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The family Syrphidae (Diptera) is traditionally divided into three subfamilies. The aim of this study was to address the monophyly of the tribes within the subfamily Syrphinae (virtually all with predaceous habits), as well as the phylogenetic placement of particular genera using molecular characters. Sequence data from the mitochondrial protein-coding gene cytochrome c oxidase subunit I ( COI ) and the nuclear 28S ribosomal RNA gene of 98 Syrphinae taxa were analyzed using optimization alignment to explore phylogenetic relationships among included taxa. Volucella pellucens was used as outgroup, and representatives of the tribe Pipizini (Eristalinae), with similar larval feeding mode, were also included. Congruence of our results with current tribal classification of Syrphinae is discussed. Our results include the tribe Toxomerini resolved as monophyletic but placed in a clade with genera Ocyptamus and Eosalpingogaster . Some genera traditionally placed into Syrphini were resolved outside of this tribe, as the sister groups to other tribes or genera. The tribe Bacchini was resolved into several different clades. We recovered Paragini as a monophyletic group, and sister group of the genus Allobaccha . The present results highlight the need of a reclassification of Syrphinae.
© The Willi Hennig Society 2008.  相似文献   

山东小麦族植物叶表皮微形态的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
利用光学显微镜,对山东小麦族5属9种植物的叶片下表皮微形态特征进行了研究。叶片下表皮微形态在属间差异明显,可作为分属的参考依据;山东5种鹅观草属植物的叶片下表皮微形态可分为两种类型,这与形态上划分的拟披碱草组和犬草组相一致。  相似文献   

新小竹属Neomicrocalamus为耿伯介先生于1983年发表,1986年他本人又将该属并入总序竹属Racemobambos中。但新小竹属具有假小穗及假花序而不同于总序竹属而仍宜保留为独立的属,前者应纳入(竹剌)竹族Bambuseae中,后者应纳入节柱竹族(广义的)Arthrostylidieae(sensu lato)。  相似文献   

Anthemideae (Asteraceae) is primarily a north temperate, Old World tribe of 109 genera and approximately 1740 species. We sequenced a 1200-bp portion of chloroplast gene ndhF for representative genera and subtribes and constructed a phylogeny for the tribe. There is support for monophyly of subtribes Chrysantheminae and Gonosperminae and for portions of some subtribes. However, our molecular phylogeny differs significantly from traditional classifications and from previously published morphological phylogenies of the tribe. Many South African genera from several different subtribes form a basal grade, indicating multiple, relictual lineages. Eurasian genera form a recently derived clade that includes the Mediterranean genera of the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa. There is little resolution or support for the placement of eastern Asian genera. Apparently, the tribe originated in the Southern Hemisphere, presumably in Africa, with the Eurasian and Mediterranean members being derived from a common ancestor.  相似文献   

Abstract. The genera Placusa Mannerheim and Euvira Sharp share the 4, 4, 5 tarsal segmentation with other members of the aleocharine tribe Bolitocharini. Placusa has usually been placed together with other subcortical members of this tribe into the subtribe Homalotina or its taxonomic equivalent. Members of the very distinctive genus Euvira are not subcortical. The systematic position of this latter genus has been uncertain though it has been most often placed in the tribe (or subtribe) Autaliini. Because of the striking differences in habitus and habits of members of these two genera, they have always been considered to be, at most, distantly related within the Bolitocharini. Study of the larvae and adults of both genera has revealed that they share a diverse set of derived features (eight in adults; ten in larvae). Many of these are unique to the Aleocharinae. These features are described and illustrated and a discussion of their systematic importance is provided. Four conclusions are drawn: (1) Placusa and Euvira form a monophyletic group; (2) these two genera are misplaced in the tribe Bolitocharini; (3) these two genera do not share derived features with members of any other described tribe of aleocharines; and (4) Placusa and Euvira must be grouped into a redefined tribal level taxon, the Placusini. The tribe Placusini is defined and its composition and systematic placement discussed.  相似文献   

A critical comparison of many characters suggests that the Rubiaceae tribe Anthospermeae is closely allied to the tribe Paederieae. The delimitation of the tribe Anthospermeae from other tribes is redefined as to include only wind-pollinated genera, and characters of fruit structure, pollination biology and distribution patterns support the subdivision of the tribe into the three subtribes: Anthosperminae, Operculariinae and Coprosminae.
All insect-pollinated genera previously placed in the Anthospermeae are transferred to the Paederieae. It is shown that the genus Neogaillonia Linchevskii ( = Gaillonia A. Rich. ex. DC), previously included in the Spermacoceae, also belongs to this tribe; the genera Pterogaillonia Linchevskii, Pseudogaillonia Linchevskii, Jaubertia Guill. and Choulettia Pomel are considered synonyms of Neogaillonia.
The Anthospermeae are believed to be closely, and the Paederieae more remotely, allied to the tribe Theligoneae.  相似文献   

Molecular Systematics and Evolution of Arabidopsis and Arabis   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Abstract: We provide a phylogenetic analysis of the genera Arabidopsis and Arabis based on nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences. We show that traditional taxonomical concepts within tribe Ara-bideae, which includes these genera, are highly artificial. Arabis and Arabidopsis are paraphyletic and consist of several different independent lineages. The genus Capsella, originally placed in tribe Lepideae, is related to North American Arabis and the Arabidopsis thaliana lineage. Other genera, including East Asian Yin-shania, North American Halimolobus, cosmopolitan Barbarea and Cardamine, and European Aubrieta are positioned among different Arabis lineages. One Arabis species, Arabis pauciflora, is only distantly related to tribe Arabideae. Base chromosome number reduction from n = 8 to n = 5 to 7 occurred several times, suggesting that lower base chromosome numbers than n = 8 are derived in tribe Arabideae. Current knowledge on the evolution and systematics of the genera Arabis and Arabidopsis and relationships within the mustard family are summarized and discussed in the light of convergent evolution and transfer of knowledge from Arabidopsis thaliana as a molecular model plant to other species of the Cruciferae.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The genus Salvia has traditionally included any member of the tribe Mentheae (Lamiaceae) with only two stamens and with each stamen expressing an elongate connective. The recent demonstration of the non-monophyly of the genus presents interesting implications for staminal evolution in the tribe Mentheae. In the context of a molecular phylogeny, the staminal morphology of the various lineages of Salvia and related genera is characterized and an evolutionary interpretation of staminal variation within the tribe Mentheae is presented. METHODS: Two molecular analyses are presented in order to investigate phylogenetic relationships in the tribe Mentheae and the genus Salvia. The first presents a tribal survey of the Mentheae and the second concentrates on Salvia and related genera. Schematic sketches are presented for the staminal morphology of each major lineage of Salvia and related genera. KEY RESULTS: These analyses suggest an independent origin of the staminal elongate connective on at least three different occasions within the tribe Mentheae, each time with a distinct morphology. Each independent origin of the lever mechanism shows a similar progression of staminal change from slight elongation of the connective tissue separating two fertile thecae to abortion of the posterior thecae and fusion of adjacent posterior thecae. A monophyletic lineage within the Mentheae is characterized consisting of the genera Lepechinia, Melissa, Salvia, Dorystaechas, Meriandra, Zhumeria, Perovskia and Rosmarinus. CONCLUSIONS: Based on these results the following are characterized: (1) the independent origin of the staminal lever mechanism on at least three different occasions in Salvia, (2) that Salvia is clearly polyphyletic, with five other genera intercalated within it, and (3) staminal evolution has proceeded in different ways in each of the three lineages of Salvia but has resulted in remarkably similar staminal morphologies.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Molecular phylogenetic methods were used to examine morphologically based hypotheses concerning the taxonomic structure and relationships of the grasshopper subfamily Gomphocerinae. Two mitochondrial gene (cytochrome b and cytochrome oxidase subunit I) sequences were determined for twenty-five species representing eleven Palaearctic genera. The studied Gomphocerinae species constituted a monophyletic group; furthermore, the earlier division of Gomphocerinae into tribes was supported, with each tribe monophyletic. There was no support for various systems uniting Stenobothrini and Gomphocerini into one tribe. Two separate clusters were discerned in Gomphocerini and two tribes were distinguished – Gomphocerini (genera Aeropus , Stauroderus , Chorthippus ) and Stenobothrini (genera Omocestus , Stenobothrus ).  相似文献   

The surface sculpturing of the pollen of some species of the taxonomically widely separated genera Harpalyce (tribe Brongniartieae), Camoensia (tribe Sophoreae), Millettia (tribe Tephrosieae), and of the monotypic Dahlstedtia (tribe Tephrosieae) which have large red or white flowers adapted for pollination by birds or bats, is coarsely rugulate or verrucate. Related taxa with small insect pollinated flowers have pollen with simple reticulate or perforate surface sculpturing. The exine stratification of Alexa and Castanospermum (tribe Sophoreae), genera with large red bird-flowers, is complex with a layer of tectal columellae and differs from that of other genera in the tribe Sophoreae which have a normal pollen wall structure. These modifications of pollen structure and sculpture appear to be the result of convergent evolution and a secondary adaptation to pollination. The taxonomic and functional significance of the observations are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

天门冬科黄精族细胞学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在全面收集和整理黄精族染色体数据的基础上,对国内外有关黄精族各类群间的染色体数目和倍性的变化规律进行了总结,并从染色体的多倍化和非整倍化与系统发育关系和地理分布方面探讨了黄精族内各属的起源和演化关系问题。黄精族包括黄精属、舞鹤草属、异黄精属和竹根七属,共约100余种,其中舞鹤草属(x=18)、异黄精属(x=16)和竹根七属(x=20)的染色体基数稳定,而黄精属染色体基数波动较大,主要为x=8~16,既有多倍化也有非整倍化现象。染色体数据表明黄精族4个属的染色体进化模式各不相同,揭示了黄精族内染色体从高基数向低基数演化的规律;各属内染色体的演化主要是体现在二倍体水平上的核型变异,多倍化在本族中不占主导地位;仅黄精属内伴有非常强烈的非整倍化现象;细胞学证据与分子系统发育的结果比较吻合,为黄精族内属间以及属下的系统发育与进化提供了重要的参考资料。  相似文献   

戴仁怀  陈学新  李子忠 《昆虫学报》2008,51(10):1055-1064
首次在国内利用28S rDNA D2区段和16S rDNA基因序列,结合50个形态特征对角顶叶蝉亚科(Deltocephalinae)[半翅目(Hemiptera): 叶蝉科(Cicadellidae)]19个属进行系统发育分析研究。从无水乙醇浸泡保存的标本中提取基因组DNA并扩增了19个内群和1种外群Typhlocybinae[半翅目(Hemiptera): 叶蝉科(Cicadellidae)]种类的28S rDNA D2基因片段并测序,同时扩增了16S rDNA基因片段并测序11条,采用了GenBank中1个种类的16S rDNA同源序列。采用PAUP*4.0和MrBayes3.0两个分析软件和3种建树方法,利用同源28S D2 rDNA和16S rDNA两个基因序列与形态特征结合进行系统发育分析研究。分析结果表明,二叉叶蝉族Macrostelini是一个单系,并在角顶叶蝉亚科的系统发育中处于基部的位置,是内群中最原始的族;角顶叶蝉族Deltocephalini中除了纹翅叶蝉属Nakaharanus,其余各属构成单系;殃叶蝉族Euscelini内属的归属比较混乱,可能是一个并系群,属间差异有待进一步研究。隆额叶蝉族Paralimnini与顶带叶蝉族Athysanini是姐妹群。带叶蝉属Scaphoideus与纹翅叶蝉属Nakaharanus是姐妹群,二者与木叶蝉属Phlogotettix的关系最近,三者构成一个单系,建议将三者归为带叶蝉族Scaphoideini。研究结果还表明,小眼叶蝉族Xestocephalini和Balcluthini的系统发育位置不明,有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

须芒草族植物花粉形态的观察   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在光学显微镜下和扫描电镜下对禾本科须芒草族(Andropogoneae)中分隶于8个亚族34个属的36种植物的花粉进行形态面容和比较研究。结果显示,本族植物花粉形态较为一致,花粉近形或扁球形,单萌发孔,孔,周围加厚,具盖,外壁表面散布有颗粒。这表明其是一个自然类群。总体来讲,芬烨大的演化分异,只是表面纹饰的和芬烨大小有一;定的差异。纹饰可分为三种类型粗糙型,不明显疠状突起才明显疠状突起型。花粉开矿  相似文献   

The major ribosomal DNA (rDNA) loci were localized on meiotic and mitotic chromosomes and in interphase nuclei of 18 ground-beetle species belonging to three tribes of the supertribe Carabitae by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), using a PCR-amplified 18S rDNA as a probe. Meiotic observations indicate that the 18S rDNA sequences are located on the largest autosomal bivalent in 12 species of Carabus , two species of Calosoma (both genera belonging to the tribe Carabini), and three sibling species of Ceroglossus chilensis (tribe Ceroglossini). The data suggest the occurrence of a conservative pattern in these three genera despite the chromosomal rearrangements that have led to karyotypes with higher chromosome numbers in Ceroglossus . A different result is found in Cychrus caraboides (tribe Cychrini), where ribosomal cistrons are located in two medium-sized autosomal pairs. Further species of Cychrini should be studied for corroborating the occurrence of molecular and karyotypical apomorphies in Cychrus with regard to the genera Carabus, Calosoma and Ceroglossus .  相似文献   

Twenty-one members of the Laurasian group of Therevinae (Diptera: Therevidae) are compared using 65 adult morphological characters. Cladistic analysis using parsimony on the 17 ingroup and 4 outgroup taxa provides a well-supported hypothesis of relationships among taxa within the Gyclotelini, tribe nov. The Cyclotelini is a monophyletic assemblage of mostly New World genera, including Anolinga , gen. nov. , Breviperna Irwin, Coleiana , gen. nov. , Crebraseta , gen. nov. , Cyclotelus Walker, Mesonana , gen.nov. , and Ozodiceromyia Bigot. In addition, three Old World genera, Ammothereva Lyneborg, Bugulaverpa , gen. nov. , and Procyclotelus Nagatomi & Lyneborg, are included in the tribe. These ten genera are divided into two monophyletic genus-groups, the Brevipema-group and the Cyclotelus-group. Keys are provided for the genera of Cyclotelini. The tribe, the two informal genus-groups, and all genera are diagnosed; five new genera and six new species are proposed. The biogeographical histories of the genera are discussed in terms of their cladistic relationships using methods of cladistic biogeography. Two major vicariant events account for the current distribution of the tribe. The first relates to the Beringian land bridge connecting western North America and eastern Asia. Second, New World cyclotelines were profoundly affected by the Early Eocene breakup of the archipelagic bridge between North and South America, and the distributions support the hypotheses favouring the continental origin of the Greater Antilles.  相似文献   

? Premise of the Study: Little research has been done at the molecular level on the tribe Fumarieae (Papaveraceae). Papaveraceae is a model plant group for studying evolutionary patterns despite the lack of a reference phylogeny for this tribe. We investigated the phylogenetic relationships within the tribe to complete the molecular data for this family in order to help understand its character evolution and biogeographic pattern. ? Methods: We used maximum-parsimony and Bayesian approaches to analyze five DNA regions for 25 species representing 10 of the 11 Fumarieae genera and five outgroups. Evolutionary pathways of four characters (habit, life span, type of fruit, and number of seeds per fruit) were inferred on the phylogeny using parsimony. The ancestral distribution areas were reconstructed using dispersal-vicariance analysis. ? Key Results: Fumarieae is monophyletic and includes three groups that agree with the morphology-based subtribes: Discocapninae, Fumariinae, and Sarcocapninae. Within subtribes, the relationships among genera were different from those obtained with morphological data. Annual life span, nonchasmophytic habit, and a several-seeded capsule were the basal character states for the tribe. The ancestor occupied a continuous area between West Eurasia and Africa. Vicariances explain the divergence between lineages Discocapninae (South Africa) and Fumariinae-Sarcocapninae (Mediterranean), and the disjunction of Fumariinae (Mediterranean-Central Asia). ? Conclusions: Molecular phylogeny confirms the subtribal classification of Fumarieae based on morphology. However it provides different results regarding the relationships among genera within each subtribe, which affects the inference of the evolutionary pathway followed by the four selected characters. The disjunct distribution of the tribe is explained by different vicariance scenarios.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of nine genera in four tribes of the family Brassicaceae were estimated from the sequences of the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) of the 18S-25S nuclear ribosomal DNA. The entire ITS region of 16 accessions belonging to 10 species of seven genera was sequenced. Eight published sequences of Brassicaceae were also used. A total of 27 sequences were included in this study; four of them were found to be pseudogenes. Both the neighbor-joining and the parsimony trees suggest that the nine genera can be divided into three groups: (1) Arabidopsis, Cardaminopsis, Capsella, and Lepidium; (2) Rorippa and Cardamine; and (3) Brassica, Sinapis, and Raphanus. In contradiction to the proposal that Cardaminopsis and Arabidopsis be put into an expanded tribe Arabideae, our data show that these two genera are more closely related to Capsella and Lepidium (tribe Lepidieae) than to Rorippa and Cardamine (tribe Arabideae). Further, our data show that within the tribe Brassiceae, Raphanus is more closely related to B. nigra than to the B. oleracea/B. rapa clade. This result is in agreement with the nuclear data obtained in several studies, but is in conflict with the RFLP data of mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA. As pointed out by previous authors, it is possible that Raphanus is a hybrid between the B. nigra and B. oleracea/B. rapa lineages with the latter as the maternal parent.  相似文献   

One hundred and ninety-three new counts are reported for the tribe Heliantheae of Compositae, mostly based on determinations of meiotic material, including first counts for the genera Adenothamnus, Chrysogonum, Enceliopsis, Guardiola, Isocarpha, Lipochaeta, Otopappus, and Oyedaea, as well as first counts for 66 species. The original counts are discussed in relation to those previously reported for the tribe, by genera and subtribe. Two-thirds of the approximately 150 genera and more than a third of the roughly 1500 species have now been examined. The incomplete knowledge of generic relationships in the tribe often make the interpretation of these chromosome numbers difficult. Three observations are documented and discussed: (1) genera with low chromosome numbers are few; (2) genera with aneuploid series are abundant; and (3) the original basic chromosome number in the tribe is probably in the range of x = 8 to x = 12.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of the genera in the geometrid tribe Scopulini (Lepidoptera: Sterrhinae) were examined using 141 characters of adult morphology and ecology. The study material included 92 species, representing all previously recognized genera and covering the morphological variation and full geographical range of the tribe. The cladistic analysis resulted in 20 equally parsimonious trees and a strict consensus cladogram based on these was well resolved. A majority of the recovered synapomorphic characters have been used previously in the taxonomy of the tribe. However, many novel characters were found in the sclerotized structures of the thorax. Many previously recognized genera were found to be nonmonophyletic and based on the present revised, synapomorphy-based classification, the number of recovered genera is reduced considerably. Twenty new generic synonyms and 90 new or revived species combinations are proposed. Seven genera are considered valid, with the large genus Scopula Schrank including over 85% of all species in the tribe. The taxonomic history of the tribe is reviewed and the problems of earlier classifications are discussed. A key to the genera is presented, although an informal diagnosis is preferred. All recognized genera are illustrated and a revised world checklist of the Scopulini is presented.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 143 , 473−530.  相似文献   

The karyotypes of 16 species and one variety representing nine genera in the Ranunculaceae were analysed in order to obtain information on the placement of the genera Beesia and Eranthis at tribal rank in the family. Those of Beesia , Anemonopsis , Souliea , Cimicifuga , Actaea and Eranthis were found to be very similar to each other, but remarkably different from those of Caltha , Calathodes , Megaleranthis and Trollius with respect to chromosome size and morphology. From cytological data it is clearly evident that Beesia and Eranthis have a much closer affinity to Anemonopsis , Souliea , Cimicifuga and Actaea in the tribe Cimicifugeae than to Caltha , Calathodes , Megaleranthis and Trollius , which generally have been placed together in a single tribe, albeit with different tribal names such as Caltheae, Trollieae and Helleboreae. Therefore, Beesia and Eranthis may find better placement in the tribe Cimicifugeae. The long-presumed, mainly morphology-based close affinity between Eranthis and Helleborus is not supported by both cytological and palynological data. Cytologically, both Actaea and Eranthis appear to be the specialized genera in the Cimicifugeae, through having the most asymmetrical karyotypes in this tribe. Our results strongly support the recent re-definition of the tribe Actaeeae (as Cimicifugeae) to include Beesia and Eranthis , based on maximum parsimony analysis performed separately on molecular data.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 150 , 267–289.  相似文献   

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