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Commercial heterosis for grain yield is present in hybrid wheat but long-term competiveness of hybrid versus line breeding depends on the development of heterotic groups to improve hybrid prediction.


Detailed knowledge of the amount of heterosis and quantitative genetic parameters are of paramount importance to assess the potential of hybrid breeding. Our objectives were to (1) examine the extent of midparent, better-parent and commercial heterosis in a vast population of 1,604 wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) hybrids and their parental elite inbred lines and (2) discuss the consequences of relevant quantitative parameters for the design of hybrid wheat breeding programs. Fifteen male lines were crossed in a factorial mating design with 120 female lines, resulting in 1,604 of the 1,800 potential single-cross hybrid combinations. The hybrids, their parents, and ten commercial wheat varieties were evaluated in multi-location field experiments for grain yield, plant height, heading time and susceptibility to frost, lodging, septoria tritici blotch, yellow rust, leaf rust, and powdery mildew at up to five locations. We observed that hybrids were superior to the mean of their parents for grain yield (10.7 %) and susceptibility to frost (?7.2 %), leaf rust (?8.4 %) and septoria tritici blotch (?9.3 %). Moreover, 69 hybrids significantly (P < 0.05) outyielded the best commercial inbred line variety underlining the potential of hybrid wheat breeding. The estimated quantitative genetic parameters suggest that the establishment of reciprocal recurrent selection programs is pivotal for a successful long-term hybrid wheat breeding.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression for fitness traits is a key issue in evolutionary biology and conservation genetics. The magnitude of inbreeding depression, though, may critically depend on the efficiency of genetic purging, the elimination or recessive deleterious mutations by natural selection after they are exposed by inbreeding. However, the detection and quantification of genetic purging for nonlethal mutations is a rather difficult task. Here, we present two comprehensive sets of experiments with Drosophila aimed at detecting genetic purging in competitive conditions and quantifying its magnitude. We obtain, for the first time in competitive conditions, an estimate for the predictive parameter, the purging coefficient (d), that quantifies the magnitude of genetic purging, either against overall inbreeding depression (d ≈ 0.3), or against the component ascribed to nonlethal alleles (dNL ≈ 0.2). We find that competitive fitness declines at a high rate when inbreeding increases in the absence of purging. However, in moderate size populations under competitive conditions, inbreeding depression need not be too dramatic in the medium to short term, as the efficiency of purging is also very high. Furthermore, we find that purging occurred under competitive conditions also reduced the inbreeding depression that is expressed in the absence of competition.  相似文献   

Genetic rescue is a management intervention whereby a small population is supplemented with individuals from other populations in an attempt to reverse the effects of inbreeding and increased genetic load. One such rescue was recently documented in the population of bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) within the National Bison Range wildlife refuge (Montana, USA). Here, we examine the locus-specific effects of rescue in this population using a newly developed genome-wide set of 195 microsatellite loci and first-generation linkage map. We found that the rate of introgression varied among loci and that 111 loci, 57% of those examined, deviated from patterns of neutral inheritance. The most common deviation was an excess of homozygous genotypes relative to neutral expectations, indicative of directional selection. As in previous study of this rescue, individuals with more introduced alleles had higher reproductive success and longevity. In addition, we found 30 loci, distributed throughout the genome, which seem to have individual effects on these life history traits. Although the potential for outbreeding depression is a major concern when translocating individuals between populations, we found no evidence of such effects in this population.  相似文献   

Studies of postcopulatory sexual selection typically estimate a male's fertilization success from his paternity success ( P 2) calculated at hatching or birth. However, P 2 may be affected by differential embryo viability, thereby confounding estimations of true fertilization success ( F 2). This study examines the effects of variation in the ability of males to influence embryo viability upon the inequality between P 2 and F 2. It also investigates the consequences of this inequality for testing the hypothesis that polyandrous females accrue viability benefits for their offspring through facilitation of sperm competition (good-sperm model). Simulations of competitive mating trials show that although relative measures of male reproductive success tend to underestimate the strength of underlying good-sperm processes, good-sperm processes can be seriously overestimated using P 2 values if males influence the viability of the embryos they sire. This study cautions the interpretation of P 2 values as a proxy for fertilization success or sperm competitiveness in studies of postcopulatory sexual selection, and highlights that the good-sperm hypothesis needs empirical support from studies able to identify and separate unequivocally the males' ability to win fertilizations from their ability to influence the development of embryos.  相似文献   

It has been long known that immigrants from surrounding populations might prevent the extinction of small populations, a process known as the 'rescue effect'. This focuses on the demographic effects of migration through the direct positive influence that immigrants have on abundance of the recipient population. Now, two recent papers have indicated another potentially important way that migration might rescue populations from extinction - replenishing genetic variation and reducing inbreeding depression, or what has been termed 'genetic rescue'.  相似文献   

The genetic rescue of the Florida panther   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3  
We examine the consequences of panthers introduced from Texas into south Florida, an area housing a small, isolated, inbred and distinct subspecies ( Puma concolor coryi ). Once part of a continuous, widespread population, panthers became isolated in south Florida more than a century ago. Numbers declined and the occurrence of genetic defects increased. Hoping to reverse the genetic damage, managers introduced eight female panthers from Texas into south Florida in the mid-1990s. This action was highly controversial and we explain the arguments for and against the intervention. We synthesized data systematically collected on the Florida panthers from before, during and after this management intervention. These data include information on movements, breeding, mortality, survivorship and range. There is no evidence that purebred Florida females produce fewer kittens at a later age or less often than do hybrid cats (i.e. those with a Texas ancestor). Hybrid kittens have about a three times higher chance of becoming adults as do purebred ones. Hybrid adult females survive better than purebred females; there is no obvious difference between the males. Males die younger than females, are more often killed by other males and are more likely to disperse longer distances into habitats that are dangerous to them. Hybrids are expanding the known range of habitats panthers occupy and use.  相似文献   

The relative effects of purging of the genetic load versus thefixation of deleterious alleles, under inbreeding, will influencea population's probability of extinction. The relative contributionof these two phenomena is expected to depend upon the rate ofinbreeding. A further complication is due to the fact that a purgingof the genetic load in one environment does not necessarily implya purging of the genetic load in other environments. To addressthese two issues, we compare fitness and genetic load in populationsexperiencing similar levels of inbreeding, but occurring as either ashort-term bottleneck or as a consequence of long-term reducedpopulation size, over a range of environments. Inbred populationshave consistently lower fitness than outbred populations acrossall environments tested. However, the bottlenecked populationssuffer less inbreeding depression for a given level of inbreeding,whether or not challenged by novel environments, than populationskept at a constant small size. The results of this study demonstratethat populations initiated from a small number of founders are ableto recover fitness and survive novel environmental challenges,provided that habitat is available for rapid population growth.  相似文献   

Perspective: purging the genetic load: a review of the experimental evidence   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Inbreeding depression, the reduction in fitness that accompanies inbreeding, is one of the most important topics of research in evolutionary and conservation genetics. In the recent literature, much attention has been paid to the possibility of purging the genetic load. If inbreeding depression is due to deleterious alleles, whose effect on fitness are negative when in a homozygous state, then successive generations of inbreeding may result in a rebound in fitness due to the selective decrease in frequency of deleterious alleles. Here we examine the experimental evidence for purging of the genetic load by collating empirical tests of rebounds in fitness-related traits with inbreeding in animals and plants. We gathered data from 28 studies including five mammal, three insect, one mollusc, and 13 plant species. We tested for purging by examining three measures of fitness-component variation with serial generations of inbreeding: (1) changes in inbreeding depression, (2) changes in fitness components of inbred lines relative to the original outbred line, and (3) purged population (outcrossed inbred lines) trait means as a function of ancestral outbred trait means. Frequent and substantial purging was found using all three measures, but was particularly pronounced when tracking changes in inbreeding depression. Despite this, we found little correspondence between the three measures of purging within individual studies, indicating that the manner in which a researcher chooses to estimate purging will affect interpretation of the results obtained. The discrepancy suggests an alternative hypothesis: rebounds in fitness with inbreeding may have resulted from adaptation to laboratory conditions and not to purging when using outcrossed inbred lines. However, the pronounced reduction in inbreeding depression for a number of studies provides evidence for purging, as the measure is likely less affected by selection for laboratory conditions. Unlike other taxon-specific reviews on this topic, our results provide support for the purging hypothesis, but firm predictions about the situations in which purging is likely or the magnitude of fitness rebound possible when populations are inbred remain difficult. Further research is required to resolve the discrepancy between the results obtained using different experimental approaches.  相似文献   

Ecological consequences of genetic diversity   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Understanding the ecological consequences of biodiversity is a fundamental challenge. Research on a key component of biodiversity, genetic diversity, has traditionally focused on its importance in evolutionary processes, but classical studies in evolutionary biology, agronomy and conservation biology indicate that genetic diversity might also have important ecological effects. Our review of the literature reveals significant effects of genetic diversity on ecological processes such as primary productivity, population recovery from disturbance, interspecific competition, community structure, and fluxes of energy and nutrients. Thus, genetic diversity can have important ecological consequences at the population, community and ecosystem levels, and in some cases the effects are comparable in magnitude to the effects of species diversity. However, it is not clear how widely these results apply in nature, as studies to date have been biased towards manipulations of plant clonal diversity, and little is known about the relative importance of genetic diversity vs. other factors that influence ecological processes of interest. Future studies should focus not only on documenting the presence of genetic diversity effects but also on identifying underlying mechanisms and predicting when such effects are likely to occur in nature.  相似文献   

Indirect genetic effects (IGEs) are environmental influences on the phenotype of one individual that are due to the expression of genes in a different, conspecific, individual. Historically, work has focused on the influence of parents on offspring but recent advances have extended this perspective to interactions among other relatives and even unrelated individuals. IGEs lead to complicated pathways of inheritance, where environmental sources of variation can be transmitted across generations and therefore contribute to evolutionary change. The existence of IGEs alters the genotype-phenotype relationship, changing the evolutionary process in some dramatic and non-intuitive ways.  相似文献   

The or(J) allele of the murine ocular retardation mutation is caused by a premature stop codon in the homeodomain of the Chx10 gene. When expressed on an inbred 129/Sv strain, the or(J) phenotype is characterized by microphthalmia and a thin, poorly differentiated retina in which the peripheral portion is affected to a greater extent than the central portion. Such mutant retinae lack differentiated bipolar cells and the optic nerve typically fails to form, leading to blindness. Here, we show that progeny from an outcrossed backcross between 129/Sv-or(J) /or(J) and Mus musculus castaneus produce animals that are homozygous for the or(J) mutation and exhibit a much ameliorated eye phenotype. Although not of normal size, such modified or(J) eyes are significantly larger than those in 129/Sv-or(J) /or(J) mice, and contain a better organized retina which includes bipolar cells. Furthermore, optic nerves are frequently present, and the eyes show a degree of function as reflected by electroretinogram and pupillary response. As in 129/Sv-or(J) /or(J) mice, however, modified or(J) eyes show incomplete growth and a lack of cell differentiation in the periphery of the retina. The selective, and apparently nonmodifiable, effect of the ocular retardation phenotype on the periphery of the retina indicates that Chx10 plays an important role in the central-to-peripheral gradient of retinal development. These findings demonstrate that the ocular retardation phenotype can be greatly modified by the genetic background, and help to define a role for Chx10 in ocular development.  相似文献   

Causes and consequences of the success of bream in Dutch eutrophic lakes   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In the last decennia eutrophication has caused a shift in the species composition of fish communities in Dutch fresh waters. The changes have led to the disappearance of vegetation in lakes and ponds; zooplankton and chironomids are now the most abundant food organisms for fish. In the turbid, open waters bream and pikeperch are the dominant fish species. Only small bream is vulnerable to predation, but because bream grows much faster than the other cyprinids the time span in which the fish is vulnerable is the shortest. The large bream (>20 cm) can coexist with pikeperch since it is not vulnerable to predation and still utilizes the food organisms efficiently. Eutrophication is accelerated if both bream populations are composed of small-sized specimens preventing large-sized zooplankton to develop, and if they are composed of large-sized individuals which can efficiently stir up the bottom sediments.  相似文献   

First reported in 1956, hereditary fructose intolerance (HFI) illustrates vividly how interactions between genes and nutrients can influence taste preferences; the disease also reflects the ascendancy of sucrose and fructose as energy sources and as the world's principal sweeteners. However, HFI is not the only genetic ill to have emerged from our obsession with sugar: the slave trade, which had such a key part in the development of the sugar industry, also included major genetic consequences in its haunting legacy.  相似文献   

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