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Large acanthomorphic acritarchs have been previously reported from the Ediacaran successions of the Pachmunda and Krol Hill synclines in the Outer Krol Belt of Lesser Himalaya, India. Thin sections of chert from Krol ‘A’ Formation in Khanog and Rajgarh synclines, Outer Krol Belt, record an equally well developed and diversified assemblage of Ediacaran large acanthomorphic acritarchs. This assemblage contains specimens belonging to seven genera and ten species, identified as: Appendisphaera fragilis, A. grandis, Asterocapsoides sp. A, Asterocapsoides sp. B, Cavaspina acuminata, C. basiconica, Eotylotopalla dactylos, Knollisphaeridium sp., Papillomembrana sp., and Weissiella cf. grandistella. It also contains five unnamed forms, viz. A, B, C, D, and E. The Krol acritarch assemblage shows a close resemblance with the Upper Doushantuo or Tanarium anozosTanarium conoideum assemblage of China. However, the absence of biostratigraphically important markers such as Tanarium anozos and T. conoideum from the Krol assemblage, so far, makes it difficult to establish a definite biostratigraphic correlation between the two assemblages. The current observations from this new locality provide additional data for regional and global biostratigraphic correlation, and significantly increase the purview of Ediacaran sequences for global biostratigraphic zonation.  相似文献   

An iconic member of the Ediacara Biota, Dickinsonia Sprigg is one of few such taxa with multiple species. Here we use Gaussian finite mixture models to assess the validity of species distinctions for this genus. Our results indicate that the five described species of Dickinsonia from the Ediacara Member, South Australia are better classified as two based on multiple approaches. Two different methods for dimension reduction both provide strong support for two groups, with overlapping but distinct mixture models. The variable selection method produces the most biologically realistic clusters, indicating that the two species can be primarily differentiated based on the greater relative size of the anterior most unit of Dickinsonia costata Sprigg compared with Dickinsonia tenuis Glaessner & Wade. Despite differences in aspect ratio and number of modules, both species regulated growth to maintain overall shape. The greater likelihood of preservation of a midline and an irregular outer margin in Dtenuis highlights differential structural integrity and flexibility. Co-occurrence in the Ediacara Member indicates that both species occupied the same environments and temporal distribution. Smaller maximum and average size for Dcostata, combined with higher abundance, may suggest a comparatively shorter lifespan and increased rates of reproduction.  相似文献   

未经化学处理的原始岩石样品的扫描电镜观察,确定了瓮安陡山沱组型刺饰疑源类Meghystri chospaeridium chadianensis的微结构特征。磷酸盐化疑源类化石由表面棘刺和球体组成,球体分为壳壁和腔体二部分。球体壳壁具黑色外层和白色内层的多层结构。棘刺具有与球体相似的多层状的壳壁和腔体。首次发现了发育于球体表面和体壳壁内部的网格超微结构。球体的腔体内存在的残余有机质。  相似文献   

A moderate diversity biota of foraminifers, algae and calcareous microproblematica is recorded from the Lower Carboniferous Yindagindy Formation within the intracratonic Southern Carnarvon Basin in Western Australia. Very shallow metahaline to hypersaline conditions are suggested. The palaeobotanical components are sporadic calcitarcha, tuberitinaceans, codiaceans Orthriosiphon? sp. 1, dasycladaleans? Koninckopora tenuiramosa, and algosponges Issinella devonica, Serrisinella cf. serrensis, Issinella? sp. 1, Kamaena cf. awirsi, Proninella? sp. and Stacheoides spp. The foraminiferal assemblage is dominated by a new koktjubinid taxon: Praekoktjubina yindagindyensis nov. gen., nov. sp. Subordinate associated foraminifers are more sporadic Salpingothurammina? sp. 1, Plectinopsis michelseni nov. gen., nov. sp., Rectopravina multifida nov. gen., nov. sp. (with 4 morphotypes), and scarce Endothyra spp. Despite many of these taxa being endemic, a middle Visean age is probable, based on: (1) the maximum global geographic extent of K. tenuiramosa reached during the middle Visean, (2) the disappearance of Plectinopsis nov. gen. in Palaeotethys and the Urals, and (3) the first occurrence of Praekoktjubina nov. gen. in Palaeotethys. An age no older than the middle Visean is supported by sparse conodonts from the Formation and comparison to episodes of carbonate deposition in the Bonaparte Basin, further north in the East Gondwana rift system. Absence of middle Visean archaediscoids may be due to high salinity. The following algal and foraminiferal families and superfamilies are emended: Scribroporellaceae (a lectotype is selected for Orthriosiphon saskatchewanense); Palaeospiroplectamminidae (due to the creation of Plectinopsis nov. gen.); Haplophragminoidea (due to the creation of Rectopravina nov. gen.); and Globivalvulinoidea and Koktjubinidae (due to the creation of Praekoktjubina nov. gen.).  相似文献   

A low-diversity Early Jurassic flora preserved in floodbasin siltstones of the Marburg Subgroup at Inverleigh Quarry in the Clarence-Moreton Basin, eastern Australia, is dominated by Allocladus helgei Jansson sp. nov., a conifer with denticulate leaves tentatively attributed to Araucariaceae. The assemblage also includes Rintoulia variabilis and Caytoniales, (Caytonia cucullata McLoughlin sp. nov. and cf. Sagenopteris nilssoniana), reinforcing the wide distribution of this order in Early to Middle Jurassic floras of Gondwana. Ferns (Cladophlebis and Sphenopteris species) and isoetalean lycophytes (Isoetites sp.) constitute the herbaceous elements of the flora. The palynoflora is dominated by cheirolepidiacean (Classopollis) pollen and is attributable to the upper part of the Corollina (= Classopollis) torosa Zone of late Pliensbachian–early Toarcian age (180–185 Ma). The Inverleigh flora represents one of the few Australian assemblages dated between the major phases of floristic turnover at the end of the Triassic and the Toarcian. Sedimentological characteristics, cuticular features of the conifer leaves and the abundance of free-sporing plants indicate a relatively humid palaeoclimate for the Clarence-Moreton Basin Early Jurassic.  相似文献   

The first extensive and stratigraphically detailed taxonomic study of the Middle to Late Eocene Bryozoa of the St Vincent Basin has identified more than 200 species of Cheilostomata and 50 species of Cyclostomata. There are three biogeographic groups: basin endemic, Australian and global. Two-thirds (116) of the cheilostome species and seven genera are currently considered endemic to this basin. Most species are endemic to Australia and similar to those found in the Oligo-Miocene of Victoria. The Cellariidae are a common component of most Australian Cainozoic deposits, but the species are highly dissimilar, with 13 of the 17 species here being new. The global component indicates that biogeographic links with regions outside Australia still existed in the Eocene. The cyclostome genus Reticrescis is only known from the Australian and Antarctic Eocene. Ten genera have their first occurrence in the Eocene St Vincent Basin. The Phidoloporidae and Smittinidae represent the most diverse and ubiquitous groups at a geological time close to their time of origination. Contemporaneous sediments in Antarctica, eastern Europe and North America also have a diverse fauna of this family, pointing to a strong Tethyan link. Rhamphosmittina lateralis (MacGillivray) is still extant in New Zealand, having an exceptionally long time range of 40 million years. Overall, the fauna has a distinct Late Cretaceous character. A new genus of Onychocellidae appears similar to genera that were common in Cretaceous Tethyan faunas but rare during the Cainozoic. This similarity ends in the Oligocene, after which the Australian bryozoan became endemic  相似文献   

Precambrian filamentous microfossils are common and diverse. Nevertheless, their taxonomic assignment can be difficult owing to their overall simple shapes typically lacking in diagnostic features. Here, we report in situ communities of well-preserved, large filamentous impressions from the Ediacaran Itajaí Basin (ca 563 Ma) of Brazil. The filaments are uniserial (unbranched) and can reach up to 200 µm in width and up to 44 mm in length. They occur as both densely packed or sparsely populated surfaces, and typically show a consistent orientation. Although simple in shape, their preferred orientation suggests they were tethered to the seafloor, and their overall flexibility (e.g. bent, folded and twisted) supports a biological (rather than sedimentary) affinity. Biometric comparisons with modern filamentous groups further support their biological affinity, suggesting links with either large sulfide-oxidizing bacteria (SOB) or eukaryotes. Other morphological and palaeoecological characteristics further corroborates their similarities with modern large filamentous SOB. Their widespread occurrence and association with complex Ediacaran macrobiota (e.g. frondose organisms, Palaeopascichnus) suggest that they probably played an important role in the ecological dynamics of these early benthic communities by providing firm substrates for metazoans to inhabit. It is further hypothesized that the dynamic redox condition in the latest Ediacaran, with the non-continuous rise in oxygen concentration and periods of hypoxia, may have created ideal conditions for SOB to thrive.  相似文献   

The paleoenvironmental setting in which the Ediacara Biota lived, died, and was preserved in the eponymous Ediacara Member of the Rawnsley Quartzite of South Australia is an issue of long‐standing interest and recent debate. Over the past few decades, interpretations have ranged from deep marine to shallow marine to terrestrial. One of the key features invoked by adherents of the terrestrial paleoenvironment hypothesis is the presence of iron oxide coatings, inferred to represent the upper horizons of paleosols, along fossiliferous sandstone beds of the Ediacara Member. We find that these surficial oxides are characterized by (234U/238U) values which are not in secular equilibrium, indicating extensive fluid‐rich alteration of these surfaces within the past approximately 2 million years. Specifically, the oxide coatings are characterized by (234U/238U) values >1, indicating interaction with high‐(234U/238U) fluids derived from alpha‐recoil discharge. These oxides are also characterized by light “stable” δ238/235U values, consistent with a groundwater U source. These U isotope data thus corroborate sedimentological observations that ferric oxides along fossiliferous surfaces of the Ediacara Member consist of surficial, non‐bedform‐parallel staining, and sharply irregular patches, strongly reflecting post‐depositional, late‐stage processes. Therefore, both sedimentological and geochemical evidence indicate that Ediacara iron oxides do not reflect synsedimentary ferruginization and that the presence of iron oxides cannot be used to either invoke a terrestrial paleoenvironmental setting for or reconstruct the taphonomic pathways responsible for preservation of the Ediacara Biota. These findings demonstrate that careful assessment of paleoenvironmental parameters is essential to the reconstruction of the habitat of the Ediacara Biota and the factors that led to the fossilization of these early complex ecosystems.  相似文献   

More than 300 megaspore specimens have been recovered from samples from the Late Permian, Lower Whybrow coal seam of the Wittingham Coal Measures of the Sydney Basin. Only two species are recognised: Singhisporites surangei (Singh) Potonié, emend. and a new species of Singhisporites. Species distribution within the seam is controlled by a major fire event, as recognised by coal petrology and mesofossil content: Singhisporites surangei is dominant before the event, but following it, it is subordinate to the new species.

The abundance of megaspores recovered has allowed recognition of the full range of morphologic variation of Singhisporites surangei, which encompasses specimens assigned previously to Singraulispora Pant & Mishra, 1986 and Mammilaespora Pant & Srivastava, 1961; both are regarded as junior synonyms of Singhisporites Potonié, emend. Ultrastructurally, the new species shows affinities with Mesozoic isoetalean megaspores.  相似文献   

The Great Artesian Basin (GAB) of Australia underlies some of the driest parts of South Australia and Queensland and feeds numerous freshwater springs. Prominent and endangered components of the GAB spring community are snails of the family Hydrobiidae. This paper examines the evolutionary relationships of the entire hydrobiid fauna associated with the GAB, and includes appropriate non-GAB species to place the GAB fauna in a broader phylogenetic context. The Queensland genus Jardinella is a focus of this paper, providing a fine scale examination of relationships between spring supergroups in the northeastern regions of the GAB. Maximum parsimony and Bayesian analyses performed on 16S, CO1, and combined sequence data from 40 hydrobiid taxa found four major clades of Australian taxa. The analysis revealed that at least three separate colonization events of the GAB spring fauna have occurred. Two of these are represented by considerable radiations, (1) Jardinella to the north and east and (2) Caldicochlea, Fonscochlea, and possibly Trochidrobia in South Australia. The phylogenetic position of the latter is uncertain so it may represent yet another invasion. The third definite invasion is represented by a single species of the speciose SE Australian genus Austropyrgus in the Dalhousie Springs in South Australia. Jardinella is found to be monophyletic, and with one exception, its members in each of the Queensland spring supergroups are found to be monophyletic.  相似文献   

Morphologically complex trace fossils, recording the infaunal activities of bilaterian animals, are common in Phanerozoic successions but rare in the Ediacaran fossil record. Here, we describe a trace fossil assemblage from the lower Dunfee Member of the Deep Spring Formation at Mount Dunfee (Nevada, USA), over 500 m below the Ediacaran–Cambrian boundary. Although millimetric in scale and largely not fabric‐disruptive, the Dunfee assemblage includes complex and sediment‐penetrative trace fossil morphologies that are characteristic of Cambrian deposits. The Dunfee assemblage records one of the oldest documented instances of sediment‐penetrative infaunalization, corroborating previous molecular, ichnologic, and paleoecological data suggesting that crown‐group bilaterians and bilaterian‐style ecologies were present in late Ediacaran shallow marine ecosystems. Moreover, Dunfee trace fossils co‐occur with classic upper Ediacaran tubular body fossils in multiple horizons, indicating that Ediacaran infauna and epifauna coexisted and likely formed stable ecosystems.  相似文献   

The Vendian fossil locality on the Solza River is one of the most productive in the White Sea Region. The fossiliferous deposits belong to the Upper Vendian Verkhovka Formation correlated lithologically with strata dated at 558 ± 1 to 555.3 ± 0.3 Ma in adjacent regions. This locality is characterized by yielding more than 10 well-represented Ediacaran genera. Elongated imprints of Fedomia mikhaili, n. gen. et n. sp., are common at the Solza River fossil locality. The new taxon is characterized by its six- to eight-rayed star-shaped concave structures with diameters of 2–5 mm. The organism can be reconstructed with sacciform thin-walled body attached basally to the substrate. The star-shaped structures may be spicules that appear to be rather flexible than rigid. The new genus, Fedomia, shows some similarities to Eiffelia Walcott, 1920 from the Middle Cambrian of British Columbia, and thus is interpreted as an organism of sponge grade. The new taxon could represent an additional phylogenetic link between the Ediacaran and Cambrian worlds.  相似文献   

The Great Artesian Basin is an aquifer system that underlies a large area of north-eastern Australia. The spring wetlands in the Great Artesian Basin are of conservation significance because they provide habitat for endemic species including fish, invertebrates and plants. Since European settlement massive quantities of water have been artificially extracted through bores, reducing spring-flows. Records of the springs of the Queensland section of the Great Artesian Basin (excluding Cape York Peninsula) were compiled from a range of historical sources. Most remaining active springs were visited and surveyed, the physical attributes of the springs described and their current status determined. Recharge springs occur in areas where the evidence suggests the basin is recharged by rainfall and 93% of the original 245 spring-groups in these areas are still active. Discharge springs occur in sections of the Basin down-gradient of the recharge areas and only 36% of the original 300 spring-groups in these areas have at least some springs that are still active. The capping of bores could provide a partial restoration of artesian pressure and enhance spring flows. Of the active spring-groups surveyed 26% have suffered major or total damage as a result of excavation of the wetlands. An emerging threat is the use of exotic grasses as ponded pastures, which have the ability to dominate the habitat of spring wetlands. The potential impacts of other threats including those associated with stock, exotic animals and fire are also discussed. Mitigating these threats requires a conservation strategy that seeks to protect remaining springs with high conservation values.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Morphological and ultrastructural studies on a new ciliate, Paraptychostomum almae , from the digestive tract of an oligochaete ( Alma emini ) from the Cameroons are carried out. The flattened cell has a large size; its left lateral face bears an anterior thigmotactic zone that includes seven-nine short kinetal segments. The somatic cortex is composed of flattened alveoli, a thin epiplasm and a microfibrillar ecto-endoplasmic boundary. Kineties are made of monokinetids, each particularly characterized by a long anteriorly directed kinetodesmal fiber, and a hyperdivergent postciliary ribbon. The postero-ventral buccal apparatus consists of a short peristome and a deep longitudinal infundibulum. The paroral organelle is a long stichodyad. The three adoral organelles are of different types: ADI and AD3 are of the membranoid type, respectively with two and one rows of ciliated kinetosomes; AD2 is of the peniculus type with six-seven rows of ciliated kinetosomes. A microfibrillar network with nodes arises from all the buccal kinetosomes and extends under the naked wall. Mitochondria are small and numerous and dispersed throughout the whole cell. The existence of an AD2 with more than two rows of kinetosomes warrants the creation of the new genus Paraptychostomum and a new family, Ptychostomatidae. The presence of a distinct ecto-endoplasmic boundary and of somatic kinetids exclusive without transversal dense tractus, hyperdivergent postciliary ribbons, and dispersed numerous mitochondria, added to particularities of the stomatogenesis, allow us to clearly separate hysterocinetians from the scuticociliates and to set up for them the new subclass Hysterocinetia, within the class Oligohymenophorea, with a single new order Hysterocinetida.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. When grown in culture, the soil testate amoeba Phryganella acropodia constructs a shell with or without mineral grains, but of identical morphology. The availability of organic shells, from these cultures, allows for detailed examination of the formation of organic building units in the cytoplasm and their subsequent use as a network in the shell matrix. Organic building units are initially formed as spherical membrane bound vesicles at the margins of dictyosomes, but mature in the cytoplasm by incorporating additional material, some have an electron dense core. These units remain pliable until they are moulded into the shell matrix. Another series of vesicles indistinguishable during initial formation from the organic building units, when mature contain a mass of small elements. This material is discharged at the same time as the building units and is thought to be the binding cement. Inorganic chemical elements appear to be incorporated within the inner lining of the matrix and the alveoli of the organic building units; manganese being preferentially absorbed under culture conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract. The internal parenchyma of the leaf and rhizome in 36 species of Sansevieria is made of dead cells and living cells arranged in a regular pattern. Intercellular spaces are lacking. The walls of dead cells consist of an inner amorphous layer positive to the fluorescence test for callose, a middle suberin-like layer and an outer fibrillar layer. In about half of the species examined, the inner layer forms distinctive thickenings. Detached leaves of Sansevieria lose water very slowly, and are able to recover it quickly. The pattern of leaf dehydration appears to be related to leaf morphology, whereas no relation is evident between the pattern of leaf rehydration and leaf morphology. Neither leaf dehydration nor leaf rehydration pattern is affected by the presence of wall thickenings in the dead parenchyma cells. The fresh weight per unit volume of both turgid and droughted leaves is nearly 1, denoting that the dead cells are filled with water and do not undergo substantial cavitation during drought. The data indicate that the dead parenchyma cells of Sansevieria are a specialized water-storing system.  相似文献   

陕西迹(Shaanxilithes)见证了埃迪卡拉纪–寒武纪之交生物演化及生态环境的变化,是埃迪卡拉纪末期标志性的疑难化石,具有全球对比意义。本文首次报道了云南曲靖会泽县大海乡朱家箐剖面灯影组旧城段泥质灰岩中新发现的宁强陕西迹(Shaanxilithes ningqiangensis Xing, Yue and Zhang, 1984)。所采集的标本整体形态上呈条带状,边缘呈锯齿状参差不齐,可见环状体分布。通过镜下观察,可发现散落圆盘状单元。将大海乡朱家箐剖面与晋宁六街镇王家湾剖面渔户村组旧城段所产出的Shaanxilithes化石对比后发现,朱家箐剖面的标本宽度更窄,长度更长,碎片化更加明显。通过微区X射线荧光光谱仪(μ-XRF)将朱家箐剖面和王家湾剖面的标本进行对比分析后可知,前者形态在Si、Al、K的元素分布图中显示清晰,而后者的形态主要体现在Fe元素的分布图上;前者化石和围岩中Ca元素的含量远远高于后者;S元素仅在前者存在微量的分布,在后者中未有信号显示。新的化石证据表明Shaanxilithes并非只产出自碎屑岩中,还可以在灰岩中保存。化石μ-XRF的面扫描和半定量分析表明Shaanxilithes可能为伊利石矿物交代,并且说明在不同岩相背景下,风化作用程度的强弱造成两个产地化石的差异性保存。随着研究区域不断扩大, Shaanxilithes相继在华南板块滇东地区、印度西北缘、纳米比亚、华北板块西南缘等地区晚埃迪卡拉世地层中被发现。此次在滇东会泽地区发现的Shaanxilithes,进一步表明该化石分布的广泛性,可作为全球晚埃迪卡拉世地层对比的标准化石。本文结合形态学分析和微区X射线荧光光谱分析,讨论了Shaanxilithes的埋藏学信息与亲缘关系,为探索埃迪卡拉纪–寒武纪过渡时期的生物和生态特征提供了更多视角。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Ozone effects on peatland vegetation are poorly understood. Since stress responses are often first visible in cell ultrastructure, electron microscopy was used to assess the sensitivity of common peatland plants to elevated ozone concentrations. METHODS: Three moss species (Sphagnum angustifolium, S. magellanicum and S. papillosum), a graminoid (Eriophorum vaginatum) and two dwarf shrubs (Vaccinium oxycoccus and Andromeda polifolia), all growing within an intact canopy on peat monoliths, were exposed to a concentration of 0, 50, 100 or 150 ppb ozone in two separate growth chamber experiments simulating either summer or autumn conditions in central Finland. After a 4- or 5-week-long exposure, samples were photographed in a transmission electron microscope and analysed quantitatively using image processing software. KEY RESULTS: In the chlorophyllose cells of the Sphagnum moss leaves from the capitulum, ozone exposure led to a decrease in chloroplast area and in granum stack thickness and various changes in plastoglobuli and cell wall thickness, depending on the species and the experiment. In E. vaginatum, ozone exposure significantly reduced chloroplast cross-sectional areas and the amount of starch, whereas there were no clear changes in the plastoglobuli. In the dwarf shrubs, ozone induced thickening of the cell wall and an increase in the size of plastoglobuli under summer conditions. In contrast, under autumn conditions the cell wall thickness remained unchanged but ozone exposure led to a transient increase in the chloroplast and starch areas, and in the number and size of plastoglobuli. CONCLUSIONS: Ozone responses in the Sphagnum mosses were comparable to typical ozone stress symptoms of higher plants, and indicated sensitivity especially in S. angustifolium. The responses in the dwarf shrubs suggest stimulation of photosynthesis by low ozone concentrations and ozone sensitivity only under cool autumn conditions.  相似文献   

Here we report the discovery of an Early Carboniferous (Late Visean) 3D cephalopod beak displaying significant similarity to the lower beak of Recent coleoids. It was uncovered in a fragmentarily preserved, longiconic shell from the Moorefield Formation in Arkansas, USA. This shell comprises a fractured 29‐mm‐long body chamber having a maximum diameter of ~14 mm and showing an indistinct pro‐ostracum‐like structure. The beak‐bearing shell could easily have been mistaken for a bactritid or orthocerid if it were not for a coleoid‐type, weakly mineralized, evidently organic‐rich shell wall which shows a lamello‐columnar ultrastructure of a bulk of shell wall thickness and plate ultrastructure of thin outer layer. The specimen is assigned to an as‐yet unnamed shelled coleoid of a so far unknown high‐level taxonomic group. A partially exposed, 4.0‐mm‐long portion of the beak is the lower beak in oblique view from its left side. It exhibits fractured anthracite‐like black, apparently originally chitin material, helmet‐like general shape, broad hood with narrow shallow median groove and small notch posteriorly, pronounced pointed, non‐biomineralized upside belt rostrum, high shoulder and about a 90–100 degrees jaw angle. A broad hood and massive rostrum emphasize its similarity to the lower mandible of Recent Vampyroteuthis and signify that its unique, among living coleoids, structure has been existed for at least since Late Visean time (~333 my).  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of sperm in seven species of bivalves, the representatives of six families, Arcidae (Anadara broughtonii, Arca boucardi), Anomiidae (Pododesmus macrochisma), Tellinidae (Macoma tokyoensis), Ostreidae (Crassostrea gigas), Myidae (Mya japonica) and Trapezidae (Trapezium liratum) is described. All the studied sperm were typical tail sperm, adapted to external insemination, which, however, had a specific structure. Differences were revealed in the form of head, acrosome structure and number of mitochondria. The studied species of the above families had their specific morphology, the Arcidae species had a bullet- or barrel-shaped head with four or five mitochondria in the middle part; the Anomiidae had conic head, the acrosome with periacrosome material and four mitochondria (a basic feature of sperm is the axial core entering periacrosome material and consisting of bundle of actin filaments); the Myidae had a curved conic head and four mitochondria; in the Tellinidae the head was bullet-shaped, the periacrosome material contained a fibril component and four mitochondria; the Trapezidae had sperm of a conic form with spherical acrosome. The spherical sperm of C. gigas were similar to sperm of Saccostrea commercialis and Crassostrea virginica, but with some distinctions in the acrosome substructure. The morphology of sperm testified to the correct attribution of the Crassostreidae family as a synonym to the Ostreidae family.  相似文献   

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