bacteria was suppressed. At concentrations up to 0.8 g·L−1 of lysozyme, ampicillin caused a reduction of heterotrophic bacteria. The axenic cultures of these strains were acquired through a simple treatment using 1.0 g·L−1 of lysozyme without ampicillin. These cyanobacteria resisted digestion by lysozyme at our experimental concentrations, whereas bacteria were digested selectively. This method of purification seems to be especially useful with cyanobacterial species that are sensitive to antibiotics or other germicidal agents.  相似文献   

Buoyancy of the gas-vacuolate alga Anabaena flosaquae Brébisson was measured under various levels of light, NH4+, and CO2. At high irradiance (50 μE · m?2·?1) the alga was non-buoyant regardless of the availability of CO2 and NH4+. At low irradiance (≤10 μE · m ?2· s?1) buoyancy was controlled by the availability of NH4+ and CO2. When NH4+ was abundant, algal buoyancy was high over a wide range of CO2 concentrations. In the absence of NH4+, algal buoyancy was reduced at high CO2 concentrations, however as the CO2 concentration declined below about 5 μmol · L?1, algal buoyancy increased. These results help explain why gas vacuolate, nitrogen-fixing blue-green algae often form surface blooms in eutrophic lakes.  相似文献   

The effect of water potential, on the growth and photosynthesis of a species of Microcoleus forming a desert crust was determined, using both osmotic and matric variations in water potential. The alga was quite sensitive to moisture stress, partial inhibition of growth being observed at -7 bars, and complete inhibition at -18 bars. Photosynthesis was markedly inhibited at -18 bars, and virtually completely at, -28 bars (water potential of seawater) and lower. The alga was more sensitive to matric reduction in water potential than osmotic. By comparisons of these results with those obtained with other algae, it is concluded that this desert crust alga is not especially adapted to grow and photosynthesize at low water potentials, although it shows considerable ability to survive severe drought conditions.  相似文献   

The kinetics of population growth and death were investigated in Anabaena flos-aquae (Lyngb.) Bréb grown at light intensities ranging from limitation to photoinhibition (5 W·m−2 to 160 W·m−2) in a nutrient-replete turbidostat. Steady-state growth rate (μ, or dilution rate, D) increased with light intensity from 0.44·day−1 at a light intensity of 5 W·m−2 to 0.99·day−1 at 20 W·m−2 and started to decrease above about 22 W·m−2, reaching 0.56·day−1 at 160 W·m−2. The Haldane function of enzyme inhibition fit the growth data poorly, largely because of the unusually narrow range of saturation intensity. However, it produced a good fit (P < 0.001) for growth under photoinhibition. Anabaena flos-aquae died at different specific death rates (γ) below and above the saturation intensity. When calculated as the slope of a vx−1 and D−1 plot, where vx and D are cell viability (or live cell fraction) and dilution rate, respectively; γ was 0.047·day−1 in the range of light limitation and 0.103·day−1 under photoinhibition. Live vegetative cells and heterocysts, either in numbers or as a percentage of the total cells, showed a peak at the saturation intensity and decreased at lower and higher intensities. The ratio of live heterocysts to live vegetative cells increased with intensity when light was limiting but decreased when light was supersaturating. In cells growing at the same growth rate, the ratio was significantly lower under light inhibition than under subsaturation and the cell N:C ratio was also lower under inhibition. The steady-state rate of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) production increased with light intensity. However, its production as a percentage of the total C fixation was lowest at the optimum intensity and increased as the irradiance decreased or increased. The rate and percentage was significantly higher under photoinhibition than limitation in cells growing at the same growth rate. About 22% of the total fixed carbon was released as DOC at the highest light intensity. No correlation was found between the number of dead cells and DOC.  相似文献   

Continuous culture techniques are used to study long-term population interactions between Plectonema boryanum Gomont, a filamentous bluegreen alga, and the LPP-viruses which infect it. After LPP-I (virulent cyanophage) infection of sensitive algae, 3 oscillations occur in cell density with concomitant oscillations in virus titer before final stabilization of both algal and viral concentrations. After LPP-ID and LPP-2 (temperate viruses) infection, oscillation in cell density occurred with burst of virus particles. Resistant algae always repopulated the chemostat; lysogeny was not established. The interaction between Plectonema that was resistant to virus infection and the 3 LPP-cyanophages resulted in rapid elimination of the viruses from the chemostat in the effluent. When lysogenic P. boryanum was tested, a law population of virus was present in the chemostat throughout the incubation period indicative of spontancous induction. Clones of lysogenic algae were isolated.  相似文献   

Iron availability may limit carbon and nitrogen fixation in the oceans. The freshwater cyanobacterium, Anabaena, was used as a laboratory model for the biochemical and physiological effects of iron. Increased iron nutrition, in the range of 10?8 M to 10?6 M resulted in increases of approximately four fold in carbon and nitrogen fixation rates. Chlorophyll concentration increased, and the relative amount of in vivo fluorescence was reduced with more iron. Natural samples of Trichodesmium, collected off Barbados and incubated with increased iron for two days, showed similar effects. Trichodesmium responded to iron additions indicating that it may be Fe limited in its natural environment. These responses to iron are consistent with the biochemical roles of iron in photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation. The results are discussed in the geochemical context of the sporadic total iron input to tropical oceans and possible implications to spatial and temporal patterns of productivity.  相似文献   

Fluoride was supplied as dissolved NaF at concentrations ranging from 0.26 to 7.9 mM (5–150 ppm) to three freshwater microalgae: Synechococcus leopoliensis (Racib.) Komarek (Cyanophyta), Oscillatoria limnetica Lemmermann (Cyanophyta) and Chlorella pyrenoidosa Chick (Chlorophyta). Growth of C. pyrenoidosa was unaffected by fluoride, and uptake of fluoride by this organism was not detectable. Growth of the cyanophytes was temporarily inhibited by NaF. The duration of this growth lag increased markedly as the pH was lowered at constant external fluoride concentration. In S. leopoliensis, fluoride uptake and inhibition of photosynthesis by NaF increased in the same way as did the growth lag in response to pH. Growth-inhibitory NaF treatments decreased the ATP level in cells of S. leopoliensis by 75% and also abolished phosphate uptake. Cells of S. leopoliensis in which fluoride-resistance was induced by prior growth in non-growth-inhibitory levels of NaF accumulated much less fluoride than did normal (“sensitive”) cells, and also did not respond to fluride by reduction of the ATP pool. It is suggested (1) that fluoride enters sensitive cells of S. leopoliensis principally as undissociated HF; (2) that its major inhibitory effect in these cells is the reduction in cellular ATP; (3)that fluoride-resistant cells accumulate less fluoride by developing incresed permeability to the fluoride anion.  相似文献   

Biological factors have been found which can cause variable toxicity of colony and clonal isolates of Anabaena flos-aquae (Lyngb.) de Bréb. when cultured in the laboratory. These factors help to explain some of the variable toxicity of and animal susceptibility to A. flos-aquae blooms in nature. Two bacteria in the Enterobacteriaceae isolated from a toxic waterbloom, depressed toxin production in selected bacteria-free toxic clones of A. flos-aquae. These toxin-depressing bacteria decreased culture toxicity 3-fold from 80 to 240 mg/kg (intra-peritoneal in male mice). Many colony isolates from a toxic bloom had minimum lethal dosages (LDmin) greater than 240 mg/kg. This was because they were composed of mixtures of toxic and nontoxic filaments. The oral LDmin of the toxin from A. flos-aquae clonal isolate NRC-44-1 varied significantly for 6 different animal species. Using these oral LDmin it is estimated that a surface-concentrated bloom of toxic A. flos-aquae, having a biomass density of 20 mg/ml dry weight, would cause death of ducks or calves when 20 ml/kg was consumed whereas a monogastric animal such as a rat would require 80 ml/kg.  相似文献   

Light intensity and temperature interactions have a complex effect on the physiological process rates of the filamentous bluegreen alga Anabaena variabilis Kütz. The optimum temperature for photosynthesis increased with increasing light intensity from 10°C at 42 μE·m?2·s?1 to 35°C at 562 μE·m?2·s?1. The light saturation parameter, IK, increased with increasing temperatures. The maximum photosynthetic rate (2.0 g C·g dry wt.?1·d?1) occurred at 35°C and 564 μE·m?2·s?1. At 15°C, the maximum rate was 1.25 g C·g dry wt.?1·d?1 at 332 μE·m?2·s?1. The dark respiration rate increased exponentially with temperature. Under favorable conditions of light intensity and temperature the percent of extracellular release of dissolved organic carbon was less than 5% of the total C fixed. This release increased to nearly 40% under combinations of low light intensity and high temperature. A mathematical model was developed to simulate the interaction of light intensity and temperature on photosynthetic rate. The interactive effects were represented by making the light-saturation parameters a function of temperature.  相似文献   

The functional aspects of specific associations between bluegreen algae and bacteria were investigated using both naturally occurring and cultured species of Anabaena. In take waters where bacteria were associated with Anabaena heterocysls, the bacteria exhibited a chemotactic response to a variety of amino acids and glucose. Earlier autoradiographic evidence that bacteria associated with heterocysts incorporate identical substrates indicates that associated bacteria probably benefit by utilizing algal excretion products. In return, the bacteria stimulate algal N2fixation. The most likely mechanism explaining such stimulation appeared to be bacterial oxygen removal in microzones (< 3 μm diam) bordering heterocysts during periods of high ambient oxygen concentrations. In the presence of bacteria, Anabaena rapidly overcame nitrogenase- inhibiting concentrations of oxygen. Axenic cullures had more extensive nitrogenase inhibition, and took longer to recover in response to oxygenation. Algal-bacterial mutualism aids Anabaena in maintaining concurrent optimal N2 fixation and high photosynthetic rates in highly oxygenated surface waters.  相似文献   

The production and extracellular release of cyclic adenosine 3′: 5′-monophosphate (cAMP) by the blue-green alga Anabaena flos-aquae (Lyngb.) Breb. varied greatly within and between active growth phase and stationary phase and under differing nutrient regimes. Enhanced cellular cAMP production was found in actively growing Anabaena inoculated into media deficient in nitrate or phosphate, or into fresh media containing non-limiting nutrient concentrations. In stationary phase Anabaena, but not actively growing cells, the concentrations of intra-cellular cAMP present in cells grown under a variety of nutrient regimes could be significantly correlated to [14C]-bicarbonate uptake by an exponential relationship.  相似文献   

The blue-green alga Synechococcus linearis (Naeg.) Kom. was grown in P- and N-limited chemostats over a range of potentially limiting irradiances in order to determine the combined effects of light and nutrient limitation on some aspects of the composition and metabolism of this alga. Over a narrow range of low irradiances, simultaneous limitation of growth rate by light and either N or P was shown. This simultaneous limitation of growth rate by a nutrient and a physical factor can be explained by the ability of an increased supply of one to compensate in part for a decreased supply of the other. At all irradiances, the internal concentration of the limiting nutrient increased with increasing dilution rate, and the results could be fitted to the Droop relationship. With decreasing irradiance, the internal concentration of the limiting nutrient increased. There appeared to be little or no effect of light on the minimum internal concentration of P but that of N increased with decreasing light. Both chlorophyll a and biliprotein per unit particulate C increased with increasing dilution rate and decreasing irradiance. The critical N/P ratio increased with decreasing light as the N requirement of N-limited cells increased faster than did the P requirement of P-limited cells. The composition of exponentially growing cells in complete medium varied much less with light. Neither dilution rate nor irradiance during growth had a great effect on saturated rates of P or N uptake or alkaline phosphatase activity. Calculated assimilation ratios increased with light and dilution rate. The role of the flexibility of nutrient composition in adaptation to adverse conditions and the implications of the results for the use of physiological indicators of nutrient status are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of concanavalin A (a lectin) and tunicamycin (an inhibitor of protein glycosylation) on sexual attachment of gamete pairs of the dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella Whedon & Kofoid was studied. Concanavalin A inhibited sexual attachment at a concentration of 0.005%, and this inhibition was released by the addition of glucose or mannose at 10 mM. Mating type plus cells of A. catenella treated with tunicamycin for 12 h were not capable of sexual attachment. These results are the first to suggest the existence of a cell–cell recognition system in sexual attachment in A. catenella.  相似文献   

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