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A liquid chromatographic–tandem mass spectrometric (LC–MS–MS) method was developed for the quantitation of urinary leukotriene E4 (LTE4). LTE4 and its internal standard were extracted by solid-phase extraction and analysed using LC–MS–MS in the selected reaction monitoring (SRM) mode. A good linear response over the range of 10 pg to 10 ng was demonstrated. The accuracy of added LTE4 ranged from 97.0% to 108.0% with a mean and SD of 100.6±2.4%. We detected LTE4 (63.1±18.7 pg/mg creatinine, n=10) in healthy human urine. This method can be used to determine LTE4 in biological samples.  相似文献   

When chopped porcine pulmonary arteries were incubated with calcium ionophore A23187 (1) in the presence of indomethacin there was a time dependent generation of a substance which produced contractions of superfused strips of guinea-pig ileum smooth muscle (GPISM) which were indistinguishable from those induced by LTD4. This material however had a different retention time from LTD4 when subjected to HPLC and co-chromatographed with synthetic LTE4. In addition to LTE4 a substance which had properties indistinguisable from those of LTB4 when assayed on a combination of guinea-pig lung parenchymal strips (GPP) and GPISM (2) was generated from the pulmonary artery. This substance co-chromatographed with synthetic LTB4. The adventitia and intima were the richest source of LTE4, the adventitia releasing slightly more than the intima. The output of LTB4 and LTE4 was inhibited by 6,9-deepoxy-6,9-(phenylimino)-Δ6,8 prostaglandin I1 (U-60,257). Nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) inhibited the generation of LTE4.  相似文献   

A method is described for measuring a trimethyl prostaglandin E2 analog, TM-PGE2, in human plasma. Trideuterated and monofluorinated analogs of TM-PGE2 are added to plasma as internal standard and carrier, respectively. The plasma is adjusted to pH 3.0 and is extracted with a mixture of benzene—dichloromethane (9:1). The residue, following removal of the extracting solvent, is reacted consecutively with pentafluorobenzyl bromide and bistrimethylsilyltrifluoroacetamide. The excess derivatizing reagents are removed by evaporation, and an aliquot of the reconstituted residue is analyzed by capillary column gas chromatography using methane as the carrier gas. A quadrupole mass spectrometer is set to monitor in the gas chromatographic effluent the (M − C7H2F5) fragmention of TM-PGE2 (m/e 449) and trideuterated TM-PGE2 (m/e 452) generated by methane negative chemical ionization. Quantitation of unknowns is based on a comparison of the m/e 449 to m/e 452 ion ratio in each unknown to that obtained from the analysis of control plasma spiked with known amounts of TM-PGE2 and fixed amounts of internal standard and carrier. The sensitivity limit of the assay is approximately 100 pg ml−1, which is equivalent to 1 pg injected. The assay was used to measure the concentration of TM-PGE2 in the plasma of two subjects following a single 10 μg kg−1 oral dose of the drug.  相似文献   

Endogenous thromboxane production is best assessed by the measurement of its excreted metabolites, of which 11-dehydrothromboxane B2 (11-dehydro-TxB2) is most abundant. Gas chromatographic—mass spectrometric assays have been developed for this compound but suffer from the presence of co-eluting impurities which make the measurement of 11-dehydro-TxB2 difficult. Furthermore, these assays are often time-consuming. We now report a modified assay for the measurement of this compound employing gas chromatography—mass spectrometry which alleviates the problem of co-eluting impurities primarily through modification of extraction and chromatographic methods. Furthermore, the time to complete the assay is significantly shortened. It is adaptable to both urine and plasma. Precision of the assay is ± 7% and accuracy is 90%. The lower limit of sensitivity in urine is approximately 20 pg/mg creatinine. Normal levels of urinary excretion of this metabolite were found to be 370 ± 137 pg/mg creatinine (mean ± 1 S.D.) and normal plasma levels were found to be 1.5 ± 0.4 pg/ml (mean ± 1 S.D.). Urinary excretion of 11-dehydro-TxB2 is markedly altered in situations associated with abnormalities in thromboxane generation when quantified using this assay. Thus, this assay provides a sensitive and accurate method to assess endogenous thromboxane production and to further explore the role of this compound in human disease.  相似文献   

A sensitive gas chromatographic method for the determination of cyclophosphamide in urine is presented. After liquid—liquid extraction with diethyl ether and derivatization with trifluoroacetic anhydride, cyclophosphamide was identified and quantified with mass spectrometry. The method is suitable for the determination of cyclophosphamide at concentrations of more than 0.25 ng/ml, which enables the uptake of cyclophosphamide during occupational activities, such as the preparation and administration of antineoplastic agents in hospitals, to be measured. Simple preparation makes the method appropriate for routine analysis.  相似文献   

Twelve compounds representing procarbazine, seven metabolites, and an internal standard were analyzed by gas chromatography—mass spectrometry on a 3% OV-1 column. Procarbazine and four metabolites were derivatized with acetic anhydride.A sensitive, specific and quantitative assay was established by selected ion monitoring using a synthetic analogue of the drug as an internal standard. The limits of detection were approximately 1 ng/ml of plasma while the limits of quantitation were 10 ng/ml of plasma.Studies on the degradation of procarbazine - HCl in 0.05 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) were compared to in vivo studies. At 1 h after incubation of procarbazine - HCl in buffer, the azo and aldehyde metabolites were detected in the highest concentrations representing 27.2% and 20.3% of total drug and metabolites. In the in vivo studies, analyses of rat plasmas indicated that 1 h after an oral dose of procarbazine - HCl, the aldehyde metabolite represented 72% of the total drug and metabolites, and that relatively little of the azo metabolite was present.  相似文献   

A method for the detection of ethinylestradiol in cattle urine is described, based on enzymic hydrolysis of the sample, clean-up by means of disposable octadecyl and amino solid-phase extraction columns, fractionation by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography, and detection by gas chromatography—mass spectrometry (selected-ion monitoring). Identification is based on both gas chromatographic and mass spectrometric data. The method has been tested on urine samples for a collaborative study and all the results found were correct.  相似文献   

A gas chromatographic—mass spectrometric assay, using selected-ion monitoring (GC-MS-SIM) with thymol as internal standard, was developed for quantitating propofol, an intravenous anaesthetic. The method described is rapid and sensitive for the determination of propofol in whole blood. The sensitivity of the present method is 10 ng/ml. The recovery of propofol added to human whole blood in the concentration range 10-10 000 ng/ml ranged between 95 and 100%. A single extraction procedure was used with chloroform-ethyl acetate. The assay allowed the detection of two metabolites formed during propofol metabolism: 2,6-diisopropyl-1,4-quinone and 2,6-diisopropyl-1,4-quinol.  相似文献   

A gas chromatographic—mass spectrometric method was developed to determine eperisone hydrochloride, 4′-ethyl-2-methyl-3-piperidinopropiophenone hydrochloride, in human plasma over the concentration range 0.2–40 ng/ml. Excellent sensitivity was achieved by selection of a favorable fragment ion, m/z 98, of eperisone and reduction of heat decomposition of eperisone by using a splitless injector and a shortened capillary column. The method described here allows the determination of plasma concentrations as low as 0.2 ng/ml, the concentration attained 6 h after a single oral administration of 50 mg. At eperisone hydrochloride concentrations higher than 0.5 ng/ml, the mean inter-day variation of accuracy of the assay was less than 12%.  相似文献   

The production of mycotoxins from Fusarium species has been demonstrated in isolates cultured from patients suffering from keratomycosis. The method employed a combination of thin-layer chromatography directly performed on gel plugs taken from the growth medium, cartridge column chromatography, silylation and gas chromatography on a non-polar stationary phase capillary column linked to mass spectrometry. The sensitivities of detection obtained for a signal-to-noise ratio of 33:1, were 200 pg for single stage GC-MS and 20 pg using tandem GC-MS-MS. Two mycotoxins, diacetoxyscirpenol and T-2 toxin were identified in three cultures.  相似文献   

A rapid and reliable gas chromatographic—mass spectrometric method for the determination of clenbuterol in urine is described. Penbutolol was used as internal standard. Four derivatization procedures have been tested, of which 1-butaneboronic acid gave the best results. The method includes extraction of the alkalinized urine (3 ml) with tert.-butyl methyl ether—n-butanol (9:1), derivatization with 1-butaneboronic acid (15 min at room temperature), and analysis in the selected-ion monitoring mode of the derivatives of clenbuterol at m/z 243, 327 and 342 and of penbutolol at m/z 342 and 357. The detection limit is 0.5 ng/ml and the recovery better than 90%.  相似文献   

A method for the qualitative and quantitative simultaneous analysis of dioxyanthraquinone, desacetyl-Bisacodyl, phenolphthalein and Oxyphenisatin in human urine using gas chromatography—mass spectrometry (GC—MS) has been developed. The compounds were extracted from urine at pH 7.5 with diethyl ether using Extrelut extraction columns, followed by evaporation and trimethylsilylation.The method used electron beam ionization GC—MS employing a computer-controlled multiple-ion detector (mass fragmentography). The recovery from urine for the various compounds was between 80% and 100%. The detection limit for these compounds was in the range 0.01–0.05 μg/ml of urine.The method proved to be suitable for measuring urine concentrations for at least four days after administration of a single oral low therapeutic dose of the laxatives to sixteen healthy volunteers.  相似文献   

The isolation of two Thormählen-positive compounds from the urine of a patient with malignant melanoma and the elucidation of their structure by gas chromatography—mass spectrometry is described. The compounds were isolated using a poly-N-vinylpyrrolidone column and separated by preparative thin-layer chromatography. After elution they were analyzed by gas chromatography and gas chromatography—mass spectrometry as their trimethylsilyl derivatives and after hydrolysis also as their tert.-butyldimethylsilyl derivatives. The results showed the main Thormählen-positive compound A to be the glucuronide of 5-hydroxy-6-methoxyindole, whereas the minor compound AX appeared to be the glucuronide of its isomer 6-hydroxy-5-methoxyindole.  相似文献   

The analysis of methadone and its metabolites in biological fluids by gas chromatography—mass spectrometry is described with deuterated methadone and metabolites as internal standards. The method allowed the determination of 20 ng methadone in 0.5 ml of plasma or saliva. Mean saliva to plasma ratio of methadone for two patients was determined to be 0.51 ± 0.13. Methadone and 2-ethylidene-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolidine (EDDP) in urine were measured by selected ion monitoring. Gas chromatography—mass spectrometry was found to have advantages over conventional gas chromatographic methods in terms of ratio analysis. 1,5-Dimethyl-3,3-diphenyl-2-pyrrolidone previously reported as a metabolite was shown to result primarily from the decomposition of EDDP free base.  相似文献   

A chemically synthesized form of leukotriene E4 (LTE4) has been studied for its ability to induce contractions in isolated guinea pig ilea, to induce vascular permeability changes in rat skin when injected intradermally, and to induce bronchoconstriction in guinea pigs after intravenous injection. The synthetic compound induced a contraction in the guinea pig ileum which was slower in developing than that induced by histamine but faster in developing than that induced by a crude preparation of SRS-A isolated from guinea pig lung. The compound was 70-fold more active than histamine on the guinea pig ileum (EC50 of 5 × 10?9 and 3.5 × 10?7 M, respectively). FPL 55712, a known SRS-A antagonist, exhibited the same potency in blocking the contractions elicited by the synthetic material as it did in blocking contractions produced by guinea pig SRS-A generated biologically (IC50 of 3.5 × 10?8 M). The synthetic LTE4 induced a dose dependent increase in vascular permeability in the rat skin which was antagonized by the intravenous injection of FPL 55712 (ID50 of 1.2 mg/kg). The synthetic material was also a potent bronchoconstrictor in the guinea pig when injected intravenously. The bronchoconstriction, too, was antagonized by FPL 55712 when injected intravenously (ID50 of 0.2 mg/kg). In both the rat and guinea pig, FPL 55712 exhibited a short duration of action in vivo. The in vivo model systems discussed in this study, utilizing the synthetic form of LTE4 should be useful in the future evaluation of other SRS-A antagonists.  相似文献   

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