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The horseradish tree (Moringa pterygosperma,) is being introduced into drought-ridden lands to augment the local food and fodder supply. The tree grows up to 5 m per year. The foliage is high in calcium and has half the oxalates of amaranth. Seeds yield edible oil and the seed meal is used as fertilizer and as a coagulant to clarify turbid water. The philanthropic center, ECHO (Educational Concerns for Hunger Organization), North Fort Myers, Florida, receives many requests for seeds. A missionary in Mali wrote: “The seeds you sent arrived during the worst year of 14 years of dry weather. Only the moringa survived, and they have flourished. ”Another seed shipment resulted, after harvesting a crop, in 25 000 trees being planted by university students and faculty, around laborers’ houses in Maranhao, Brazil. The tree is not limited to tropical lowlands, but thrives at elevations of 800-1200 m in protected mountain areas of southern Mexico. The long-range effects of ingesting various parts of the tree as food or folkmedicine need study. Attention should be given to horticultural improvement, perhaps through hybridization with one or more related species now being compared with M. pterygosperma in India and Africa. ХРеНовое дерево, Moringa pterygosperma F. Gaertn. (Moringaceae), Дар сыхим землям. Хреновое дерево, Moringa pterygosperma, вводится в бездождивые землии чтоб умножить местное снабжение пищи и корма. Дерево растет до 5 метров в год. Листья содержат много кальцию и половину щавелев по сравнени#x044E; с амарантом. Семя дают съедобное масло и семеная мука употребляется как одобрение и как коагулант для очищение мутной воды. Филантропический цэнтэр ECHO (Educational Concern for Hunger Organization, North Fort Myers, Florida) полужает мното просьб чтоб получить семя. Один миссионер из Мали писал “Семя которые вы послали, прибыли в самый сухой год за 14 лет сухой погоды. Только моринга пережила и цвела. Другая отправка семен была совершена после получения урожая и 25000 деревьев были посажены студентами и учителями около домов рабочих в Маранхау, Брразилия. Это дерево не ограаничевается тропическим климатом и преуспевает на уровне 800 до 1200 метров в защищенных горных местах южной Мексики.  相似文献   

Diverging Understandings of Forest Management in Matsutake Science. As high-value gourmet mushrooms, the matsutake complex of the genus Tricholoma has been the subject of extensive research. This article reviews two trajectories of matsutake research, showing how distinctive regional nodes may develop within a cosmopolitan modern science. The global center of matsutake research is in Japan, where problems of artificial cultivation and the “orchard-style” enhancement of production under forest conditions stimulate basic research. U.S. Pacific Northwest research forms a contrasting regional node, with a focus on sustainable yields in the context of timber production. Regional differences in research design and results point to the importance of distinctive scientific legacies, in this case formed in relation to divergent histories of forest management. Attention to regional distinctions in the framing of scientific problems is particularly important as scientific frameworks are exported to new places; for example, both Japanese and American forms of matsutake science have been extended to China. 高価なグルメきのこであるマツタケとその近縁種群のTricholoma属は広範囲に渡る科学的研究の対象となってきた。本論では二つの地域特徴的なマツタケ研究の軌跡を概観し、文化的差異を超えて世界的に通用する近代科学においても地域固有の関心に応じて特徴のある知識が結節し発展することを示す。マツタケ研究の世界的な中心地である日本では人工増殖やマツタケを殖やすための「果樹園的」な山林作りへの関心が基礎研究の方向性に刺激を与えてきた。一方日本とは対照的に、米国北西岸州では木材の持続的産出に主眼をおいた山林管理の流れの中で研究が進んできた。こうした研究計画や結果的に得られる知識の違いは、地域ごとに特徴のある科学的遺産 - 本件の場合は森林管理の歴史が多様に枝分かれしていること - に注目することが重要であることを知らせてくれる。近年日本や米国で発展したマツタケ研究の方法や成果が中国での研究にも影響を与えているが、特に新しい研究の場を広げる場合には科学的な関心、問題がどのような枠組で組み立てられるか地域によって多様であることを考慮することが重要である。  相似文献   

The results of genome analysis of five hybrids, viz.Elymus patagonicus ×Hordeum procerum, E. patagonicus ×H. tetraploidum, E. angulatus ×H. jubatum, E. angulatus ×H. lechleri, andE. angulatus ×H. parodii, are reported. The genomic constitution ofHordeum tetraploidum andH. jubatum is best given as H1H1H2H2, ofH. lechleri andH. parodii as H1H1H2H2H4H4, ofH. procerum as H1H1H2H2H3H3, and ofElymus patagonicus andE. angulatus as SSH1H1H2H2.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the infectivity of baculovirus to herbivores is affected by phytochemicals ingested during the acquisition of viral inoculum on the foliage of host plants. Here, we measured the effects of 14 host plant species on the infectivity of Spodoptera exigua nucleopolyhedrovirus (SeNPV) to its larvae. The order of the LD50 values of SeNPV among the host plants was Ipomoea aquatica > Brassica oleracea > Raphanus sativus > Amaranthus tricolor > Spinacia oleracea > Vigna unguiculata > Solanum melongena > Capsicum annuum > Apium graveolens > Allium fistulosum > Lactuca sativa > Brassica chinensis > Zea mays > Glycine max, with 940.1 ± 2.26, 424.0 ± 0.60, 295.2 ± 1.13, 147.3 ± 0.63, 138.6 ± 0.22, 119.9 ± 0.07, 119.8 ± 0.02, 109.2 ± 0.18, 104.8 ± 0.62, 102.1 ± 0.66, 97.9 ± 0.22, 89.9 ± 0.32, 79.0 ± 0.13 and 64.0 ± 0.38 OBs per larva, respectively, and the values of mean time to death of virus‐infected larvae were 6.21 ± 0.11, 7.12 ± 0.10, 7.33 ± 0.21, 6.97 ± 0.02, 7.06 ± 0.01, 7.29 ± 0.03, 7.32 ± 0.05, 7.07 ± 0.08, 7.24 ± 0.11, 7.09 ± 0.13, 7.50 ± 0.06, 7.23 ± 0.01, 7.30 ± 0.02 and 7.19 ± 0.07 days, respectively. The mean time to death of larvae decreased with increasing viral dose, and corrected mortality decreased as the larval mean time to death increased. These findings have significance for understanding the effects of host plants on the infectivity of baculovirus to noctuids.  相似文献   

 For the angiosperm dominants of northern California’s mixed evergreen forests, this study compares the display of photosynthetic tissue within leaves and along branches, and examines the correspondence between these morphological attributes and the known environmental tolerances of these species. Measurements were made on both sun and shade saplings of six species: Arbutus m e n z i e s i i (Ericaceae), C h r y s o l e p i s c h r y s o p h y l l a (Fagaceae), L i t h o c a r p u s d e n s i f l o r u s (Fagaceae), Quercus c h r y s o l e p i s (Fagaceae), Quercus w i s l i z e n i i (Fagaceae), and Umbellularia c a l i f o r n i c a (Lauraceae). All species had sclerophyllous leaves with thick epidermal walls, but species differed in leaf specific weight, thickness of mesophyll tissues and in the presence of a hypodermis, crystals, secretory idioblasts, epicuticular deposits, and trichomes. The leaves of Arbutus were 2 – 5 times larger than those of C h r y s o l e p i s, L i t h o c a r p u s and Umbellularia and 4 – 10 times larger than those of both Quercus species. Together with differences in branch architecture, these leaf traits divide the species into groups corresponding to environmental tolerances. Shade-tolerant C h r y s o l e p i s, L i t h o c a r p u s, and Umbellularia had longer leaf lifespans and less palisade tissue, leaf area, and crown mass per volume than the intermediate to intolerant Arbutus and Quercus. Having smaller leaves, Quercus branches had more branch mass per leaf area and per palisade volume than other species, whereas Arbutus had less than other species. These differences in display of photosynthetic tissue should contribute to greater growth for Quercus relative to the other species under high light and limited water, for Arbutus under high light and water availability, and for C h r y s o l e p i s, L i t h o c a r p u s, and Umbellularia under limiting light levels. Accepted: 22 March 1996  相似文献   

Résumé Certains stades juvéniles de charançons des céréales du genreSitophilus ont été soumis à un séjour prolongé dans des compositions gazeuses modifiées par le dioxyde de carbone (CO2).Les auteurs se sont placés dans des conditions de teneur en CO2 constante (50%), associée à des teneurs en oxygène comprises entre 4 et 20%, pour étudier les conditions d'une synergie entre l'effet spécifique du CO2 et la présence d'une forte teneur résiduelle en oxygène. Les effets ont été observés sur les stades juvéniles les plus évolués (larves et nymphes) des espècesS. oryzae (L.) etS. granarius (L.), (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).L'accroissement de la vitesse de mortalité chezS. oryzae est significative avec l'augmentation de la pression partielle d'oxygène. Cet effet de synergie provoqué par l'oxygène n'est pas significatif avecS. granarius, bien qu'il existe aussi avec cette espèce une tendance à l'amélioration de l'efficacité insecticide à court terme avec les mélanges à forte teneur résiduelle en oxygène.Il en est déduit des hypothèses sur les effets des mélanges gazeux à composition modifiée par le CO2 au niveau de la physiologie générale de ces insectes, qui est très difficile à appréhender directement à cause du mode de développement des stades juvéniles des charançons (formes cachées dans le grain).  相似文献   

Zeng X  Sun Y  Ye H  Liu J  Uzawa H 《Biotechnology letters》2007,29(7):1105-1110
When α-d-GlcNAc-OC6H4NO2 -p and β-d-(6-sulfo)-GlcNAc-OC6H4NO2-p (2) were used as substrates, β-N-acetylhexosaminidase from Aspergillus oryzae transferred the β-d-(6-sulfo)-GlcNAc(unit from 2 to α-d-GlcNAc-OC6H4NO2 -p to afford β-d-(6-sulfo)-GlcNAc-(1→4)-α-d-GlcNAc-OC6H4NO2-p (3) in a yield of 94% based on the amount of donor, 2, added. β-d-(6-sulfo)-GlcNAc-(1→4)-α-d-Glc-OC6H4NO2-p (4) was obtained with α-d-Glc-OC6H4NO2 -p as acceptor in a similar manner. With a reaction mixture of 2 and β-d-GlcNAc-OC6H4NO2-p (1) in a molar ratio of 6:1, the enzyme mediated the transfer of β-d-GlcNAc from 1 to 2, affording disaccharide β-d-GlcNAc-(1→4)-β-(6-sulfo)-d-GlcNAc-OC6H4NO2-p (5) in a yield of 13% based on the amount of 1 added.  相似文献   

Hemibrycon sanjuanensis, new species, is described from the upper San Juan River drainage, Pacific versant, Colombia. It is distinguished from Hemibrycon boquiae, Hemibrycon brevispini, Hemibrycon cairoense, Hemibrycon colombianus, Hemibrycon mikrostiktos, Hemibrycon metae, Hemibrycon palomae, Hemibrycon rafaelense and Hemibrycon tridens by the presence of a circular or oblong humeral spot that is located two scales posterior to the opercle (vs. 3–4 scales in Hemibrycon palomae, Hemibrycon rafaelense, Hemibrycon brevispini and Hemibrycon cairoense, and 0–1 scales, in Hemibrycon metae and Hemibrycon boquiae). It further differs from Hemibrycon colombianus in having a round or oblong humeral spot (vs. rectangular). It differs from Hemibrycon beni, Hemibrycon dariensis, Hemibrycon divisorensis, Hemibrycon helleri, Hemibrycon huambonicus, Hemibrycon inambari, Hemibrycon jabonero, Hemibrycon jelskii, Hemibrycon mikrostiktos, Hemibrycon polyodon, Hemibrycon quindos, Hemibrycon raqueliae, Hemibrycon santamartae, Hemibrycon surinamensis, Hemibrycon taeniurus, Hemibrycon tridens, and Hemibrycon yacopiae in having melanophores on the posterior margins of the scales along the sides of body (vs. lacking melanophores on margins of scales along entire length of the sides of body). The new species differs from all congeners mentioned above in having, among other features, six teeth in the outer premaxillary row arranged in a straight line (vs. five or fewer teeth not arranged in straight line except Hemibrycon cairoense with two to six teeth in the outer premaxillary row).  相似文献   

Summary Genetic studies on radiation-induced chlorina and variegated mutants of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench) revealed the existence of an unstable gene. The normal green color of the leaves is controlled by duplicate genes C1 and C2, either of which produces the green colour. The chlorina plants are C 1 C 1 C 2 C 2. The allele c 1 v is dominant to both C 1 and C 2 but is unstable. The homozygote c 1 v c 1 v c 2 c 2 is a normal green while the heterozygote c i v c 1 c 2 c 2 has a variegated phenotype as a result of the mutation of c 1 v to c 1 during development. In green plants with a c 1 v c{sh1/v}c 2 c 2 genotype, the autonomous mutation of one of the c 1 v alleles to c 1 may take place at the pre-meiotic stage. In the variegated genotype (c 1 v c 1 c 2 c 2), the mutation of c 1 to c 1 v may take place in early ontogeny, thus producing green plants. The allele C 1, when associated with c 1 v in a heterozygous condition, mutates to c 1 at the pre-meiotic stage even in the presence of the allele C 2.  相似文献   

The flowers of 23 species of grass and herb plants were collected from a mesotrophic grassland to assess natural variability in bulk, monosaccharide and fatty acid δ13C values from one plant community and were compared with previous analyses of leaves from the same species. The total mean bulk δ13C value of flower tissues was −28.1‰, and there was no significant difference between the mean δ13Cflower values for grass (−27.8‰) and herb (−28.2‰) species. On average bulk δ13Cflower values were 1.1‰ higher than bulk δ13Cleaf values, however, the δ13Cflower and δ13Cleaf values of grasses did not differ between organs suggesting that carbon isotope discrimination is different in grass and herb species. The abundance of different monosaccharides abundance varied between plant types, i.e. xylose concentrations in the grass flowers were as high as 40%, compared with up to 15% in the herb species, but the general relationship δ13Carabinose > δ13Cxylose > δ13Cglucose > δ13Cgalactose which had been observed in leaves was similar in flowers (total mean δ13C values = −25.9‰, −27.2‰, −28.8‰ and −28.1‰, respectively). However, the average 5.4‰ depletion in the δ13C values of the C16:0, C18:2 and C18:3 fatty acids in flowers compared to bulk tissue was significantly greater than observed for leaves. The trend C16:0 < C18:2 < C18:3 previously observed in leaves was also observed in grass flowers (δ13CC16:0 = −33.8‰; δ13CC18:2 = −33.1‰; δ13CC18:3 = −34.2‰) but not herb flowers (δ13CC16:0 = −34.1‰; δ13CC18:2 = −32.4‰; δ13CC18:3 = −34.5‰). We conclude: (i) that the biological processes influencing carbon isotope discrimination in grass flowers are different from herbs flowers; and, (ii) that a range of post-photosynthetic fractionation effects caused the observed differences between flower and leaf δ13C values, especially the significant 13C-depletion in flower fatty acid δ13C values.  相似文献   

Summary The Na+ requirement for active, electrogenic Cl absorption byAmphiuma small intestine was studied by tracer techniques and double-barreled Cl-sensitive microelectrodes. Addition of Cl to a Cl-free medium bathingin vitro intestinal segments produced a saturable (K m =5.4mm) increase in shortcircuit current (I sc) which was inhibitable by 1mm SITS. The selectivity sequence for the anion-evoked current was Cl=Br>SCN>NO 3 >F=I. Current evoked by Cl reached a maximum with increasing medium Na concentration (K m =12.4mm). Addition of Na+, as Na gluconate (10mm), to mucosal and serosal Na+-free media stimulated the Cl current and simultaneously increased the absorptive Cl flux (J ms Cl ) and net flux (J net Cl ) without changing the secretory Cl flux (J sm Cl ). Addition of Na+ only to the serosal fluid stimulatedJ ms Cl much more than Na+ addition only to the mucosal fluid in paired tissues. Serosal DIDS (1mm) blocked the stimulation. Serosal 10mm Tris gluconate or choline gluconate failed to stimulateJ ms Cl . Intracellular Cl activity (a Cl i ) in villus epithelial cells was above electrochemical equilibrium indicating active Cl uptake. Ouabain (1mm) eliminated Cl accumulation and reduced the mucosal membrane potential m over 2 to 3 hr. In contrast, SITS had no effect on Cl accumulation and hyperpolarized the mucosal membrane. Replacement of serosal Na+ with choline eliminated Cl accumulation while replacement of mucosal Na+ had no effect. In conclusion by two independent methods active electrogenic Cl absorption depends on serosal rather than mucosal Na+. It is concluded that Cl enters the cell via a primary (rheogenic) transport mechanism. At the serosal membrane the Na+ gradient most likely energizes H+ export and regulates mucosal Cl accumulation perhaps by influencing cell pH or HCO 3 concentration.  相似文献   

The Neotropical genus Menevia Schaus, 1928 is revised to include 18 species, 11 of which are new. Two species, Menevia ostia comb. n. and Menevia parostia comb. n. are transferred from Pamea Walker, 1855 to Menevia. Four species-groups are diagnosed for the first time based on external characters and male genitalia morphology. The following new species are described: Menevia rosea sp. n., Menevia torvamessoria sp. n., Menevia magna sp. n., Menevia menapia sp. n., Menevia mielkei sp. n., Menevia australis sp. n., Menevia vulgaris sp. n., Menevia franclemonti sp. n., Menevia vulgaricula sp. n., Menevia cordillera sp. n., and Menevia delphinus sp. n.. A neotype is designated for Mimallo plagiata Walker, 1855, which has since been placed in Menevia. Mimallo saturata Walker, 1855 is interpreted to be a nomen dubium.  相似文献   

In Argentina, five genera and 14 species are recorded in the subfamilies Prostemmatinae and Nabinae: Hoplistoscelis sordidus Reuter, Lasiomerus constrictus Champion, Metatropiphorus alvarengai Reuter, Nabis argentinus Meyer-Dür, Nabis (Tropiconabis) capsiformis Germar, Nabis faminei Stål, Nabis paranensis Harris, Nabis punctipennis Blanchard, Nabis roripes Stål, Nabis setricus Harris, Nabis tandilensis Berg, Pagasa (Pagasa) costalis Reuter, Pagasa (Lampropagasa) fuscipennis Reuter and Pagasa (Pagasa) signatipennis Reuter.  相似文献   

Hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) was shown to inhibit the transepithelial NaCl transport and the apical Na+-Cl? symport and to depolarize the apical membrane potential in the rabbit gallbladder epithelium. The depolarization was likely related to the opening of a Cl? conductance. To better understand whether an apical Cl? leak is involved in the mechanism of action of HCTZ, the transapical Cl? backflux was measured radiochemically by the washout technique. The gallbladder wall, pretreated with pronase on the serosal side to homogenize the subepithelium, was loaded with 36Cl? on the luminal side; mucosal and serosal 36Cl? effluxes (J m , J s ) were then measured every 2 min. The pretreatment with pronase did not alter the membrane potentials and the selectivity of the epithelium. Under control conditions and the tissue in steady-state, J m and J s time courses were each described by two exponential decays (A,B); the rate constants, k A and k B , were 0.71 ±0.03 and 0.16±0.01 min?1, respectively, and correspondingly the half-times (t 1 2A , t 1 2B ) were 1.01±0.05 and 5.00±0.44 min (n=10); these parameters were not significantly different for J m and J s time courses. J s was always greater than J m (J s /J m =2.02±0.22 and 1.43 ±0.17 for A and B decays). Under SCN? treatment in steady-state conditions, both J m and J s time courses were described by only one exponential decay, the component B being abolished. Moreover t 1 2A was similar to that predictable for the subepithelium. It follows that it is the component B which exits the epithelial compartment. Based on the intracellular specific activity and 36Cl? J m B at 0 min time of the washout experiment, the cell-lumen Cl? backflux in steady-state was calculated to be equal to about 2 μmol cm?2hr?1, in agreement with the value indirectly computable by other techniques. The experimental model was well responsive to different external challenges (increases in media osmolalities; luminal treatment with nystatin). HCTZ (2.5 · 10?4 m) largely increased 36Cl? J m B . The increase was abolished by luminal treatment with 10?4 m SITS, which not only brought back the efflux time courses to the ones observed under control conditions but even increased J s /J m of the cellular component, an indication of a reduced J m B . It is concluded that HCTZ opens an apical, SITS-sensitive Cl? leak, which contributes to dissipate the intracellular Cl? accumulation and to inhibit the NaCl transepithelial transport. Moreover, the drug is likely to reduce the basal electroneutral Cl? backflux supported by Na+-Cl? cotransport, in agreement with the inhibition of the cotransport itself.  相似文献   

All genus-group names listed in the second edition of the catalogue (1833-1836) of Dejean’s beetle collection are recorded. For each new genus-group name the originally included available species are listed and for generic names with at least one available species, the type species and the current status are given. Names available prior to the publication of Dejean’s second catalogue (1833-1836) are listed in an appendix.The following new synonymies are proposed: Cyclonotum Dejean, 1833 (= Dactylosternum Wollaston, 1854) [Hydrophilidae], Hyporhiza Dejean, 1833 (= Rhinaspis Perty, 1830) [Scarabaeidae], Aethales Dejean, 1834 (= Epitragus Latreille, 1802) [Tenebrionidae], Arctylus Dejean, 1834 (= Praocis Eschscholtz, 1829) [Tenebrionidae], Euphron Dejean, 1834 (= Derosphaerus Thomson, 1858) [Tenebrionidae], Hipomelus Dejean, 1834 (= Trachynotus Latreille, 1828) [Tenebrionidae], Pezodontus Dejean, 1834 (= Odontopezus Alluaud, 1889) [Tenebrionidae], Zygocera Dejean, 1835 (= Disternopsis Breuning, 1939) [Cerambycidae], and Physonota Chevrolat, 1836 (= Anacassis Spaeth, 1913) [Chrysomelidae]. Heterogaster pilicornis Dejean, 1835 [Cerambycidae] and Labidomera trimaculata Chevrolat, 1836 [Chrysomelidae] are placed for the first time in synonymy with Anisogaster flavicans Deyrolle, 1862 and Chrysomela clivicollis Kirby, 1837 respectively. Type species of the following genus-group taxa are proposed: Sphaeromorphus Dejean, 1833 (Sphaeromorphus humeralis Erichson, 1843) [Scarabaeidae], Adelphus Dejean, 1834 (Helops marginatus Fabricius, 1792) [Tenebrionidae], Cyrtoderes Dejean, 1834 (Tenebrio cristatus DeGeer, 1778) [Tenebrionidae], Selenepistoma Dejean, 1834 (Opatrum acutum Wiedemann, 1823) [Tenebrionidae], Charactus Dejean, 1833 (Lycus limbatus Fabricius, 1801) [Lycidae], Corynomalus Chevrolat, 1836 (Eumorphus limbatus Olivier, 1808) [Endomychidae], Hebecerus Dejean, 1835 (Acanthocinus marginicollis Boisduval, 1835) [Cerambycidae], Pterostenus Dejean, 1835 (Cerambyx abbreviatus Fabricius, 1801) [Cerambycidae], Psalicerus Dejean, 1833 (Lucanus femoratus Fabricius, 1775) [Lucanidae], and Pygolampis Dejean, 1833 (Lampyris glauca Olivier, 1790) [Lampyridae]. A new name, Neoeutrapela Bousquet and Bouchard [Tenebrionidae], is proposed for Eutrapela Dejean, 1834 (junior homonym of Eutrapela Hübner, 1809).The following generic names, made available in Dejean’s catalogue, were found to be older than currently accepted valid names: Catoxantha Dejean, 1833 over Catoxantha Solier, 1833 [Buprestidae], Pristiptera Dejean, 1833 over Pelecopselaphus Solier, 1833 [Buprestidae], Charactus Dejean, 1833 over Calopteron Laporte, 1836 [Lycidae], Cyclonotum Dejean, 1833 over Dactylosternum Wollaston, 1854 [Hydrophilidae], Ancylonycha Dejean, 1833 over Holotrichia Hope, 1837 [Scarabaeidae], Aulacium Dejean, 1833 over Mentophilus Laporte, 1840 [Scarabaeidae], Sciuropus Dejean, 1833 over Ancistrosoma Curtis, 1835 [Scarabaeidae], Sphaeromorphus Dejean, 1833 over Ceratocanthus White, 1842 [Scarabaeidae], Psalicerus Dejean, 1833 over Leptinopterus Hope, 1838 [Lucanidae], Adelphus Dejean, 1834 over Praeugena Laporte, 1840 [Tenebrionidae], Amatodes Dejean, 1834 over Oncosoma Westwood, 1843 [Tenebrionidae], Cyrtoderes Dejean, 1834 over Phligra Laporte, 1840 [Tenebrionidae], Euphron Dejean, 1834 over Derosphaerus Thomson, 1858 [Tenebrionidae], Pezodontus Dejean, 1834 over Odontopezus Alluaud, 1889 [Tenebrionidae], Anoplosthaeta Dejean, 1835 over Prosopocera Blanchard, 1845 [Cerambycidae], Closteromerus Dejean, 1835 over Hylomela Gahan, 1904 [Cerambycidae], Hebecerus Dejean, 1835 over Ancita Thomson, 1864 [Cerambycidae], Mastigocera Dejean, 1835over Mallonia Thomson, 1857 [Cerambycidae], Zygocera Dejean, 1835 over Disternopsis Breuning, 1939 [Cerambycidae], Australica Chevrolat, 1836 over Calomela Hope, 1840 [Chrysomelidae], Edusa Chevrolat, 1836 over Edusella Chapuis, 1874 [Chrysomelidae], Litosonycha Chevrolat, 1836 over Asphaera Duponchel and Chevrolat, 1842 [Chrysomelidae], and Pleuraulaca Chevrolat, 1836 over Iphimeis Baly, 1864 [Chrysomelidae]. In each of these cases, Reversal of Precedence (ICZN 1999: 23.9) or an applicationto the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature will be necessary to retain usage of the younger synonyms.  相似文献   

Elymus cylindricus (2= 6= 42) and E. breviaristatus (2= 6= 42) are distributed in grasslands and deserts of northern and north‐western China. Their genomic constitution and taxonomic status are unclear. Elymus cylindricus was crossed with E. wawawaiensis J.R.Carlson & Barkworth ( StH ), Roegneria grandis Keng ( StY ) and Campeiostachys dahurica (Turcz. ex Griseb.) B.R.Baum, J.L. Y ang & C. Y en var. dahurica ( StYH ). Meiotic pairing in the hybrids E. cylindricus × E. wawawaiensis ( StH ), E. cylindricus × R. grandis ( StY ) and E. cylindricus × C. dahurica var. dahurica ( StYH ) showed on average 10.00, 11.30 and 20.92 bivalents per cell, respectively. Elymus breviaristatus was crossed with C. dahurica var. dahurica ( StYH ) and E. cylindricus. Chromosome pairing in the hybrids of E. breviaristatus × C. dahurica var. dahurica and E. breviaristatus × E. cylindricus showed on average 19.60 and 19.27 bivalents, respectively. Genomic in situ hybridization (GI SH ) revealed the presence of St , Y and H genomes in E. cylindricus and E. breviaristatus. An intergenomic rearrangement was observed in E. cylindricus using GI SH . Meiotic pairing data and GI SH indicated that both E. cylindricus and E. breviaristatus are allohexaploids containing the StYH genomes. Elymus cylindricus and E. breviaristatus should be treated as Campeiostachys dahurica var. cylindrica and Campeiostachys breviaristata, respectively.  相似文献   

Wild Phaseolus vulgaris L. accessions containing arcelin codominant alleles 1 through 5 were reconfirmed and characterized for resistance to the Mexican bean weevil, Zabrotes subfasciatus (Boheman) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae). Accession G 02771 (arcelin 5) had the highest level of antibiosis resistance, followed by G 12952 (arcelin 4), G 12882 (arcelin 1) and G 12866 (arcelin 2). Arcelin 3 accessions conferred the lowest levels of resistance. As the presence of arcelin is inherited as a single dominant gene, a backcross breeding program has been used to transfer resistance to the Mexican bean weevil from wild beans to bean cultivars using serological techniques to detect the presence of arcelin and replicated insect feeding tests to measure resistance levels. Progeny containing arcelin 1 showed resistance equal or superior to that of the resistant check. Arcelin 2-deerived lines had intermediate levels of resistance while no resistant progenies were obtained from crosses with arcelin 3 and 4 sources. Results are discussed in relation to the deployment of arcelin alleles in bean cultivars.
Valeurs comparées de 5 types d'arcéline dans l'obtention de lignées de Phaseolus vulgaris résistantes à Zabrotes subfasciatus
Résumé La résistance à Zabrotes subfasciatus est associée à la présence d'arcéline, une nouvelle protéine des graines, découverte chez quelques populations de Phaseolus vulgaris. 5 types d'arcéline, hérités comme allèles codominants ont été décrits dans la littérature. Nous avons reprécisé les différentes populations contenant différents types d'arcéline et caractérisé leurs résistances à Z. subfasciatus. La population G 02771, correspondant à l'arcéline 5, présente la résistance la plus élevée par antibiose, suivie de G 12952 (arcéline 4), G 12882 (arcéline 1) et G 12866 (arcéline 2). Les populations contenant l'arcéline 3 présentent le moins de résistance à Z. subfasciatus.Un programme de croisements en retour associé à des tests sérologiques pour déceler la présence d'arcéline chez les descendants jeunes et des expériences répétées d'alimentation par les insectes vec BC2F3 a été réalisé pour transférer la résistance de populations naturelles à des cultivars de haricots. Les lignées, provenant de croisements avec des populations sauvages avec de l'arcéline 1, ont été fortement résistantes à Z. subfasciatus. Les lignées contenant de l'arcéline 2 ont été considérées comme ayant une résistance intermédiaire. Les lignées avec arcélines 3 et 4 étaient sensibles. Les raisons de l'échec du transfert de la résistance élevée des parents contenant de l'arcéline 4, sont inconnues. On a constaté que la concentration de l'arcéline dans les lignées contenant cet allèle était très faible, tandis que la concentration en arcéline 1 restait remarquablement élevée. Les recherches sont poursuivies pour déterminer les raisons de l'absence de transfert de l'arcéline 4 chez les descendants contenant cet allèle. Quoi qu'il en soit, les caractéristiques agronomiques et les qualités des lignées résistantes (codées RAZ) ont été évaluées en vue d'une diffusion pour les programmes nationaux de recherche des pays de basses altitudes intertropicaux ou Zabrotes subfasciatus fait des dégâts importants.

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