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Summary Systematic relationship among the 12 species of theDrosophila virilis species group, andDrosophila robusta, were investigated by the use of two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE). A total of 389 protein characters (about 200 loci) were scored and analyzed both phylogenetically and phenetically. The resulting phylogeny was found to be largely concordant with the current views of evolution among these species based on other independent morphological, chromosomal, electrophoretic, and immunological data sets, although some notable differences were observed. The 2-DE data also appeared to be useful for constructing a molecular clock to date the absolute times of divergence among the species. It appears from this analysis that the evolution of the major clades within the species group occurred about 20 million years ago. Previous suggestions that the rate of molecular evolution was different between the virilis and montana phylads was not confirmed. The technique of 2-DE seems to be an excellent tool for reconstructing phylogenies and should be particularly valuable for examining relatively closely related species.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of theGpdh gene from six taxa,D. virilis, D. lummei, D. novamexicana, D. a. americana, D. a. texana andD. ezoana, belonging to thevirilis species group was determined to examine details of evolutionary change in the structure of theGpdh gene. TheGpdh gene is comprised of one 5 non-translated region, eight exons, seven introns and three 3 non-translated regions. Exon/intron organization was identical in all the species examined, but different from that of mammals. Interspecific nucleotide divergence in the entireGpdh gene followed the common pattern: it was low in the exon, high in the intron and intermediate in the non-translated regions. The degree of nucleotide divergence differed within these regions, suggesting that selection exerts constraints differentially on nucleotide change of theGpdh gene. A phylogenetic tree of thevirilis phylad constructed from nucleotide variation of total sequence was consistent with those obtained from other data.Nucleotide sequences for theGpdh gene ofD. lummei, D. novamexicana, D. a. americana, D. a. texana andD. ezoana have been submitted to GenBank with accession numbers D50087, D50088, D50089, D50090 and D50091.  相似文献   

Summary Peripheral tissue of the imaginal wing disc gives rise to the proximal mesothoracic structures of the adult. Pieces of peripheral tissue, which have no regenerative capacity when cultured as intact fragments, are capable of distal outgrowth (regeneration) after dissociation and reaggregation. This ability depends on the region of the disc periphery from which the fragment is taken. Extensive distal outgrowth occurs in reaggreages of a fragment containing equal proportions of tissue from anterior and posterior developmental compartments. The extent of outgrowth decreases as the proportion of posterior tissue is reduced, so that a fragment containing only anterior tissue shows no regeneration after dissociation. Limited distal outgrowth occurs in reaggregates of a wholly posterior fragment, but the regenerative capacity is increased greatly when a small amount of anterior tissue is included. It is concluded that distal outgrowth in the wing disc requires an interaction between cells of the anterior and posterior compartments.  相似文献   

The males of most species of the HawaiianDrosophila planitibia group produce songs when vibrating their wings during courtship. In four of the most recently evolved species,D. differens, D. planitibia, D. heteroneura, andD. silvestris, these songs are simple in structure and possess a higher and more variable carrier frequency than the songs of the more ancestral species of the group. In the present paper, we studied the variation in wing song production and song characters in aD. planitibia population. Some males vibrated their wings at a very low amplitude or slow speed, producing no detectable sound. Other males produced sound bursts varying in carrier frequency and burst length. The carrier frequency of the song depended mainly on the wing posture of the male during wing vibrations and was consistent for individual males. Variation between males of different isofemale progenies was not significant in any measured song trait. Songs of the males recorded in the present study differed, however, from songs of the males of a laboratory strain recorded earlier.  相似文献   

Courtship song is known to vary among several groups of closely related species ofDrosophila. The present study investigates differences in song among four members of thequinaria group of fungal-breedingDrosophila which are known to coexist in Britain and the near-continent. Results show that the species can be distinguished by several song parameters including interpulse interval.D. phalerata is very different from the other three species, while there is considerable overlap betweenD. kuntzei andD. limbata in several characters.D. transversa appears to be more similar to the latter species than it is toD. phalerata. The question of mate choice and the potential for reproductive character displacement are discussed.  相似文献   

The courtship behavior of Drosophila sechelliais described. Male wing displays are mainly vibration and scissoring, with low levels of rowing. As courtship proceeds the proportion of courtship spent in male wing vibration and licking increases, whereas female movement decreases. The male courtship song of sechelliacontains pulse song but no sine song. This species also shows a distinctive copulation song associated with mounting and copulation. The main cuticular hydrocarbon in females is 7,11-heptacosadiene. The number of copulations increased when flies were placed in the presence of food. Visual and acoustic stimuli appear to be important for mating. A multidimensional comparison was used to compare members of the melanogaster species subgroup, based upon courtship behavior, song characteristics, and cuticular hydrocarbons. A multidimensional comparison of courtship sequences in sechellia, melanogaster, simulans,and mauritianashowed differences in variability between the two island species as compared to the two cosmopolitan species. The courtship song of D. orenais described: it shows both sine and pulse song; there is also a copulation song in this species.  相似文献   

Huttunen S  Vieira J  Hoikkala A 《Genetica》2002,115(2):159-167
Genes found to affect male courtship song characters in Drosophila melanogaster are good candidates when tracing genes responsible for species-specific songs in other Drosophila species. It has previously been shown that Thr–Gly repeat length variation at the period gene affects song traits in D. melanogaster, which gives the repetitive regions a special interest. In this work, we have characterised the patterns of nucleotide variation for gene regions containing two Gly and one Gln–Ala repeat in another D. melanogaster song gene, no-on-transient A, in D. virilis group species. The levels of nucleotide variability in D. virilis nonA were similar to those found for other genes of the species, and the gene sequences showed no signs of deviation from neutrality. The Gly 2 repeat preceding the central domain of the gene exhibited length variation, which did not, however, correlate with song variation either within D. virilis or between the species of D. virilis group. The Gly 3 repeat located on the other side of the central domain showed amino acid divergence parallel to the consensus phylogeny of the D. virilis group species. The species of the virilis subgroup having Asn after the first three glycines in this repeat have simple songs with no species-specificity, while the species of the montana subgroup having two Gly or Asn–Ser in this site have unique courtship songs. Amino acid differences between the species in this repeat may, however, reflect species phylogeny rather than have an effect on song divergence per se.  相似文献   

The courtship behavior and the effects of courtship song in inter- and intraspecific crosses were studied in the four sympatric species of the Drosophila auraria complex: D. auraria, D. biauraria, D. subauraria, and D. triauraria. Orientation, tapping, and vibration (the repertoires of male courtship) were observed in both inter- and intraspecific crosses, suggesting that signals from heterospecific females were enough to elicit such male behaviors. The crossability tests with wingless or winged heterospecific males (tests for wing effects) revealed that winged heterospecific males copulated less than wingless ones in all four species but not all the pairwise cases. Since the crossability tests with aristaless females (deaf) or normal females showed essentially the same results as the tests for wing effects, we concluded that the sound produced by wing vibration plays an important role and that the wing movement itself is less important. These findings suggest that courtship songs are of great importance in mate discrimination and the sexual isolation between the species of this complex.  相似文献   

Purification and properties of theDrosophila zen protein   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The zen protein is encoded by the zerknullt gene required for normal early development inDrosophila. Like many regulatory proteins of this type, zen contains a 60 amino acid homeobox sequence. We have purified the zen protein and studied its solution behavior and its interaction with DNA. The zen protein exists as a monomer in solution with a molecular weight of about 40000. It binds specifically to a site about 900 bases upstream from thezen gene. Within this binding site DNase protection experiments indicate that binding is confined to two regions approximately 11 and 14 bases in length that are separated by about 30 base pairs. The protein concentration dependence of the binding curve suggests that protein binding is non cooperative.  相似文献   

Lethal phases of the hybrids betweenDrosophila melanogaster and its sibling species,D. simulans are classified into three types: (1) embryonic lethality in hybrids carryingD. simulans cytoplasm andD. melanogaster X chromosome, (2) larval lethality in hybrids not carryingD. simulans X, and (3) temperature-sensitive pupal lethality in hybrids carryingD. simulans X. The same lethal phases are also observed when either of the two other sibling species,D. mauritiana orD. sechellia, is employed for hybridization withD. melanogaster. Here, we describe genetic analyses of each hybrid lethality, and demonstrate that these three types of lethality are independent phenomena. We then propose two models to interpret the mechanisms of each hybrid lethality. The first model is a modification of the conventional X/autosome imbalance hypothesis assuming a lethal gene and a suppressor gene are involved in the larval lethality, while the second model is for embryonic lethality assuming an interaction between a maternal-effect lethal gene and a suppressor gene.  相似文献   

The distribution of the transposable elementBari-1 inD. melanogaster andD. simulans was examined by Southern blot analysis and byin situ hybridization in a large number of strains of different geographical origins and established at different times.Bari-1 copies mostly homogeneous in size and physical map are detected in all strains tested. Both inD. melanogaster and inD. simulans a relatively high level of intraspecific insertion site polymorphism is detectable, suggesting that in both speciesBari-1 is or has been actively transposing. The main difference between the two sibling species is the presence of a large tadem array of the element in a well-defined heterochromatic location of theD. melanogaster genome, whereas such a cluster is absent inD. simulans. The presence ofBari-1 elements with apparently identical physical maps in allD. melanogaster andD. simulans strains examined suggests thatBari-1 is not a recent introduction in the genome of themelanogaster complex. Structural analysis reveals unusual features that distinguish it from other inverted repeat transposons, whereas many aspects are similar to the widely distributedTc1 element ofC. elegans.  相似文献   

Summary TheDrosophila chorion contains an endogenous peroxidase activity which remains inactive until late stage 14 when it catalyzes the crosslinking of the chorionic proteins. Using explanted follicles developing in vitro, premature, but otherwise normal crosslinking can be induced with hydrogen peroxide and normal crosslinking can be prevented with peroxidase inhibitors. Inhibition or premature activation of the shell peroxidase allows characterization of chorionic filament specific proteins and establishes new criteria for the identification of eggshell components.  相似文献   

Our present detailed understanding of the genetic mechanisms controlling segmentation has been made possible, in large part, by comprehensive screens of cuticular morphology that identified genes involved in epidermal patterning. To systematically identify genes involved in internal morphogenesis, specifically development of the gut, we have screened mutant embryos produced by a collection of 53 embryonic lethal mutations affecting embryonic pattern formation or differentiation, and a collection of 161 deficiencies covering, in aggregate, approximately 70% of the genome. Staining with the anti-crumbs antibody was used to characterize the Malpighian tubules and hindgut, as well as other internal organs. The geneshuckebein, tailless andwingless, and two previously undescribed loci at 24C/D and 68D/E, are required to establish the primordia for the posterior midgut and hindgut/Malpighian tubules. A locus in region 30A/C is required for extension of the midgut epithelium to surround the yolk, and region 36E/37F is required for outbudding of the Malpighian tubule primordia. Several deficiencies were identified that uncover loci with specific effects on the morphogenesis (elongation, lumen formation) of the hindgut and Malpighian tubules and on the formation of constrictions in the midgut.  相似文献   

Four species of the Drosophila virilis group, D. montana, D. littoralis, D. lummei, and D. ezoana, occur sympatrically in several locations in northern Europe. Courtship interactions between the flies of the three first-mentioned species were observed at malt baits in Kemi, northern Finland, to find out how the flies of different species recognize conspecific individuals and how interspecific courtships differ from intraspecific ones in the wild. Intraspecific courtships (including females of different reproductive stages) and interspecific courtships were also videotaped and analyzed in laboratory. In the wild the males courted both conspecific and allospecific females, even though the species varied in how much the males were attracted to females of different species. Interspecific courtships usually broke off when the male touched the female or when the male and/or the female vibrated his/her wings, producing acoustic cues. In the laboratory males courted conspecific females irrespective of the reproductive stage of the female, even though the courtships directed toward immature and fertilized females usually included only orienting and touching (no licking and singing). D. littoralis, and very rarely D. montana and D. lummei, males courted also allospecific females. In the few interspecific courtships between these three species, where the male proceeded to singing, females responded to male singing by vibrating their wings. This ended the courtship. It is suggested that both the chemical cues affecting female attractivity and the acoustic signals of males and females, which are produced by wing vibration, function in maintaining sexual isolation between these three species.  相似文献   

The Drosophila melanogaster species group is a popular model for evolutionary studies due to its morphological and ecological diversity and its inclusion of the model species D. melanogaster. However, phylogenetic relationships among major lineages within this species group remain controversial. In this report, the phylogeny of 10 species representing each of the well-supported monophyletic clades in the melanogaster group was studied using the sequences of 14 loci that together comprise 9493 nucleotide positions. Combined Bayesian analysis using gene-specific substitution models produced a 100% credible set of two trees. In the strict consensus of these trees, the ananassae subgroup branches first in the melanogaster species group, followed by the montium subgroup. The remaining lineages form a monophyletic clade in which D. ficusphila and D. elegans branch first, followed by D. biarmipes, D. eugracilis, and the melanogaster subgroup. This strongly supported phylogeny resolves most basal relationships in the melanogaster species group, and provides a framework that can be extended in the future to encompass more species.  相似文献   

Summary Decaying petioles of giant hogweed,Heracleum mantegazzianum Sommier & Levier, are used as a breeding site by six species ofDrosophila and the drosophilidScaptomyza pallida. The most numerous parasitoid species associated with this community isLeptopilina australis. BecauseL. australis was previously unknown in western Europe, we present the characters to distinguish it form its close relativeL. clavipes. Experiments on host species selection and survival ofL. australis showed that this parasitoid mainly usesD. limbata as host. Olfactometer experiments showed thatL. australis is attracted by the odour of decaying hogweed stalks, especially when these contain larvae ofD. limbata. L. australis is also strongly attracted by the odour of stinkhorns, a habitat in which it has never been found in nature.D. phalerata is the dominant fly species in stinkhorns, and is not a host ofL. australis. We offer a possible functional explanation for this unexpected habitat choice, by showing thatD. transversa andD. kuntzei, both species found to breed in fungi, are also suitable hosts forL. australis. We also discuss habitat choice with regard to a proposed phylogeny of theLeptopilina species in temperate Europe. Finally, we discuss niche overlap ofL. australis with the otherLeptopilina species.  相似文献   

The homologous genomic region that contains two paralogous genes,Adh andAdh-dup, was compared in severalDrosophila species. Sequences were analyzed as follows: a) At the nucleotide level, Ka and Ks values were determined for each pair of species. Ka-Adh and Ka-Adh-dup are not significantly different. However, Ks-Adh values are significantly lower than Ks-Adh-dup, which are more variable. In agreement with other reports, lower Ks values forAdh correlate with a high level of gene expression and relatively high percentage of G+C content in the third codon position, while the opposite applies toAdh-dup. b) At the protein level, amino acid comparisons reveal conserved regions shared by ADH and ADH-DUP, which have been assigned to known functional domains. Key residues for dehydrogenasic function are also found in ADH-DUP, thus pointing to a dehydrogenase activity for ADH-DUP, albeit very different from that of ADH.  相似文献   

Two endemic Australian Drosophila species, D. birchii and D. serrata, have a copulatory courtship, i.e., the males court the female mainly during copulation. In the present study we found the males of both species to mount their prospective mating partners selectively, exhibiting both sex and species recognition. The males began to sing after mounting the female, and they often exhibited also postcopulatory displays typical to copulatory courtship. D. birchii and D. serrata females discriminated against males which did not sing during mounting/copulation, which suggests that the females utilize cryptic female choice. Our findings raise the question of how widespread a phenomenon cryptic female choice is in Drosophila species.  相似文献   

P. Capy  J. R. David  D. L. Hartl 《Genetica》1992,86(1-3):37-46
The population biology and molecular evolution of the transposable element mariner has been studied in the eight species of the melanogaster subgroup of the Drosophila subgenus Sophophora. The element occurs in D. simulans, D. mauritiana, D. sechellia, D. teissieri, and D. yakuba, but is not found in D. melanogaster, D. erecta, or D. orena. Sequence comparisons suggest that the mariner element was present in the ancestor of the species subgroup and was lost in some of the lineages. Most species contain both active and inactive mariner elements. A deletion of most of the 3 end characterizes many elements in D. teissieri, but in other species the inactive elements differ from active ones only by simple nucleotide substitutions or small additions/deletions. Active mariner elements from all species are quite similar in nucleotide sequence, although there are some-species-specific differences. Many, but not all, of the inactive elements are also quite closely related. The genome of D. mauritiana contains 20–30 copies of mariner, that of D. simulans 0–10, and that of D. sechellia only two copies (at fixed positions in the genome). The mariner situation in D. sechellia may reflect a reduced effective population size owing to the restricted geographical range of this species and its ecological specialization to the fruit of Morinda citrifolia.  相似文献   

We have documented odor responses of all morphological classes of sensilla on the surface of theDrosophila antenna: sensilla basiconica, sensilla trichodea, and sensilla coeloconica. Both subtypes of s. basiconica, large and small, respond to odors. S. trichodea fall into different functional types. Type 1 appears narrowly tuned, as it responded only tocis-vaccenyl acetate, believed to be a pheromone. Type 2 responded totrans-2-hexenal and 4-methyl cyclohexanol. These two types of s. trichodea are differentially distributed on the antennal surface, and have dramatically different frequencies of spontaneous action potentials. Likewise, there are multiple types of s. coeloconica. One type is broadly tuned, responding most strongly to a test stimulus of butyric acid, but also to a variety of other odors; it is restricted to the dorso-medial portion of the third antennal segment. A second type gave detectable responses only totrans-2-hexenal. These results demonstrate that all classes of sensilla are olfactory, and they reveal the organizational complexity of theDrosophila olfactory system.  相似文献   

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