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A trimer made up of three acridine chromophores linked by a positively charged poly(aminoalkyl) chain was synthesized as a potential tris-intercalating agent. The length of the linking chain was selected to allow intercalation of each chromophore according to the excluded site model. 1H NMR studies have shown that, at 5 mM sodium, pH 5, the acridine trimer occurred under a folded conformation stabilized by stacking interactions between the three aromatic rings. DNA tris-intercalation of the dye at a low dye/base pair ratio was shown by measurements of both the unwinding of PM2 DNA and the lengthening of sonicated rodlike DNA. The trimer exhibits a high DNA affinity for poly[d(A-T)] (Kapp = 8 X 10(8) M-1, 1 M sodium) as shown by competition experiments with ethidium dimer. Kinetic studies of both the association with poly[d(A-T)] and the exchange between poly[d(A-T)] and sonicated calf thymus DNA have been performed as a function of the ionic strength. In 0.3 M sodium the on-rate constant (k1 = 2.6 X 10(7) M-1 s-1) is similar to that reported for other monoacridines or bis(acridines), whereas the off-rate constant is much smaller (k-1 = 1.2 X 10(-4) s-1), leading to an equilibrium binding constant as large as Kapp = 2.2 X 10(11) M-1. A plot of log (k1/k-1) as a function of log [Na+] yielded a straight line whose slope shows that 5.7 ion pairs (out of 7 potential) are formed upon the interaction with DNA. From this linear relationship a Kapp value of 10(14) M-1 in 0.1 M sodium can be estimated. Such a value reaches and even goes beyond that of some DNA regulatory proteins. This acridine trimer appears to be the first synthetic ligand with such a high DNA affinity.  相似文献   


Tris-intercalation of an acridine trimer into the self-complementary dodecanucleotide d(CTTCGCGCGAAG) has been studied, in solution, by means of 1H and 31P nuclear magnetic resonance. In a first step all the non-exchangeable protons (except H5', H5”), the imino protons and seven of the eleven phosphorus have been assigned. The dodecanucleotide is shown to adopt a double helical B-type structure. Most of the sugar puckers are in the O1′ endo range, those of the internal guanosines being closer to C2′endo. Deviations from the canonical B structure are observed in the base stacking and the phosphodiester torsional angles at the 3T4C5G stretch. The addition of an acridine trimer to the base-paired dodecanucleotide leads to the conclusion that the trimer, which is in slow exchange at the NMR time scale, tris-intercalates into the three C(3′-5′)G sites of the central core, according to the excluded site model. This is evidenced by the large (1.4 ppm) upfield shift experienced by the imino protons of the three internal guanines and the shielding undergone by the acridine ring protons. Tris-intercalation is also supported by the downfield shift experienced by 6 out of the 22 phosphorus. Two of them are shifted by nearly 2 ppm, a shift range reported for oligonucleotides complexed to actinomycin D; this suggests that the structure of the backbone of the dodecanucleotide is altered.  相似文献   

D R Hare  B R Reid 《Biochemistry》1986,25(18):5341-5350
The three-dimensional structure of d(CGCGTTTTCGCG) in solution has been determined from proton NMR data by using distance geometry methods. The rate of dipolar cross-relaxation between protons close together in space is used to calculate distances between proton pairs within 5 A of each other; these distances are used as input to a distance geometry algorithm that embeds this distance matrix in three-dimensional space. The resulting refined structures that best agree with the input distances are all very similar to each other and show that the DNA sequence forms a hairpin in solution; the bases of the loop region are stacked, and the stem region forms a right-handed helix. The advantages and limitations of the technique, as well as the computer requirements of the algorithm, are discussed.  相似文献   

The oligodeoxynucleotide d(TTCTGT) was covalently attached to the 9-amino group of 2-methoxy-6-chloro-9-aminoacridine (Acr) through its 3'-phOsphate via a pentamethylene linker (m5). In order to avoid its hydrolysis by nucleases inside the cel., one of its phosphates (TpT) was substituTed with a neopentyl group. Complex formation between each of the two purified isomers and the complementary strand d(GCACAGAA) was investigated by nuclear magnetic resonance. The COSY and NOESY connectivities allowed us to assign all the proton resonances of the bases, the sugars (except the overlapping 5'-5' resonances), the acridine, and the pentamethylene chain. Structural information derived from the relative intensity of COSY and NOESY maps revealed that the duplex d(T*TCTGT).d(GCACAGAA) adopts a B-type conformation and that the deoxyriboses preferentially adopt a 2'-endo conformation. The NOE connectivities observed between the protons of the bases or the sugars and the protons of the dye show the intercalation of the acridine between the base pairs. NOE connectivities as well as imino proton resonances show that, at room temperature, the C7 base and the G8 base belonging to two different duplexes are paired. The pseudoaxial and pseudoequatorial isomers were assigned, and the differences in stability of their complex with the complementary strand are discussed.  相似文献   

The structure and conformation of the synthetic pentasaccharide Gal(beta 1-4){Fuc(alpha 1-3)}GlcNAc(beta 1-3)Gal(beta 1-4)Glc-beta OMe of the Lewis(X) family has been determined by NMR spectroscopy in dimethyl sulfoxide and methanol. In these solvents, the binding constants with calcium have been evaluated as 9.5 and 29.6 M-1, respectively. Study of the interaction sites has been achieved through the use of paramagnetic divalent cations and distance triangulation methods. Two regions have been found, the first one in the vicinity of the fucose unit, the second one closer to the lactose part.  相似文献   

The solution structure of the Ga(III)-bleomycin A2 complex (GaBLM) has been determined using 2D NMR methods in combination with molecular dynamics calculations. Complete assignment of the amide and amine protons, observation of 80 NOEs and measurement of 15 (3)JH(-H) coupling constants provided us with a well-defined structure using a restrained simulated annealing protocol. On the basis of distance and dihedral angle constraints agreement, along with potential energy considerations, the favored model is a five-coordinate complex with the primary amine of beta-aminoalanine holding the axial position of a distorted tetragonal pyramid. The disaccharide moiety of GaBLM is not a ligand, sharing the same side of the equatorial plane with the axial amine ligand. Titration of the self-complementary oligonucleotide d(CCAGGCCTGG) with GaBLM results in the formation of only one 1:1 complex in slow exchange on the NMR time scale. Our data indicate that the bithiazole moiety intercalates between the C6*G15 and C7*G14 base pairs, in a similar mode to that reported by earlier studies. Structural implications and comparisons to other metallo-bleomycins are discussed.  相似文献   

The hairpin formed by d(ATCCTATTTATAGGAT) was studied by means of two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy and conformational analysis. Almost all 1H resonances of the stem region could be assigned, while the 1H and 31P spectra of the loop region were interpreted completely; this includes the stereospecific assignment of the H5' and H5" resonances. The derivation of the detailed loop structure was carried out in a stepwise fashion including some improved and new methods for structure determination from NMR data. In the first step, the mononucleotide structures were examined. The conformational space available to the mononucleotide was scanned systematically by varying the glycosidic torsion angle and pseudorotational parameters. Each generated conformer was tested against the experimental J coupling constants and NOE parameters. In the following stage, the structures of dinucleotides and longer fragments were derived. Inter-residue distances between protons were calculated by means of a procedure in which the simulated NOEs, obtained via a relaxation-matrix approach, were fitted to the experimental NOEs without the introduction of a molecular model. In addition, the backbone torsion angles beta, gamma and epsilon were deduced from homocoupling and heterocoupling constants. These data served as constraints in the next step, in which the loop sequence was subjected to a multi-conformer generation procedure. The resulting structures were tested against the mentioned constraints and disregarded if these constraints were violated. This yielded a family of structures for the loop region, confined to a relatively narrow conformational space. A representative conformation was subsequently docked on a B-type stem which fulfilled the structural constraints (derived from the NMR experiments for the stem region) to yield the hairpin structure. Results obtained from subsequent restrained-molecular-mechanics as well as free-molecular-mechanics calculations are in accordance with those obtained by means of the analysis described above. The structure of the hairpin loop is a compactly folded conformation and the first base of the central TTTA region forms a Hoogsteen T-A pair with the fourth base. This Hoogsteen base pair is stacked upon the sixth base pair of the B-type double-helical stem. The second base of the loop is folded into the minor groove, whereas the third base of the loop is partly stacked on the first and fourth bases. The phosphate backbone exhibits a sharp turn between the third and fourth nucleotides of the loop. The peculiar structure of this hairpin loop is discussed in relation to loop folding in DNA and RNA hairpins and in relation to a general model for loop folding.  相似文献   

A hairpin structure contains two conformationally distinct domains: a double-helical stem with Watson-Crick base pairs and a single-stranded loop that connects the two arms of the stem. By extensive 1D and 2D 500-MHz 1H NMR studies in H2O and D2O, it has been demonstrated that the DNA oligomers d(CGCCGCAGC) and d(CGCCGTAGC) form hairpin structures under conditions of low concentration, 0.5 mM in DNA strand, and low salt (20 mM NaCl, pH 7). From examination of the nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) between base protons H8/H6 and sugar protons H1' and H2'/H2", it was concluded that in d(CGCCGCAGC) and d(CGCCGTAGC) all the nine nucleotides display average (C2'-endo,anti) geometry. The NMR data in conjunction with molecular model building and solvent accessibility studies were used to derive a working model for the hairpins.  相似文献   

G Gupta  M H Sarma  R H Sarma 《Biochemistry》1988,27(20):7909-7919
It is very well documented that the presence of an An.Tn tract causes intrinsic DNA bending. Hagerman demonstrated that the sequence in which the An.Tn tracts are joined plays a very crucial role in determining DNA bending. For example, Hagerman showed that the polymer with a repeat of d(GA4T4C)n greater than or equal to 10 is bent but the polymer with a repeat of d(GT4A4C)n greater than or equal to 10 is not bent [Hagerman, P. J. (1986) Nature (London) 326, 720-722]. Earlier we have shown that the decamer repeat d(GA4T4C)2 is itself bent with a finite structural discontinuity at the A----T sequence [Sarma, M. H., Gupta, G., & Sarma, R. H. (1988) Biochemistry 27, 3423-3432]. In the present article, we summarize our studies on the decamer repeat d(GT4A4C)2 structure in solution. By employment of 1D and 2D 1H NMR studies at 500 MHz a complete sequential assignment has been made for the exchangeable and nonexchangeable protons belonging to the ten nucleotides. NOESY data were collected for d(GT4A4C)2 at 17 degrees C in D2O for three mixing times, 150, 100, and 50 ms. A quantitative NOESY simulation technique was employed to arrive at a structural model of d(GT4A4C)2 in solution. Our detailed analyses revealed the following structural features: (i) The duplex adopts the gross morphology of a B-DNA. (ii) All the A.T pairs are propeller twisted (less than or equal to -15 degrees). (iii) Although both A and T nucleotides belong to the C2'-endo,anticonformational domain, there is a mild variation in the actual conformation of the A and T residues. (iv) Even though there is a subtle conformational difference in the A and T nucleotides, two structural frames of T4.A4 segments are joined at the T----A sequence in such a way that there is no finite discontinuity at the junction; i.e., two neighboring frames exactly coincide at the T----A junction. Thus, our studies on d(GA4T4C)2 (Sarma et al., 1988) and on d(GT4A4C)2 (this article) reveal the structural peculiarity of the An.Tn tract and the effect of A----T/T----A sequence in causing DNA bending.  相似文献   

1H resonance assignments in the NMR spectra of the self-complementary hexadeoxyribonucleoside pentaphosphate d(5'-GCATGC)2 and its complex with the antibiotic nogalamycin, together with interproton distance constraints obtained from two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) spectra, have enabled us to characterize the three-dimensional structure of these species in solution. In the complex described, two drug molecules are bound per duplex, in each of two equivalent binding sites, with full retention of the dyad symmetry. Twenty-eight NOE distance constraints between antibiotic and nucleotide protons define the position and orientation of the bound drug molecule. Nogalamycin intercalates at the 5'-CA and 5'-TG steps with the major axis of the anthracycline chromophore aligned approximately at right angles to the major axes of the base pairs. The nogalose sugar occupies the minor groove of the helix and makes many contacts with the deoxyribose moieties of three nucleotides along one strand of the duplex in the 5'-TGC segment. The charged dimethylamino group and hydroxyl functions of the bicyclic sugar lie in the major groove juxtaposed to the guanine base, the bridging atoms of the bicyclic sugar making contacts with the methyl group of the thymine. Thus the antibiotic is not symmetrically disposed in the intercalation site but is in close contact in both grooves with atoms comprising the 5'-TGC strand. The intercalation cavity is wedge-shaped, the major axes of the base pairs forming the site being tilted with respect to one another. All base-pair hydrogen-bonding interactions are maintained in the complex, and there is no evidence for Hoogsteen pairing. The free duplex adopts a regular right-handed B-type conformation in which all glycosidic bond angles are anti and all sugar puckers lie in the C2'-endo range. In the complex the glycosidic bond angles and the sugar puckers deviate little from those observed for the duplex alone. The presence of two bound nogalamycin molecules substantially slows the "breathing" motions of the base pairs forming the intercalation cavity, and the observation of two downfield-shifted resonances in the 31P NMR spectrum of the complex suggests a pronounced local helix unwinding at the drug binding site. The footprinting data of Fox and Waring [Fox, K.R., & Waring, M.J. (1986) Biochemistry 25, 4349-4356] imply that the highest affinity binding sites of nogalamycin have the sequence 5'-GCA (or 5'-TGC).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The DNA binding characteristics of a mono-, di- and trimeric derivative of 9-aminoacridine were studied. The length of the linking carboxamidoalkyl chains was selected to allow bis- or tris-intercalation according to the excluded-site model. Measurements of DNA unwinding angle using closed circular DNA showed that the trimeric derivative behaves as a tris-intercalating agent. Nevertheless the increase of DNA binding affinity on going from dimer to trimer was found to be relatively small. This is probably related to the large structural constraint for DNA binding of the trimeric derivative. The nature of the linking chain for the design of high-affinity DNA poly-intercalating agents appears therefore critical.  相似文献   

S Ikuta  R Eritja  B E Kaplan  K Itakura 《Biochemistry》1987,26(18):5646-5650
One- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser effect experiments demonstrate that a single hydrogen bond between a T imino proton and purine N3 is sufficient to hold the base pair dPu.dT in d(CGPuAATTTCG) by a Watson-Crick fashion rather than a Hoogsteen type. In addition, the dPu.dT base pair is well stacked with neighboring base pairs. The spin-lattice relaxation measurements at 30 and 35 degrees C of two decamers, d(CGPuAATTTCG) and d(CGAAATTTCG), reveal that the elimination of two single hydrogen bonds of dA.dT base pairs (due to the substitution of adenine for purine) in the sequence results in an increase in the overall imino proton exchange rate from 7 to 36 s-1 at the site of mismatch.  相似文献   

The interaction of bleomycin A2 and Zn(II)-bleomycin A2 with the oligonucleotide (dC-dG)3 has been monitored by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Binding of the drug to the oligonucleotide is indicated by an upfield shift of the bithiazole proton resonances consistent with partial intercalation of this group between base pairs. The effect of temperature and ionic strength on the binding of both free bleomycin and the Zn(II) complex has been studied. Consistent with earlier studies on polynucleotides, the rate of exchange between the free drug and the drug-oligonucleotide complex is rapid on the 1H NMR chemical shift time scale. Binding of the oligonucleotide induced changes in resonances assigned to protons in the metal-binding region of Zn(II)-bleomycin. Intermolecular nuclear Overhauser effect enhancements between bleomycin and the oligonucleotide have not been detected.  相似文献   

LNA is a bicyclic nucleic acid analogue that contains one or more 2'-O,4'-C methylene linkage(s), which effectively locks the furanose ring in a C3'-endo conformation. We report here the NMR solution structure of a nonamer LNA:RNA hybrid and a structural characterization of a nonamer LNA:DNA hybrid, where the LNA strands are composed entirely of LNA nucleotides. This is the first structural characterization of fully modified LNA oligonucleotides. The high-resolution structure reveals that the LNA:RNA hybrid adopts an almost canonical A-type duplex morphology. The helix axis is almost straight and the duplex geometry is regular. This shows that fully modified LNA oligomers can hybridize with complementary RNA and form duplexes within the Watson-Crick framework. The LNA:DNA hybrid structurally resembles an RNA:DNA hybrid as shown by determination of deoxyribose sugar puckers and analysis of NOESY NMR spectra.  相似文献   

G Lancelot  N T Thuong 《Biochemistry》1986,25(19):5357-5363
The oligodeoxynucleotide d(TATC) was covalently attached to the 9-amino group of 2-methoxy-6-chloro-9-aminoacridine (Acr) through its 3'-phosphate via a pentamethylene linker (m5). Complex formation between d(TATC)m5Acr and the complementary strand d(GATA) in aqueous solution was investigated by nuclear magnetic resonance. The COSY and NOESY connectivities allowed us to assign all the proton resonances of the bases, the sugars (except the overlapping 5'/5' resonances), the acridine, and the pentamethylene chain. Structural informations derived from relative intensities of COSY and NOESY maps revealed that the duplex d(TATC)-d(GATA) adopts a B-type conformation and that the deoxyriboses preferentially adopt a 2'-endo conformation. The NOE connectivities observed between the protons of the bases or of the sugars and the protons of the dye and of the pentamethylene chain led us to propose a model involving an equilibrium between two families of configurations. In the first family, the acridine derivative is intercalated between base pairs C4-G4 and T3-A3. In the second family, the acridine derivative is sandwiched between two aggregated duplexes. The structure of the intercalated complex as well as that of the aggregated species is discussed.  相似文献   

The hetero duplex molecule, r(CGCA)d(AAAAAGCG):d(CGCTTTTTTGCG) which corresponds to Okazaki fragment was synthesized and its molecular structure has been analyzed by NMR study. The RNA strand of RNA-DNA hybrid region adopts A-form and DNA strand of the same region deviates from the standard B-form. The conformation of DNA-DNA duplex segment belongs to B-form. The hybrid-DNA duplex junction shows a structural discontinuities, A-B junction. The same conformational characteristic of oligo(dA): oligo(dT) tract as that of DNA oligomer which has same base sequence has been observed.  相似文献   

The deoxyoligonucleotide d(TGCA)3 is a candidate for exhibiting unusual conformations. Its 1H NMR spectrum under low salt conditions has been obtained at 400 MHz and assigned using two-dimensional NMR techniques. The sugar puckers and glycosidic torsions have been determined by inspecting the relative intensities of the intranucleotide NOEs and COSY crosspeaks. At low electrolyte concentration (100 mM NaCl) the molecule exists as a right-handed duplex with twelve Watson-Crick base-pairs and deoxyribose moieties assuming the O1'-endo to C1'-exo pucker.  相似文献   

Tensin is a protein confined at those discrete and specialized regions of the plasma membrane, known as focal adhesions. It contains, at the C-terminus, a phosphotyrosine binding (PTB) domain that can interact with the cytoplasmic tail of beta-integrins and is necessary for localization of the protein to cell-matrix adhesions. Here, we present the NMR solution structure of the PTB domain of tensin1. Moreover, through NMR binding studies, we demonstrate that the PTB domain of tensin1 is able to interact with phosphatidylinositol 4, 5-diphosphate (PtIns(4,5)P2) and phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PtIns(4)P), presenting higher affinity for the diphosphorylated inositide. Chemical shift mapping studies reveal a putative PtIns(4,5)P2 binding region that is distinct from the predicted integrin beta-tail recognition site. Heteronuclear NOE experiments, recorded in absence and presence of PtIns(4,5)P2, indicate that the interaction with lipids decreases the flexibility of loop regions, predicted to be important for integrin binding, and thus, proposes a possible correlation between the two distinct binding events. Therefore, our studies suggest that capture of lipids by the PTB domain of tensin1 may play a role for the protein function at focal adhesions.  相似文献   

The binding of mithramycin A to d(ACCCGGGT)2 has been investigated by one- and two-dimensional 1H NMR spectroscopy. Titration of the drug into the octamer solution results in loss of the oligonucleotide C2 symmetry at stoichiometric ratios less than 4 drug molecules per duplex. However, at a ratio of 4:1 (drug/duplex), the C2 symmetry of the oligonucleotide is restored. From these data it is evident that more than one complex forms at ratios less than 4:1 while only one complex predominates at the ratio 4:1. This is the first report of a DNA octamer which binds 4 large drug molecules. These results are compared to those we have recently reported for mithramycin binding to d(ATGCAT)2, where only a single, bound complex is observed, with a stoichiometry of 2:1.  相似文献   

Kinetic studies of interaction between acridine orange and DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
M Sakoda  K Hiromi  K Akasaka 《Biopolymers》1971,10(6):1003-1012
The interaction between acridine orange (AO) and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was studied by the stopped-flow method. The spectral change of AO due to interaction with DNA was followed over the wavelength range 350–600 nm at various concentration ratios of DNA phosphate to dye. The spectral change observed by the stopped-flow method was found distinctly different from that, during the dead-time, leading to a conclusion that the binding of AO to the outside of DNA occurs much faster than the intercalation into base pairs of DNA. The dependence of the rate of reaction on the reactant concentration and on the salt, concentration of the solution was also studied. The results are consistent with the mechanism that the intercalation proceeds via the outside bound state.  相似文献   

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