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In the bacterium Azotobacter vinelandii, a family of seven secreted and calcium-dependent mannuronan C-5 epimerases (AlgE1-7) has been identified. These epimerases are responsible for the epimerization of beta-d-mannuronic acid to alpha-l-guluronic acid in alginate polymers. The epimerases consist of two types of structural modules, designated A (one or two copies) and R (one to seven copies). The structure of the catalytically active A-module from the smallest epimerase AlgE4 (consisting of AR) has been solved recently. This paper describes the NMR structure of the R-module from AlgE4 and its titration with a substrate analogue and paramagnetic thulium ions. The R-module folds into a right-handed parallel beta-roll. The overall shape of the R-module is an elongated molecule with a positively charged patch that interacts with the substrate. Titration of the R-module with thulium indicated possible calcium binding sites in the loops formed by the nonarepeat sequences in the N-terminal part of the molecule and the importance of calcium binding for the stability of the R-module. Structure calculations showed that calcium ions can be incorporated in these loops without structural violations and changes. Based on the structure and the electrostatic surface potential of both the A- and R-module from AlgE4, a model for the appearance of the whole protein is proposed.  相似文献   

The 17.7 kDa R2 module from Azotobacter vinelandii mannronan C5-epimerase AlgE6 has been isotopically labeled (13C,15N) and recombinantly expressed. Here we report the 1H, 13C, 15N resonance assignment of AlgE6R2.  相似文献   

An Azotobacter vinelandii mannuronan C-5-epimerase gene was cloned in Escherichia coli. This enzyme catalyzes the Ca(2+)-dependent epimerization of D-mannuronic acid residues in alginate to the corresponding epimer L-guluronic acid. The epimerase gene was identified by screening a bacteriophage EMBL3 gene library of A. vinelandii DNA with a synthetic oligonucleotide probe. The sequence of this probe was deduced after determination of the N-terminal amino acid sequence of a previously reported extracellular mannuronan C-5-epimerase from A. vinelandii. A DNA fragment hybridizing against the probe was subcloned in a plasmid vector in E. coli, and the corresponding recombinant plasmid expressed intracellular mannuronan C-5-epimerase in this host. The nucleotide sequence of the gene encoding the epimerase was determined, and the sequence data showed that the molecular mass of the deduced protein is 103 kDa. A module consisting of about 150 amino acids was repeated tandemly four times in the C-terminal part of the deduced protein. Each of the four repeats contained four to six tandemly oriented nonameric repeats. The sequences in these motifs are similar to the Ca(2+)-binding domains of functionally unrelated secreted proteins reported previously in other bacteria. The reaction product of the recombinant epimerase was analyzed by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and the results showed that the guluronic acid residues were distributed in blocks along the polysaccharide chain. Such a nonrandom distribution pattern, which is important for the commercial use of alginate, has previously also been identified in the reaction product of the corresponding enzyme isolated from A. vinelandii.  相似文献   

Isotopically labelled, 13C/15N from of recombinant subunit of the first R-module from alginate C5-epimerase 6 (AlgE6R1) from Azotobacter vinelandii mannuronan C5-epimerase was produced. We report here the 1H, 15N, 13C resonance assignment of this subunit from AlgE6 epimerase.  相似文献   

The 19.9 kDa C-terminal module (R3) from Azotobacter vinelandii mannronan C5-epimerase AlgE6 has been 13C, 15N isotopically labelled and recombinantly expressed. We report here the 1H, 13C, 15N resonance assignment of AlgE6R3.  相似文献   

The ToxR protein is a transmembrane protein that regulates the expression of several virulence factors of Vibrio cholerae. Previous analysis of fusion proteins between ToxR and alkaline phosphatase (ToxR-PhoA) suggested that ToxR was active as a dimer. In order to determine whether dimerization of the ToxR periplasmic domain was essential for activity, this domain was replaced by monomeric and dimeric protein domains. Surprisingly, PhoA (dimeric), β-lactamase (monomeric, ToxR–Bla), or the leucine zipper of GCN4 (dimeric, ToxR-GCN4-M) could substitute functionally for the ToxR periplasmic domain. ToxR-GCN4 fusion proteins, in which the ToxR trans-membrane domain was eliminated (ToxR-GCN4-C), were inactive, but an additional fusion protein that contained a heterologous membrane-spanning domain retained activity. Strains containing each of these ToxR fusion proteins were analysed for in vivo colonization properties and response to in vitro growth conditions that are known to affect expression of the ToxR regulon. Strains containing ToxR-GCN4-M and ToxR-Bla responded like wild-type strains to in vitro growth conditions. In the infant-mouse colonization model, strains containing ToxR fusion proteins were all deficient in colonization relative to strains containing wild-type ToxR, and strains containing monomeric ToxR-Bla were most severely outcompeted. These results suggest that, under in vitro conditions, ToxR does not require a dimerized periplasmic domain, but that, under in vivo conditions, the correct conformation of the ToxR periplasmic domain may be more important for function.  相似文献   

The enzymes mannuronan C-5 epimerases catalyze conversion of beta-D-mannuronic acid to alpha-L-guluronic acid in alginates at the polymer level and thereby introduce sequences that have functional properties relevant to gelation. The enzymatic conversion by recombinant mannuronan C-5 epimerases AlgE4 and AlgE2 on alginate type substrates with different degree of polymerization and initial low fraction of alpha-L-guluronic acid was investigated. Essentially no enzymatic activity was found for fractionated mannuronan oligomer substrates with an average degree of polymerization, DP(n), less than or equal 6, whereas increasing the DP(n) yielded increased epimerization activity. This indicates that these enzymes have an active site consisting of binding domains for consecutive residues that requires interaction with 7 or more consecutive residues to show enzymatic activity. The experimentally determined kinetics of the reaction, and the residue sequence arrangement introduced by the epimerization, were modeled using Monte Carlo simulation accounting for the various competing intrachain substrates and assuming either a processive mode of action or preferred attack. The comparison between experimental data and simulation results suggests that epimerization by AlgE4 is best described by a processive mode of action, whereas the mode of action of AlgE2 appears to be more difficult to determine.  相似文献   

Alginate is a family of linear copolymers of (1-->4)-linked beta-d-mannuronic acid and its C-5 epimer alpha-l-guluronic acid. The polymer is first produced as polymannuronic acid and the guluronic acid residues are then introduced at the polymer level by mannuronan C-5-epimerases. The structure of the catalytic A-module of the Azotobacter vinelandii mannuronan C-5-epimerase AlgE4 has been determined by x-ray crystallography at 2.1-A resolution. AlgE4A folds into a right-handed parallel beta-helix structure originally found in pectate lyase C and subsequently in several polysaccharide lyases and hydrolases. The beta-helix is composed of four parallel beta-sheets, comprising 12 complete turns, and has an amphipathic alpha-helix near the N terminus. The catalytic site is positioned in a positively charged cleft formed by loops extending from the surface encompassing Asp(152), an amino acid previously shown to be important for the reaction. Site-directed mutagenesis further implicates Tyr(149), His(154), and Asp(178) as being essential for activity. Tyr(149) probably acts as the proton acceptor, whereas His(154) is the proton donor in the epimerization reaction.  相似文献   

Alginate is a linear copolymer of beta-d-mannuronic acid and its C-5-epimer, alpha-l-guluronic acid. During biosynthesis, the polymer is first made as mannuronan, and various fractions of the monomers are then epimerized to guluronic acid by mannuronan C-5-epimerases. The Azotobacter vinelandii genome encodes a family of seven extracellular such epimerases (AlgE1 to AlgE7) which display motifs characteristic for proteins secreted via a type I pathway. Putative ATPase-binding cassette regions from the genome draft sequence of the A. vinelandii OP strain and experimentally verified type I transporters from other species were compared. This analysis led to the identification of one putative A. vinelandii type I system (eexDEF). The corresponding genes were individually disrupted in A. vinelandii strain E, and Western blot analysis using polyclonal antibodies against all AlgE epimerases showed that these proteins were present in wild-type culture supernatants but absent from the eex mutant supernatants. Consistent with this, the wild-type strain and the eex mutants produced alginate with about 20% guluronic acid and almost pure mannuronan (< or =2% guluronic acid), respectively. The A. vinelandii wild type is able to enter a particular desiccation-tolerant resting stage designated cyst. At this stage, the cells are surrounded by a rigid coat in which alginate is a major constituent. Such a coat was formed by wild-type cells in a particular growth medium but was missing in the eex mutants. These mutants were also found to be unable to survive desiccation. The reason for this is probably that continuous stretches of guluronic acid residues are needed for alginate gel formation to take place.  相似文献   

Differentiation in Azotobacter vinelandii involves the encystment of the vegetative cell under adverse environmental circumstances and the germination of the resting cell into the vegetative state when growth conditions are satisfactory again. Morphologically, the encystment process involves the development of a protective coat around the resting cell. This coat partly consists of multiple layers of alginate, which is a co-polymer of β- d -mannuronic acid (M) and α- l -guluronic acid (G). Alginate contributes to coat rigidity by virtue of a high content of GG blocks. Such block structures are generated through a family of mannuronan C-5 epimerases that convert M to G after polymerization. Results from immunodetection and light microscopy, using stains that distinguish between different cyst components and types, indicate a correlation between cyst coat organization and the amount and appearance of mannuronan C-5 epimerases in the extracellular medium and attached to the cells. Specific roles of individual members of the epimerase family are indicated. Calcium and magnesium ions appear to have different roles in the structural organization of the cyst coat. Also reported is a new gene sharing strong sequence homology with parts of the epimerase-encoded R-modules. This gene is located within the epimerase gene cluster of Azotobacter vinelandii .  相似文献   

The industrially widely used polysaccharide alginate is a co-polymer of β- d -mannuronic acid and α- l -guluronic acid (G), and the G residues originate from a polymer-level epimerization process catalysed by mannuronan C-5-epimerases. In the genome of the alginate-producing bacterium Azotobacter vinelandii genes encoding one periplasmic (AlgG) and seven secreted such epimerases (AlgE1–7) have been identified. Here we report the generation of a strain (MS163171) in which all the algE genes were inactivated by deletion ( algE1–4 and algE6–7 ) or interruption ( algE5 ). Shake flask-grown MS163171 produced a polymer containing less than 2% G ( algG still active), while wild-type alginates contained 25% G. Interestingly, addition of proteases to the MS163171 growth medium resulted in a strong increase in the chain lengths of the alginates produced. MS163171 was found to be unable to form functional cysts, which is a desiccation-resistant differentiated form developed by A. vinelandii under certain environmental conditions. We also generated mutants carrying interruptions in each separate algE gene, and a strain containing algE5 only. Studies of these mutants indicated that single algE gene inactivations, with the exception of algE3 , did not affect the fractional G content much. However, for all strains tested the alginate composition varied somewhat as a response to the growth conditions.  相似文献   

The Azotobacter vinelandii genome encodes a family of seven secreted Ca(2+)-dependent epimerases (AlgE1--7) catalyzing the polymer level epimerization of beta-D-mannuronic acid (M) to alpha-L-guluronic acid (G) in the commercially important polysaccharide alginate. AlgE1--7 are composed of two types of protein modules, A and R, and the A-modules have previously been found to be sufficient for epimerization. AlgE7 is both an epimerase and an alginase, and here we show that the lyase activity is Ca(2+)-dependent and also responds similarly to the epimerases in the presence of other divalent cations. The AlgE7 lyase degraded M-rich alginates and a relatively G-rich alginate from the brown algae Macrocystis pyrifera most effectively, producing oligomers of 4 (mannuronan) to 7 units. The sequences cleaved were mainly G/MM and/or G/GM. Since G-moieties dominated at the reducing ends even when mannuronan was used as substrate, the AlgE7 epimerase probably stimulates the lyase pathway, indicating a complex interplay between the two activities. A truncated form of AlgE1 (AlgE1-1) was converted to a combined epimerase and lyase by replacing the 5'-798 base pairs in the algE1-1 gene with the corresponding A-module-encoding DNA sequence from algE7. Furthermore, substitution of an aspartic acid residue at position 152 with glycine in AlgE7A eliminated almost all of both the lyase and epimerase activities. Epimerization and lyase activity are believed to be mechanistically related, and the results reported here strongly support this hypothesis by suggesting that the same enzymatic site can catalyze both reactions.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas putida and Azotobacter vinelandii ferredoxins each contain one [4Fe-4S] cluster and one [3Fe-4S] cluster. Their polypeptide chains are nearly identical, differing by only 15 residues out of a total of 106. T1 measurements and temperature dependence studies of the 1H NMR spectrum of each ferredoxin demonstrate that all six resolved downfield resonances are near an iron-sulfur center. The five most downfield resonances are shown to arise from protons on cysteinyl beta-carbons by incorporation of cysteine deuterated at the beta-carbon into cell protein. The sixth peak (10.5 ppm) is shown to be a non-cysteinyl proton. This peak resolves into two resonances of approximately equal intensity at temperatures below 15 degrees or above 25 degrees C. A nuclear Overhauser effect observed between the two downfield-most resonances of A. vinelandii ferredoxin indicates that they originate from a geminal pair of beta-cysteinyl protons. An Overhauser effect observed between the resonances at 22.3 and 15.7 ppm, in conjunction with other results, implies that the resonance at 22.3 ppm arises from a beta-proton on the 3Fe-center-bound Cys16, while the resonance at 15.7 ppm arises from Cys45 beta-proton, which is bound to the 4Fe center. The five most downfield resonances are pH-dependent. The sixth peak (10.5 ppm in P. putida ferredoxin) is pH-independent. Possible origins for the observed pH dependencies are discussed.  相似文献   

5-Oxoprolinase catalyzes the ATP-dependent decyclization of 5-oxo-L-proline to L-glutamate. Previous studies provided evidence for the intermediate formation of a phosphorylated form of 5-oxoproline (Seddon, A. P., and Meister, A. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 11538-11541) and of a tetrahedral intermediate (Li, L., Seddon, A. P., and Meister, A. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 11020-11025). A new approach to the study of the reaction mechanism using the 18O isotope effect on the 13C NMR signals for 5-oxoproline and glutamate is reported here. The 13C chemical shifts induced by 18O substitution for the carbonyl group of 5-oxoproline and the gamma-carboxyl group of glutamate are about 0.03 ppm with respect to the corresponding 16O-compounds. Using 5-[18O]oxo[5-13C]proline (97 and 79.5 atom % excess, 13C and 18O, respectively), the disappearance of the 18O-labeled and unlabeled 5-oxoproline and formation of the corresponding glutamate species were followed in the reactions catalyzed by purified preparations of 5-oxoprolinase isolated from Pseudomonas putida and from rat kidney. This procedure permits simultaneous determinations of the rates of 18O exchange and of the overall decyclization reaction. The ratios of 18O exchange rates to the overall reaction rates for the bacterial and kidney enzyme catalyzed-reactions were 0.28 and 0.14, respectively. The findings support the view that the coupling of ATP hydrolysis to 5-oxoproline decyclization involves formation of a phosphorylated tetrahedal intermediate. Although the exchange phenomena are consistent with the mechanistic interpretations, they seem not to be required for catalysis.  相似文献   

Choline and ethanolamine are substrates for de novo synthesis of phosphatidylcholine (PtdC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PtdE) through the CDP-choline and CDP-ethanolamine pathways. In liver, PtdE can also be converted to PtdC by PtdE N-methyltransferase (PEMT). We investigated these kinetics in rat liver during a 60 min infusion with 13C-labeled choline and ethanolamine. NMR analyses of liver extracts provided concentrations and 13C enrichments of phosphocholine (Pcho), phosphoethanolamine (Peth), PtdC, and PtdE. Kinetic models showed that the de novo and PEMT pathways are ‘channeled’ processes. The intermediary metabolites directly derived from exogenous choline and ethanolamine do not completely mix with the intracellular pools, but are preferentially used for phospholipid synthesis. Of the newly synthesized PtdC, about 70% was derived de novo and 30% was by PEMT. PtdC and PtdE de novo syntheses displayed different kinetics. A simple model assuming constant fluxes yielded a modest fit to the data; allowing upregulated fluxes significantly improved the fit. The ethanolamine-to-Peth flux exceeded choline-to-Pcho, and the rate of PtdE synthesis (1.04 μmol/h/g liver) was 2–3 times greater than that of PtdC de novo synthesis. The metabolic pathway information provided by these studies makes the NMR method superior to earlier radioisotope studies.  相似文献   

Jerga A  Stanley MD  Tipton PA 《Biochemistry》2006,45(30):9138-9144
C5-mannuronan epimerase catalyzes the formation of alpha-L-guluronate residues from beta-D-mannuronate residues in the synthesis of the linear polysaccharide alginate. The reaction requires the abstraction of a proton from C5 of the residue undergoing epimerization followed by re-protonation on the opposite face. Rapid-mixing chemical quench experiments were conducted to determine the nature of the intermediate formed upon proton abstraction in the reaction catalyzed by the enzyme from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Colorimetric and HPLC analysis of quenched samples indicated that shortened oligosaccharides containing an unsaturated sugar residue form as transient intermediates in the epimerization reaction. This suggests that the carbanion is stabilized by glycal formation, concomitant with cleavage of the glycosidic bond between the residue undergoing epimerization and the adjacent residue. The time dependence of glycal formation suggested that slow steps flank the chemical steps in the catalytic cycle. Solvent isotope effects on V and V/K were unity, consistent with a catalytic cycle in which chemistry is not rate-limiting. The specificity of the epimerase with regard to neighboring residues was examined, and it was determined that the enzyme showed no bias for mannuronate residues adjacent to guluronates versus those adjacent to mannuronates. Proton abstraction and sugar epimerization were irreversible. Existing guluronate residues already present in the polysaccharide were not converted to mannuronates, nor was incorporation of solvent deuterium into existing mannuronates observed.  相似文献   

Alginates are (1→4)-linked structural copolyuronans consisting of β-d-mannuronic acid (M) and its C-5 epimer -l-guluronic acid (G). The residue sequence variation is introduced in a unique postpolymerisation step catalysed by a family of C-5 epimerases named AlgE enzymes. The seven known AlgE’s are composed of two modules, designated A and R, present in different number. The molecular details of the structure–function relationship of these seven epimerases, introducing specific residue sequences, are not understood. In this study, single-molecular pair interactions between alginate and AlgE enzymes were investigated using dynamic force spectroscopy. The AlgE enzymes AlgE4 and AlgE6, the recombinant construct PKA1 composed of A- and R-modules from various AlgE’s, as well as separate R- and A-modules were studied. The strength of the protein–mannuronan interaction, when applying a loading rate of 0.6 nN/s, varied from 73 pN (AlgE4) to 144 pN (A-module). The determined potential width, that is, the distance from the activation barrier to the bound substrate molecule, was 0.23 nm for AlgE4, 0.19 nm for AlgE6 and 0.1 nm for the A-module. No attraction was observed between the R-module and the substrate. The observations indicate that the A-module contains the substrate binding site and that the R-module modulates the enzyme–substrate binding strength. The observed AlgE4-polymer residence times, two orders of magnitude longer than expected from kcat reported for AlgE4, not observed for PKA1, led us to propose a processive mode of action of AlgE4.  相似文献   

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