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A behavioral syndrome is a suite of correlated behaviors expressed either within a given behavioral context (e.g., correlations between foraging behaviors in different habitats) or across different contexts (e.g., correlations among feeding, antipredator, mating, aggressive, and dispersal behaviors). For example, some individuals (and genotypes) might be generally more aggressive, more active or bold, while others are generally less aggressive, active or bold. This phenomenon has been studied in detail in humans, some primates, laboratory rodents, and some domesticated animals, but has rarely been studied in other organisms, and rarely examined from an evolutionary or ecological perspective. Here, we present an integrative overview on the potential importance of behavioral syndromes in evolution and ecology. A central idea is that behavioral correlations generate tradeoffs; for example, an aggressive genotype might do well in situations where high aggression is favored, but might be inappropriately aggressive in situations where low aggression is favored (and vice versa for a low aggression genotype). Behavioral syndromes can thereby result in maladaptive behavior in some contexts, and potentially maintain individual variation in behavior in a variable environment. We suggest terminology and methods for studying behavioral syndromes, review examples, discuss evolutionary and proximate approaches for understanding behavioral syndromes, note insights from human personality research, and outline some potentially important ecological implications. Overall, we suggest that behavioral syndromes could play a useful role as an integrative bridge between genetics, experience, neuroendocrine mechanisms, evolution, and ecology.  相似文献   

The theory of behavioral syndromes focuses on quantifying variation in behavior within and among individual organisms and attempts to account for the maintenance of differences in behavior that occur in a consistent manner among individuals. Behavioral syndromes have potentially important ecological consequences (e.g. survivorship tradeoffs) and can be shaped by population dynamics through selective mortality. Here, we search for any evidence for consistency of behavior across situations in juveniles of a common damselfish, Pomacentrus amboinensis (Pomacentridae) at the transition between larval habitats in the plankton and juvenile habitats on the reef. Naïve fish leaving the pelagic phase to settle on reefs were caught by light traps and their behaviors observed using similar methods across three different situations (small aquaria, large aquaria, field setting); all of which represent low risk and well-sheltered environments. Seven behavioral traits were compared within and among individuals across situations to determine if consistent behavioral syndromes existed. No consistency was found in any single or combination of behavioral traits for individuals across all situations. We suggest that high behavioral flexibility is likely beneficial for newly-settled fish at this ontogenetic transition and it is possible that consistent behavioral syndromes are unlikely to emerge in juveniles until environmental experience is gained or certain combinations of behaviors are favored by selective mortality.  相似文献   

Behavioral plasticity marks an individual's ability to modulate behavior across functional contexts. Behavioral syndromes, on the other hand, appear as consistent individual variation in behavior that is both repeatable for individuals within a functional context (e.g., consistent voracity toward prey) and correlated across contexts (e.g., high voracity toward prey and high levels of boldness toward enemies). Thus, adaptive plasticity and syndromes represent two extremes of a behavioral plasticity continuum upon which most behavioral phenotypes fall. We tested for both adaptive plasticity and behavioral syndromes in the western black widow spider, Latrodectus hesperus. We measured behavior in three contexts: startle, startle + prey, and startle + mate, and found (1) classic behaviorally plastic responses to predation risk, (2) high repeatability of behavior within contexts, and (3) evidence of a correlation between startle + prey and startle + mate contexts, indicative of a behavioral syndrome. As relative behavioral plasticity may vary across populations, we also compared urban and desert populations to test whether spiders from these habitats exhibit different behaviors and/or behavioral syndromes. While we found that urban males used in mating trials courted urban females significantly more than desert females, we found no other differences in the behavior of urban and desert black widows. Thus, black widows, regardless of habitat, are characterized by both context‐specific behavioral plasticity and across‐context correlations, presenting a phenotypic complexity that is likely exhibited, to varying degrees, by most organisms.  相似文献   

Trait consistency over time is one of the cornerstones of animal personality. Behavioral syndromes are the result of correlations between behaviors. While repeatability in behavior is not a requirement for behavioral syndromes, the two concepts studied together provide a more comprehensive understanding of how behavior can change over ontogeny. The roles of ontogenetic processes in the emergence of personality and behavioral syndromes have received much individual attention. However, the characterization of both individual trait consistency and behavioral syndromes across both sexes, as in our study, has been relatively rare. Ontogeny refers to changes that occur from conception to maturation, and juveniles might be expected to undergo different selection pressures than sexually mature individuals and also will experience profound changes in hormones, morphology, and environment during this period. In this study, we test for behavioral trait consistency and behavioral syndromes across six time points during ontogenetic development in the desert funnel‐web spider (Agelenopsis lisa). Our results indicate behavioral traits generally lack consistency (repeatability) within life stages and across ontogeny. However, penultimate males and mature females do exhibit noticeable mean‐level changes, with greater aggressive responses toward prey, shorter latencies to explore their environment and in the exhibition of risk‐averse responses to predatory cues. These traits also show high repeatability. Some trait correlations do exist as well. In particular, a strong correlation between aggressiveness toward prey and exploration factors is observed in mature males. However, because correlations among these factors are unstable across ontogeny and vary in strength over time, we conclude that behavioral syndromes do not exist in this species. Nevertheless, our results indicate that increased consistency, increasing average trait values, and varying correlations between traits may coincide with developmentally important changes associated with sexual maturation, albeit at different time points in males and females. This period of the life cycle merits systematic examination across taxa.  相似文献   

This study investigated behavioral syndromes, which are defined as correlations between behaviors. Behavioral syndromes can lead to the unintentional alteration of a wide range of behavioral traits of hatchery fish if unintentional selection on one behavior leads to selection on a correlated behavior. Specifically, this study used brown rockfish, Sebastes auriculatus, to test the hypothesis that a fish that feeds at high rates in the absence of a predator also takes more risks when a predator is present, and that through such a correlation, unintentional hatchery selection for high feeding rates may also lead to changes in risk taking behavior (here defined as behavior that increases predation risk). Behavioral syndromes were found—feeding behavior in the absence of a predator tended to correlate positively with both feeding behavior in the presence of a predator model and time near the model. These syndromes were stable through time—that is, the same correlations appeared 10 days later when the behavioral assays were repeated. However individual behavior was inconsistent (plastic). A fish could both feed and take risks at high rates on Day 1, but then both feed and take risks at low rates on Day 10. Thus, while behavioral syndromes were stable (i.e. present in both rounds 1 and 2), individuals were plastic in their behavior (i.e. inconsistent between rounds 1 and 2). After 16 weeks of hatchery rearing, neither growth nor survival were predicted by behavior. It is suggested that the behavioral plasticity within individuals through time makes consistent selection for strong feeders less likely, and that species with more plastic behavior may be less susceptible to unintentional selection on behavioral syndromes than species with behavior that is more fixed.  相似文献   

According to recent studies on animal personalities, the level of behavioral plasticity, which can be viewed as the slope of the behavioral reaction norm, varies among individuals, populations, and species. Still, it is conceptually unclear how the interaction between environmental variation and variation in animal cognition affect the evolution of behavioral plasticity and expression of animal personalities. Here, we (1) use literature to review how environmental variation and individual variation in cognition explain population and individual level expression of behavioral plasticity and (2) draw together empirically yet nontested, conceptual framework to clarify how these factors affect the evolution and expression of individually consistent behavior in nature. The framework is based on simple principles: first, information acquisition requires cognition that is inherently costly to build and maintain. Second, individual differences in animal cognition affect the differences in behavioral flexibility, i.e. the variance around the mean of the behavioral reaction norm, which defines plasticity. Third, along the lines of the evolution of cognition, we predict that environments with moderate variation favor behavioral flexibility. This occurs since in those environments costs of cognition are covered by being able to recognize and use information effectively. Similarly, nonflexible, stereotypic behaviors may be favored in environments that are either invariable or highly variable, since in those environments cognition does not give any benefits to cover the costs or cognition is not able to keep up with environmental change, respectively. If behavioral plasticity develops in response to increasing environmental variability, plasticity should dominate in environments that are moderately variable, and expression of animal personalities and behavioral syndromes may differ between environments. We give suggestions how to test our hypothesis and propose improvements to current behavioral testing protocols in the field of animal personality.  相似文献   

Increasingly, individual variation in personality has become a focus of behavioral research in animal systems. Boldness and shyness, often quantified as the tendency to explore novel situations, are seen as personality traits important to the fitness landscape of individuals. Here we tested for individual differences within and across contexts in behavioral responses of captive mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus) to novel objects, novel foods, and handling. We report consistent differences in behavioral responses for objects and handling. We also found that the responses to handling and novel objects were correlated and repeatable. Lastly, we show that shyer individuals may show less variability in their behavioral responses. This study provides new information on the potential for behavioral syndromes in this species and highlights differences in the degree to which behavioral types (e.g., shy/bold) vary in their behavioral responses.  相似文献   

Variations in environmental conditions can influence behavioral syndromes (correlated tendencies in behaviors), and understanding the factors that shape trait covariation is particularly relevant when species are challenged by environmental changes. We investigated how behavioral syndromes varied at extremes of a gradient of anthropogenic disturbance, using apple orchards with different histories of insecticidal applications as a model system. Eris militaris (Araneae: Salticidae) jumping spiders were sampled from an insecticide‐free orchard and an insecticide‐treated orchard from Southern Québec. Spiders were tested for activity, aggression, boldness, and voracity under standardized conditions. Behavioral syndrome structure was compared between the two populations using Bayesian multiresponse models and structural equation modeling. Syndrome structure differed significantly between the two populations. The insecticide‐free population showed evidence of a syndrome involving all measured traits, while only aggression, boldness and voracity were correlated in the insecticide‐treated population. The insecticide‐free population showed negative correlations between active and voracious behavioral types vs. aggressive and bold types while the insecticide‐treated population showed a negative correlation between aggression‐boldness and voracity. This research is a first step in investigating the impact of anthropogenic disturbances on behavioral syndromes and demonstrates that behavioral syndromes may vary with respect to insecticidal applications.  相似文献   

Although geographic variation in an organism's traits is often seen as a consequence of selection on locally adaptive genotypes accompanied by canalized development [1], developmental plasticity may also play a role [2, 3], especially in behavior [4]. Behavioral plasticity includes both individual learning and social learning of local innovations ("culture"). Cultural plasticity is the undisputed and dominant explanation for geographic variation in human behavior. It has recently also been suggested to hold for various primates and birds [5], but this proposition has been met with widespread skepticism [6-8]. Here, we analyze parallel long-term studies documenting extensive geographic variation in behavioral ecology, social organization, and putative culture of orangutans [9] (genus Pongo). We show that genetic differences among orangutan populations explain only very little of the geographic variation in behavior, whereas environmental differences explain much more, highlighting the importance of developmental plasticity. Moreover, variation in putative cultural variants is explained by neither genetic nor environmental differences, corroborating the cultural interpretation. Thus, individual and cultural plasticity provide a plausible pathway toward local adaptation in long-lived organisms such as great apes and formed the evolutionary foundation upon which human culture was built.  相似文献   

Many studies investigating culture in nonhuman animals tend to focus on the inferred need of social learning mechanisms that transmit the form of a behavior to explain the population differences observed in wild animal behavioral repertoires. This research focus often results in studies overlooking the possibility of individuals being able to develop behavioral forms without requiring social learning. The disregard of individual learning abilities is most clearly observed in the nonhuman great ape literature, where there is a persistent claim that chimpanzee behaviors, in particular, require various forms of social learning mechanisms. These special social learning abilities have been argued to explain the acquisition of the relatively large behavioral repertoires observed across chimpanzee populations. However, current evidence suggests that although low‐fidelity social learning plays a role in harmonizing and stabilizing the frequency of behaviors within chimpanzee populations, some (if not all) of the forms that chimpanzee behaviors take may develop independently of social learning. If so, they would be latent solutions—behavioral forms that can (re‐)emerge even in the absence of observational opportunities, via individual (re)innovations. Through a combination of individual and low‐fidelity social learning, the population‐wide patterns of behaviors observed in great ape species are then established and stably maintained. This is the Zone of Latent Solutions (ZLS) hypothesis. The current study experimentally tested the ZLS hypothesis for pestle pounding, a wild chimpanzee behavior. We tested the reinnovation of this behavior in semi‐wild chimpanzees at Chimfunshi Wildlife Orphanage in Zambia, Africa, (N = 90, tested in four social groups). Crucially, all subjects were naïve to stick pounding before testing. Three out of the four tested groups reinnovated stick pounding—clearly demonstrating that this behavioral form does not require social learning. These findings provide support for the ZLS hypothesis alongside further evidence for the individual learning abilities of chimpanzees.  相似文献   

Individuals of many species differ consistently in their behavioralreaction to mild novel challenges. Suites of these behaviorsare referred to as behavioral syndromes or personalities. Personalitytraits are often phenotypically and genetically correlated.Therefore, animal personalities are generally considered asbroad characteristics, with one underlying genetical and physiologicalmechanism that is expressed across situations and contexts.Because there are carryover effects between situations, animalsare not entirely flexible in their behavior in each situation.This may cause behaviors to seem nonadaptive in isolated situations.To test whether individuals with different personalities couldreact differently to changes in their environment, we studiedcontext dependence of personalities in the great tit (Parusmajor). We tested birds categorized as either fast or slow explorersfor their latency to come back to a feeding table after a mildstartle (risk-taking behavior) in a nonsocial followed by asocial context. We found that the relation between exploratorybehavior and risk-taking behavior depended on the social context.Females in general returned later in the social test, whilemale reaction to the presence of a conspecific was dependenton their behavioral type. Slow males thereby reacted to thebehavior of the companion and fast males did not. These resultsshow that although personalities have a rigid structure therelation between personality traits is context dependent. Theseresults are discussed in the perspective of the adaptive significanceand maintenance of personalities.  相似文献   

Animals often exhibit consistent individual differences in behavior (i.e., animal personality) and correlations between behaviors (i.e., behavioral syndromes), yet the causes of those patterns of behavioral variation remain insufficiently understood. Many authors hypothesize that state‐dependent behavior produces animal personality and behavioral syndromes. However, empirical studies assessing patterns of covariation among behavioral traits and state variables have produced mixed results. New statistical methods that partition correlations into between‐individual and residual within‐individual correlations offer an opportunity to more sufficiently quantify relationships among behaviors and state variables to assess hypotheses of animal personality and behavioral syndromes. In a population of wild Belding's ground squirrels (Urocitellus beldingi), we repeatedly measured activity, exploration, and response to restraint behaviors alongside glucocorticoids and nutritional condition. We used multivariate mixed models to determine whether between‐individual or within‐individual correlations drive phenotypic relationships among traits. Squirrels had consistent individual differences for all five traits. At the between‐individual level, activity and exploration were positively correlated whereas both traits negatively correlated with response to restraint, demonstrating a behavioral syndrome. At the within‐individual level, condition negatively correlated with cortisol, activity, and exploration. Importantly, this indicates that although behavior is state‐dependent, which may play a role in animal personality and behavioral syndromes, feedback mechanisms between condition and behavior appear not to produce consistent individual differences in behavior and correlations between them.  相似文献   

Assessing the stability of animal personalities has become a major goal of behavioral ecologists. Most personality studies have utilized solitary individuals, but little is known on the extent that individuals retain their personality across ecologically relevant group settings. We conducted a field survey which determined that mud crabs, Panopeus herbstii, remain scattered as isolated individuals on degraded oyster reefs while high quality reefs can sustain high crab densities (>10 m?2). We examined the impact of these differences in social context on personality by quantifying the boldness of the same individual crabs when in isolation and in natural cohorts. Crabs were also exposed to either a treatment of predator cues or a control of no cue throughout the experiment to assess the strength of this behavioral reaction norm. Crabs were significantly bolder when in groups than as solitary individuals with predator cue treatments exhibiting severally reduced crab activity levels in comparison to corresponding treatments with no predator cues. Behavioral plasticity depended on the individual and was strongest in the presence of predator cues. While bold crabs largely maintained their personality in isolation and group settings, shy crabs would become substantially bolder when among conspecifics. These results imply that the shifts in crab boldness were a response to changes in perceived predation risk, and provide a mechanism for explaining variation in behavioral plasticity. Such findings suggest that habitat degradation may produce subpopulations with different behavioral patterns because of differing social interactions between individual animals.  相似文献   

Animals often exhibit particular ‘personalities’, i.e. their behaviour is correlated across different situations. Recent studies suggest that this limitation of behavioural plasticity may be adaptive, since continuous adjustment of one''s behaviour may be time-consuming and costly. In social insects, particularly aggressive workers might efficiently take over fighting in the contexts of both nest defence and ‘policing’, i.e. the regulation of kin conflict in the society. Here, we examine whether workers who engage in aggressive policing in the ant Platythyrea punctata play a prominent role also in nest defence against intruders. The participation of individuals in policing and nest defence was highly skewed and a minority of workers exhibited most of the aggression. Workers who attacked reproductives after experimental colony fusion were less active during nest defence and vice versa. This suggests that workers show situation-dependent behavioural plasticity rather than consistently aggressive personalities.  相似文献   

Investigating the proximate mechanism underlying behavior has long been a primary goal of ethologists. With the recent focus on behavioral correlations (e.g., behavioral syndromes), a fundamental question arises regarding what mechanisms may drive positive relationships between functionally distinct behaviors. Understanding these mechanisms can inform critical questions, such as why distinct behaviors are often correlated, and can also lend insights into how behavioral similarities are conserved across species. Arthropods provide an idea system to study these questions as the biogenic amines, such as octopamine and serotonin, have long been known to mediate a large number of behaviors such as aggression, dominance, escape behavior, and others. Behaviorists have several ways in which they can manipulate these biogenic amines in vivo, including injection, feeding, and topical application. Topical application is potentially an optimal method for manipulating amine concentrations, given that it is minimally invasive and relatively precise. Here, we investigate the role of biogenic amines, octopamine, and serotonin, in mediating a range of similar and often correlated behaviors in two distantly related species of spiders, the western black widow, Latrodectus hesperus, and the funnel‐web spider, Agelenopsis pennsylvanica. Additionally, we investigate the behavioral effects associated with three commonly used carrier solvents: dimethylformamide (DMF), dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), and acetone. We demonstrate that biogenic amines are involved both in mediating several behaviors, and also potentially the links between different behaviors. We also show that the same behaviors in different species are not affected by biogenic amines in the same manner, suggesting differences in the underlying neurophysiological mechanisms governing behavior. Furthermore, we discovered large and pervasive effects associated with both carrier solvents, thus calling into question the potential usefulness and interpretability of topical application methods in behavioral research.  相似文献   

There is much interest in studying animal personalities but considerable debate as to how to define and evaluate them. We assessed the utility of one proposed framework while studying personality in terrestrial hermit crabs (Coenobita clypeatus). We recorded the latency of individuals to emerge from their shells over multiple trials in four unique manipulations. We used the specific testing situations within these manipulations to define two temperament categories (shyness-boldness and exploration-avoidance). Our results identified individual behavioral consistency (i.e., personality) across repeated trials of the same situations, within both categories. Additionally, we found correlations between behaviors across contexts (traits) that suggested that the crabs had behavioral syndromes. While we found some correlations between behaviors that are supposed to measure the same temperament trait, these correlations were not inevitable. Furthermore, a principal component analysis (PCA) of our data revealed new relationships between behaviors and provided the foundation for an alternate interpretation: measured behaviors may be situation-specific, and may not reflect general personality traits at all. These results suggest that more attention must be placed on how we infer personalities from standardized methods, and that we must be careful to not force our data to fit our frameworks.  相似文献   

行为特征可在外来动物建立种群和扩张过程中发挥重要作用,因此,要正确理解动物入侵,常常需要仔细研究其行为机制。20世纪80年代以来,随着动物入侵规模在世界各地的迅速加剧,有关其行为机制的研究也受到了广泛关注。最近一些研究表明,一些入侵动物种内攻击和觅食等行为具有可塑性,因此它们能够灵活应对多变的环境条件,这对于种群的建立和维持至关重要;入侵动物与土著物种发生行为互作时,往往占据优势,从而取代土著物种,并有助于其地域扩张;入侵动物长距离扩散可以提高其地域扩张速度,许多行为可与扩散行为结合进一步促进扩张。今后需要加强对入侵动物的行为分析,使之全面地融合到生物入侵的研究之中。这不仅可以提高对外来物种入侵的预警和治理能力,而且为探索动物行为的奥秘以及动物间行为互作在物种进化中的意义提供了独特的机会。  相似文献   

Individual behaviors of animals do not evolve separately; they do so in association with other behaviors caused by single shared genetic or physiological constraints and/or favored by selection. Thus, measuring behavioral syndromes—suites of correlated behaviors across different contexts—leads to a better understanding of the adaptive significance of variations in behaviors. However, relatively few studies have examined behavioral syndromes in wild animal populations in changing environments. We investigated a potential behavioral syndrome across antipredator nest defense, territorial defense, chick provisioning, and mating behaviors of male Black-tailed Gulls Larus crassirostris in two successive years under different conspecific territorial intrusion risks and food conditions. Males that presented high levels of antipredator nest defense (aggressive antipredator defenders) against a crow decoy (crows are egg predators) defended their territories against conspecific intruders more frequently than did other males (nonaggressive antipredator defenders), independent of the risk of intrusion. Aggressive antipredator defenders also fed their chicks more frequently than nonaggressive males, but only in a year of low food availability. Taken together, this indicates that males show consistent aggressiveness regardless of breeding context (antipredator and territorial defense), but can regulate food provisioning according to food availability.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that differences in life history may lead to consistent inter‐individual variation in behavioural traits, so‐called behavioural syndromes, animal personalities or temperaments. Consistencies of behaviours and behavioural syndromes have mainly been studied in non‐cooperative species. Insights on the evolution of cooperation could be gained from studying individual differences in life histories and behavioural traits. Kin selection theory predicts that if an individual’s reproductive ability is low, it had to aim at gaining inclusive fitness benefits by helping others. We tested this prediction in the cooperatively breeding cichlid Neolamprologus pulcher, by assessing reproductive parameters of adults that had been tested earlier for aggressiveness and for their propensity to assist breeders when they had been young (‘juveniles’). We found that juvenile aggression levels predicted the acceptance of a subordinate in the group when adult. Males which were aggressive as juveniles were significantly more likely to tolerate a subordinate in the group when compared with males which were peaceful as juveniles, whereas females which were more aggressive as juveniles tended to expel subordinates more often. Females produced significantly smaller clutches when paired to males which had helped more as a juvenile, despite the fact that adult males hardly provided direct brood care. There was no evidence that females with a high propensity to help when young, produced smaller clutches or eggs when adult, but they took longer to lay their first clutch when compared with females with a low propensity to help when young. These results suggest that variation in behavioural types might explain variation in cooperation, the extent of group‐living and reproductive decisions.  相似文献   

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