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Variation in thorax length, wing length and sternopleural bristle number was examined in Drosophila melanogaster reared in stressful and nonstressful environments using paternal half-sib design. Low concentration of yeast in the medium was used as a stress factor. Phenotypic variation of thorax length and wing length was higher under poor nutrition than in the control; in bristle number, phenotypic variation was relatively stable regardless of the environment. Heritability of all the traits analyzed was generally lower under nutritional stress. Heritability changes in thorax length and wing length were mainly due to an increase in the environmental variance under stress, whereas in bristle number, stress resulted in a decrease in genetic variation. Genetic variance in thorax length was higher under poor nutrition; in wing length, no difference in genetic variance between environments was found.  相似文献   

Isofemale lines of two populations of Drosophila melanogaster, originating from France and Tanzania, were examined over a range of temperatures. Morphological traits showed distinct patterns in phenotypic plasticity; flies of the two populations differed in shape. Genotype-by-Environment (G*E) interactions were frequently found in the Tanzania population, but were hardly present in the France population. If G*E interaction was present over temperature, estimates of additive genetic variance and additive genetic covariance were made to compare theoretical models with our data. The conclusion is that in France Drosophila melanogaster has been selected over a wider range of temperatures, resulting in parallel reaction norms of more optimal slope. In contrast, selection must have taken place over a narrower temperature range in Tanzanian flies, and will have exerted no direct influence on the slope of the reaction norm.  相似文献   

Expression of hsromega stress gene in the third-instar larvae of 951-lacZ2 (hsromega-lacZ having-844pb sequence) and 498-lacZ1 (hrsomega-lacZ having -498bp sequence) strains of Drosophila melanogaster at LC(50) and lower dietary concentrations of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) pentachlorophenol (PCP), and endosulfan was examined in relation to larval mortality by beta galactosidase activity, vital dye staining, and salivary gland polytene chromosome puffing. Our results showed that both HCH and PCP at lower concentrations evoked strong hsromega stress gene expression in the larval tissues while endosulfan did not. On the other hand, puffing data revealed that endosulfan at lower doses, induced well-developed puff at the resident site (93D) of the hsromega gene but the transgenic sites (30B in 951-lacZ2 and 44B in 498-lacZ1 strain) did not show any well-developed puff. Regression in hsromega stress gene expression in 951-lacZ2 strain at LC(50) concentrations of HCH and PCP after 48 h was concurrent with extensive tissue damage as evident by trypan blue staining. Similarly, strong hsromega expression was accompanied by insignificant trypan blue staining in the larval tissues of this strain after shorter duration of exposure (2-12 h) to these toxicants. Although endosulfan under similar experimental condition did not induce hsromega, strong trypan blue staining indicated extensive tissue damage after 48 h of exposure. The present study suggests that all the three toxicants pose cytotoxic potential to Drosophila. While protective role of this stress gene was evident at the initial stages of exposure, extensive tissue damage in the later stages of intoxication accompanied by autorepression of hsromega led to larval mortality. The study further suggests that -844bp upstream sequence of the gene is adequate for hsromega inducibility against HCH and PCP but not for endosulfan for which responsive elements may be searched further upstream.  相似文献   

Imasheva AG  Bubliy OA 《Hereditas》2003,138(3):193-199
Effects of three different larval densities (low, intermediate and high) on phenotypic and genetic variation of four morphological traits (thorax and wing length, sternopleural and abdominal bristle number) were studied in Drosophila melanogaster using the isofemale line technique. Phenotypic variation was found to increase at high larval density in all traits examined. Environmental variance for three traits (exception was sternopleural bristle number) and fluctuating asymmetry for both bilateral traits were also increased under high density conditions. For estimates of genetic variability (among isofemale lines variance, heritability and evolvability), no statistically significant differences among density regimes were detected. However, the trends in changes of these estimates across densities indicated a possibility for enhanced genetic variation under larval crowding for all traits except abdominal bristle number. For the latter trait, genetic variation seemed not to be dependent on density regime. Generally, two metric traits (thorax and wing length) were more affected by larval crowding than two meristic ones (sternopleural and abdominal bristle number). The Results are in complete agreement with those previously obtained for D. melanogaster using extreme temperatures as stress-factors.  相似文献   

The long‐term survival of species and populations depends on their ability to adjust phenotypic values to environmental conditions. In particular, the capability of dealing with environmental stress to buffer detrimental effects on fitness is considered to be of pivotal importance. Resistance traits are readily modulated by a wide range of environmental factors. In the present study, Drosophila melanogaster Meigen is used to investigate plastic responses to temperature and photoperiod in stress resistance traits. The results reveal that stress resistance traits (cold, heat, starvation and desiccation resistance) are affected by the factors temperature and sex predominantly. Cooler temperatures compared with warmer temperatures increase cold tolerance, desiccation and starvation resistance, whereas they reduce heat tolerance. Except for heat resistance, females are more stress‐resistant than males. Stress resistance traits are also affected by photoperiod. Shorter photoperiods decrease cold tolerance, whereas longer photoperiods enhance desiccation resistance. Overall, thermal effects are pervasive throughout all measured resistance traits, whereas photoperiodic effects are of limited importance in the directly developing (i.e. nondiapausing) flies used here, suggesting that pronounced photoperiodic effects on stress resistance traits may be largely limited to, and triggered by, diapause‐inducing effects.  相似文献   

李燕平  戈峰 《昆虫知识》2010,47(1):139-145
捕食性天敌不仅直接捕食害虫,而且还能改变害虫的生长发育、繁殖,间接地影响害虫的适合度。以常见模式昆虫黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster Meigen及捕食性天敌龟蚊瓢虫为研究系统,研究龟纹瓢虫Propylea japonica Thunberg连续多代直接捕食胁迫、一代捕食胁迫后下一代不捕食胁迫,对果蝇生长发育、繁殖和适合度的影响。结果表明:如果持续地释放瓢虫对果蝇的捕食胁迫作用,显著缩短了第1代、第2代果蝇的幼虫的发育历期,增加了第1代、第2代果蝇的繁殖量。但在第3代的影响却是延长了果蝇的幼虫的发育历期,降低第3代果蝇的繁殖量。如果在上一代胁迫作用得到释放后,下一代不再有瓢虫胁迫,那么连续2代胁迫后去掉胁迫的果蝇比只胁迫一代后去掉胁迫的果蝇幼虫的发育历期明显延长,繁殖量明显下降,后代性比也明显下降。与连续胁迫条件下的处理相比,成虫的寿命明显延长;对果蝇幼虫的发育历期、繁殖量则没有显著影响。结果表明,龟蚊瓢虫的干扰胁迫作用,可以间接的增加果蝇的适合度,促进果蝇种群的增长,使果蝇种群自我维持、调节到相应的水平。  相似文献   

The Indian subcontinent shows high levels of seasonal weather variation, but the extent to which mating-related traits (mating latency, copulation duration and number of progeny produced) are being affected by such variations in Drosophila species remain poorly understood. In the present study, we analyzed the effects of seasonal change (humidity and temperature) on mating-related traits of Drosophila melanogaster by mimicking natural conditions in the laboratory. The light body color phenotype is collected in large numbers during the rainy season, while the dark phenotype is prevalent in the winter. We found that a short-term stress, in the form of reduced humidity or temperature, causes a strong climatic selection pressure, which leads to assortative mating and longer copulation duration of the dark phenotype. By contrast, the light phenotype shows higher assortative mating and longer copulation duration after short-term high humidity or high temperature stress. Higher assortative mating and increased copulation duration results in high progeny numbers which may be a cause for the high prevalence of the dark phenotype in winter and the light phenotype in the rainy season. Thus, besides plasticity, seasonal changes in mating propensity can be a potential cause of the change in the frequency of the dark and light phenotypes of D. melanogaster during different seasons.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to determine the effects of visible mutations of large effect on developmental stability and canalization in different morphological traits, namely, sternopleural bristle number, wing length, wing to thorax ratio, ovariole number, and sex comb tooth number (SCTN) in Drosophila ananassae. We have compared the mean trait size, fluctuating asymmetry (FA) (as an index of developmental stability), and morphological variation (as an index of canalization) of different mutant strains (yellow body color, y; claret eye color, ca; plexus wing, px; spread wing, spr; ebony body and sepia eye color, e se; yellow body and claret eye color, y ca; and cardinal eye color, curled wing, and ebony body color, cd cu e) with wild-type strain. The mean trait size of all morphological traits differs significantly among the wild-type and mutant strains. The wild-type and mutant strains vary significantly for the morphological variation and also for the levels of the FA in different morphological traits. However, we have found no increase in either the variance or in the degree of FA with the increase of the mutations (except in SCTN in y mutant). The plausible reasons for the variation in wild-type and mutant strains with particular reference to developmental stability and canalization have been discussed.  相似文献   

Genetic variation at 59 gene loci coding for enzymes (50) and larval proteins (9) has been studied in sympatric populations of Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans from insular and continental origin. The average number of alleles per locus, the mean proportion of polymorphic loci and the mean heterozygosity are similar both within and between species. There are however some significant differences between D. simulans populations in the genotypic frequencies for four polymorphic loci.  相似文献   

Bubliy OA  Loeschcke V 《Heredity》2002,89(1):70-75
A half-sib analysis was used to investigate genetic variation for three morphological traits (thorax length, wing length and sternopleural bristle number) and two life-history traits (developmental time and larva-to-adult viability) in Drosophila melanogaster reared at a standard (25 degrees C) and a low stressful (13 degrees C) temperature. Both phenotypic and environmental variation showed a significant increase under stressful conditions in all traits. For estimates of genetic variation, no statistically significant differences were found between the two environments. Narrow heritabilities tended to be higher at 13 degrees C for sternopleural bristle number and viability and at 25 degrees C for wing length and developmental time, whereas thorax length did not show any trend. However, the pattern of genetic variances and evolvability indices (coefficient of genetic variation and evolvability), considered in the context of literature evidence, indicated the possibility of an increase in additive genetic variation for the morphological traits and viability and in nonadditive genetic variation for developmental time. The data suggest that the effect of stressful temperature may be trait-specific and this warns against generalizations about the behaviour of genetic variation under extreme conditions.  相似文献   

Phenotypic or morphological differences among different populations and sexual dimorphism in certain metric traits were analysed in D. bipectinata complex. It was noticed that different populations of D. bipectinata species group harbour large amount of variation for these characters. In all the populations, morphometric characters such as lengths of femur, tibia and wing length, wing width, number of sternopleural bristles and bristles on epandrium varied significantly among populations. The study indicates that the morphological variations are due to the interplay of genetic and environmental endowments. Further, females had significantly larger values, for lengths of femur, tibia and wing length, wing width and sternopleural bristles.  相似文献   

Antipin MI  Imasheva AG 《Genetika》2001,37(3):325-331
The effects of chlorine-organic insecticide endosulfane (thiodan) on phenotypic and genetic variation in four morphological traits of Drosophila melanogaster (wing length, thorax length, the number of orbital bristles and the number of sternopleural bristles) were examined. In addition, the effect of this pesticide on stability of development measured as fluctuating asymmetry of bilateral traits was estimated. On the medium with endosulfane, phenotypic variation of morphometric traits was significantly higher. No difference in fluctuating asymmetry between the stressed and the control samples was found. The among-line variance of morphometric traits of flies reared on the endosulfane-containing medium was significantly higher as compared to the corresponding variance under control conditions. The efficiency of using fluctuating asymmetry and phenotypic variation of morphometric and meristic traits as indicators of environmental stress in insect populations is discussed.  相似文献   

Flavonoids and oxidative stress in Drosophila melanogaster   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Flavonoids are a family of antioxidants that are widely represented in fruits, vegetables, dry legumes, and chocolate, as well as in popular beverages, such as red wine, coffee, and tea. The flavonoids chlorogenic acid, kaempferol, quercetin and quercetin 3β-d-glycoside were investigated for genotoxicity using the wing somatic mutation and recombination test (SMART). This test makes use of two recessive wing cell markers: multiple wing hairs (mwh) and flare (flr(3)), which are mutations located on the left arm of chromosome 3 of Drosophila melanogaster and are indicative of both mitotic recombination and various types of mutational events. In order to test the antioxidant capacities of the flavonoids, experiments were conducted with various combinations of oxidants and polyphenols. Oxidative stress was induced using hydrogen peroxide, the Fenton reaction and paraquat. Third-instar transheterozygous larvae were chronically treated for all experiments. The data obtained in this study showed that, at the concentrations tested, the flavonoids did not induce somatic mutations or recombination in D. melanogaster with the exception of quercetin, which proved to be genotoxic at only one concentration. The oxidants hydrogen peroxide and the Fenton reaction did not induce mutations in the wing somatic assay of D. melanogaster, while paraquat and combinations of flavonoids produced significant numbers of small single spots. Quercetin 3β-d-glycoside mixed with paraquat was shown to be desmutagenic. Combinations of the oxidants with the other flavonoids did not show any antioxidant activity.  相似文献   

Replicated lines of Drosophila melanogaster were allowed to evolve in population cage culture at 16.5° C or 25° C for five years. Their larval and pupal development times, larval growth rates, larval critical weights for pupariation and pre-adult survival rates were then measured at both temperatures. Pre-adult survival showed evidence of adaptation of the lines to their thermal selection regimes, with each set of lines showing superior survival when tested at the temperature at which they had been evolving. Pupal periods were similar for all lines when growing at 16.5° C but, at 25° C, the low temperature lines had the longer pupal periods. Irrespective of experimental temperature, low temperature lines grew faster and had shorter larval development periods than the high temperature lines. Larval critical weights for pupariation were higher in the low temperature lines at the low experimental temperature, and higher in the high temperature lines at the higher experimental temperature. The correlations between these traits induced by thermal evolution were in general different from or opposite to the genetic correlations found within a single temperature.  相似文献   

We examined the genetic architecture of four fitness-related traits (reproductive success, ovariole number, body size and early fecundity) in a panel of 98 Oregon-R x 2b3 recombinant inbred lines (RILs). Highly significant genetic variation was observed in this population for female, but not male, reproductive success. The cross-sex genetic correlation for reproductive success was 0.20, which is not significantly different from zero. There was significant genetic variation segregating in this cross for ovariole number, but not for body size or early fecundity. The RILs were genotyped for cytological insertion sites of roo transposable elements, yielding 76 informative markers with an average spacing of 3.2 cM. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting female reproductive success and ovariole number were mapped using a composite interval mapping procedure. QTL for female reproductive success were located at the tip of the X chromosome between markers at cytological locations 1B and 3E; and on the left arm of chromosome 2 in the 30D-38A cytological region. Ovariole number QTL mapped to cytological intervals 62D-69D and 98A-98E, both on the third chromosome. The regions harbouring QTL for female reproductive success and ovariole number were also identified as QTL for longevity in previous studies with these lines.  相似文献   

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