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The P22 tailspike adhesin is an elongated thermostable trimer resistant to protease digestion and to denaturation in sodium dodecyl sulfate. Monomeric, dimeric, and protrimeric folding and assembly intermediates lack this stability and are thermolabile. In the native trimer, three right-handed parallel beta-helices (residues 143-540), pack side-by-side around the three-fold axis. After residue 540, these single chain beta-helices terminate and residues 541-567 of the three polypeptide chains wrap around each other to form a three-stranded interdigitated beta-helix. Three mutants located in this region -- G546D, R563Q, and A575T -- blocked formation of native tailspike trimers, and accumulated soluble forms of the mutant polypeptide chains within cells. The substitutions R563Q and A575T appeared to prevent stable association of partially folded monomers. G546D, in the interdigitated region of the chain, blocked tailspike folding at the transition from the partially-folded protrimer to the native trimer. The protrimer-like species accumulating in the G546D mutant melted out at 42 degrees C and was trypsin and SDS sensitive. The G546D defect was not corrected by introduction of global suppressor mutations, which correct kinetic defects in beta-helix folding. The simplest interpretation of these results is that the very high thermostability (T(m) = 88 degrees C), protease and detergent resistance of the native tailspike acquired in the protrimer-to-trimer transition, depends on the formation of the three-stranded interdigitated region. This interdigitated beta-helix appears to function as a molecular clamp insuring thermostable subunit association in the native trimer.  相似文献   

There is growing interest in understanding how the cellular environment affects protein folding mechanisms, but most spectroscopic methods for monitoring folding in vitro are unsuitable for experiments in vivo or in other complex mixtures. Monoclonal antibody binding represents a sensitive structural probe that can be detected against the background of other cellular components. A panel of antibodies has been raised against Salmonella typhimurium phage P22 tailspike. In this report, nine alpha-tailspike antibody binding epitopes were characterized by measuring the binding of these monoclonal antibodies to tailspike variants bearing surface point mutations. These results reveal that the antibody epitopes are distributed throughout the tailspike structure, with several clustered in the central parallel beta-helix domain. The ability of each antibody to distinguish between tailspike conformational states was assessed by measuring antibody binding to tailspike in vitro refolding intermediates. Interestingly, the binding of all but one of the nine antibodies is sensitive to the tailspike conformational state. Whereas several antibodies bind preferentially to the tailspike native structure, the structural features that comprise the binding epitopes form with different rates. In addition, two antibodies preferentially recognize early refolding intermediates. Combined with the epitope mapping, these results indicate portions of the beta-helix form early during refolding, perhaps serving as a scaffold for the formation of additional structure. Finally, three of the antibodies show enhanced binding to non-native, potentially aggregation-prone tailspike conformations. The refolding results indicate these non-native conformations form early during the refolding reaction, long before the appearance of native tailspike.  相似文献   

The trimeric bacteriophage P22 tailspike adhesin exhibits a domain in which three extended strands intertwine, forming a single turn of a triple beta-helix. This domain contains a single hydrophobic core composed of residues contributed by each of the three sister polypeptide chains. The triple beta-helix functions as a molecular clamp, increasing the stability of this elongated structural protein. During folding of the tailspike protein, the last precursor before the native state is a partially folded trimeric intermediate called the protrimer. The transition from the protrimer to the native state results in a structure that is resistant to denaturation by heat, chemical denaturants, and proteases. Random mutations were made in the region encoding residues 540-548, where the sister chains begin to wrap around each other. From a set of 26 unique single amino acid substitutions, we characterized mutations at G546, N547, and I548 that retarded or blocked the protrimer to native trimer transition. In contrast, many non-conservative substitutions were tolerated at residues 540-544. Sucrose gradient analysis showed that protrimer-like mutants had reduced sedimentation, 8.0 S to 8.3 S versus 9.3 S for the native trimer. Mutants affected in the protrimer to native trimer transition were also destabilized in their native state. These data suggest that the folding of the triple beta-helix domain drives transition of the protrimer to the native state and is accompanied by a major rearrangement of polypeptide chains.  相似文献   

In vitro folding pathway of phage P22 tailspike protein.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A Fuchs  C Seiderer  R Seckler 《Biochemistry》1991,30(26):6598-6604
The intracellular chain folding and association pathway of the thermostable, trimeric phage P22 tailspike endorhamnosidase has been the subject of a previous detailed study employing temperature-sensitive folding mutants. Recently, reconstitution of native tailspikes from completely unfolded polypeptides has been accomplished, providing a model system to compare protein folding pathways in vivo and in vitro. The in vitro reconstitution pathway of the protein after dilution from guanidine hydrochloride or acid-urea solutions at 10 degrees C was characterized by spectroscopic and hydrodynamic techniques, and may be summarized as an ordered sequence of folding, association, and folding reactions. Multiphasic folding of monomers was indicated by changes in circular dichroism and fluorescence, with a rate constant of k = 1.6 X 10(-3) s-1 for the slowest phase observed spectroscopically. Trimerization of structured monomers was followed by size-exclusion HPLC and was completed within 1.5 h at a protein concentration of 20 micrograms/mL. Although at this time trimers did not exchange subunits, they were readily dissociable by dodecyl sulfate in the cold. Formation of native, detergent-resistant trimers was only completed after 3 days of reconstitution at 10 degrees C. The reconstitution pathway of the tailspike protein closely resembles its intracellular maturation path. Thus, the in vitro reconstitution system, as a valid model of chain folding and association in vivo, should provide the tools to localize the steps or intermediates on the pathway that are the targets of temperature-sensitive folding mutations.  相似文献   

The processive beta-strands and turns of a polypeptide parallel beta-helix represent one of the topologically simplest beta-sheet folds. The three subunits of the tailspike adhesin of phage P22 each contain 13 rungs of a parallel beta-helix followed by an interdigitated section of triple-stranded beta-helix. Long stacks of hydrophobic residues dominate the elongated buried core of these two beta-helix domains and extend into the core of the contiguous triple beta-prism domain. To test whether these side-chain stacks represent essential residues for driving the chain into the correct fold, each of three stacked phenylalanine residues within the buried core were substituted with less bulky amino acids. The mutant chains with alanine in place of phenylalanine were defective in intracellular folding. The chains accumulated exclusively in the aggregated inclusion body state regardless of temperature of folding. These severe folding defects indicate that the stacked phenylalanine residues are essential for correct parallel beta-helix folding. Replacement of the same phenylalanine residues with valine or leucine also impaired folding in vivo, but with less severity. Mutants were also constructed in a second buried stack that extends into the intertwined triple-stranded beta-helix and contiguous beta-prism regions of the protein. These mutants exhibited severe defects in later stages of chain folding or assembly, accumulating as misfolded but soluble multimeric species. The results indicate that the formation of the buried hydrophobic stacks is critical for the correct folding of the parallel beta-helix, triple-stranded beta-helix, and beta-prism domains in the tailspike protein.  相似文献   

In the assembly pathway of the trimeric P22 tailspike protein, the protein conformation critical for the partitioning between productive folding and off-pathway aggregation is a monomeric folding intermediate. The central domain of tailspike, a large right-handed parallel beta-helix, is essentially structured in this species. We used the isolated beta-helix domain (Bhx), expressed with a hexahistidine tag, to investigate the mechanism of aggregation without the two terminal domains present in the complete protein. Although Bhx has been shown to fold reversibly at low ionic strength conditions, increased ionic strength induced aggregation with a maximum at urea concentrations corresponding to the midpoint of urea-induced folding transitions. According to size exclusion chromatography, aggregation appeared to proceed via a linear polymerization mechanism. Circular dichroism indicated a secondary structure content of the aggregates similar to that of the native state, but at the same time their tryptophan fluorescence was largely quenched. Microscopic analysis of the aggregates revealed a variety of morphologies; among others, fibrils with fine structure were observed that exhibited bright green birefringence if viewed under cross-polarized light after staining with Congo red. These observations, together with the effects of folding mutations on the aggregation process, indicate the involvement of a partially structured intermediate distinct from both unfolded and native Bhx.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage Sf6 tailspike protein is functionally equivalent to the well characterized tailspike of Salmonella phage P22, mediating attachment of the viral particle to host cell-surface polysaccharide. However, there is significant sequence similarity between the two 70-kDa polypeptides only in the N-terminal putative capsid-binding domains. The major, central part of P22 tailspike protein, which forms a parallel beta-helix and is responsible for saccharide binding and hydrolysis, lacks detectable sequence homology to the Sf6 protein. After recombinant expression in Escherichia coli as a soluble protein, the Sf6 protein was purified to homogeneity. As shown by circular dichroism and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, the secondary structure contents of Sf6 and P22 tailspike proteins are very similar. Both tailspikes are thermostable homotrimers and resist denaturation by SDS at room temperature. The specific endorhamnosidase activities of Sf6 tailspike protein toward fluorescence-labeled dodeca-, deca-, and octasaccharide fragments of Shigella O-antigen suggest a similar active site topology of both proteins. Upon deletion of the N-terminal putative capsid-binding domain, the protein still forms a thermostable, SDS-resistant trimer that has been crystallized. The observations strongly suggest that the tailspike of phage Sf6 is a trimeric parallel beta-helix protein with high structural similarity to its functional homolog from phage P22.  相似文献   

The elusive intermediate on the folding pathway of the prion protein   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A key molecular event in prion diseases is the conversion of the cellular conformation of the prion protein (PrP(C)) to an altered disease-associated form, generally denoted as scrapie isoform (PrP(Sc)). The molecular details of this conformational transition are not fully understood, but it has been suggested that an intermediate on the folding pathway of PrP(C) may be recruited to form PrP(Sc). In order to investigate the folding pathway of PrP we designed and expressed two mutants, each possessing a single strategically located tryptophan residue. The secondary structure and folding properties of the mutants were examined. Using conventional analyses of folding transition data determined by fluorescence and CD, and novel phase-diagram analyses, we present compelling evidence for the presence of an intermediate species on the folding pathway of PrP. The potential role of this intermediate in prion conversion is discussed.  相似文献   

By means of genetic screens, a great number of mutations that affect the folding and stability of the tailspike protein from Salmonella phage P22 have been identified. Temperature-sensitive folding (tsf) mutations decrease folding yields at high temperature, but hardly affect thermal stability of the native trimeric structure when assembled at low temperature. Global suppressor (su) mutations mitigate this phenotype. Virtually all of these mutations are located in the central domain of tailspike, a large parallel beta-helix. We modified tailspike by rational single amino acid replacements at three sites in order to investigate the influence of mutations of two types: (1) mutations expected to cause a tsf phenotype by increasing the side-chain volume of a core residue, and (2) mutations in a similar structural context as two of the four known su mutations, which have been suggested to stabilize folding intermediates and the native structure by the release of backbone strain, an effect well known for residues that are primarily evolved for function and not for stability or folding of the protein. Analysis of folding yields, refolding kinetics and thermal denaturation kinetics in vitro show that the tsf phenotype can indeed be produced rationally by increasing the volume of side chains in the beta-helix core. The high-resolution crystal structure of mutant T326F proves that structural rearrangements only take place in the remarkably plastic lumen of the beta-helix, leaving the arrangement of the hydrogen-bonded backbone and thus the surface of the protein unaffected. This supports the notion that changes in the stability of an intermediate, in which the beta-helix domain is largely formed, are the essential mechanism by which tsf mutations affect tailspike folding. A rational design of su mutants, on the other hand, appears to be more difficult. The exchange of two residues in the active site expected to lead to a drastic release of steric strain neither enhanced the folding properties nor the stability of tailspike. Apparently, side-chain interactions in these cases overcompensate for backbone strain, illustrating the extreme optimization of the tailspike protein for conformational stability. The result exemplifies the view arising from the statistical analysis of the distribution of backbone dihedral angles in known three-dimensional protein structures that the adoption of straight phi/psi angles other than the most favorable ones is often caused by side-chain interactions. Proteins 2000;39:89-101.  相似文献   

Temperature-sensitive folding mutations (tsf) of the thermostable P22 tailspike protein prevent the mutant polypeptide chain from reaching the native state at the higher end of the temperature range of bacterial growth (37-42 degrees C). At lower temperatures the mutant polypeptide chains fold and associate into native proteins. The melting temperatures of the purified native forms of seven different tsf mutant proteins have been determined by differential scanning calorimetry. Under conditions in which the wild type protein had a melting temperature of 88.4 degrees C, the melting temperatures of the mutant proteins were all above 82 degrees C, more than 40 degrees C higher than the temperature for expression of the folding defect. Because the folding defects were observed in vivo, the thermostability of the native protein was also examined with infected cells. Once matured at 28 degrees C, intracellular tsf mutant tailspikes remained native when the cells were transferred to 42 degrees C, a temperature that prevents newly synthesized tsf chains from folding correctly. These results confirm that the failure of tsf polypeptide chains to reach their native state is not due to a lowered stability of the native state. Such mutants differ from the class of ts mutations which render the native state thermolabile. The intracellular folding defects must reflect decreased stabilities of folding intermediates or alteration in the off-pathway steps leading to aggregation and inclusion body formation. These results indicate that the stability of a native protein within the cells is not sufficient to insure the successful folding of the newly synthesized chains into the native state.  相似文献   

Mechanism of phage P22 tailspike protein folding mutations.   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Temperature-sensitive folding (tsf) and global-tsf-suppressor (su) point mutations affect the folding yields of the trimeric, thermostable phage P22 tailspike endorhamnosidase at elevated temperature, both in vivo and in vitro, but they have little effect on function and stability of the native folded protein. To delineate the mechanism by which these mutations modify the partitioning between productive folding and off-pathway aggregation, the kinetics of refolding after dilution from acid-urea solutions and the thermal stability of folding intermediates were analyzed. The study included five tsf mutations of varying severity, the two known su mutations, and four tsf/su double mutants. At low temperature (10 degrees C), subunit-folding rates, measured as an increase in fluorescence, were similar for wild-type and mutants. At 25 degrees C, however, tsf mutations reduced the rate of subunit folding. The su mutations increased this rate, when present in the tsf-mutant background, but had no effect in the wild-type background. Conversely, tsf mutations accelerated, and su mutations retarded the irreversible off-pathway reaction, as revealed by temperature down-shifts after varied times during refolding at high temperature (40 degrees C). The kinetic results are consistent with tsf mutations destabilizing and su mutations stabilizing an essential subunit folding intermediate. In accordance with this interpretation, tsf mutations decreased, and su mutations increased the temperature resistance of folding intermediates, as disclosed by temperature up-shifts during refolding at 25 degrees C. The stabilizing and destabilizing effects were most pronounced early during refolding. However, they were not limited to subunit-folding intermediates and were also observable during thermal unfolding of the native protein.  相似文献   

Polyol co-solvents such as glycerol increase the thermal stability of proteins. This has been explained by preferential hydration favoring the more compact native over the denatured state. Although polyols are also expected to favor aggregation by the same mechanism, they have been found to increase the folding yields of some large, aggregation-prone proteins. We have used the homotrimeric phage P22 tailspike protein to investigate the origin of this effect. The folding of this protein is temperature-sensitive and limited by the stability of monomeric folding intermediates. At non-permissive temperature (>or=35 degrees C), tailspike refolding yields were increased significantly in the presence of 1-4 m glycerol. At low temperature, tailspike refolding is prevented when folding intermediates are destabilized by the addition of urea. Glycerol could offset the urea effect, suggesting that the polyol acts by stabilizing crucial folding intermediates and not by increasing solvent viscosity. The stabilization effect of glycerol on tailspike folding intermediates was confirmed in experiments using a temperature-sensitive folding mutant protein, by fluorescence measurements of subunit folding kinetics, and by temperature up-shift experiments. Our results suggest that the chemical chaperone effect of polyols observed in the folding of large proteins is due to preferential hydration favoring structure formation in folding intermediates.  相似文献   

The B-domain of protein A has one of the simplest protein topologies, a three-helix bundle. Its folding has been studied as a model for elementary steps in the folding of larger proteins. Earlier studies suggested that folding might occur by way of a helical hairpin intermediate. Equilibrium hydrogen exchange measurements indicate that the C-terminal helical hairpin could be a potential folding intermediate. Kinetic refolding experiments were performed using stopped-flow circular dichroism and NMR hydrogen-deuterium exchange pulse labeling. Folding of the entire molecule is essentially complete within the 6 ms dead time of the quench-flow apparatus, indicating that the intermediate, if formed, progresses rapidly to the final folded state. Site-directed mutagenesis of the isoleucine residue at position 16 was used to generate a variant protein containing tryptophan (the 116 W mutant). The formation of the putative folding intermediate was expected to be favored in this mutant at the expense of the native folded form, due to predicted unfavorable steric interactions of the bulky tryptophan side chain in the folded state. The 116 W mutant refolds completely within the dead time of a stopped-flow fluorescence experiment. No partly folded intermediate could be detected by either kinetic or equilibrium measurements. Studies of peptide fragments suggest that the protein A sequence has an intrinsic propensity to form a helix II/helix III hairpin. However, its stability appears to be marginal (of the order of 1/2 kT) and it could not be an obligatory intermediate on a defined folding pathway. These results explicitly demonstrate that the protein A B domain folds extremely rapidly by an apparent two-state mechanism without formation of stable partly folded intermediates. Similar mechanisms may also be involved in the rapid folding of subdomains of larger proteins to form the compact molten globule intermediates that often accumulate during the folding process.  相似文献   

Off-pathway intermolecular interactions between partially folded polypeptide chains often compete with correct intramolecular interactions, resulting in self-association of folding intermediates into the inclusion body state. Intermediates for both productive folding and off-pathway aggregation of the parallel beta-coil tailspike trimer of phage P22 have been identified in vivo and in vitro using native gel electrophoresis in the cold. Aggregation of folding intermediates was suppressed when refolding was initiated and allowed to proceed for a short period at 0 degrees C prior to warming to 20 degrees C. Yields of refolded tailspike trimers exceeding 80% were obtained using this temperature-shift procedure, first described by Xie and Wetlaufer (1996, Protein Sci 5:517-523). We interpret this as due to stabilization of the thermolabile monomeric intermediate at the junction between productive folding and off-pathway aggregation. Partially folded monomers, a newly identified dimer, and the protrimer folding intermediates were populated in the cold. These species were electrophoretically distinguished from the multimeric intermediates populated on the aggregation pathway. The productive protrimer intermediate is disulfide bonded (Robinson AS, King J, 1997, Nat Struct Biol 4:450-455), while the multimeric aggregation intermediates are not disulfide bonded. The partially folded dimer appears to be a precursor to the disulfide-bonded protrimer. The results support a model in which the junctional partially folded monomeric intermediate acquires resistance to aggregation in the cold by folding further to a conformation that is activated for correct recognition and subunit assembly.  相似文献   

Temperature-sensitive folding (tsf) mutations in the gene for the thermostable P22 tailspike interfere with the polypeptide chain folding and association pathway at restrictive temperature without altering the thermostability of the protein once correctly folded and assembled at permissive temperature. Though the native proteins matured at permissive temperature are biologically active, many of them display alterations in electrophoretic mobility. The native forms of 15 of these tsf mutant proteins have been purified and characterized. The purified proteins differed in electrophoretic mobility and isoelectric point from wild type but did not show evidence of major conformational alterations. The results suggest that the electrophoretic variations conferred by the 15 tsf amino acid substitutions are due to changes in the net charge at solvent-accessible sites in the native form of the mutant protein. During the maturation of the chains at restrictive temperature, these sites influence the conformation of intermediates in chain folding and association. The amino acid sequences at these sites resemble those found at turns in polypeptide chains. The isolation of tsf mutations requires that the mature structure of the tailspike accommodates the mutant amino acid substitution without loss of function. The solvent-accessible sites are probably at the surface of this structural protein. This would explain how bulky mutant substitutions, such as arginines for glycines, are accommodated in the native tailspike structure. Such sites, stabilizing intermediates in the folding pathway and located on the surface of the mature protein, probably represent a general class of conformational substrates for tsf mutations.  相似文献   

When pea lectin was exposed to a low pH range, it was found that the secondary structure of the lectin resisted conformational changes to a large extent up to pH 2.4 and below this pH, a sharp transition was observed which could be due to the presence of 27 acidic amino acid residues present in the protein. The effects of 1,1,1,3,3,3 hexafluoro-isopropanol (HFIP) and 2,2,2-Trifluoroethanol (TFE) on the conformation of pea lectin at pH 2.4 were studied using circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy. Analysis varying the TFE concentration showed that up to 80% TFE (v/v) protein retained the residual beta-structure accompanied by a loss in tertiary structure. A similar conformation is presumed to exist at 4% HFIP (v/v), with an increase in HFIP concentration structural rearrangements occurred and a transition from beta-structure to alpha-helical structure started from 12% HFIP which completed at 30% HFIP. Our studies show the occurrence of a common intermediate in the folding pathway of pea lectin induced by two different fluoroalcohols, which differ in their mode of action to stabilize the secondary structure of a given protein. While TFE was not found to induce any alpha-helical structure, HFIP caused the transition of pea lectin, which is predominantly a beta-sheet protein, to a structure rich in alpha-helical contacts. Thus, our results also point out the possibility of a non-hierarchical model of protein folding in lectins.  相似文献   

Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies are associated with the conversion of cellular prion protein, PrP(C), into a misfolded oligomeric form, PrP(Sc). Here we have examined the kinetics of folding and unfolding reactions for the recombinant human prion protein C-terminal fragment 90-231 at pH 4.8 and 7.0. The stopped-flow data provide clear evidence for the population of an intermediate on the refolding pathway of the prion protein as indicated by a pronounced curvature in chevron plots and the presence of significant burst phase amplitude in the refolding kinetics. In addition to its role in the normal prion protein folding, this intermediate likely represents a crucial monomeric precursor of the pathogenic PrP(Sc) isoform.  相似文献   

T4 lysozyme has two easily distinguishable but energetically coupled domains: the N and C-terminal domains. In earlier studies, an amide hydrogen/deuterium exchange pulse-labeling experiment detected a stable submillisecond intermediate that accumulates before the rate-limiting transition state. It involves the formation of structures in both the N and C-terminal regions. However, a native-state hydrogen exchange experiment subsequently detected an equilibrium intermediate that only involves the formation of the C-terminal domain. Here, using stopped-flow circular dichroism and fluorescence, amide hydrogen exchange-folding competition, and protein engineering methods, we re-examined the folding pathway of T4-lysozyme. We found no evidence for the existence of a stable folding intermediate before the rate-limiting transition state at neutral pH. In addition, using native-state hydrogen exchange-directed protein engineering, we created a mimic of the equilibrium intermediate. We found that the intermediate mimic folds with the same rate as the wild-type protein, suggesting that the equilibrium intermediate is an on-pathway intermediate that exists after the rate-limiting transition state.  相似文献   

The transition between the native and denatured states of the tetrameric succinyl-CoA synthetase from Escherichia coli has been investigated by circular dichroism, fluorescence spectroscopy, cross-linking by glutaraldehyde and activity measurements. At pH 7.4 and 25 degrees C, both denaturation of succinyl-CoA synthetase by guanidine hydrochloride and refolding of the denatured enzyme have been characterized as reversible reactions. In the presence of its substrate ATP, the denatured enzyme could be successfully reconstituted into the active enzyme with a yield of 71-100%. Kinetically, reacquisition of secondary structure by the denatured enzyme was rapid and occurred within 1 min after refolding was initiated. On the other hand, its reactivation was a slow process which continued up to 25 min before 90% of the native activity could be restored. Both secondary and quaternary structures of the enzyme, reconstituted in the absence of ATP, were indistinguishable from those of the native enzyme but the renatured protein was catalytically inactive. This observation indicates the presence of catalytically inactive tetramer as an intermediate in the reconstitution process. The reconstituted protein could be reactivated by ATP even 10 min after the reacquisition of the native secondary structure by the refolding protein. However, reactivation of the protein by ATP 60 min after the regain of secondary structure was significantly less, suggesting that rapid refolding and reassociation of the monomers into a native-like tetramer and reactivation of the tetramer are sequential events; the latter involving slow and small conformational rearrangements in the refolded enzyme that are likely to be associated with phosphorylation.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method for determining the structure of the early stage (ES) intermediate in the multistage protein folding process. ES structure is modeled on the basis of a limited conformational subspace of the Ramachandran plot. The model distinguishes seven structural motifs corresponding to seven local probability maxima within the limited conformational subspace. Three of these are assigned to well-defined secondary structures, while the remaining four are found to represent various types of random coils. The presented heuristic approach also provides insight into the reasons behind incorrect predictions occurring when the folding process depends on external factors (e.g., ligands, ions or other proteins) rather than on the characteristics of the backbone itself. The accuracy of the presented method is estimated at around 48 %.  相似文献   

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