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Starting from previously reported cis-Ru(MeL)2Cl2, where MeL is 4,4,4′,4′-tetramethyl-2,2′-bisoxazoline, cis-Ru(MeL)2Br2 (1), cis-Ru(MeL)2I2 (2), cis-Ru(MeL)2(NCS)2 · H2O (3), cis-Ru(MeL)2(N3)2 (4) and cis-[Ru(MeL)2(MeCN)2](PF6)2 · (CH3)2CO (5) are synthesised. The X-ray crystal structures of complexes 1, 2, 3 and 5 have been determined. All the five new complexes have been characterized by FTIR, ESIMS and 1H NMR. In cyclic voltammetry in acetonitrile at a glassy carbon electrode, the complexes display a quasireversible Ru(II/III) couple in the range 0.32-1.71 V versus NHE. The Ru(II/III) potentials yield a satisfactorily linear correlation with Chatt’s ligand constants PL for the monodantate ligands. From the intercept and by comparing the known situation in Ru(2,2′-bipyridine)2L2, it is concluded that MeL, a non-aromatic diimine, is significantly more π-acidic than 2,2′-bipyridine.  相似文献   

The solid-state structures for two complexes, 7 and 8, are reported. Complex 7 was prepared by treating Ru(OAc)2(Binap) with two equivalents of HBArF in toluene solution, and represents only the second solid-state structure of a Binap complex, in which the Binap is a 6e donor to the Ru(II). The bonding is maintained in solution as shown via 13C NMR studies. The unusual cation 8, as an salt, arises from prolonged reaction of Ru(OAc)2(Binap) with wet HBF4 (and, subsequently, added HSbF6) in 1,2-dichloroethane.  相似文献   

Two ruthenium(II) complexes with polypyridyl, Ru(bipy)2(phen)](ClO4)2·H2O (1) and [Ru(bipy)2(Me-phen)](ClO4)2 (2), (phen = 1,10-phenanthroline, bipy = 2,2′-bipyridine, Me-phen = 5-methyl-1,10-phenanthroline), were synthesized and characterized by IR, MS and NMR spectra. Their structures were determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction techniques. The strong steric interaction between the polypyridyl ligands was relieved neither by the elongation of the Ru---N bonds nor increase of the N---Ru---N bite angles. The coordination sphere was distorted to relieve the ligand interaction by forming specific angles (δ) between the polypyridyl ligand planes and coordination planes (N---Ru---N), and forming larger twisted angles between the two pyridine rings for each bipy. The bond distances of Ru---N(bipy) and Ru---N(phen) were virtually identical with experimental error, as expected of π back-bonding interactions which statistically involve each of the ligands present in the coordination sphere.  相似文献   

From a mixture of cis- and trans-Ru(SH)2(dppm)2 (4), formed from reaction of H2S with trans-Ru(H)Cl(dppm)2 (2), a crystal of cis-4 has been isolated and its structure determined by X-ray analysis. The mercapto protons are located within the centrosymmetric structure, although the S-atoms are partially disordered (S–H1.06 Å). The thiolate complexes, trans-Ru(H)SR(dppm)2 (R=Ph, 5a; C6F5, 5b), have been isolated from reaction of trans-2 with 1 equiv. of RSH. trans-Ru(H)SH(dppm)2 (3) has been isolated from reaction of H2S with a mixture of cis- and trans-Ru(H)2(dppm)2 (1). An improved synthetic route for 1 is presented.  相似文献   

Attempted syntheses of ruthenium(II) monosubstituted squarate complexes in acetonitrile using cis-[RuCl2(dmso)4] and anisole-, methoxy-, methyl- and diphenylamino-squarate ligands, respectively, resulted in the formation in each case of the monomer cis, fac-Ru(CH3CN)Cl2(dmso)3 (1) with the ruthenium atom in a distorted octahedral environment. A second crop of crystals harvested from the reaction with the methoxysquarate ligand was identified as the oxalato-bridged dimer [{cis-(CH3CN)(Cl)(dmso)2Ru}2(μ-C2O4)] (2). When cis-[RuCl2(dmso)4] and methylsquarate were reacted in aqueous solution instead of acetonitrile, the dimer [{fac-(Cl)(dmso)3Ru}2(μ-C2O4)] (3) was produced. The dimers 2 and 3 are formed from oxidation/ring opening of the methoxy- and methyl-squarate ligands, respectively. Use of the salts of these ligands instead of their non-ionised forms under different reaction conditions, afforded [Na] fac-[RuCl3(dmso)3] (4) and [(C4H9)4N]2[(C4O4)(C4H2O4)2] (7), respectively, which were shown to be products of competing reactions. The information acquired from these failed attempts has provided the basis for the development of a strategy to overcome these problems and lead to a successful synthetic route to ruthenium(II) monosubstituted squarates.  相似文献   

Ruthenium complexes with a terpyridine-analogous ligand, 2,6-bis(2-naphthyridyl)pyridine (bnp), have been synthesized and their chemical and electrochemical properties investigated. The structures of [Ru(bnp)(tpy)](PF6)2 (1) and [Ru(bnp)2](PF6)2 (2) were determined by the X-ray structure analysis. The bnp localized redox potentials of 1 and 2 showed significant positive shift by 260-290 mV relative to the analogous Ru-terpyridine complexes.  相似文献   

Using bis(3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1-yl)methane as an N-N donor ligand, a trans-[RuIII(N-N)2Cl2]+ core has been isolated from the direct reaction of the ligand with RuCl3 · xH2O and characterized structurally for the first time. The core displays a rhombic EPR spectrum and a quasireversible Ru(II/III) couple with an E1/2 of −0.34 V versus NHE.  相似文献   

New ruthenium(II) complexes with cyanamide ligands, cis-[Ru(bpy)2(Ipcyd)2] (1) and [Ru(bpy)2(OHpcyd)2] (2) (bpy = 2,2′-bipyridine, Ipcyd = 4-iodophenylcyanamide anion, OHpcyd = 4-(3-hydroxy-3-methylbut-1-ynil)phenylcyanamide), have been prepared and characterized by UV-Vis, IR and 1H NMR spectroscopies as well as electrochemical technique (CV). The complex cis-[Ru(bpy)2(Ipcyd)2] (1) crystallized with empirical formula of C34H24I2N8Ru in a monoclinic crystal system and space group of P21/c with a = 11.769(7) Å, b = 24.188(12) Å, c = 11.623(2) Å, β = 91.63(3)°, V = 3308(3) Å3 and Z = 4.  相似文献   

《Inorganica chimica acta》2002,327(1):169-178
New complexes [MI(CO)2(dppe){S2P(OEt)2}] (M=W, 1a; M=Mo, 1b), [MI(CO)2(dppm){S2P(OEt)2}] (M=W, 2a; M=Mo, 2b) and [W(CO)(dppe){S2P(OEt)2}2][O2dppe] (3a), were synthesised from [MI2(CO)3(NCMe)2] (M=Mo, W), after treatment with ammonium diethyldithiophosphate and phosphine under different conditions. The structure of the tungsten complexes was determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. During the synthesis of 3a, oxidation of the phosphine took place and a molecule of oxidised phosphine occupies channels in the crystal. DFT/B3LYP calculations on models of 1a and 2a showed the capped octahedron structure, observed in most dicarbonyl complexes of this family, to be preferred by 1.4 and 2.6 kcal mol−1 for the dppm and the dppe complexes, respectively. Strong steric repulsions can reverse this trend, as happens with the rigid dppm ligand. Complex 1a adopts a pentagonal bipyramidal geometry, which is often found in related monocarbonyl complexes.  相似文献   

Excited state transitions and energies of a series of [Ru(bpy)3]2+ type complexes incorporating the ligand, 4,4′-bis-phosphonato(methyl)-2,2′-bipyridine (dmpbpy) was investigated, and the influence of this organometallic ligand on the electronic structure of the complexes was examined using Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory (TD-DFT). Experimental data and the theoretical TD-DFT calculations were presented to support the effect of non-equivalent ligand substitution on spectral and molecular orbital (MO) energy properties on this class of tris-chelate surface sensitisers. For the series of complexes studied, it was identified that the lowest lying LUMO states were consistently found to reside on the ligand 2,2′-bipyridine (bpy) for gas phase calculations. As an implication of this, it was suggested that this could impact the effectiveness of these complexes as surface sensitisers in PEC cell applications such as the dye-sensitised solar cell (DSC) due to the lower probability of the excited state electron residing on a ligand anchored to the semiconductor substrate. However, further calculations in a solvation medium showed that the electron withdrawing nature of PO3H2 on dmpbpy saw the lowest lying LUMO states are populated on dmpbpy. This inhomogeneous distribution of electron density across non-equivalent ligands may have implications for further ‘spectral tuning’ of surface sensitisers. Despite the TD-DFT gas phase calculations not being corrected for solvent/media effects, the three longest wavelength bands associated with known charge transfer phenomena were identified. The symmetry allowed MLCT in the visible region was assigned as a  ←  transition, the mid-UV spectrum LC was assigned  ← π in origin. Whilst the near-UV shoulder on the blue side of MLCT showed  ←  and π∗ ←  transitional character and was tentatively described as MC/MLCT. UV-Vis absorption spectra calculated for solvated analogues containing dmpbpy indicated that the low energy transitions associated with the MLCT are subject to bathochromic shift due to solvent polarity by 0.062 eV (500 cm−1) compared with the gas phase calculations, which is more highly correlated to the observed experimental transitions.  相似文献   

New manganese(III) complexes of Hphox (2-(2′-hydroxyphenyl)-oxazoline) and HClphox (2-(5′-chloro-2′-hydroxyphenyl)-oxazoline) have been synthesised. The X-ray structures of [Mn(phox)2(MeOH)2][Mn(phox)2(ClO4)2](H2O)2 and [Mn(Clphox)2(MeOH)2](ClO4) show the manganese(III) ions to be octahedrally coordinated with methanol or perchlorate at the axial coordination sites. The cyclic voltammograms of the complexes, with the exception of [Mn(phox)2(acac)] (Hacac=2,4-pentanedione), show an irreversible reduction wave of manganese(III) to manganese(II). After addition of an excess of 1-methylimidazole (1-Meim), the reduction process shifts towards lower potentials and becomes (quasi-) reversible, indicating that the presence of 1-Meim affects the catalytic efficiency of the complexes. The complexes catalyse the epoxidation of styrene by dihydrogen peroxide. The cumulative turnover numbers towards styrene oxide obtained after 15 min. vary from 16 for [Mn(Clphox)2(MeOH)2](ClO4) to 26 for [Mn(phox)2(acac)]. Ligand degradation appears to be the limiting factor for obtaining higher turnover numbers.  相似文献   

The complex [Ru(H2)(H)(PMe2Ph)4]PF6 (1) has been prepared by reaction of [Ru(H)(PMe2Ph)5] FP6 (2) in THF with 1 atm H2 and characterised by variable temperature 31P and 1H NMR. It undergoes four distinct fluxional processes listed in order of decreasing activation energy: (i) exchange of H2 in solution with the dihydrogen ligand above 273 K; (ii) isomerisation of cis and trans isomers of 1 above 230 K; (iii) exchange of H atoms between H2 and hydride in trans-1 above 180 K; (iv) rapid H2/hydride exchange in cis-1 to below 180 K. A single crystal X-ray diffraction study of 1 at 173 K shows that the complex has the cis geometry in the solid state but does not clearly reveal the positions of the hydrogen ligands. Complex 1 starts out as a catalyst of high activity for the selective hydrogenation of 1-alkynes to 1-alkenes (RC≡CH; R=11Bu, Ph) but it is rapidly deactivated, possibly because of formation of the enynyl complex [Ru(η3RC3CHR)(PMe2Ph)4]+. Complex 1 efficiently catalyzes the hydrogenation of internal alkynes (3-hexyne, 2-pentyne) to internal cis-alkenes with little deactivation, although some isomerisation of the alkene produced is observed. These observations are consistent with those of Nkosi, Coville, Albers and Singleton who reported that complex 2 must dissociate one PMe2Ph ligand to produce the species active for alkyne hydrogenation. Complex 2 catalyses these hydrogenations with slower initial rates than complex 1 but deactivates less readily. In contrast to 1, complex 2 does not appear to cause the isomerisation of internal alkenes.  相似文献   

Complexes Ru(CO)2 (CH=CHR) (C6H4X-4)L2 (R=tBu, Ph, OEt; X=H, Cl, OMe; L=PMe3, PMe2Ph, P(OMe)2Ph) in which the two phosphorus ligands are mutually cis (isomer 1) react readily with ligands tBuNC, CO and P(OMe)3 to give complexes in which one of the organic ligands has migrated onto a carbonyl ligand. Vinyl migration products (5) retain the mutually cis geometry of the phosphorus ligands, and are unstable: one of the decomposition products is the ketone RCH=CHC(O)C6H4X-4. Phenyl migration products (4) are stable and have the phosphorus ligands in mutually trans positions; an X-ray crystal structure of Ru(CO) (CNtBu) {C(O)Ph} (CH=CHPh) (PMe2Ph)2 was obtained. In both cases, the incoming ligand enters trans to the newly formed acyl ligand. Vinyl migration is favoured over aryl migration by electron-donating substituents on the vinyl ligand, electron-withdrawing substituents on the aryl ligand, good σ-donor phosphorus ligands and use of tBuNC as the incoming ligand. The rate of phenyl migration in Ru(CO)2(CH=CHPh)Ph(PMe2Ph)2 is independent of tBuNC concentration: k=1.5 × 10−3 s−1 at 20°C. Isomer 3 of complexes Ru(CO)2(CH=CHR) (C6H4X-4)L2 in which the phosphorus ligands are mutually trans is much less reactive towards migration reactions. The reactivity of isomer 1 is attributed to the steric strain of two mutually cis phosphorus ligands.  相似文献   


DNA groove binders have been poorly studied as compared to the intercalators. A novel Ru(II) complex of [Ru(aeip)2(Haip)](PF6)2 {Haip?=?2-(9-anthryl)-1H-imidazo[4,5-f][1,10]phenanthroline and aeip = 2-(anthracen-9-yl)-1-ethyl-imidazo[4,5-f][1, 10]phenanthroline} is synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, 1H NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. The complex is evidenced to be a calf-thymus DNA groove binder with a large intrinsic binding constant of 106 M?1 order of magnitude as supported by UV–visible absorption spectral titrations, salt effects, DNA competitive binding with ethidium bromide, DNA melting experiment, DNA viscosity measurements and density functional theory calculations. The acid-base properties of the complex studied by UV–Vis spectrophotometric titrations are reported as well.  相似文献   

We wish to report the synthesis of the Ru(II) crown thioether complex, (1,4,7,10,13-pentathiacyclopentadecane)chlororuthenium(II) hexafluorophosphate, [Ru([15]aneS5)Cl](PF6), and a study of its properties utilizing single crystal X-ray diffraction, electronic spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy, density functional theory calculations and cyclic voltammetry. The crystal structure shows a single [15]aneS5 macrocycle and a chloro ligand coordinated in a distorted octahedral fashion around the ruthenium(II) center. A significant shortening (0.15 Å) of the trans Ru-S bond length occurs in this complex compared to the related PPh3 complex (2.4458(10) to 2.283(1) Å) due to the differences in the trans influence of the two ligands. 13C NMR spectroscopy demonstrates that the structure of [Ru([15]aneS5)Cl]+ is retained in solution. As expected for a Ru(II) complex, the electronic absorption spectrum shows two d-d transitions at 402 and 331 nm. These are red-shifted compared to hexakis(thioether)ruthenium(II) complexes and consistent with the weaker ligand field effect of the chloro ligand. The electrochemical behavior of the complex in acetonitrile shows a single one-electron reversible oxidation-reduction at +0.722 V versus Fc/Fc+ which is assigned as the Ru(II)/Ru(III) couple. DFT calculations for [Ru([15]aneS5)Cl]+ show a HOMO with orbital contributions from a t2g type orbital of the Ru ion, a π component from a p orbital of the axial S atom of [15]aneS5, and a p orbital of the chloro ligand while the LUMO consists of orbital contributions of dx2-y2 orbital of the Ru center and p orbitals of the four equatorial S donors.  相似文献   

Two bis-heteroleptic Ru(II) complexes [Ru(bpy)2(pcip)]2+ (1, bpy = 2,2′-bipyridine, pcip = 2-[4-phenylcarboxy]-1H-imidazol[4,5-f][1,10]phenanthroline) and [Ru(phen)2(pcip)]2+ (2, phen = 1,10-phenanthroline), bearing highly conjugated diimine ligands, were prepared and isolated as their PF6 salts. The bpy-derivative 1 showed better photophysical properties (emission quantum yield, lifetime of the emitting state, and the radiative decay rate constant) than the phen-compound 2. These results followed by theoretical calculations at DFT level established a comprehensive understanding between the structural parameters and the photophysical properties, as well as of the influence of π conjugation and the symmetry of the molecules on spectroscopic characteristics. These results provide fundamental photophysical data for selecting ancillary ligands in the design and improvement of Ru-based light-harvesting complexes.  相似文献   

The new organometallic cluster (η24-CO)2(CO)136-C6Me6) has been prepared by the thermolysis of Ru3(CO)12 with hexamethylbenzene in octane and characterised by a single crystal X-ray diffraction study. It is isostructural with the known cluster Ru624-CO)2(CO)136-C6H3Me3) and the metal core constitutnts the same tetrahedral Ru4 unit with two edge-bridging Ru atoms. The mesitylene derivative has been shown to undergo rearrangement to afford the octahedral carbido cluster Ru6C(CO)146-C6H3Me3), but this conversion is not observed for the new hexamethylbenzene derivative.  相似文献   

The trinuclear [{RuII(bpy)2(bpy-terpy)}2CoII]6+ complex (16+) in which a Co(II)-bis-terpyridine-like centre is covalently linked to two Ru(II)-tris-bipyridine-like moieties by a bridging bipyridine-terpyridine ligand has been synthesised and characterised. Its electrochemical, photophysical and photochemical properties have been investigated in CH3CN. The cyclic voltammetry exhibits two successive reversible oxidation processes, corresponding to the CoIII/CoII and RuIII/RuII redox couples at E1/2 = −0.06 and 0.91 V vs Ag/Ag+ 10 mM, respectively. The one-electron oxidized form of the complex, [{RuII(bpy)2(bpy-terpy)}2CoIII]7+ (17+) obtained after exhaustive electrolysis carried out at 0.2 V is fully stable. 16+ and 17+ are only poorly luminescent, indicating that the covalent linkage of the Ru(II)-tris-bipyridine centre to the cobalt subunit leads to a strong quenching of the RuII excited state by an intramolecular process. Luminescence lifetime experiments carried out at different temperatures indicate that the transfer is more efficient for 17+ compare to 16+ due to lower activation energy. Continuous irradiation of 17+ performed at 405 nm in the presence of P(Ph)3 acting as sacrificial electron donor leads to its quantitative reduction into 16+, whereas similar experiment starting from 16+ with a sulfonium salt as sacrificial electron acceptor converts 16+ into 17+ with a slower rate and a maximum yield of 80%. These photoinduced electron transfers were followed by UV-Visible spectroscopy and compared with those obtained with a simple mixture of both mononuclear parent complexes i.e. [RuII(bpy)3]2+ and [CoII(tolyl-terpy)2]2+ or [CoIII(tolyl-terpy)2]3+ (tolyl-terpy = 4′-(4-methylphenyl)-2,2′:6′,2′′-terpyridine).  相似文献   

Metathesis of [(η33−C10H16)Ru(Cl) (μ−Cl)]2 (1) with [R3P) (Cl)M(μ-Cl)]2 (M = Pd, Pt), [Me2NCH2C6H4Pd(μ-Cl)]2 and [(OC)2Rh(μ-Cl)]2 affords the heterobimetallic chloro bridged complexes (η33-C10H16) (Cl)Ru(μ-Cl)2M(PR3)(Cl) (M = Pd, Pt), (η33-C10H16) (Cl)Ru(μ-Cl)2PdC6H4CH2NMe2 and (η33-C10H16) (Cl)Ru(μ-Cl)2Rh(CO)2, respectively. Complex 1 reacts with [Cp*M(Cl) (μ-Cl)]2 (M = Rh, Ir), [p-cymene Ru(Cl) (μ-Cl]2 and [(Cy3P)Cu(μ-Cl)]2 to give an equilibrium of the heterobimetallic complexes and of educts. The structures of (η33-C10H16)Ru(μ-Cl)2Pd(PR3) (Cl) (R = Et, Bu) and of one diastereoisomer of (η33-C10H16)Ru(μ-Cl)2IrCp*(Cl) were determined by X-ray diffraction.  相似文献   

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