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Pharyngodon medinae García-Calvente, 1948 (Nematoda: Pharyngodonidae) is redescribed from Podarcis pityusensis (Bosca, 1883) (Sauria: Lacertidae) of the Balearic Islands (Spain) and confirmed as a member of the genus Skrjabinodon Inglis, 1968. A systematic review of S. medinae and closely related species is also given. Parathelandros canariensis is referred to Skrjabinodon as a new combination and Parathelandros Magzoub et al., 1980 is dismissed as a junior homonym of Parathelandros Baylis, 1930.  相似文献   

The life-cycle of Catatropis verrucosa (Frölich, 1789) Odhner, 1905 has been completed experimentally starting from infected snails collected along the River Danube in Europe. Each stage of the life-cycle is redescribed. Taxonomic problems are discussed and the main features of the species are listed. Synonyms for C. verrucosa are Fasciola verrucosa Frölich, 1789, F. anseris Gmelin, 1790, Monostoma verrucosa (Frölich, 1789) Zeder, 1800, and Catatropis charadrii Skrjabin, 1915. Other names, such as Notocotylus triserialis Diesing, 1839, Notocotyle triseriale (Diesing, 1839) Diesing, 1850, Monostoma verrugueux Dujardin, 1845, “Monostoma sp. du canard” of Blanchard (1847), Notocotyle verrucosum (Frölich, 1789) Monticelli, 1892, N. verruqueux Railliet, 1895, and Distoma verrucosum (Frölich, 1789) Wolffhugel, 1900, were found to represent adults and/or larvae of C. verrucosa. Conversely, but less often, adults and larvae of other species were found described and illustrated as C. verrucosa. One of these, C. verrucosa of Joyeux (1922), was renamed Pseudocatatropis joyeuxi Kanev & Vassilev, 1986. Occasionally, authors actually working with C. verrucosa ascribed their results to different species. Based on experimental life-cycle studies, the following facts were demonstrated. (1) The first intermediate hosts are the prosobranch freshwater snails Bithynia tentaculata (Linnaeus, 1758) and B. leachi (Leach, 1818). (2) The same snails are also first intermediate hosts for Notocotylus imbricatus (Looss, 1893) Szidat, 1935, N. parviovatus Yamaguti, 1934, and N. ponticus Tschiaberaschvili, 1966. In all these species, the species characteristics are expressed by the adult morphology only, and the larvae cannot be identified by morphological criteria. It is proposed that tri-oculate monostome cercariae found in naturally infected B. tentaculata and B. leachi be referred to as “Cercaria imbricata group”. These cercariae include Cercaria imbricata Looss, 1893, C. helvetica I Dubois, 1928, C. triophthalmia Faust, 1930, C. fennica I Wikgren, 1956; C. ephemera of Lutta (1934); C. monostomi of Mathias (1925), Lutta (1934) and Zdun (1961), Cercaria Notocotylus attenuatus of Francalanci & Manfredini (1969), and Monostome cercaria I Emmel, 1943. (3) There is no second intermediate snail host in the life-cycle of C. verrucosa. (4) The final hosts are birds. (5) The adult worms possess, on the ventral body surface, a median ridge and two lateral rows of 12 (range 11–14) papillae per row.  相似文献   

The land snail family Odontostomidae has a poor fossil record, mainly from the middle Paleogene and early Neogene of Argentina. In this paper a new species of Odontostomidae from the Paleocene of Uruguay (Queguay Formation) is described. Bahiensis priscus n.?sp. represents the first record of the genus Bahiensis Jousseaume 1877, and the oldest record for an Odontostomidae. The new species is characterized by a pupoid fusiform shell and an oval aperture with a single axial columellar fold. Present distribution of the genus indicates a tropical?Csubtropical environment, in high humidity rate areas.  相似文献   

The karyotypes of water mites (Acari: Hydrachnellae: Hydrodromidae) are largely unknown. The present investigation is the first report of a study designed to characterize the chromosomes of water mites. The study was carried out with specimens of Hydrodroma despiciens collected from Eber Lake in Afyon, Turkey. Several different methods were tried to obtain chromosomes of this species. However, somatic cell culture proved to be the most effective for the preparation of chromosomes. In the present study, we determined the diploid chromosome number of Hydrodroma despiciens to be 2n = 16. However, a large metacentric chromosome was found in each metaphase, which we believed to be the X chromosome. We could not determine the sex chromosomes of this species. This study is the first approach to the cytogenetic characterization of this water mite group. Furthermore, these cytogenetic data will contribute to the understanding of the phylogenetic relationship among water mites. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the cytogenetics of water mites.  相似文献   

A taxonomic review of the Vaccinieae (Ericaceae) from the region known as Murrí (Antioquia Department, Colombia) is presented. This area has the highest generic and specific diversity of Vaccinieae known in the Neotropics, with 10 genera and 45 species.Cavendishia antioquiensis, C. viridiflora, Psammisia citrina, andP. mediobullata are newly described and illustrated.Cavendishia sessiliflora andSatyria latifolia are redescribed from complete collections. Pollination by hummingbirds in neotropical Vaccinieae is discussed and nectar content is reported for the first time for 26 species.
Resumen  Se presenta una revisión taxonómica de la tribu Vaccinieae (Ericaceae) de la región conocida como Murrí (Departamento de Antioquia, Colombia). Esta área tiene la diversidad más alta tanto en géneros como en especies de esta tribu conocidos en el Neotrópico, con 10 géneros y 45 especies. Aquí se describenCavendishia antioquiensis, C. viridiflora, Psammisia citrina, yP. mediobullata con sus respectivas ilustraciones. Se redescribenCavendishia sessiliflora ySatyria latifolia de colecciones completas. También se discute polinización de Vaccinieae por colibríes en el Neotrópico y se incluye el contenido de nectar registrado por primera vez para 26 especies.

A new lecanicephalidean species of Aberrapex Jensen, 2001 is described from the blue-spotted fantail ray Taeniura lymma (Forsskål) collected off the eastern coast of Sabah in Malaysian Borneo. This is the first record of a lecanicephalidean tapeworm from the island of Borneo and the first record of Aberrapex from this host species. A. manjajiae n. sp. is easily distinguished from its two congeners, A. senticosus Jensen, 2001 and A. arrhynchum (Brooks, Mayes & Thorson, 1981) Jensen, 2001, based on its overall smaller size (928–1,971 vs 1,485–6,333 and up to 3,350μm long, respectively) and fewer testes (10–19 vs 20–40 and 18–25, respectively). In addition, A. manjajiae n. sp. is readily distinguished from A. senticosus based on a more anteriorly positioned genital pore (76–85 vs 52–72% of proglottid length from posterior end) and its distal bothridial microthrix pattern. A. manjajiae n. sp. can be further distinguished from A. arrhynchum based on its smaller scolex (82–101 × 119–164 vs 177–186 × 233–326μm). The host distribution of Aberrapex is expanded from the Myliobatidae to include the Dasyatidae.  相似文献   

病毒抗原酶肤激素抗菌素日用化学品2005001260200025000世界:生化产品输出,200(百万美元)@聂世芳  相似文献   

Merremia dissecta was first discovered in the Caribbean, then Florida, Mexico, and later in the Old World, where it had been introduced. Historically and currently, the species has been used as a condiment, medicine, and ornamental by an array of cultures. Although the plant has escaped in several areas to become a weed, it continues being sold as an ornament in even those regions. In Argentina, roots ofM. dissecta var. edentata are still used as food by a few indigenous groups. History, uses, and chemistry are discussed regarding these utilizations.
Merremia dissecta (Convolvulaceas): Un condimento, medicina, ornamental, y maleza— Una revista
Resumen  Merremia dissecta fue primeramente descubierta en el Caribe, luego en la Florida, México y más tarde fue introducida en el Viejo Mundo. Históricamente y aún actualmente se ha usado como condimento, medicina, y ornamentatión por varias culturas. A pesar de que en varias áreas se ha transformado en una mala hierba, se continua vendiendo como un ornamento aún en esas areas. En Argentina, as raices deM. dissecta var. edentata aún son usadas como alimento por unos cuantos grupos indígenas. La historia, los usos y la química de estas utilizaciónes son aquí discutidas.


Oxychilurr (Drouetia) atlanticus (Pulmonata: Zonitidae) is an endemic hermaphroditic species from São Miguel island (Azores). The copulatory process is a mutually simultaneous event and takes about 24 h from the beginning of penetration until the disconnection of the partners. Copulation is characterized by the progressive and complete evertion of the penis and penial caecum. The latter, everting completely inside the bursa copulatrix, is fundamental to the release of the anterior portion of the spermatophore, which is the first to be transferred. The anterior portion of the spermatophore is hook-shaped, aiding its anchorage to the bursa, and the posterior portion ends in a hood with an aperture through which the spermatozoa are released.  相似文献   

Autoplusia egena (Guenée) is a moth distributed throughout the Western hemisphere. The larvae have already been found feeding on several different plant families, including important crops such soybeans and beans. To contribute to the knowledge of its biology in laboratory conditions, and considering the duration and the morphometry of each development stage, a laboratorial rearing was accomplished at 25 +/- 1 degrees C, 70 +/- 10% RH and 14h photophase. The larvae were fed with black bean leaves and the adults were fed with a honey solution at 10%. The results, expressed by the mean (+/- SE), for the periods of each stage were: egg 3.0 +/- 0.00 d; larva 15.7 +/- 1.25 d; pre-pupa 1.9 +/- 0.05 d; pupa 8.8 +/- 0.09 d and adult: longevity 12.1 +/- 0.95 d, pre-oviposition 5.4 +/- 0.50 d, oviposition 6.3 +/- 1.10 d and post-oviposition 1.4 +/- 0.87 d. The larvae went through five instars, for which the mean width of the cephalic capsules were 0.302 +/- 0.001 mm; 0.500 +/- 0.003 mm; 0.854 +/- 0.008 mm; 1.424 +/- 0.011 mm and 2.744 +/- 0.053 mm. The average length, width, and weight of the pupae were 16.965 +/- 0.003 mm, 4.674 +/- 0.040 mm and 0.217 +/- 0.003 g, respectively.  相似文献   

Analysis of Giemsa-stained metaphase plates of plerocercoids ofSchistocephalus solidus revealed the mode diploid number of chromosomes for this species as 2n=18. Chromosome pairs 1, 5, 6, 8 and 9 are metacentric, pairs 2, 4 and 7 are subtelocentric, and pair 3 is subtelocentric to acrocentric. The karyotype is characterised by mean absolute chromosome length between 1.9 and 5.9 m and a total chromosome length of the haploid complement of 32 m. A comparison with other known karyotypes of related species of pseudophyllidean cestodes was made.  相似文献   

莫乘风 《昆虫学报》1964,(3):444-448
棘刺螨属(Echinonyssus)系1925年Hirst氏所创建,迄今已历三十余载,唯有关该属螨之论述不多,见诸文献者,除属模长鼻棘刺螨(Echinonyssus nasutus Hirst,1925)外,仅Domrow(1955)根据澳洲的标本记述了一种(E.validipes),本文记述在海南岛采的一个新种长毛棘刺螨(E.longisetosus n.sp.)。 关于棘刺螨属的属征,Hirst(1925)认为是,背板前板前端在中线处伸出成一巨勾  相似文献   

Wallinia chavarriae n. sp. is described from the small-bodied characids Astyanax aeneus and Bryconamericus scleroparius in the Area de Conservación Guanacaste, northwestern Costa Rica. The species differs from W. valenciae in possessing an acetabulum that is smaller than the oral sucker and vitelline follicles that are ovoid or rounded rather than elongate and tubular. Detailed comparison between these 2 species is handicapped by the less than satisfactory condition of the type and only museum specimen of W. valenciae. Wallinia chavarriae and W. valenciae belong to a subfamily of trematodes, Walliniinae, that arguably includes Creptotrematina spp., Magnivitellum simplex, and possibly Margotrema. The morphology of walliniines suggests that they are macroderoidids, but a clearer understanding of their classification could be gained from their larval morphology or from molecular systematic studies. The host associations of a monophyletic Walliniinae would indicate diversification within 2 groups of freshwater fishes: the neotropical characids for species of Wallinia, Creptotrematina, and Magnivitellum and the endemic central Mexican goodeids for those of Margotrema. The biogeography and host associations of these parasites provide a system for studies of potential host switching and vicariance, involving the middle-American and neotropical regions.  相似文献   

Experimental and Applied Acarology - Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Schrank), commonly known as the cereal mite, cheese mite, or ham mite, is a cosmopolitan species reported from various environments in...  相似文献   

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