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The Na,K-ATPase generates electrochemical gradients across the plasma membrane that are responsible for numerous cellular and physiological processes. The active Na,K-ATPase is minimally composed of an alpha and a beta subunit and families of isoforms for both subunits exist. Recent studies have identified a physiological role for the rat Na,K-ATPase alpha4 isoform in sperm motility. However, very little is known about the human Na,K-ATPase alpha4 isoform other than its genomic sequence and structure and its mRNA expression pattern. Here, the human alpha4 isoform of the Na,K-ATPase is cloned, expressed, and characterized. Full length cDNAs encoding the putative human alpha4 isoform of the Na,K-ATPase were identified from a number of ESTs and a protein product corresponding to this isoform was shown to be expressed from these cDNAs. The human Na,K-ATPase alpha4 isoform protein was found to be expressed in mature sperm in human testes sections and it is localized specifically to the principle piece of human sperm. In addition, the presence of the Na,K-ATPase alpha4 isoform is absent in immature testes however its expression appears coincident with sexual maturity. And finally, the human Na,K-ATPase alpha4 isoform was shown to be as sensitive to cardiac glycoside inhibition as the human Na,K-ATPase alpha1 isoform. Considering the important role of the rat Na,K-ATPase alpha4 isoform in rat sperm motility, the demonstration that the human alpha4 isoform is a sperm-specific protein localized to the flagellum suggests a role for the human Na,K-ATPase alpha4 isoform in human sperm physiology.  相似文献   

Na,K-ATPase is an ion transporter that impacts neural and glial physiology by direct electrogenic activity and the modulation of ion gradients. Its three isoforms in brain have cell-type and development-specific expression patterns. Interestingly, our studies demonstrate that in late gestation, the alpha2 isoform is widely expressed in neurons, unlike in the adult brain, in which alpha2 has been shown to be expressed primarily in astrocytes. This unexpected distribution of alpha2 isoform expression in neurons is interesting in light of our examination of mice lacking the alpha2 isoform which fail to survive after birth. These animals showed no movement; however, defects in gross brain development, muscle contractility, neuromuscular transmission, and lung development were ruled out. Akinesia suggests a primary neuronal defect and electrophysiological recordings in the pre-B?tzinger complex, the brainstem breathing center, showed reduction of respiratory rhythm activity, with less regular and smaller population bursts. These data demonstrate that the Na,K-ATPase alpha2 isoform could be important in the modulation of neuronal activity in the neonate.  相似文献   

The Na,K-ATPase generates electrochemical gradients that are used to drive the coupled transport of many ions and nutrients across the plasma membrane. The functional enzyme is comprised of an alpha and beta subunit and families of isoforms for both subunits exist. Recent studies in this laboratory have identified a biological role for the Na,K-ATPase alpha4 isoform in sperm motility. Here we further investigate the role of the Na,K-ATPase carrying the alpha4 isoform, showing again that ouabain eliminates sperm motility, and in addition, that nigericin, a H+/K+ ionophore, and monensin, a H+/Na+ ionophore, reinitiate motility. These data, along with the observation that the K+ ionophore valinomycin has no effect on the motility of ouabain-inhibited sperm, suggest that ouabain may change intracellular H+ levels in a manner that is incompatible with sperm motility. We have also localized NHE1 and NHE5, known regulators of intracellular H+ content, to the same region of the sperm as the Na,K-ATPase alpha4 isoform. These data highlight the important role of the Na,K-ATPase alpha4 isoform in regulating intracellular H(+) levels, and provide evidence suggesting the involvement of the Na+/H+ exchanger, which is critical for maintaining normal sperm motility.  相似文献   

Inhibition of Na,K-ATPase activity by cardiac glycosides is believed to be the major mechanism by which this class of drugs increases heart contractility. However, direct evidence demonstrating this is lacking. Furthermore it is unknown which specific alpha isoform of Na,K-ATPase is responsible for the effect of cardiac glycosides. Several studies also suggest that cardiac glycosides, such as ouabain, function by mechanisms other than inhibition of the Na,K-ATPase. To determine whether Na,K-ATPase, specifically the alpha2 Na,K-ATPase isozyme, mediates ouabain-induced cardiac inotropy, we developed animals expressing a ouabain-insensitive alpha2 isoform of the Na,K-ATPase using Cre-Lox technology and analyzed cardiac contractility after administration of ouabain. The homozygous knock-in animals were born in normal Mendelian ratio and developed normally to adulthood. Analysis of their cardiovascular function demonstrated normal heart function. Cardiac contractility analysis in isolated hearts and in intact animals demonstrated that ouabain-induced cardiac inotropy occurred in hearts from wild type but not from the targeted animals. These results clearly demonstrate that the Na,K-ATPase and specifically the alpha2 Na,K-ATPase isozyme mediates ouabain-induced cardiac contractility in mice.  相似文献   

The role of multiple isoforms for the alpha subunit of Na,K-ATPase is essentially unknown. To examine the functional properties of the three alpha subunit isoforms, we developed a system for the heterologous expression of Na,K-ATPase in which the enzymatic activity of each isoform can be independently analyzed. Ouabain-resistant forms of the rat alpha 2 and alpha 3 subunits were constructed by site-directed mutagenesis of amino acid residues at the extracellular borders of the first and second transmembrane domains (L111R and N122D for alpha 2 and Q108R and N119D for alpha 3). cDNAs encoding the rat alpha 1 subunit, which is naturally ouabain-resistant, and rat alpha 2 and alpha 3, which were mutated to ouabain resistance (designated rat alpha 2* and rat alpha 3*, respectively) were cloned into an expression vector and transfected into HeLa cells. Resistant clones were isolated and analyzed for ouabain-inhibitable ATPase activity in the presence of 1 microM ouabain, which inhibits the endogenous Na,K-ATPase present in HeLa cells (I50 approximately equal to 10 nM). The remaining activity corresponds to Na,K-ATPase molecules containing the transfected rat alpha 1, rat alpha 2*, or rat alpha 3* isoforms. Utilizing this system, we examined Na+, K+, and ATP dependence of enzyme activity. Na,K-ATPase molecules containing rat alpha 1 and rat alpha 2* exhibited a 2-3-fold higher apparent affinity for Na+ than those containing rat alpha 3* (apparent KNa+ (millimolar): rat alpha 1 = 1.15 +/- 0.13; rat alpha 2* = 1.05 +/- 0.11; rat alpha 3* = 3.08 +/- 0.06). Additionally, rat alpha 3* had a slightly higher apparent affinity for ATP (in the millimolar concentration range) compared with rat alpha 1 or rat alpha 2* (apparent K0.5 (millimolar): rat alpha 1 = 0.43 +/- 0.12; rat alpha 2* = 0.54 +/- 0.15; rat alpha 3* = 0.21 +/- 0.04) and all three isoforms has similar apparent affinities for K+ (apparent KK+: rat alpha 1 = 0.45 +/- 0.01; rat alpha 2* = 0.43 +/- 0.004; rat alpha 3* = 0.27 +/- 0.01). This study represents the first comparison of the functional properties of the three Na,K-ATPase alpha isoforms expressed in the same cell type.  相似文献   

Taste buds contain three types of taste cells. Each type can respond to taste stimulation, and type II and III taste cells are electrically excitable. However, there are differences between the properties of type II and III taste cells. In this study, we found that Fxyd6, an Na,K-ATPase regulator gene, is expressed in type II taste cells in the taste buds of mice. Double-labeled in situ hybridization analysis showed that Fxyd6 was coexpressed with transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 5 (Trpm5), a critical component of the sweet, bitter, and umami taste signal transduction pathways and that it was specifically expressed in type II taste cells. We also found that taste cells frequently coexpressed Fxyd6 and Na,K-ATPase β1. These results indicate the presence of an inherent mechanism that regulated transmembrane Na(+) dynamics in type II taste cells.  相似文献   

Sperm motility is dependent on a unique isoform of the Na,K-ATPase   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Na,K-ATPase, a member of the P-type ATPases, is composed of two subunits, alpha and beta, and is responsible for translocating Na(+) out of the cell and K(+) into the cell using the energy of hydrolysis of one molecule of ATP. The electrochemical gradient it generates is necessary for many cellular functions, including establishment of the plasma membrane potential and transport of sugars and ions in and out of the cell. Families of isoforms for both the alpha and beta subunits have been identified, and specific functional roles for individual isoforms are just beginning to emerge. The alpha4 isoform is the most recently identified Na, K-ATPase alpha isoform, and its expression has been found only in testis. Here we show that expression of the alpha4 isoform in testis is localized to spermatozoa and that inhibition of this isoform alone eliminates sperm motility. These data describe for the first time a biological function for the alpha4 isoform of the Na,K-ATPase, revealing a critical role for this isoform in sperm motility.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis was used to identify residues responsible for the greater than 1,000-fold difference in ouabain sensitivity between the rat Na,K-ATPase alpha 1 and alpha 2 isoforms. A series of mutagenized cDNAs was constructed that replaced residues of the rat alpha 2 subunit with the corresponding residues from the rat alpha 1 subunit. These cDNAs were cloned into a mammalian episomal expression vector (EBOpLPP) and expressed in ouabain-sensitive primate cells. Either of two single substitutions introduced into the rat alpha 2 subunit cDNA (Leu-111----Arg or Asn-122----Asp) conferred partial resistance (approximately 10 microM ouabain) upon transformed cells. This resistance was intermediate between the levels conferred by the rat alpha 1 cDNA (approximately 500 microM ouabain) and the rat alpha 2 cDNA (approximately 0.2 microM ouabain). A double substitution of the rat alpha 2 cDNA (Leu-111----Arg and Asn-122----Asp) conferred a resistance level equivalent to that obtained with rat alpha 1. These results demonstrate that the residues responsible for isoform-specific differences in ouabain sensitivity are located at the end of the H1-H2 extracellular domain. The combination of site-directed mutagenesis and episomal expression provides a useful system for the selection and analysis of mutants.  相似文献   

Keryanov S  Gardner KL 《Gene》2002,292(1-2):151-166

We have characterized cDNAs coding for three Na,K-ATPase alpha subunit isoforms from the rat, a species resistant to ouabain. Northern blot and S1-nuclease mapping analyses revealed that these alpha subunit mRNAs are expressed in a tissue-specific and developmentally regulated fashion. The mRNA for the alpha 1 isoform, approximately equal to 4.5 kb long, is expressed in all fetal and adult rat tissues examined. The alpha 2 mRNA, also approximately equal to 4.5 kb long, is expressed predominantly in brain and fetal heart. The alpha 3 cDNA detected two mRNA species: a approximately equal to 4.5 kb mRNA present in most tissues and a approximately equal to 6 kb mRNA, found only in fetal brain, adult brain, heart, and skeletal muscle. The deduced amino acid sequences of these isoforms are highly conserved. However, significant differences in codon usage and patterns of genomic DNA hybridization indicate that the alpha subunits are encoded by a multigene family. Structural analysis of the alpha subunits from rat and other species predicts a polytopic protein with seven membrane-spanning regions. Isoform diversity of the alpha subunit may provide a biochemical basis for Na,K-ATPase functional diversity.  相似文献   

The Na,K-ATPase function appears impaired in human heart failure with dilation; however little is known in animal model with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. We studied Na,K-ATPase isoform composition and activity from cardiomyopathic hamsters of the MS 200 strain with pure dilated cardiomyopathy and compared them with those of healthy Syrian hamsters. 150-day-old male MS 200 Syrian hamsters (n = 16) and sex- and age-matched healthy Syrian hamsters (n = 15) were used. Antibodies specific for the three alpha-isoforms and against the beta1-isoform were used to study Na,K-ATPase isoform expression in ventricular myocardium. Na,K-ATPase activity was quantified in homogenate and membrane fractions. There was no significant change in left ventricular mass. Morphological examination revealed a decreased septum thickness in the dilated cardiomyopathy compared with control hamster. Idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy in hamsters presented significantly reduced membrane alpha1 and beta1 abundances and reduced Na,K-ATPase activity (-35% vs. healthy control, p<0.05). Chronic heart failure had no effect on the Na,K-ATPase alpha2-subunit protein. We have demonstrated for the first time that dilated cardiomyopathy induces a specific reduction of both membrane alpha1- and beta1-isoform abundance and Na,K-ATPase activity in hamsters similar to those previously reported in human dilated heart failure.  相似文献   

The exquisite sensitivity of the cochlea, which mediates the transduction of sound waves into nerve impulses, depends on the endolymph ionic composition and the endocochlear potential. A key protein in the maintenance of the electrochemical composition of the endolymph is the Na,K-ATPase. In this study, we have looked for the presence in the rat inner ear of members of the FXYD protein family, recently identified as tissue-specific modulators of Na,K-ATPase. Only FXYD6 is detected at the protein level. FXYD6 is expressed in various epithelial cells bordering the endolymph space and in the auditory neurons. FXYD6 co-localizes with Na,K-ATPase in the stria vascularis and can be co-immunoprecipitated with Na,K-ATPase. After expression in Xenopus oocytes, FXYD6 associates with Na,K-ATPase alpha1-beta1 and alpha1-beta2 isozymes, which are preferentially expressed in different regions of the inner ear and also with gastric and non-gastric H,K-ATPases. The apparent K(+) and Na(+) affinities of alpha1-beta1 and alpha1-beta2 isozymes are different. Association of FXYD6 with Na,K-ATPase alpha1-beta1 isozymes slightly decreases their apparent K(+) affinity and significantly decreases their apparent Na(+) affinity. On the other hand, association with alpha1-beta2 isozymes increases their apparent K(+) and Na(+) affinity. The effects of FXYD6 on the apparent Na(+) affinity of Na,K-ATPase and the voltage dependence of its K(+) effect are distinct from other FXYD proteins. In conclusion, this study defines the last FXYD protein of unknown function as a modulator of Na,K-ATPase. Among FXYD protein, FXYD6 is unique in its expression in the inner ear, suggesting a role in endolymph composition.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this study was to examine the functional role of the Na,K-ATPase alpha 1 isoform in the regulation of cardiac contractility. Previous studies using knock-out mice showed that the hearts of animals lacking one copy of the alpha 1 or alpha 2 isoform gene exhibit opposite phenotypes. Hearts from alpha 2(+/-) animals are hypercontractile, whereas those of the alpha 1(+/-) animals are hypocontractile. The cardiac phenotype of the alpha 1(+/-) animals was unexpected as other studies suggest that inhibition of either isoform increases contraction. To help resolve this difference, we have used genetically engineered knock-in mice expressing a ouabain-sensitive alpha 1 isoform and a ouabain-resistant alpha 2 isoform of the Na,K-ATPase, and we analyzed cardiac contractility following selective inhibition of the alpha1 isoform by ouabain. Administration of ouabain to these animals and to isolated heart preparations selectively inhibits only the activity of the alpha 1 isoform without affecting the activity of the alpha 2 isoform. Low concentrations of ouabain resulted in positive cardiac inotropy in both isolated hearts and intact animals expressing the modified alpha 1 and alpha 2 isoforms. Pretreatment with 10 microm KB-R7943, which inhibits the reverse mode of the Na/Ca exchanger, abolished the cardiotonic effects of ouabain in isolated wild type and knock-in hearts. Immunoprecipitation analysis demonstrated co-localization of the alpha1 isoform and the Na/Ca exchanger in cardiac sarcolemma. The alpha 1 isoform co-immunoprecipitated with the Na/Ca exchanger and vice versa. These results demonstrate that the alpha 1 isoform regulates cardiac contractility, and that both the alpha 1 and alpha 2 isoforms are functionally and physically coupled with the Na/Ca exchanger in heart.  相似文献   

It is well accepted that inhibition of the Na,K-ATPase in the heart, through effects on the Na/Ca exchanger, raises the intracellular Ca2+ concentration and strengthens cardiac contraction. However, the contribution that individual isoforms make to this calcium regulatory role is unknown. Assessing the phenotypes of mouse hearts with genetically reduced levels of Na,K-ATPase alpha 1 or alpha 2 isoforms clearly demonstrates different functional roles for these isoforms in vivo. Heterozygous alpha 2 hearts are hypercontractile as a result of increased calcium transients during the contractile cycle. In contrast, heterozygous alpha 1 hearts are hypocontractile. The different functional roles of these two isoforms are further demonstrated since inhibition of the alpha 2 isoform with ouabain increases the contractility of heterozygous alpha 1 hearts. These results definitively illustrate a specific role for the alpha 2 Na,K-ATPase isoform in Ca2+ signaling during cardiac contraction.  相似文献   

The Na,K-ATPase transports three sodium ions out of the cell and two potassium ions into the cell using ATP hydrolysis for energy. The ion gradient formed by the Na,K-ATPase contributes to the resting membrane potential, maintains cellular excitability and is important for glucose and amino acid uptake in the cell. The alpha1 catalytic isoform is expressed in virtually all cell types. We have previously examined cardiac physiology of mice lacking one copy of the alpha1 isoform gene of the Na,K-ATPase. The observation of reduced cardiac contractility in the alpha1 heterozygous mice was unexpected since mice heterozygous for the alpha2 isoform displayed enhanced cardiac contractility similar to what would be observed with cardiac glycoside treatment. We further examined hearts from alpha1 heterozygous mice to identify genomic responses to reduced Na,K-ATPase capacity. Using microarray analyses, we identified groups of genes whose expressions were perturbed in the alpha1 heterozygous hearts compared to wild-type. Known functional relationships of these genes suggest that multiple biological pathways are altered by alpha1 hemizygosity including activation of the renin-angiotensin system, changes in genes of energy metabolism and transport and elevated brain natriuretic peptide. This suggests that Na,K-ATPase alpha1 isoform activity may be required in numerous cellular processes.  相似文献   

Na,K-ATPase isoform expression in sheep red blood cell precursors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Isoform expression of mammalian red cell Na,K-ATPase was analyzed using messenger RNA isolated from red cell precursor-enriched bone marrow of anemic sheep. Expression of the catalytic alpha subunit was analyzed using rat isoform-specific cDNA probes and expression of the beta 1 subunit, using a sheep beta 1-specific cDNA probe. RNA isolated from sheep kidney and brain were analyzed concurrently. In the red cell, as in the kidney, messenger RNA encoding only one isoform (alpha 1) of the catalytic subunit is detected; neither of the other isoforms (alpha 2 or alpha 3) could be detected. This holds true for bone marrow of sheep of either the low potassium or high potassium phenotype. Relative to the expression of alpha 1, beta subunit-specific message (beta 1) was extremely low in the red cell compared to either kidney (less than 5%) or brain (less than 3%). Using a rat cDNA probe specific for a beta 1-like subunit, beta 2, message was detected in brain but not in either kidney or bone marrow.  相似文献   

Na,K-ATPase is a crucial enzyme for ion homeostasis in human tissues. Different isozymes are produced by assembly of four alpha- and three beta-subunits. The expression of the alpha3/beta1 isozyme is confined to brain and heart. Its heterologous production has so far never been attempted in a lower eukaryote. In this work we explored whether the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris is capable of expressing the alpha3/beta1 isoform of human Na,K-ATPase. cDNAs encoding the alpha(3) and the beta(1)-subunits were cloned under the control of the inducible promoter of Pichia pastoris alcohol oxidase 1. Pichia pastoris could express the single alpha3- and beta1-subunits and even coexpress them after methanol induction. beta1-subunit was produced as a major 44-kDa glycosylated polypeptide and alpha3 as a 110-kDa unglycosylated polypeptide. Expression at the plasma membrane was limited in shaking flask cultures but by cultivating P. pastoris cells in a fermenter there was a 10-fold increase of the number of ouabain binding sites per cell. The exported enzyme was estimated to be about 0.230 mg L(-1) at the end of a bioreactor run. Na,K-ATPase proved active and the dissociation constant of the recombinant enzyme-ouabain interaction was determined.  相似文献   

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