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Cutting edge: antigen-independent CD8 T cell proliferation   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Recent analyses of CD8 T cell responses to Listeria monocytogenes infection demonstrate that the duration of in vivo T cell proliferation is not determined by the amount or duration of Ag presentation. However, the extent to which T lymphocytes are capable of proliferating in the absence of Ag is unknown. Herein we demonstrate that CD8 T lymphocytes undergo up to eight rounds of proliferation in the absence of Ag following transient, 2.5-h in vitro antigenic stimulation. Ag-independent expansion of CD8 T cells is driven by IL-2 and is further augmented by IL-7 or IL-15. These experiments clearly demonstrate that CD8 T cells undergo prolonged proliferation following transient Ag exposure and support the notion that in vivo CD8 T cell expansion following infection can be uncoupled from Ag presentation.  相似文献   

In addition to TCR-derived signals, costimulatory signals derived from stimulation of the CD28 molecule by its natural ligand, B7, have been shown to be required for CD4+8- T cell activation. We investigate the ability of B7 to provide costimulatory signals necessary to drive proliferation and differentiation of virgin CD4-8+ T-cells that express a transgenic TCR specific for the male (H-Y) Ag presented by H-2Db class I MHC molecules. Virgin male-specific CD4-8+ T cells can be activated either with B7 transfected chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and T3.70, a mAb specific for the transgenic TCR-alpha chain that is associated with male-reactivity, or by male dendritic cells (DC). Activated CD4-8+ T cells proliferated in the absence of exogenously added IL-2. IL-2 activity was detected in supernatants of CD4-8+T3.70+ cells that were stimulated with T3.70 and B7+CHO cells. The response of CD4-8+T3.70+ cells to T3.70/B7+CHO or to male DC stimulation were inhibited by CTLA4Ig, a fusion protein comprising the extracellular portion of CTLA4 and human IgG C gamma 1. It has been previously shown that CTLA4Ig binds B7 with high affinity. Staining with CTLA4Ig revealed that DC express about 50 times more B7 than CD4-8+ T cells. CTLA4Ig also specifically blocked the proliferation of male-reactive cells in vivo. We have also used an in vitro deletion assay whereby immature CD4+8+ thymocytes expressing the transgenic male-specific TCR are deleted by overnight incubation with either immobilized T3.70 or male DC to investigate the participation of the CD28/B7 pathway in the negative selection of immature thymocytes. Staining with B7Ig established that both immature murine CD4+8+ and mature CD4-8+ thymocytes express a high level of CD28. However, despite the high expression of CD28 on CD4+8+ thymocytes, it was found that deletion of CD4+8+ thymocytes expressing the male-specific TCR by the T3.70 mAb was not inhibited by B7+CHO cells. Furthermore, the deletion of these thymocytes by DC also was not inhibited by CTLA4Ig. These findings provide evidence that although signaling through CD28 can costimulate a primary anti-male response in mature CD4-8+ T cells, the CD28/B7 pathway does not appear to participate in the negative selection of immature CD4+8+ thymocytes.  相似文献   

Since 4-1BB plays a predominant role in CD8+ T cell responses, we investigated the effects of 4-1BB triggering on the primary and memory CD8+ T responses to HSV-1 infection. 4-1BB was detected on 10-15% of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells following the infection. 4-1BB-positive T cells were in the proliferative mode and showed the enhanced expression of anti-apoptotic proteins. Agonistic anti-4-1BB treatment exerted preferential expansion of CD8+ T cells and gB/H-2Kb-positive CD8+ T cells, and enhanced cytotoxicity against HSV-1 that was mainly mediated by CD11c+CD8+ T cells. CD11c+CD8+ T cells were re-expanded following re-challenge with HSV-1 at post-infection day 50, indicating that CD11c+CD8+ phenotype was maintained in memory CD8+ T cell pool. Our studies demonstrated that 4-1BB stimulation enhanced both primary and memory anti-HSV-1 CD8+ T cell responses, which was mediated by a massive expansion of antigen-specific CD11c+CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-specific CD8(+) T-cell proliferation is consistently correlated with enhanced host HIV immune control, but whether proliferative responses are a cause or consequence of immune protection is unclear. We measured Env-specific CD8(+) T-cell proliferation and interferon (IFN)-γ secretion in HIV-infected participants with CD4 counts >200, who then completed 121 person-years of prospective follow-up to monitor HIV disease progression. In all, 13 of 31 participants (42%) reached end point during longitudinal follow-up. Strong Env-specific CD8(+) T-cell proliferation (>10% of CD8(+) T cells) was observed in 14/31 participants at baseline, and this was associated with a longer time to HIV disease progression end point, stratified baseline CD4 count (P=0.016). No associations were observed for IFN-γ ELISPOT responses and progression (P>0.2). Strong proliferation remained significant in multivariate Cox regression analyses (P=0.044) as an independent predictor of delayed HIV disease progression, along with baseline CD4 count (P=0.04). Duration of HIV infection was associated with more rapid progression in univariate, but not multivariate, analysis (P=0.112). Age and baseline viral load were not predictive of progression. HIV-specific CD8(+) T-cell proliferation was a correlate of protective immunity in this prospective study; such responses may be important for HIV vaccine protection.  相似文献   

The inability to reproducibly induce robust and durable transplant tolerance using CD28-B7 pathway blockade is in part related to the persistence of alloreactive effector/memory CD8(+) T cells that are less dependent on this pathway for their cellular activation. We studied the role of the novel T cell costimulatory pathway, CD27-CD70, in alloimmunity in the presence and absence of CD28-B7 signaling. CD70 blockade prolonged survival of fully mismatched vascularized cardiac allografts in wild-type murine recipients, and in CD28-deficient mice induced long-term survival while significantly preventing the development of chronic allograft vasculopathy. CD70 blockade had little effect on CD4(+) T cell function but prevented CD8(+) T cell-mediated rejection, inhibited the proliferation and activation of effector CD8(+) T cells, and diminished the expansion of effector and memory CD8(+) T cells in vivo. Thus, the CD27-CD70 pathway is critical for CD28-independent effector/memory CD8(+) alloreactive T cell activation in vivo. These novel findings have important implications for the development of transplantation tolerance-inducing strategies in primates and humans, in which CD8(+) T cell depletion is currently mandatory.  相似文献   

Members of the Bcl-2 family have critical roles in regulating tissue homeostasis by modulating apoptosis. Anti-apoptotic molecules physically interact and restrain pro-apoptotic family members preventing the induction of cell death. However, the specificity of the functional interactions between pro- and anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family members remains unclear. The pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 family member Bcl-2 interacting mediator of death (Bim) has a critical role in promoting the death of activated, effector T cells following viral infections. Although Bcl-2 is an important Bim antagonist in effector T cells, and Bcl-xL is not required for effector T-cell survival, the roles of other anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family members remain unclear. Here, we investigated the role of myeloid cell leukemia sequence 1 (Mcl-1) in regulating effector T-cell responses in vivo. We found, at the peak of the response to lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) infection, that Mcl-1 expression was increased in activated CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Retroviral overexpression of Mcl-1-protected activated T cells from death, whereas deletion of Mcl-1 during the course of infection led to a massive loss of LCMV-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Interestingly, the co-deletion of Bim failed to prevent the loss of Mcl-1-deficient T cells. Furthermore, lck-driven overexpression of a Bcl-xL transgene only partially rescued Mcl-1-deficient effector T cells suggesting a lack of redundancy between the family members. In contrast, additional loss of Bax and Bak completely rescued Mcl-1-deficient effector T-cell number and function, without enhancing T-cell proliferation. These data suggest that Mcl-1 is critical for promoting effector T-cell responses, but does so by combating pro-apoptotic molecules beyond Bim.  相似文献   

HIV infection is characterized by a gradual deterioration of immune function, mainly in the CD4 compartment. To better understand the dynamics of HIV-specific T cells, we analyzed the kinetics and polyfunctional profiles of Gag-specific CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell responses in 12 subtype C-infected individuals with different disease-progression profiles, ranging from acute to chronic HIV infection. The frequencies of Gag-responsive CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells showed distinct temporal kinetics. The peak frequency of Gag-responsive IFN-γ(+)CD4(+) T cells was observed at a median of 28 d (interquartile range: 21-81 d) post-Fiebig I/II staging, whereas Gag-specific IFN-γ(+)CD8(+) T cell responses peaked at a median of 253 d (interquartile range: 136-401 d) and showed a significant biphasic expansion. The proportion of TNF-α-expressing cells within the IFN-γ(+)CD4(+) T cell population increased (p = 0.001) over time, whereas TNF-α-expressing cells within IFN-γ(+)CD8(+) T cells declined (p = 0.005). Both Gag-responsive CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells showed decreased Ki67 expression within the first 120 d post-Fiebig I/II staging. Prior to the disappearance of Gag-responsive Ki67(+)CD4(+) T cells, these cells positively correlated (p = 0.00038) with viremia, indicating that early Gag-responsive CD4 events are shaped by viral burden. No such associations were observed in the Gag-specific CD8(+) T cell compartment. Overall, these observations indicated that circulating Gag-responsive CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell frequencies and functions are not synchronous, and properties change rapidly at different tempos during early HIV infection.  相似文献   

The long terminal repeat from a thymotropic mouse mammary tumor virus variant, DMBA-LV, was used to drive the expression of two reporter genes, murine c-myc and human CD4, in transgenic mice. Expression was observed specifically in thymic immature cells. Expression of c-myc in these cells induced oligoclonal CD4+ CD8+ T-cell thymomas. Expression of human CD4 was restricted to thymic progenitor CD4- CD8- and CD4+ CD8+ T cells and was shut off in mature CD4+ CD8- and CD4- CD8+ T cells, known to be derived from the progenitor double-positive T cells. These results suggest the existence of similar and common factors in CD4+ CD8- and CD4- CD8+ T cells and support a model of differentiation of CD4+ CD8+ T cells through common signal(s) involved in turning off the expression of the CD4 or CD8 gene.  相似文献   

We have prepared transgenic mice whose T cells constitutively express a chimeric receptor combining extracellular human IL-4R and intracellular IL-2Rbeta segments. This receptor can transmit IL-2/IL-15-like signals in response to human, but not mouse, IL-4. We used these animals to explore to what extent functional IL-2R/IL-15R expression controls the capacity of T cells to proliferate in response to IL-2/IL-15-like signals. After activation with Con A, naive transgenic CD8+ and CD4+ T cells respond to human IL-4 as well as to IL-2. Without prior activation, they failed to proliferate in response to human IL-4, although human IL-4 did prolong their survival. Thus, IL-2-induced proliferation of activated T cells requires at least one other Ag-induced change apart from the induction of a functional IL-2R. However, a fraction of CD8+CD44high T cells proliferate in human IL-4 without antigenic stimulation or syngeneic feeder cells. In contrast, CD4+CD44high T cells are not constitutively responsive to human IL-4. We conclude that although all transgenic T cells express a functional chimeric receptor, only some CD8+CD44high T cells contain all molecules required for entry into the cell cycle in response to human IL-4 or IL-15.  相似文献   

We recently identified CD8+CD122+ regulatory T cells that directly control CD8+ and CD4+ cells without intervention of APCs. In this study, we investigated the effector mechanism of CD8+CD122+ regulatory T cells by using an in vitro regulation system. The profile of cytokine expression revealed that IL-10 was predominantly produced by CD8+CD122+ cells, whereas other cytokines were similarly expressed in CD8+CD122+ cells and CD8+CD122- cells. Suppression of both proliferation and IFN-gamma production by CD8+CD122- cells by CD8+CD122+ cells was blocked by adding anti-IL-10 Ab to the culture but not by adding anti-TGF-beta Ab. When IL-10 was removed from the conditioned medium from CD8+CD122+ cells, the conditioned medium no longer showed regulatory activity. Finally, CD8+CD122+ cells from IL-10-deficient mice had no regulatory activity in vitro and reduced regulatory activity in vivo. Our results clearly indicate that IL-10 is produced by CD8+CD122+ cells and mediates the regulatory activity of these cells.  相似文献   

Toka FN  Suvas S  Rouse BT 《Journal of virology》2004,78(23):13082-13089
It has become evident that naturally occurring CD25(+) regulatory T cells (T(reg) cells) not only influence self-antigen specific immune response but also dampen foreign antigen specific immunity. This report extends our previous findings by demonstrating that immunity to certain herpes simplex virus (HSV) vaccines is significantly elevated and more effective if T(reg) cell response is curtailed during either primary or recall immunization. The data presented here show that removal of CD25(+) T(reg) cells prior to SSIEFARL-CpG or gB-DNA immunization significantly enhanced the resultant CD8(+) T-cell response to the immunodominant SSIEFARL peptide. The enhanced CD8(+) T-cell reactivity in T(reg) cell-depleted animals was between two- and threefold and evident in both acute and memory stages. Interestingly, removal of CD25(+) T(reg) cells during the memory recall response to plasmid immunization resulted in a twofold increase in CD8(+) T-cell memory pool. Moreover, in the challenge experiments, memory CD8(+) T cells generated with plasmid DNA in the absence of T(reg) cells cleared the virus more effectively compared with control groups. We conclude that CD25(+) T(reg) cells quantitatively as well as qualitatively affect the memory CD8(+) T-cell response generated by gB-DNA vaccination against HSV. However, it remains to be seen if all types of vaccines against HSV are similarly affected by CD25(+) T(reg) cells and if it is possible to devise means of limiting T(reg) cell activity to enhance vaccine efficacy.  相似文献   

Although the adaptive immune system has a remarkable ability to mount rapid recall responses to previously encountered pathogens, the cellular and molecular signals necessary for memory CD8(+) T cell reactivation are poorly defined. IL-15 plays a critical role in memory CD8(+) T cell survival; however, whether IL-15 is also involved in memory CD8(+) T cell reactivation is presently unclear. Using artificial Ag-presenting surfaces prepared on cell-sized microspheres, we specifically addressed the role of IL-15 transpresentation on mouse CD8(+) T cell activation in the complete absence of additional stimulatory signals. In this study we demonstrate that transpresented IL-15 is significantly more effective than soluble IL-15 in augmenting anti-CD3epsilon-induced proliferation and effector molecule expression by CD8(+) T cells. Importantly, IL-15 transpresentation and TCR ligation by anti-CD3epsilon or peptide MHC complexes exhibited synergism in stimulating CD8(+) T cell responses. In agreement with previous studies, we found that transpresented IL-15 preferentially stimulated memory phenotype CD8(+) T cells; however, in pursuing this further, we found that central memory (T(CM)) and effector memory (T(EM)) CD8(+) T cells responded differentially to transpresented IL-15. T(CM) CD8(+) T cells undergo Ag-independent proliferation in response to transpresented IL-15 alone, whereas T(EM) CD8(+) T cells are relatively unresponsive to transpresented IL-15. Furthermore, upon Ag-specific stimulation, T(CM) CD8(+) T cell responses are enhanced by IL-15 transpresentation, whereas T(EM) CD8(+) T cell responses are only slightly affected, both in vitro and in vivo. Thus, our findings distinguish the role of IL-15 transpresentation in the stimulation of distinct memory CD8(+) T cell subsets, and they also have implications for ex vivo reactivation and expansion of Ag-experienced CD8(+) T cells for immunotherapeutic approaches.  相似文献   

To examine whether functionally different CD4+ cells respond uniformly to the immunoregulatory influences of allogeneic activated CD8+ cells (*CD8+), we subfractionated the CD4+ population into two subsets, based on the high expression of either CD45RA or CD29. We confirmed that the CD45RA+ cells proliferated poorly in response to soluble anti-CD3 mAb, compared to the vigorous response obtained with the CD29+ subset; the CD45RA+ cells were more responsive to stimulation with Con A. Using normal healthy controls, we found that whereas *CD8+ had a significant suppressive effect on the proliferation of the CD29+ subset, they augmented the mitogen-induced proliferative response of the CD45RA+ cells. We further demonstrated that *CD8+ derived from MS patients augmented the response of the CD45RA+ subset to a significantly higher degree compared to healthy age- and sex-matched controls. There were no significant differences between the degree of suppression exerted by the *CD8+ of either the MS or the control group on the CD29+ cells. These results demonstrate that helper/memory CD4+CD29+ cells are more sensitive to the suppressive influences of *CD8+ compared to the CD4+CD45RA+ subset. In addition, in MS, *CD8+ may contribute to a more pronounced "on" signal for virgin CD4+CD45RA+ cells, which might serve as a means to perpetuate the autoimmune disease process.  相似文献   

The ability of a saponin adjuvant, QS-21, to induce OVA-specific, class I MHC Ag-restricted CTL was investigated using different forms of soluble OVA and OVA adsorbed onto alum as immunogens. C57BL/6 mice were immunized with soluble native or denatured OVA in formulations that contained increasing quantities of QS-21, and CTL responses were measured using EL4 and E.G7-OVA cells as targets and splenic mononuclear cells as effectors. Ag-specific CTL responses were produced but only if the QS-21 adjuvant was used. Similar responses were induced using alum-adsorbed OVA when mixed with the QS-21 adjuvant but not when used alone. The CTL were specific for an epitope present on the OVA258-276 synthetic peptide, which contains the dominant CTL epitope recognized by C57BL/6 mice. The CD8+ subpopulation of lymphocytes in immune mice was not increased in spleens but increased significantly in vitro after culture with soluble OVA. The CTL activity of splenic mononuclear cell preparations was totally destroyed by treatment with mAb specific to the CD8 Ag plus complement. The ability of the QS-21 adjuvant to induce class I MHC Ag-restricted CTL after immunization with soluble proteins is a characteristic unique to saponin adjuvants.  相似文献   

Activation of CD4+ T cells helps establish and sustain other immune responses. We have previously shown that responses against a broad set of nine CD4+ T-cell epitopes were present in the setting of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) Armstrong infection in the context of H-2d. This is quite disparate to the H-2b setting, where only two epitopes have been identified. We were interested in determining whether a broad set of responses was unique to H-2d or whether additional CD4+ T-cell epitopes could be identified in the setting of the H-2b background. To pursue this question, we infected C57BL/6 mice with LCMV Armstrong and determined the repertoire of CD4+ T-cell responses using overlapping 15-mer peptides corresponding to the LCMV Armstrong sequence. We confirmed positive responses by intracellular cytokine staining and major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-peptide binding assays. A broad repertoire of responses was identified, consisting of six epitopes. These epitopes originate from the nucleoprotein (NP) and glycoprotein (GP). Out of the six newly identified CD4+ epitopes, four of them also stimulate CD8+ T cells in a statistically significant manner. Furthermore, we assessed these CD4+ T-cell responses during the memory phase of LCMV Armstrong infection and after infection with a chronic strain of LCMV and determined that a subset of the responses could be detected under these different conditions. This is the first example of a broad repertoire of shared epitopes between CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in the context of viral infection. These findings demonstrate that immunodominance is a complex phenomenon in the context of helper responses.  相似文献   

The hallmark of adaptive immunity is its ability to recognise a wide range of antigens and technologies that capture this diversity are therefore of substantial interest. New methods have recently been developed that allow the parallel analysis of T cell reactivity against vast numbers of different epitopes in limited biological material. These technologies are based on the joint binding of differentially labelled MHC multimers on the T cell surface, thereby providing each antigen-specific T cell population with a unique multicolour code. This strategy of ‘combinatorial encoding’ enables detection of many (at least 25) different T cell populations per sample and should be of broad value for both T cell epitope identification and immunomonitoring.  相似文献   

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