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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the ovarian response of ewes to two treatments with PGF2alpha using transrectal ovarian ultrasonography and hormone measurements. Fifteen milligrams of PGF2alpha was given to six cyclic Western White Face (WWF) ewes early in the estrous cycle (Days 4 to 7) and to six late in the cycle (Days 10 to 12 after ovulation), and a second treatment was given 9 days after the first. Ultrasound scanning and blood sampling started 7 days prior to the first PGF2alpha treatment and ended 10 days (scanning) or 19 days (blood sampling) after the second PGF2alpha treatment, for both groups of ewes. Mean ovulation rate (2.6 +/- 0.7) did not differ significantly between the ewes first treated early or late in the cycle, or after the first or second treatments with PGF2alpha. The time from treatment to ovulation was longer in ewes first treated early (4.0 +/- 0.3 days) compared to late (2.8 +/- 0.4 days) in the cycle (P < 0.05). Both the number of ovulations (range: 0-7) and time from treatment to ovulation (range: 1-9 days) were highly variable. This variability appeared to be due to the extension of the life span of ovulating follicles that emerged prior to PGF2alpha administration and also ovulation of some follicles that emerged after treatment. When results for first and second treatments were pooled, the total number of follicles > 5 mm in diameter on the day of treatment that failed to ovulate in response to PGF2alpha was higher in ewes first treated early (0.8 +/- 0.2/ewe) compared to late (0.3 +/- 0.2/ewe) in the cycle (P < 0.05). The proportion of detected luteal structures relative to the number of ovulations was lower in ewes first treated early compared to late in the cycle (60 and 86%, respectively; P < 0.05). Disruption of ovulatory follicle dynamics and normal luteogenesis, and variability in the timing of ovulation after PGF2alpha treatments could all contribute to poor or variable fertility when prostaglandins are used for estrus synchronization.  相似文献   

In the ewe, a rise in circulating concentrations of FSH preceding follicular wave emergence begins in the presence of growing follicles from a previous wave. We hypothesized that prostaglandin F(2alpha) (PGF(2alpha)) given at the time of an endogenous FSH peak in cyclic ewes would result in synchronous ovulation of follicles from two consecutive waves, increasing ovulation rate. Twelve Western White Face (WWF) ewes received a single i.m. injection of PGF(2alpha) (15 mg/ewe) at the expected time of a peak in FSH secretion, from Days 9 to 12 after ovulation. The mean ovulation rate after PGF(2alpha) treatment (2.3+/-0.3) did not differ (P>0.05) from the pre-treatment ovulation rate (1.7+/-0.1). Five ewes ovulated follicles from follicular waves emerging before and after PGF(2alpha) injection (3.0+/-0.6 ovulations/ewe) and seven ewes ovulated follicles only from a wave(s) emerging before PGF(2alpha) treatment (2.0+/-0.3 ovulations/ewe; P>0.05). The mean interval from PGF(2alpha) to emergence of the next follicular wave (1.0+/-0.4 and 4.0+/-0.0 d, respectively; P<0.001) and the interval from PGF(2alpha) treatment to the next FSH peak (0 and 3.5+/-0.4d, respectively; P<0.05) differed between the two groups. Six ewes ovulated after the onset of behavioral estrus, with a mean ovulation rate of 1.7+/-0.2, and six ewes ovulated both before and after the onset of estrus (3.0+/-0.5 ovulations/ewe; P<0.05). None of the ovulations that occurred before estrus resulted in corpora lutea (CL) with a full life span. At 24h before ovulation, follicles ovulating before or after the onset of estrus differed in size (4.1+/-0.3 or 5.5+/-0.4mm, respectively; P<0.05) and had distinctive echotextural characteristics. In conclusion, the administration of PGF(2alpha) at the expected time of an FSH peak at mid-cycle in ewes may alter the endogenous rhythm of FSH secretion and was not consistently followed by ovulation of follicles from two follicular waves. In non-prolific WWF ewes, PGF(2alpha)-induced luteolysis disrupted the normal distribution of the source of ovulatory follicles and may be associated with untimely follicular rupture and luteal inadequacy.  相似文献   

Luteal function and blastocyst development were compared in ewes treated with GnRH (100 mug) on Day 1 (Day 0 = day of estrus) or in ewes previously induced into estrus with PGF(2)alpha. In Experiment 1, the duration of estrous cycles of ewes previously treated with PGF(2)alpha were longer (P<0.06) than those that received PGF(2)alpha plus GnRH, GnRH alone, or remained untreated (control) ewes. Progesterone concentrations were lower (P<0.07) on Day 1 and higher (P<0.01) on Days 16 and 17 of the estrous cycles following PGF(2)alpha treatment relative to those of the natural (control) cycles. In Experiment 2, blastocysts of ewes treated with PGF(2)alpha were less developed (P<0.06) by Day 13 of pregnancy than those of the control ewes. The GnRH treatment did not influence any of these characteristics. Treatment with PGF(2)alpha delayed luteal formation during the subsequent estrous cycle, increased the duration of the estrous cycle and slowed the rate of blastocyst development relative to GnRH-treated and untreated ewes.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare two protocols for estrus synchronization in suckled beef cows over a 2 years period. The population studied consisted of 172 Charolais and 168 Limousin cows from 12 and 14 beef herds, respectively. In each herd, cows were allotted to groups according to parity, body condition score and calving difficulty. Cows in Group 1 (n=174) received PRID on Day-8 with estradiol benzoate (10mg, vaginal capsule), dinoprost on Day-4 (25mg i.m.), eCG on Day 2 (500 IU i.m.). The PRID was removed on Day-2 and cows were inseminated on Day 0, 56 h after PRID was removed. Cows in Group 2 (n=166) received GnRH on Day-10 (100 microg i.m.), dinoprost on Day-3 (25mg i.m.) and GnRH on Day-1 (100 microg i.m.), and were inseminated on Day 0, 16-24h after the last GnRH treatment. Plasma progesterone concentrations were measured to determine cyclicity prior to treatment (Days-20 and -10), to confirm the occurrence of ovulation (Days 0 and 10) and to determine the apparent early pregnancy rate (Days 0, 10 and 24). Pregnancy diagnosis was performed by ultrasonography between Days 35 and 45. The effects of various factors on ovulation, apparent early pregnancy and pregnancy rates were studied using logistic mixed models. There was no significant difference between Groups 1 and 2, respectively, for the cyclicity rate before treatment (80.5% versus 80.1%), for apparent pregnancy rate on Day 24 (62.1% versus 54.8%, P=0.09) and for pregnancy rate on Days 35-45 (53.8% versus 46.3%, P=0.16). Ovulation rate was higher (P<0.01) in Group 1 (90.8%) than in Group 2 (77.1%) and was affected by cyclicity prior to treatment in Group 2 but not in Group 1 (Group 1: 88.2% in anestrous cows versus 91.4% in cyclic cows; Group 2: 45.5% in anestrous cows versus 85.0% in cyclic cows, P interaction=0.05). Apparent pregnancy rates on Day 24 were influenced by the year of study (52.4% versus 68.8%, OR=2.12, P<0.01) and by the cyclicity before treatment (anestrous cows 46.3% versus cyclic cows 61.5%, OR=1.86, P<0.05). Pregnancy rates at 35-45 days were influenced by the year of study (44.2% versus 59.8%, OR=1.92, P<0.01). In conclusion, although pregnancy rates were similar for the two treatments, the combination of GnRH+PGF2alpha+GnRH in suckled beef cows induced a lower rate of ovulation than treatment with PRID+PGF2alpha, particularly in anestrous cows.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of buserelin or saline treatment on ovarian function (Experiment 1), plasma PGFM concentrations and oxytocin stimulated prostaglandin F(2alpha) (PGF(2alpha)) release (Experiment 2) in ewe lambs and ewes. Welsh Halfbred ewes (n=26) and ewe lambs (n=24) were mated to vasectomised rams at synchronised oestrus and on Day 12 post-mating each animal was injected intramuscularly either normal saline or 4 microg buserelin. In Experiment 1, plasma progesterone and oestradiol concentrations were determined in samples collected by jugular venepuncture 1h before and at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 24, 48 and 72 h after treatment (n=7 per treatment group). Progesterone concentrations increased (P<0.05) from 2 to 8h after buserelin treatment and returned to basal levels after 72 h, whereas oestradiol concentrations were maximal at 2h post-treatment and returned to basal levels after 24h (P<0.05). Oestradiol concentrations were lower (P<0.05) in buserelin-treated animals than controls at 72 h post-treatment. Basal and post-treatment progesterone concentrations were greater (P<0.05) in ewes than in ewe lambs but oestradiol levels were similar for both age groups. Ovulation rate, determined by laparoscopy on Day 14, was similar for both age groups (ewes 1.1; ewe lambs 1.0). Buserelin treatment induced accessory corpora lutea in ewes (4/7; 57%) but not in ewe lambs (0/7; 0%). In the Experiment 2, plasma PGFM concentrations were determined in samples collected at 20-min intervals for 6h on Day 14 and at 20-min intervals for 1h before and at 10-min intervals for 1h and then at 20-min intervals for a further 3h period after an intravenous injection of oxytocin (1IU/kg body weight) on Day 15 post-oestrus. In this experiment there were five ewe lambs and six ewes per treatment group. There was no effect of buserelin treatment or age on basal PGFM concentrations on either Day 14 or 15. Although peak PGFM concentrations tended to be lower in buserelin-treated animals, the difference was not significant (P>0.05). However, peak duration following oxytocin challenge on Day 15 post-mating was shorter (P<0.05) in control ewes compared with control ewe lambs. In conclusion, buserelin treatment given on Day 12 post-oestrus enhances luteal function more in ewes than ewe lambs and after a transitory increase, reduces oestradiol concentrations in both ewes and ewe lambs. However, buserelin treatment does not significantly attenuate the luteolytic signal.  相似文献   

In sheep, induction of ovulation during anoestrus is accompanied by a high incidence of short luteal phases, though pre-treatment with progesterone can overcome this problem. We have investigated the effects of supplementing oestradiol during GnRH-induced ovulation on subsequent PGF2alpha release and luteal life span. Thirty anoestrous crossbred ewes received 250 ng GnRH i.v. at 2 h intervals for 48 h to induce ovulation either alone (group 1; n=10) or in association with either an i.m. injection of 20 mg progesterone 3 days earlier (group 2; n=10) or 3 i.m. injections of 10 microg oestradiol at 8 h intervals on the second day of GnRH treatment (group 3; n=10). Laparoscopy, performed 3 days following GnRH to confirm ovulation and 8 days later, coupled with plasma progesterone analysis were used to determine luteal life span. On day 4 following GnRH, plasma samples were collected at 20 min intervals for 8 h to monitor PGF2alpha release. One ewe from group 1 failed to ovulate and was excluded from further analysis. All groups showed an increase (P<0.01) in plasma oestradiol during GnRH treatment, with group 3 showing a marked (P<0.001) increase over that seen in the other two groups. In group 1 there were 1.4+/-0.2 PGF2alpha episodes/ewe/8 h. In group 2, pre-treatment with progesterone caused the complete inhibition of PGF2alpha episodes (0 episodes/ewe/8 h) while in group 3, treatment with oestradiol resulted in a significant reduction (0.3+/-0.1 episodes/ewe/8 h) compared with group 1 (P<0.01). In group 1, 9/9 ewes exhibited short cycles compared with 2/10 ewes in group 2 (P<0.01). In group 3 the proportion of ewes showing short cycles 7/10 ewes was not significantly different from the other groups. While treatment with oestradiol caused a significant attenuation of PGF2alpha release, this was associated with only a partial reduction in the incidence of short cycles.  相似文献   

Four ewes were utilized to determine the effects of prostaglandin (PG) F2 alpha, PGE2 and luteinizing hormone (LH) on activity of phospholipase C (PLC) in ovine luteal tissue. Corpora lutea were collected on d 10 post-estrus and six slices from one corpus luteum from each ewe were pre-incubated with [3H]-inositol prior to incubation with one of 6 treatments. Treatments were 1) control, 2) PGF2 alpha (100 ng/ml), 3) PGE2 (10 ng/ml), 4) LH (10 ng/ml), 5) PGF2 alpha + PGE2 and 6) PGF2 alpha + LH. Phospholipase C was determined indirectly by measuring the accumulation of [3H]-inositol mono-, bis- and tris-phosphates (IP, IP2, IP3). Effects of PGF2 alpha (0 vs. PGF2 alpha) and luteotropic treatment (0 vs. PGE2 vs. LH) and their interactions were determined by analysis of variance. There was a significant main effect of PGF2 alpha (P less than 0.01) as concentrations of IP, IP2, IP3 and total [3H]-inositol phosphates were greater in tissue slices treated with PGF2 alpha, regardless of luteotropic treatment. Within groups receiving no PGF2 alpha (1,3,4), no effect of luteotropic treatment was observed. Within groups receiving PGF2 alpha (2,5,6), LH caused a significant (P less than .05) increase in the accumulation of total [3H]-inositol phosphates. Thus, PGF2 alpha can stimulate the activity of PLC in ovine luteal tissue and LH can potentiate this effect.  相似文献   

Synchronization of ovulation in dairy cows using PGF2alpha and GnRH   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper reports a new method for synchronizing the time of ovulation in cattle using GnRH and PGF(2alpha). In Experiments 1 and 2, lactating dairy cows (n=20) ranging from 36 to 280 d postpartum and dairy heifers (n=24) 14 to 16 mo old were treated with an intramuscular injection of 100 mug GnRH at a random stage of the estrous cycle. Seven d later the cattle received PGF(2alpha) to regress corpora lutea (CL). Lactating cows and heifers received a second injection of 100 mug GnRH 48 and 24 h later, respectively. Lactating cows were artificially inseminated 24 h after the second GnRH injection. Ovarian morphology was monitored daily by trans-rectal ultrasonography from 5 d prior to treatment until ovulation. In Experiment 3, the flexibility in the timing of hormonal injections with this synchronization protocol was evaluated by randomly assigning 66 lactating dairy cows to 3 different treatment groups. Lactating cows received the injection of PGF(2alpha) 48 (Group 1), 24 (Group 2), and 0 h (Group 3) prior to the second injection of GnRH, which was administered at the same time in each group to ensure the second injection of GnRH was given when follicles were at a similar stage of growth. In Experiments 1 and 2, the first injection of GnRH caused ovulation and formation of a new or accessory CL in 18 20 cows and 13 24 heifers. In addition, this injection of GnRH initiated or was coincident with initiation of a new follicular wave in 20 20 lactating cows and 18 24 heifers. Corpora lutea regressed after PGF(2alpha) in 20 20 cows and in 18 24 heifers. All cows and 18 24 heifers ovulated a newly formed dominant follicle between 24 and 32 h after the second injection of GnRH. Ten of 20 cows conceived to the timed artificial insemination. In Experiment 3, the conception rate in Groups 1 and 2 were greater than in Group 3, (55 and 46 % vs 11%, respectively). In summary, this protocol could have a major impact on managing reproduction in lactating dairy cows, because it allows for AI to occur at a known time of ovulation and eliminates the need for detection of estrus.  相似文献   

Dispersed ovine luteal cells collected on day 7 or 16 postestrus were incubated in vitro with hCG, PGE1 or PGE2 in the presence or absence of adenosine, dipyridamole (inhibitor of adenosine uptake) or PGF2 alpha in two separate experiments. Secretion of progesterone was increased by hCG, PGE1 or PGE2 when incubated with day 7 luteal cells (P less than or equal to 0.05) which was increased further when co-incubated with adenosine (P less than or equal to 0.05). PGF2 alpha alone or in the presence of hCG decreased (P less than or equal to 0.05) the secretion of progesterone by day 7 luteal cells, PGF2 alpha decreased post treatment cell viability with or without hCG (P less than or equal to 0.05) and adenosine reduced (P less than or equal to 0.05) the inhibitory effect of PGF2 alpha on hCG actions and luteal cell viability. Day 16 luteal cells were not functional based on jugular progesterone (P less than or equal to 0.05) and did not respond to hCG, PGE1, or PGE2 in the presence of adenosine or PGF2 alpha (P greater than or equal to 0.05). It is concluded that adenosine enhances the response of functional luteal cells to the luteotropins hCG, PGE1 or PGE2 and adenosine reduces the luteolytic response to PGF2 alpha by hCG-stimulated ovine luteal cells in vitro.  相似文献   

GnRH-induced LH-release was studied in female lambs from 5 weeks of age until puberty and in adult anoestrous ewes. In pre-pubertal animals LH was released rapidly after GnRH treatment but after puberty the responses became slower and more sustained although the peak concentration did not change. In neither pre-pubertal nor adult sheep did prior treatment with melatonin influence LH release after GnRH treatment.  相似文献   

Simultaneous injections of prostaglandin F2alpha (PGF) and gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) or saline were given to 32 diestrous dairy cows to test the ability of GnRH to improve estrous and ovulation synchrony beyond that of PGF alone. Cows were randomly assigned to receive PGF on Day 8 or Day 10 of the estrous cycle (estrus = Day 0), and all cows were further assigned to simultaneous injection of GnRH or saline. Corpus luteum (CL) regression, return to estrus and follicular activity were monitored by plasma progesterone assay, twice-daily estrous detection and ultrasonographic examination, respectively. Plasma progesterone concentrations declined to <1.0 ng/ml at 24 hours after PGF in all cows and were not affected by GnRH. Gonadotropin releasing hormone inducted premature ovulation or delayed return to estrus in 7 of 8 cows treated with PGF/GnRH on Day 8 and 3 of 8 cows treated with PGF/GnRH on Day 10. Further, cows with premature GnRH-induced ovulations failed to develop and maintain a fully functional CL, and all returned to estrus 7 to 13 days after the induced ovulation. These data indicate that GnRH administered simultaneously with a luteolytic dose of PGF disrupts follicular dynamics and induces premature ovulation or delays normal return to estrus and, therefore, does not improve the synchrony of estrus and ovulation achieved with PGF alone.  相似文献   

In the deep anoestrous period (June), five intact ewes and five ovariectomized ewes received 50 ug synthetic gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH). In the mid-breeding season (October), the GnRH administrations were repeated in five intact and four ovariectomized ewes; the former were in the luteal phase of the cycle. Blood samples were collected every 30 sec for 15 min, then at 15-min intervals. Release of luteinizing hormone (LH) occurred as soon as the second minute after injection in all ewes. This early response was earlier and more abrupt in the ovariectomized ewes than in the intact animals. In a second experiment three intact ewes that were in deep anoestrus received 50 ug GnRH followed 5 h 20 min later by a second identical injection. Another three intact ewes in deep anoestrus received two injections of 1 ug GnRH. Blood samples were taken every 15 sec for 15 min, then every 20 min until the next injection, and for a further 5 h after the second injection. This regimen was repeated in mid-breeding season during the luteal phase. There was again a very early release of LH; the magnitude of response was similar after the first injection of either 50 ug or 1 ug GnRH to intact ewes either in the breeding season or during deep anoestrus. However, a greater early release of LH was obtained at the lower dose only after the second injection of GnRH. Apart from this exception, the similar early release of LH occurred in spite of different amounts of LH released thereafter in response to the two doses of GnRH. It is suggested that the early response to GnRH consists of LH stored in a "readily releasable" pool in the pituitary, whereas the main release of LH may be a result of increased synthesis and/or release of a more stable pool.  相似文献   

The efficacy of GnRH and PGF2alpha (7-day injection interval) for estrus synchronization is diminished by estrous expression before PGF2alpha (premature estrus; PE). Effects of modifications to GnRH-PGF2alpha protocols on the incidence of PE and other indicators of reproductive performance were evaluated. In Experiment 1, Angus-based crossbred cows (n=51) received 25 mg of PGF2alpha i.m. on Day 0. Animals were randomly assigned by parity and interval postpartum to receive GnRH 100 microg i.m. on either Day -7 or Day -6. Estrous detection and AI were conducted from Day -3 to Day 5. Treatment had no effect on the incidence of PE, estrous response, conception rate per AI or synchronized pregnancy rate (6- vs. 7-day interval; 8 vs. 15%; 92 vs. 93%; 77 vs. 76%; 71 vs. 70%, respectively). In Experiment 2, Angus cows (n=150) received GnRH 100 microg i.m. on Day -7 and 25 mg PGF2alpha i.m. on Day 0. Animals were randomly assigned by parity, interval postpartum, and body condition score to receive either no further treatment (Control) or 0.5 mg melengestrol acetate/hd/d from Day -7 to Day -1 (MGA). Estrous detection and AI were conducted from Day -2 to Day 7. Fewer (P < 0.05) MGA-treated cows were detected in PE (0%) compared to controls (7%). Treatment had no effect on estrous response or synchronized pregnancy rates (Control vs. MGA; 78 vs. 84%; 52 vs. 60%, respectively). Conception rate per AI of cows > or = 60 days postpartum were not affected by treatment (Control vs. MGA; 79 vs. 73%) however, control cows < 60 days postpartum tended (P < 0.10) to have lower conception rates per AI (39%) than did their MGA-treated counterparts (69%). In summary, 6- and 7-day GnRH-PGF2alpha injection intervals resulted in similar synchronized reproductive performance. Inclusion of MGA feeding between GnRH and PGF2alpha injections eliminated the occurrence of premature estrus and improved conception rate per AI of late-calving cows.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to determine the changes in gonadotropin secretion associated with growth and development of the largest follicle and the ability of the largest ovarian follicle present on Day 5 following estrus to ovulate if luteal regression is induced. In both studies, cows received either saline (i.m.) or prostaglandin F(2)alpha (PGF(2)alpha; 25 mg i.m.) on the fifth day post estrus. Frequency of LH pulses declined (P<0.01) with increasing day of cycle, while pulse amplitude and duration increased (P<0.05) in saline-treated cows. In PGF(2)alpha-treated cows, LH remained as high frequency-low amplitude pulses. Secretory patterns of FSH were similar between the two groups. In Experiment 2, the largest ovarian follicle present was marked around its periphery with sub-epithelial injections of charcoal. In saline-treated cows, the size of the charcoal marked follicles generally decreased, indicating atresia. A corpus luteum was present within the area of a previously marked follicle in three PGF(2)alpha-treated cows. The size of the marked follicles either decreased or increased in the remaining PGF(2)alpha-treated cows, with ovulation occurring at a different site. In summary, PGF(2)alpha-induced luteal regression on the fifth day of estrus subsequently alters the frequency, amplitude and duration of LH pulses, but not FSH pulses, and the largest follicle present on Day 5 either increases or decreases in size or ovulates when PGF(2)alpha is given on Day 5 following estrus.  相似文献   

The antiluteolytic protein, ovine trophoblast protein-1, which is secreted by sheep embryos at about the time of the maternal recognition of pregnancy, exhibits significant structural homology with alpha interferons. Experiments were conducted to examine the effects of intra-uterine and systemic administration of a recombinant bovine interferon-alpha I (rboIFN-alpha I) upon the interoestrus interval, endometrial oxytocin receptor concentrations and secretion of prostaglandin (PG) F2 alpha in cyclic ewes. In Expt 1, each ewe had a cannula placed in the tip of a uterine horn ipsilateral to a corpus luteum, 7 days after an induced oestrus. From day 9 after oestrus until day 19, ewes received either 200 (n = 4), 667 (n = 5) or 2000 (n = 9) micrograms/24 h of rboIFN-alpha I, meclofenamic acid (n = 4) or vehicle (n = 11). Other ewes received 2000 micrograms rboIFN-alpha I/24 h (n = 5) between days 12 and 15 only. All ewes were killed on day 19. Mean luteal phase, as determined by daily plasma progesterone measurements, was significantly longer (P less than 0.01) and mean concentrations of 13,14-dihydro-15-keto PGF 2 alpha (PGFM) in plasma were lower (P less than 0.05) in ewes receiving 667 or 2000 micrograms rboIFN-alpha I between days 9 and 19, or 2000 micrograms between days 12 and 15, than in animals from other treatment or control groups. A similar protocol was used in Expt 2, in which further ewes received either 2000 micrograms rboIFN-alpha I/24 h (n = 5) or vehicle (n = 5) by bolus infusions twice a day into one uterine horn. Mean luteal phase was significantly (P less than 0.05) longer in treated than in control animals, but differences in PGFM concentrations were not significant. In Expt 3, after a synchronized oestrus, ewes received either 2.5 mg rboIFN-alpha I by i.m. injection twice a day between days 12 and 15 (n = 10), 2.5 mg rboIFN-alpha I by i.m. injection twice a day between days 9 and 15 (n = 11), i.m. injection of vehicle alone twice a day (n = 20), or continual intra-uterine infusion of 2 mg rboIFN-alpha I/day between days 12 and 15 (n = 7). The mean luteal phase of ewes receiving rboIFN-alpha I by intrauterine infusion or i.m. injection between days 9 and 15 was significantly longer than for animals from the other two groups (P less than 0.05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Data exists showing that seasonal changes in the innervations of GnRH cells in the hypothalamus and functions of some neural systems affecting GnRH neurons are associated with GnRH release in ewes. Consequently, we put the question as to how the expression of GnRH gene and GnRH-R gene in the hypothalamus and GnRH-R gene in the anterior pituitary gland is reflected with LH secretion in anestrous and luteal phase ewes. Analysis of GnRH gene expression by RT-PCR in anestrous ewes indicated comparable levels of GnRH mRNA in the preoptic area, anterior and ventromedial hypothalamus. GnRH-R mRNA at different concentrations was found throughout the preoptic area, anterior and ventromedial hypothalamus, stalk/median eminence and in the anterior pituitary gland. The highest GnRH-R mRNA levels were detected in the stalk/median eminence and in the anterior pituitary gland.During the luteal phase of the estrous cycle in ewes, the levels of GnRH mRNA and GnRH-R mRNA in all structures were significantly higher than in anestrous ewes. Also LH concentrations in blood plasma of luteal phase ewes were significantly higher than those of anestrous ewes.In conclusion, results from this study suggest that low expression of the GnRH and GnRH-R genes in the hypothalamus and of the GnRH-R gene in the anterior pituitary gland, amongst others, may be responsible for a decrease in LH secretion and the anovulatory state in ewes during the long photoperiod.  相似文献   

The effects of acute heat stress (HS) and oxytocin (OT) injection on plasma concentrations of PGF2alpha and OT were examined in cyclic (C; n = 15) and pregnant (P; n = 11) dairy heifers. On Day 17 of synchronized estrous cycles, animals were randomly assigned to either thermoneutral (TN; 20 degrees C, 20% RH) or HS (42 degrees C, 60% RH) chambers. The jugular vein of each heifer was cannulated and blood samples collected hourly for 4 h, then every 15 min for an additional 3 h. Oxytocin (100 IU) was injected (IV) 5 h after the start of blood collection. Plasma samples were assayed subsequently for concentrations of 13,14-dihydro-15-keto PGF2alpha (PGFM) and OT. During the 7-h experiment, body temperature of HS heifers reached 41.2 degrees C as compared to 38.5 degrees C in control heifers. Plasma concentrations of PGFM increased (P<0.05) and peaked 30 min after OT injection in C (890 pg/ml) and P (540 pg/ml) heifers. In C heifers, heat stress failed to alter PGFM concentrations either before or after OT injection. In the P group, PGFM concentrations following OT injection tended to be higher in HS heifers were further TN heifers (peak values of 690 vs. 410 pg/ml). Pregnant TN and HS heifers were further classified as responders or non-responders to OT challenge according to a cutoff value for PGFM of 193 pg/ml (overall mean of C heifers minus 1 SD). Five of six HS and one of five TN pregnant heifers were classified as responders (P<0.06). Oxytocin concentrations in plasma prior to injection of exogenous OT were not affected by HS or pregnancy status. It is concluded that in C heifers, acute HS in vivo does not cause any further rise in PGF2alpha secretion. However, in P heifers, HS appears to antagonize suppressive effects of the embryo on uterine secretion of PGF2alpha, as indicated by the larger proportion of P heifers responding to OT challenge.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine if the primary circulating metabolite of PGF2alpha, 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-PGF2alpha (PGFM), is biologically active and would induce luteolysis in nonpregnant mares. On Day 9 after ovulation, mares (n = 7/group) were randomly assigned to receive: 1) saline control, 2) 10 mg PGF2alpha or 3) 10 mg PGFM in 5 mL 0.9% sterile saline i.m. On Days 0 through 16, blood was collected for progesterone analysis. In addition, blood was collected immediately prior to treatment, hourly for 6 h, and then at 12 and 24 h after treatment for progesterone and PGFM analysis; PGFM was measured to verify that equivalent amounts of hormone were administered to PGF2alpha- and PGFM-treated mares. Mares were considered to have undergone luteolysis if progesterone decreased to < or = 1.0 ng/mL within 24 h following treatment. Luteolysis was induced in 0/7 control, 7/7 PGF2alpha-treated, and 0/7 PGFM-treated mares. There was no difference (P>0.1) in the occurrence of luteolysis in control and PGFM-treated mares. More (P<0.001) PGF2alpha-treated mares underwent luteolysis than control or PGFM-treated mares. There was no difference (P>0.1) in progesterone concentrations between control and PGFM-treated mares on Days 10 through 16. Progesterone concentrations were lower (P<0.01) on Days 10 through 14 in PGF2alpha-treated compared with control and PGFM-treated mares. There was no difference (P>0.05) in PGFM concentrations between PGF2alpha- and PGFM-treated mares; PGFM concentrations in both groups were higher (P<0.001) than in control mares. These results do not support the hypothesis that PGFM is biologically active in the mare, since there was no difference in corpora luteal function between PGFM-treated and control mares.  相似文献   

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