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Three-dimensional protein structures can be described with a library of 3D fragments that define a structural alphabet. We have previously proposed such an alphabet, composed of 16 patterns of five consecutive amino acids, called Protein Blocks (PBs). These PBs have been used to describe protein backbones and to predict local structures from protein sequences. The Q16 prediction rate reaches 40.7% with an optimization procedure. This article examines two aspects of PBs. First, we determine the effect of the enlargement of databanks on their definition. The results show that the geometrical features of the different PBs are preserved (local RMSD value equal to 0.41 A on average) and sequence-structure specificities reinforced when databanks are enlarged. Second, we improve the methods for optimizing PB predictions from sequences, revisiting the optimization procedure and exploring different local prediction strategies. Use of a statistical optimization procedure for the sequence-local structure relation improves prediction accuracy by 8% (Q16 = 48.7%). Better recognition of repetitive structures occurs without losing the prediction efficiency of the other local folds. Adding secondary structure prediction improved the accuracy of Q16 by only 1%. An entropy index (Neq), strongly related to the RMSD value of the difference between predicted PBs and true local structures, is proposed to estimate prediction quality. The Neq is linearly correlated with the Q16 prediction rate distributions, computed for a large set of proteins. An "expected" prediction rate QE16 is deduced with a mean error of 5%.  相似文献   

Profile hidden Markov models (HMMs) based on classical HMMs have been widely applied for protein sequence identification. The formulation of the forward and backward variables in profile HMMs is made under statistical independence assumption of the probability theory. We propose a fuzzy profile HMM to overcome the limitations of that assumption and to achieve an improved alignment for protein sequences belonging to a given family. The proposed model fuzzifies the forward and backward variables by incorporating Sugeno fuzzy measures and Choquet integrals, thus further extends the generalized HMM. Based on the fuzzified forward and backward variables, we propose a fuzzy Baum-Welch parameter estimation algorithm for profiles. The strong correlations and the sequence preference involved in the protein structures make this fuzzy architecture based model as a suitable candidate for building profiles of a given family, since the fuzzy set can handle uncertainties better than classical methods.  相似文献   

We have developed MUMMALS, a program to construct multiple protein sequence alignment using probabilistic consistency. MUMMALS improves alignment quality by using pairwise alignment hidden Markov models (HMMs) with multiple match states that describe local structural information without exploiting explicit structure predictions. Parameters for such models have been estimated from a large library of structure-based alignments. We show that (i) on remote homologs, MUMMALS achieves statistically best accuracy among several leading aligners, such as ProbCons, MAFFT and MUSCLE, albeit the average improvement is small, in the order of several percent; (ii) a large collection (>10000) of automatically computed pairwise structure alignments of divergent protein domains is superior to smaller but carefully curated datasets for estimation of alignment parameters and performance tests; (iii) reference-independent evaluation of alignment quality using sequence alignment-dependent structure superpositions correlates well with reference-dependent evaluation that compares sequence-based alignments to structure-based reference alignments.  相似文献   

Analysis of protein structures based on backbone structural patterns known as structural alphabets have been shown to be very useful. Among them, a set of 16 pentapeptide structural motifs known as protein blocks (PBs) has been identified and upon which backbone model of most protein structures can be built. PBs allows simplification of 3D space onto 1D space in the form of sequence of PBs. Here, for the first time, substitution probabilities of PBs in a large number of aligned homologous protein structures have been studied and are expressed as a simplified 16 x 16 substitution matrix. The matrix was validated by benchmarking how well it can align sequences of PBs rather like amino acid alignment to identify structurally equivalent regions in closely or distantly related proteins using dynamic programming approach. The alignment results obtained are very comparable to well established structure comparison methods like DALI and STAMP. Other interesting applications of the matrix have been investigated. We first show that, in variable regions between two superimposed homologous proteins, one can distinguish between local conformational differences and rigid-body displacement of a conserved motif by comparing the PBs and their substitution scores. Second, we demonstrate, with the example of aspartic proteinases, that PBs can be efficiently used to detect the lobe/domain flexibility in the multidomain proteins. Lastly, using protein kinase as an example, we identify regions of conformational variations and rigid body movements in the enzyme as it is changed to the active state from an inactive state.  相似文献   

The hidden Markov model (HMM) was used to identify recurrent short 3D structural building blocks (SBBs) describing protein backbones, independently of any a priori knowledge. Polypeptide chains are decomposed into a series of short segments defined by their inter-alpha-carbon distances. Basically, the model takes into account the sequentiality of the observed segments and assumes that each one corresponds to one of several possible SBBs. Fitting the model to a database of non-redundant proteins allowed us to decode proteins in terms of 12 distinct SBBs with different roles in protein structure. Some SBBs correspond to classical regular secondary structures. Others correspond to a significant subdivision of their bounding regions previously considered to be a single pattern. The major contribution of the HMM is that this model implicitly takes into account the sequential connections between SBBs and thus describes the most probable pathways by which the blocks are connected to form the framework of the protein structures. Validation of the SBBs code was performed by extracting SBB series repeated in recoding proteins and examining their structural similarities. Preliminary results on the sequence specificity of SBBs suggest promising perspectives for the prediction of SBBs or series of SBBs from the protein sequences.  相似文献   

We describe a hidden Markov model, HMMSTR, for general protein sequence based on the I-sites library of sequence-structure motifs. Unlike the linear hidden Markov models used to model individual protein families, HMMSTR has a highly branched topology and captures recurrent local features of protein sequences and structures that transcend protein family boundaries. The model extends the I-sites library by describing the adjacencies of different sequence-structure motifs as observed in the protein database and, by representing overlapping motifs in a much more compact form, achieves a great reduction in parameters. The HMM attributes a considerably higher probability to coding sequence than does an equivalent dipeptide model, predicts secondary structure with an accuracy of 74.3 %, backbone torsion angles better than any previously reported method and the structural context of beta strands and turns with an accuracy that should be useful for tertiary structure prediction.  相似文献   

An analysis of the occurrence of tetrapeptides in 35 globular proteins for alpha-helix, beta-structure and coil was performed. We concluded that: the conformation of a short polypeptide segment cannot be determined on the basis of the knowledge of the amino acid sequence only; local structures of a protein are formed as the result of interactions within the whole structural domain of the protein as well as interactions with the environment.  相似文献   



G- Protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) comprise the largest group of eukaryotic cell surface receptors with great pharmacological interest. A broad range of native ligands interact and activate GPCRs, leading to signal transduction within cells. Most of these responses are mediated through the interaction of GPCRs with heterotrimeric GTP-binding proteins (G-proteins). Due to the information explosion in biological sequence databases, the development of software algorithms that could predict properties of GPCRs is important. Experimental data reported in the literature suggest that heterotrimeric G-proteins interact with parts of the activated receptor at the transmembrane helix-intracellular loop interface. Utilizing this information and membrane topology information, we have developed an intensive exploratory approach to generate a refined library of statistical models (Hidden Markov Models) that predict the coupling preference of GPCRs to heterotrimeric G-proteins. The method predicts the coupling preferences of GPCRs to Gs, Gi/o and Gq/11, but not G12/13 subfamilies.  相似文献   

We describe a technique for a rapid and efficient isolation and purification of proteins binding to defined DNA sequences. Cloned double-stranded DNA was covalently coupled to m-aminobenzyloximethylcellulose in order to purify proteins which recognize and bind to specific sequences on the DNA. The purification of two DNA-binding proteins from Drosophila melanogaster is demonstrated using the respective cloned DNA sequences.  相似文献   

HMMSPECTR is a tool for finding putative structural homologs for proteins with known primary sequences. HMMSPECTR contains four major components: a data warehouse with the hidden Markov models (HMM) and alignment libraries; a search program which compares the initial protein sequences with the libraries of HMMs; a secondary structure prediction and comparison program; and a dominant protein selection program that prepares the set of 10-15 "best" proteins from the chosen HMMs. The data warehouse contains four libraries of HMMs. The first two libraries were constructed using different HHM preparation options of the HAMMER program. The third library contains parts ("partial HMM") of initial alignments. The fourth library contains trained HMMs. We tested our program against all of the protein targets proposed in the CASP4 competition. The data warehouse included libraries of structural alignments and HMMs constructed on the basis of proteins publicly available in the Protein Data Bank before the CASP4 meeting. The newest fully automated versions of HMMSPECTR 1.02 and 1.02ss produced better results than the best result reported at CASP4 either by r.m.s.d. or by length (or both) in 64% (HMMSPECTR 1.02) and 79% (HMMSPECTR 1.02ss) of the cases. The improvement is most notable for the targets with complexity 4 (difficult fold recognition cases).  相似文献   

Rotondi KS  Gierasch LM 《Biochemistry》2003,42(26):7976-7985
The experiments described here explore the role of local sequence in the folding of cellular retinoic acid binding protein I (CRABP I). This is a 136-residue, 10-stranded, antiparallel beta-barrel protein with seven beta-hairpins and is a member of the intracellular lipid binding protein (iLBP) family. The relative roles of local and global sequence information in governing the folding of this class of proteins are not well-understood. In question is whether the beta-turns are locally defined by short-range interactions within their sequences, and are thus able to play an active role in reducing the conformational space available to the folding chain, or whether the turns are passive, relying upon global forces to form. Short (six- and seven-residue) peptides corresponding to the seven CRABP I turns were analyzed by circular dichroism and NMR for their tendencies to take up the conformations they adopt in the context of the native protein. The results indicate that two of the peptides, encompassing turns III and IV in CRABP I, have a strong intrinsic bias to form native turns. Intriguingly, these turns are on linked hairpins in CRABP I and represent the best-conserved turns in the iLBP family. These results suggest that local sequence may play an important role in narrowing the conformational ensemble of CRABP I during folding.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The rapidly growing protein structure repositories have opened up new opportunities for discovery and analysis of functional and evolutionary relationships among proteins. Detecting conserved structural sites that are unique to a protein family is of great value in identification of functionally important atoms and residues. Currently available methods are computationally expensive and fail to detect biologically significant local features. RESULTS: We propose Local Feature Mining in Proteins (LFM-Pro) as a framework for automatically discovering family-specific local sites and the features associated with these sites. Our method uses the distance field to backbone atoms to detect geometrically significant structural centers of the protein. A feature vector is generated from the geometrical and biochemical environment around these centers. These features are then scored using a statistical measure, for their ability to distinguish a family of proteins from a background set of unrelated proteins, and successful features are combined into a representative set for the protein family. The utility and success of LFM-Pro are demonstrated on trypsin-like serine proteases family of proteins and on a challenging classification dataset via comparison with DALI. The results verify that our method is successful both in identifying the distinctive sites of a given family of proteins, and in classifying proteins using the extracted features. AVAILABILITY: The software and the datasets are freely available for academic research use at http://bioinfo.ceng.metu.edu.tr/Pub/LFMPro.  相似文献   

Profile Hidden Markov Models (pHMMs) are widely used to model nucleotide or protein sequence families. In many applications, a sequence family classified into several subfamilies is given and each subfamily is modeled separately by one pHMM. A major drawback of this approach is the difficulty of coping with subfamilies composed of very few sequences.Correct subtyping of human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) sequences is one of the most crucial bioinformatic tasks affected by this problem of small subfamilies, i.e., HIV-1 subtypes with a small number of known sequences. To deal with small samples for particular subfamilies of HIV-1, we employ a machine learning approach. More precisely, we make use of an existing HMM architecture and its associated inference engine, while replacing the unsupervised estimation of emission probabilities by a supervised method. For that purpose, we use regularized linear discriminant learning together with a balancing scheme to account for the widely varying sample size. After training the multiclass linear discriminants, the corresponding weights are transformed to valid probabilities using a softmax function.We apply this modified algorithm to classify HIV-1 sequence data (in the form of partial-length HIV-1 sequences and semi-artificial recombinants) and show that the performance of pHMMs can be significantly improved by the proposed technique.  相似文献   

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