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In this paper, we extend a framework for constructing low-dimensional dynamical systems models of mammalian primary visual cortex to a cortical network model that incorporates the full nonlinear effects of complex cells. The procedure consists of capturing the essential dynamics in a low-dimensional subspace using empirical methods, then recasting the equations in the reduced vector space. Previously, we considered visual cortical network models consisting of only simple cells with nearly linear responses to external stimuli. Here we show that fully nonlinear effects can be incorporated by examining the dimensional reduction of an idealized ring model of V1 with both simple and complex cells. We found it expedient to divide the subspace into four separate neuronal populations: excitatory simple, excitatory complex, inhibitory simple and inhibitory complex. In order to reproduce the fluctuation-driven dynamics in this reduced space, we incorporated (1) white noises with different intensities into individual neuronal populations, and (2) firing rate estimates to capture the probability of firing due to subthreshold fluctuations. With a more accurate, fitted connectivity, our modified dimensional reduced models can reproduce the firing rates, circular variances and modulation ratios observed in the original ring model.  相似文献   

The response of a neuron in the visual cortex to stimuli of different contrast placed in its receptive field is commonly characterized using the contrast response curve. When attention is directed into the receptive field of a V4 neuron, its contrast response curve is shifted to lower contrast values (Reynolds et al., 2000). The neuron will thus be able to respond to weaker stimuli than it responded to without attention. Attention also increases the coherence between neurons responding to the same stimulus (Fries et al., 2001). We studied how the firing rate and synchrony of a densely interconnected cortical network varied with contrast and how they were modulated by attention. The changes in contrast and attention were modeled as changes in driving current to the network neurons. We found that an increased driving current to the excitatory neurons increased the overall firing rate of the network, whereas variation of the driving current to inhibitory neurons modulated the synchrony of the network. We explain the synchrony modulation in terms of a locking phenomenon during which the ratio of excitatory to inhibitory firing rates is approximately constant for a range of driving current values. We explored the hypothesis that contrast is represented primarily as a drive to the excitatory neurons, whereas attention corresponds to a reduction in driving current to the inhibitory neurons. Using this hypothesis, the model reproduces the following experimental observations: (1) the firing rate of the excitatory neurons increases with contrast; (2) for high contrast stimuli, the firing rate saturates and the network synchronizes; (3) attention shifts the contrast response curve to lower contrast values; (4) attention leads to stronger synchronization that starts at a lower value of the contrast compared with the attend-away condition. In addition, it predicts that attention increases the delay between the inhibitory and excitatory synchronous volleys produced by the network, allowing the stimulus to recruit more downstream neurons. Action Editor: David Golomb  相似文献   

A model of texture discrimination in visual cortex was built using a feedforward network with lateral interactions among relatively realistic spiking neural elements. The elements have various membrane currents, equilibrium potentials and time constants, with action potentials and synapses. The model is derived from the modified programs of MacGregor (1987). Gabor-like filters are applied to overlapping regions in the original image; the neural network with lateral excitatory and inhibitory interactions then compares and adjusts the Gabor amplitudes in order to produce the actual texture discrimination. Finally, a combination layer selects and groups various representations in the output of the network to form the final transformed image material. We show that both texture segmentation and detection of texture boundaries can be represented in the firing activity of such a network for a wide variety of synthetic to natural images. Performance details depend most strongly on the global balance of strengths of the excitatory and inhibitory lateral interconnections. The spatial distribution of lateral connective strengths has relatively little effect. Detailed temporal firing activities of single elements in the lateral connected network were examined under various stimulus conditions. Results show (as in area 17 of cortex) that a single element's response to image features local to its receptive field can be altered by changes in the global context.  相似文献   

Recent experimental results imply that inhibitory postsynaptic potentials can play a functional role in realizing synchronization of neuronal firing in the brain. In order to examine the relation between inhibition and synchronous firing of neurons theoretically, we analyze possible effects of synchronization and sensitivity enhancement caused by inhibitory inputs to neurons with a biologically realistic model of the Hodgkin-Huxley equations. The result shows that, after an inhibitory spike, the firing probability of a single postsynaptic neuron exposed to random excitatory background activity oscillates with time. The oscillation of the firing probability can be related to synchronous firing of neurons receiving an inhibitory spike simultaneously. Further, we show that when an inhibitory spike input precedes an excitatory spike input, the presence of such preceding inhibition raises the firing probability peak of the neuron after the excitatory input. The result indicates that an inhibitory spike input can enhance the sensitivity of the postsynaptic neuron to the following excitatory spike input. Two neural network models based on these effects on postsynaptic neurons caused by inhibitory inputs are proposed to demonstrate possible mechanisms of detecting particular spatiotemporal spike patterns. Received: 15 April 1999 /Accepted in revised form: 25 November 1999  相似文献   

Randomly connected populations of spiking neurons display a rich variety of dynamics. However, much of the current modeling and theoretical work has focused on two dynamical extremes: on one hand homogeneous dynamics characterized by weak correlations between neurons, and on the other hand total synchrony characterized by large populations firing in unison. In this paper we address the conceptual issue of how to mathematically characterize the partially synchronous “multiple firing events” (MFEs) which manifest in between these two dynamical extremes. We further develop a geometric method for obtaining the distribution of magnitudes of these MFEs by recasting the cascading firing event process as a first-passage time problem, and deriving an analytical approximation of the first passage time density valid for large neuron populations. Thus, we establish a direct link between the voltage distributions of excitatory and inhibitory neurons and the number of neurons firing in an MFE that can be easily integrated into population–based computational methods, thereby bridging the gap between homogeneous firing regimes and total synchrony.  相似文献   

The relevant scale for the study of the electrical activity of neural networks is a problem of mathematical and biological interest. From a continuous model of the cortex activity we derive a simple model of an interconnected pair of excitatory and inhibitory neural populations that describes the activity of a homogeneous network. Our model depends on three parameters that stand for the scale variability of the network. A bifurcation analysis reveals a great variety of patterns that arise from the interplay of excitatory and inhibitory populations provided by synaptic interactions. We emphasize the differences between the dynamical regimes when considering a moderate and a high inhibitory scale. We discuss the consequences on a propagating activity.  相似文献   

Phase coding in a neural network composed of neural oscillators with inhibitory neurons was studied based on the theory of stochastic phase dynamics. We found that with increasing the coupling coefficients of inhibitory neural oscillators, the firing density in excitatory population transits to a critical state. In this case, when we increase the inhibitory coupling, the firing density will come into dynamic balance again and tend to a fixed value gradually. According to the phenomenon, in the paper we found parameter regions to exhibit those different population states, called dividing zones including flat fading zone, rapid fading zone and critical zone. Based on the dividing zones we can choose the number ratio between inhibitory neurons and excitatory neurons in the neural network, and estimate the coupling action of inhibitory population and excitatory population. Our research also shows that the balance value, enabling the firing density to reach the dynamic balance, does not depend on initial conditions. In addition, the critical value in critical state is only related to the number ratio between inhibitory neurons and excitatory neurons, but is independent of inhibitory coupling and excitatory coupling.  相似文献   

The responses of neurons in sensory cortex depend on the summation of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs. How the excitatory and inhibitory inputs scale with stimulus depends on the network architecture, which ranges from the lateral inhibitory configuration where excitatory inputs are more narrowly tuned than inhibitory inputs, to the co-tuned configuration where both are tuned equally. The underlying circuitry that gives rise to lateral inhibition and co-tuning is yet unclear. Using large-scale network simulations with experimentally determined connectivity patterns and simulations with rate models, we show that the spatial extent of the input determined the configuration: there was a smooth transition from lateral inhibition with narrow input to co-tuning with broad input. The transition from lateral inhibition to co-tuning was accompanied by shifts in overall gain (reduced), output firing pattern (from tonic to phasic) and rate-level functions (from non-monotonic to monotonically increasing). The results suggest that a single cortical network architecture could account for the extended range of experimentally observed response types between the extremes of lateral inhibitory versus co-tuned configurations.  相似文献   

Behavioural and neurophysiological studies in primates have increasingly shown the involvement of urgency signals during the temporal integration of sensory evidence in perceptual decision-making. Neuronal correlates of such signals have been found in the parietal cortex, and in separate studies, demonstrated attention-induced gain modulation of both excitatory and inhibitory neurons. Although previous computational models of decision-making have incorporated gain modulation, their abstract forms do not permit an understanding of the contribution of inhibitory gain modulation. Thus, the effects of co-modulating both excitatory and inhibitory neuronal gains on decision-making dynamics and behavioural performance remain unclear. In this work, we incorporate time-dependent co-modulation of the gains of both excitatory and inhibitory neurons into our previous biologically based decision circuit model. We base our computational study in the context of two classic motion-discrimination tasks performed in animals. Our model shows that by simultaneously increasing the gains of both excitatory and inhibitory neurons, a variety of the observed dynamic neuronal firing activities can be replicated. In particular, the model can exhibit winner-take-all decision-making behaviour with higher firing rates and within a significantly more robust model parameter range. It also exhibits short-tailed reaction time distributions even when operating near a dynamical bifurcation point. The model further shows that neuronal gain modulation can compensate for weaker recurrent excitation in a decision neural circuit, and support decision formation and storage. Higher neuronal gain is also suggested in the more cognitively demanding reaction time than in the fixed delay version of the task. Using the exact temporal delays from the animal experiments, fast recruitment of gain co-modulation is shown to maximize reward rate, with a timescale that is surprisingly near the experimentally fitted value. Our work provides insights into the simultaneous and rapid modulation of excitatory and inhibitory neuronal gains, which enables flexible, robust, and optimal decision-making.  相似文献   

The brain is a network system in which excitatory and inhibitory neurons keep activity balanced in the highly non-random connectivity pattern of the microconnectome. It is well known that the relative percentage of inhibitory neurons is much smaller than excitatory neurons in the cortex. So, in general, how inhibitory neurons can keep the balance with the surrounding excitatory neurons is an important question. There is much accumulated knowledge about this fundamental question. This study quantitatively evaluated the relatively higher functional contribution of inhibitory neurons in terms of not only properties of individual neurons, such as firing rate, but also in terms of topological mechanisms and controlling ability on other excitatory neurons. We combined simultaneous electrical recording (~2.5 hours) of ~1000 neurons in vitro, and quantitative evaluation of neuronal interactions including excitatory-inhibitory categorization. This study accurately defined recording brain anatomical targets, such as brain regions and cortical layers, by inter-referring MRI and immunostaining recordings. The interaction networks enabled us to quantify topological influence of individual neurons, in terms of controlling ability to other neurons. Especially, the result indicated that highly influential inhibitory neurons show higher controlling ability of other neurons than excitatory neurons, and are relatively often distributed in deeper layers of the cortex. Furthermore, the neurons having high controlling ability are more effectively limited in number than central nodes of k-cores, and these neurons also participate in more clustered motifs. In summary, this study suggested that the high controlling ability of inhibitory neurons is a key mechanism to keep balance with a large number of other excitatory neurons beyond simple higher firing rate. Application of the selection method of limited important neurons would be also applicable for the ability to effectively and selectively stimulate E/I imbalanced disease states.  相似文献   

Understanding the properties and mechanisms that generate different forms of correlation is critical for determining their role in cortical processing. Researches on retina, visual cortex, sensory cortex, and computational model have suggested that fast correlation with high temporal precision appears consistent with common input, and correlation on a slow time scale likely involves feedback. Based on feedback spiking neural network model, we investigate the role of inhibitory feedback in shaping correlations on a time scale of 100 ms. Notably, the relationship between the correlation coefficient and inhibitory feedback strength is non-monotonic. Further, computational simulations show how firing rate and oscillatory activity form the basis of the mechanisms underlying this relationship. When the mean firing rate holds unvaried, the correlation coefficient increases monotonically with inhibitory feedback, but the correlation coefficient keeps decreasing when the network has no oscillatory activity. Our findings reveal that two opposing effects of the inhibitory feedback on the firing activity of the network contribute to the non-monotonic relationship between the correlation coefficient and the strength of the inhibitory feedback. The inhibitory feedback affects the correlated firing activity by modulating the intensity and regularity of the spike trains. Finally, the non-monotonic relationship is replicated with varying transmission delay and different spatial network structure, demonstrating the universality of the results.  相似文献   

Attentional modulation of cortical networks is critical for the cognitive flexibility required to process complex scenes. Current theoretical frameworks for attention are based almost exclusively on studies in visual cortex, where attentional effects are typically modest and excitatory. In contrast, attentional effects in auditory cortex can be large and suppressive. A theoretical framework for explaining attentional effects in auditory cortex is lacking, preventing a broader understanding of cortical mechanisms underlying attention. Here, we present a cortical network model of attention in primary auditory cortex (A1). A key mechanism in our network is attentional inhibitory modulation (AIM) of cortical inhibitory neurons. In this mechanism, top-down inhibitory neurons disinhibit bottom-up cortical circuits, a prominent circuit motif observed in sensory cortex. Our results reveal that the same underlying mechanisms in the AIM network can explain diverse attentional effects on both spatial and frequency tuning in A1. We find that a dominant effect of disinhibition on cortical tuning is suppressive, consistent with experimental observations. Functionally, the AIM network may play a key role in solving the cocktail party problem. We demonstrate how attention can guide the AIM network to monitor an acoustic scene, select a specific target, or switch to a different target, providing flexible outputs for solving the cocktail party problem.  相似文献   

神经营养因子-酪氨酸受体激酶B (tyrosine receptor kinase B,TrkB)信号通路在调控初级视皮层(primary visual cortex,V1)兴奋与抑制平衡上发挥着重要的作用,以往的研究揭示了其通过增加兴奋性传递效率来调控皮层兴奋性水平的机制,却并未阐明TrkB受体如何通过抑制系统来调控兴奋与抑制平衡,进而影响视觉皮层功能。为了探讨TrkB信号通路如何特异性地调控最主要的抑制性神经元——PV神经元进而对小鼠视觉皮层功能产生影响,本研究通过病毒特异性地降低V1区的PV神经元上TrkB受体的表达水平,并通过在体多通道电生理手段记录初级视皮层抑制性与兴奋性神经元功能变化,通过行为学实验测试小鼠的方位辨别能力改变。结果表明,初级视觉皮层中的PV抑制性神经元上的TrkB受体表达减少会显著增加兴奋性神经元的反应强度,减弱抑制性神经元与兴奋性神经元的方位辨别能力,增加二者的信噪比,但是小鼠个体水平的方位辨别能力出现下降。这些结果说明,TrkB信号通路并非单纯通过增加靶向PV神经元的兴奋性传递来调控PV神经元的功能,其对神经元信噪比的影响也并非由于抑制系统的增强所致。  相似文献   

Visual stimuli are represented by a highly efficient code in the primary visual cortex, but the development of this code is still unclear. Two distinct factors control coding efficiency: Representational efficiency, which is determined by neuronal tuning diversity, and metabolic efficiency, which is influenced by neuronal gain. How these determinants of coding efficiency are shaped during development, supported by excitatory and inhibitory plasticity, is only partially understood. We investigate a fully plastic spiking network of the primary visual cortex, building on phenomenological plasticity rules. Our results suggest that inhibitory plasticity is key to the emergence of tuning diversity and accurate input encoding. We show that inhibitory feedback (random and specific) increases the metabolic efficiency by implementing a gain control mechanism. Interestingly, this led to the spontaneous emergence of contrast-invariant tuning curves. Our findings highlight that (1) interneuron plasticity is key to the development of tuning diversity and (2) that efficient sensory representations are an emergent property of the resulting network.  相似文献   

Monocular deprivation (MD) during development leads to a dramatic loss of responsiveness through the deprived eye in primary visual cortical neurons, and to degraded spatial vision (amblyopia) in all species tested so far, including rodents. Such loss of responsiveness is accompanied since the beginning by a decreased excitatory drive from the thalamo-cortical inputs. However, in the thalamorecipient layer 4, inhibitory interneurons are initially unaffected by MD and their synapses onto pyramidal cells potentiate. It remains controversial whether ocular dominance plasticity similarly or differentially affects the excitatory and inhibitory synaptic conductances driven by visual stimulation of the deprived eye and impinging onto visual cortical pyramids, after a saturating period of MD. To address this issue, we isolated visually-driven excitatory and inhibitory conductances by in vivo whole-cell recordings from layer 4 regular-spiking neurons in the primary visual cortex (V1) of juvenile rats. We found that a saturating period of MD comparably reduced visually–driven excitatory and inhibitory conductances driven by visual stimulation of the deprived eye. Also, the excitatory and inhibitory conductances underlying the synaptic responses driven by the ipsilateral, left open eye were similarly potentiated compared to controls. Multiunit recordings in layer 4 followed by spike sorting indicated that the suprathreshold loss of responsiveness and the MD-driven ocular preference shifts were similar for narrow spiking, putative inhibitory neurons and broad spiking, putative excitatory neurons. Thus, by the time the plastic response has reached a plateau, inhibitory circuits adjust to preserve the normal balance between excitation and inhibition in the cortical network of the main thalamorecipient layer.  相似文献   

The granular layer is the input layer of the cerebellar cortex. It receives information through mossy fibers, which contact local granular layer interneurons (GLIs) and granular layer output neurons (granule cells). GLIs provide one of the first signal processing stages in the cerebellar cortex by exciting or inhibiting granule cells. Despite the importance of this early processing stage for later cerebellar computations, the responses of GLIs and the functional connections of mossy fibers with GLIs in awake animals are poorly understood. Here, we recorded GLIs and mossy fibers in the macaque ventral-paraflocculus (VPFL) during oculomotor tasks, providing the first full inventory of GLI responses in the VPFL of awake primates. We found that while mossy fiber responses are characterized by a linear monotonic relationship between firing rate and eye position, GLIs show complex response profiles characterized by “eye position fields” and single or double directional tunings. For the majority of GLIs, prominent features of their responses can be explained by assuming that a single GLI receives inputs from mossy fibers with similar or opposite directional preferences, and that these mossy fiber inputs influence GLI discharge through net excitatory or inhibitory pathways. Importantly, GLIs receiving mossy fiber inputs through these putative excitatory and inhibitory pathways show different firing properties, suggesting that they indeed correspond to two distinct classes of interneurons. We propose a new interpretation of the information flow through the cerebellar cortex granular layer, in which mossy fiber input patterns drive the responses of GLIs not only through excitatory but also through net inhibitory pathways, and that excited and inhibited GLIs can be identified based on their responses and their intrinsic properties.  相似文献   

 Some synapses between cortical pyramidal neurons exhibit a rapid depression of excitatory postsynaptic potentials for successive presynaptic spikes. Since depressing synapses do not transmit information on sustained presynaptic firing rates, it has been speculated that they are favorable for temporal coding. In this paper, we study the dynamical effects of depressing synapses on stimulus-induced transient synchronization in a simple network of inhibitory interneurons and excitatory neurons, assuming that the recurrent excitation is mediated by depressing synapses. This synchronization occurs in a temporal pattern which depends on a given stimulus. Since the presence of noise is always a potential hazard in temporal coding, we investigate the extent to which noise in stimuli influences the synchronization phenomena. It is demonstrated that depressing synapses greatly contribute to suppressing the influences of noise on the stimulus-specific temporal patterns of synchronous firing. The timing-based Hebbian learning revealed by physiological experiments is shown to stabilize the temporal patterns in cooperation with synaptic depression. Thus, the times at which synchronous firing occurs provides a reliable information representation in the presence of synaptic depression. Received: 5 July 2000 / Accepted in revised form: 12 January 2001  相似文献   

Bugmann G 《Bio Systems》2007,89(1-3):154-159
What fraction of the inputs to a neuron in the primary visual cortex (V1) need to be active for that neuron to reach its firing threshold? The paper describes a numerical method for estimating the selectivity of visual neurons, in terms of the required fraction of active excitatory inputs, from standard data produced by intracellular electro-physiological recordings. The method also provides an estimate of the relative strength of the feedforward inhibition in a push-pull model of the inputs to V1 simple cells. The method is tested on two V1 cells described in Carandini and Ferster [Carandini, M., Ferster, D., 2000. Membrane potential and firing rate in cat primary visual cortex. J. Neurosci. 20, 470-484]. The results indicate that the maximum strength of feedforward inhibition is around 30% of the maximum strength of feedforward excitation. The two V1 neurons investigated fire if more than around 40% of their excitatory LGN inputs are active.  相似文献   

Priebe NJ  Ferster D 《Neuron》2005,45(1):133-145
Direction selectivity in simple cells of primary visual cortex, defined from their spike responses, cannot be predicted using linear models. It has been suggested that the shunting inhibition evoked by visual stimulation is responsible for the nonlinear component of direction selectivity. Cortical inhibition would suppress a neuron's firing when stimuli move in the nonpreferred direction, but would allow responses to stimuli in the preferred direction. Models of direction selectivity based solely on input from the lateral geniculate nucleus, however, propose that the nonlinear response is caused by spike threshold. By extracting excitatory and inhibitory components of synaptic inputs from intracellular records obtained in vivo, we demonstrate that excitation and inhibition are tuned for the same direction, but differ in relative timing. Further, membrane potential responses combine in a linear fashion. Spike threshold, however, quantitatively accounts for the nonlinear component of direction selectivity, amplifying the direction selectivity of spike output relative to that of synaptic inputs.  相似文献   

It is quite important for investigation of sensory mechanism to understand how dynamical property of neurons is used for encoding the feature of spatiotemporally varying stimuli. To consider concretely the problem, we focus our study on electrosensory system of a weakly electric fish. Weakly electric fish generate electric field around their body using electric organ discharge (EOD) and accurately detect the location of an object through the modulation of electric field induced by the object. We made a neural network model of electrosensory lateral-line lobe (ELL). Here we show that the features of EOD modulation depending specifically distance and size of an object are encoded into the timing of burst firing of ELL neurons. These features can be represented by the spatial area of synchronous burst firing and the interburst interval in the ELL network. We show that short-term changes of excitatory and inhibitory synapses, induced by efferent signals, regulate the ELL activity so as to effectively encode the features of EOD modulation.  相似文献   

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