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Induced mutants from dihaploid potatoes after pollen mother cell treatment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Microspore mother cells of dihaploid Solanum tuberosum plants were mutagenically treated during the stage of meiosis. Mutagenesis was performed either by irradiation with x- or -rays or by the application of nitrosomethylurethane or methylnitronitrosoguanidine. Then, by use of the anther culture technique, 913 functional plants and 442 untreated control plants were regenerated. From the exposed plants seven distinct mutants could be isolated, predominantly chlorophyll deficient lines, while from the controls no clear-cut mutants arose. One mutant turned out to be photomorphogenetic in addition to having a chlorophyll defect. In addition to the production of mutants the treatments significantly increased the frequency of multicellular structure formation from microspores.  相似文献   

Plants were regenerated from cultured excised leaf segments of monohaploid (2n=x=12) and diphaloid (2n=2x=24) potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) and a sample has been studied cytologically. In the case of monohaploids, a single leaf regeneration cycle resulted in almost total recovery of doubled monohaploid plants (2n=2x=24), whilst 50% of the plants regenerated from doubled monohaploid leaves had doubled again to the doubled double monohaploid (or homozygous tetraploid, 2n=4x=48) level. Regeneration from dihaploid leaf pieces also gave a good proportion (60%) of doubled genotypes. Very few mixoploids and very few aneuploids were found. These results, together with the general applicability of the method to a large number of potato cultivars, suggest that it can be used as a simple and reliable method of obtaining homozygous tetraploid potatoes.  相似文献   

用花药培养法由雄性不育材料诱导单倍体尚未见报道。在马铃薯中,所有双单倍体或一单倍体,也都是由有效花粉百分数较高的雄性可育材料诱导产生的。本文首次报道了用花药培养法由一个典型的雄性不育的双单倍体品系诱导产生一单倍体的试验结果。从接种的1850个花药中,诱导出了28个胚状体和23块愈伤组织,并从它们分化出了24株绿苗。分化出的小植株生活力大部分较弱,在继代培养过程中逐渐死亡,但也有一些生活力较强的植株存话下来,经L_1、L_2和L_1 3个胚层细胞的检查表明,它们具有典型的一倍体特征,体细胞染色体数目为2n=x=12。植株之间表现出明显的性状分离,说明它们均来自减数分裂后的小孢子。大部分植株的产量较低,但也有少数生活力强,单株块茎产量达0.5公斤左右的抗病、品质好的植株。所有植株都具有不正常的减数分裂,无有效花粉形成,个别植株能结实,但无种子形成,用四倍体或双单倍体的可育花粉授粉也不能形成种子,进一步证明了它们具有一单倍体特性。对诱导马铃薯一单倍体和利用雄性不育材料进行花药培养诱导单倍体的意义进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Summary In addition to physical and chemical factors, genotype appears to be a very important factor influencing success in anther culture. Recombination by making crosses with selected responding clones has been introduced as a possible helpful method to positively influence the success and response type via the factor genotype. From the progeny of such a cross, one genotype could be selected, producing in 30 to 40 percent of the cultured anthers, fully developed embryoids and plantlets, which are a mixture of polyploids, dihaploids and monohaploids.Further, a pleiotropic marker embryo spot visible as a nodal band in the plant stage, has been used to confirm the microsporic origin of dihaploids and polyploids and to prove their homozygous nature. This marker also shows potential use in confirming the origin of calli from individual microspores.On leave from Jawaharal Nehru University, New Delhi (India)  相似文献   

Summary Fifty-eight somatic hybrid plants, produced both by chemical (11) and electrical fusion (47) of protoplasts of dihaploid Solanum tuberosum and S. brevidens, have been analysed by molecular, cytological and morphological methods. The potentially useful euploid plants constituted 34% of the total, of which 20% were tetraploid and 14% hexaploid; the remainder were aneuploid at the tetraploid, hexaploid and octoploid levels. Analysis of chloroplast DNA showed that 55% of hybrids contained chloroplasts from S. brevidens and 45% from S. tuberosum. Hexaploids, the products of three protoplasts fusing together, were analyzed with specific DNA probes, and this revealed that nuclear genome dosages could be either 21 S. tuberosumS. brevidens, or vice-versa. Chloroplast types of hexaploids were not influenced by nuclear genome dosage, and all six possible combinations of genome dosage and chloroplast types were found amongst tetraploids and hexaploids. To examine the morphology of the hybrid population and its possible relation to the chromosome number and chloroplast DNA type, 18 morphological characteristics were measured on greenhouse-grown plants and analyzed by principal component and canonical variate analyses. Both analyses showed that nuclear ploidy has the most prominent influence on the overall morphology of the hybrids. Differential parental genome expression in the morphology of the hybrids is discussed. These results provide useful data on the range of genetic combinations that can be expected to occur amongst somatic hybrid plants.  相似文献   

Summary Many somatic fusion hybrids have been produced between a dihaploid potato Solanum tuberosum and the sexually-incompatible wild species S. brevidens using both chemical and electrical fusion techniques. S. brevidens was resistant to both potato leaf roll virus (PLRV) and potato virus Y (PVY), the viruses being either at low (PLRV) or undetectable (PVY) concentrations as determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The S. tuberosum parent was susceptible to both viruses. A wide range of resistance, expressed as a decrease in virus concentration to both viruses was found amongst fusion hybrids, four of which were especially resistant. The practicality of introducing virus resistance from S. brevidens into cultivated potatoes by somatic hybridisation is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The karyotype of the dihaploid SVP1 line of S. tuberosum (2n=2x=24) showed two nucleolar chromosomes with differently sized satellites. The diploid SVP5 line (2n=2x=24) and tetraploid regenerants of S. phureja had larger but similar satellites. Somatic hybrids between the diploid lines of these potato species with genome combinations 4 tub + 2 ph (plants 1–3), 2 tub + 4 ph (plants 4–7) and 4 tub + 4 ph (plant 8) had lost 2 phureja nucleolar chromosomes if 4 phureja genomes were present. One phureja nucleolar chromosome of plants 1–3 and both of plants 5 and 7 had rearranged satellites. Elimination of the two nucleolar chromosomes occurred preferentially, was under genetic control, and probably took place during early callus development. NOR activity resulting in rear-rangements between NORs may have caused the elimination.  相似文献   

It has been theorized that in cross-pollinated polyploid species hybrid vigor is maximized by the frequent occurrence of more than two alleles per chromosomal locus. In polyploid crops this condition of maximum heterozygosity has been reported to be associated with increased yield and optimum field performance. We report herein the first direct test of the maximum heterozygosity hypothesis. Molecular markers were used to examine the association between maximum heterozygosity and several components of yield in three different populations of tetraploid potatoes. The results indicate that the value of maximum heterozygosity is not universal but dependent on the genetic background of the material under evaluation. In a cross between adapted breeding lines, homozygosity was negatively correlated with tuber yield, and maximum heterozygosity was positively correlated with the proportion of tuber yield in the large-size fraction. In contrast, in crosses between adapted and unadapted parents, maximum heterozygosity had no detectable effect on any character. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis of the three populations reveals that, regardless of the genetic background, additive genetic effects are more strongly correlated with the components of yield than are any measures of heterozygosity and that some common QTLs may be influencing yield in all three populations.  相似文献   

Summary The many reports of phenotypic variation among plants regenerated from tissue culture suggest underlying alterations at the DNA level. This hypothesis was tested with protoplast-derived Solanum tuberosum plants. Random potato-DNA clones were used to probe the genome of individual plants at specific sites. Two out of twelve plants were shown to be variant by Southern-hybridisation with one of the tester-clones. As this clone turned out to represent 25S-rDNA, both somaclonal variants can be regarded as mutants deficient in ribosomal RNA-genes.  相似文献   

 To discover highly apomictic and amphimictic Allium tuberosum diploids, we evaluated the degree of apomixis in three dihaploids (2n=16, 2x), KaD2, TeD1 and GMD1, derived from highly apomictic tetraploids. The degree of apomixis, calculated as the percentage of diploid seedlings in the progeny obtained after cross-pollination with tetraploid cultivars, was 96% in KaD2, 7% in TeD1 and 39% in GMD1. In addition to this general index of apomictic nature, two analytical indices were evaluated in KaD2 and TeD1. The degree of diplospory, calculated as the percentage of endoreduplicated embryo-sac mother cells, was 96% in KaD2 and 2% in TeD1. The degree of parthenogenesis, calculated as the percentage of ovules with the egg cell developing parthenogenetically, was 98% in KaD2 and 10% in TeD1. Among angiosperms with gametophytic apomixis, KaD2 is the first diploid apomict whose reproductive mode has been fully described by these three quantitative indices of apomictic nature. And TeD1 is the first highly amphimictic plant found in the A. tuberosum complex. Although TeD1 is poorly fertile, the present results encourage further screening trials for highly fertile, highly amphimictic dihaploids, which may be effective counterparts to KaD2 in diploid-level cross experiments to genetically analyze apomixis in A. tuberosum. Received: 4 December 1995 / Revision accepted: 8 May 1996  相似文献   

栌菊木属及白菊木属的细胞学研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
对栌菊木属及白菊木属的染色体数目进行了首次报道,对栌菊木(Nouelia insignis Franch.)分布区内的10个居群进行了细胞学研究,染色体数目均为2n=54。白菊木属在中国分布的仅白菊木(Leucomeris decora Kurz)一种,对漾濞这个居群的细胞学研究表明,染色体也为2n=54。这两个属的基数可能x=9,它们可能为6倍体,结合帚木菊族已有染色体报道及形态特征,地理分布等初步分析表明:栌菊木种内分化程度小,是一自然类群;栌菊木和白菊木可能有着较近缘的联系;栌菊木可能是古老孑遗植物的后裔,为适应环境而多倍体化,得以保存下来。  相似文献   

Aim  To assess evidence for geographical and environmental range expansion through polyploidy in wild potatoes ( Solanum sect. Petota ). There are diploids, triploids, tetraploids, pentaploids and hexaploids in this group.
Location  Wild potatoes occur from the south-western USA (Utah and Colorado), throughout the tropical highlands of Mexico, Central America and the Andes, to Argentina, Chile and Uruguay.
Methods  We compiled 5447 reports of ploidy determination, covering 185 of the 187 species, of which 702 determinations are presented here for the first time. We assessed the frequency of cytotypes within species, and analysed the geographical and climatic distribution of ploidy levels.
Results  Thirty-six per cent of the species are entirely or partly polyploid. Multiple cytotypes exist in 21 species, mostly as diploid and triploid, but many more may await discovery. We report the first chromosome count (2 n = 24) for Solanum hintonii . Diploids occupy a larger area than polyploids, but diploid and tetraploid species have similar range sizes, and the two species with by far the largest range sizes are tetraploids. The fraction of the plants that are polyploids is much higher from Mexico to Ecuador than farther south. Compared with diploids, triploids tend to occur in warmer and drier areas, whereas higher-level polyploids tend to occur in relatively cold areas. Diploids are absent from Costa Rica to southern Colombia, the wettest part of the group's range.
Main conclusions  These results suggest that polyploidy played an important role in this group's environmental differentiation and range expansion.  相似文献   

We analyzed 110 asymmetric fusion products, obtained by fusion of hygromycin-resistant tomato protoplasts and gamma-irradiated kanamycin-resistant potato protoplasts that expressed -glucuronidase (GUS). The fusion products were selected for resistance to both antibiotics, and were subsequently analyzed for their shoot regeneration potential, GUS activity, expression of two potato isoenzymes, chloroplast type, total genomic DNA content, and relative genomic composition. No viable plants could be obtained and the calli were highly polypoid. All hybrids expressed GUS activity, whereas they displayed a large variation with respect to the other traits.  相似文献   

在最新分类系统框架下对长蒴苣苔亚科(Didymocarpoideae)的染色体资料进行了详细的整理和分析,结果表明,长蒴苣苔亚科的细胞学研究仍存在不足,尤其在种级水平上的研究不足25%,且存在一些属的染色体数据空白的现象。在新的分类系统下,一些修订后的属染色体数目表现出一致性或更加具有合理性,但也存在一些属的染色体数目变异仍十分复杂,如汉克苣苔属(Henckelia)和长蒴苣苔属(Didymocarpus)。基于已有的染色体数据,对长蒴苣苔亚科内一些重要属的染色体进化模式及其对物种分化的影响进行了探讨,推测染色体数目的多倍化及非整倍化进化可能对各类群的物种分化具有重要作用,但需要今后利用基于DNA探针的荧光原位杂交技术并结合分子系统学和基因组学研究才能深入地解析染色体的进化模式及其对物种分化的影响。  相似文献   

玉米单倍体技术的应用可以大大缩短自交系选育年限,加快育种进程,提高选育效率,尤其是孤雌生殖单倍体技术的广泛应用,能够在高效加倍的基础上快速选育稳定的纯系。本文较全面地综述了近年来关于玉米孤雌生殖诱导产生单倍体的机理及单倍体染色体加倍分子机制的研究新进展,旨在为单倍体技术更广泛的应用提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

Summary Meiosis was studied inVaccinium myrtillus (n=12),V. vitis-idaea (n=12),V. myrtillus ×vitisidaea (n=12), colchicine-induced tetraploidV. myrtillus (n=24),V. uliginosum (n=24), the cultivated blueberry varieties Rancocas and Pemberton (n=24), and the hybridsV. uliginosum × Rancocas andV. uliginosum × Pemberton (n=24). Pairing was regular in the diploid species. Some multivalent formations occurred inV. uliginosum and in the cultivated blueberry varieties and to a considerable extent in the autotetraploidV. myrtillus. The spontaneous diploid hybridV. myrtillus ×vitis-idaea displayed numerous meiotic irregularities, whereas the artificial hybrids betweenV. uliginosum and cultivated blueberry showed relatively regular meiosis. Pairing relationships of the various genomes are discussed. Breeding programs for the use of North-European species with American cultivated blueberry varieties are discussed in the light of the cytological observations.
Zusammenfassung Die diploiden (n=12) ArtenVaccinium myrtillus, V. vitis-idaea, V. myrtillus×vitis-idaea und die tetraploiden (n=24)V. myrtillus (Colchicin-induziert) undV. uliginosum sowie die kultivierten amerikanischen Blaubeersorten Rancocas und Pemberton (n=24) und die HybridenV. uliginosum×Rancocas undV. uliginosum×Pemberton wurden cytologisch untersucht. In den diploiden Arten war die meiotische Chromosomenpaarung regelmäßig. Multivalente traten in geringerem Umfange beiV. uliginosum und kultivierten Blaubeersorten, viel stärker aber in der autotetraploidenV. myrtillus auf. Die spontane diploide HybrideV. myrtillus×vitis-idaea zeigte zahlreiche meiotische Störungen, die künstlichen Hybriden zwischenV. uliginosum und der kultivierten amerikanischen Blaubeere hatten demgegenüber eine relativ regelmäßige Meiose. Die Paarungsverhältnisse der verschiedenen Genome werden diskutiert. Auf Grund der cytologischen Beobachtungen wird ein Züchtungsprogramm für nordeuropäischeVaccinium-Arten zusammen mit amerikanischen Kultursorten erörtert.

Summary The present study deals with cytological observations, DNA and protein synthesis in artificially activated sea urchin eggs. The eggs were activated by means of Loeb's double treatment with butyric acid and hypertonic sea water. Most of the eggs ofHemicentrotus pulcherrimus divided when the chromosomes duplicated after formation of the first monaster and other eggs divided at a later cell cycle. In the eggs ofTemnopleurus toreumaticus, however, haploid division at the first cell cycle was observed predominantly.Activated eggs that were treated for 25 min with hypertonic sea water showed a marked uptake of3H-thymidine during the two periods of 30–40 min and 90–100 min after the double treatment. These periodic changes in the3H-thymidine uptake paralleled morphological changes within the nucleus. However, these periods of increased uptake were not observed in the eggs treated with hypertonic sea water for 60 min. During exposure to hypertonic sea water, the3H-thymidine-uptake by eggs activated with butyric acid decreased gradually. When the uptake of14C-valine by eggs was measured, a very low level was seen in unfertilized eggs. The level of uptake increased strikingly when the eggs were activated with butyric acid but was suppressed by the hypertonic treatment. However, removal of the eggs to sea water allowed the uptake to return to the former high level. This pattern suggests that the hypertonic treatment has an inhibitory effect on the synthesis of protein (or enzymes) which obstruct cleavage induction.  相似文献   

Solanum acaule Bitt. is a disomic tetraploid (4x) wild potato species which is resistant to several potato diseases. Introgression of disease resistance and abiotic stress tolerance to the tetrasomic tetraploid (4x) cultivated potato (S. tuberosum L.) gene pool via crossing has been limited due to the difference in the endosperm balance number. In the present study, protoplast fusion was applied to produce hexaploid (6x) somatic hybrids between the parental lines, tetraploid (4x) S. acaule and two anther-derived dihaploid (2x) lines of S. tuberosum cv. White Lady. One callus (0.4%) of a total of 229 calli obtained regenerated into shoots in the fusion combination S. acaule (+) White Lady 15.dh.8.2.2. All the regenerated shoots were confirmed to be interspecific somatic hybrids using species-specific RAPD markers. In another fusion combination, S. acaule (+) White Lady 7.dh.23.1.1, fifteen calli (5%) regenerated into a total of sixteen shoots from 289 calli. All the analysed somatic hybrids between S. acaule and S. tuberosum were hexaploid. The mean DNA content (2C value) of the combination S. acaule (+) White Lady 15.dh.8.2.2 somatic hybrids (4.55 pg), was approximately the sum (4.69 pg) of the DNA contents of the parental lines, S. acaule (2.95 pg) and S. tuberosum (1.74 pg). In the greenhouse, the two somatic hybrids analysed were normal in their morphological characteristics and more vigorous than their parental lines. Most of the morphological characteristics were closer to the tetraploid S. acaule than to the dihaploid S. tuberosum. The interspecific somatic hybrids are currently being tested for frost tolerance and glycoalkaloid composition. Received: 19 January 1998 / Revision received: 27 March 1998 / Accepted: 20 April 1998  相似文献   

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