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The effects of a macroalgal mat (Ulva lactuca) on intertidal sand flat copepods were studied in Jamaica Bay, NY. In 1999, Ulva was removed from paired quadrats in the algal mat. Density and species richness were estimated from sediment cores over seven biweekly periods and compared with Ulva-removal quadrats and with an unvegetated reference site. In a separate analysis at the same site, species composition and density of all copepods within the algal mat were determined from replicated quadrat samples over seven dates. Emergence traps were deployed in all treatments in 1999 to quantify copepod movements from sediments into the water column during flooding tide. Dissolved oxygen (DO) was continuously monitored over several 96-h periods in and above the algal mat. In 2000, three biomass levels of Ulva (0, 100, 200 g DW per m2) were added to paired quadrats in the unvegetated zone. Density and species richness were estimated over eight time periods. Ulva removal resulted in significant increases in density and species richness, but levels remained lower than at the unvegetated site. Likewise, addition of Ulva biomass produced significant declines in copepod density. However, the differences between low- and high-Ulva-addition treatments were insignificant. Increases in phytal copepods after Ulva addition did not compensate for losses of epibenthic and infaunal species. The overall effect of the Ulva mat was a net loss of copepod density, including the loss of nearly all infaunal species. Anoxia in sediments and within the algal mat are correlated with declines in infaunal species and with escape by some infaunal species from the sediment into the water column.  相似文献   

The impact of a drought on freshwater snail and trematode communities was investigated in a lake. Before the drought, 15 gastropod species (Valvatidae, Planorbidae, Lymnaeidae, Ancylidae, Physidae) and 10 trematode species (cercariaeum, xiphidiocercariae, echinostome, furcocercariae, notocotyle, lophocercous) were recorded. The rate of parasitism was 5.13% and there were 11 host species. The 2 major consequences of desiccation were the disappearance of snails, except Valvata piscinalis and Lymnaea peregra, and the absence of trematodes infecting the surviving snails. As soon as favourable conditions were restored, the littoral area was recolonized, first by hygrophilic and amphibious species, second by aquatic species. Nine months after the drought, the gastropod community was restored. Recolonization by the trematodes was delayed compared with that of gastropods. During the study, the overall prevalence was equal to 0.36% and only 4 trematode species and 5 host species were recorded. Because of the great variability of freshwater ecosystems, long-term studies are necessary to understand the dynamics of snail and trematode populations and determine the regulatory effect of parasitism in the field.  相似文献   

We investigated the nocturnal activity of cave‐dwelling sand flies at different time intervals and determined their species composition and seasonal variation. Sand flies were captured on one night each month using CDC light traps from 18:00–06:00 with the collecting bag being changed every two h between February, 2010 and January, 2011. A total of 18,709 individuals, including 10,740 males and 7,969 females, was collected. The overall ratio between male and female specimens was 1:0.74. The collected specimens included 14 species from four genera, Chinius, Idiophlebotomus, Phlebotomus, and Sergentomyia. Sergentomyia phadangensis was the most abundant species (comprising 31.9% of the collected individuals), followed by Se. anodontis (22.8%) and Ph. mascomai (18.2%). The highest number of specimens was collected in July (15.6%), followed by May (15.5%) with the peak of collection recorded at the time interval of 00:01–02:00, followed by 22:01–00:00. However, there were no significant differences observed among time intervals of sand fly collections (p=0.154). Observations of the nocturnal activity of male and female sand flies throughout the night suggest that phlebotomine sand flies show the greatest activity level after midnight.  相似文献   

Eggs of Konosirus punctatus in early developmental stages were collected from the eastern part of the mouth of Sagami Bay on the Pacific coast of central Japan. Advanced‐stage eggs and early larvae with notochord length ( L N) of <7·5 mm were collected from the inner bay near the mouth of the Sagami River. Feeding larvae of >8·4 mm L N were distributed in the mouth of the river, and juveniles of 24–90 mm standard length ( L S) were collected from the lower reaches of the river between the river mouth and c . 3 km upstream of the river mouth. Hatch dates of larvae and juveniles collected in 2001 ( n  = 158) and in 2002 ( n  = 109) extended from late March to late July. The relationship between the otolith radius ( R O) and L N or L S changed during the metamorphosis stage as characterized by 320 μm R O and 22 mm L S. Otolith growth rate, as an index of somatic growth rates in larval and early juvenile stages, was higher in cohorts that hatched later in the spawning season, i.e . from March to July. Konosirus punctatus that were spawned in the bay mouth area survived with different growth histories in the bay and lower reaches of the river, and recruited to the young‐of‐year population in the Pacific coastal waters of central Japan.  相似文献   

Abstract A saltern near La Baule (Bretagne, France) was remodeled in a programmable temperature and humidity controlled walk-in environmental chamber resembling the characteristics of the original saltern. The saltern showed different types of microbial mats predominantly composed of algae, oxy- and anoxyphotobacteria, and associated chemoorganotrophic bacteria, fungi and animals. Well-developed microbial mats were found up to a salinity of 10% during the three or four months in summer when salinity gradients and NaCl precipitation were established. The main phototrophic organisms were diatoms, the cyanobacteria Aphanothece, Microcoleus, Spirulina , and Oscillatoria , and Chromatiaceae. At higher salinity, Halobacterium sp., diatoms, and Dunaliella were dominant. Typical microbial mats and saltern-typical invertebrate, algal and bacterial species also developed in the saltern model, building up a stable community. The ionic composition of the brines and physicochemical parameters were similar to those determined for the original saltern. Different photosynthetic organisms, e.g. a filamentous purple bacterium and a hypersaline Chloroflexus -like organism, could be enriched within the microbial mats by changing the light regime.  相似文献   

The sand goby Pomatoschistus minutus is a major component of marine shelf and estuarine food webs and an important study organism in behavioural research. Yet, despite the sand goby’s significance, its past and present patterns of migration and gene flow are poorly understood. Here we use the mtDNA control region and parts of the flanking tRNA genes of 63 fish from six localities in the Adriatic (Eastern Mediterranean), Western Mediterranean, Atlantic, and North Sea to investigate the phylogeography of this gobiid. Phylogenetic analyses and population genetics statistics reveal the existence of an Evolutionarily Significant Unit, sensu Moritz (1994), in the Adriatic and another in the Western Mediterranean, Atlantic, and North Sea. A possible biogeographical scenario for the separation of the ancestral population is that sand gobies in the Adriatic and Western Mediterranean split between 10,000 and 5000 years ago when due to the rise in sea temperature they migrated northwards and were bisected by the Italian peninsula. A testable prediction of this scenario is that sand gobies from the Western Mediterranean, Adriatic, and Aegean form three reciprocally monophyletic groups which are the descendants of a three-way diversification event.  相似文献   

The diatom community growing on cobbles and sand substrata along the Cuarto River (Córdoba, Argentina) was studied during 2000 and 2001. Multivariate analyses of the data (PCA and CCA) showed distinct differences in water chemistry and substrata types between the upstream sites (sites 1–10) and downstream sites (sites 11–19). Sites 1–10 supported an epilithic diatom community associated with low water conductivity and gravel substrata. This consisted of adnate Achnanthes (A. biasolettiana, A. minutissima), as well as stalked (Gomphonema aff. angustum, Reimeria uniseriata, Fragilaria capucina var. rumpens) or prostrate (Nitzschia lacuum) taxa. Downstream sites were associated with high conductivity, fast flowing waters and finer substrata (sand, silt), and were colonised by prostrate diatoms, including several species of Navicula (N. pupula, N. mutica, N. veneta, N. insociabilis) and Nitzschia (N. umbonata, N. palea). Variations in water flow caused significant changes in the diatom communities of the river. During periods of low flow (winter and autumn), chain forming (Diatoma vulgaris, D. moniliformis) or stalked (Synedra ulna) taxa partially replaced the former community of Navicula and Nitzschia in the downstream sites. High flow (in summer) led to diatoms of large size being replaced by smaller size diatoms, such as Achnanthes lanceolata, Navicula mutica, Hantzschia amphioxys and Amphora montana. The severe effect of floods in the lower part of the Cuarto led to these taxa having a much higher proportion in the lower stretch of the river, taking advantage of the subaerial conditions created by the floods. Local episodes of water pollution were associated with a transient shift towards the dominance of Navicula pupula, Synedra ulna, Nitzschia lacuum and Reimeria uniseriata during winter, when inputs were least diluted because of the low flow.  相似文献   

The Bay of Seine is a potentially important nursery ground, especially for flatfish. This area, however, is also strongly anthropogenically influenced. A composite approach was chosen to compare the flatfish nursery function of the Seine estuary with other coastal and estuarine areas and to determine the impact of anthropogenic disturbances. It emerges that alteration of the nursery function in the Seine estuary is related to the loss of nursery habitat and to a lower quality of the residual surfaces. These observations stressed the importance of habitat destruction and decreased quality of remaining habitat for fish stocks renewal.  相似文献   

The ecological importance of the River Meuse phytoplankton with regard to carbon and nutrient transport has been examined in two reaches of the Belgian course of the river.Field measurements of total particulate organic carbon (POC), particulate organic nitrogen (PON) and particulate phosphorus (PP) show that the large autochtonous production of organic matter strongly affects the carbon and nutrient budget of the aquatic system. During the growing season, phytoplankton accounts for nearly 60% of the POC and dominates the PON. Calculations of the carbon and oxygen budget in the upper reach of the Belgian Meuse demonstrates that the ecosystem is autotrophic, i.e. that autochtonous FPOM (fine particulate organic matter) production is the major carbon input. This suggests that in large lowland rivers, primary production (P) may exceed community respiration (R), i.e. P:R>1, whereas they are assumed to be heterotrophic (P:R<1) in the River Continuum concept.The question of maintenance of phytoplankton in turbid mixed water columns is also addressed, and the case of the River Meuse is treated on the basis of studies of photosynthesis and respiration (ETS measurements). The results suggest that the potamoplankton may show some low-light acclimation, through an increase of chlorophyll a relative to biomass, when it comes to deep downstream reaches, and that algal respiration rate may be reduced. A simulation of the longitudinal development of the algal biomass shows the different phases of algal growth and decline along the river and brings support to the importation hypothesis for explaining maintenance of potamoplankton in the downstream reaches.  相似文献   

The patterns of local endemism in New Caledonia were analysed in two endemic genera of Tingidae (Insecta, Heteroptera), Cephalidiosus and Nobarnus , through a phylogenetic analysis and species' distribution modelling. The aim was to determine the possible causes of diversification and endemism in New Caledonia. Our results show that environmental conditions are probably important for the distribution of the genus Cephalidiosus , in conjunction with other factors such as resource (host plant) distribution, but suggest that the same environmental conditions have not influenced the speciation processes and diversification in the genus.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 177–184.  相似文献   

We developed a sampling protocol for pike (Esox lucius L., 1758) in large alluvial rivers in order to estimate adult population density and structure. This species is known as an indicator of lowland river biotic integrity in Europe evidencing the interest to determine population densities to a reliable degree of accuracy. A two occasion mark-recapture experiment based on a combination of net fishing and boat electro-fishing was specifically designed for monitoring of backwaters and channel sectors during the annual high flow level of an alluvial river, the Allier (France). Estimated densities calculated by using Chapman-Petersen and Loglinear models were weak, ranging from 0.68 (±0.16) fish.ha?1 to 0.71 (±0.20) fish.ha?1. However, when the densities are divided by the area of potential riverine habitats, pike abundance was calculated as being 15.3 (±3.7) fish.ha?1 to 15.9 (±3.8) fish.ha?1. Pike growth was high and 8 to 9 year-old females were captured. Age and sex distribution emerged as unbalanced, highlighting the precarious status of pike in the studied stretch of the river due to very limited recruitment. Pike were mainly captured in parapotamic side arms which underlines the importance of lateral habitats in semi regulated large alluvial rivers with wide riffle-pool-run sequences dominating geomorphological units.  相似文献   

Most studies of exotic species invasions only consider the factors that affect the establishment of populations following release, yet this is only one step on the invasion pathway. Different factors are likely to influence which species are transported and released. Here, we examine the influence of species traits on the successful transition of species through several stages in the introduction pathway (transport, release, and establishment), using parrots (Aves: Psittaciformes) as a model system. We use a species‐level supertree of parrots to test for phylogenetic auto‐correlation in the introduction process. Our analyses find that different sets of variables are related to the probability that a species enters each stage on the invasion pathway. The availability of individuals for transport and release seems to be most important for passage through these stages, but has no obvious effect on establishment following release. Rather, establishment success is higher for sedentary species, and species with broad diets.  相似文献   

Gene flow is an evolutionary process that supports genetic connectivity and contributes to the capacity of species to adapt to environmental change. Yet, for most species, little is known about the specific environmental factors that influence genetic connectivity, or their effects on genetic diversity and differentiation. We used a landscape genetic approach to understand how geography and climate influence genetic connectivity in a foundation riparian tree (Populus angustifolia), and their relationships with specieswide patterns of genetic diversity and differentiation. Using multivariate restricted optimization in a reciprocal causal modelling framework, we quantified the relative contributions of riparian network connectivity, terrestrial upland resistance and climate gradients on genetic connectivity. We found that (i) all riparian corridors, regardless of river order, equally facilitated connectivity, while terrestrial uplands provided 2.5× more resistance to gene flow than riparian corridors. (ii) Cumulative differences in precipitation seasonality and precipitation of the warmest quarter were the primary climatic factors driving genetic differentiation; furthermore, maximum climate resistance was 45× greater than riparian resistance. (iii) Genetic diversity was positively correlated with connectivity (R2 = 0.3744, p = .0019), illustrating the utility of resistance models for identifying landscape conditions that can support a species' ability to adapt to environmental change. From these results, we present a map highlighting key genetic connectivity corridors across P. angustifolia's range that if disrupted could have long‐term ecological and evolutionary consequences. Our findings provide recommendations for conservation and restoration management of threatened riparian ecosystems throughout the western USA and the high biodiversity they support.  相似文献   

Increased expression of the auxin-inducible gene PsIAA4/5 was observed in the elongated side of epicotyls in early growth stages of etiolated pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska) seedlings grown in a horizontal or an inclined position under 1 g conditions. Under simulated microgravity conditions on a 3D clinostat, accumulation of PsIAA4/5 mRNA was found throughout epicotyls showing automorphosis. Polar auxin transport in the proximal side of epicotyls changed when the seedlings were grown in a horizontal or an inclined position under 1 g conditions, but that under clinorotation did not, regardless of the direction of seed setting. Accumulation of PsPIN1 and PsPIN2 mRNAs in epicotyls was affected by gravistimulation, but not by clinorotation. Under 1 g conditions, auxin-transport inhibitors made epicotyls of seedlings grown in a horizontal or inclined position grow toward the proximal direction to cotyledons. These inhibitors led to epicotyl bending toward the cotyledons in seedlings grown in an inclined position under clinorotation. Polar auxin transport, as well as growth direction, of epicotyls of the agravitropic mutant ageotropum did not respond to various gravistimulation. These results suggest that alteration of polar auxin transport in the proximal side of epicotyls regulates the graviresponse of pea epicotyls.  相似文献   

We present here a multiscale modelling approach to predict the current and future spatial distribution of Ring Ouzel (Turdus torquatus) and Blackbird (T. merula) in Switzerland. Species distribution models (SDMs) are applied on three different scales in order to analyse the scale-dependency of predictors that describe the species’ realised niche. While the models on the macro- and mesoscales (grid of 100 and 1 km2, respectively) cover the entire country, our small-scale models are based on a small set of territories. Ring Ouzels occur at altitudes above 1000 m a.s.l. only, while Blackbirds occur from the lowlands up to the timberline. Although both species coexist on the macro- and mesoscales, a direct niche overlap on territory scale is rare. Small-scale differences in vegetation cover and structure seem to play a dominant role in habitat selection. On the macroscale, however, we observed a high dependency on bioclimatic variables that mainly represent the altitudinal range and the related forest structure preferred by both species. Applying the models to climate change scenarios, we predict a decline of suitable habitat for the Ring Ouzel with a simultaneous median altitudinal shift of 440 m until 2070. In contrast, the Blackbird is predicted to benefit from higher temperatures and expand its range to higher elevations. Based on the species distribution models we (1) demonstrate the scale-dependency of environmental predictors, (2) quantify the scale-dependent habitat requirements of Blackbird and Ring Ouzel and (3) predict the altitudinal range shift of both species as related to climate change scenarios.  相似文献   

We studied the habitat of the polecat at different scales in a low density area. For this purpose we gathered data on the presence of the species and characterised them by location, home range and landscape scales. Polecats selected areas of high diversity close to, but not in, streams whilst avoiding intensively managed conifer plantations and dense urban areas. Variables determining the presence/absence of the species were found at home range scales, which implies that management and conservation practices for the species should be aimed mainly at this scale. Finally, our results agree with previously published works, which validate GIS-based approaches as a tool for carnivore management in areas with scarce data or in cases of rare species.  相似文献   

During the last decades, non-native predatory fish species have been largely introduced in European lakes and rivers, calling for detailed information on the trophic ecology of co-existing native and non-native predators. The present study describes the trophic ecology of the introduced pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) in two southwestern French rivers, using stable isotope analysis. Pikeperch could be categorized as a top-predator, and had a significantly higher trophic position (TP, mean±SE=4.2±0.1) compared to other predatory fish such as the native pike (Esox lucius, TP=3.7±0.1) and the introduced European catfish (Silurus glanis, TP=3.8±0.1). Most studies of resource use in freshwaters consider predatory fish as ecologically equivalent; however, this study showed that the pikeperch occupied a higher trophic niche compared to other predatory species in the Lot and Tarn rivers (Garonne River basin). This apparent specialization may thus have consequences upon interspecific relationships within the predatory guild and upon the functional organization of biological communities. To cite this article: D. Kopp et al., C. R. Biologies 332 (2009).  相似文献   

In Spain, a national project known as GUADALMED, focusing on Mediterranean streams, has been carried out from 1998 to 2005 to implement the European water framework directive (WFD) requirements. One of the main objectives of the second phase of the project (2002–2005) was to develop a predictive system for the Spanish Mediterranean aquatic macroinvertebrate communities. A combined-season (spring, summer, and autumn) predictive model was developed by using the latest improvements on the selection of best predictor variables. Overall model performance measures were used to select the best discriminant function (DF) models, and also to evaluate their biases and precision. The final predictive model was based on the best five DF models. Each one of these models involved eight environmental variables. Final observed (O), expected (E), and O/E values for the number of macroinvertebrate families (NFAM) and two biotic indices (IBMWP and IASPT) were calculated by averaging their values, previously weighted by the quality of each DF model. Regression analyses among the final O and E values for the calibration dataset showed a high proximity to the ideal theoretical model, where the final E values explained 73–84% of the variation present in the macroinvertebrate communities of the Spanish Mediterranean watercourses. The ANOVA performed among the reference (calibration and validation) and test datasets showed clear differences for the O/E values. Finally, the assessments carried out by the predictive model were sensitive to anthropogenic pressure present in the study area and allowed the definition of five ecological status classes according to the WFD requirements. Handling editor: Richard H. Norris  相似文献   

Summary Optimum conditions have been established for the measurement of amino acid transport by human lymphoblastoid cell lines using a membrane-filtration technique. The parameters we found to be important for the reproducibility of the method are: the types and combination of filters, the strength of the vacuum applied to the filters and the density of the cultures at the time of harvesting and during uptake and filtration. We found that bovine serum albumin added to phosphate buffered saline (PBS) glucose in which the cells are washed, resuspended and assayed is essential for the maintenance of viability, the prevention of clumping and the retention of the accumulated amino acid. Using this procedure we have characterized two transport systems for the neutral amino acids; an A and an L system, which are similar but not identical to the A and L systems characterized in rodent cell lines. These A and L systems have characteristically lower Km's and Vm's for alanine and phenylalanine, when compared to rodent cell lines. In addition, we find α-AIB to be a poor competitor of alanine and phenylalanine uptake. This work was supported by Grant No. CA18644, awarded by the National Cancer Institute, Department of Health, Education and Welfare, and from a grant from the National Science Foundation under Grant No. PCM 76-24328.  相似文献   

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