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Summary The mucAB operon carried on plasmid pKM101, which is an analogue of the umuDC operon of Escherichia coli, is involved in UV mutagenesis and mutagenesis induced by many chemicals. Mutagenesis dependent on either the umuDC or mucAB operon requires the function of the recA gene and is called SOS mutagenesis. By treating the cell with agents that damage DNA, RecA protein is activated by conversion into a form (RecA*) that mediates proteolytic cleavage of the LexA repressor and derepresses the SOS genes including mucAB. Since UmuD protein is proteolytically processed to an active form (UmuD*) in a RecA*-dependent fashion, and MucA shares extensive amino acid homology with UmuD, we examined whether MucA is similarly processed in the cell, using antiserum against a LacZ-MucA fusion protein. Like UmuD, MucA protein is indeed proteolytically processed in a RecA*-dependent fashion. In recA430 strains, MucAB but not UmuDC can mediate UV mutagenesis. However, MucA was not processed in the recA430 cells treated with mitomycin C. We constructed, by site-directed mutagenesis, several mutant mucA genes that encode MucA proteins with alterations in the amino acids flanking the putative cleavage site (Ala25-Gly26). MucA(Cys25) was processed and was as mutagenically active as wild-type MucA; MucA(Asp26) and MucA(Cys25,Asp26) were not processed, and were mutagenically inactive; MucA-(Thr25) was not processed, but was mutagenically as active as wild-type MucA. The mutant mucA gene that encoded the putative cleavage product of MucA was as active as mucA + in UV mutagenesis. These results raise the possibility that both the nascent MucA and the processed product are active in mutagenesis.  相似文献   

ThemucAB andrumAB loci have been shown to promote mutagenesis to a greater extent than the structurally and functionally homologousEscherichia coli umuDC operon. We have analyzed the basis of this enhanced mutagenesis by comparing the influence of these operons, relative toumuDC, on the mutagenic properties of each of two abasic sites, specifically located in a single-stranded vector. Experiments with these vectors are useful analytical tools because they provide independent estimates of the efficiency of translesion synthesis and of the relative frequencies of each type of nucleotide insertion or other kind of mutagenic event. TheumuDC, mucAB, andrumAB genes were expressed from their naturalLexA-regulated promoter on low-copy-number plasmids in isogenic strains carrying aumuDC deletion. In addition, plasmids expressing the UmuD'C, MucA'B, or RumA'B proteins were also used. Compared toumuDC, the chief effect ofmucAB was to increase the efficiency of translesion synthesis past the abasic site. The enhanced capacity ofmucAB for translesion synthesis depended about equally on an inherently greater capacity to promote this process and on a greater susceptibility of the MucA protein to proteolytic processing. The RumA protein also appeared to be more susceptible to proteolytic processing, but the inherent capacity of theRum products for translesion synthesis was no greater than that ofUmuDC. dAMP was inserted opposite one of the two abasic sites studied at a somewhat greater frequency in strains expressingrum (82%) compared to those expressingumu (72%), which might result in higher mutation frequencies inrumAB than inumuDC strains.  相似文献   

Quinacrine has been used for voluntary female non-surgical sterilization for its ability to produce tubal occlusion. Safety issues regarding quinacrine have been raised because it has been shown to intercalate with DNA. Therefore, safety issues need to be resolved by appropriate toxicology studies to support a review for human transcervical use. Such toxicology studies include mutagenicity assays. Here we report an evaluation of the genotoxicity of quinacrine dihydrochloride dihydrate (QH) using a battery of assays. In the bacterial mutagenicity assay, QH was strongly positive in Salmonella typhimurium tester strain TA1537 with and without S9-activation and in S. typhimurium tester strain TA98 with S9-activation; QH was also strongly positive in Escherichia coli WP2 uvrA without S9-activation. QH was not mutagenic in S. typhimurium tester strains TA100 and TA1535 with and without S9-activation. QH was mutagenic in the mouse lymphoma assay in the absence of S9-activation. QH was clastogenic in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, with and without S9-activation. QH was negative for polyploidy in the same chromosome aberration test. Using a triple intraperitoneal injection treatment protocol in both male and female mice, QH was negative in the in vivo mouse micronucleated erythrocyte (micronucleus) assay. These results confirm that QH is mutagenic and clastogenic in vitro and suggest a potential risk to human health due to QH exposure after intrauterine exposure.  相似文献   

Catalytic reforming is a refining process that converts naphthenes to aromatics by dehydrogenation to make higher octane gasoline blending components. A portion of this wide boiling range hydrocarbon stream can be separated by distillation and used for other purposes. One such application is a mixture of predominantly 9-carbon aromatic molecules (C9 aromatics, primarily isomers of ethyltoluene and trimethylbenzene), which is removed and used as a solvent — high-flash aromatic naphtha. A program was initiated to assess the toxicological properties of high-flash aromatic naphtha since there may be human exposure through inhalation or external body contact. The current study was conducted partly to assess the potential for mutagenic activity and also to assist in an assessment of carcinogenic potential. The specific tests utilized included the Salmonella/mammalian microsome mutagenicity assay, the hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (HGPRT) forward mutation assay in CHO cells, in vitro chromosome aberration and sister chromatid exchange (SCE) assays in CHO cells, and an in vivo chromosome aberration assay in rat bone marrow.There was no evidence that high-flash aromatic naphtha was either a gene or chromosomal mutagen. Thus it is unlikely to be a genotoxic carcinogen.Abbreviations Brdu 5-Bromo-2-deoxyuridine - C9 Aromatic species with 9 carbons (i.e., ethyl toluene and trimethyl benzene isomers) - CE Cloning efficiency - CHO Chinese hamster embryo - CP Cyclophosphamide - DMSO Dimethyl sulfoxide - HGPRT Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase - HVAC Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning - 3MC 3 Methylcholanthrene - MMC Mitomycin C - MMS Methyl methanesulfonate - S9 S9 Mammalian microsomal enzyme activation mixture - SCE Sister chromatid exchange  相似文献   

Current biosynthetic methods for producing proteins containing site-specifically incorporated unnatural amino acids are inefficient because the majority of the amino acid goes unused. Here we present a universal approach to improve the efficiency of such processes using condensed Escherichia coli cultures.  相似文献   

Mutagenic factors of biological origin on the example of carbohydrate-binding proteins are observed. An attempt to summarize the existing data concerning participation of exogenous macromolecules in the mutagenic process is made. Mechanisms of the influence of exogenous macromolecules on mutagenesis, proliferation, and surviving of mammalian cells are discussed.  相似文献   

Avian retroviruses lacking an oncogene, such as Rous-associated virus 1 (RAV-1), RAV-2, and td mutants of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV), can nevertheless cause leukemias and other neoplastic diseases. During this process, viral DNA integrates near a cellular proto-oncogene, such as c-myc, and thus de-regulates its expression. The virus RAV-0, on the other hand, is known to be non-oncogenic even in long-term in vivo infections of domestic chickens. The major difference between oncogenic and non-oncogenic viruses is found within the U3 region of the long terminal repeat (LTR) which is known to harbor the promoter and enhancer elements. We therefore wanted to see whether viral oncogenicity was correlated with enhancer activity. Using a variety of techniques (including the SV40 'enhancer trap' from which we obtained RSV-SV40 recombinant viruses), we demonstrate that a strong enhancer exists within the LTRs of both RSV and RAV-1. In contrast, no enhancer is present in RAV-0, although RAV-0 has functional promoter elements. Our data therefore strongly support a concept of oncogenesis by enhancer insertion.  相似文献   

The use of bicistronic vectors, which contain two target genes under one promoter, has been the most common practice for the heterologous production of binary protein complexes. The major problem of this method is the much lower expression of the second gene compared with that of the first gene next to the promoter. We tested a simple idea of whether inclusion of an additional promoter in front of the second gene may remove the problem. Compared with bicistronic vectors, corresponding two-promoter vectors yielded four to nine times larger amounts of the complexes between BCL-2 family proteins, BCL-X(L):BAD, BCL-X(L):BIM-S, and CED-9:EGL-1 in bacterial cells as a result of significantly increased expression of the second genes in a manner independent of the order of the target genes. With the two-promoter system, we produced two other complexes in large quantity suitable for extensive crystallization trial. The method does not accompany any technical disadvantages, and represents a significant improvement from the conventional method, which should enjoy wide application for the coexpression of binary or higher order protein complexes by extension.  相似文献   

Signal peptides direct the export of secretory proteins from the cytoplasm. After processing by signal peptidase, they are degraded in the membrane and cytoplasm. The resulting fragments can have signaling functions. These observations suggest important roles for signal peptide peptidases. The present studies show that the Gram-positive eubacterium Bacillus subtilis contains two genes for proteins, denoted SppA and TepA, with similarity to the signal peptide peptidase A of Escherichia coli. Notably, TepA also shows similarity to ClpP proteases. SppA of B. subtilis was only required for efficient processing of pre-proteins under conditions of hyper-secretion. In contrast, TepA depletion had a strong effect on pre-protein translocation across the membrane and subsequent processing, not only under conditions of hyper-secretion. Unlike SppA, which is a typical membrane protein, TepA appears to have a cytosolic localization, which is consistent with the observation that TepA is involved in early stages of the secretion process. Our observations demonstrate that SppA and TepA have a role in protein secretion in B. subtilis. Based on their similarity to known proteases, it seems likely that SppA and TepA are specifically required for the degradation of proteins or (signal) peptides that are inhibitory to protein translocation.  相似文献   

Enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) was fused with staphylococcal protein A (SpA) and used as a substrate for proteases. An SpA-EGFP assay was done in three steps: (i) digestion of SpA-EGFP by proteases, (ii) addition of rabbit IgG immobilized on Sepharose beads, and (iii) measurement of the fluorescence intensity of supernatant. The assay was sensitive enough to measure picogram levels of trypsin and chymotrypsin, and may be applicable to various other proteases as one of the most sensitive methods.  相似文献   

Molecular farming of pharmaceuticals in plants has the potential to provide almost unlimited amounts of recombinant proteins for use in disease diagnosis, prevention or treatment. Tobacco has been and will continue to be a major crop for molecular farming and offers several practical advantages over other crops. It produces significant leaf biomass, has high soluble protein content and is a non-food crop, minimizing the risk of food-chain contamination. This, combined with its flexibility and highly-efficient genetic transformation/regeneration, has made tobacco particularly well suited for plant-based production of biopharmaceutical products. The goal of this review is to provide an update on the use of tobacco for molecular farming of biopharmaceuticals as well the technologies developed to enhance protein production/purification/efficacy. We show that tobacco is a robust biological reactor with a multitude of applications and may hold the key to success in plant molecular farming.  相似文献   

E Vogel 《Mutation research》1975,29(2):241-250
The Drosophila system is a valuable test for detecting and characterizing mutagenic agents. Tester strains are available or can be synthesized for determining almost all types of genetical change ranging from gene mutations to chromosome rearrangements in a great variety of cell types of both sexes. Metabolic activation of all groups of indirect mutagens tested so far (aryldialkyltriazenes, cyclophosphamides, nitrosamines, azo-, hydrazo- and azoxyalkanes, aflatoxins, and polycyclic hydrocarbons; about 35 representatives in all), gives strong although indirect support for the considerable metabolizing ability of Drosophila. This capability would be expected from comprehensive biochemical data on bioactivation of foreign compounds in other insects. From a comparison of which types of genetical change are induced at high, low and threshold concentrations, it appears that lethal tests remain the most reliable method for any screening program. Mutagenic agents such as diethylnitrosamine, hycanthone and certain triazenes, which are highly efficient in the induction of recessive lethals (gene mutations and/or deficiencies), would not have been detected in Drosophila if chromosome breakage were the only indicator for mutagenic activity. Moreover, for several mono- and polyfunctional agents, the lowest dose which is still genetically active was definitely lowest for recessive lethals when compared with dominant lethals, chromosome rearrangements or loss. If a new mutagen is discovered by a screening procedure using Drosophila, an accurate picture of its ability to cause either or both gene mutations and chromosome aberrations can be drawn. Such work will be valuable in helping to clarify similar problems in mammalian systems. For instance, it was important to learn that mutagens of the nitrosamine type apparently fail to produce breakage events in Drosophila. Similarly, three cyclophosphamides appeared not to have chromosome breaking ability. However, from a more detailed study, in which a series of concentrations was used, it became obvious that a penetration effect or, more likely, a rate-limiting factor in bioactivation, was the cause of the negative results obtained with these agents.  相似文献   

Antibodies with desired specificity to proteins of interest provide important and versatile tools for detecting and localizing specific proteins in organisms. With the rapidly increasing number of genes cloned, the demand for antibodies to the gene products is increasing greatly. We developed a procedure to isolate highly specific antibodies to an insect intestinal mucin (IIM) from a polyclonal antiserum, which served as a "library of antibodies," by using an E. coli lysate of the IIM cDNA clone. This procedure allows rapid and efficient isolation of target protein specific antibodies from a polyclonal antiserum made against a pool of antigens.  相似文献   

A protein located on the surface of guinea pig sperm (PH-30) has been implicated in the process of sperm-egg fusion (Primakoff, P., H. Hyatt, and J. Tredick-Kline. 1987. J. Cell Biol. 104:141-149). In this paper we have assessed basic biochemical properties of PH-30 and have analyzed the molecular forms of PH-30 present at different stages of sperm maturation. We show the following: (a) PH-30 is an integral membrane glycoprotein; (b) it is composed of two tightly associated and immunologically distinct subunits; (c) both subunits are made as larger precursors; (d) processing of the two subunits occurs at different developmental stages; (e) the final processing step occurs in the region of the epididymis where sperm become fertilization competent; (f) processing can be mimicked in vitro; (g) processing exposes at least two new epitopes on PH-30-one of the newly exposed epitopes is recognized by a fusion-inhibitory monoclonal antibody. These results are discussed in terms of the possible role of PH-30 in mediating fusion with the egg plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Synthesis of a highly efficient cDNA library.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

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