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U Zuber  W Schumann 《Gene》1991,103(1):69-72
A method for the rapid restriction mapping of large plasmids has been developed. A 400-bp fragment of phage lambda DNA containing the cos region has been inserted into Tn5. After in vivo transposition of this Tn5cos element into the plasmid of choice, the plasmid is isolated and linearized at its cos site with phage lambda terminase (Ter). Such Ter linearization was about 70% efficient. After partial digestion of the linear molecules with the appropriate restriction enzyme, the products are selectively labelled at the right or left cohesive phage lambda DNA termini by hybridization with digoxygenin (DIG)-11-dUTP-labelled (using terminal transferase) oligodeoxyribonucleotides complementary to the single-stranded cos ends. After pulsed field gel electrophoresis, the labelled fragments are visualized in the dried gel using a DIG-detection kit. The restriction map can be directly determined from the 'ladder' of partial digestion products.  相似文献   

E Vincze  G B Kiss 《Gene》1990,96(1):17-22
It is shown here that the phosphate groups at the cos ends of phage lambda DNA are not a prerequisite for in vitro packaging. Molecules with phosphatase-treated cos ends are packaged in vitro as efficiently as native lambda DNA. This observation can be used for an alternative strategy to improve the efficiency of gene library construction, since cos-cos ligation decreases in vitro encapsidation and infectivity. Dephosphorylated cos ends and a new phasmid vector lambda pGY97 have been used to construct a representative gene bank of alfalfa in a Mcr- (5-methylcytosine restriction deficient) Escherichia coli host strain. These recombinant clones can be propagated as phages or more conveniently as plasmids in recA- E. coli, to prevent possible homologous recombination events between repetitive sequences of the insert that would otherwise interfere with clone stability. The 5-19-kb inserts can be easily recloned as plasmids from the recombinant phasmids with simple EcoRI digestion and re-ligation. This observation also implies that the construction of gene libraries in cosmid vectors can be made more efficient if cos-cos ligates were cleaved by lambda terminase just before in vitro packaging.  相似文献   

R R Higgins  A Becker 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(24):6152-6161
The terminase enzyme of phage lambda is a site-specific endonuclease that nicks DNA concatemers to regenerate the 12 nucleotide cohesive ends of the mature chromosome. The enzyme's DNA target, cos, consists of a nicking domain, cosN, and a binding domain, cosB. cosB, situated to the right of cosN, comprises three 16 bp repeat sequences, R1, R2 and R3. A similar sequence, R4, is present to the left of cosN. It is shown here that terminase has an intrinsic specificity for cosN which is independent of the R sites. The interaction with cosN is mediated by binding to target sites that include 12 bp on the 5', and 2-7 bp on the 3' side of the nick. Of the four R sites, only R3 is required for the proper formation of ends. When R3 is present, an ATP-charged terminase system correctly catalyzes the production of staggered nicks in cosN, at sites N1 and N2 on the bottom and top strands, respectively. When ATP is omitted, the bottom strand is nicked incorrectly, at the site Nx, 8 bp to the left of N1. If R3 is removed or disabled by a point mutation, nicking in cosN becomes dependent upon ATP but, even in the presence of ATP, bottom strand nicking is divided between sites N1, the correct site, and Nx, the incorrect one. Thus, R3 is an important regulatory element and must reside in cis in respect to cosN. Furthermore, cosN substrates bearing point mutations at N1 and N2 are nicked at sites Nx and Ny, 8 bp to the left of N1 and N2, respectively. When R3 is present and ATP is added, nicking is redirected to the N1 and N2 positions despite the mutations present. Thus, terminase binding to R3, on one side of cosN, regulates the rotationally symmetric nicking reactions on the bottom and top strands within cosN.  相似文献   

On the base of plasmid pCV20 (Apr, Tcr mol. weight 5.2 x 10(6) a recombinant plasmid pEH60 (Apr, mol. weight 17.0 x 10(6) with BamHI fragment of phage DNA, containing red+ and gam+ genes was constructed. Selection was found on the ability of phage red- and gam- to propagate in strain E. coli K12 recA-, which was transformed by recombinant plasmid with active red and gam genes. Influence of recombinant plasmid pEH60 on processes of repair and recombination of phage lambda DNA and bacterial DNA was studied. It was shown that red gene in plasmid pEH60 compensates deficiency of redA gene in these processes with phage lambda DNA; in the case of E. coli K12 AB2480 uvr- recA- (pEH60) the processes of multiple reactivation and decombination of phage red- were presented. In the case of bacterial cells, plasmid pEH60 did not compensate deficiency of recA function of bacteria, although it partly compensates deficiency of recBC function. Increase of survival after introduction of plasmid pEH60 in the cell was obtained only for recBC- strain, but not for wild type and recA- strains.  相似文献   

Plasmids that carry cos lambda, the region necessary for lambda phage packaging and that are as small as four kilobases in size can be packaged into lambda phage heads in head-to-tail tandem oligomeric structures. Multimeric oligomers as large as undecamers have been detected. Oligomer formation depends upon the products of red and gam of lambda, and the general recombination occurs between different plasmids that share homologous DNA regions. The packaging efficiency of plasmids depends on its copy number in cells and its genome size. Upon injection into a cell, the DNA establishes itself as a plasmid in a tandem structure. When such a plasmid in a high oligomeric structure is used as the source of packaging DNA, the packaging efficiency of the plasmids is elevated. The oligomers are stable in recA cells, whereas they drift toward lower oligomers in recA+ cells.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa produces three types of bacteriocins: R-, F- and S-type pyocins. The S-type pyocin is a colicin-like protein, whereas the R-type pyocin resembles a contractile but non-flexible tail structure of bacteriophage, and the F-type a flexible but non-contractile one. As genetically related phages exist for each type, these pyocins have been thought to be variations of defective phage. In the present study, the nucleotide sequence of R2 pyocin genes, along with those for F2 pyocin, which are located downstream of the R2 gene cluster on the chromosome of P. aeruginosa PAO1, was analysed in order to elucidate the relationship between the pyocins and bacteriophages. The results clearly demonstrated that the R-type pyocin is derived from a common ancestral origin with P2 phage and the F-type from lambda phage. This notion was supported by identification of a lysis gene cassette similar to those for bacteriophages. The gene organization of the R2 and F2 pyocin gene cluster, however, suggested that both pyocins are not simple defective phages, but are phage tails that have been evolutionarily specialized as bacteriocins. A systematic polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis of P. aeruginosa strains that produce various subtypes of R and F pyocins revealed that the genes for every subtype are located between trpE and trpG in the same or very similar gene organization as for R2 and F2 pyocins, but with alterations in genes that determine the receptor specificity.  相似文献   

L V Konevega  V L Kalinin 《Genetika》1985,21(7):1105-1110
Survival of phage lambda cI857 inactivated by bisulfite (pH 5.6, 37 degrees C) is higher (the dose modification factor approx. 1.2) and frequency of bisulfite-induced c-mutations 2-4-fold lower on the lawn of the wild-type strain ung+, as compared to ung-1 mutant deficient in uracil-DNA glycosylase. Irradiation of host cells by a moderate UV dose inducing SOS repair system enhances the frequency of bisulfite-induced c-mutations 2-3-fold in the wild-type (ung+) host, but not in the ung-1 mutant. It is suggested that W-mutagenesis in bisulfite-treated lambda phage in the ung+ cells is due to SOS repair of apyrimidinic sites which are produced during excision of uracil residues, the products of cytosine deamination.  相似文献   

A mini-Mu bacteriophage, containing the cohesive-end packaging site (cos) from a lambda-phi 80 hybrid phage, a high-copy-number plasmid replicon, and a kanamycin-resistance gene for independent selection, was constructed to clone genes in vivo. This mini-Mu element can be derepressed to transpose at a high frequency. DNA segments that become flanked by copies of this mini-Mu element in the same orientation can be packaged by a helper lambda phage. The resulting lambda lysate can be used to infect recipient cells where the injected DNA can circularize by annealing at the cos termini. Drug-resistant transductants obtained carry the mini-Mu-replicon cosmid element with inserts of different nucleotide sequences. These are analogous to recombinant DNA clones generated in vitro with restriction endonuclease cutting and ligase joining reactions replaced by the Mu transposition process. Clones of particular genes were isolated by their ability to complement specific mutations. Both recA+ and recA- recipient cells can be used with equal efficiency. Clones obtained with a helper lambda phage require the presence of the cos site in the mini-Mu replicon. They carry larger inserts than those isolated with the same mini-Mu element and Mu as a helper phage. The mini-Mu replicon-cosmid bacteriophage contains a lac-gene fusing segment for isolating fusions of lac operon DNA to gene control regions in the cloned sequences. Independent clones of a particular gene can be used to prepare a restriction map of the gene and its flanking regions.  相似文献   

L W Black 《Gene》1986,46(1):97-101
Concatemeric phage lambda imm434 DNA packaged in vitro into phage T4 particles produced plaques on a selective host. Moreover, lambda DNA containing a pBR322 derivative flanked by the lambda attL and attR sites could be specifically recircularized by excisive lambda recombination to yield the pBR322 derivative. A host deficient in generalized recombination and containing a defective lambda c Its prophage which provided Int and Xis proteins was the recipient for this plasmid derivative carried by T4. Such a T4-lambda hybrid may potentially allow almost one T4 headful of donor DNA (166 kb) to be packaged and recircularized.  相似文献   

The recombinant plasmid pKP145 PL has been constructed containing the gene for aminoglycosidephosphotransferase (APT). Expression of the APT gene is under the control of lambda bacteriophage PL promoter. Escherichia coli cells harbouring this plasmid synthesize APT in quantity up to 13-15% of the total cellular protein. The technique for isolation of APT from superproducing cells has been elaborated. Preparations of the enzyme devoid of contaminating bacterial proteins have been obtained.  相似文献   

Gentle methods for minicell lysis and lysate fractionation have been elaborated: lysis by T4 lysozyme without detergents, and fractionation by equilibrium sedimentation in a metrizamide density gradient, both at low ionic strength. In the lysates of phage-lambda-infected minicells the lambda DNA, trapped at a prereplicative step [Witkiewicz, H. and Taylor, K. (1979) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 564, 31-36], appeared in two peaks of different buoyant densities: as a membrane-bound and a free lambda DNA. The covalently-closed-circular form of lambda DNA appeared exclusively in the membrane fraction. The lambda-coded proteins, synthesized in lambda-infected minicells, appeared in two major fractions: as membrane-bound and as free proteins, and in one minor fraction, bound with free lambda DNA. Neither lambda protein engaged in the initiation of DNA replication was present in the fraction of free proteins: the P-gene product was membrane-associated, and the O-gene product formed a complex with free lambda DNA. The effect of high ionic strength (KCl) and of detergents (Triton X-100 and sarcosyl) on the binding of replication proteins with lambda DNA and with the membrane was studied. The non-ionic detergent, Triton X-100 caused displacement of a part of lambda DNA from the membrane to the free lambda DNA peak; both lambda replication proteins were bound with free lambda DNA. The binding of the O protein with lambda DNA was relatively stable, but was destroyed by the ionic detergent, sarcosyl.  相似文献   

A nucleotide sequence of 61 nucleotides at the left end and 117 nucleotides at the right end of DNA from bacteriophage lambdacI857Sam7 was determined by the Maxam and Gilbert method. A perfect inverted repeat sequence of 10 nucleotides is near the left end, and one of 15 nucleotides is near the right end. DNA from another closely related lambda strain, lambdacI857prm116Sam7, has about 10% divergence in the sequence of the first 110 nucleotides at the right end and has a 17-member perfect inverted repeat sequence.  相似文献   

In the wild-type phage λ, binding of CI to OR2 helps polymerase bound to PRM transition from a closed to open complex. Activators on other promoters increase the polymerase-DNA binding energy, or affect both the binding energy and the closed-open transition probability. Using a validated mathematical model, we show that these two modes of upregulation have very different effects on the promoter function. We predict that if CI2 bound to OR2 produced equal increase in RNAP-DNA binding constant (compared to wild-type increase in the closed-open transition probability), the lysogen would be significantly less stable.  相似文献   

Yang Q  Berton N  Manning MC  Catalano CE 《Biochemistry》1999,38(43):14238-14247
The terminase enzyme from bacteriophage lambda is responsible for the insertion of a dsDNA genome into the confines of the viral capsid. The holoenzyme is composed of gpA and gpNu1 subunits in a gpA(1) x gpNu1(2) stoichiometry. While genetic studies have described regions within the two proteins responsible for DNA binding, capsid binding, and subunit interactions in the holoenzyme complex, biochemical characterization of these domains is limited. We have previously described the cloning, expression, and biochemical characterization of a soluble DNA binding domain of the terminase gpNu1 subunit (Met1 to Lys100) and suggested that the hydrophobic region spanning Lys100 to Pro141 defines a domain responsible for self-association interactions, and that is important for cooperative DNA binding [Yang et al. (1999) Biochemistry 38, 465-477]. We further suggested that the genetically defined gpA-interactive domain in the C-terminal half of the protein is limited to the C-terminal approximately 40 amino acids of gpNu1. Here we describe the cloning, expression, and biochemical characterization of gpNu1DeltaP141, a deletion mutant of gpNu1 that comprises the DNA binding domain and the putative hydrophobic self-assembly domain of the full-length protein. Purified gpNu1DeltaP141 shows a strong tendency to aggregate in solution; However, the protein remains soluble in 0.4 M guanidine hydrochloride, and circular dichroism (CD) and fluorescence spectroscopic studies demonstrate that the protein is folded under these conditions. Moreover, CD spectroscopy and thermally induced unfolding studies suggest that the DNA binding domain and the self-association domain represent independent folding domains of gpNu1DeltaP141. The mutant protein interacts weakly with the gpA subunit, but does not form a catalytically competent holoenzyme complex, suggesting that the C-terminal 40 residues are important for appropriate subunit interactions. Importantly, gpNu1DeltaP141 binds DNA tightly, but with less specificity than does full-length protein, and the data suggest that the C-terminal residues are further required for specific DNA binding activity. The implications of these results in the assembly of a functional holoenzyme complex are discussed.  相似文献   

The development of bacteriophage lambda and double-stranded DNA viruses in general involves the convergence of two separate pathways: DNA replication and head assembly. Clearly, packaging will proceed only if an empty capsid shell, the prohead, is present to receive the DNA, but genetic evidence suggests that proheads play another role in the packaging process. For example, lambda phages with an amber mutation in any head gene or in FI, the gene encoding the accessory packaging protein gpFI, are able to produce normal amounts of DNA concatemers but they are not cut, or matured, into unit length chromosomes for packaging. Similar observations have been made for herpes simplex 1 virus. In the case of lambda, a negative model proposes that in the amber phages, unassembled capsid components are inhibitory to maturation, and a positive model suggests that assembled proheads are required for cutting. We tested the negative model by using a deletion mutant devoid of all prohead genes and FI in an in vivo cos cleavage assay; in this deleted phage, the cohesive ends were not cut. When lambda proheads and gpFI were provided in vivo via a second prophage, cutting was restored, and gpFI was required, results that support the positive model. Phage 21 is a sister phage of lambda, and although its capsid proteins share approximately 60% residue identity with lambda's, phage 21 proheads did not restore cutting, even when provided with the accessory protein gpFI. Models for the role of proheads and gpFI in cos cutting are discussed.  相似文献   

D K Chattoraj 《Cell》1980,19(1):143-149
Biparental lambda phage DNA dimers formed by the Rec recombination system of E. coli were isolated in the absence of DNA replication and phage maturation. The RecA but not the RecB gene is required for dimer formation. Dimers are primarily circular but can also be branched circular or linear. In circular dimers the crossover points are distributed uniformly along the chromosome, even in the presence of the RecB-dependent Chi recombinational hotspots. Thus in the absence of DNA synthesis and maturation, the Rec system can act reciprocally both in the presence and absence of the RecB gene; this lack of RecB participation accounts for the observed lack of Chi activity.  相似文献   

M J Palazzolo  E M Meyerowitz 《Gene》1987,52(2-3):197-206
This paper describes the construction and characterization of a family of lambda phage cDNA cloning vectors that allows high-efficiency directional cDNA cloning and selective amplification of either sense or antisense cRNA sequences. These vectors contain several unique restriction sites (EcoRI, XbaI, and SacI) positioned between two specific phage promoters, SP6 and T7. This system facilitates the in vitro preparation of single-stranded (ss) RNA molecules that should be useful in subtractive hybridization and in situ hybridization procedures. Using subtractive hybridization and this vector system, it should be possible to identify sequences present in one cDNA library and not another. In addition, it should be possible to construct subtracted cDNA libraries in these vectors and to generate high specific activity, ss, antisense cRNA probes directly from DNA prepared from the whole subtracted library or from individual clones.  相似文献   

The paper presents a mathematical model of the trigger switching of lambda phage genome on the basis of the molecular ideas by Ptashne. The sigmoid character of the gene cro promotor was explained via lambda-repressor concentration. The temperature switching of genetic trigger was attributed to the existence of permissive and restrictive temperatures by means of the Fokker-Plank probability density formalism. The dependence of the lambda repressor average concentration of the UV-radiation dose was theoretically calculated. For the lambda phage mutant the hysteresic dependence of the lambda repressor and cro concentrations on the external parameters (for example, UV-intensity) was obtained.  相似文献   

Summary Concatenand molecules of lambda DNA were formed even in a recombination dificient system (Int-Red-Rec-) in the late stage of phage growth. No significant difference was observed in the formation of concatemers between recombination deficient and proficient systems. These results suggest that concatemer formation is an intrinsic nature of replication in the late stage. The possibility of concatemer formation by molecular exchanges which do not contribute genetic recombination is not excluded.This paper is the sixth of a series Replication of bacteriophage DNA the fourth and fifth of which are J. Tomizawa, and Y. Sakakibara and J. Tomizawa in Bacteriophage lambda ed. A. D. Hershey, Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y. in press.  相似文献   

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