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Warikoo’s The Diversity Bargain describes the findings of research which explores how students at elite universities in the U.S. and the U.K. conceptualize race in relation to the admissions process and their experiences on campus. This is an important study, which reveals differences in the degree of comfort and caution displayed by white students in their framing of race. There are three areas worthy of further exploration: the subjective positioning of the author herself as she engages and responds to the research findings; the advantages of affording a richer theoretical framework to the analysis and, finally, the similarities between Warikoo’s notion of a diversity bargain and Derrick Bell’s concept of interest convergence. These are explored in turn.  相似文献   



Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) mediates retinal ganglion cell death in glaucoma. Anti-TNF drugs are neuroprotective in an animal model of glaucoma. It is unclear whether medications with anti-TNF properties such as bupropion have an impact on the risk of developing open-angle glaucoma (OAG) in humans. The purpose of this study is to determine whether bupropion use alters the risk of developing OAG.


Claims data for beneficiaries age ≥35 years with no pre-existing OAG enrolled in a large nationwide U.S. managed care network continuously for ≥4 years between 2001-2011 was analyzed to identify patients who had been newly-diagnosed with OAG. The amount of bupropion use as captured from outpatient pharmacy claims over a four-year period was also quantified for each beneficiary. Multivariable Cox regression modeling assessed the impact of bupropion and other antidepressant medications on the risk of developing OAG with adjustment for sociodemographic characteristics of the enrollees along with medical and ocular comorbidities.


Of 638,481 eligible enrollees, 15,292 (2.4%) developed OAG. After adjustment for confounding factors including use of other antidepressant medication classes, each additional month of bupropion use was associated with a 0.6% reduced risk of OAG (HR = 0.994, (95% CI: 0.989-0.998), p = 0.007). Compared to nonusers, those with 24-48 months of bupropion use had a 21% reduced hazard (HR=0.79, (CI: 0.65-0.94), p = 0.0099) of OAG. This association did not differ among persons taking bupropion for depression or for other reasons (p-interaction = 0.82). There was no significant association between use of tricyclic antidepressants (HR = 1.000, (CI: 0.997-1.004), p = 0.95) or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (HR = 0.999, (CI: 0.997-1.001), p = 0.39) and development of OAG.


These findings suggest bupropion use may be beneficial in reducing the risk of OAG. If prospective studies confirm the findings of this analysis, this may identify a novel therapeutic target for OAG.  相似文献   

A study of the skeletal remains of a Neandertal child from Kiik-Koba has brought to light some features that are typical of adult Neandertal individuals from Europe. Therefore, the ascertained differences in the proportions of the individual parts of upper and lower limbs, as well as a number of marked morphological features, such as the robusticity of ribs, typical Neandertal features of the scapula, curving of forearm bones, back-to-front curving of the femoral diaphysis, retroversion of the upper epiphysis of the tibia, and robusticity of long bones in the Neandertal individual at the age of infans I, may be regarded as phylogenetically ingrained ones. These may in their turn be considered diagnostic features, of importance in determining the phylogenetic classification of postcranial skeletal remains in the development of man.  相似文献   

Despite expenditures of more than 1 billion dollars annually, there is little information available about project motivations, actions, and results for the vast majority of river restoration efforts. We performed confidential telephone interviews with 317 restoration project managers from across the United States with the goals of (1) assessing project motivations and the metrics of project evaluation and (2) estimating the proportion of projects that set and meet criteria for ecologically successful river restoration projects. According to project managers, ecological degradation typically motivated restoration projects, but post‐project appearance and positive public opinion were the most commonly used metrics of success. Less than half of all projects set measurable objectives for their projects, but nearly two‐thirds of all interviewees felt that their projects had been “completely successful.” Projects that we classified as highly effective were distinct from the full database in that most had significant community involvement and an advisory committee. Interviews revealed that many restoration practitioners are frustrated by the lack of funding for and emphasis on project monitoring. To remedy this, we recommend a national program of strategic monitoring focused on a subset of future projects. Our interviews also suggest that merely conducting and publishing more scientific studies will not lead to significant improvements in restoration practice; direct, collaborative involvement between scientists, managers, and practitioners is required for forward progress in the science and application of river restoration.  相似文献   



We examined whether state laws and district policies pertaining to nutritional restrictions on school fundraisers were associated with school policies as reported by administrators in a nationally-representative sample of United States public elementary schools.


We gathered data on school-level fundraising policies via a mail-back survey during the 2009–10 and 2010–11 school years. Surveys were received from 1,278 public elementary schools (response rate = 60.9%). Data were also gathered on corresponding school district policies and state laws. After removing cases with missing data, the sample size for analysis was 1,215 schools.


After controlling for school characteristics, school policies were consistently associated with state laws and district policies, both those pertaining to fundraising generally, as well as specific restrictions on the sale of candy and soda in fundraisers (all Odds Ratios >2.0 and Ps<.05). However, even where district policies and state laws required fundraising restrictions, school policies were not uniformly present; school policies were also in place at only 55.8% of these schools, but were more common at schools in the West (77.1%) and at majority-Latino schools (71.4%), indicating uneven school-level implementation of district policy and state law.


District policies and state laws were associated with a higher prevalence of elementary school-level fundraising policies, but many schools that were subject to district policies and state laws did not have school-level restrictions in place, suggesting the need for further attention to factors hindering policy implementation in schools.  相似文献   

The U.S. wastes 31 to 40% of its post-harvest food supply, with a substantial portion of this waste occurring at the consumer level. Globally, interventions to address wasted food have proliferated, but efforts are in their infancy in the U.S. To inform these efforts and provide baseline data to track change, we performed a survey of U.S. consumer awareness, attitudes and behaviors related to wasted food. The survey was administered online to members of a nationally representative panel (N=1010), and post-survey weights were applied. The survey found widespread (self-reported) awareness of wasted food as an issue, efforts to reduce it, and knowledge about how to do so, plus moderately frequent performance of waste-reducing behaviors. Three-quarters of respondents said they discard less food than the average American. The leading motivations for waste reduction were saving money and setting an example for children, with environmental concerns ranked last. The most common reasons given for discarding food were concern about foodborne illness and a desire to eat only the freshest food. In some cases there were modest differences based on age, parental status, and income, but no differences were found by race, education, rural/urban residence or other demographic factors. Respondents recommended ways retailers and restaurants could help reduce waste. This is the first nationally representative consumer survey focused on wasted food in the U.S. It provides insight into U.S. consumers’ perceptions related to wasted food, and comparisons to existing literature. The findings suggest approaches including recognizing that many consumers perceive themselves as being already-knowledgeable and engaged, framing messages to focus on budgets, and modifying existing messages about food freshness and aesthetics. This research also suggests opportunities to shift retail and restaurant practice, and identifies critical research gaps.  相似文献   

The following are among the U.S. patents, issued in the first quarter of 1999, directed to combinatorial chemistry and related technologies. Patent issuances in the field are growing in number. Additionally, patents claiming libraries themselves, as opposed to synthetic methodologies, are becoming more common. It is impossible to be comprehensive. The author would be pleased to recognize additional patents and invites the use of his e‐mail address for this purpose. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng (Comb Chem) 61:189–190, 1998/1999.  相似文献   



In June of 2010, an antenatal ultrasound program to perform basic screening for high-risk pregnancies was introduced at a community health care center in rural Uganda. Whether the addition of ultrasound scanning to antenatal visits at the health center would encourage or discourage potential patients was unknown. Our study sought to evaluate trends in the numbers of antenatal visits and deliveries at the clinic, pre- and post-introduction of antenatal ultrasound to determine what effect the presence of ultrasound at the clinic had on these metrics.

Methods and Findings

Records at Nawanyago clinic were reviewed to obtain the number of antenatal visits and deliveries for the 42 months preceding the introduction of ultrasound and the 23 months following. The monthly mean deliveries and antenatal visits by category (first visit through fourth return visit) were compared pre- and post- ultrasound using a Kruskal-Wallis one-way ANOVA. Following the introduction of ultrasound, significant increases were seen in the number of mean monthly deliveries and antenatal visits. The mean number of monthly deliveries at the clinic increased by 17.0 (13.3–20.6, 95% CI) from a pre-ultrasound average of 28.4 to a post-ultrasound monthly average of 45.4. The number of deliveries at a comparison clinic remained flat over this same time period. The monthly mean number of antenatal visits increased by 97.4 (83.3–111.5, 95% CI) from a baseline monthly average of 133.5 to a post-ultrasound monthly mean of 231.0, with increases seen in all categories of antenatal visits.


The availability of a low-cost antenatal ultrasound program may assist progress towards Millennium Development Goal 5 by encouraging women in a rural environment to come to a health care facility for skilled antenatal care and delivery assistance instead of utilizing more traditional methods.  相似文献   

The following are among the U.S. patents, issued in the first quarter of 1999, directed to combinatorial chemistry and related technologies. Patent issuances in the field are growing in number. Additionally, patents claiming libraries themselves, as opposed to synthetic methodologies, are becoming more common. It is impossible to be comprehensive. The author would be pleased to recognize additional patents and invites the use of his e-mail address for this purpose.  相似文献   

An annual organic matter budget for a 1700 m segment of Fort River (Massachusetts, USA) is presented. Primary production in this fourth order stream exceeds litter input annually, however ecosystem P/R is 0.5. Respiration in excess of gross primary production is supported by allochthonous organic matter imported from upstream reaches. The relative contribution of organic matter size fractions to stream consumers depends upon biologic lability, rate of input, and residence time in the ecosystem. Particles of seston size (1 μm to 1 mm) are most heavily used by consumers, however dissolved organic matter represents the largest input component. Microorganisms are the predominant consumers in this soft-water, nutrient-poor stream ecosystem. A conceptual model for assessing the processing efficiency of stream ecosystems is presented and discussed in terms of several headwater to estuary gradients.  相似文献   

We compared processing rates (k d) for leaves of the native willow (Salix exigua Nutt.) and cottonwood (Populus fremontii Wats.) to those of the non-native salt cedar (Tamarix chinensis Lour.) in the regulated Colorado River, U.S.A. Leaf packs of each species were incubated at Lees Ferry, approximately 26 km below Glen Canyon Dam, Arizona. Leaf packs were processed at 2, 21, 46, 84 and 142-d intervals. Water temperatures remained relatively constant (10 °C, SE ± 1 °C) during the study. There were significant differences in processing rates between species, with P. fremontii showing the fastest breakdown. After 142 d, only 20% of the P. fremontii leaf mass remained, whereas 30% and 52% of leaf masses remained for T. chinensis and S. exigua, respectively. The k d value for P. fremontii was 0.0062 compared to 0.0049 and 0.0038 for T. chinensis and S. exigua, respectively. Invertebrate colonization was not significantly different between native and non-native plant species with oligochaetes the most abundant animal colonizing the leaf packs. Dual stable isotope analysis showed that leaf material was not the primary food for invertebrates associated with leaf packs. Processing rates for all leaf types were slow in the regulated Colorado River compared to rates reported in many other systems. This is likely due to the lack of caddisfly and stonefly shredders and perhaps slow metabolic rates by microbes.  相似文献   

Left Behind in Rosedale: Race Relations and the Collapse of Community Institutions. Scott Cummings. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1998. 223 pp.
The Unknown City: The Lives of Poor and Working-Class Young Adults. Michelle Fine and Lois Weis. Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 1998. 328 pp.
The Anthropology of Lower Income Urban Enclaves: The Case of East Harlem. Judith Freidenberg. ed. New York: New York Academy of Sciences, 1995. 286 pp.  相似文献   

Transfers and macerations of Alethopteris ambigua Lesquereux reveal it as axeromorphio plant. The papillose lower epidermis of each pinnule is sheltered by incurved pinnule margins, a bladelike extension of the midvein and by marginal hairs. Preservation is such that cellular outlines are discernible on all but the cuticles of the lower epidermis.  相似文献   

Where tributaries meet, certain conditions of flow and topography often result in incomplete mixing and the formation of spatially and temporally persistent plumes or bands. Yolo Bypass, the primary floodplain of the lower Sacramento River (California, USA), provides an extreme example of this effect. Inspection of recent and historical aerial photographs revealed that the four major tributaries of Yolo Bypass typically do not substantially mix laterally within the floodplain. The phenomenon is notable in the number of tributaries involved (4), the distance over which the bands remain distinct (>61 km), and the persistence of the bands despite channel constrictions and long cross-wind fetch. This effect demonstrates the importance of lateral variability during floodplain flow events, including transport and distribution of chemical constituents, and habitat for fish and other organisms that use floodplains as migration corridors and rearing areas. Handling editor: S. M. Thomaz  相似文献   

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