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The use of fluorescein-conjugated antiserum against respiratory syncytial (RS) and parainfluenza 1 and 3 viruses was compared with conventional techniques in the rapid detection of virus in tissue cultures inoculated with pharyngeal specimens known to contain these viruses. Twenty-three specimens were tested: 9 RS, 8 parainfluenza 1, and 6 parainfluenza 3. The fluorescent-antibody technique (FA) detected virus in 52% of the tissue cultures in 24 hr, and, by 72 hr, 22 of the 23 cultures were FA-positive whereas only 5 were positive by conventional techniques. Additionally, conjugated antisera were prepared against herpes simplex, influenza A2, and adenovirus type 5. All conjugates stained only the homologous virus and were 100- to 10,000-fold more sensitive than conventional techniques in detecting descending dilutions of virus inocula by 24 hr. With the procedures described, several antisera could be conjugated and ready for use within 24 hr. Serum fractionation was by ammonium sulfate precipitation, and with the procedure outlined virtually complete recovery of the globulin fraction and elimination of all of the albumin were accomplished.  相似文献   

It would be an advantage, under many circumstances, to be able to make use of polyvalent antisera in the process of identifying mycoplasmas. As the indirect immunofluorescence test is sufficiently sensitive and also generally accepted as being rather specific, this technique was chosen to investigate whether polyvalent antisera are applicable in routine identification of mycoplasmas. Three polyvalent sera were used, each consisting of 9 or 10 rabbit antisera raised against 29 of the more common species of the genus Mycoplasma. Twenty-six field strains were examined. One strain did not react with any of the 3 polyvalent antisera although it was later identified as M. bovigenitalium. The remaining 25 strains reacted with 1 and only 1 of the polyvalent antisera and were subsequently identified by immunofluorescence utilizing monospecific antisera. Strains of the following species were identified: M. arginini, M. bovigenitalium, M. bovis, M. bovoculi, M. canis, M. capricolum, M. cynos, M. edwardii, M. hominis, M. hyorhinis, M. molare, M. mycoides subsp. mycoides and M. opalescens. It is concluded that polyvalent antisera may be used in identification procedures and thereby permit the use of a limited number of monospecific antisera without preceding biochemical testing.  相似文献   

The indirect fluorescent-antibody test (IFAT), employing treated and standardized antiserum in a single pool, was earlier reported to have been used successfully for the preliminary identification of nine respiratory viruses in second to ninth passage multiplying in cells propagated on microscope slides. This report describes parameters affecting the isolation in first passage and the identification by IFAT of adenovirus types 4 and 7 and coxsackievirus type A21 present in stored clinical specimens inoculated into microcultures of WI-38 cells. Isolation frequency was comparable to that obtained in tube cultures, and identification by IFAT of viruses in microcultures could be accomplished in 3 to 4 hr after recognition of a cytopathogenic effect.  相似文献   

1986年,在海南岛发生登革热爆发流行期间,应用型特异性单克隆抗体以间接免疫荧光法快速鉴定所分离的35株登革热毒。接种标本的第一代C_6/36细胞于感染病毒后96小时内登革病毒抗原检出率可达97%  相似文献   

Material from 32 patients, mostly after abdominal surgery, was examined by the direct immunofluorescence test (IFT) using the conjugates against six ' Bacteroides fragilis ' serotypes. In most cases ' B. fragilis ' strains could be detected in direct smears of the clinical material. There was good agreement between the results obtained by IFT and cultural methods.  相似文献   

The fluorescent-antibody method has been employed for the rapid identification of Mycoplasma colonies growing on agar plates. The method was found to be effective for detection of mixtures of Mycoplasma serotypes growing on primary isolation plates. The technique also helped to define the presence of mycoplasmas which did not produce typical colonies. It was also possible to identify Mycoplasma colonies overgrown by bacterial or fungal contaminants. Conjugates directed against 10 distinct Mycoplasma serotypes have been successfully employed in this system. One of the serotypes is a human oral isolate which has not been previously characterized.  相似文献   

An immunofluorescence (FA) technique has been developed which can identify herpes simplex virus (HSV) in clinical specimens and also type the virus directly as type 1 or type 2. This test, first applied to cervicovaginal specimens obtained from 80 mice genitally inoculated with HSV, indicated a sensitivity approaching 80% in comparison to standard viral isolation methods. A similar sensitivity was found when the test was applied to 185 clinical specimens with adequate cells for staining, which were obtained from a variety of sites of patients with suspect herpetic infection. In only 1 of 6 specimens positive by both FA and culture methods was the HSV type wrongly identified by the FA technique. There were also six specimens which were negative by culture methods but positive by the FA test, indicating a specificity of 91%. It is likely that these are not instances of false-positive tests but of other factors which may have resulted in negative viral isolations by culture methods. As more specific reagents become available, it is anticipated that the FA technique will have wider usage in diagnostic laboratories for the identification and typing of HSV types 1 and 2.  相似文献   

Identification of the Prototheca Species by Immunofluorescence   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Studies were carried out to develop fluorescent antibody reagents for the identification of the Prototheca species and for their differentiation from morphologically similar fungi of various genera in formalin-fixed tissues. Antisera against representative isolates of P. filamenta, P. moriformis, P. stagnora, P. wickerhamii, and P. zopfii were produced in rabbits. Antiglobulins, labeled with fluorescein-isothiocyanate that intensely stained most cells of the homologous species, were selected for use as potential diagnostic reagents. By adsorbing the conjugates with selected heterologous cross-staining protothecae, reagents that were both sensitive and specific were obtained. Evaluation of the adsorbed conjugates with sections of tissue infected with protothecae, sections of tissue infected with morphologically similar fungi, and cultures of protothecae showed that these reagents are useful for the rapid and reliable identification of the Prototheca species.  相似文献   

目的:建立能够同时检测常见呼吸道病毒的Array-ELISA方法。方法:未经标记的单克隆抗体作为捕获抗体在96孔板的微孔中点制成阵列,生物素标记的单克隆抗体作为检测抗体,与待检病毒反应后,利用电化学发光法放大反应信号,通过CCD传感器读取反应结果。结果:经过优化后,使用的抗体组合能够检测甲型流感病毒、乙型流感病毒、呼吸道合胞病毒、腺病毒和副流感病毒3型,其最低检测限分别为3.1×102、1.3×103、5×103、2.5×103和1.5×104TCID50/m L,各病毒之间未见交叉反应。结论:建立的Array-ELISA方法可用于检测以上5种病毒,具有较高的灵敏性和较强的特异性。  相似文献   

We used an indirect immunofluorescence technique to permit the identification and enumeration of individual or closely related strains of chroococcoid cyanobacteria of the general Synechococcus and Synechocystis in natural seawater samples. Antisera directed against each of five strains (two phycoerythrin-containing Synechococcus strains, two phycocyanin-containing Synechococcus strains, and one Synechocystis strain) were produced and tested for cross-reactions with cultures of a variety of cyanobacteria and representatives of other algae and bacteria. Each antiserum was relatively specific. The observed cross-reactions occurred between strains that were isolated from similar oceanic environments. We were able, therefore, to apply this technique to field samples. Preliminary results for April to December 1982 in Great South Bay, New York, show that Synechocystis populations are present only during spring and summer, phycocyanin-containing Synechococcus strains are only a minor component in the spring and summer, and phycoerythrin-containing Synechococcus populations become significant in summer and remain so until late fall or winter.  相似文献   

Actin was studied in Xenopus unfertilized eggs and early developmental stages. Immunochemical proof is given of structural differences between Xenopus laevis muscle actin and nonmuscle cell actin. Actin localization and changes of actin aggregation during Xenopus development were observed using indirect immunofluorescence. We have also tried to explain the presence of an actin shell around the yolk platelets that appeared in our experiments.  相似文献   

Identification of Group B Streptococci by Immunofluorescence Staining   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
Gamma globulin fractions of rabbit antisera prepared with whole cell vaccines of group B types Ia, Ib, II, and III and labeled with fluorescein isothiocyanate stained group B streptococci type specifically. Type Ic cells, which contain the Ia polysaccharide antigen of type Ia and the Ic protein antigen of type Ib, were specifically stained by both Ia and Ib conjugates. A group B conjugate pool (B pool) that contained one conjugate specific for each group B type at its predetermined titer gave positive fluorescent-antibody (FA) reactions (4+ intensity) with group B stock strains and negative FA reactions (less than 2+ intensity) with stock strains of streptococcal groups A, C through H, and K through U, viridans streptococci, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and representative Enterobacteriaceae. Examination of 883 clinical isolates submitted to the Streptococcus Laboratory (Center for Disease Control, Atlanta, Ga.) for identification revealed a 99.1% agreement between FA and culture-precipitin methods. All 305 group B streptococci identified by culture-precipitin and six nonhemolytic group B streptococci missed initially by culture tests were identified correctly by FA. Results of cultural and FA methods in a double-blind study of 99 vaginal swabs agreed on 96 of 99 strains. Three nonhemolytic group B streptococci were identified first by FA and later confirmed by culture-precipitin tests.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种改进的免疫金电镜技术,即,离心法,快速鉴定动物病毒。发现了离心法比混合法和滴附法较为理想,非特异性反应较小,灵敏度高,可做为常规快速鉴定动物病毒方法。  相似文献   

In our laboratory the indirect immunofluorescence test for measuring antibody is used extensively as a back-up for complement fixation and hemagglutination-inhibition serology results, for rapid diagnosis, and for IgM antibody determinations. In addition, it is our primary test for detecting antibodies to vaccinia, Colorado tick fever and Epstein-Barr viruses. At present, 41 different viral, chlamydial and rickettsial antigens for fluorescent antibody (FA) assays are prepared in the form of smears of infected cells (Emmons and Riggs 1977), requiring approximately 400 microscope slides each month.  相似文献   

Specific staining of antigen within bovine embryo kidney tissue culture cells, infected with either Oregon C24V or NADL-MD bovine viral diarrhea virus, was accomplished using fluorescein-conjugated swine anti-hog cholera or bovine antiviral diarrhea globulin. Also specific staining of antigen within pig kidney tissue culture cells, infected with hog cholera virus, was accomplished using the same two types of conjugates. Specificity was confirmed by appropriate controls. The authors found immunofluorescence to be a convenient and sensitive method for determining an antigenic relationship between hog cholera and bovine viral diarrhea viruses.  相似文献   

The standardization and quantitation of immunofluorescence with a Farrand microphotometer in the rabies fluorescent-antibody technique were determined. The system is useful in maintaining the quality of examinations for rabies in a public health laboratory since quantitation of reagent, equipment performance, and specificity of reaction can be evaluated. An analysis of the results demonstrates the high degree of reproducibility and the accuracy of the techniques described.  相似文献   

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