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Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy in cattle, was first described in England by Wells et al. (1987). The infection occurs mainly due to digestion of feedstuffs containing ruminant derived protein in form of meat and bone meal contaminated with a scrapie-like agent (Wilesmith et al. 1991). Later, cases of BSE were diagnosed in the Republic of Ireland, Oman, France, and Switzerland (Marinovic & Senn 1991). This report describes the first case of BSE in Denmark.  相似文献   

We previously reported that some cattle affected by bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) showed distinct molecular features of the protease-resistant prion protein (PrPres) in Western blot, with a 1–2 kDa higher apparent molecular mass of the unglycosylated PrPres associated with labelling by antibodies against the 86–107 region of the bovine PrP protein (H-type BSE). By Western blot analyses of PrPres, we now showed that the essential features initially described in cattle were observed with a panel of different antibodies and were maintained after transmission of the disease in C57Bl/6 mice. In addition, antibodies against the C-terminal region of PrP revealed a second, more C-terminally cleaved, form of PrPres (PrPres #2), which, in unglycosylated form, migrated as a ≈ 14 kDa fragment. Furthermore, a PrPres fragment of ≈7 kDa, which was not labelled by C-terminus-specific antibodies and was thus presumed to be a product of cleavage at both N- and C-terminal sides of PrP protein, was also detected. Both PrPres #2 and ≈7 kDa PrPres were detected in cattle and in C57Bl/6 infected mice. These complex molecular features are reminiscent of findings reported in human prion diseases. This raises questions regarding the respective origins and pathogenic mechanisms in prion diseases of animals and humans.Key Words: prion, BSE, Creutzfeldt-Jakob, Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker, Western blot, amyloid  相似文献   

Prion diseases are rare fatal neurological conditions of humans and animals, one of which (variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease) is known to be a zoonotic form of the cattle disease bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). What makes one animal prion disease zoonotic and others not is poorly understood, but it appears to involve compatibility between the prion strain and the host prion protein sequence. Concerns have been raised that the United Kingdom sheep flock may have been exposed to BSE early in the cattle BSE epidemic and that serial BSE transmission in sheep might have resulted in adaptation of the agent, which may have come to phenotypically resemble scrapie while maintaining its pathogenicity for humans. We have modeled this scenario in vitro. Extrapolation from our results suggests that if BSE were to infect sheep in the field it may, with time and in some sheep genotypes, become scrapie-like at the molecular level. However, the results also suggest that if BSE in sheep were to come to resemble scrapie it would lose its ability to affect humans.  相似文献   

Seven peptides matching fragments of the prion protein and containing from 17 to 31 amino acid residues were synthesized to obtain antibodies for diagnostics of bovine spongiform encephalopathy. Rabbits were immunized with either free peptides or peptide–protein conjugates to result in sera with a high level of antipeptide antibodies. Immunohistochemical assay revealed sera against four free peptides and a protein–peptide conjugate, which effectively bind to the pathogenic isoform of the prion protein in brain tissue preparations from cattle afflicted with bovine spongiform encephalopathy and do not interact with normal brain preparations. The resulting antipeptide sera can be used in developing a diagnostic kit for bovine spongiform encephalopathy.  相似文献   

Although measures to control bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) had been in force in the United Kingdom for many years and had resulted in a marked decline in clinical cases, the announcement by the Secretary of State for Health on March 20, 1996, that a new variant form of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease may be linked with exposure to BSE, resulted in the introduction of several new control measures. These measures included a scheme banning human consumption of meat from cattle who were more than 30 months old (the so-called "over 30-month scheme;" OTMS), a subsidy for slaughter of calves, and additional inspections of abattoirs. The altered slaughter procedures and lack of rendering facilities meant an initial backlog of OTMS animals having to remain on farms. This placed pressures on accommodation and feed stocks, the latter being in short supply because of a poor grass growth the previous summer. Initially, the long delay before the removal of casualty animals from the farm resulted in increased summer mastitis problems for nonlactating cows. The export of calves to the European Union for veal production was banned, thereby allowing the cessation of a previously legal trade that was considered distasteful by many members of the general public. Financial concerns disturbed and continue to disturb affected farmers.  相似文献   

Strains of Clostridium perfringens and culturally similar species which also may grow on selective isolation media for this organism were examined by conventional confirmatory tests, the API ZYM system and by individual tests for phosphatase and glutamic acid decarboxylase activity.
API ZYM tests, involving 19 different enzymes, confirmed the known similarity between Cl. perfringens, Cl. absonum, Cl. paraperfringens and Cl. sardiniensis but effectively distinguished this group from Cl. bifermentans, Cl. celatum, Cl. perenne and Cl. sordellii. A similar separation was achieved by a single test for acid phosphatase which could be applied to individual colonies on a plating medium.
Because the acid phosphatase test was found to be of greater value than nitrate reduction in distinguishing Cl. perfringens , it could replace the latter in the usual series of confirmatory tests. It is suggested that strains from Cl. perfringens isolation media should be screened for acid phosphatase activity at the purification stage and only positive strains subjected to further tests.
It was found that Cl. perfringens could not be distinguished from the other species on the basis of glutamate decarboxylase activity.  相似文献   



Untreated maternal syphilis leads to adverse pregnancy outcomes. The use of point of care tests (POCT) offers an opportunity to improve screening coverage for syphilis and other aspects of health systems. Our objective is to present the experience of the introduction of POCT for syphilis in Peru and describe how new technology can catalyze health system strengthening.


The study was implemented from September 2009–November 2010 to assess the feasibility of the use of a POCT for syphilis for screening pregnant women in Lima, Peru. Outcomes measured included access to syphilis screening, treatment coverage, partner treatment, effect on patient flow and service efficiency, acceptability among providers and patients, and sustainability.


Before the introduction of POCT, a pregnant woman needed 6 visits to the health center in 27 days before she received her syphilis result. We trained 604 health providers and implemented the POCT for syphilis as the “two for one strategy”, offering with one finger stick both syphilis and HIV testing. Implementation of the POCT resulted in testing and treatment on the first visit. Screening and treatment coverages for syphilis improved significantly compared with the previous year. Implementation of POCT has been scaled up nationally since the study ended, and coverages for screening, treatment and partner treatment have remained over 92%.


Implementation of POCT for syphilis proved feasible and acceptable, and led to improvement in several aspects of health services. For the process to be effective we highlight the importance of: (1) engaging the authorities; (2) dissipating tensions between providers and identifying champions; (3) training according to the needs; (4) providing monitoring, supervision, support and recognition; (5) sharing results and discussing actions together; (6) consulting and obtaining feedback from users; and (7) integrating with other services such as with rapid HIV testing.  相似文献   



The recent discovery of CALR mutations in essential thrombocythemia (ET) and primary myelofibrosis (PMF) patients without JAK2/MPL mutations has emerged as a relevant finding for the molecular diagnosis of these myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN). We tested the feasibility of high-resolution melting (HRM) as a screening method for rapid detection of CALR mutations.


CALR was studied in wild-type JAK2/MPL patients including 34 ET, 21 persistent thrombocytosis suggestive of MPN and 98 suspected secondary thrombocytosis. CALR mutation analysis was performed through HRM and Sanger sequencing. We compared clinical features of CALR-mutated versus 45 JAK2/MPL-mutated subjects in ET.


Nineteen samples showed distinct HRM patterns from wild-type. Of them, 18 were mutations and one a polymorphism as confirmed by direct sequencing. CALR mutations were present in 44% of ET (15/34), 14% of persistent thrombocytosis suggestive of MPN (3/21) and none of the secondary thrombocytosis (0/98). Of the 18 mutants, 9 were 52 bp deletions, 8 were 5 bp insertions and other was a complex mutation with insertion/deletion. No mutations were found after sequencing analysis of 45 samples displaying wild-type HRM curves. HRM technique was reproducible, no false positive or negative were detected and the limit of detection was of 3%.


This study establishes a sensitive, reliable and rapid HRM method to screen for the presence of CALR mutations.  相似文献   

In this paper we are concerned with test procedures for umbrella alternatives in the k-sample location problem. Distribution-free tests are considered for both cases where the peak of the umbrella is known or unknown. Comparative results of a Monte Carlo power study are presented.  相似文献   



Although rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) have practical advantages over light microscopy (LM) and good sensitivity in severe falciparum malaria in Africa, their utility where severe non-falciparum malaria occurs is unknown. LM, RDTs and polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based methods have limitations, and thus conventional comparative malaria diagnostic studies employ imperfect gold standards. We assessed whether, using Bayesian latent class models (LCMs) which do not require a reference method, RDTs could safely direct initial anti-infective therapy in severe ill children from an area of hyperendemic transmission of both Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax.

Methods and Findings

We studied 797 Papua New Guinean children hospitalized with well-characterized severe illness for whom LM, RDT and nested PCR (nPCR) results were available. For any severe malaria, the estimated prevalence was 47.5% with RDTs exhibiting similar sensitivity and negative predictive value (NPV) to nPCR (≥96.0%). LM was the least sensitive test (87.4%) and had the lowest NPV (89.7%), but had the highest specificity (99.1%) and positive predictive value (98.9%). For severe falciparum malaria (prevalence 42.9%), the findings were similar. For non-falciparum severe malaria (prevalence 6.9%), no test had the WHO-recommended sensitivity and specificity of >95% and >90%, respectively. RDTs were the least sensitive (69.6%) and had the lowest NPV (96.7%).


RDTs appear a valuable point-of-care test that is at least equivalent to LM in diagnosing severe falciparum malaria in this epidemiologic situation. None of the tests had the required sensitivity/specificity for severe non-falciparum malaria but the number of false-negative RDTs in this group was small.  相似文献   



Despite the benefits of malaria diagnosis, most presumed malaria episodes are never tested. A primary reason is the absence of diagnostic tests in retail establishments, where many patients seek care. Malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) in drug shops hold promise for guiding appropriate treatment. However, retail providers generally lack awareness of RDTs and training to administer them. Further, unsubsidized RDTs may be unaffordable to patients and unattractive to retailers. This paper reports results from an intervention study testing the feasibility of RDT distribution in Ugandan drug shops.

Methods and Findings

92 drug shops in 58 villages were offered subsidized RDTs for sale after completing training. Data on RDT purchases, storage, administration and disposal were collected, and samples were sent for quality testing. Household surveys were conducted to capture treatment outcomes. Estimated daily RDT sales varied substantially across shops, from zero to 8.46 RDTs per days. Overall compliance with storage, treatment and disposal guidelines was excellent. All RDTs (100%) collected from shops passed quality testing. The median price charged for RDTs was 1000USH ($0.40), corresponding to a 100% markup, and the same price as blood slides in local health clinics. RDTs affected treatment decisions. RDT-positive patients were 23 percentage points more likely to buy Artemisinin Combination Therapies (ACTs) (p = .005) and 33.1 percentage points more likely to buy other antimalarials (p<.001) than RDT-negative patients, and were 5.6 percentage points more likely to buy ACTs (p = .05) and 31.4 percentage points more likely to buy other antimalarials (p<.001) than those not tested at all.


Despite some heterogeneity, shops demonstrated a desire to stock RDTs and use them to guide treatment recommendations. Most shops stored, administered and disposed of RDTs properly and charged mark-ups similar to those charged on common medicines. Results from this study suggest that distributing RDTs through the retail sector is feasible and can reduce inappropriate treatment for suspected malaria.  相似文献   



Effective infectious disease control requires early diagnosis and treatment initiation. Point-of-care testing offers rapid turn-around-times, facilitating same day clinical management decisions. To maximize the benefits of such POC testing programs, we need to understand how rapid tests are used in everyday clinical practice.


In this cross-sectional survey study, 400 primary healthcare providers in two cities in South Africa were interviewed on their use of rapid tests in general, and tuberculosis diagnostic practices, between September 2012 and June 2013. Public healthcare facilities were selected using probability-sampling techniques and private healthcare providers were randomly selected from the Health Professional Council of South Africa list. To ascertain differences between the two healthcare sectors 2-sample z-tests were used to compare sample proportions.


The numbers of providers interviewed were equally distributed between the public (n = 200) and private sector (n = 200). The most frequently reported tests in the private sector include blood pressure (99.5%), glucose finger prick (89.5%) and urine dipstick (38.5%); and in the public sector were pregnancy (100%), urine dipstick (100%), blood pressure (100%), glucose finger prick (99%) and HIV rapid test (98%). The majority of TB testing occurs in the public sector, where significantly more providers prefer Xpert MTB/RIF assay, the designated clinical TB diagnostic tool by the national TB program, as compared to the private sector (87% versus 71%, p-value >0.0001). Challenges with regard to TB diagnosis included the long laboratory turn-around-time, difficulty in obtaining sputum samples and lost results. All providers indicated that a new POC test for TB should be rapid and cheap, have good sensitivity and specificity, ease of sample acquisition, detect drug-resistance and work in HIV-infected persons.


The existing centralized laboratory services, poor quality assurance, and lack of staff capacity deter the use of more rapid tests at POC. Further research into the practices and choices of these providers is necessary to aid the development of new POC tests.  相似文献   

Abstract: The pH optimum of native adrenal medulla tyrosine hydroxylase activity is shifted from 5.8 to 6.4 by polyanions (heparin, dextran sulphate), salts (NaCl, Na2SO4) and the anionic buffer 2-( N -morpholino)ethanesulphonic acid (MES). Simultaneously, the activity at the optimal pH is increased. Kinetic studies have shown that this activation is associated with a decrease of the apparent K m of the enzyme for the cofactor 6,7-dimethyltetrahydropterin (DMPH4) and an increase in the V max for tyrosine and DMPH4. The K m for the tyrosine remained unchanged. These data have been interpreted in terms of the polyelectrolyte theory. The adsorption of tyrosine hydroxylase on various affinity gels containing heparin, dextran sulphate or unsulphated polymer dextran as ligands indicate that the activation of the enzyme is mediated by electrostatic interactions with the anionic species. The site of electrostatic interaction possesses some specificity since the binding constants are higher for heparin or dextran sulphate than for NaCl or MES buffer. Moreover, 3-( N -morpholino)propanesulphonic acid (MOPS) a slightly structurally different buffer inhibits the enzyme activity whereas N -(2-acetamido)-2-amino-ethanesulphonic acid (ACES) has no effect. A limited proteolytic digestion which preserves the enzymatic activity, destroys the effects of the anions. The isoelectric point and the molecular parameters of tyrosine hydroxylase are markedly altered after limited digestion. It is therefore suggested that the interaction between the hydroxylase and anionic compounds occurs on a part of the protein which is different from the active site and which is lost by proteolysis. This portion of the protein might be involved in regulation of native tyrosine hydroxylase.  相似文献   

A computer-assisted probabilistic identification technique was developed to identify species of the genus Bacillus known to be potentially pathogenic and/or frequently found as contaminants in pharmaceutical preparations. An identification matrix on 18 species of the genus Bacillus was constructed. Twenty-four biochemical tests were used. The reaction profile of each species was quantified in probability terms and called up on a computer. The computer method was used on 30 test cultures. In each case, the most likely identification, according to the computer method, was the species to which the strain had already been assigned. In 29 of the 30 cases, the identification was with a probability level of one; in seven of these, however, more than one species tied for first choice. Only one strain was identified with a lower level of probability. The technique developed is comparatively easy to use and would seem to constitute a useful diagnostic tool within the pharmaceutical field.  相似文献   

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