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Nine microsatellite loci were isolated from a genomic DNA library created from impala (Aepyceros melampus). Observed and expected levels of heterozygosity were computed utilizing 25 individuals from a population in central Kenya. Tests for Hardy–Weinberg equilibria were conducted and found that three of the nine loci deviated from equilibrium in this population. These markers were developed to analyse the genetic effects of culling and isolation on a game preserve in Kenya.  相似文献   

The role of territoriality was investigated by studying 25 impala rams at a reserve in the Waterberg region of South Africa (23°45′S, 28°23′E). Mean territorial tenure was 67.25 days (range 23–99), with a mean territory size of 21.0 ± 11.27 ha, compared with home ranges of 34.1 ± 9.03 ha for territorial rams and 58.8 ± 33.35 ha for bachelor rams, using the fixed kernel method. Territory boundaries remained constant, whilst the area surrounding important features such as water holes, appears to be neutral in terms of territoriality. The rut, as evidenced from peaks in chasing and roaring, lasted for 2 months from 10 April to 10 June 2001, with intensified behaviour including matings observed from 16 May to 4 June 2001. Territorial rams chase and roar more than bachelors. Flehmen and display behaviours are performed by all rams, whilst fights and other reproductive behaviours are generally rare. Bachelors browse more than territorial rams. Only bachelors spar and allogroom, and orally groom themselves more than territorial rams.  相似文献   

Examination of the jaws of an impala population showed advanced wear on mandibular M1 compared with other ungulates which have been examined. This could lead to an erroneous interpretation of age if based upon mandibular tooth wear alone. Explanations are offered for this pattern in terms of the apparent pattern of wear of the impala molar teeth. Suggestions are also put forward for a method of determining specific age, from a conceptual wear model, when only extreme parameters are known. Horn growth in the male is also described.  相似文献   

Blood, testicular biopsies and electroejaculates were collected from adult male impala, free-ranging in the Kruger National Park (Republic of South Africa), during the breeding (rut; April-May) and nonbreeding (September-October) seasons. Blood samples were collected at 5-min intervals for 120 min from anaesthetized males (n = 7 impala/group) treated intravenously with saline, gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH: 1 microgram/kg body weight) or human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG: 10 or 30 iu/kg). Semen was collected from six more animals during the breeding season and 12 animals during the nonbreeding season using a standardized electroejaculation protocol. Ejaculates obtained during the nonbreeding season were of inferior quality to those collected during the breeding season, and were characterized by lower sperm concentrations, poorer sperm motility and more morphologically abnormal sperm forms. Within season, there were no differences in testosterone secretion between the two hCG doses, and these responses were similar to those observed after GnRH, but during the rut, testosterone secretion stimulated by both GnRH and hCG was approximately nine times greater than during the nonbreeding season. This seasonal increase in testosterone production was associated with a doubling in testicular volume and concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH) receptors. Although concentrations of testicular follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) receptors were similar between seasons, receptor content increased during rut as a result of increased testicular volume. In contrast to testosterone secretion, basal LH and FSH secretions were unaffected by season and GnRH-induced gonadotrophin secretion was reduced during rut.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Viral particles, typical of the papovavirus family, were demonstrated by electronmicroscopy in small papillomas found on the feet of an impala (Aepyceros melampus) and on the face of a giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) in Kenya. Histologically the tissues proved to be typical papillomas. The viral particles measured 38 nm and 40 nm in diameter in all tissue sections from the impala and giraffe respectively.  相似文献   

We analysed 131 common impala (Aepyceros melampus melampus) samples from two provinces in South Africa (Limpopo and KwaZulu‐Natal) that are separated by the Drakensberg Mountain Range using sequences of the mitochondrial control region and seven polymorphic nuclear microsatellite loci. In line with earlier studies on bovid species, we found very high values of genetic diversity, particularly at the mtDNA locus with an overall nucleotide diversity of 3.6% and an overall haplotype diversity of 0.98. All statistical approaches confirmed a significant population differentiation between Limpopo and KwaZulu‐Natal, suggesting that areas of unsuitable habitat caused by the presence of the Drakensberg Range and the Indian Ocean coastal belt act as a barrier to gene flow. Only few individuals with signs of admixed origin were indicative of translocations or rare migration between the two provinces. Combination of our mtDNA data set with those of previous studies on impala from south‐western, southern and eastern Africa revealed the highest diversity in South Africa. This is in line with the hypothesis of a southern glacial refuge from which various African ungulate species spread northeast during the Holocene, although in the case of impala further analyses based on larger data sets will be necessary to definitively settle this question.  相似文献   

The captive bred animal populations showing centric fusion polymorphism can serve as a model for analysis of the impact of the rearrangement on meiosis and reproduction. The synapsis of homologous chromosomes and the frequency and distribution of meiotic recombination events were studied in pachytene spermatocytes of captive bred male impalas (Aepyceros melampus) polymorphic for der(14;20) by immunofluorescent analysis and fluorescence in situ hybridization. The chromosomes 14 and 20 involved in the centric fusion were significantly shorter due to the loss of sat I repeats indicating ancient origin of the rearrangement. The fused chromosome and the normal acrocentric chromosomes 14 and 20 formed trivalent in pachynema which showed either protruding proximal ends of the acrocentric chromosomes or single axis with synaptic adjustment in the pericentromeric region. There was no significant difference in the number of recombination events per cell between the group of translocation heterozygotes and the animals with normal karyotype. A significant reduction in the number of recombination events was observed in the trivalent chromosomes compared to the normal chromosomes 14 and 20. The level of the recombination reduction was related to the trivalent configuration. The centric fusion der(14;20) was not apparently demonstrated by any spermatogenic defects or reproductive impairment in heterozygous impalas. However, the high incidence of the chromosomal polymorphism within the captive bred population shows the importance of cytogenetic examinations in captive breeding and wildlife conservation programs, especially in the case of reintroduction of the endangered species.  相似文献   

We investigated herd-sizes and herd-compositions of Impala ( Aepyceros melampus ) inside a protected area [Lake Mburo National Park (LMNP) in western Uganda] and the unprotected adjacent ranchland [the Ankole Ranching Scheme (ARS)]. Impala experience intense hunting and poaching in the study area, and poaching is especially strong on the ARS. We found evidence for changes in overall group-sizes in both mixed-sex and pure bachelor herds between areas in and outside LMNP. Mixed-sex herds strongly decreased in size outside the National Park, but bachelor herds even slightly increased in size. While the group-composition of mixed-sex herds was very similar in areas in and outside LMNP, bachelor herds comprised more yearlings and subadult males on the ARS. Our study suggests that effects of hunting and other human nuisance may differ between herd types: mixed herds probably decrease in size because females are more strongly hunted. Around LMNP, impala are usually hunted using nets and spears, thereby increasing the hunters' chance of being injured. Poachers therefore prefer hornless females (and their calves), as it is less dangerous to handle net-caught females than males. As a result, males are less hunted, but increased vigilance and, therefore, reduced aggression among the members of a bachelor herd, may account for the observed increase in herd sizes and changes in group-compositions.  相似文献   

The lungworm, Pneumostrongylus calcaratus, was found in 85% (164 of 193) of impala (Aepyceros melampus) collected in Mlawula Nature Reserve in Swaziland. Infection was confirmed at 4.5 mo of age, and the prevalence increased to 100% at 11 mo, with a prevalence of 98% in animals greater than 1 yr of age. Pneumostrongylus calcaratus was usually found in firm, tangrey nodules along the lobar borders of the lungs, although an extensive granulomatous pneumonia with miliary caseous abscesses and calcified nodules was observed in some older animals. In the primary infection in lambs, adult parasites, larvae and eggs were observed in the alveoli and bronchioles within the nodule. There was peribronchial and perivascular mononuclear cuffing, with infiltration of mononuclear cells in the alveolar septum in the vicinity of worms. In lesions in older animals, there was local consolidation with macrophages and giant cells, and foci of parenchymal necrosis associated with degenerating eosinophils, which appeared to lead to the formation of eosinophilic granulomas. Resolving lesions caused interstitial fibrosis, with mineralized nodules. Pneumostrongylosis does not appear to pose a significant threat to the health of impala in Swaziland.  相似文献   

During 1994 and 1995, 45 impala ewes, Aepyceros melampus were examined at Letaba Ranch in the Northern Province. Tick counts were made from 15 animals on three occasions, in July, October and February. The objective was to determine whether the total body tick counts can be estimated from counts done on specific, selected sampling sites on the skin. Twelve sites were shaved within ten predilection sites and the parasite numbers counted from these samples. These counts were compared to the total body parasite count as determined by the scrub and digestion techniques. More than 80% of all the ticks were present on the muzzle, the head, the pinna and the legs. Larger numbers of ticks were collected in October than in July or February. Two mathematical models were tested for the tick counts. The first model was made up of tick counts from a single shaved sampling site, the pinna. The correlation between the tick counts on the pinna and the total tick counts was highly significant (p values ranging between 0.0208 and 0.0001). The second model was developed based on tick counts from four regions, namely the head, the pinna and the front and hind feet. A less significant correlation was obtained between the number of ticks counted on the four sites and the total tick count.  相似文献   

One of the advantages of living in groups is that individuals may need to be less vigilant, allowing them more time for other important activities, such as foraging. This relationship between group size and per cent time spent being vigilant was investigated by observing impala in Nairobi National Park, Kenya. Three types of individual were observed: females, territorial males and bachelor males. Only females showed the predicted negative relationship between per cent vigilance and herd size. Both types of male showed no significant change of vigilance with increasing group size. There was no difference in levels of vigilance in open or closed habitats and no difference in vigilance between herds ‘alone’ and herds with other species that might have provided ‘extra eyes’.  相似文献   

There are two recognized subspecies of impala in sub-Saharan Africa: the common impala (Aepyceros melampus melampus) -- widespread in southern and east Africa -- and the vulnerable black-faced impala (A. m. petersi) -- found naturally in only a small enclave in southwest Africa. The Etosha National Park (NP) in Namibia harbours the largest and only protected-area population of black-faced impala, numbering some 1500 individuals. Due to translocations of the exotic common impala to commercial farms in Namibia during the past decades, the black-faced impala in Etosha is faced with the potentially serious threat of hybridization posed by secondary contact with the common impala inhabiting bordering farms. Using eight microsatellite DNA markers, we analysed 127 black-faced impala individuals from the five subpopulations in Etosha NP, to determine the degree, if any, of hybridization within the park. We found that (a) the black-faced impala were highly genetically differentiated from the common impala (pairwise theta-values ranged from 0.18 to 0.39 between subspecies; overall value = 0.27) and (b) black-faced samples showed high levels of genetic variability [average expected heterozygosity (H(E)) = 0.61 +/- 0.01 SE], although not as high as that observed in the common impala (average H(E) = 0.69 +/- 0.02 SE). (c) No hybridization between the subspecies in Etosha was suggested. A Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach revealed clear distinction of individuals into groups according to their subspecies of origin, with a zero level of 'genetic admixture' among subspecies.  相似文献   

Variation of the intraruminal papillation pattern with diet quality has been described in many ruminant species, but the use of papillation measures as a proxy for habitat quality and nutritional status of animals has not been evaluated. We compared various measures of body condition (body mass, body condition score, kidney fat index, bone marrow fat index, adrenal mass, kidney to adrenal mass ratio), diet quality (%browse, protein and fibre content) and rumen papillation in 106 impalas (Aepyceros melampus) from four different locations in Zimbabwe. The various condition proxies indicated that periods of low diet quality are characterised by a high proportion of browse in the diet of this species. Animals with a high proportion of browse had more voluminous rumens, suggesting a compensation for lower diet quality by increased intake. Macroscopic papillation indices did not yield meaningful significant correlations with diet quality or body condition proxies, and hence, their use for estimating habitat or body condition cannot be advocated. In contrast to previous histological reports, ballooning cells of the Stratum corneum of the ruminal mucosa were more prominent in animals on lower-quality diets. There were significant correlations of the kidney to adrenal mass ratio with other body conditions and with diet quality indices, suggesting that poor body condition and low diet quality represent stressful situations.  相似文献   

黑斑羚粪便中碳同位素揭示的食性变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用稳定碳同位素数据(δ13C)分析了南非克鲁格国家公园混食性黑斑羚(Aepyceros melampus)时间和空间尺度上的食性变化,验证了两个假说,即有蹄类食性变化是由生境中木本植物与草本植物的相对配比导致;降雨控制有蹄类生态。结果表明:黑斑羚的食性涵盖了精食者-粗食者采食谱系,且食性中木本与草本比例在不同月间、季节、年度和区域间存在很大变化。栖息于开放性热带稀树草原和草原中的黑斑羚通常采食比生境中更高比例的草本,但在时间尺度上并不恒定。在克鲁格北部的一个区域(Punda Maria) ,黑斑羚采食的草本比克鲁格国家公园中其它任何区域都多。与其它生境相比,在河边的黑斑羚采食草本数量更少,尤其是在食性空间变化更为明显的旱季。因此,我们的数据不支持有蹄类食性组成变化是由生境中木本与草本比例不同造成的假说,食性与降雨量间也无明显的关系。我们的结果支持草本中蛋白含量增加引起黑斑羚采食比例的增加这一模型。粪便中氮含量在时间和空间上的变化很小,揭示在可利用食物中,无论木本还是草本,黑斑羚进行选择采食以保证最好的食物质量。基于这些结果,我们认为更具体的食物选择和可利用性最适采食理论能够更好地解释这种生态学变化。  相似文献   

In elephants the time lapsed from i.m. injection of an overdose of the muscle relaxant succinylcholine (SuCh) until death, is significantly longer than in impala. To determine a difference in the rate of SuCh hydrolysis, once the drug enters the circulation, contributes to this phenomenon we have measured the rate of hydrolysis of SuCh in elephant and impala plasma, and by elephant erythrocytes. Rate of hydrolysis was determined by incubating SuCh in plasma or erythrocyte lysate at 37 degrees C and quantifying the choline produced. Plasma SuCh hydrolytic activity in elephant plasma (12.1+/-1.7 Ul(-1) mean+/-S.D.; n=9) was significantly higher than it was in impala plasma (6.6+/-0.6 Ul(-1); n=5), but were approximately 12 and 21 times lower, respectively, than in human plasma. Elephant erythrocyte lysate had no SuCh hydrolytic activity. Applying this data to previous studies, we can show that the ratio of SuCh absorption to SuCh hydrolysis is expected to be 1.25:1 and 1.41:1 for elephants and impala respectively. It will thus take at least 1.7 times longer for elephant to achieve a plasma SuCh concentration similar to that in impala. We conclude that a more rapid hydrolysis of SuCh in elephant plasma is one factor that contributes to the longer time to death compared to impala.  相似文献   

Foraging behaviour plays a key role in the interaction between herbivores and vegetation, their predominant food source. Understanding this interaction is crucial to providing information that is useful for conservation of herbivores. The objective of this study was to determine how sward height influences functional response and movement patterns of free ranging wild impala and zebra at the Kenya Wildlife Service Training Institute. The study was conducted for 3 months. Sward height is an important parameter that indicates how intensive a sward has been grazed and it influences intake rate through its effect on bite size. Bite size, instantaneous intake rate, specific mass intake rate and feeding station interval for impala and zebra increased with sward height. Sward height in combination with an animal's sex was found to have a profound effect on specific mass intake rate in impala. Zebra had a longer feeding station interval and lower stepping rate in tall swards compared to impala. Despite differences in their specific body mass and digestive strategies, impala and zebra maximized their intake rates in tall swards as a trade‐off among the swards. Tall swards are therefore critical in the study area and should be protected from bush encroachment which is a persistent problem.  相似文献   

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