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Anti-predator defence behaviour of Holocnemus pluchei (Araneae, Pholcidae) was studied in the laboratory and the field. Bouncing, in which this web-building spider moves its body rapidly up and down while keeping its legs on the silk, was the most frequent response to disturbance. Less often, H. pluchei left the web when disturbed. Experiments were carried out to determine the types of stimuli that elicited bouncing and leaving the web: tactile stimulation (striking the spider with a brush) and air movement (blowing on the spider) elicited bouncing and leaving the web, but there was no evidence that chemical stimuli from potential predators were important. Tactile stimulation elicited stronger responses than air movement. There were no evident differences in how H. pluchei responded to tactile stimulation in the laboratory and the field.  相似文献   

The spider Holocnemus pluchei (Scopoli) (Araneae: Pholcidae) is a nonnative species commonly found in the southwestern United States. In urban areas around homes and other structures, it is often the dominant spider species on outside surfaces; requests for control of spiders and their cobwebs are common for the commercial pest management industry. We tested two physical (brushing and vacuuming) and two low-impact chemical (permethrin and botanical insecticide) spray control methods for H. pluchei on outbuildings on the University of California-Riverside campus. Forty sites containing at least two H. pluchei spiders along a 5-m section of eave or overhang were chosen for treatment. Treatment was applied within 2 d of a pretreatment census. The number of spiders per section was counted at 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, and 52 wk posttreatment. Untreated sections showed an increase in spiders through summer and a decrease in autumn. Sites treated with permethrin significantly reduced spiders >95% and had strong residual effect throughout the remainder of the sampling period. Compared with untreated controls, the three other treatments did not significantly reduce spiders; these three were similar throughout the season and were intermediate between untreated and permethrin-treated sites. In comparison with the before and 2-wk posttreatments, spiders at the untreated sites showed no difference in body sizes, whereas those in the nonpermethrin treatments showed a decrease, indicating that larger spiders were eliminated. We also tested H. pluchei spiders in the laboratory against the two insecticides used in the field studies to determine the minimum lethal concentrations for controlling H. pluchei.  相似文献   

Three species of web-invading salticid spiders, with different predatory strategies, were tested with Holocnemus pluchei in the laboratory: Portia fimbriata and Portia labiata , which practise aggressive mimicry, and Euyattus sp., which leaps from outside on to spiders in webs but does not practise aggressive mimicry. Portia was shown to be more efficient than Euryattus at catching H. pluchei. Portia fimbriata from Queensland was more consistent at using aggressive mimicry than was Portia labiata and was also more efficient at catching H. pluchei . The web-invaders that were more efficient at catching H. pluchei were also better able to avoid setting off bouncing, a special defence behaviour used by H. pluchei . An experiment, in which H. pluchei was artificially induced to bounce whenever the predator was near, provided additional evidence that bouncing is effective in defending H. pluchei against web-invaders.  相似文献   

Huber, B. A. 1994. Copulatory mechanism in Holocnemus pluchei and Pholcus opilionoides, with notes on male cheliceral apophyses and stridulatory organs in Pholcidae (Araneae).—Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 76: 291–300. The pholcid spiders Holocnemus pluchei (Scopoli, 1763) and Pholcus opilionoides (Schrank, 1781) are investigated with respect to functional morphology of their genital organs using freeze-fixation of spiders during copula in liquid nitrogen and subsequent preparation of histological serial sections of the copulatory organs in functional contact. Special attention is paid to the mode of male pedipalpal arrestation before copulation, which is achieved in two quite different ways: in Pholcus by contact of the lateral cheliceral apophysis with the pedipalpal trochanter-apophysis, in Holocnemus by locking the pedipalpal trochanter between chelicera and pedipalpal coxa. The condition in Pholcus is considered to be apomorphic and to present a synapomorphy of about a dozen genera for which the name “Pholcus-group” is proposed. The stridulatory apparatus of Holocnemus pluchei is described, its biological significance discussed and an overview of accounts on stridulation in Pholcidae given.  相似文献   

蔡柏岐 《蛛形学报》2003,12(1):20-21
描述苍白拟幽灵蛛Smeringopus pullidus (Blackwall,1858)雄蛛。  相似文献   

The observation that genitalia, rather than other characters, are useful in distinguishing species has resulted in the statement that genitalia evolve relatively rapidly. In this paper we claim that relatively rapid evolution of genitalia may often be restricted to the shapes, numbers, and sizes of individual structures. In contrast, the more basic pattern, including the presence or absence of structures and their interrelationships (the bauplan), does not seem to evolve more rapidly than other (nongenital) aspects of morphology. We document this idea by contrasting two litter‐dwelling pholcid species, Metagonia petropolis sp. n. and M. paranapiacaba sp. n., with their mostly leaf‐dwelling congeners. Significant differences occur with regard to nongenital aspects of morphology as well as shapes of individual genital structures, but the bauplan of their genitalia is basically the same.  相似文献   

Males of the Venezuelan pholcid spider Kaliana yuruani have unique genitalia, with the procursi about six times as long as usual in the family. The present article describes the previously unknown female, searching for a morphological correlate in the female genitalia to the male's exaggeration. Reconstruction of histological serial sections reveals an internal female complexity that is unequalled in pholcid spiders. An intricate system of ducts and folds is arranged in an asymmetric way, making this the third known case of genital asymmetry in spiders. The term "cryptic female exaggeration" is used in analogy to cryptic female choice, pointing to the fact that from the outside, the female genitalia do not appear unusual. I propose that cryptic female exaggeration may be relatively common in copulatory structures if male exaggerations need to be evaluated according to the female choice by mechanical fit model. Finally, the evolution of genital asymmetry in spiders is contrasted with that in insects.  相似文献   

Macaronesian archipelagos stand apart from other oceanic islands reputed as laboratories for the study of evolution by their proximity to the mainland, lack of subsidence, and steep ecological gradients. The genus Pholcus Walckenaer, 1805, commonly known as daddy-long-leg spiders, is one of the most speciose arthropod groups in the region, with 25 endemic species. In the present study, we use information from four mitochondrial genes, along with morphological data, to examine the phylogenetic relationships and diversification patterns of the genus in the region. Phylogenetic analyses support monophyly of Macaronesian Pholcus including the Moroccan species Pholcus vachoni and hence a single colonization event in the archipelagos. Madeira colonizers most likely originated from the Canaries, and a back-colonization of the nearby mainland receives further support. Estimated lineage divergence times suggest a long-time presence of Pholcus in the region, but also reveal that most present-day species are the result of recent, and probably rapid, speciation events. Diagnostic characters among Macaronesian Pholcus are confined to structures involved in copulation. Coupled with the extremely high diversification rate, the highest recorded for spiders, these copulatory characters suggest that sexual selection has played a key role in the local diversification of Pholcus in Macaronesia.  相似文献   

The spider family Pholcidae comprises a large number of mainly tropical, web-weaving spiders, and is among the most diverse and dominant spider groups in the world. The phylogeny of this family has so far been investigated exclusively using morphological data. Here, we present the first molecular data for the family analyzed in a phylogenetic context. Four different gene regions (12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, 28S rRNA) and 45 morphological characters were scored for 31 pholcid and three outgroup taxa. The data were analyzed both for individual genes, combined molecular data, and molecular plus morphological data, using parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian methods. Some of the phylogenetic hypotheses obtained previously using morphology alone were also supported by our results, like the monophyly of pholcines and of the New World clade. On the other hand, some of the previous hypotheses could be discarded with some confidence (monophyly of holocnemines, the position of Priscula), and still others need further investigation (the position of holocnemines, ninetines, and Metagonia). The data obtained provide an excellent basis for future investigations of phylogenetic patterns both within the family and among spider families.  相似文献   

Like most animals with internal fertilization, spiders tend to have species-specific genitalia, allowing closely related species to be identified by their reproductive morphology more easily than by non-genital characters. This implies that genitalia evolve on average more rapidly than non-genital morphological traits. Here we describe two putative species of Pholcidae from Taiwan (Pholcus pingtung, n. sp.; Pholcus chengpoi, n. sp.) that differ conspicuously in their microhabitat (rocks vs. leaves), coloration, color pattern, and body proportions, but have almost indistinguishable genitalia and cytochrome oxidase I (co1) sequences. The two species have identical yet highly unusual male cheliceral modifications, strongly arguing for sister species. Despite the almost identical genitalia and co1 sequences, we treat the two ‘morphs’ as species for three reasons: (1) they are easily distinguished by several characters; no intermediate specimens were found; (2) subtle yet consistent differences in genital (uncus) shape support the idea of reproductively isolated entities beyond the more conspicuous non-genital differences; (3) each locality provided both types of microhabitat but only one of the two species, arguing against environmental plasticity or polymorphism. We conclude that probably a very recent expansion into a novel microhabitat has led to speciation and rapid ecological and non-genital differentiation, with insufficient time to accumulate significant genital and genetic differences.  相似文献   

Portia is a genus of specialized web-invading salticids that use aggressive mimicry. Some other salticids leap into webs to catch spiders but do not use aggressive mimicry. Pholcus phalangioides is a web-building spider with a special defensive behaviour—called whirling—in which it swings its body around in a circle while keeping its long legs on the silk. Pholcus phalangioides is preyed on by Portia and probably other salticid spiders in nature. Interactions between P. phalangioides and 13 species of salticids were studied in the laboratory to compare how effective salticids with different styles of predation were at catching the pholcids. Four species of Portia were studied and each was more efficient at catching P. phalangioides than were the other nine salticids tested. For one species—Portia fimbriata—individuals from three different populations were studied. The Queensland P. fimbriata used aggressive mimicry more consistently and were more efficient at catching P. phalangioides than were the other species of Portia and the other populations of P. fimbriata . The salticids that were the most efficient at catching pholcids were also better able to avoid setting off whirling by the pholcids. An experiment in which pholcids were artificially induced to whirl whenever the predator was near provided additional evidence that whirling is an effective defence of pholcids against predation by salticids.  相似文献   

The present study deals with the spermatozoa and spermiogenesis of Liphistius cf. phuketensis, a representative of the most primitive and enigmatic spider group Mesothelae. The general organization of the spermatozoa is very similar to the condition known from Amblypygi supporting a sister-group relationship between Araneae and Amblypygi. Besides plesiomorphic characters such as, e.g., an elongated and corkscrew shaped nucleus, the sperm cells are characterized by several apomorphic characters, e.g., the giant body and conspicuous membranous areas which are formed at the end of spermiogenesis. As the transfer form, coenospermia are formed at the end of spermiogenesis, which strongly supports the idea that this type of sperm aggregation is the primitive transfer form within spiders. A very remarkable character of the spermatozoa of some groups of arachnids is the coiling of the main cell organelles at the end of spermiogenesis. Previously, the Mesothelae were believed to be the only spider group which does not show a complete coiling of the main cell organelles. With the present study the first evidence of a complete coiling of spermatozoa within this primitive spider group could be documented, indicating that this character is part of the ground pattern of spider spermatozoa. Consequently, the incomplete coiling seems to be a synapomorphy of certain species of Mesothelae, which sheds new light on the discussion of the phylogenetic relationships of this group.  相似文献   

The wolf spider Schizocosa malitiosa is a well-known model system for studies on sexual selection in spiders. Despite this, little is known about the morphology of the reproductive system and spermatozoa in this species. In the present study, we investigate the male genital system and sperm cells of S. malitiosa using electron microscopy and provide a computer-based 3D reconstruction of the spermatozoa for the first time for arthropods. In general, the male genital system consists of two long, tube-like testes that lead into convoluted deferent ducts. The ejaculatory duct is enlarged and contains a large quantity of sperm and secretion. As revealed by transmission electron microscopy, only one type of secretion droplet is present in the seminal fluid. The spermatozoa of S. malitiosa resemble an organization known for members of the RTA clade, i.e., with an arrow-shaped acrosomal vacuole partly sunk into the nucleus and a chambered centriolar adjunct (a newly introduced character). This organization provides further support for these characters as potential synapomorphies for the RTA clade. By the end of the spermiogenesis, the nucleus and axoneme coils within the cell and a multi-layered secretion sheath are formed representing cleistospermia. The function of the thick secretion sheath is still unknown, but might be correlated either with the residency time in the female (insemination until oviposition) since female S. malitiosa do not lay eggs before the fourth month after copulation or with the receptivity-inhibiting substances suggested for this species.  相似文献   

This paper offers a detailed taxonomic revision of all Canarian Pholcus species described before 2003, all of which are newly described and newly illustrated. Pholcus guadarfia sp. nov. is described, while a neotype for Pholcus malpaisensis Wunderlich, 1992 is also provided. In addition, we propose Pholcus gomerae Wunderlich, 1980 as a senior synonym for Pholcus gomeroides Wunderlich, 1987. More importantly, cladistic analysis based on the morphological characters of the Macaronesian Pholcus species was conducted for the first time. Parsimony analyses of 73 morphological characters revealed the close relationships between those species from the Canary Islands, Madeira and the Macaronesian enclave in Africa (between Agadir and Nouadhibou).  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 151 , 59–114.  相似文献   

附肢自残是北京幽灵蛛(Pholcus beijingensis Zhu & Song,1999)的习性之一。野外调查表明,约20%的个体至少失去1只步足;个体自残的发生率在2—7月间有显著的差异,同时第一对步足自残的比例最高(43.47%);个体失去步足的比例随着年龄的增加而增加;左侧和右侧步足失去的比率接近(1.03:1)。野外调查发现,正在交配的个体与单独生活的个体相比,步足的完整性上并无显著差别。实验室研究表明,北京幽灵蛛附肢自残后没有再生现象。通过对自残幼体与非自残幼体的3龄与4龄龄期研究,发现各处理组间并无显著的差别。步足自残被认为是北京幽灵蛛在极端情况下的“避险策略”(Bet-hedging strategy)[动物学报54(6):998-1004,2008]。  相似文献   

本文重新描述了采自西沙群岛永兴岛的巨幽蛛属亚特巨幽蛛Artema atlanta Walckenaer,1837。描述标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所。亚特巨幽蛛Artema atlanta Walckenaer,1837(图1A-D,2A—D,3A-C)观察标本2♂,8♀,海南省西沙群岛永兴岛,2008-01—13—19,卜文俊 采集。  相似文献   

Spermatozoa and spermiogenesis of the prithine filistatid spider Wandella orana are described. The spider produces coenospermia, i.e. sperm aggregations that include several single sperm cells commonly surrounded by a secretion sheath. One sectioned coenospermium in W. orana contains at least five spermatozoa. During copulation many coenospermia are transferred into the female. Coenospermia are regarded as a peculiar transfer form of sperm which occurs in early derivative spiders such as Liphistiomorphae and Mygalomorphae. The only exception which was found in Araneomorphae until now was the filistatine spider Filistata insidiatrix. Our observation is the second case and supports the view that Filistatidae represent an early derivative taxon. Furthermore, the individual sperm cells show characteristics which also may be regarded as being plesiomorphic. There is a cone-shaped acrosomal vacuole, a very long acrosomal filament, a rather stout nucleus and a small implantation fossa. The axoneme shows the 9x2+3 pattern of microtubules which is synapomorphic in Megoperculata (Uropygi, Amblypygi and Araneae). The finding of coenospermia in two distant taxa of Filistatidae may have consequences for phylogenetic and systematic considerations.  相似文献   

The spermatozoon of Atelura formicaria (Zygentoma) shows several features that are typical of insects: an apical acrosome, an elongated dense nucleus, a centriole with expanded centriolar adjunct material, two large mitochondrial derivatives, and two thin accessory bodies located beneath the nucleus. The axoneme exhibits a 9 + 9 + 2 pattern with accessory tubules formed by 16 protofilaments and intertubular material. However, spermatozoa of A. formicaria show some remarkable features. The sperm cell is short for an insect, being only 50 µm in length. The nucleus is characterized by the presence of two lateral grooves which are filled with numerous infoldings of the nuclear envelope. In a cross-section the chromatin has the configuration of the Leonardo da Vinci's 'Vitruvian man'. Each mitochondrial derivative has a peculiar structure with peripheral cristae and four crystalline bodies in its matrix; two of these crystalline bodies are large and have differently orientated cristal planes. At the end of spermiogenesis, sperm bundles are stored in the proximal part of the testes. Secretions from the epithelial wall of this region give rise to large globular structures. These include sperm bundles intermingled with dense granules, forming the so called 'spermatolophids'. These formations descend along the deferent duct and are stored in the expanded seminal vesicle. Atelura spermatozoa do not pair as in some Lepismatidae, nor do they fuse as in Tricholepidion (Lepidotrichidae). Thus, sperm aggregation in Zygentoma is realized according to different modalities and can hardly be considered as a synapomorphic trait of its subtaxa.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of spermatozoa is a valuable tool for phylogenetic and systematic studies. Ricinulei are enigmatic and poorly studied arachnids. So far, spermatozoa are only known from New World ricinuleids. The goals were to study, by means of light and transmission electron microcopy, the spermatozoa of an Old World species with regard to their phylogenetic implications, e.g., does the sperm structure contribute to the debated sister-group relationship of Acari and Ricinulei. The spermatozoa are coiled-flagellate and characterized by a cap-like acrosomal vacuole covered by electron-dense material, an elongated nucleus covered by a manchette of microtubules during spermiogenesis, an axoneme with a 9+2 microtubular pattern, a nuclear tube and axonemal basis which both originate underneath the acrosomal vacuole and cleistospermia as transfer form equipped with three intracellular plates. The data of the present study did not support a close relationship of Ricinulei and Acari which have aflagellate sperm with various synapomorphies as e.g., lacking nuclear envelopes/membranes in Actinotrichida (very similar to Solifugae) or vacuolated spermatozoa in Anactinotrichida. Affinities of Ricinulei are discussed in the light of the ultrastructure of arachnid spermatozoa.  相似文献   

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