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傅明珠  王宗灵  孙萍  李艳  李瑞香 《生态学报》2009,29(10):5366-5375
根据2006年夏季南黄海生态调查资料,分析了浮游植物现存量(叶绿素a)的空间分布特征及其主要环境调控机制.结果表明:南黄海浮游植物叶绿素a浓度范围为0.07~12.17 mg/m3,平均值为1.42 mg/m3;浮游植物叶绿素a平面分布呈近岸混合区高于外海层化区的特征,总体上随水体盐度和营养盐梯度的变化而变化,其中浅海陆架锋区对浮游植物有明显的聚集作用,垂直结构中层化区叶绿素次表层最大值现象明显,且最大值的深度和量值具有明显的区域差异;叶绿素a浓度与主要环境因子的相关性分析表明,在较大空间尺度上营养盐是浮游植物的主要调控因子,温度、光照和浮游动物摄食等也在一定空间和程度上对浮游植物的生长产生影响.  相似文献   

De Magalhães  C. A. 《Hydrobiologia》1998,378(1-3):143-148
Nodilittorina lineolata is a small littorinid characteristic of the supralittoral of rocky shores but extends its vertical range to the lower midlittoral. Shell-size and density of Nodilittorina were measured at two different levels, the supralittoral and barnacle zones, in six sites along the south-eastern Brazilian coast. The sites studied varied in the degree of wave exposure. Densities were lower in the supralittoral, and higher overall values occurred on the most exposed shores. Shell size increased significantly in an upshore direction at five of the six sites. However, mean-size and the magnitude of the difference between levels varied according to the site studied. The shell-size gradient can be explained by larval recruitment in the barnacle zone and subsequent ascending migration to the supralittoral zone, where the larger individuals were found. Reciprocal transfer experiments revealed that differential mortality of large individuals in the lower levels, possibly due to lack of refuges, may also influence the size-distribution. It was also shown that some individuals can be passively transported to upper levels of the shore by wave action during storms.  相似文献   

Cenotes (sinkholes) are the most peculiar aquatic ecosystem of the Yucatan Peninsula (SE Mexico). They are formed by dissolution of the carbonate rock in the karstic platform of the Yucatan Peninsula. A wide morphological variety is observed from caves filled with ground water to open cenotes. In some cenotes, particularly those close to the sea, underneath the fresh water one finds saltwater, where meromixis can take place. This occurs because in the Yucatan Peninsula there is a thin lens (10s of meters thick) that floats above denser saline water. In these cenotes, a relative enrichment of sodium related to calcium is observed while conductivity increases. In contrast, a higher increase of calcium associated to sulfate is observed in cenotes located in SE Yucatan Peninsula. A marked vertical stratification of the water is established during the warm and rainy season of the year (May–October). In cenotes with good hydraulic connection with the rest of the aquifer, the water remains clear during most of the year. However, cenotes with poor hydraulic connection with the aquifer are characterized by turbid waters and very low light transparency. In this group of cenotes, the water column contains a high concentration of chlorophyll (mostly due to chlorophyceans, cyanobacteria, diatoms and dinoflagellates); the hypolimnion and the sediment are rich in organic matter and anaerobic bacteria mediated biogeochemical processes are dominant. The upper part of the cenotes walls is well illuminated and covered by a rich microbial mat. Floating macrophytes may also occupy part of the water surface in oligotrophic cenotes. A great variety of food web paths are represented in the habitats occurring in the cenotes, in which few trophic levels are involved. A few endemic species (crustaceans and fishes) have been reported from cenotes found in the Yucatan Peninsula. Because of the high organic matter input (alochthonous) and production (autochthonous) and the low water flow, cenotes can be considered heterotrophic systems.  相似文献   

冯晓龙  刘冉  马健  徐柱  王玉刚  孔璐 《生态学报》2021,41(24):9784-9795
植物枝干光合(Pg)固定其自身呼吸所释放的CO2,有效减少植物向大气的CO2排放量。以古尔班通古特沙漠优势木本植物白梭梭(Haloxylon persicum)为研究对象,利用LI-COR 6400便携式光合仪与特制光合叶室(P-Chamber)相结合,观测白梭梭叶片、不同径级枝干的光响应及光合日变化特征;同时监测环境因子(大气温湿度、光合有效辐射、土壤温度及含水量等)与叶片/枝干性状指标(叶绿素含量、含水量、干物质含量、碳/氮含量等),揭示叶片/枝干光合的主要影响因子;采用破坏性取样,量化个体水平上叶片与枝干的总表面积,阐明枝干光合对植株个体碳平衡的贡献。研究结果显示:(1)白梭梭叶片叶绿素含量是枝干叶绿素含量的12-16倍,各径级枝干叶绿素含量差异不显著;(2)枝干光饱和点低于叶片,枝干不同径级(由粗至细),暗呼吸速率和枝干光合逐渐减小;(3)光合有效辐射、土壤含水量和空气温湿度是影响叶片光合的主要因子,对枝干光合无显著影响;(4)枝干光合可以固定其自身呼吸产生CO2的73%,最高可达90%,枝干光合固定CO2约占个体水平固碳量的15.4%。研究结果表明,忽视枝干光合的贡献来预测未来气候变化背景下荒漠生态系统碳过程,可能存在根本性缺陷,并且在估算枝干呼吸时,需要考虑枝干是否存在光合作用,以提高枝干呼吸的准确性。  相似文献   

Community composition, biomass and primary production of phytoplankton were studied in the east- ernmost section of the Westerschelde estuary in 1984. Photosynthetic characteristics were compared with distribution of some dominant phytoplankton species along a salinity gradient from 5 to 22 Spring phytoplankton, with Cyclotella meneghiniana (freshwater) and Skeletonema costatum (marine) as the dominant species grew faster than summer phytoplankton. In summer, biomass achieved its maximum, due to the riverine Scenedesmus species and the marine diatoms Thalassiosira levanderi and Ditylum brightwellii, as dominants. Growth conditions were more favourable to phytoplankton communities above 15%, than below this salinity. The data were compared with previous studies (1972) of species composition in the area.  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption, ammonia excretion and phosphate excretionrates were measured on the aggregate form (aggregated sexualblastozooid generation) and solitary form (solitary asexualoozooid generation) of Salpa thompsoni sampled from waters offthe Antarctic Peninsula from December 1999 to February 2000,in conjunction with body composition analysis (water, ash, carbon,nitrogen and phosphorus). The specific metabolic rates of S.thompsoni were weight-independent. No significant differencesbetween the aggregate and solitary forms were observed for theweight-specific rates with the exception of the oxygen consumptionrate on phosphorus weight. Metabolic loss estimated for theaggregate and solitary forms was 3.0 and 3.5% day–1 forbody carbon, 1.6 and 1.8% for body nitrogen, 3.9 and 10.6% forbody phosphorus, respectively. Contents of carbon (6.0% of dryweight for the aggregate form and 5.1% for the solitary form),nitrogen (1.5 and 1.3%) and phosphorus (0.15 and 0.11%) tendedto decrease with the increase of dry weight. All mean valuesof each body constituent (water, ash, C, N and P) for the aggregateand solitary forms were not significantly different in the samedry weight ranges.  相似文献   

Bakker  C.  Herman  P. M. J.  Vink  M. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,282(1):79-100
During the pre-barrier period (1982–83), the Oosterschelde phytoplankton were a diatom-dominated community, comprising a species-rich assemblage throughout the year. Assemblages of spring, early summer and summer, developed in response to a gradually evolving turbidity-light gradient during the course of the year.During the barrier-construction period (1984–87), characterized by decreasing current velocities, increasing sedimentation of suspended matter, increasing water transparencies and unchanged nutrient conditions, the growth season for the phytoplankton started earlier and lasted longer. Some flagellate species responded by much higher biomass than before. The impact of short-term climatic factors during this period, notably severe winters, could be illustrated with examples of clear responses of some species (e.g. Biddulphia aurita).In the post-barrier years (1987–90) a changed light-nutrient-salinity regime (i.e. much light, limitation of nitrate, high salinity) was demonstrated and an extended summerseason developed, without the original gradual transitions. This was reflected in an a-seasonal trend of the phytoplankton assemblage, where summer species were already observed in spring and spring species decreased in abundance. In summer small flagellates increased and some weakly silicified diatom species made their appearance. In the eastern compartment no colony formation of Phaeocystis occurred in summer and this was thought to be due to nitrate limitation. Changes in abundance of some species (Phaeocystis, Ditylum brightwellii, Skeletonema costatum), occurring during the entire period of investigation (1982–90), could be explained using field observations compared with experimental evidence from the literature.The relationship between species composition and biomass on the one hand and environmental variables on the other hand, was analysed in a Canonical Correspondence Analysis, for both compartments separately.  相似文献   

We compared the growth rates of Kappaphycus alvarezii (Doty) Doty ex P. Silva and Kappaphycus striatum (Schmitz) Doty, both, in vitro under different conditions of light and temperature, and in the sea. Temperature was the most important factor controlling the growth of both species, in vitro and in the field. In the sea there was a clear seasonal pattern in growth rate, attributed to temperature and salinity variation. The lower growth rates were registered in winter and spring, and the highest in summer and autumn months for both species. Based on growth rate in the field, and the production of viable tetraspores during the summer in Kappaphycus striatum, we conclude that is more profitable, and ecologically safer, to only continue with the introduction program of Kappaphycus alvarezii.  相似文献   

刘露  丁柳丽  陈伟洲  邹定辉 《生态学报》2013,33(13):3916-3924
大气CO2浓度升高对海藻的影响已有许多的研究报道,但鲜见有关温度与CO2相互作用的研究.在4种条件下对坛紫菜进行连续通气培养:(1)15℃+ 390tmol/mol CO2,(2) 15℃+700 μmol/mol CO2,(3) 25℃+390 μmol/mol CO2,(4) 25℃+ 700 μmol/mol CO2.从而探讨这种南方海域重要栽培海藻种类的生长和叶绿素荧光特性对温度和CO2相互作用的响应.结果表明:CO2对坛紫菜的生长的影响具有温度依赖性,在低温生长条件下提高CO2浓度更有利于坛紫菜的生长.CO2对坛紫菜叶绿素a(Chlorophyll a,Chl a)和类胡萝卜素(Carotenoid,Car)的促进作用远大于温度对其产生的影响.相对于25℃的生长温度而言,15℃生长温度下的坛紫菜表现出较高的最大相对电子传递速率(rETRmax),表明坛紫菜在低温环境下有较高的光合潜力;而CO2对坛紫菜的rETRmax没有明显影响.对于在不同测定温度下的光合荧光特性而言,在10-30℃测定温度范围内,在各生长条件下的海藻的rETRmax、光能利用效率(α)和最大光化学量子产量(Fv/Fm)随温度的升高变化不明显;但在较高测定温度下(≥30℃),上述荧光参数显著下降,说明高温易引发海藻光能利用效率和光合能力的下降,这可能与光系统(PS)Ⅱ反应中心活性下调有关.同时,当测定温度大于30℃时,15℃生长条件下的坛紫菜的rETRmax、α和F/Fm值下降趋势远大于25℃生长条件下的坛紫菜的值,表明在低温生长条件下的坛紫菜对短期高温胁迫的适应能力较弱;而在高CO2浓度生长条件下的坛紫菜的rETRmax总是低于正常CO2浓度生长下的值,说明CO2浓度升高会抑制坛紫菜在短期高温条件下的光合电子传递能力.  相似文献   

The chronological change of photosynthetic efficiency in a frozen storage treatment of the Japanese Nori cultivation industry was examined in the cultivated red alga, Pyropia yezoensis f. narawaensis (Saga‐#5 Strain, Bangiales) by using pulse‐amplitude fluorometry. During the desiccation process that was conducted after the nursery cultivation season in November, the maximum quantum yield (F v/F m) of the gametophytic sporelings growing on the Nori‐net decreased monotonically with decreasing absolute water content (AWC), and was around 0.1 at 20% AWC. During frozen storage of the Nori‐net, the F v/F m of the frozen gametophyte was low but stable, and ranged between 0.10 ± 0.02 SD and 0.14 ± 0.05 SD. The magnitude of F v/F m for the gametophyte of the freezing treatment, after 10 min and 3 h of immersion in seawater, recovered quickly. After 10 min and 3 h of immersion, these values were 0.29 ± 0.12 SD and 0.47 ± 0.05 SD during the 14 days of freezing treatment, and 0.15 ± 0.02 SD and 0.29 ± 0.04 SD after 71 days of freezing treatment, and suggest that the ability to recover gradually decreased as the storage duration increased. The response of F v/F m from general cultivation (i.e., directly cultivated from the nursery cultivation season) and those after 47 days of freezing were almost identical, suggesting that the current Nori net frozen storage period (6 or 7 weeks) was not detrimental to the gametophyte.  相似文献   

Variations in body temperature (Tb) of lizards can be partially explained by intrinsic factors such as sex, ontogeny and body size. Liolaemus lutzae is a lizard species restricted to restingas in the Brazilian coast in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Herein, we studied sexual dimorphism and influences of sex, ontogeny, and body size to the Tb of L. lutzae. Adult males were larger than adult females, probably due to both intersexual selection and intra-sexual selection. There was intersexual difference in lizards' Tb (males hotter than females), but Tb did not differ after factored out for the effects of body size. The mean Tb of juvenile lizards was higher than that of adults after factored out for the effect of body mass. It is possible that adults may have excluded juveniles from microhabitats with better thermal regimes. Also, this might have occurred due to requirements of juveniles to maintain high growth rates. Forage searching for prey by juveniles also exposes them to high environmental temperatures. Juveniles also may have higher Tb than co-specific adults (relative to body mass) to favor prey capture. In absolute values, adult lizards tended to use microhabitats with lower temperatures than that used by juveniles, possibly to avoid risks of overheating and death. Body temperature and snout–vent length were positively related, as well as body temperature and body mass, presumably caused by the thermal inertia of the bodies (trend of a body to resist to changes in its temperature). Intrinsic factors such as sex, ontogeny and body size can affect the thermal ecology of L. lutzae, despite coastal habitat features to which they are exposed also influences the body temperature of active lizards in restinga habitats.  相似文献   

Two rice ( Oryza sativa L.) cultivars of contrasting morphologies, IR-36 and Fujiyama-5, were exposed to ambient (360 μl l−1) and ambient plus 300 μl l−1 CO2 from time of emergence until ca 50% grain fill at the Duke University Phytotron, Durham, North Carolina. Exposure to increased CO2 resulted in about a 50% increase in the photosynthetic rate for both cultivars and photosynthetic enhancement was still evident after 3 months of exposure to a high CO2 environment. The photosynthetic response at 5% CO2 and the response of CO2 assimilation (A) to internal CO2 (Ci) suggest a reallocation of biochemical resources from RuBP carboxylation to RuBP regeneration. Increases in total plant biomass at elevated CO2 were approximately the same in both cultivars, although differences in allocation patterns were noted in root/shoot ratio. Differences in reproductive characteristics were also observed between cultivars at an elevated CO2 environment with a significant increase in harvest index for IR-36 but not for Fujiyama-5. Changes in carbon allocation in reproduction between these two cultivars suggest that lines of rice could be identified that would maximize reproductive output in a future high CO2 environment.  相似文献   

The apoprotein of the major light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b complex (LHCIIb) is post-translationally imported into the chloroplast, where membrane insertion, protein folding, and pigment binding take place. The sequence and molecular mechanism of the latter steps is largely unknown. The complex spontaneously self-organises in vitro to form structurally authentic LHCIIb upon reconstituting the unfolded recombinant protein with the pigments chlorophyll a, b, and carotenoids in detergent micelles. Former measurements of LHCIIb assembly had revealed two apparent kinetic phases, a faster one (tau1) in the range of 10 s to 1 min, and a slower one (tau2) in the range of several min. To unravel the sequence of events we analysed the binding of chlorophylls into the complex by using time-resolved fluorescence measurements of resonance energy transfer from chlorophylls to an acceptor dye attached to the apoprotein. Chlorophyll a, offered in the absence of chlorophyll b, bound with the faster kinetics (tau1) exclusively whereas chlorophyll b, in the absence of chlorophyll a, bound predominantly with the slower kinetics (tau2). In double-jump experiments, LHCIIb assembly could be dissected into a faster chlorophyll a and a subsequent, predominantly slower chlorophyll b-binding step. The assignment of the faster and the slower kinetic phase to predominantly chlorophyll a and exclusively chlorophyll b binding, respectively, was verified by analysing the assembly kinetics with a circular dichroism signal in the visible domain presumably reflecting the establishment of pigment-pigment interactions. We propose that slow chlorophyll binding is confined to the exclusively chlorophyll b binding sites whereas faster binding occurs to the chlorophyll a binding sites. The latter sites can bind both chlorophylls a and b but in a reversible fashion as long as the complex is not stabilised by proper occupation of the chlorophyll b sites. The resulting two-step model of LHCIIb assembly is able to reconcile the highly specific binding sites containing either chlorophyll a or b, as seen in the recent crystal structures of LHCIIb, with the observation of promiscuous binding sites able to bind both chlorophyll a and b in numerous reconstitution analyses of LHCIIb assembly.  相似文献   

以12年生龙井43茶树为研究对象,在7月至翌年1月利用土钻法对连续5a施用不同氮肥处理后的茶树吸收根生物量和养分含量进行了研究。结果表明茶树吸收根生物量在0.34-0.72 mg/dm3之间,碳、氮、磷、钾和镁储量变异范围分别为12.6-25.2 mg/dm~3、4.55-11.2 mg/dm~3、0.47-1.19 mg/dm~3、1.31-4.05 mg/dm~3、0.30-1.19 mg/dm~3。茶树吸收根生物量和各养分含量随月份变化呈现双峰型,峰值分别在8月和翌年1月,而7月和11月生物量和养分储量均较低。与不施肥对照相比,施用氮肥影响茶树吸收根生物量,氮肥施用对茶树吸收根生物量的影响因氮肥施用时间而异。不同氮肥施用水平下茶树吸收根总碳浓度和总碳含量均不存在显著差异。受氮肥施用时间影响,施氮对茶树吸收根氮浓度的影响不同月份间存在差异,其中7月、8月和1月施氮处理下氮浓度较高,而9月、10月和11月不施氮处理下氮浓度较高。氮肥施用对各月份茶树吸收根氮养分储量均没有显著影响。氮肥施用降低了部分月份茶树吸收根磷、钾和镁的浓度和储量。施用中等用量的氮肥能缩小茶树吸收根夏秋季氮磷钾镁养分储量的月份间差异。  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to ascertain the adaptive capability of pigs to different seasons based on changes in serum cortisol and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels, and peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) mRNA expression. Based on average THI, the seasons were classified as winter (November–February), spring (March–June), and summer (July–October). Hormone cortisol was found to be influenced by season (p < 0.01), age (p < 0.05), and genetics of the animal (p < 0.05). However, level of LDH was not influenced by either of these factors. HSP70 mRNA expression was higher in almost all age groups in crossbred and exotic pigs during summer in comparison to other seasons. Lower HSP70 gene expression was observed in almost all age groups of native pigs in comparison to crossbred and exotic during summer. In conclusion, native pigs were acclimatized for thermal stress in comparison to crossbred and exotic breeds of pigs. Also, the expression pattern of HSP70 gene is breed-specific, most likely due to variations in thermal tolerance and adaptation to different environmental conditions. Both serum cortisol and HSP70 gene may act as reliable biological markers for assessing the adaptive capabilities of pigs to different seasons.  相似文献   

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