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以萝卜为母本,以芥蓝为父本,采用人工去雄授粉的方法进行杂交,然后通过胚抢救(embryo rescue)得到F1代植株,并利用RAPD技术对杂种F1代幼苗进行了鉴定。RAPD鉴定结果表明:杂种表现出亲本的特异带或者亲本不具备的新谱带,有的还遗失了亲本的特异带或者共有带。  相似文献   

柑橘体细胞杂种有性后代的创造及杂种鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
110 plantlets were obtained from the cross between citrus allotetraploid somatic hybrid [Hamlin sweet orange (Citrus sinensis Osback) + Rough Lemon (C. jambhiri Luss)] (as the pollen parent) and mono-embryonic diploid type Iben No.4 [Huanongbendizao tangerine (C. reticulata Blanco) x Ichang papeda (C. ichangensis Swingle)] by the means of young embryo culture in vitro, and there were 93 triploids and 17 diploids through chromosome counting and the ploidy analyser identification. RAPD analyses showed that all sexual progenies were hybrid.  相似文献   

利用活体-离体胚培养和胚愈伤组织诱导、再生植株技术有效地克服了节节麦远缘杂种胚的败育,高效产生了节节麦与硬粒小麦-簇毛麦双倍体、六倍体小黑麦、小麦、大麦间的杂种植株,从而为节节麦种质利用提供了技术方法。  相似文献   

本试验选用了两个以金花茶作父本的人工杂交组合F_1代实生苗,经根尖体细胞染色体观察鉴定四倍体杂种。一、云南野山茶(Camellia pitardii var.yunnanica六倍体)×金花茶(C.Chrysantha二倍体)。结果为:所获56株子叶和下胚轴为红色的F_1代杂种苗中,有55株(98.2%)是真正的四倍体杂种(X~2=0.0128,D.f.=1,0.95>p>0.90);所获50株子叶和下胚轴为黄白色的杂种苗中,有13株(26%)为真正四倍体杂种(X~2=27.38,D.f.=13,0.02>p>0.01)。二、云南山茶花(C.reticulata六倍体)×金花茶。结果为:在78株子叶和下胚轴为红色的杂交苗中,有77株(98.7%)为真正四倍体杂种(X~2=0.0128,D.f.=1,0.95>p>0.90);而在78株子叶及下胚轴为黄白色的杂种苗中,只有21株(26.9%)是真正四倍体杂种(X~2=41.65,D.f.=24,0.02>p>0.01) 在多数杂种实生苗中的这种红色素,是因种子直感现象而发生的父本金花茶的一种遗传性状。金花茶的另一特征——多子叶现象(3枚以上),则在一些F_1代杂种苗或杂种种子中表现得不明显。因此,利用F_1代杂种苗子叶和下胚轴所具有的红色特征,在杂种种子萌发期用来鉴别以金花茶为亲本的F_1代杂种的真伪,是一种简便、快速的、有发展前途的方法。  相似文献   

为探索秦巴山区野生百合资源在百合育种中的应用方向及途径, 获得具有其独特遗传背景的育种材料,将秦巴山区野生百合的抗病毒及独特观赏特性等优良遗传性状逐渐渗到栽培品种中去。该研究借助切割柱头杂交及胚抢救技术,选取6种秦巴山区野生百合[岷江百合(Lilium gegale)、宜昌百合(L. leucanthum)、山丹(L. pumilum)、野百合(L. brownii)、宝兴百合(L. duchartrei)、川百合(L. davidii)]以及亚洲百合(Asiatic hybrids,AA)品种‘Elite’、东方百合(Oriental hybrids,OO)品种‘Sorbonne’、‘Siberia’和‘Marlon’、OT百合(Oriental × Trumpet hybrids,OT)品种‘Yelloween’、‘Serano’、‘Corel′door’进行了32组共计263朵花的(品)种间杂交,并针对膨大变软的果实剥离可供离体培养的胚及胚囊进行胚抢救。结果表明:(1)不同杂交组合坐果率、胚获得及萌发率呈现出较大差异,综合坐果率为11.4%,对30个膨大的果实中共计38个可供离体培养的胚及胚囊进行胚抢救,有7株最终萌发。(2)以野生百合为父母本的12组杂交组合中,6组获得了膨大果实,得到6株杂交后代。(3)栽培百合做母本,野生百合做父本的20组杂交组合中,共9组获得了膨大果实,除‘Elite’ × 山丹可直接收获种子外,共得到1株杂交后代。(4)以岷江百合及宜昌百合为亲本的远缘杂交TT × AA及回交OT × TT成功获得杂种后代。(5)秦巴山区6种野生百合在远缘杂交中获得育种后代的几率存在较大差异,宜昌百合和岷江百合获得后代几率较高,宝兴百合获得后代几率较低,野百合未获得后代。以上结果表明,岷江百合和宜昌百合为母本的TT × AA杂交和宝兴百合为父本的TT × AA杂交以及岷江百合和宜昌百合为父本的OT回交,为三种百合的育种利用提供了新途径,野百合的育种应用途径需要继续探索。  相似文献   

四倍体大燕麦×六倍体裸燕麦的杂种F1的产生及鉴定   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本研究以四倍体大燕麦 (AvenamagnaL .)做母本 ,六倍体裸燕麦 (AvenanudaL .)做父本进行杂交 ,利用幼胚拯救技术获得了杂种F1,并对其后代形态特征进行了观察 ;对杂种F1同工酶图谱和DNA指纹图谱进行了分析。杂种F1形态特征偏亲本或介于双亲之间 ;同工酶研究表明多数F1具有双亲互补酶带 ;RAPD分析不同引物扩增产物F1呈共显性或偏父、偏母。这些结果表明F1为真杂种  相似文献   

本研究以四倍体大燕麦(Avena magna L.)做母本,六倍体裸燕麦(Avena nuda L.)做父本进行杂交,利用幼胚拯救技术获得了杂种F1,并对其后代形态特征进行了观察;对杂种F1同工酶图谱和DNA指纹图谱进行了分析。杂种F1形态特征偏亲本或介于双亲之间;同工酶研究表明多数F1具有双亲互补酶带;RAPD分析不同引物扩增产物F1呈共显性或偏父、偏母。这些结果表明F1为真杂种。  相似文献   

棉花远缘杂交是种质创新和新品种选育的重要途径.以实验室前期合成的陆地棉与野生斯特提棉远缘杂种为材料,对其进行形态学、细胞遗传学及SSR分子标记鉴定.形态学分别从植株、叶片和花三方面进行了双亲和杂种的分析比较,结果表明杂种植株高于双亲,叶片大于双亲,表现出显著的杂种优势;叶色与父本相近,为翠绿色,杂种花基部花斑与父本相近...  相似文献   

胚抢救技术在核果类果树育种上的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
胚抢救技术在核果类果树早熟品种育种及获得远缘杂种、阻止胚早期退化、提高早熟品种种子萌发率和缩短育种周期等方面具有重要作用。对胚抢救技术及其在核果类果树育种上的应用、注意问题进行了综述。  相似文献   

2个小麦-黑麦-中间偃麦草三属杂种F1的减数分裂方为复杂,中期Ⅰ染色体平均每细胞构型为19.53Ⅰ+13.47Ⅱ+0.70Ⅲ+0.06Ⅳ和19.99Ⅰ+13.42Ⅱ+0.65Ⅲ+0.04Ⅳ+0.01Ⅴ,后期Ⅰ染色体分配不平衡,单价体并不一定排列在赤道板上,产生各种类型的异常四分体。18株花粉植株染色体组成类型多样,在2个花粉植株中分别观察到端体和等臂染色体。单倍体花粉植株中期Ⅰ染色体配对频率较高,交叉值为1.51-3.85。本文还讨论了三属杂种和花药培养的结合应用。  相似文献   

白菜型油菜与蓝花子杂交的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
吴沿友  罗鹏   《广西植物》1998,18(1):54-57
通过胚胎培养,成功地获得了白菜型油菜(Brasicacampestris)与蓝花子(RaphanussativusLvarraphanistroidesMakino)的属间杂种。该杂种具有两种类型;一种为大花类型,一种为小花类型。对它们进行花粉母细胞减数分裂的观察结果表明:小花类型为未加倍的杂种MI,存在19个未配对染色体,大花类型为加倍或部分加倍杂种,加倍类型MI,19个二价体排列在赤道板上;部分加倍类型AI,具有10-10-9的染色体组分割现象。大花类型具有可育性;它能够产生很多n=19及n=9、n=10的正常配子。染色体组分割能够产生倍半二倍体,它能用来研究染色体的功能和开展染色体工程。  相似文献   

The karyotypes and pollen morphology of Brassica oleracea L. and B. alboglabra Bailey were studied by preparing mitotic chromosome specimens and scanning electron microscope. The results are as follows: 1. the karyotypes of the 4 varieties in B. oleracea L. and of B. alboglabra Bailey are similar, all with the same chromosome number (2n=18) satellite number (one pair) and a type of karyotype, but different in respect to satellite position and karyotype symmetry 2. The pollengrains of 2 varieties of B. oleracea L. are 3-colporate and reticulate, distinctly different from those in B. alboglabra, which are pantoporate with smaller lumina. Based on the results we tend to regard that B. alboglabra Bailey is an independent species.  相似文献   

A previous paper reported an investigation of myrosinase inthe seeds, seedlings and the different organs of mature plantsof Sinapis alba. The enzyme distribution was related to thehistological localization of myrosin cells. The present paperreports the situation for Raphanus sativus. Differences in myrosinasepatterns have been found but the two taxa are similar in thatthere is good evidence for the presence of the enzyme in myrosincells and in other non-specialized cells. Key words: Raphanus, Myrosinase, Isoelectric focusing, Myrosin cells  相似文献   

萝卜种质资源亲缘关系的RAPD分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
利用筛选出的12个随机引物,对来源于不同国家和地区的有代表性的56份萝卜种质资源遗传多样性进行了RAPD分析,共扩增出109条带,其中多态性带为72条,多态性带百分率为62.9%,种质平均期望杂合度为0.289.系统聚类分析将供试材料分为2大类、9组,主坐标分析将其分为3大类、7组,两种分类方法结果基本一致,后者能更为直观和清楚地反映群体之间的关系.  相似文献   

Intergeneric somatic hybridization between Brassica napus and Raphanus sativus was carried out to enrich gene pool of B. napus. Twelve somatic hybrids were produced via PEG-mediated protoplast fusion between B. napus and R. sativus. The hybridity was confirmed by morphological observation and molecular marker analysis. Hybrid progenies (BC1) were obtained via backcrosses with B. napus. Behaviour of R. sativus chromosomes in a B. napus background in the F1 and BC1 plants was revealed by genomic in situ hybridization (GISH). The potential of somatic hybridization to enrich the suitable gene pool for rapeseed breeding is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Enzyme electrophoresis was used to compare newly resynthesized Brassica napus with its actual parental diploid species, B. campestris and B. alboglabra. Comparisons were also made with cultivated B. napus. Of the eight enzyme systems assayed, four were monomorphic (hexokinase, malate dehydrogenase, mannose phosphate isomerase and peroxidase), whereas the remaining four were polymorphic (glucosephosphate isomerase, leucine aminopeptidase, phosphoglucomutase and shikimate dehydrogenase), when comparisons were made within or between species. The polymorphic enzyme patterns observed in the newly resynthesized B. napus disclosed that the homoeologous loci contributed by the parental species were expressed in the amphiploid. Analysis of the glucosephosphate isomerase enzyme in a breeding line (Sv 02372) of B. napus indicated that, in this case, the gene originating from B. campestris was switched off whereas that of B. oleracea was expressed. Duplicated enzyme loci were observed in B. campestris and B. alboglabra, thus providing additional evidence to support the hypothesis that these species are actually secondary polyploids derived from an unknown archetype of x=6.  相似文献   

The frequency of hybridisation between Brassica napus L. and Raphanus raphanistrum L. under agronomic conditions was assessed in field experiments, where R. raphanistrum were randomly planted at two different densities into large plots of B. napus. An acetolacate synthase (ALS)-inhibiting herbicide-resistant trait was used to detect potential hybrid individuals. No hybrids were detected amongst 25,000 seedlings grown from seed collected from R. raphanistrum plants. Two hybrids were obtained from more than 52-million B. napus seedlings. Both hybrids were characterised as amphidiploids (AACCRrRr, 2n = 56) and were fertile. The frequency of hybridisation into B. napus in this experiment using male-fertile B. napus was 4 × 10–8. Received: 31 August 2000 / Accepted: 23 January 2001  相似文献   

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