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The effects of boron deficiency on certain components of cellswas followed by tracing the incorporation of 14C. While a preliminaryexperiment showed an enhanced incorporation of activity intocellulose and a decreased incorporation of activity into pectins,later results, from frequent observations during the onset ofdeficiency and the study of the metabolism of segments fromdifferent regions of normal roots, showed that differences betweendeficient and normal root apices were largely due to the greaterage of the constituent cells of the former. Differentiationcontinued during boron deficiency and the changes of incorporationinto pectic substances, holocellulose, lignins, sugars, andamino-acids paralleled those found during differentiation ofnormal roots. Two results, namely an increased incorporationof activity into pectic substances and an increased acid resistanceoccurred sufficiently early to be possible primary effects ofdeficiency although they are difficult to relate to each other.The results, with other published evidence, suggest that boronis concerned with cell-wall bonding.  相似文献   

Vegetative cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were fixed with potassium permanganate followed by uranyl nitrate, embedded in methacrylate, and studied in electron micrographs of thin sections. Details of the structure of the cell wall, cytoplasmic membrane, nucleus, vacuole, and mitochondria are described. Cell membranes, about 70 to 80 A thick, have been resolved into two dense layers, 20 to 25 A thick, separated by a light layer of the same dimensions, which correspond in thickness and appearance to the components of the "unit membrane" as described by Robertson (15). The cell wall is made up of zones of different electron opacity. Underlying the cell wall is the cytoplasmic membrane, a sinuous structure with numerous invaginations. The nucleoplasm, often of uneven electron opacity, is enclosed in a pair of unit membranes in which nuclear pores are apparent. The vacuole, limited by a single unit membrane, is usually irregular in outline and contains some dense material. Rod-shaped mitochondria, 0.4 to 0.6 µ in length and 0.2 to 0.3 µ in diameter, are smaller in size, but similar in structure to some of those described in plant and animal cells. Attempts to use osmium tetroxide as fixative were unsuccessful, a result similar to that obtained by other workers. It is suggested that yeast cells are impermeable to osmium tetroxide, except when grown under specific conditions.  相似文献   

To determine the distribution of a kidney acid RNase (RNase K2) and other RNases, the levels of RNase K2, RNase A, and seminal RNase (RNase Vs1 in bovine tissues and body fluids were measured by enzyme immunoassay. The crude extracts of several tissues and body fluids were fractionated by phospho-cellulose column chromatography. The enzymatic activities at pH 7.5 and 6.0 and enzyme contents of each tube were measured by enzyme assay and enzyme immunoassay, respectively. In the pancreas, parotid gland, and heart, most RNase activity was due to a single peak of RNase A, but a small amount of RNase K2 was always observed. In the kidney, there was about 5 times as much RNase K2 as RNase A. In the lung, although RNase K2 and RNase A were the major components, there are another two alkaline RNase peaks. In the spleen and liver, there are four RNases, two acid RNases, one of which is RNase K2, and two alkaline RNases including RNase A. A new acid RNase (non RNase K2-acid RNase) from both organs was immunologically the same. In serum, there are at least four RNases. By partial purification of serum RNases by phosphocellulose and heparin-Sepharose column chromatographies, at least 4 RNases, RNase A, RNase K2 and the other two alkaline RNases, one of which is immunologically indistinguishable from liver alkaline RNase, were confirmed. The other serum alkaline RNase was immunologically related to lung and spleen alkaline RNases. In conclusion, in bovine tissues and body fluids there are at least 7 types of pyrimidine-base-specific RNases: brain RNase, seminal RNase, RNase A, RNase K2, an acid RNase (RNase BSPJ, an alkaline RNase (RNase BL4), and another alkaline RNase in serum.  相似文献   

OsCaM61 is one of five calmodulins known to be present in Oryza sativa that relays the increase of cytosolic [Ca2+] to downstream targets. OsCaM61 bears a unique C-terminal extension with a prenylation site. Using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy we studied the behavior of the calmodulin (CaM) domain and the C-terminal extension of OsCaM61 in the absence and presence of Ca2+. NMR dynamics data for OsCaM61 indicate that the two lobes of the CaM domain act together unlike the independent behavior of the lobes seen in mammalian CaM and soybean CaM4. Also, data demonstrate that the positively charged nuclear localization signal region in the tail in apo-OsCaM61 is helical, whereas it becomes flexible in the Ca2+-saturated protein. The extra helix in apo-OsCaM61 provides additional interactions in the C-lobe and increases the structural stability of the closed apo conformation. This leads to a decrease in the Ca2+ binding affinity of EF-hands III and IV in OsCaM61. In Ca2+-OsCaM61, the basic nuclear localization signal cluster adopts an extended conformation, exposing the C-terminal extension for prenylation or enabling OsCaM61 to be transferred to the nucleus. Moreover, Ser172 and Ala173, residues in the tail, interact with different regions of the protein. These interactions affect the ability of OsCaM61 to activate different target proteins. Altogether, our data show that the tail is not simply a linker between the prenyl group and the protein but that it also provides a new regulatory mechanism that some plants have developed to fine-tune Ca2+ signaling events.  相似文献   

Lanolin emulsion paste incorporating indolylacetic acid in concentrationsof 10,000, 1,000, 100, and 10 µg./ml when applied witha micromanipulator to one side of Phycomyces sporangiophoreshad no clearly marked action on subsequent growth Griseofulvin, a metabolic product of Penicillium janczewskiiand certain other moulds, at a concentration of 1OO µg./ml.,produced a local increase in the rate of extension of the wallat or near the region to which it was similarly applied, withconsequent curvature from the normal erect growth habit. Previously proposed explanations of the regulation of sporangiophoregrowth, and of phototropism, in terms of the action of heteroauxinand auxin- are criticized, and attention directed to the dangerof assuming that substances active in regulating the growthof cellulose-walled times will have a similar action on chitin-walledfungal hyphae.  相似文献   

When Lemna minor and Salvinia natans, grown in a constant environment,are subjected to sub-lethal concentrations of 2,2-dichioropropionicacid (DCPA), the relative growth-rates are progressively reduced.These cumulative reductions, which are greater for S. natans,are correlated with decreases in (1) the rate of leaf or frondformation, (2) the mean area per leaf or frond, and (3) thenet assimilation rate. Of these components, the first is themost important and the third is the least. The effects of light intensity (300, 600, 900 f.c.), temperature(20, 25, and 30°C), and concentration of DCPA on both therelative growth-rate and rate of leaf or frond multiplicationhave been examined in multi-factorial experiments. Over theconcentration range selected (100, 200, and 400 mg/l for S.natans and 100, 300, and 6oo mg/l for L. minor) there are positiveeffects of light intensity, temperature, and concentration.For each concentration the order of the depression is maximalunder a combination of the highest temperature and the greatestintensity. Using radioactive DCPA it has been established that uptake isalso a cumulative process, and that S. natans has a greatercapacity to absorb DCPA. The rate of uptake is independent ofthe light intensity but increases with temperature and concentration. DCPA brings about morphological and structural changes. In S.natans, many of the leaves become submerged and the proportionis positively dependent on light, temperature, and concentration.This failure to float is associated with a reduction in thedensity of epiderrnal hairs. It is concluded that the inhibitory effects of DCPA are maximalunder conditions which are optimal for both meristematic activityand accumulation.  相似文献   

Tanaka A  Tsuji H 《Plant physiology》1981,68(3):567-570
Cucumber seedlings were illuminated for various time periods, cotyledons excised, placed in the dark, and changes in chlorophyll a and b content monitored. During the dark periods, chlorophyll b content decreased while chlorophyll a did not. When the illumination time was lengthened, the percentage of chlorophyll b decomposition from initial levels decreased. Ca2+ at 50 millimolar prevented the decrease in chlorophyll b and caused a decrease in chlorophyll a. The effect of Ca2+ decreased with increased illumination time. Cycloheximide and chloramphenicol inhibited chlorophyll b decrease, but did not induce chlorophyll a decrease.  相似文献   

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